changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/inc/cameracontroller/camcameracontroller.h	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  
-// ===========================================================================
-// Included headers
-#include "camcameracontrollerflags.hrh"
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <ecam.h>
-  #include <CaeEngine.h>
-#include "camimageencoder.h"
-#include "camcameraevents.h"
-#include "camcamerarequests.h"
-#include "camcameracontrollertypes.h"
-#include "camcameracontrollersettings.h"
-#include "mcamcameraobserver.h"          // MCamCameraObservable, MCamCameraObserver
-// ===========================================================================
-// Forward declarations
-class MCameraBuffer;
-class MCamSettingProvider;
-class CIdle;
-class CFbsBitmap;
-class CCamSnapshotProvider;
-class CCamCameraControllerActive;
-class CCamAppController; 
-  class CCamCamera;
-  #define CAMERA CCamCamera
-  #define CAMERA CCamera 
-  class CCameraappDummyEngine;
-class MCameraOrientation;
-class MCameraFaceTracking;
-class MCameraUIOrientationOverride;
-class MCameraUseCaseHint;
-  class CCamPerformanceLogger;
-  class CCamFlashSimulator;
-  class CCamTimer;
-// ===========================================================================
-// Class declarations
- * Camera controller class.
- *
- * If using MCameraObserver to receive callbacks from (old) Camera API,
- * still use (new) MCameraObserver2 to receive thumbnails events.
- */
-class CCamCameraController : public CBase,
-                             public MCamCameraObservable,
-                             public MCamAppEngineObserver,
-#if !defined( CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2 )
-                             public MCameraObserver,
-                             public MCameraObserver2,
-                             public MCamImageEncoderObserver
-  {
-  // =======================================================
-  // Friends
-  private:
-    friend class CCamCameraControllerActive;
-  // =======================================================
-  // Methods
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Public constructors and destructor
-  public:
-    static CCamCameraController* NewL( MCamSettingProvider& aProvider, 
-                                       CCamAppController& aAppController, 
-                                       TInt aCameraIndex = 0 );
-    virtual ~CCamCameraController();
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // From MCamCameraObservable
-  public:
-    virtual void AttachObserverL( const MCamCameraObserver* aObserver,
-                                  const TUint&              aInterest );
-    virtual void DetachObserver ( const MCamCameraObserver* aObserver );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // From MCameraObserver2
-  public:
-    virtual void HandleEvent( const TECAMEvent& aEvent );
-    virtual void ViewFinderReady( MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer, TInt aError );
-    virtual void ImageBufferReady( MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer, TInt aError );
-    virtual void VideoBufferReady( MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer, TInt aError );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // From MCameraObserver
-  public:
-    virtual void ReserveComplete( TInt aError );
-    virtual void PowerOnComplete( TInt aError );
-    virtual void ViewFinderFrameReady( CFbsBitmap& aFrame );
-    virtual void ImageReady( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, HBufC8* aData, TInt aError );
-    virtual void FrameBufferReady( MFrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer, TInt aError );
-#endif // CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // From MCamAppEngineObserver
-  public:
-    virtual void McaeoInitComplete( TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoStillPrepareComplete( TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoVideoPrepareComplete( TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoViewFinderFrameReady( CFbsBitmap& aFrame, TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoSnapImageReady( const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoStillImageReady( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, HBufC8* aData, TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoVideoRecordingOn( TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoVideoRecordingPaused( TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoVideoRecordingComplete( TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoVideoRecordingTimes( 
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeElapsed, 
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeRemaining, 
-        TInt aError );
-    virtual void McaeoVideoRecordingStopped();
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // From MCamImageEncoderObserver
-  public:
-    virtual void ImageEncoded( TInt aStatus, HBufC8* aData );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // New methods
-  public:
-    /**
-    * Issue a request for one operation.
-    * Operation will be started synchronously.
-    * Observers will receive notification when the operation is ready.
-    */
-    void RequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    /**
-    * 
-    */
-    void DirectRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    /**
-    * Issue a sequence of operation requests.
