changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/inc/CamAppController.h	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2695 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Class for managing intercommunication between Camcera UI*
-// ===========================================================================
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <cflistener.h> // publish zoom state related
-#include <cfclient.h>
-#include <sensrvdatalistener.h>
-#include <sensrvchannel.h>
-#include <sensrvorientationsensor.h>
-#include "MCamAppController.h"
-#include "CamControllerObservers.h"
-#include "mcamsettingsmodelobserver.h"
-#include "CamSettings.hrh"
-#include "Cam.hrh"          // TCamSoundId
-#include "CamSettingsInternal.hrh"
-#include "mcamplayerobserver.h"
-#include "CamImageSaveActive.h"
-#include "CamCallStateAo.h"
-#include "CamObserver.h"
-#include "CamBurstModeObserver.h"
-#include "CamPerformance.h"
-#ifndef __WINSCW__
-#include <rlocationtrail.h>
-#include "CamPropertyObserver.h"
-#include "mcamcameraobserver.h" 
-#include "camcamerarequests.h"
-#include "camfolderutility.h"
-#include "camcameracontroller.h"
-#include "CamDriveChangeNotifier.h"
-#include "CamSyncRotatorAo.h"
-#include "camtvaccessorymonitor.h"
-// ===========================================================================
-// !Do not change the order of these without careful consideration!
-enum TCamCameraState
-  {
-  ECamCameraIdle          = 0,
-  ECamCameraReserved      = 1 << 0,
-  ECamCameraPowerOn       = 1 << 1,
-  ECamCameraPreparedImage = 1 << 2,
-  ECamCameraPreparedVideo = 1 << 3,
-  ECamCameraStateLast // Not valid state, only marker
-  };
-* Flags for ongoing operations
-enum TCamBusyFlags
-  {
-  EBusyNone     = 0,
-  EBusyRequest  = 1<<0,
-  EBusySequence = 1<<1,
-  EBusySetting  = 1<<2,
-  EBusyLast // Marker
-  };
-enum TCamHdmiEvent
-    {
-    ECamHdmiNoEvent,
-    ECamHdmiCableConnectedBeforeRecording,
-    ECamHdmiCableConnectedDuringRecording
-    };
-// ===========================================================================
-class CRepository;
-//class CCamSettingsModelBase;
-class MCamAppController;
-class MCamSettingsModel;
-class MCamSettingPreviewHandler;   // <CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2_MIGRATION/>
-//class CCamConstantSettingProvider; // <CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2_MIGRATION/>
-class CCamSettingProvider; // <CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2_MIGRATION/>
-class CCamTimer;
-class CCamObserverHandler;
-class CCamBurstCaptureArray;
-class CCamAudioPlayerController;
-class MCamStaticSettings;
-class CCamGSInterface;
-class CCameraUiConfigManager;
-class CCamPropertyWatcher;
-class CCamSnapShotRotator;
-class CCamFlashStatus;
-class CCamConfiguration;
-class CCFClient;
-// ===========================================================================
-class TCamAppControllerInfo
-  {
-  public:
-    TCamAppControllerInfo();
-  public:
-    TCamActiveCamera      iActiveCamera;
-    TCamCameraMode        iMode;
-    TCamCameraMode        iTargetMode;
-    TCamImageCaptureMode  iImageMode; // ECamImageCaptureNone in video controller mode
-    TCamImageCaptureMode  iTargetImageMode; 
-    TCamCaptureOperation iOperation; // Current operation 
-    // Target viewfinder state and mode
-    TCamCameraTriState iTargetVfState;
-    TBool              iViewfinderMirror; // set when viewfinder initialized
-    // Target image parameters        
-    TInt               iTargetImageResolution;
-    TInt               iTargetImageQuality;
-    // Target video parameters
-    /** not supported yet */
-    // Request being handled        
-    TCamCameraRequestId iBusyRequestId;
-  };
-* Handle intercommunication between camcorder UI and engine.
-*  @since 2.8
-class CCamAppController : public CBase, 
-                          public MCamAppController,
-                          public MCamSettingsModelObserver,
-                          public MCamCameraObserver,
-                          public MCamImageSaveObserver,
-                          public MCamCallStateObserver,
-                          public MPropertyObserver,
-                          public MSensrvDataListener,
-                          public MCamPlayerObserver,
-                          public MCamObserver,
-                          public MCamBurstModeObserver,
-                          public MCFListener
-                          ,public MCamDriveChangeNotifierObserver
-                          ,public MBitmapRotationObserver,
-                          public MCamTvAccessoryObserver
-    {
-    public:  // Constructors and destructor
-        /**
-        * Two-phased constructor.
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @return pointer to the created CCamAppController object
-        */
-        static CCamAppController* NewL();
-        /**
-        * Complete construction of the engine and issue notification requests.
-        * The camera engine cannot be instantiated until the application
-        * orientation has been set by the CCamAppUi. This does not
-        * exist when the CCamAppController is constructed. CompleteConstructionL
-        * must be called in the CCamAppUi::ConstructL()
-        * @since 3.0
-        */ 
-        void CompleteConstructionL();
-        /**
-        * Destructor.
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual ~CCamAppController();
-   public:		
-     /** 
-      * Calls CamSettingModel to save user defined FT setting
-      * @since S60 5.0
-      * @param None
-      * @return None
-      */
-      void StoreFaceTrackingValue();		
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // From MCamCameraObserver
-  public:
-    virtual void HandleCameraEventL( TInt              aStatus, 
-                                     TCamCameraEventId aEventId, 
-                                     TAny*             aEventData /*= NULL*/ );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // from MCamSettingsModelObserver 
-  public:
-    virtual void IntSettingChangedL( TCamSettingItemIds aSettingItem, 
-                                     TInt               aSettingValue );
-    virtual void TextSettingChangedL( TCamSettingItemIds aSettingItem, 
-                                      const TDesC&       aSettingValue );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // from MCamBurstModeObserver
-    /**
-    * Burst mode activation has changed
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aActive whether or not burst mode is active
-    * @param aStillModeActive whether or not still capture is active
-    */
-    virtual void BurstModeActiveL( TBool aActive, TBool aStillModeActive );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // from MCamAudioPlayerObserver
-    virtual void PlayComplete( TInt aStatus, TInt aSoundId );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  public:
-    // From MCFListener ( Context framework for publishing zoom state.
-    /**
-    * Indicates a change in context for subscribed clients.
-    * If client has subscribed to partial context class path,
-    * only the changed context will be indicated.
-    * 
-    * @since S60 4.0
-    * @param aIndication: Context indication.
-    * @return None
-    */
-    inline void ContextIndicationL(
-            const CCFContextIndication& /*aChangedContext*/ ) {};
-    /**
-    * Indicates that specified action is needed to be executed.
-    * When action indication is received certain rule has been triggered
-    * and action is needed to be performed.
-    *
-    * @since S60 4.0
-    * @param aActionToExecute Action indication.
-    * @return None
-    */
-    inline void ActionIndicationL(
-        const CCFActionIndication& /*aActionToExecute*/ ) {};
-    /**
-    * Indicates that error has occured.
-    * @since S60 4.0
-    * @param aError Error code.
-    * @return None
-    */
-    inline void HandleContextFrameworkError( TCFError /*aError*/,
-            const TDesC& /*aSource*/,
-            const TDesC& /*aType*/ ){};
-    /**
-    * Returns an extension interface.
-    * The extension interface is mapped with the extension UID.
-    *
-    * If the client does not support the requested interface,
-    * client must return NULL. Otherwise client needs to return
-    * the correct interface combined with the UID.
-    *
-    * @since S60 5.0
-    * @param aExtensionUid: The identifier of the extension.
-    * @return Pointer to the extension.
-    */
-   inline TAny* Extension( const TUid& /*aExtensionUid*/ ) const { return NULL; };
-    // New Function
-    /*
-    * Method to publish the zoom key and setting the
-    * value or the state to enabled or disabled.
-    * @Paran aEnabled used to set the the state of zoom key
-    * to be enabled or disabled.
-    */
-    void PublishZoomStateL( const TBool aEnabled );
-  public: 
-      /**
-      * Returns whether or not the current profile is silent
-      * @since 3.0
-      * @return ETrue if current profile is silent
-      */
-      TBool IsProfileSilent();    
-      /**
-      * Returns whether or not we have touch screen support in the device
-      * @return ETrue if device supports touch screen
-      */
-      TBool IsTouchScreenSupported();
-      /**
-      * Returns whether or not we have direct screen viewfinder support in the device
-      * @return ETrue if device supports direct screen viewfinder
-      */
-      TBool IsDirectScreenVFSupported( TBool aPrimaryCamera = ETrue );
-	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//Helper function for making notification about deleted files
-	//Added this method to do notification if files have been
-	//deleted outside camera application and then camera is
-	//put back to foreground in postcapture view.
-	//Security note. Contents of the files might have been
-	//changed when camera was in background.
-	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//
-	void  MediaFileChangedNotification();
-	TBool EngineRequestsPending() const; 	
-    /**
-    * Set settings restore to be done at earliest
-    * convenient time.
