changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/src/cameracontroller/camcameracontroller.cpp	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6854 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Camera Controller implementation.
-*              : Class handles CCamera related operations.
-// ===========================================================================
-// Included headers
-#include "camcameracontrollerflags.hrh"
-// -------------------------------------
-// General
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <e32const.h> // KNullHandle
-#include <fbs.h>
-#include <gdi.h>
-#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
-// -------------------------------------
-// ECAM
-#include <ecam.h>
-  #include <ecam/ecamdirectviewfinder.h>
-  #include <ecam/camerahistogram.h>
-  #include <ecam/cameraoverlay.h>
-  #include <ecamadvsettings.h>
-  #include <ecamadvsettingsuids.hrh>
-#include <ecam/camerasnapshot.h> // KUidECamEventCameraSnapshot
-// -------------------------------------
-// Camera Application Engine (CAE)
-  #include <CaeEngine.h>
-// -------------------------------------
-// Custom interfaces
-#include <ECamOrientationCustomInterface2.h>
-#include <ECamUIOrientationOverrideCustomAPI.h>
-#include <ecamusecasehintcustomapi.h>
-#include <ecamfacetrackingcustomapi.h>
-#include <akntoolbar.h>
-// -------------------------------------
-// Own
-#include "camcameracontroller.pan"
-#include "camlogging.h"
-#include "cambuffershare.h"
-#include "cambuffersharecleanup.h"
-#include "cambuffercleanup.h"
-#include "cambuffer.h"
-#include "camsnapshotprovider.h"
-#include "camimageencoder.h"
-#include "mcamsettingprovider.h"
-#include "mcamcameraobserver.h"
-#include "camsettingconversion.h"
-#include "camcameraevents.h"
-#include "camcamerarequests.h"
-#include "camcameracontrolleractive.h"
-#include "camcameracontroller.h"
-#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
-#include "camcameracontrollerTraces.h"
-  #include "CameraappDummyEngine.h"
-  #include "CamCamera.h"
-  #include "camflashsimulator.h"
-  #include "CamTimer.h"
-#include "CamAppUi.h"
-#include "CameraUiConfigManager.h"
-#include "CamViewBase.h"
-#include "CamPanic.h"
-// ===========================================================================
-// Local constants
-const TInt KIveRecoveryCountMax = 2;
-typedef CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings CAS;
-typedef CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing  CIP;
-//for camusecasehintcustomapi
-_LIT8(KCMRMimeTypeH263, "video/H263-2000");
-_LIT8(KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4VSPL2, "video/mp4v-es; profile-level-id=2");
-_LIT8(KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4VSPL3, "video/mp4v-es; profile-level-id=3");
-_LIT8(KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4VSPL4A, "video/mp4v-es; profile-level-id=4");
-_LIT8(KCMRMimeTypeH264AVCBPL30, "video/H264; profile-level-id=42801E");
-_LIT8(KCMRMimeTypeH264AVCBPL31, "video/H264; profile-level-id=42801F");
-namespace NCamCameraController
-  {
-  static const TInt               KPrimaryCameraIndex         =  0;
-  //static const TInt               KSecondaryCameraIndex       =  1;
-  static const TInt               KInvalidCameraIndex         = -1;
-  //  static const TInt             KCameraDisplayIndex         = 0;
-  #endif
-    static const TInt             KCameraClientPriority       = 100; // -100...100
-  #endif
-  static const TInt               KCamCallBackPriority        = EPriorityHigh;
-  static const TInt               KCamSequenceGranularity     =  2;
-  static const TInt               KResolutionArrayGranularity =  8;
-    static const TInt             KAdvArrayGranularity        =  5;
-  #endif
-  static const CCamera::TFormat   KCamJpegAlternativeFormat1  = CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
-  static const CCamera::TFormat   KCamJpegAlternativeFormat2  = CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K;
-  static const TInt             KCamReserveTryAgainMaxCount     = 50;
-  static const TInt             KCamReserveTryAgainWaitInterval = 50000; // 50 milliseconds
-  #ifdef _DEBUG
-  _LIT( KCamDriveModeNameBurst,   "EDriveModeBurst"      );
-  _LIT( KCamDriveModeNameSingle,  "EDriveModeSingleShot" );
-  _LIT( KCamDriveModeNameUnknown, "Unknown drive mode!"  );
-  #endif // _DEBUG
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// Local methods
-  #include "camperformancelogger.h"
-  #define CAMERAAPP_PERF_CONTROLLER_START( AAA )          iPerformanceLogger->Requested( AAA );
-  #define CAMERAAPP_PERF_CONTROLLER_STARTNEW( AAA, BBB )  BBB = EFalse; iPerformanceLogger->Requested( AAA );
-  #define CAMERAAPP_PERF_CONTROLLER_STOP( AAA )           iPerformanceLogger->Completed( AAA );
-  #define CAMERAAPP_PERF_CONTROLLER_STOP_ONCE( AAA, BBB ) if( !BBB ) { iPerformanceLogger->Completed( AAA ); BBB = ETrue; }
-// Helper methods
-#include "camflagutility.inl"
-#include "campointerutility.inl"
-namespace NCamCameraController
