changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/inc/CamContainerBase.h	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Base class for all camera application containers
-*  Copyright © 2007-2008 Nokia.  All rights reserved.
-*  This material, including documentation and any related computer
-*  programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia.  All
-*  rights are reserved.  Copying, including reproducing, storing,
-*  adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
-*  prior written consent of Nokia.  This material also contains
-*  confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
-*  without the prior written consent of Nokia.
-#include <coecntrl.h>
-#include <AknUtils.h>
-#include "CamAppUiBase.h"             //  For TCamAppViewIds
-class CCamAppController;
-class CAknView;
-class MAknsControlContext;
-class CEnhancedSoftKeys;
-class CCamNaviCounterControl;
-class CCamNaviProgressBarControl;
-class MActivePalette2UI;
-class CCamBackupContainer;
-const TInt KCamPreCaptureWindowOrdinalPos = 100;
-const TInt KCamPostCaptureWindowOrdinalPos = 101;
-* Container base class
-class CCamContainerBase : public CCoeControl
-  {
-  // =======================================================
-  // Typenames
-  public:
-    // Was defined in multiple child classes, now moved here.
-    enum TVfState // ViewFinder states
-      {
-      EVfStateActive,
-      EVfStateFrozenDimmed,
-      EVfStateActiveMasked
-      };    
-    // Enumeration used to indicate the pane currently visible
-    enum TCamActiveNaviPane
-      {
-      ECamPaneUndefined,
-      ECamPaneCounter,
-      ECamPaneProgress
-      };
-  // =======================================================
-  // Methods
-  // Constructors and destructor
-  public: 
-    /**
-    * Destructor.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual ~CCamContainerBase();
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // From CCoeControl
-  public: 
-    /**
-    * Return this controls window.
-    * This is needed for direct viewfinding.
-    * Protected in CCoeControl. (not virtual)
-    */
-    RWindow& Window() const;
-    /**
-    * Handle events sending app to foreground or background
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aForeground whether the event brings the app to fore or background
-    */
-    virtual void HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground );
-    /** 
-    * Gets an object whose type is encapsulated by the specified TTypeUid object.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aId Encapsulates the Uid that identifies the type of object required.
-    * @return Encapsulates the pointer to the object provided. 
-    */
-    TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject( TTypeUid aId );
-    /**
-    * This method should change its client rect area and redraw properly.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aType resource change
-    */
-    virtual void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
-    /**
-    * Handle application level event.
-    * For example focus gained and lost are notified through this method.
-    * Default implementation is empty, to be replaced in inherited classes.
-    * @param aEvent Event type
-    */
-    virtual void HandleAppEvent( const TCamAppEvent& aEvent );
-    /**
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aKeyEvent the key event
-    * @param aType the type of the event
-    * @return TKeyResponse key event was used by this control or not
-    */
-    TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-                                       TEventCode aType );  
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // New functions
-  public: 
-    /**
-    * Passes the value of the previous view to the container
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aId The ID of the previous view
-    */
-    void SetPreviousViewId( TCamAppViewIds aId );
-    /**
-    * Sets up a navipane for use by this container
-    * @param aNaviPane specifies which navipane to set up.
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    void SetupNaviPanesL( TCamActiveNaviPane aNaviPane );
-    /**
-    * Will show the zoom pane for a set time
-    * Only implemented by pre capture containers
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual void ShowZoomPaneWithTimer();
-    /**
-    * Create the ActivePalette control
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    void CreateActivePaletteL();
-    /**
-    * Destroys the ActivePalette control
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-     static void DestroyActivePalette();      
-    /**
-    * Requests that the camera application redraws the supplied area
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aArea the area to redraw
-    */
-    virtual void Redraw(const TRect& aArea);
-    /**
-    * Load layouts for the text      
-    */      
-    void PrepareProcessingBackgroundL();
-    /**
-    * Load processing image/video text from resources.
-    */
-    void PrepareProcessingTextL( TBool aStillMode );  
-    /**
-    * Delete and null processing text, after which
-    * the text will no longer be drawn.
-    */
-    void DismissProcessingText();
-    /**
-     * Load processing image text for burst from resources.
-     */
-    void PrepareBurstProcessingTextL();  
-    /**
-     * Update processing image text for burst.
-     * @param aHandled number of imagedata received
-     * @param aTotal number of snapshots received
-     */
-    void UpdateBurstProcessingTextL( TInt aHandled, TInt aTotal );  
-    /**
-     * Delete and null processing text, after which
-     * the text will no longer be drawn.
-     */
-    void DismissBurstProcessingText();
-    /**
-    * Viewfinder layout rect
-	* @param aTargetMode target mode for which viewfinder rect is required. Default(ECamControllerIdle) corresponds to current active mode.