-    * This method will return immediately and the requests will be
-    * processed in the background by callbacks.
-    */
-    void RequestSequenceL( const RCamRequestArray& aSequence );
-    /**
-    * Request one or more settings to be set to camera.
-    * The settings to be processed are queried from Setting Provider.
-    * Also the values are queried from there.
-    * Settings are processed asynchronously and ECamCameraEventSettingsDone
-    * event is sent when the process is complete.
-    */
-    void RequestSettingsChangeL();
-    /**
-    * Request one setting to be set synchronously to camera.
-    * @param aSettingId  Id of the setting to change. Value to set
-    *                    is asked from Setting Provider.
-    * @see TCamCameraSettingId    
-    */
-    void DirectSettingsChangeL( 
-            const NCamCameraController::TCamCameraSettingId& aSettingId );
-    /**
-    * Cancel outstanding request sequence.
-    * Operations that have been already performed will not be rolled back.
-    * Observers have received notifications of such operations.
-    * If the sequence is not completed already (observers have not received
-    * ECamEngineEventSequenceEnd notification), once the sequence is cancelled,
-    * observers will receive ECamEngineEventSequenceEnd notification with 
-    * status KErrCancel.
-    */
-    void CancelSequence();
-    void SwitchCameraL( TInt aCameraIndex );
-    void CompleteSwitchCameraL();
-    void SetOrientationModeL( TInt aOrientation );
-    /**
-    * Set viewfinder window for direct screen viewfinder. The handle must remain
-    * valid as long as viewfinder is running. 
-    * @since S60 v5.0
-    * @param aWindow Handle to viewfinder window. Must remain valid while
-    *                viewfinder is running. Ownership not transferred.
-    */
-    void SetViewfinderWindowHandle( RWindowBase* aWindow );
-    /**
-    * Notify that the viewfinder window is about to be deleted. Viewfinder
-    * will be stopped if this window handle is currently used for the
-    * viewfinder.
-    * @since S60 v5.0
-    * @param aWindow Handle to viewfinder window. Ownership not transferred.
-    */
-    void ViewfinderWindowDeleted( RWindowBase* aWindow );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Info getters
-  public:
-    static TInt CamerasAvailable();
-    TInt CameraHandle(); // Calls CCamera::Handle which is not const
-    const TCameraInfo& CameraInfo() const;
-    const TCamControllerInfo& ControllerInfo() const;
-    TUint                State()           const;
-    TCamViewfinderMode   ViewfinderMode()  const;    
-    TCamCameraTriState   ViewfinderState() const;
-    TCamCameraTriState   SnapshotState()   const;
-    TCamCameraReadyState FlashState()      const;
-    /**
-    * Method to retrieve the Remaining recording time from
-    * CCaeEngine, this information is used in AppUi and
-    * AppController to handle or continue with Video Rec operation
-    */
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds RemainingVideoRecordingTime();
-    void GetCameraSettingValueL( 
-            const NCamCameraController::TCamCameraSettingId& aSettingId,
-                  TAny*                                      aSettingData );
-    /**
-    * Checks whether setting value given by setting provider matches
-    * the value currently set for iCamera.
-    * @param aSettingId Setting id
-    * @return upToDate
-    */
-    TBool SettingValueUpToDateL( 
-            const NCamCameraController::TCamCameraSettingId& aSettingId );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Private methods
-  private:
-    TInt ProcessNextRequestL();
-    TInt ProcessOneRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    TInt ProcessSettingL( 
-            const NCamCameraController::TCamCameraSettingId& aSettingId );
-    // Helper methods used to divide ProcessOneRequestL to smaller portions.