-    */
-    void  SetSettingsRestoreNeeded();
-    /**
-    * Set the flag to indicate that the original values 
-    * of remaining images is stored
-    */
-     void SetRemainingImageStored();
-    /** 
-    * Returns the flag that indicates if the original value 
-    * of remaing images is stored or not.
-    */    
-     TBool IsRemainingImageStored() const;
-    /** 
-    * Return whether saving is still in progress.
-    */    
-    TBool IsSavingInProgress() const;
-    /**
-    * Return if settings restore is set pending.
-    */
-    TBool IsSettingsRestoreNeeded() const;
-    void RestartTimeLapseTimerL();
-    static TInt CamerasAvailable();
-    /**
-    * Is time lapse supported.
-    * Value read from Central Repository.
-    */
-    TBool TimeLapseSupported();
-    /**
-    * Is time lapse supported.
-    * Value read from Central Repository.
-    */
-    TBool AlwaysOnSupported();
-    /**
-    * Release version number.
-    * Value read from Central Repository.
-    */
-    const TVersion& Version();
-    /***
-    * Can a new request be made to controller or not.
-    * Shutdown may be requested at any moment.
-    */
-    TBool Busy() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns true if the last captured image was saved
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if the last captured image has been saved.
-    */
-    TBool SavedCurrentImage() const;
-    /**
-    * Rename image/video.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aNewName the new name for the current capture array file.
-    * @param aMode the current capture mode.
-    * @return ETrue if the file has been renamed successfully. 
-    */
-    TBool RenameCurrentFileL( const TDesC&          aNewName, 
-                              const TCamCameraMode& aMode    );
-    /**
-    * Add a controller observer.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aObserver Pointer to an object implementing 
-    *                   MCamControllerObserver
-    * @return ?description
-    */
-    void AddControllerObserverL( const MCamControllerObserver* aObserver );
-    /**
-    * Remove a controller observer
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aObserver Pointer to the observer to remove. The object
-    *                  does not have to be added as an observer.
-    */
-    void RemoveControllerObserver
-        ( const MCamControllerObserver* aObserver );
-    /**
-    * Add camera observer.
-    * Forwards call to CCamCameraController.
-    * @see CCamCameraController for more details.
-    */
-    void AddCameraObserverL( const MCamCameraObserver* aObserver, 
-                             const TUint&              aEventInterest );
-    /**
-    * Removes camera observer.
-    * Forwards call to CCamCameraController.
-    * @see CCamCameraController for more details.
-    */
-    void RemoveCameraObserver( const MCamCameraObserver* aObserver );
-    void AddSettingsObserverL( const MCamSettingsModelObserver* aObserver );
-    void RemoveSettingsObserver( const MCamSettingsModelObserver* aObserver );
-    TBool CameraControllerBusy() const;
-    TUint CameraControllerState() const;
-    TCamCameraState       CameraState() const;
-    TCamCameraMode        CurrentMode() const;
-    TCamCameraMode        TargetMode() const;
-    TCamImageCaptureMode  CurrentImageModeSetup() const;
-    TCamCaptureOperation  CurrentOperation() const;
-    TCamCaptureOperation  CurrentImageOperation() const;
-    TCamCaptureOperation  CurrentVideoOperation() const;
-    TCamImageCaptureMode  CurrentImageMode() const;
-    TInt CaptureLimit() const;
-    TInt CaptureLimitSetting() const;
-    void SetCaptureLimitL( TInt aLimit );
-    /**
-    * From MBitmapRotationObserver
-    * Notification of bitmap rotation complete events
-    * @param aErr KErrNone if successful
-    */
-    void RotationCompleteL( TInt aErr );
-    /**
-    * From MCamTvaccessoryObserver
-    * Handles TV Out/HDMI Cable connect Events
-    */
-    void HandleTvAccessoryConnectedL();
-    /**
-    * From MCamTvaccessoryObserver
-    * Handles TV Out/HDMI Cable disconnect Events
-    */
-    void HandleTvAccessoryDisconnectedL();
-    /**
-     * Returns Etrue if HDMI Cable is connected
-     */
-    TBool IsHdmiCableConnected();
-    /**
-    * Called when exiting in secondary camera mode
-    */
-    void HandleSecondaryCameraExitL();
-    void ReadVariantFlagsL();
-    void SetMode( const TCamCameraMode& aNewMode );
-    void SetTargetMode( const TCamCameraMode& aNewMode );
-    void SetImageMode( const TCamImageCaptureMode& aNewMode );
-    void SetTargetImageMode( const TCamImageCaptureMode& aNewMode );
-    void SetOperation( TCamCaptureOperation aNewOperation, 
-                       TInt                 aError = KErrNone );
-    TCamCameraTriState ViewfinderTargetState() const;
-    /*
-     *  Handle to Camera Ui Config Manager
-     */
-    CCameraUiConfigManager* UiConfigManagerPtr();
-    /*
-    * De-register harvester client events.
-    */
-    void DeRegisterHarverterClientEvents();
-    /**
-    * Return resource id for video viewfinder layout
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aResolution for current resolution
-    * @return Resource id for video viewfinder layout
-    */
-    TInt VideoViewFinderResourceId( TCamVideoResolution aResolution );
-    /**
-    * Start the viewfinder for the specified mode
-    * as soon as the engine is intialised
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aMode The viewfinder mode being entered
-    */
-    void EnterViewfinderMode( const TCamCameraMode& aMode );
-    /**
-    * ExitViewinderMode    
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aMode The viewfinder mode being exited
-    */
-    void ExitViewfinderMode( const TCamCameraMode& aMode );
-    /**
-    * FreezeViewFinder    
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aFreeze Whether or not the viewfinder is
-    * being frozen after this frame
-    */
-    void FreezeViewFinder( TBool aFreeze );
-    /**
-    * Return number of images that can still be captured
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aStorage storage location - defaults to current loation
-    * @param aBurstActive - set to ETrue if burst mode is active
-    * @return the number of images
-    */
-    TInt ImagesRemaining( TCamMediaStorage aStorage,
-                          TBool            aBurstActive );
-    /**
-    * Return number of images that can still be captured for a particular
-    * image quality
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aStorage storage location - defaults to current loation
-    * @param aBurstActive - set to ETrue if burst mode is active
-    * @param aQualityIndex - index of the image quality
-    * @return the number of images
-    */
-    TInt ImagesRemaining( TCamMediaStorage aStorage,
-                          TBool            aBurstActive, 
-                          TInt             aQualityIndex );
-    /**
-    * Return amount of video that has been captured
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return the amount of video in micro secs
-    */
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds RecordTimeElapsed() const;
-    /**
-    * Set amount of video that has been captured
-	* @param aElapsed - recorded video time.
-    */
-    void RecordTimeElapsed(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aElapsed );
-    /*
-    * Return amount of video that can still be captured
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return the amount of video in secs
-    */
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds RecordTimeRemaining();
-    /**
-    * Updates the interval used in next TimeLapse capture
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aInterval The new interval to use
-    */        
-    void SetTimeLapseInterval( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aInterval );   
-    /**
-    * Returns the interval used in next TimeLapse capture
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @return The current time lapse interval in microseconds
-    */
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds TimeLapseInterval();
-    /**
-    * Returns the remaining time lapse interval until the next capture
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @return The remaining time to the next timelapse capture
-    */
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds TimeLapseCountdown();
-    /** 
-    * Start the autofocus procedure
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void StartAutoFocus();
-    /**
-    * Begin the capture procedure
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void Capture();               
-    /**
-    * Stop the burst capture operation
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void StopSequenceCaptureL();
-    /**
-    * Whether or not a still capture operation is pending
-    * i.e. a request to start still capture has been made and is 
-    * waiting for the focus operation to complete.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if a still capture operation is pending
-    */
-    TBool CapturePending() const;
-	/**
-    * Whether or not a capture key pressed during image saving
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if capture key is pressed during image saving
-    */
-    TBool CaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving() const;
-	/**
-    * Stores shutter key press during saving image
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void SetCaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving(TBool aCaptureKeyPressed);
-    /**
-    * Whether or not a video recording operation is pending
-    * i.e. a request to start video recording has been made and is
-    * waiting for the engine to complete a video name update operation.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if a record operation is pending
-    */
-    TBool VideoRecordPending() const;
-    /**
-    * Whether or not a sequence capture is in progress
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if a sequence capture is in progress
-    */
-    TBool SequenceCaptureInProgress() const;
-    /**
-    * Begin the recording procedure
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void StartVideoRecordingL();
-    /**
-    * End the recording procedure
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void StopVideoRecording();
-    /**
-    * End the recording procedure
-    * @since 5.0
-    */
-    void StopVideoRecordingAsync();
-    /**
-    * Store the cause of the video stop
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    void SetVideoStoppedForPhoneApp( TBool aIsPhoneApp );
-    /**
-    * Pause the recording procedure
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void PauseVideoRecording();
-    /**
-    * Continue the recording procedure
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void ContinueVideoRecording();
-    /**
-    * Issue AF request.
-    */
-    TBool TryAFRequest( TInt aAFRequest );
-    /**
-    * Cancel ongoing AutoFocus.
