--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/inc/CamBurstThumbnailGridModel.h Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Model class holding thumbnail grid state information*
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <coecntrl.h>
-#include <eiksbobs.h> // For Scroll component
-#include <eikscrlb.h> // For ScrollModel
-#include "CamAppController.h"
-#include "CamBurstThumbnailGridSizer.h"
-// The max number of items in the small grid layout
-const TInt KSmallGridCellCount = 6;
-// The height of the small grid in cells
-const TInt KSmallGridHeight = 2;
-// The height of the large grid in cells
-const TInt KLargeGridHeight = 3;
-class CCamThumbnailGridSizer;
-* Simple class representing a burst capture image's attributes
-* @since 2.8
-class CThumbnailGridItem : public CBase
- {
- // Constructor
- CThumbnailGridItem();
- // Destructor
- ~CThumbnailGridItem();
- // Scaled-down thumbnail for display in the Grid control
- CFbsBitmap* iDisplayThumb;
- // Whether or not this item has been marked.
- TBool iMarked;
- };
-* Mix-in class used for listening to GridModel events.
-* @since 2.8
-class MThumbModelObserver
- {
- /**
- * Called when the highlighted option changes
- * @since 2.8
- */
- virtual void HighlightChanged();
- /**
- * Called when one or more images have been deleted
- * @since 2.8
- */
- virtual void ImagesDeleted();
- /**
- * Called when a new thumbnail has been generated
- * @since 2.8
- */
- virtual void ThumbnailGenerated();
- };
-* Contains the state of the Burst Post-Capture control
-* @since 2.8
-class CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel : public CBase,
- public MBitmapScaler
- {
- public:
- // Bitmask used to identify the events to register for.
- enum TModelEvent
- {
- EModelEventHighlight = 0x1,
- EModelEventDeleted = 0x2,
- EModelEventThumb = 0x4
- };
- // Used to represent the direction of highlight movement
- enum TMoveSelect
- {
- EMoveSelectUp,
- EMoveSelectDown,
- EMoveSelectLeft,
- EMoveSelectRight,
- };
- // Used to represent the internal state for the image resizing operation
- enum TTmbState
- {
- ETmbStateScaling, // Currently scaling an image
- ETmbStateIdle // Image finished, but more to do
- };
- public:
- /**
- * Two-phased constructor.
- */
- static CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel* NewL();
- /**
- * Destructor.
- */
- ~CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel();
- public: // New functions
- /**
- * Attempts to move the selection highlight a specified direction
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aDir The direction to move the hightlight
- * @return TBool indicating whether the move was possible or not
- */
- TBool MoveHighlight( TMoveSelect aDir );
- TBool SetHighlight( TInt aIndex );
- /**
- * Sets new size for the scaling
- * @param aThumbSize The new size
- */
- void SetThumbnailSize( const TSize aThumbSize );
- /**
- * Returns the number of valid (non-deleted) cells. Used by thumbnail
- * grid to find how many cells it may need to draw.
- * @since 2.8
- * @return Number of cells
- */
- TInt NoOfValidCells();
- /**
- * Returns a specific grid item based on the supplied index.
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aValidIndex The index of the grid item to retrieve
- * @return Pointer to the required item
- */
- CThumbnailGridItem* GridItem( TInt aValidIndex );
- /**
- * Returns a specific bitmap based on the supplied index.
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aValidIndex The index of the bitmap to retrieve
- * @return Pointer to the required bitmap
- */
- const CFbsBitmap* Snapshot( TInt aValidIndex );
- /**
- * Set the burst array for the model to use
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aArray pointer to the burst array
- */
- void SetBurstArrayL( CCamBurstCaptureArray* aArray );
- /**
- * Returns the grid index for the cell in the top-left of the display
- * @since 2.8
- * @return The index to top left cell
- */
- TInt TopLeftGridIndex();
- /**
- * Returns the position of the highlight.
- * @since 2.8
- * @return The index to the valid (non-deleted) list
- */
- TInt HighlightedGridIndex();
- /**
- * Returns the index of the hightlighted entry in the CONTROLLER's
- * burst array. This array includes deleted and NON-DELETED items
- * @since 2.8
- * @return The index to the controller's burst array
- */
- TInt HighlightedBurstIndex();
- /**
- * Sets (or clears) the selection 'mark' of the currently highlighted
- * cell item
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aSet Whether to set or clear the mark
- */
- void SetCurrentMark( TBool aSet );
- /**
- * Marks or un-marks all non-deleted items
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aMark ETrue to set the mark, EFalse to clear it.
- */
- void MarkAll( TBool aMark );
- /**
- * Returns the number of images that have been "marked"
- * @since 2.8
- * @return The number of marked images.
- */
- TInt NoOfMarkedImages() const;
- /**
- * Returns the total number of images including 'deleted' images
- * @since 2.8
- * @return The number of images.
- */
- TInt NoOfImages() const;
- /**
- * Returns whether the specified item is marked or not.