-    * @return TRect viewfinder rect from layout
-    */
-    TRect ViewFinderFrameRect(TCamCameraMode aTargetMode = ECamControllerIdle) const; 
-    /**
-    * We check for the file name whenever we call the UMP
-    * or Properties view and come back.
-    */
-    virtual void CheckForFileName( TBool aDoCheck );
-  protected: 
-    /**
-    * Whether or not this key is considered to be capture key
-    * in the current context
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aKeyEvent the key event
-    * @param aType the type of event
-    * @return ETrue if this is a capture key, otherwise EFalse
-    */
-    TBool IsCaptureKeyL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-                               TEventCode aType ) ;
-    /**
-    * Whether or not this key is considered to be shutter key
-    * in the current context
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aKeyEvent the key event
-    * @param aType the type of event
-    * @return ETrue if this is a shutter key, otherwise EFalse
-    */
-    TBool IsShutterKeyL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-                               TEventCode aType ) ;                 
-    /**
-    * Whether or not this key is considered to be zoom key
-    * in the current context
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aKeyEvent the key event
-    * @param aType the type of event
-    * @return ETrue if this is a zoom key, otherwise EFalse
-    */
-    TBool IsZoomKeyL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-                            TEventCode aType ) ;
-    /**
-    * Is zoom operation currently possible?
-    * @since 3.0
-    */               
-    TBool ZoomAvailable();
-    /**
-    * Is Primary Capture Key
-    * @since 9.1
-    */               
-    TBool IsPrimaryCameraCaptureKey( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent ) const ;     
-    /**
-    * Is Secondary Capture Key
-    * @since 9.1 ( checking for scan codes )
-    */               
-    TBool IsSecondaryCameraCaptureKey( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent ) const ;    
-    /**
-    * Enters viewfinder mode either in image or videomode
-    * depending current visible view. Also starts idle timer.
-    */
-    void ReserveAndStartVF();
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Constructors
-  protected: 
-    /**
-    * C++ constructor
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aController reference to CCamAppController instance
-    * @param aView reference to the view containing this container
-    */
-    CCamContainerBase( CCamAppController& aController,
-                       CAknView& aView );
-    /**
-    * Symbian OS 2nd phase constructor.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aRect Frame rectangle for container.
-    */
-    void BaseConstructL( const TRect& aRect ); 
-  protected:
-    /**
-     * Create background context (iBgContext). May be overridden by
-     * derived classes.
-     * @since S60 v5.0
-     */
-    virtual void CreateBackgroundContextL();
-    /**
-    * Returns the number of component controls
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @return The number of owned controls to display
-    */       
-    TInt CountComponentControls() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns the specified component control
-    * @since 3.0
-    * @param aIndex The index of the control to return
-    * @return Pointer to the specified control
-    */               
-    CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
-  // =======================================================
-  private:
-    /*
-    * Checks for the zoom key with the mapped key's scan code
-    */
-    TBool CheckForZoomKey( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent );  
-    /*
-    * Checks for the zoom-in/out key from the mapped key's scan code 
-    * from the zoom array
-    */
-    TBool CheckInZoomKeyArray( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent );
-  // Data
-  protected: 
-    CAknView& iView;
-    CCamAppController& iController; 
-    // The ID of the previous view
-    TCamAppViewIds iPrevViewId;
-    // context for skin background drawing
-    MAknsControlContext* iBgContext;
-    // The current pane displayed in the Application Pane
-    TCamActiveNaviPane iPaneInUse;
-    // Instance of Navi Counter control (not owned)
-    CCamNaviCounterControl* iNaviCounterControl;
-    // Instance of Navi Progress control (not owned)
-    CCamNaviProgressBarControl* iNaviProgressBarControl;
-    // Instance of ActivePalette2 control (not owned)
-    static MActivePalette2UI*   iActivePalette;
-    // ETrue if shutter key (half-press) has been made
-    TBool iKeyShutter;
-    // zoom keys for primary and secondary camera
-    RArray<TInt> iPrimaryZoomInKeys;
-    RArray<TInt> iPrimaryZoomOutKeys;
-    RArray<TInt> iSecondaryZoomInKeys;
-    RArray<TInt> iSecondaryZoomOutKeys;
-    // capture keys
-    RArray<TInt> iPrimaryCameraCaptureKeys;
-    RArray<TInt> iSecondaryCameraCaptureKeys;
-    // AF key or half capture key press scan codes
-    RArray<TInt> iPrimaryCameraAFKeys;    
-    /// Remember current orientation, so we only redraw when necessary
-    TCamOrientation iCamOrientation;
-  TAknLayoutText iProcessingTextLayout;
-  HBufC* iProcessingText;
-      TAknLayoutText iBurstProcessingTextLayout;
-      HBufC* iBurstProcessingText;
-  //Backup child container to keep the background of viewfinder window always opaque
-  CCamBackupContainer* iBackupContainer;
-  };
-// End of File