-    */
-    void CancelAFNow();
-    /**
-    * Cancel a requested capture
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void CancelFocusAndCapture();
-    /**
-    * Return the current snapshot image
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return the current snapshot image
-    */
-    const CFbsBitmap* SnapshotImage();
-    /**
-    * Sets the specified burst mode item as the current image, in 
-    * preparation for a Post-capture view of the image.
-    * @since 2.8        
-    * @param aIndex The index of the burst item in "CCamBurstCaptureArray"
-    */
-    void SetAsCurrentImage( TInt aIndex );
-    /**
-    * Get the user-visible name for next image.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return file name for the current image or video without path or
-    *         extension
-    */
-    const TDesC& CurrentImageName() const;
-    /**
-    * Delete the current image/video file
-    * @since 2.8
-        * @param aNofity Should notification be sent to observers about
-        *                change in media files. When this call is made
-        *                several times in a row, it's worth to do the
-        *                notification only once.
-    * @return KErrNone if delete successful, otherwise system-wide 
-    * error code
-    */
-    TInt DeleteCurrentFile( TBool aNotify = ETrue );
-    /**
-    * Delete the timelapse sequence files
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    void DeleteTimeLapseFiles();
-    /**
-    * Indicate whether or not the controller is actively engaged in still
-    * or video capture - this includes paused video, saving photos/videos,
-    * periods in between timelapse captures and pending captures 
-    * (captures that have been requested but not yet started)
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @return EFalse if not currently capturing, otherwise ETrue
-    */
-    TBool IsProcessingCapture();
-    /**
-    * Complete current capture asap, then report completion to the observer
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aObserver To be notified when the current capture process completes
-    * @param aSafeCompletion ETrue if all captures should be saved. EFalse to complete 
-    * sooner and lose any images that have not yet begun to save
-    */
-    void CompleteCaptureAndNotifyL( MCamObserver* aObserver, TBool aSafeCompletion );
-    /**
-    * The application is closing. Complete any active operations then
-    * exit the application.
-    * @param aImmediateShutdown ETrue: shutdown immediately or 
-    * EFalse: wait for pending operations to complete.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void EnterShutdownMode( TBool aImmediateShutdown );
-    /**
-    * Whether or not the controller is in shutdown mode
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if the controller is in shutdown mode else EFalse
-    */
-    TBool IsInShutdownMode() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns true if AppUi has been constructed, and not yet
-    * destructed.               
-    */
-    TBool IsAppUiAvailable() const;
-    /**
-    * Sets AppUi availablility (see IsAppUiAvailable())
-    */
-    void SetAppUiAvailable( TBool aAvailable );        
-    /**
-    * Called to return the range of supported zoom values
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aMinZoom on return contains the minimum zoom value
-    * @param aMaxZoom on return contains the maximum zoom value
-    */
-    void GetZoomRange( TInt& aMinZoom, TInt& aMaxZoom ) const;
-    /**
-    * Called to return current zoom value
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return the current zoom value
-    */
-    TInt ZoomValue() const;
-    /**
-    * Sets the current zoom value
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aValue the new zoom value to be used
-    */
-    void SetZoomValue( TInt aValue );
-    /**
-    * Resets all user scene settings to their defaults.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-        void ResetUserSceneL();
-        /**
-    * Previews a new value for the specified integer setting
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want 
-    * to preview.
-    * @param aSettingValue the new integer value for the specified 
-    * setting item to be previewed.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void PreviewSettingChangeL( TInt aSettingItem, TInt aSettingValue );
-    /**
-    * Cancels all preview changes, since last commit/cancel.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void CancelPreviewChangesL();
-    /**
-    * Commits last preview change.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void CommitPreviewChanges();
-    /**
-    * Re-prepare video after e.g. a setting change requires this.
-    */
-    void RePrepareVideoL();
-    /**
-    * Returns the current integer value for the specified setting
-    * @return the current integer setting value
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want 
-    * the value of.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    TInt IntegerSettingValue( TInt aSettingItem ) const;
-    /**
-    * Returns the current integer value for the specified setting
-    * without the filtering usually performed on storage location.
-    * This is neccesary to allow the video/photo settings list to show
-    * the selected storage location rather than the forced storage location.
-    * @return the current integer setting value
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want the value of.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    TInt IntegerSettingValueUnfiltered( TInt aSettingItem ) const;
-    /**
-    * Sets a new value for the specified integer setting
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want 
-    * to set the value of.
-    * @param aSettingValue the new integer value for the specified 
-    * setting item.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void SetIntegerSettingValueL( TInt aSettingItem, TInt aSettingValue );
-    /**
-    * Sets pathnames for video and image files to point to the specified storage
-    * @param aMediaStorage specifies phone memory or MMC
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void SetPathnamesToNewStorageL( TCamMediaStorage aMediaStorage );
-   /**
-    * Sets a new text value for the specified setting
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want to set
-    * the text value of.
-    * @param aSettingValue the new text value for the specified setting 
-    * item.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void SetTextSettingValueL( TInt aSettingItem, 
-        const TDesC& aSettingValue );
-    /**
-    * Returns the current text value for the specified setting
-    * @return the current text setting value
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want 
-    * the text value of.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    TPtrC TextSettingValue( TInt aSettingItem ) const;
-    /**
-    * Returns whether a particular setting value can be set or not.
-    * @return ETrue if can be set. Otherwise, EFalse.
-    * @param aSettingItem the setting item in question. 
-    * @param aSettingValue the value in question. 
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    TBool SettingValueEnabled( TInt aSettingItem, TInt aSettingValue ) const;
-    /**
-    * Loads the settings from shared data, or if unable to from the 
-    * resource file. 
-    * @param aIsEmbedded whether or not the application is running in
-    * embedded mode.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */       
-    void LoadStaticSettingsL( TBool aIsEmbedded );   
-    /**
-    * Get the default value for a setting item.
-    * @param  aSettingId The id of the setting.
-    * @return The default value for setting item or KErrNotFound if not found.
-    */
-    TInt DynamicSettingDefaultValue( TInt aSettingId ) const;
-    /**
-    * Sets all dynamic settings to their defaults.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */       
-    void SetDynamicSettingsToDefaults();
-    /**
-    * Sets a single dynamic setting to its default.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */       
-    void SetDynamicSettingToDefault(TInt aSettingItem);
-    /**
-    * Set scene default value to a dynamic setting.
-    * @param aSceneId    Id of the scene to use.
-    * @param aSceneField Id of scene field.
-    * @param aSettingId  If of the dynamic setting to set.
-    * @param aVideoScene Does aSceneId refer to a video scene.
-    * @return KErrNotFound, if setting could not be set.
-    */
-    TInt SetDynamicSettingToSceneDefaultL( TInt  aSceneId,
-                                           TInt  aSceneField,
-                                           TInt  aSettingId,
-                                           TBool aVideoScene );
-    /**
-    * Returns whether or not the video setup settings are set to the
-    * defaults for its current scene.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if set to defaults. Otherwise, EFalse
-    */       
-    TBool VideoSceneDefaultsAreSet();
-    /**
-    * Returns whether or not the photo setup settings are set to the
-    * defaults for its current scene.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if set to defaults. Otherwise, EFalse
-    */       
-    TBool PhotoSceneDefaultsAreSet();
-    /**
-    * Returns the file name of the most recent saved image/video clip
-    * @return Filename of most recent captured image/video 
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    const TDesC& CurrentFullFileName() const;
-    /**
-    * Get the current video filename.
-    */
-    const TDesC& CurrentVideoFileName() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns a pointer to an array representing the images in a burst
-    * capture
-    * @return reference to the burst capture array
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    CCamBurstCaptureArray* BurstCaptureArray() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns the number of non-deleted items in the array
-    * @return count of non-deleted items
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    TInt CurrentItemCount();
-    /**
-    * Returns the number of burst capture moments that have taken
-    * place in a current burst. If no burst is active this returns
-    * 0
-    * @return count of burst capture moments
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    TInt CurrentCapturedCount();
-    /**
-    * Returns the number of items in a timelapse sequence
-    * @return count of timelapse sequence items
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    TInt TimeLapseImageCount();
-    /**
-    * Resets the array of filenames used in timelapse capture
-    * @since 3.0
-    */   
-    void ResetTimelapseArray();
-    /**
-    * Initiates the playing of the specified sound.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aSoundId The enum value of the sound to play
-    * @param aEnableCallback Whether we want a callback when play complete
-    */
-    void PlaySound( TCamSoundId aSoundId, TBool aEnableCallback );
-    /** 
-    * Releases the camera hardware for other apps to use
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void ReleaseCamera();
-    /**
-    * Increments the engine usage count
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void IncCameraUsers();
-    /**
-    * Decrements the engine usage count If the engine is no longer required
-    * then it is released. If it is still processing, the engine count will 
-    * be checked when the current process completes and the engine will be 
-    * released if it is no longer needed.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void DecCameraUsers();
-    /*
-    * Gets the handle to the static settings model, which is used inturn by the
-    * plugin to call the interfaces for performing needed actions.
