changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/src/cameracontroller/cambitmapscaler.cpp	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Implementation of Camera Bitmap Scaler
-#include <bitmaptransforms.h>
-#include "camlogging.h"
-#include "cambitmapscaler.h"
-// ===========================================================================
-// Local constants
-namespace NCamCameraController
-  {
-  static const TInt KPriority = CActive::EPriorityHigh;
-  }
-using namespace NCamCameraController;
-// ===========================================================================
-// public constructor and destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 2 phase constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamBitmapScaler::NewL( MCamBitmapScalerObserver& aObserver )
-  {
-  CCamBitmapScaler* self = 
-      new (ELeave) CCamBitmapScaler( aObserver );
-  CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-  self->ConstructL();
-  CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-  return self;  
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => ~CCamBitmapScaler") );
-  Cancel();
-  delete iScaledBitmap;
-  delete iScaler;
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= ~CCamBitmapScaler") );
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// public methods
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// InitScalingL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamBitmapScaler::InitScalingL( const TSize&        aTargetSize,
-                                const TDisplayMode& aTargetDisplayMode,
-                                      TBool         aMaintainAspect )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamBitmapScaler::InitScalingL") );
-  Cancel();
-  if( !iScaledBitmap ) iScaledBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
-  else                 iScaledBitmap->Reset();
-  PRINT3( _L("Camera <> Create bitmap, size(%d,%d), mode(%d)"), 
-          aTargetSize.iWidth, 
-          aTargetSize.iHeight, 
-          aTargetDisplayMode );
-  User::LeaveIfError( iScaledBitmap->Create( aTargetSize, 
-                                             aTargetDisplayMode ) );
-  iMaintainAspect = aMaintainAspect;
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamBitmapScaler::InitScalingL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// StartScaling
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCamBitmapScaler::StartScaling( CFbsBitmap& aSourceBitmap )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamBitmapScaler::StartScaling") );
-  Cancel();
-  iScaler->Scale( &iStatus, aSourceBitmap, *iScaledBitmap, iMaintainAspect );
-  SetActive();
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamBitmapScaler::StartScaling") );
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// from CActive
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// virtual 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamBitmapScaler::DoCancel") );
-  if( iScaler )
-    {
-    iScaler->Cancel();
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamBitmapScaler::DoCancel") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// virtual 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamBitmapScaler::RunL, iStatus:%d"), iStatus.Int() );
-  switch( iStatus.Int() )
-    {
-    case KErrNone :
-      {
-      iObserver.BitmapScaled( iStatus.Int(), iScaledBitmap );
-      break;
-      }
-    default :
-      {
-      User::Leave( iStatus.Int() );
-      break;
-      }
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamBitmapScaler::RunL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// virtual 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamBitmapScaler::RunError( TInt aError )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamBitmapScaler::RunError(%d)"), aError );
-  // Leave has occurred in RunL.
-  // Notify observer with error.
-  iObserver.BitmapScaled( aError, NULL );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamBitmapScaler::RunError") );
-  return KErrNone;
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// private constructors
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
-  iScaler = CBitmapScaler::NewL();
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamBitmapScaler::CCamBitmapScaler( MCamBitmapScalerObserver& aObserver )
-  : CActive( KPriority  ),
-    iObserver( aObserver )
-  {
-  }
-// end of file