-  {
-  /*
-  inline void SetFalse( TAny* aTBool )
-    {
-    TBool* boolean = static_cast<TBool*>( aTBool );
-    if( boolean )
-      *boolean = EFalse;
-    }
-  */
-  inline void SetNotBusy( TAny* aTUint )
-    {
-    TUint* flags = static_cast<TUint*>( aTUint );
-    if( flags )
-      *flags = ECamBusyOff;
-    };
-  inline void ReleaseAndNull( MCameraBuffer*& aBuffer )
-    {
-    if( aBuffer )
-      {
-      aBuffer->Release();
-      aBuffer = NULL;
-      }
-    };
-  inline void ResetInfo( TAny* aInfo )
-    {
-    TCamAdvancedSettingInfo* info =
-      static_cast<TCamAdvancedSettingInfo*>( aInfo );
-    if( info )
-      {
-      info->Reset();
-      }
-    };
-  inline const TDesC& DriveModeName( TInt aMode )
-    {
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    switch( aMode )
-      {
-      case CAS::EDriveModeBurst:      return KCamDriveModeNameBurst;
-      case CAS::EDriveModeSingleShot: return KCamDriveModeNameSingle;
-      default:                        return KCamDriveModeNameUnknown;
-      }
-    return KNullDesC;
-#endif // _DEBUG
-    };
-  }
-using namespace NCamCameraController;
-// ===========================================================================
-// TCamControllerInfo class methods
-  {
-  Reset();
-  }
-TCamControllerInfo::Reset( TBool aPreserveBusyFlag    /*= EFalse*/,
-                           TBool aPreserveCameraIndex /*= EFalse*/ )
-  {
-  // When we reset the info e.g. after reserve lost event
-  // we need to keep the current camera index stored.
-  if( !aPreserveCameraIndex )
-    {
-    iCurrentCamera          = KErrNotFound;
-    }
-  iState                  = ECamIdle;
-  iCaptureState           = ECamCaptureOff;
-  iCaptureLimit           = 1;
-  iCaptureCount           = 0;
-  iSnapshotCount          = 0;
-  iVfMode                 = ECamViewfinderNone;
-  iVfState                = ECamTriIdle;
-  iViewfinderSize         = TSize();
-  iViewfinderFormat       = CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
-  iSsState                = ECamTriIdle;
-  iSnapshotSize           = TSize();
-  iSnapshotFormat         = CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
-  iSnapshotAspectMaintain = EFalse;
-  if( !aPreserveBusyFlag )
-    {
-    iBusy = ECamBusyOff;
-    }
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PrintInfo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TCamControllerInfo::PrintInfo() const
-  {
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> TCamControllerInfo")                                 );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ")                                                   );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iCurrentCamera          :  %d"    ), iCurrentCamera );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iState                  :  %08b"  ), iState );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iCaptureState           : [%s]"   ), KCamCameraCaptureStateNames[iCaptureState] );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iCaptureLimit           :  %d"    ), iCaptureLimit );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iCaptureCount           :  %d"    ), iCaptureCount );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iSnapshotCount          :  %d"    ), iSnapshotCount );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iVfMode                 : [%s]"   ), KCamViewfinderModeNames    [iVfMode] );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iVfState                : [%s]"   ), KCamCameraTriStateNames    [iVfState] );
-  PRINT2( _L("Camera <>   iViewfinderSize         : (%dx%d)"), iViewfinderSize.iWidth, iViewfinderSize.iHeight );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iViewfinderFormat       :  %d"    ), iViewfinderFormat );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iSsState                : [%s]"   ), KCamCameraTriStateNames    [iSsState] );
-  PRINT2( _L("Camera <>   iSnapshotSize           : (%dx%d)"), iSnapshotSize.iWidth, iSnapshotSize.iHeight );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iSnapshotFormat         : %d"     ), iSnapshotFormat );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iSnapshotAspectMaintain : %d"     ), iSnapshotAspectMaintain );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   iBusy                   : %08b"     ), iBusy );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// TCamCameraResolutionSupport class methods
-  : iResolutions( KResolutionArrayGranularity )
-  {
-  Reset();
-  }
-  {
-  iResolutions.Close();
-  }
-  {
-  iForCameraIndex  = KInvalidCameraIndex;
-  iForCameraFormat = -1;
-  iResolutions.Reset();
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// TCamAdvancedSettingInfo class methods
-  : iEvStepsSupport ( KAdvArrayGranularity ),
-    iIsoRatesSupport( KAdvArrayGranularity )
-  {
-  Reset();
-  }
-  {
-  iEvStepsSupport.Close();
-  iIsoRatesSupport.Close();
-  }
-  {
-  iForCameraIndex = KInvalidCameraIndex;
-  iEvModesSupport = 0;
-  iEvStepsSupport.Reset();
