changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/src/CamContextAwareSettingItem.cpp	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Setting item type for CAknEnumeratedItems.*
-#include <barsread.h>
-#include <cameraapp.rsg>
-#include <vgacamsettings.rsg>
-#include "CamContextAwareSettingItem.h"
-#include "CamAppController.h"
-#include "CamContextAwareSettingPage.h"
-#include "camlogging.h"
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamContextAwareSettingItem::CCamContextAwareSettingItem
-// C++ constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamContextAwareSettingItem::CCamContextAwareSettingItem( CCamAppController& aController,
-                                                          TInt aSettingItemId, 
-                                                          TInt& aValue )
-: CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem( aSettingItemId, aValue ), iController( aController )
-    {
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamContextAwareSettingItem::CreateSettingPageL
-// Creates setting page that switches cba depending on setting value
-// that user navigates to.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CAknSettingPage* CCamContextAwareSettingItem::CreateSettingPageL()
-	{
-	TPtrC settingName = SettingName();
-    TInt editorControlType = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-	return new ( ELeave ) CCamContextAwareSettingPage( 
-        &settingName, SettingNumber(), editorControlType,
-        SettingEditorResourceId(), SettingPageResourceId(), 
-        *QueryValue(), *this, iController );
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamContextAwareSettingItem::CompleteConstructionL
-// Determines whether or not the value list is to be limited (visually) 
-// and replaces the popup text array with a new array created from the 
-// revised resource id.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCamContextAwareSettingItem::CompleteConstructionL()
-   {
-   const TInt KSettingItemArrayGranularity = 5;
-   CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem::CompleteConstructionL();
-   // Check if limitation applies
-   TInt aRevisedResourceId;
-   if ( !iController.AllOptionsVisibleForSettingItem( Identifier(), aRevisedResourceId ) )
-        {  
-        // Construct the array
-        CArrayPtr<CAknEnumeratedText>* enumeratedTextArray; 
-        enumeratedTextArray = new( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CAknEnumeratedText>( KSettingItemArrayGranularity );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( enumeratedTextArray );
-        // Construct a dummy array for popup text, needed to avoid a panic
-        CArrayPtr<HBufC>* popupTextArray; 
-        popupTextArray = new( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>( KSettingItemArrayGranularity );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( popupTextArray );
-        // Read in the texts to be used in the setting item list
-        TResourceReader reader;
-        CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, aRevisedResourceId );	
-        TInt numberOfItems = reader.ReadInt16();	// item count	
-        TInt index = 0;
-        // Loop through all the texts 
-        for ( index = 0; index < numberOfItems ; ++index )
-		    {
-		    TInt value = reader.ReadInt16();  
-		    TPtrC text = reader.ReadTPtrC();  // LTEXT name;
-		    HBufC* thisText = text.AllocLC(); 
-		    TPtr thisTextDes = thisText->Des();
-		    AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( thisTextDes );		
-		    CAknEnumeratedText* enumeratedText = new( ELeave ) CAknEnumeratedText( value, thisText );
-		    CleanupStack::Pop( thisText ); 
-		    CleanupStack::PushL( enumeratedText );
-		    enumeratedTextArray->AppendL( enumeratedText );
-		    CleanupStack::Pop( enumeratedText ); 
-		    }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
-        SetEnumeratedTextArrays( enumeratedTextArray, popupTextArray );
-        CleanupStack::Pop( popupTextArray );
-        CleanupStack::Pop( enumeratedTextArray );
-        }
-   }
-//  End of File