-    */
-    MCamStaticSettings& StaticSettingsModel();
-    /*
-    * Check if image/video scene mode is supported
-    */
-    TBool IsSceneSupported( const TInt aSceneId, TBool aPhotoScene = ETrue  ) const;
-    /** 
-    * Whether a call is active, including the ringing state
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if in call or ringing, else EFalse
-    */
-    TBool InCallOrRinging() const;
-    /** 
-    * Whether a video call is active, including the ringing state
-    * @return ETrue if in videocall or ringing, else EFalse
-    */
-    TBool InVideocallOrRinging();
-    /** 
-    * Whether or not a video clip is currently being saved
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if saving, else EFalse
-    */
-    TBool CurrentlySavingVideo() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns whether all the settings list options for a particular setting
-    * item are visible or not
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aSettingItem The setting item to be checked.
-    * @param aRevisedResourceId Receives the id of a resource if the return
-    * value is EFalse. The resource contains the list of  visible
-    * options.
-    * @return ETrue if all options are visible. Otherwise, EFalse.
-    */
-    TBool AllOptionsVisibleForSettingItem( TInt aSettingItem, 
-                                                   TInt& aRevisedResourceId );
-    /**
-    * Switches the camera being used
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void SwitchCameraL();
-    /**
-    * Returns the active camera
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return @return either primary, secondary or none ( if in process of switching )
-    */
-    TCamActiveCamera ActiveCamera() const;
-    /**
-    * Whether we currently have a camera switch required
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return TCameraSwitchRequired a camera switch is required or not
-    */
-    TCameraSwitchRequired CameraSwitchQueued() const;
-    /**
-    * Check if exit is required
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return TBool True if exit is required
-    */
-    TBool CheckExitStatus();
-    /**
-    * Informs the controller that an end key event is waiting
-    * to close the app, or has been acted upon
-    * This is used when the end key is pressed during sequence capture
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void SetEndKeyExitWaiting( TBool aEndKeyWaiting );
-    /**
-    * Returns the status of the camera slide
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return the status of the camera slide
-    */
-    TInt CameraSlideState() const;
-    /**
-    * Informs the controller that a slider close event has
-    * been reacted to by 'pretending' to exit
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void SliderCloseEventActioned();
-    /**
-    * Set camera switch to queue
-    */
-    void SetCameraSwitchRequired( TCameraSwitchRequired aSwitchRequired ); 
-    /**
-    * Check slide state and schedule camera switch if required
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void CheckSlideStatus();    
-    /**
-     * Return range of EV value supported for current product
-     * @since 3.0
-     * @return TEvRange struct
-     */
-    TCamEvCompRange EvRange() const;
-    /**
-     * Switches camera to standby
-     * @since 5.1
-     * @param aSratus Error code for Standby mode
-     * @return
-     */
-    void SwitchToStandbyL( TInt aStatus = KErrNone );
-  public: // Derived from MCamCallStateObserver base class     
-    /**
-    * Callback for when the current phone call state changes
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aState The new call state
-    * @param aError An error code associated with the event
-    */
-    void CallStateChanged( TPSCTsyCallState aState, TInt aError );
-    /**
-    * Returns the file size of the specified file
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aFilename The file to retrieve the size of.
-    * @return The size of the file or KErrNotFound
-    */        
-    TInt FileSize( TDesC& aFilename ) const;
-    /**
-    * Returns whether the current scene uses forced
-    * autofocus (so no AF required at capture time)
-    * @since 3.0       
-    * @return ETrue if forced, EFalse if not
-    */ 
-    TBool CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus() const;        
-    /**
-    * Get the actual resolution (WxH) of current image quality.
-    */
-    TSize GetCurrentImageDimensions() const;
-    /**
-    * Retrieves the current image resolution, taking into account
-    * the user settings and and modifications due to zoom state.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @returns The current image resolution.
-    */
-    TCamPhotoSizeId GetCurrentImageResolution() const;
-    /**
-    * Retrieves the current image compression
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @returns The current image compression.
-    */
-    TInt GetCurrentImageCompression() const;
-    /**
-    * Retrieves the current video resolution.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @returns The current video resolution.
-    */
-    TCamVideoResolution GetCurrentVideoResolution() const;
-    /**
-    * Force use of phone memory storage
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void UsePhoneMemoryL() const; 
-    /**
-    * Sets the correct memory to be used based on settings 
-    * and availability of MMC.
-    * @since 4.0
-    * @return ETrue if memory location changed
-    */
-    TBool CheckMemoryToUseL();
-    /**
-    * Indicate whether the phone memory is being force-used 
-    * because of un-availability or errors in MMC.
-    * @since 4.0
-    */        		
-	TBool IsPhoneMemoryForced();        
-    /**
-    * Retrieves the current image resolution from Settings.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @returns The current image from Settings
-    */
-    TCamPhotoSizeId SettingsPhotoResolution() const;
-    /**
-    * Indication that a view has finished using the capture array
-    * @since 2.8
-        * @param aForcedRelease Should the array be released even if 
-        *                       the apparent usage count is not null.
-    */
-        void ReleaseArray( TBool aForcedRelease = EFalse );
-    /**
-    * Restore Camera settings to default
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aIsEmbedded if app is embedded
-    */
-    void RestoreFactorySettingsL( TBool aIsEmbedded );
-    /**
-    * Called when playback of a sound has completed
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void PlaySoundComplete();
-    /**
-    * Non-leaving version of StartViewFinderL()
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void StartViewFinder();
-    /**
-    * Stop viewfinder     
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void StopViewFinder(); 
-    /**
-    * Stop viewfinder Ecam only
-    * Needed with async video recording stopping     
-    * @since 5.0
-    */
-    void StopViewFinderEcam(); 
-    /**
-    * Sets the zoom mode of the engine
-    * @param aZoomMode The zoom mode to set
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    // Only digital mode supported currently - no need for this
-    //void SetZoomMode( const TCamZoomMode& aZoomMode );
-    /**
-    * Report whether a capture mode transition is currently in progress
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return TBool ETrue if transition (i.e. still/video capture prepare) is 
-    *  currently in progress, EFalse otherwise;
-    */
-    TBool CaptureModeTransitionInProgress();
-    /**
-    * Check if viewfinder is active
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @returns ETrue if viewfinding
-    */
-    TBool IsViewFinding() const;
-    /**
-    * Check if capture key needs to be released before starting 
-    * new capture process. Used in post capture state to prevent
-    * image capture before viewfinder is completely shown.
-    * @since S60 v5.0
-    * @return ETrue if waiting key release before next capture
-    */
-    TBool IsDemandKeyRelease();
-    /**
-    * Set iDemandKeyRelease value
-    * @param aDemand Demand to release capture key
-    * @since S60 v5.0
-    */
-    void SetDemandKeyRelease( TBool aDemand );
-    /**
-    * Stop the idle timer
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void StopIdleTimer();
-    /**
-    * Restart the idle timer
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void StartIdleTimer();
-    /**
-    * Flash modes supported by engine
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @return supported flash modes   
-    */
-    TUint32 SupportedFlashModes();
-    /**
-    * White balance modes supported by engine
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @return supported white balance modes   
-    */
-    TUint32 SupportedWBModes();
-    /**
-    * EV modes supported by engine
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @return supported EV modes    
-    */
-    TUint32 SupportedEVModes();
-    /**
-    * Capture state
-    * @return TInt capture state    
-    */
-    TInt CaptureState(); 
-    /**
-    * Returns the current capture-tone id
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @return the current capture-tone id
-    */
-    TCamSoundId CaptureToneId( );
-  public:
-    void SetPerformanceState( TCamPerformanceState aState );
-  /**
-   * Set pointer to settings plug-in. Takes ownership!
-   * @param aPlugin Pointer to settings plug-in. This object
-   *                takes ownership.
-   * @since S60 v5.0
-   */
-void SetSettingsPlugin( CCamGSInterface* aPlugin );
-  /**
-  * Set viewfinder window for direct screen viewfinder. The handle must remain
-  * valid as long as viewfinder is running. 
-  * @since S60 v5.0
-  * @param aWindow Handle to viewfinder window. Must remain valid while
-  *                viewfinder is running. Ownership not transferred.
-  */
-  void SetViewfinderWindowHandle( RWindowBase* aWindow );
-  /**
-  * Notify that the viewfinder window is about to be deleted. Viewfinder
-  * will be stopped if this window handle is currently used for the
-  * viewfinder.
-  * @since S60 v5.0
-  * @param aWindow Handle to viewfinder window. Ownership not transferred.
-  */
-  void ViewfinderWindowDeleted( RWindowBase* aWindow );
-protected:  // New functions
-    /**
-    * C++ default constructor.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    CCamAppController();
-    /**
-    * Symbian OS 2nd phase constructor.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void ConstructL();
-// -----------------------------------------------------
-// Burst related
-    /**
-        * Stop burst in a soft way:
-        * - if have not moved yet to long burst mode,
-        *   wait until the short burst ends and do not 
-        *   enter long burst mode (if aFastStop is true,
-        *   stop asap when atleast 2 images captured).
-        * - if long burst already entered, stop capturing
-        *   after the next capture.
-        * @param aFastStop Stop also short burst asap, but so that
-        *                  atleast 2 images are captured.
-    */
-        void SoftStopBurstL( TBool aFastStop = EFalse );
-    /**
-     * Set iNoBurstCancel flag which is used to prevent stopping burst
-     * when actual burst capture has started after focusing.