-  iEvStepsValueInfo = ENotActive;
-  iIsoRatesSupport.Reset();
-  iDigitalZoomSupport.Reset();
-  iDigitalZoomValueInfo = ENotActive;
-  iColourEffectSupport.Reset();
-  iColourEffectValueInfo = ENotActive;
-  iSharpnessSupport.Reset();
-  iSharpnessValueInfo = ENotActive;
-  iStabilizationModeSupport       = 0;
-  iStabilizationEffectSupport     = 0;
-  iStabilizationComplexitySupport = 0;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PrintInfo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TCamAdvancedSettingInfo::PrintInfo() const
-  {
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Value infos:")                                       );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EV value info            : %04b"), iEvStepsValueInfo      );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Dig zoom value info      : %04b"), iDigitalZoomValueInfo  );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Colour effct value info  : %04b"), iColourEffectValueInfo );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Sharpness value info     : %04b"), iSharpnessValueInfo    );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> ENotActive               : %04b"), ENotActive               );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EBitField                : %04b"), EBitField                );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EDiscreteSteps           : %04b"), EDiscreteSteps           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EDiscreteRangeMinMaxStep : %04b"), EDiscreteRangeMinMaxStep );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EContinuousRangeMinMax   : %04b"), EContinuousRangeMinMax   );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Dig zoom ratios:") );
-  for( TInt i = 0; i < iDigitalZoomSupport.Count(); i++ )
-    {
-    PRINT2( _L("Camera <> step[%4d]: ratio[%4f]"), i, (TReal)iDigitalZoomSupport[i]/(TReal)KECamFineResolutionFactor );
-    }
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ISO rates supported:") );
-  for( TInt i = 0; i < iIsoRatesSupport.Count(); i++ )
-    {
-    PRINT2( _L("Camera <> rate[%3d]: %4d"), i, iIsoRatesSupport[i] );
-    }
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> EV steps supported:") );
-  for( TInt i = 0; i < iEvStepsSupport.Count(); i++ )
-    {
-    PRINT2( _L("Camera <> step[%3d]: %4d"), i, iEvStepsSupport[i] );
-    }
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Advanced EV modes support : %016b"), iEvModesSupport                    );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureAuto             : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureAuto             );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureNight            : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureNight            );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureBacklight        : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureBacklight        );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureCenter           : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureCenter           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureSport            : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureSport            );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureVeryLong         : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureVeryLong         );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureSnow             : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureSnow             );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureBeach            : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureBeach            );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureProgram          : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureProgram          );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureAperturePriority : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureAperturePriority );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureShutterPriority  : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureShutterPriority  );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureManual           : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureManual           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureSuperNight       : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureSuperNight       );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EExposureInfra            : %016b"), CCamera::EExposureInfra            );
- PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Sharpness support:") );
-  for( TInt i = 0; i < iSharpnessSupport.Count(); i++ )
-    {
-    PRINT2( _L("Camera <> step[%3d]: %4d"), i, iSharpnessSupport[i] );
-    }
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Colour effect support:") );
-  for( TInt i = 0; i < iColourEffectSupport.Count(); i++ )
-    {
-    PRINT2( _L("Camera <> effect[%3d]           : %016b"), i, iColourEffectSupport[i] );