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aIndex The index of the item to check
- * @return ETrue if it is marked, else EFalse
- */
- TInt IsMarkedL( TInt aIndex );
- /**
- * Deletes all marked items
- * @since 2.8
- */
- void DeleteMarkedL();
- /**
- * Deletes currently highlighted object
- * @since 2.8
- */
- void DeleteHighlightL();
- /**
- * Adds an observer to a specified set of events
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aObserver The component to be notified
- * @param aBitMask The bitmask of events to be reported
- */
- void AddModelObserverL( MThumbModelObserver* aObserver, TInt aBitMask );
- /**
- * Remove an observer to a specified set of events
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aObserver The component to not be notified
- * @param aBitMask The bitmask of events to not be reported
- */
- void RemoveModelObserver( MThumbModelObserver* aObserver, TInt aBitMask );
- /**
- * Notify all observers to a specific event
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aEvent The event which has occurred.
- * @param aParam Optional parameter to be passed with the event
- */
- void NotifyModelObserver( TModelEvent aEvent, TInt aParam = 0 );
- /**
- * Returns the image name (no path or extension) of the currently
- * highlighted item.
- * @since 2.8
- * @return The image name
- */
- TPtrC HighlightedImageName();
- /**
- * Returns the height of the visible grid, typically 2 or 3 cells high.
- * @since 2.8
- * @returns the height of the visible grid.
- */
- TInt GridHeight();
- /**
- * Returns the image name (no path or extension) of an item.
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aIndex The index of the item.
- * @return The image name
- */
- TPtrC ImageName( TInt aIndex );
- /**
- * Returns the image name (with path and extension) of an item.
- * Uses the index in the global array (including deleted items)
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aIndex The index of the item (in the global array).
- * @return The image full name and path
- */
- TPtrC ImageFileName( TInt aIndex ) const;
- /**
- * Refreshes internal state by checking whether the currently
- * highlighted item has been deleted. This may happen if an item
- * is viewed in post capture, then deleted.
- * @since 2.8
- */
- void RefreshL();
- /**
- * Used to update where the top-left view on the grid is located.
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aMovingUp whether the update is because the curor is moving up.
- */
- void UpdateViewableGrid( TBool aMovingUp );
- /**
- * Converts from the "valid-only" list of items to the global "AllThumb"
- * list.
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aValidIndex The valid index to convert from.
- * @return The global index, or KErrNotFound.
- */
- TInt ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( TInt aValidIndex );
- /**
- *
- */
- void ScrollGrid( TBool aScrollDown, TInt aNewScrollPos );
- /**
- * Cancels the thumbnail scaling
- * @since 2.8
- */
- void CancelThumbnails();
- /**
- * Notifies model that images have been deleted outside of camera
- */
- void ImageFilesDeleted();
- public: // Functions from base classes
- /**
- * Called by sizer utility class when a bitmap rescale operation
- * has completed.
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aErr Indicates the completion code (standard epoc error codes possible)
- * @param aBitmap The resized bitmap (called class takes ownership)
- */
- void BitmapScaleCompleteL( TInt aErr, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TInt32 aInfo );
- protected: // New functions
- protected: // Functions from base classes
- private:
- /**
- * C++ default constructor.
- */
- CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel();
- /**
- * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
- */
- void ConstructL();
- /**
- * Adds the specified cell to the internal structures. Takes ownership
- * of the supplied cell object
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aCell The grid item to add
- */
- void AddCellL( CThumbnailGridItem* aCell );
- /**
- * Used for the generation of the specified thumbnail
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aIndex The index (global) of the item to resize
- */
- void StartThumbnailL( TInt aIndex );
- /**
- * Force a check for thumbs; deleting those not visible and generating
- * new thumbs for newly visible cells.
- * @since 2.8
- */
- void RecalculateThumbs();
- /**
- * Queues thumbnails to be resized as required.
- * @since 2.8
- */
- void QueueThumbnailsL();
- /**
- * Internal function used by the various delete functions
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aGlobalIndex The global index of the item to delete
- */
- void DeleteItemL( TInt aGlobalIndex );
- /**
- * Internal function used by the various delete functions
- * @since 2.8
- * @param aHighlightDeleted Whether the delete operation this call
- * followed involved the deletion of the highlight
- */
- void DoPostDeleteGridCheck( TBool aHighlightDeleted );
- private: // Data
- TInt iCurrHighlight; // Grid index of current highlight
- TInt iImagesMarked; // Number of images marked
- TInt iTmpThumbIndex; // The record we are creating a thumb for
- // An array of ALL thumbnail grid items, the "global" list.
- // Includes delete and non-deleted
- RPointerArray <CThumbnailGridItem> iAllThumbGrid;
- // An array of VALID (non-deleted) items only.
- RPointerArray <CThumbnailGridItem> iValidThumbGrid;
- // Pointer to the burst mode capture array.
- CCamBurstCaptureArray* iBurstArray; // Not owned
- // Utility class used for resizing bitmaps
- CCamThumbnailGridSizer* iGridSizer;
- // Current internal state (referring to resizing)
- TTmbState iState;
- // List of objects requesting bitmap state updates
- RPointerArray <MThumbModelObserver> iThumbObserver;
- // Array of observers for the hightlight changed
- RPointerArray <MThumbModelObserver> iHighlightObserver;
- // Array of observers for the delete events
- RPointerArray <MThumbModelObserver> iDeleteObserver;
- // Grid index of "top left" cell.
- TInt iTopLeftIndex;
- // Either 2 (if upto 6 images) or 3 (if more than 6 images)
- TInt iGridHeight;
- // Size of the scaled thumbnails
- TSize iThumbSize;
- };
-// End of File