-     */
-     void SetNoBurstCancel( TBool aValue );
-        /**
-        * Set iKeyUPl flag which is used to prevent late 
-        * activated burst timer when capturekey is up already
-        * before burstcapture has started.
-        */
-        void SetKeyUp( TBool aValue = EFalse );
-        /**
-        * Returns amount of images captured in burst mode
-        * @return Amount of captured images
-        * 
-        */
-        TInt CapturedImages() const;
-    /**
-    * Start the burst timer for changing to long burst mode.
-    */
-    void StartBurstTimerL();
-    /*
-    * Stop the burst timer.
-    */
-    void StopBurstTimer();
-    /**
-    * Callback for short burst timer.
-    * @param aController Pointer to app controller instance.
-    * @return Always zero, implies no repeated callbacks wanted.
-    */
-    static TInt ShortBurstTimeout( TAny* aController );
-    /**
-    * Helper method for short burst timer callback.
-    */
-    void DoShortBurstTimeoutL();
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    private:   
-    /**
-    * Return number of images that can still be captured for a particular
-    * image photo resolution
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aStorage storage location - defaults to current loation
-    * @param aBurstActive - set to ETrue if burst mode is active
-    * @param aSize - the id of the photo resolution
-    * @return the number of images
-    */
-    TInt ImagesRemaining( TCamMediaStorage aStorage,
-                          TBool            aBurstActive, 
-                          TCamPhotoSizeId  aSize );
-    /**
-    * Change the controller's current state
-    * Notifies controller observers of change
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aNewState new state code
-    */
-    void ChangeState( const TCamCameraState& aNewState );
-    /**
-    * Change the controller's target state. The state will not be
-    * altered if the controller is already in shutdown mode.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aNewState new state code
-    */
-    void ChangeTargetState( const TCamCameraState& aNewState );
-    /**
-    * Change the controller's current operation
-    * Notifies controller observers of change
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aNewOperation new operation code
-    * @param aError error code associated with new state (if any)
-    */
-    void ChangeOperation( TCamCaptureOperation aNewOperation, 
-                          TInt          aError = KErrNone );
-  public:
-    /**
-    * Notify controller observers of an event.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aEvent event code
-    * @param aError error code
-    */
-    void NotifyControllerObservers( TCamControllerEvent aEvent,
-                                    TInt                aError = KErrNone ) const;
-  private:
-    /**
-    * Starts the viewfinder if the engine has been prepared for the 
-    * current mode.  
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void StartViewFinderL();
-    /**        
-    * Initiate image capture
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if the capture was initiated otherwise EFalse
-    */
-    TBool DoCaptureL();
-    /**
-    * Initiate video recording
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void DoRecord();
-    /**
-    * Make a local copy of the viewfinder frame to use when
-    * the viewfinder is frozen
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void CopyFrameL( const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap );
-    /**
-    * Reserve a set of file names for the current capture
-    * Store the reserved name(s) in iCaptureArray
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aCaptureMode still, burst or video mode
-    * @param aForcePhoneMem force path to use Phone memory (C:)
-    */
-    void ReserveFileNamesL( 
-           const TCamCameraMode&       aCaptureMode,
-           const TCamImageCaptureMode& aImageMode,
-           TBool                       aForcePhoneMem = EFalse );
-    /**
-    * Create a file ready for saving captured image into
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aFs: Handle to RFs
-    * @param aFullPath: Full path including drive and extension
-    * @return error code from file creation
-    */
-    TInt CreateDummyFileL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFullPath );
-    /**
-    * Store file name and full file name (incl. path)
-    * to burst capture array
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aFullPath: Full path including drive and extension
-    */
-    void StoreNextFileNameL( const TDesC& aFullPath );
-    /**
-    * Generate a new file name and full path for saving the next video
-    * according to the specified mode (unless specified otherwise)
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aForcePhoneMem force path to use Phone memory (C:)
-    */
-    void GenerateNextVideoFilePathL( TBool aForcePhoneMem = EFalse );
-    /**
-    * Generate a new path for saving the next image
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    void GenerateNextValidImagesPathL();
-    /**
-    * Generate a new file name and full path for saving the next video
-    * according to the specified mode.  File will always be 
-    * available.
-    * @since 2.8      
-    */
-    void GenerateNextValidVideoPathL();
-    /**
-    * Handle a notification from the autofocus custom extension
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void HandleAutoFocusNotification( TCamExtAutoFocus aNotification );
-    /**
-    * Static callback function for idle timer expiry
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aPtr Pointer to an instance of the CCamAppController
-    * @return TInt to indicate if function should be called again
-    */
-        static TInt IdleTimeoutL( TAny* aPtr );
-        /**
-    * Static callback function for time lapse timer expiry
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aPtr Pointer to an instance of the CCamAppController
-    * @return TInt to indicate if function should be called again
-    */     
-    static TInt TimeLapseTimeoutL( TAny* aPtr );
-private: // Deep sleep timer
-    /**
-    * Static callback function for camera deep sleep
-    * @since S60 5.0
-    * @param aPtr Pointer to an instance of the CCamAppController
-    * @return TInt dummy
-    */
-    static TInt DeepSleepTimeout( TAny* aPtr );
-    /**
-    * Deep sleep timeout handler
-    */
-    void DoDeepSleepTimeout();
-public: // Deep sleep timer
-    /**
-    * Start deep sleep timer
-    */
-    void DeepSleepTimerStart();
-    /**
-    * Cancel deep sleep timer
-    */
-    void DeepSleepTimerCancel();
-    /**
-    * Set video length (max or short)
-    * @param aLength Length of video
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void SetVideoLengthL( TInt aLength );
-    /**
-    * Returns the current photo storage location.
-    * @return the photo storage location
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    TInt CurrentPhotoStorageLocation() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns the current video storage location.
-    * @return the video storage location
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    TInt CurrentVideoStorageLocation() const;    
-        /**
-        * Returns ETrue if the supplied toneId should be silent if the profile is 
-        * set to silent. Does *not* take into account network variant forcing 
-        * sounds on.
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @param aSoundId The tone to check
-        * @return ETrue if sound should always be played, else EFalse           
-        */
-    TBool ToneShouldBeSilent( TCamSoundId aSoundId );
-        /**
-        * Report to any observers that capture processing has completed
-        * @since 3.0      
-        */    
-    void HandleCaptureCompletion();
-    /**
-    * Tries to autofocus, will do nothing if camera in use is not
-    * primary camera, or focus range has not been set first
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @return Whether or not auto focus has been initiated
-    */
-    TBool TryAutoFocus();
-    /**
-    * Checks the current scene, and where required, updates the autofocus
-    * mode in use.  Called when the photo scene or based-on-scene change
-    * @since 3.0      
-    * @param aForceAFReset Whether to force a ResetToIdle independant of scene mode
-    */    
-    void CheckAfModeForScene( TBool aForceAFReset = EFalse );
-    /**
-    * Initalises the AutoFocus interface, if needed
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    void InitAutoFocusL();
-    /**
-    * Timeout to play capture tone after delay (to match
-    * capture tone to actual capture event)
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aPtr TAny* ptr (cast to CCamAppController)
-    * @return Error code retruned by function
-    */
-    static TInt CaptureToneDelayTimeout( TAny* aPtr );
-    /**
-    * Play the capture tone (called from capture delay timeout)
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    void PlayDelayedCaptureTone();
-    /**
-    * Copy Snapshot if needed. Helper function for McaeoSnapImageReady
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aSnapshot the snapshot to copy
-    * @param aError Error code KErrNone to indicate success or a
-    *               standard Symbian OS error code.        
-    */
-    void CopySnapshotIfNeeded(const CFbsBitmap& aSnapshot, TInt aError);
-    /**
-    * Checks whether flash is required for taking a picture.
-    * @return true if flash is required current mode
-    */
-    TBool FlashRequired() const;              
-private:  // Functions from base classes
-    /**
-    * From MCamImageSaveObserver, image save has completed
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void HandleSaveEvent( TCamSaveEvent aEvent );
-    /**
-    * From MCamImageSaveObserver, image save has completed
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void HandleFileHarvestingComplete();
-    /**
-    * Idle timeout expiry - invoke switch to standby mode
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return TInt to indicate if function should be called again
-    */
-    TInt DoIdleTimeoutL();
-    /**
-    * Time lapse timeout expiry - update the remaining time countdown
-    * or initiate the next capture if the full period has expired
-    * @return TInt to indicate if function should be called again
-    */
-    TInt DoTimeLapseTimeoutL();
-    /**
-    * Force the application to use phone memory for Video and Image saving.