-    }
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EEffectNone           : %016b"), CIP::EEffectNone            );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EEffectNegative       : %016b"), CIP::EEffectNegative        );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EEffectMonochrome     : %016b"), CIP::EEffectMonochrome      );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EEffectSolarize       : %016b"), CIP::EEffectSolarize        );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EEffectSepia          : %016b"), CIP::EEffectSepia           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EEffectEmboss         : %016b"), CIP::EEffectEmboss          );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EEffectRedEyeReduction: %016b"), CIP::EEffectRedEyeReduction );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EEffectVivid          : %016b"), CIP::EEffectVivid           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EEffectLowSharpening  : %016b"), CIP::EEffectLowSharpening   );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Stabilization modes support      : %016b"), iStabilizationModeSupport           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationModeOff          : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationModeOff          );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationModeHorizontal   : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationModeHorizontal   );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationModeVertical     : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationModeVertical     );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationModeRotation     : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationModeRotation     );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationModeAuto         : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationModeAuto         );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationModeManual       : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationModeManual       );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Stabilization fx support         : %016b"), iStabilizationEffectSupport         );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationOff              : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationOff              );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationAuto             : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationAuto             );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationFine             : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationFine             );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationMedium           : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationMedium           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationStrong           : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationStrong           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Stabilization complexity support : %016b"), iStabilizationComplexitySupport     );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationComplexityAuto   : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationComplexityAuto   );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationComplexityLow    : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationComplexityLow    );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationComplexityMedium : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationComplexityMedium );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <>   EStabilizationComplexityHigh   : %016b"), CAS::EStabilizationComplexityHigh   );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> --------------------------------------------------") );
-#endif // _DEBUG
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// CCamCameraController class methods
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// static 2-phase constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::NewL( MCamSettingProvider& aProvider,
-                            CCamAppController& aAppController,
-                            TInt aCameraIndex /*= 0*/ )
-  {
-  CCamCameraController* self
-      = new (ELeave) CCamCameraController( aProvider, aAppController );
-  CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-  self->ConstructL( aCameraIndex );
-  CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-  return self;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => ~CCamCameraController") );
-  delete iFlashSimulator;
-  delete iPerformanceLogger;
-  delete iIdle;
-  iSettingArray.Close();
-  // Remove all observers.
-  // We do not want to broadcast events anymore in this phase.
-  iObservers.Reset();
-  iObserverInterests.Reset();
-  ClearRequestQueue();
-  ClearSettingQueue();
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController: release current camera..") );
-  // Release and null CCamera related objects.