-    TInt ProcessControlStartupRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    TInt ProcessControlShutdownRequest( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId ); // non-leaving
-    TInt ProcessVfRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    void InitViewfinderL( const TCamViewfinderMode& aMode );
-    void ProcessVfStartRequestL();
-    void ProcessVfStopRequestL();
-    void ProcessVfStopEcamRequest();
-    void ProcessVfRelaseRequest(); // non-leaving    
-    TInt ProcessSnapshotRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    void ProcessSsStopRequest();    // non-leaving
-    void ProcessSsReleaseRequest(); // non-leaving
-    void InitSnapshotL();
-    TInt ProcessImageRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    TInt ProcessImageShutdownRequest( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    TInt ProcessVideoRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    void ProcessAutofocusRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId );
-    void ProcessCaptureLimitSettingL();
-    void EndSequence( TInt aStatus );
-    void ClearRequestQueue();
-    void ClearSettingQueue();
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Event handlers
-    void HandlePowerOnEvent( TInt aStatus );
-    void HandleReserveGainEvent( TInt aStatus );
-    void HandleReserveLostEvent( TInt aStatus );
-    void HandleViewfinderEvent( MCameraBuffer* aBitmap, TInt aStatus );
-    void HandleImageCaptureEvent( MCameraBuffer* aBitmap, TInt aStatus );
-    void HandleImageCaptureEventL( MCameraBuffer*& aCameraBuffer );
-    void HandleSnapshotEvent( TInt aStatus );
-    void HandleSnapshotEventL( TBool aIgnore = EFalse  );
-    void HandleVideoEvent( const TCamCameraEventId& aEventId,
-                                 TInt               aStatus  );
-    void HandleVideoTimeEvent( TInt aStatus,
-                               TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeElapsed, 
-                               TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeRemaining );
-    void HandleAutoFocusEvent(       TInt  aStatus, 
-                               const TUid& aEventUid );
-    void HandleFlashStatusEvent(       TInt                aStatus,
-                                 const TCamCameraEventId& aEventId );
-    void HandleCallbackEvent( 
-                        TInt                    aStatus, 
-                  const TCamCameraEventId&      aEventId, 
-                  const TCamCameraEventClassId& aEventClass,
-                        TAny*                   aEventData = NULL );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Helper methods
-    void ReleaseCurrentCamera();
-    void ReleaseCustomInterfaces();
-    TBool HasCallback( const TCamCameraRequestId& aType );
-    TBool CurrentSettingHasCallback();
-    /**
-    * Sets viewfinder window ordinal position so that the window is visible.
-    * Window needs to visible when viewfinder is started. In addition,
-    * ordinal position can be set as a parameter, if original position needs to
-    * be returned back.
-    * @since S60 5.0
-    * @param aOrdinalPosition,viewfinder window ordinal position to set 
-    * @return TInt, DSA viewfinder window ordinal position or KErrUnknown
-    */   
-    TInt SetVfWindowOrdinal( TInt aOrdinalPosition = KErrUnknown ); 
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Notification of observers
-    void NotifyObservers( TInt                   aStatus, 
-                          TCamCameraEventId      aEventId,
-                          TCamCameraEventClassId aEventClass,
-                          TAny*                  aEventData = NULL );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Getters for info on current camera
-    TInt GetResolutionIndexL(       CCamera::TFormat& aFormat,
-                              const TSize&            aSize   );
-    /**
-    * Get info related to advanced settings.
-    */
-    void GetAdvancedSettingsInfoL();
-    /**
-    * Get closest supported EV compensation step to the given value.
-    * @aEvProposedStep The step for which the closest supported one
-    *                  is asked.
-    * @return Closest supported step to the given proposed step.
-    *         Always 0 if no supported EV steps available.
-    */
-    TInt ResolveEvStep( TInt aEvProposedStep ) const;
-    /**
-    * Helper method to check whether the given value is supported,
-    * based on the value array and value info.
-    * Depending on aValueInfo content, the aValueList may represent
-    * the supported values in completely different ways. This 
-    * method is used to help determining if single value is supported
-    * or not.
-    * @param aValue     The value to be checked if it's supported.
-    * @param aValueList Array describing the supported values. Actual meaning
-    *                   depends on aValueInfo value.
-    * @param aValueInfo Enumeration value describing the meaning of values in
-    *                   aValueList array.