-    * Typically called when attempting to access MMC fails.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */        
-    void ForceUsePhoneMemoryL( TBool aEnable = ETrue );
-    /**
-    * Complete the burst operation
-    * @since 2.8
-    */      
-    void CompleteBurstOperation();
-    /**
-    * Complete the time lapse operation
-    * @since 3.0
-    */  
-    void CompleteTimeLapseOperation();
-    /**
-    * Whether or not the engine is currently processing a capture
-    * still, video or sequence.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return ETrue if the engine is performing a capture operation
-    */
-    TBool EngineProcessingCapture() const;
-    /**
-    * Handle an arriving call. Stops video and cancels sequence capture
-    * in early stages.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void HandleIncomingCall();
-    /**
-* Cleans up the controller active camera state
-    * @param aAny Pointer to the object which is the target 
-    * of the cleanup operation
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    static void Cleanup( TAny* aAny );
-    /**
-    * Immediately cancels a still capture at any stage.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void CancelStillCaptureNow();
-    /**
-    * Attempt to cleanup capture array if burst capture fails
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aImageCountDelivered number of images delivered
-    * @param aError error returned from burst capture operation
-    */
-    void TidyCaptureArray( TInt aImageCountDelivered, 
-                                    TInt aError );
-    /**
-    * Load 2ndary caera specifc settings (on construction or camera switch)
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    void LoadSecondaryCameraSettingsL();
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Orientation sensor / rotation related
-    /**
-    * Get current orientation to be used on image rotation.
-    * Always ECamOrientation0 if rotation setting is OFF.
-    * @return Current image orientation value.
-    */
-    TCamImageOrientation ImageOrientation() const;
-    /**
-      *  Checks if mass storage exist in current phone.
-      *  @ return True if Mass storage exist
-      */
-     TBool ExistMassStorage() const;
-    /**
-      *  Checks if a memory type is available on the phone.
-      *  @param aStorage TCamMediaStorage enum specifiying the type of storage;
-      *  	default=ECamMediaStorageCurrent
-      *  @return ETrue if the Memory type is available
-      */
-     TBool IsMemoryAvailable( const TCamMediaStorage aStorage = 
-        ECamMediaStorageCurrent, TBool aIgnoreUsbPersonality = EFalse ) const;
-  public:
-    /**
-    * Update the sensor api object
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aStartupApi eTrue if we need to recreate the Api
-    */
-    void UpdateSensorApiL( TBool aStartupApi );
-    /**
-    * Forces a refresh of the local copy of the back slide status
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    void RefreshSlideStatus();
-  private:
-    /**
-    * From MSensrvDataListener receive Sensor Data
-    *
-    * Indicates data is available in the receiving buffer. A client can read 
-    * the data through GetData()-function in the related channel object. Data 
-    * is valid until the data received notification occurs again.
-    *
-    * @since 5.0
-    * @param[in] aChannel Reference to the related channel object
-    * @param[in] aCount Data object count in receiving buffer.
-    * @param[in] aDataLost Number of lost data items. Data loss can occur if
-    *     the client does not request new data from server fast enough. This 
-    *     can happen
-    *     when system is under heavy load and the client process has lower
-    *     priority than sensor server process. If data loss is a problem, 
-    *     consider using higher object count in data listening, which will reduce 
-    *     number of expensive IPC calls used in data transmission.
-    */
-    void DataReceived( CSensrvChannel& aChannel, 
-                       TInt aCount, 
-                       TInt aDataLost );
-    /**
-    * From MSensrvDataListener receive data error notice
-    *
-    * Data listening failed. 
-    * If error was fatal, channel has also been closed and sensor server session 
-    * terminated. If error was minor, some data has potentially been lost.
-    *
-    * @since 5.0
-    * @param[in] aChannel Reference to the related channel object
-    * @param[in] aError Error code.
-    */
-    void DataError( CSensrvChannel& aChannel, 
-                    TSensrvErrorSeverity aError );
-    /** 
-    * From MSensrvDataListener
-    *
-    * Returns a pointer to a specified interface - to allow future extension
-    * of this class without breaking binary compatibility
-    *
-    * @since S60 5.0
-    * @param aInterfaceUid Identifier of the interface to be retrieved
-    * @param aInterface A reference to a pointer that retrieves the specified interface.
-    */
-    void GetDataListenerInterfaceL( TUid aInterfaceUid, 
-                                    TAny*& aInterface );
-    /**
-    * Set image rotation parameters
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    void SetImageOrientationL();
-    /**
-    * Mapping from Sensor orientation data type to our own
-    * image orientation type.
-    * @param aSensorOrientation Orientation Sensor device orientation value.
-    * @return Camera orientation value.
-    */
-    static TCamImageOrientation MapSensorOrientatio2CamOrientation( 
-        const TSensrvOrientationData::TSensrvDeviceOrientation& aSensorOrientation, 
-        TCamImageOrientation aLastImageOrientation, 
-        TCamActiveCamera aActiveCamera );
-    /**
-    * Mapping from camera orientation data type to bitmap orientation type.
-    * @param camera orientation value.
-    * @return CBitmapRotator::TRotationAngle.
-    */
-    static CBitmapRotator::TRotationAngle MapCamOrientation2RotationAngle( 
-        const TCamImageOrientation aOrientation );        
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  private:        
-        /**
-        * From MPropertyObserver Handle change in a watched property
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @param aCategory The type of property
-        * @param aKey The property that has changed
-        */
-        void HandlePropertyChangedL( const TUid& aCategory, const TUint aKey );
-  private:        
-        /**
-         * Callback function that is called when lens cover state changes.
-         * Used to implement delayed handling of lens cover events.
-         * @param aPtr Pointer to CCamAppController
-         * @return 
-         */
-        static TInt LensCoverUpdateL( TAny* aPtr );
-        /**
-        * Handles the slide closed event
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        void HandleSlideClosedL();
-        /**
-        * Handles the slide open event
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        void HandleSlideOpenedL();        
-    private: // Functions from base classes
-        /**
-        * From MCamObserver
-        * Receives event codes from observables
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @param aEvent The event code
-        */
-        void HandleObservedEvent( TCamObserverEvent aEvent );
-        /**
-        * Returns whether or not the current profile is silent
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @return ETrue if current profile is silent
-        */
-        TBool IsProfileSilentL();      
-         /**
-        * Static callback function for backlight timer reset
-        * since 3.0
-        * @param aPtr Pointer to an instance of the CCamAppController
-        * @return TInt to indicate if function should be called again
-        */
-        static TInt ResetInactivityTimer( TAny* aPtr );
-        /**
-    * Enable or disable the system screensaver
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aEnable ETrue if the screensaver is enabled
-    *           else EFalse
-    */  
-    void EnableScreenSaver( TBool aEnable );
-    /**
-     * Static callback function for timer callback for closing 
-     * location trail.
-     * @since S60 v5.0
-     * @param aPtr Pointer to an instance of the CCamAppController
-     * @return TInt to indicate if function should be called again
-     */             
-     static TInt RetryStopLocationTrail( TAny* aPtr );   
-    public:
-        void StartLocationTrailL();
-        void StopLocationTrail( TBool aCloseSession = EFalse );
-    public:
-        /**
-        * Returns a pointer to flash status object. Never NULL if
-        * ConstructL has been executed successfully.
-        * @return flashStatusPointer
-        */
-        CCamFlashStatus* FlashStatus() const;        
-        /**
-        * Returns false, if a picture cannot be taken, due to flash being
-        * required and recharged, true otherwise.
-        * @return flashstatus
-        */
-        TBool CheckFlash() const;
-        /**
-        * Called when about to switch to burst or timelapse mode. Stores
-        * the current flash mode and scene.
-        */
-        void SaveFlashMode();
-        /**
-        * Called when switching to single image capture mode. Restores
-        * flash mode, if using same scene mode as was used when the
-        * flash mode was stored. Otherwise clears the stored info.
-        */
-        void RestoreFlashMode();
-     public:
-        /**
-        * Returns a pointer to dynamic Configuration Manager.
-        *
-        * Never NULL if ConstructL has been executed successfully.
-        * @return Pointer to Configuration Manager
-        */
-        CCamConfiguration* Configuration() const;
-        /**
-        * Returns whether or not the keylock is on
-        * @since 5.0
-        * @return ETrue if keylock is on, otherwise EFalse
-        */
-        TBool IsKeyLockOn();
-        /**
-        * Used to get whether user is sliding in the self timer preview.
-        * @return ETrue if user is sliding in the self timer preview.
-        */
-        inline TBool IsSlideInSelfTimerPreview() const { return iSlideInSelfTimerPreview; };
-        /**
-        * Used to set whether user is sliding in the self timer preview.
-        * @param aValue the value to indicate whether user is sliding in the self timer preview.
-        */
-        inline void SetSlideInSelfTimerPreview( TBool aValue ) { iSlideInSelfTimerPreview = aValue; };
-        /**
-        * Used to get the current storage.
-        * @return the current storage.
-        */
-        TCamMediaStorage CurrentStorage();
-        /**
-        * Returns whether autofocus is still needed before capturing.
-        * @return ETrue if it's necessary to try autofocus one more time before the capture.
-        */
-        TBool IsAfNeeded();
-        /**
-        * Sets an autofocus needed flag, so that autofocus is done after cancel and range set are finished. 
-        */
-        void SetAfNeeded( TBool aAfNeeded );
-        /**
-        * Returns whether recording was stopped because USB was connected.
-        * @return ETrue if video recording was stopped because USB was connected.
-        */
-        TBool IsCaptureStoppedForUsb();
-        /**
-        * set the flag of iSetCaptureStoppedForUsb.
-        */
-        void SetCaptureStoppedForUsb( TBool aCaptureStoppedForUsb );
-        /**
-        * Cancels the memory card dismount monitoring
-        */
-        void CancelDismountMonitoring();
-        /**
-        * Start the memory card dismount monitoring
-        */
-        void StartDismountMonitoring();
-        /**
-        * Returns whether all snapshots have been received in burst mode
-        * @return ETrue if all snapshots have been received in burst mode.