-  ReleaseCurrentCamera();
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController: ..done") );
-  delete iActive;
-  iObservers.Close();
-  iObserverInterests.Close();
-  if( iCallbackTimer )
-    {
-    iCallbackTimer->Cancel();
-    delete iCallbackTimer;
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= ~CCamCameraController") );
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// MCameraObserver2
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleEvent( const TECAMEvent& aEvent )
-  {
-  // TUid iEventType;
-  // TInt iErrorCode;
-  PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleEvent, event uid(0x%08x) error(%d)"),
-          aEvent.iEventType.iUid,
-          aEvent.iErrorCode );
-  // If we are getting zoom event while saving video,
-  // we must not handle the event
-  TInt uidValue( aEvent.iEventType.iUid );
-  if ( uidValue == KUidECamEventCameraSettingDigitalZoomUidValue
-    && IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySingle ) )
-      {
-       return;
-      }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  if( aEvent.iEventType == KUidECamEventReserveComplete )
-    {
-    HandleReserveGainEvent( aEvent.iErrorCode );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else if( aEvent.iEventType == KUidECamEventPowerOnComplete )
-    {
-    HandlePowerOnEvent( aEvent.iErrorCode );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else if( aEvent.iEventType == KUidECamEventCameraNoLongerReserved )
-    {
-    HandleReserveLostEvent( aEvent.iErrorCode );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else if( !(IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState , ECamPowerOn )))
-    {
-    //If camera is in background then all the rest events will be ignored. Should return without leaving
-    return;
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else if( aEvent.iEventType == KUidECamEventCameraSnapshot )
-    {
-    HandleSnapshotEvent( aEvent.iErrorCode );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else if( aEvent.iEventType == KUidECamEventCameraSettingsOptimalFocus
-        || aEvent.iEventType == KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType2 )
-    {
-    HandleAutoFocusEvent( aEvent.iErrorCode, aEvent.iEventType );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else
-    {
-    TInt uidValue( aEvent.iEventType.iUid );
-    switch( uidValue )
-      {
-      // -------------------------------
-      // Settings
-      //
-      // case KUidECamEventCameraSettingTimerIntervalUidValue:
-      // case KUidECamEventCameraSettingTimeLapseUidValue:
-      //
-      case KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashModeUidValue:
-      case KUidECamEventCameraSettingExposureCompensationStepUidValue:
-      case KUidECamEventCameraSettingIsoRateTypeUidValue:
-      case KUidECamEventCameraSettingWhiteBalanceModeUidValue:
-      case KUidECamEventCameraSettingDigitalZoomUidValue:
-      case KUidECamEventCameraSettingOpticalZoomUidValue:
-      case KUidECamEventImageProcessingAdjustSharpnessUidValue:
-      case KUidECamEventImageProcessingEffectUidValue:
-      case KUidECamEventSettingsStabilizationAlgorithmComplexityUidValue:
-        {
-        TCamCameraSettingId id =
-            CCamSettingConversion::Map2CameraSetting( uidValue );
-        HandleCallbackEvent( aEvent.iErrorCode,
-                             ECamCameraEventSettingsSingle,
-                             ECamCameraEventClassSettings,
-                             &id );
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      // Flash status info
-      case KUidECamEventFlashReadyUidValue:
-        HandleFlashStatusEvent( aEvent.iErrorCode, ECamCameraEventFlashReady );
-        break;
-      case KUidECamEventFlashNotReadyUidValue:
-        HandleFlashStatusEvent( aEvent.iErrorCode, ECamCameraEventFlashNotReady );
-        break;
-      // -------------------------------
-      // Capture event
-      case KUidECamEventImageCaptureEventUidValue:
-          NotifyObservers(aEvent.iErrorCode,  ECamCameraEventImageCaptureEvent, EventClass( ECamCameraEventImageCaptureEvent ));
-      break;
-      default:
-        break;
-      // -------------------------------
-      }
-    }
-  // Only snapshot event recognized if old observer interface in
-  // use towards CCamera. This one is then generated by CCamSnapshot.
-  if( aEvent.iEventType == KUidECamEventCameraSnapshot )
-    {
-    HandleSnapshotEvent( aEvent.iErrorCode );
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    // ignore other events
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController: Unknown event") );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleEvent") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ViewFinderReady
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ViewFinderReady( MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer, TInt aError )
-  {
-  HandleViewfinderEvent( &aCameraBuffer, aError );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ImageBufferReady
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ImageBufferReady( MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer, TInt aError )
-  {
-  HandleImageCaptureEvent( &aCameraBuffer, aError );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// VideoBufferReady
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::VideoBufferReady( MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer, TInt aError )
-  {
-  if( KErrNone == aError )
-    {
-    aCameraBuffer.Release();
-    }
-  }
-#if !defined( CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2 )
-// ===========================================================================
-// MCameraObserver
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ReserveComplete
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ReserveComplete( TInt aError )
-  {
-  HandleReserveGainEvent( aError );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PowerOnComplete
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::PowerOnComplete( TInt aError )
-  {
-  HandlePowerOnEvent( aError );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ViewFinderFrameReady
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ViewFinderFrameReady( CFbsBitmap& aFrame )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("CamTest => CCamCameraController::ViewFinderFrameReady") );
-  CCamBuffer* buffer = NULL;
-  TRAPD( error, buffer = CCamBuffer::NewL( aFrame, NULL ) );
-  // Releases buffer
-  HandleViewfinderEvent( buffer, error );
-  PRINT( _L("CamTest <= CCamCameraController::ViewFinderFrameReady") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ImageReady
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ImageReady( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
-                                  HBufC8*    aData,
-                                  TInt       aError )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ImageReady") );
-  CCamBuffer* buffer = NULL;
-  // If no error so far, wrap the data to MCameraBuffer compatible wrapper.