-    * @see   TValueInfo
-    */
-    static TBool IsSupportedValue( const TInt&         aValue, 
-                                   const RArray<TInt>& aValueList, 
-                                   const TValueInfo&   aValueInfo );
-    /**
-    * Resolve the snapshot format to be used based on supported formats
-    * and the given preferred format.
-    *
-    * @aPreferredFormat Format to be preferably used, if available.
-    * @leave  KErrNotSupported No acceptable formats are supported.
-    * @leave  KErrNotReady     Snapshot provider not available.
-    * @return Best supported snapshot format.
-    */
-    CCamera::TFormat ResolveSnapshotFormatL( CCamera::TFormat aPreferredFormat ) const;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Conversion methods between requests, events and event classes 
-    static TCamCameraEventId Request2Event( const TCamCameraRequestId& aType );
-    static TCamCameraEventClassId EventClass( const TCamCameraEventId& aEventId );
-    // Comparison function for searching for a matching resolution in
-    // an RArray<TSize>
-    static TBool CompareSize( const TSize& aA, const TSize& aB );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Camera / engine construction
-    CCaeEngine* NewCaeEngineL( TInt aCameraIndex );
-    CAMERA* NewCameraL( TInt aCameraIndex );
-    CAMERA* NewDuplicateCameraL( TInt aCameraHandle );    
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Private constructors
-  private:
-    void ConstructL( TInt aCameraIndex );
-    CCamCameraController( MCamSettingProvider& aProvider, 
-                          CCamAppController& aAppController );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Prints for debug builds
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-  private:
-    void PrintCameraInfo() const;
-    void PrintAdvancedSettingInfo() const;
-  #endif // CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2_ADV
-    void PrintSnapshotInfo() const;
-#endif // _DEBUG
-    void SetFaceTrackingL();
-    /**
-    * Inform CAPI about the UseCase (still or video)
-    * before calling Reserve.
-    *
-    */
-    void HintUseCaseL();
-  // =======================================================
-  // Data
-  private:
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Request queue and related
-    TInt                               iSequenceIndex;
-    RCamRequestArray                   iSequenceArray;
-    TInt                               iReserveTryAgainCount;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Settings queue and related
-    TInt                                              iSettingIndex;
-    RArray<NCamCameraController::TCamCameraSettingId> iSettingArray;
-    MCamSettingProvider&               iSettingProvider;   /** Entity providing settings.             */
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Active object thriving our asynchronous processes.
-    CCamCameraControllerActive*        iActive;            /** Own.                                   */
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Observers and their interests
-    RPointerArray<MCamCameraObserver>  iObservers;         /** Array of observers. Observers not own. */
-    RArray       <TUint>               iObserverInterests; /** Array of observer interests            */
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Info containers
-    TCameraInfo                        iCameraInfo;        /** Camera details                         */
-    TCamControllerInfo                 iInfo;              /** Our own details                        */
-    TCamCameraResolutionSupport        iResolutionSupport; /** Supported resolutions info             */
-    TCamAdvancedSettingInfo            iAdvancedSettingInfo;  /** Info related to advanced settings   */
-    TBool                              iAlternateFormatInUse; /** Encode jpeg from bitmap internally  */                                       
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // ECam
-    CAMERA*                            iCamera;            /** Onboard camera instance. Own.          */
-    TBool                              iReleasedByUi;      /** Flag to distinguish own and external   */
-                                                           /** camera release.                        */
-    CCamera::CCameraDirectViewFinder*  iDirectViewfinder;  /** Direct viewfinder. Own.                */
-  #endif
-    CCamera::CCameraOverlay*           iOverlayProvider;   /** Overlay provider. Own.                 */
-  #endif
-    CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings*  iAdvancedSettings;  /** Advanced settings instance. Own.       */
-  #endif
-    CCamera::CCameraHistogram*         iHistogramProvider; /** Histogram provider. Own.               */
-  #endif
-    CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing*   iImageProcessor;    /** Image processor. Own.                  */
-  #endif
-    CCamSnapshotProvider*              iSnapshotProvider;
-    CCamImageEncoder*                  iEncoder;
-    MCameraOrientation*                iCustomInterfaceOrientation;   /** Not own. */
-    MCameraFaceTracking*               iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking;   /** Not own. */
-    MCameraUIOrientationOverride*      iCustomInterfaceUIOrientationOverride; /** Not own. */
-    MCameraUseCaseHint*                iCustomInterfaceUseCaseHint; /** Not own. */
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // CAE 
-    CCaeEngine*                        iCaeEngine;         /** Camera app engine for video. Own.      */
-    TCamVideoRecordingTimes            iVideoTimes;
-    TBool                              iAsyncVideoStopModeSupported;
-    /** 
-    * Workaround for changing between video (CCaeEngine) and image (CCamera) modes
-    * Without the support for camera handle sharing in CAE.