-        */
-        TBool AllSnapshotsReceived();
-        /**
-        * Returns the last made autofocusrequest type or 0, if there are
-        * no pending autofocus requests.  
-        */
-        TInt PendingAFRequest();
-        /**
-		* Calculates the remaining video recording time based on video
-		* quality settings (instead of getting the value from camera
-		* controller)
-		* @param aStorage TCamMediaStorage enum specifying the type of storage;
-		*	 default=ECamMediaStorageCurrent
-		* @return remaining time
-		*/       
-		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds 
-			CalculateVideoTimeRemainingL( TCamMediaStorage 
-										aStorage = ECamMediaStorageCurrent);
-        /**
-        * Sets orientation of the application to CCamera
-        * 
-        */
-        void SetCameraOrientationModeL( TInt aOrientation );
-        /**
-        * Final part in constructing cameracontroller
-        * 
-        */
-        void CompleteCameraConstructionL();
-        /**
-         * Returns index of current image.
-         */
-        TInt CurrentImageIndex();
-        /**
-         * Sets the value defining the need for CAE video init and prepare
-         */
-        void SetVideoInitNeeded( TBool aVideoInitNeeded );
-        /**
-         * Returns the value defining the need for CAE video init and prepare
-         */
-        TBool VideoInitNeeded();
-        /**
-         * Stores the UserScene settings
-         */
-        void StoreUserSceneSettingsL();
-        /**
-         * Toggles between highest 16:9 and 4:3 quality levels.
-         */
-        TBool ToggleWideScreenQuality( TBool aWide );             
-        /**
-         * Returns the value of iSaveStarted
-         */
-        TBool IsSaveStarted();
-        /**
-         * Getter for iIssueModeChangeSequenceSucceeded
-         */
-        TBool IssueModeChangeSequenceSucceeded();
-        /**
-         * Initiates startup sequence in embedded mode 
-         */
-        void EmbeddedStartupSequence();
-        /**
-         * Called by the snapshotrotator to indicate when snapshot
-         * is rotated and ready for drawing
-         */
-        void SnapshotRotationComplete();
-        /**
-         * Method to retrieve Remaining Recording time from CCaeEngine
-         */
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds RemainingVideoRecordingTime();
-        /**
-         * Handles hdmi connect event during recording after video stop
-         */
-        void HandlePostHdmiConnectDuringRecordingEventL();
-		/**
-		* Sets a Pending Hdmi Event
-		*/
-        void SetPendingHdmiEvent( TCamHdmiEvent aPendingHdmiEvent );
-		/**
-		* Handles the current pending Hdmi EVent
-		*/
-        void HandlePendingHdmiEvent();
-        /**
-        * Returns ETrue when scene mode is forced to 
-        * "Automatic" by secondary camera
-        */
-        TBool SceneModeForcedBySecondaryCamera();
-        /**
-        * Set value defining if capturing with touch capture button 
-        */
-        void SetTouchCapture( TBool aTouchCapture );
-  private:
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Construction parts
-    void ConstructCameraControllerL( TInt aCameraIndex );
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Helper utility methods  
-    TInt GetCriticalMemoryLevelL( const TCamMediaStorage& aStorage );
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Events and requests handling  
-    void EventHandlingErrorRecovery( TInt aError );
-    void HandleSequenceEventL( TInt              aStatus, 
-                               TCamCameraEventId aEventId, 
-                               TAny*             aEventData );
-    void HandleRequestEventL( TInt              aStatus, 
-                              TCamCameraEventId aEventId, 
-                              TAny*             aEventData );
-    void HandleSettingEventL( TInt              aStatus, 
-                              TCamCameraEventId aEventId, 
-                              TAny*             aEventData );
-    void HandleImageCaptureEventL( TInt             aStatus, 
-                                   CCamBufferShare* aShare  );
-    void HandleImageStopEventL( TInt aStatus, 
-                                TInt aFullCaptureCount  );
-    void HandleViewfinderFrame( TInt aStatus, CFbsBitmap* aFrame );
-    void HandleSnapshotEvent( TInt aStatus, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap );
-    void HandleVideoAsyncStopEvent( TInt aStatus );
-    void HandleVideoStopEvent( TInt aStatus );
-    void IssueModeChangeSequenceL( TBool aStartup = EFalse );
-    void GenerateModeChangeSequenceL( RCamRequestArray& aSequence );
-    void GenerateStartupSequenceL( RCamRequestArray& aSequence );
-    void IssueRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aId );
-    void IssueDirectRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aId );
-    void IssueSettingsChangeRequestL();
-    void ProceedPendingOrNotifyReadyL();
-    void DoVideoNameRetryL( TInt aStatus );
-    /**
-    * Sets the current image/video settings from UI to camera, by calling
-    * RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL for each supported setting, and starting
-    * the setting process if any of them needs setting.
-    * This function needs to be called after camera release and switches
-    * between image/video mode.
-    */    
-    void RestoreSettingsToCameraL();
-    /**
-    * Checks if the setting needs restoring (UI setting value doesn't match
-    * the actual setting value in camera).  In that case, function adds
-    * this setting to the list of pending settings.
-    * @param aSettingItem Setting item id
-    */    
-    void RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( TCamSettingItemIds aSettingItem );
-    /**
-    * Checks if the setting needs restoring (UI setting value doesn't match
-    * the actual setting value in camera).  In that case, function 
-    * directly set settting to camera
-    * @param aSettingItem Setting item id
-    */ 
-    void DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( TCamSettingItemIds aSettingItem );
-    /**
-    * Set internal state based on camera event.
-    */
-    void SetStateFromEvent( TCamCameraEventId aEventId );
-    void InitCaptureLimitL();
-    static TCamCameraRequestId 
-           NextRequestL( const TCamCameraState& aFrom, 
-                         const TCamCameraState& aTo   );
-    static TCamCameraEventId 
-           ResponseForRequest( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-        /**
-    * Called when mmc is about to be dismounted
-    */       
-    TInt DriveChangeL( TCamDriveChangeType aType );
-    /**
-    * Rotate the snapshot copy before thumbnail creation
-    */
-    void RotateSnapshotL();
-    /**
-    * Handle change in image quality setting.
-    * Handle stopping viewfinder, re-preparing quality and
-    * restarting viewfinder if viewfinder is running.
-    * Notify observers about quality change.
-    */
-    void HandleImageQualitySettingChangeL();
-    /**
-    * Handle change in video quality setting.
-    * Handle stopping viewfinder, re-preparing quality and
-    * restarting viewfinder if viewfinder is running.
-    * Notify observers about quality change.
-     */
-    void HandleVideoQualitySettingChangeL();
-  // =======================================================
-  private:    // Data
-    TBool  iValueIsStored;
-    CCamCameraController*        iCameraController;
-    CCamSettingProvider* iSettingProvider;
-    TUint                        iBusyFlags; // TCamBusyFlags values    
-    TCamAppControllerInfo        iInfo;
-    // Temporarily stop notifications to observers
-    TBool                        iMuteNotifications; 
-    // Observers of controller events
-    RPointerArray<MCamControllerObserver> iControllerObservers;
-    TInt iCameraReferences;
-    // The settings model for dynamic and static data.
-    // CCamSettingsModelBase* iSettingsModel;
-    MCamSettingsModel*         iSettingsModel;
-    MCamSettingPreviewHandler* iSettingsPreviewHandler; // Currently same object as iSettingsModel.
-    RArray<TCamSettingItemIds> iPreviewRollbacks;       // Used when cancelling previews.
-    // Used to indicate whether user is sliding in the self timer preview.
-    TBool iSlideInSelfTimerPreview;
-    TBool iVideoPrepareNeeded;       // Video re-prepare needed due to setting change
-    // Boolean to record if view finder should be frozen at next frame
-    TBool iFreezeViewFinder;
-    // Boolean to indicate that the frozen frame should be updated
-    TBool iUpdateFrozenFrame;
-    // name for next file, including path and extension
-    TFileName iSuggestedVideoPath;
-    // Used to indicate that the media storage has been changed tbe
-    // pathnames need to be checked
-    TCamMediaStorage iSetNewPathnamesPending;
-    // Counters used for creating multiple month folders 
-    TInt iMonthFolderCounters[CCamFolderUtility::ECamFolderTypeLast];
-    // Counter for image number. 
-    // Stored locally to avoid performance problems during burst.
-    TInt iImageNumberCache;
-    // Whether or not the engine is initialized for video recording
-    TBool iVideoRecorderInitialized;
-    // estimate of record time elapsed
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iVideoTimeElapsed;
-    // estimate of record time remaining
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iVideoTimeRemaining;
-    // Whether or not a capture mode transition is in progress
-    TBool iCaptureModeTransitionInProgress;
-    // Active object for saving images to file asynchronously
-    CCamImageSaveActive* iImageSaveActive;
-    // Array containing data that represents the images in a burst capture
-    CCamBurstCaptureArray* iCaptureArray;
-    // Index into burst capture array used to determine current image for
-    // SnapshotImage(), CurrentImageName(), CurrentFullFileName() and
-    // DeleteCurrentFile(). Set by call to SetAsCurrentImage().