-  // New API provides these buffers already from CCamera callbacks.
-  if( KErrNone == aError )
-    {
-    TRAP( aError,
-      {
-      CleanupStack::PushL( aData   );
-      CleanupStack::PushL( aBitmap );
-      buffer = CCamBuffer::NewL( aBitmap, aData );
-      CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );
-      });
-    }
-  // Ownership taken by buffer, or destroyed by cleanup stack.
-  aData   = NULL;
-  aBitmap = NULL;
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> status after buffer create(%d)"), aError );
-  // Releases buffer
-  HandleImageCaptureEvent( buffer, aError );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ImageReady") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// FrameBufferReady
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::FrameBufferReady( MFrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer,
-                                        TInt          /*aError*/ )
-  {
-  // Release the buffer if one is provided to make sure
-  // CCamera can reuse it.
-  if( aFrameBuffer )
-    {
-    aFrameBuffer->Release();
-    }
-  }
-#endif // CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2
-// ===========================================================================
-// From MCamAppEngineObserver
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoInitComplete
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::McaeoInitComplete( TInt aError )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::McaeoInitComplete") );
-  // Only interested on this callback, if CCamera duplicate
-  // cannot be used with CAE. Otherwise we follow this event through
-  // MCameraObserver(2) interface.
-  HandlePowerOnEvent( aError );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::McaeoInitComplete") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoStillPrepareComplete
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::McaeoStillPrepareComplete( TInt /*aError*/ )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera =><= CCamCameraController::McaeoStillPrepareComplete, PANIC!") );
-  // Still capture not done through CCaeEngine.
-  __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCaeUnsupported ) );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoVideoPrepareComplete
-// This method is called asynchronously after a call has been made to
-// CCaeEngine::PrepareVideoRecordingL.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoPrepareComplete( TInt aError )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoPrepareComplete") );
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoInit, aError );
-  // DelayCallback( ECamCameraEventVideoInit, aError, 500000 );
-  if( aError == KErrWrite )
-      {
-      aError = KErrNone;
-      }
-  if( aError &&
-      ( iIveCancel || ( !iIveSequenceActive && iIveRecoveryOngoing ) ) )
-      // Return if error and recovering process has been started,
-      // but this video prepare complete is not part of recovery
-      // i.e. iIveSequenceActive is not active yet.
-    {
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoPrepareComplete - Ignore err %d"), aError );
-    return;
-    }
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoInit, aError );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoPrepareComplete") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoViewFinderFrameReady
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::McaeoViewFinderFrameReady( CFbsBitmap& aFrame,
-                                                 TInt        aError )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::McaeoViewFinderFrameReady") );
-  CCamBuffer* buffer = NULL;
-  if( KErrNone == aError )
-    {
-    TRAP( aError, buffer = CCamBuffer::NewL( aFrame, NULL ) );
-    }
-  // Releases buffer if not NULL
-  HandleViewfinderEvent( buffer, aError );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::McaeoViewFinderFrameReady") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoSnapImageReady
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::McaeoSnapImageReady( const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,
-                                                 TInt        aError  )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::McaeoSnapImageReady, status: %d"), aError );
-  //__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCaeUnsupported ) );
-  if(
-      ECamModeChangeInactive == iModeChange &&
-      IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn )
-    )
-    {
-    CFbsBitmap* copy( NULL );
-    if( KErrNone == aError )
-      {
-      TRAP( aError,
-        {
-        copy = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
-        User::LeaveIfError( copy->Duplicate( aBitmap.Handle() ) );
-        });
-      }
-    NotifyObservers( aError,
-                     ECamCameraEventSsReady,
-                     ECamCameraEventClassSsData,
-                     copy );
-    delete copy;
-    copy = NULL;
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::McaeoSnapImageReady") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoStillImageReady
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::McaeoStillImageReady( CFbsBitmap* /*aBitmap*/,
-                                            HBufC8*     /*aData  */,
-                                            TInt        /*aError */ )
-  {
-  // Still images are not captured through CCaeEngine.