-    */
-    TBool iCaeInUse;
-    TInt ProceedModeSwitch();
-    TInt DoProceedModeSwitchL();
-    enum TCamModeChange
-      {
-      ECamModeChangeInactive,
-      ECamModeChangeVideo2Image,
-      ECamModeChangeImage2Video
-      };
-    enum TCamModeChangePhase
-      {
-      ECamModeChangePhaseIdle,
-      ECamModeChangePhase0,
-      ECamModeChangePhase1,
-      ECamModeChangePhase2,
-      ECamModeChangePhase3,
-      ECamModeChangePhase4
-      };
-    TCamModeChange      iModeChange;      
-    TInt                iModeChangePhase; // TCamModeChangePhase
-    TInt                iModeChangeStatus;
-  #endif // CAMERAAPP_CAE_FIX
-    // This bool is used to determine whether current event is the first or second one.
-    TBool               iFirstAfEventReceived;
-    // This bool is used to determine whether AF operation is started 
-    TBool               iAfInProgress;
-    // This bool is used to determine whether HyperFocal needs to be set 	
-    TBool               iAfHyperfocalPending;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Flash simulation
-    CCamFlashSimulator*                iFlashSimulator;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    // CAE error simulation
-    // Timer for delaying callbacks to simulate difficult/erroneous situations
-    CCamTimer* iCallbackTimer;
-    TCamCameraEventId  iSimEventId;
-    TInt               iSimStatus;
-    static TInt DelayedCaeCallback( TAny* aController );
-    void CallAppropriateCallback( const TCamCameraEventId aEventId = ECamCameraEventNone,
-                                        TInt              aStatus  = 0 );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------    
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Performance logging related
-  public:
-    const CCamPerformanceLogger* PerformanceLogger() const;
-  private:
-    CCamPerformanceLogger*             iPerformanceLogger;
-    TBool                              iFirstVfFrameReceived;    
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  public:
-     void SetBurstImagesRemaining( TInt aBurstImagesRemaining );
-    TBool AsyncVideoStopModeSupported();
-    /**
-    * Used to recover lost resources. 
-    *
-    * @param aSelf pointer to CCamCameraController object
-    * @return N/A
-    */
-    static TInt IdleCallback( TAny* aSelf );   
-    /**
-    * Helper method for IdleCallback 
-    */
-    void DoIveRecovery();
-    /**
-    * Indicates resource recovery state.
-    * @return TBool, ETrue if resource recovering is initated
-    */
-    TBool IsWaitingIveResources();  
-  private:
-    TInt iBurstImagesRemaining;
-    // not own
-    RWindowBase* iViewfinderWindow;
-    CIdle* iIdle;  
-    // Counts how many times lost resources are tried to recover 
-    // (KIveRecoveryCountMax).
-    TInt iIveRecoveryCount;  
-    TBool iIveRecoveryOngoing;
-    // ETrue if cancelling command sequence is in progress,
-    // due to lost resources, before recovering.
-    TBool iIveCancel;
-    // ETrue when first recovery command has got callback.  
-    TBool iIveSequenceActive;
-    CCamAppController& iAppController;
-    TInt iCurrentCameraIndex;  
-  };
-// end of file