-    // Single capture and video always use index 0.
-    TInt iCurrentImageIndex;                  
-    // Filenames for a timelapse sequence used for the delete sequence option
-    CDesCArray* iSequenceFilenameArray; 
-    // Tracks usage of the capture array, for timely release of memory
-    TInt iArrayUsageCount;
-    // Capture count requested.
-    // Used in burst and self-timer+timelapse modes.
-    TInt iRequestedCaptureCount;
-    // Indicates wheter autofocuscancel requests should be handled or not..
-    // Used in CancelFocusAndCapture.
-    TBool iNoBurstCancel;
-        // Indicates if capturekey has been raised or not. This is used to
-        // determine if bursttimer should be activated or not.
-        TBool iKeyUP;
-    // Timer to control when short burst is changed to  press and hold burst.
-    CCamTimer* iBurstTimer;   
-    // Timer for switch to standby mode
-    CCamTimer* iIdleTimer;
-    // Timer for initiating Time Lapse captures
-    CCamTimer* iTimeLapseTimer;
-    // Status variable for location trail
-    TBool iLocationTrailStarted;
-    // Timer for stopping location trail 
-    CCamTimer* iLocationTrailTimer;
-	// Whether or not a capture key pressed during image saving
-    TBool iCaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving;
-    // flag to indicate current VF status
-    TBool iViewFinding;
-    // timer to keep backlight active while VF is running
-	CPeriodic* iBacklightTimer;
-    // Class for playing sounds
-    CCamAudioPlayerController* iSoundPlayer;
-    CRepository* iRepository;
-    TInt iDiskCriticalLevel;        // critical threshold for card storage
-    TInt iRamDiskCriticalLevel;     // critical threshold for phone memory storage
-    // Whether we are currently in a call or ringing
-    TBool iInCallOrRinging;
-    // Keep track of whether we are currently saving a video clip or image
-    TBool iSaving;
-    TBool iSaveStarted;
-    // Keep track of whether a ReleaseEngine call has been made while an Init call has been made
-    TBool iPendingRelease;
-    TBool iEndKeyWaiting;
-    TBool iCompleteTimeLapsePending;
-    TBool iAutoFocusRequested;
-    TBool iCaptureRequested;
-    TBool iVideoRequested;
-    TBool iAfNeeded;
-    TBool iDemandKeyRelease; // Demand to release capture key
-    // Keep track of the camera that the next switch will activate
-    TInt iNextSwitchIsToPrimaryCamera;
-    // Flag for queued Camera switch operation
-    TCameraSwitchRequired iCameraSwitchRequired;  
-    TBool iForceUseOfPhoneMemory;
-    // Keeps track of the number of times we have attempted to set the video name
-    TInt iVideoNameRetries;
-    // Specified whether an image save request is pending. That is,
-    // we are waiting for the engine to return with an image that can be saved.
-    // Required to let post-capture know whether an image has been saved yet.
-    TBool iImageSaveRequestPending;
-    // Keeps track of the camera slider state so that
-    // we don't have to keep accessing the shared data file
-    TInt iSlideState;
-    TInt iNewSlideState;
-    // callback used for delayed slider update
-    CPeriodic* iSliderCallBack;
-    // Slider event flag
-    TBool iSliderCloseEvent;        
-    // The period between each timelapse capture 
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iTimeLapseInterval;
-    // The time at which the previous timelapse capture was initiated
-    TTime iTimeLapseStartTime;
-  	CSensrvChannel*       iAccSensorChannel;
-  	TBool                 iAccSensorListening;
-  	TBool                 iAccSensorInfoInitialized;
-    // Flag to allow delayed re-preparation of engine
-    TBool                 iOrientationChangeOccured;
-    // Outside flags, as available for Camera Controller at all times.
-    TCamImageOrientation  iImageOrientation;
-    TCamImageOrientation  iLastImageOrientation;
-    // Property watcher to report changes in the slide state
-    CCamPropertyWatcher* iSlideStateWatcher;
-    // Property watcher to report changes in the keylock state
-    CCamPropertyWatcher* iKeyLockStatusWatcher;
-    // Property watcher to report changes in the profile state
-    CCamPropertyWatcher* iProfileStatusWatcher;
-    // Set to ETrue if shutter sound always played
-    // otherwise playing shutter sound depends on
-    // current profile
-    TBool iShutterSndAlwaysOn;
-    // Active object to listen to the call state.
-    CCamCallStateAo* iCallStateAo;   
-    // Organises notifications to observers of capture completion    
-    CCamObserverHandler* iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler;
-    TInt iActualBurst;
-    CCamTimer* iCaptureToneDelayTimer;
-    // Whether or not the video was stopped due to the phone app
-    // having the foreground
-    TBool iVideoStoppedForPhoneApp;        
-    // used to simulate the receipt of a viewfinder frame when 
-    // timelapse capturing.
-    CFbsBitmap* iSnapShotCopy;
-    // estimated snapshot size in bytes - used when monitoring free
-    // RAM during burst capture
-    TInt iSnapshotDataSize;
-    // array of estimated jpeg sizes in bytes for different image
-    // resolutions - used when monitoring free RAM during burst capture
-    RArray<TInt> iJpegDataSizes;
-    // array of estimated post capture sizes required in bytes for
-    // different image resolutions - used when monitoring free RAM
-    // during burst capture
-    RArray<TInt> iSequencePostProcessDataSizes;        
-    // Array of CameraEventInterested observers which wanted to be camera
-    // observers when camera wasn't yet created. When camera is created
-    // Observers from this array should be attached first and array should
-    // be cleared.
-    RArray<const MCamCameraObserver*> iPendingObserversArray;
-    RArray<TUint> iCameraEventInterested;
-     // Used to wake the camera hardware approximately 2-3 seconds before 
-    // a timelapse capture
-    TBool iCameraWoken;
-    TBool iZoomWaitingForCamera;
-    TBool iNewZoomPending;
-    TInt iDesiredZoomVal;
-    TBool iSequenceCaptureInProgress;
-    TInt  iLongSequenceLimit;
-    // Boolean to determine whether filename has already been
-    // reserved for the image being currently captured. Reserving 
-    // is done when either the image's snapshot snapshot or
-    // image data arrives. (But not again when the other one comes)
-    TBool iFilenameReserved;
-    TCamEvCompRange iEvRange;
-#if defined(RD_MDS_2_5) && !defined(__WINSCW__)
-    RLocationTrail iLocationUtility;
-    TBool iLocationUtilityConnected;
-#endif // __WINSCW__
-    TCamPerformanceState iPerformanceState; 
-    TBool iAppUiAvailable;
-    // If this boolean is set to true, the next focus successful
-    // or focus failed event should be ignored as it's resulted by
-    // moving lens to hyperfocal position when cancelling AF.
-    TBool iAFCancelInProgress;
-    // Holds last made autofocusrequest type or 0, if there are no
-    // pending autofocus requests.
-    TInt iPendingAFRequest;
-    // AFrequest currently in processing.    
-    TInt iCurrentAFRequest;
-    CCamFlashStatus* iFlashStatus;
-    TBool iFlashModeSaved;
-    TCamSceneId iSavedFlashScene;
-    TCamFlashId iSavedFlashMode;
-    TBool iSettingsRestoreNeeded;
-    CCamConfiguration*  iConfiguration; //< Configuration Manager. *owned*    
-    CCFClient* iContextFwClient;
-    TBool iDefineContextSuccessful;
-    TBool iStorageChangeProcessOngoing;
-    // own.
-    CCamGSInterface* iPlugin;
-    TBool iSilentProfile;
-    TInt iTimeLapseCaptureCount;
-    RFs iFs;
-    CCamDriveChangeNotifier* iDriveChangeNotifier;
-    TCamMediaStorage iCurrentStorage;
-    TCamMediaStorage iPreferredStorageLocation;
-    TCamMediaStorage iForcedStorageLocation;
-    TCamMediaStorage iInitialVideoStorageLocation;
-    TBool iCaptureStoppedForUsb;
-    TBool iDismountPending;
-    TBool iAllSnapshotsReceived;
-    CCamTimer* iDeepSleepTimer; // own
-    TBool iDeepSleepTimerExpired;
-    // not owned by camappcontroller
-    CCameraUiConfigManager* iConfigManager;
-    TBool iVideoInitNeeded; // Used to decide if the need to call CAE video init
-    CCamSyncRotatorAo* iRotatorAo;
-    CFbsBitmap* iRotatedSnapshot;
-    CCamBurstCaptureArray* iRotationArray;
-    CCamSnapShotRotator* iSnapShotRotator;
-    // orientation at capture time
-    TCamImageOrientation  iCaptureOrientation;
-    TBool iIssueModeChangeSequenceSucceeded;
-    CCamTvAccessoryMonitor* iTvAccessoryMonitor;
-    TBool iHdmiCableConnectedDuringRecording;
-    TBool iSnapshotRedrawNeeded;
-    TCamHdmiEvent iPendingHdmiEvent;
-    TBool iSceneModeForcedBySecondaryCamera;
-    TBool iTouchCapture;
-    };
-#endif      // CAMAPPCONTROLLER_H
-// End of File