-  __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCaeUnsupported ) );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoVideoRecordingOn
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingOn( TInt aError )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingOn") );
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoStart, aError );
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoStart, aError );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingOn") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoVideoRecordingPaused
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingPaused( TInt aError )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingPaused") );
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoPause, KErrUnknown );
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoPause, aError );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingPaused") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoVideoRecordingComplete
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingComplete( TInt aError )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingComplete") );
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoStop, KErrUnknown );
-  if( aError == KErrWrite )
-      {
-      aError = KErrNone;
-      }
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoStop, aError );
-  // Change stopping mode back to default sync mode
-  if ( iAsyncVideoStopModeSupported )
-    {
-    if ( iCaeEngine )
-        {
-        iCaeEngine->SetAsyncVideoStopMode( EFalse );
-        }
-    iAsyncVideoStopModeSupported = EFalse;
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingComplete") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoVideoRecordingTimes
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeElapsed,
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeRemaining,
-    TInt aError )
-  {
-  HandleVideoTimeEvent( aError, aTimeElapsed, aTimeRemaining );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// McaeoVideoRecordingStopped
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingStopped") );
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoAsyncStop, KErrUnknown );
-  HandleVideoEvent( ECamCameraEventVideoAsyncStop, KErrNone );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::McaeoVideoRecordingStopped") );
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// From MCamImageEncoderObserver
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ImageEncoded
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ImageEncoded( TInt aStatus, HBufC8* aData )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ImageEncoded") );
-  MCameraBuffer* buffer = NULL;
-  if( KErrNone == aStatus )
-    {
-    if( aData )
-      {
-      TRAP( aStatus,
-        {
-        CleanupStack::PushL( aData );
-        buffer = CCamBuffer::NewL( NULL, aData );
-        CleanupStack::Pop( aData );
-        aData  = NULL; // ownership to buffer
-        });
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      aStatus = KErrNotFound;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    // Just delete on errors
-    delete aData;
-    aData = NULL;
-    }
-  // Takes ownership of buffer
-  HandleImageCaptureEvent( buffer, aStatus );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ImageEncoded") );
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// AttachObserverL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::AttachObserverL( const MCamCameraObserver* aObserver,
-                                       const TUint&              aInterest )
-  {
-  // Only add the observer once. NULL pointer only checked here.
-  // Observer not added, if no notifications would be sent due to
-  // event interest being ECamCameraEventClassNone.
-  if( aObserver
-   && ECamCameraEventClassNone != aInterest
-   && KErrNotFound             == iObservers.Find( aObserver )
-    )
-    {
-    // Try to add the observer to our list.
-    TInt error = iObservers.Append( aObserver );
-    // If we manage to add the observer, make sure the interest info gets set.
-    if( KErrNone == error )
-      {
-      error = iObserverInterests.Append( aInterest );
-      // If we are unable to add the interest info,
-      // remove also the observer.
-      if( KErrNone != error )
-        {
-        iObservers.Remove( iObservers.Count() - 1 );
-        }
-      }
-    User::LeaveIfError( error );
-    }
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// DetachObserver
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::DetachObserver( const MCamCameraObserver* aObserver )
-  {
-  if( aObserver )
-    {
-    // Ignore error if not found among observers
-    const TInt KObserverIndex( iObservers.Find( aObserver ) );
-    if( KErrNotFound != KObserverIndex )
-      {
-      iObservers.Remove( KObserverIndex );
-      iObserverInterests.Remove( KObserverIndex );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RequestL
-// Issue request for one operation.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::RequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::RequestL, request:[%s]"), KCamRequestNames[aRequestId] );
-  CheckEqualsL( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusyOff,  KErrInUse );
-  SetFlags    ( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySingle );
-  TInt proceed( ETrue );
-  // If the request leaves, need to reset busy flag.
-  CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( SetNotBusy, &iInfo.iBusy ) );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <> process request..") );
-  proceed = ProcessOneRequestL( aRequestId );
-  CleanupStack::Pop();
-  // If this request will be responded through MCameraObserver(2) callback,
-  // new requests cannot be accepted until that call arrives and
-  // notification to our observers will be sent there.
-  // Otherwise the request is fully processed from our point of view,
-  // and new request can be accepted.
-  if( proceed )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> ..Request has no callback from CCamera, ready for new request.") );
-    // Need to clear the busy flag before notification,
-    // as observer might want to issue a new request during
-    // the notification callback.
-    ClearFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySingle );
-    if( ECamRequestVideoStop == aRequestId
-     || ECamRequestSetAsyncVideoStopMode == aRequestId
-     || ECamRequestImageCancel == aRequestId )
-      {
-      // For video stop request, callback has already happened and notification
-      // has been given. No need to do anything here.
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      // Give notification to observers
-      TCamCameraEventId event( Request2Event( aRequestId ) );
-      NotifyObservers( KErrNone, event, EventClass( event ) );
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> ..Request has callback, waiting for it.") );
-    // Request is finalized in the MCameraObserver(2) callback.
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::RequestL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// DirectRequestL
-// Issue request even when busy.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::DirectRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::DirectRequestL") );
-  TBool notify( ETrue );
-  switch( aRequestId )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestPowerOff:
-    case ECamRequestRelease:
-      ProcessControlShutdownRequest( aRequestId );
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Viewfinder
-    // This does not depend on prepare of video / image
-    // so even starting can be done during sequence.
-    case ECamRequestVfStart:
-      ProcessVfStartRequestL();
-      break;
-    case ECamRequestVfStop:
-      ProcessVfStopRequestL();
-      break;
-    case ECamRequestVfStopEcam:
-      ProcessVfStopEcamRequest();
-      notify = EFalse;
-      break;
-    case ECamRequestVfRelease:
-      ProcessVfRelaseRequest();
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Snapshot
-    //   Just as viewfinder, this can be even started
-    //   during a sequence.
-    case ECamRequestSsStart:
-      ProcessSnapshotRequestL( ECamRequestSsStart );
-      break;
-    case ECamRequestSsStop:
-      ProcessSsStopRequest();
-      break;
-    case ECamRequestSsRelease:
-      ProcessSsReleaseRequest();
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Image capture (cancel)
-    case ECamRequestImageCancel:
-      ProcessImageShutdownRequest( ECamRequestImageCancel );
-      notify = EFalse;
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Start/cancel autofocus or set range
-    case ECamRequestStartAutofocus:
-    case ECamRequestCancelAutofocus:
-    case ECamRequestSetAfRange:
-      ProcessAutofocusRequestL( aRequestId );
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Initialize image quality
-    case ECamRequestImageInit:
-      ProcessImageRequestL( ECamRequestImageInit );
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnsupported );
-      break;
-    }
-  if( notify )
-    {
-    TCamCameraEventId event( Request2Event( aRequestId ) );
-    NotifyObservers( KErrNone, event, EventClass( event ) );
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::DirectRequestL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RequestSequenceL
-// Issue request for a sequence of operations.
-// Operations done during the sequence will be notified with
-// associated event codes to observers. If any errors happen during the
-// sequence, the notification will reflect this with the status code.
-// When sequence ends, observers will be notified with event
-// ECamCameraEventSequenceEnd. No new requests are accepted before
-// ECamCameraEventSequenceEnd notification is sent.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::RequestSequenceL( const RCamRequestArray& aSequence )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::RequestSequence") );
-  CheckEqualsL( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusyOff,  KErrInUse );
-  ClearRequestQueue();
-  iReserveTryAgainCount = KCamReserveTryAgainMaxCount;
-  iSequenceArray.ReserveL( aSequence.Count() );
-  for( TInt i = 0; i < aSequence.Count(); i++ )
-    iSequenceArray.AppendL( aSequence[i] );
-//  iSequenceArray.Compress();
-  SetFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySequence ); // Cleared in EndSequence
-  iActive->IssueRequest();
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::RequestSequence") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RequestSettingsChangeL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::RequestSettingsChangeL") );
-  CheckEqualsL( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusyOff,  KErrInUse    );
-  CheckFlagOnL( iInfo.iState, ECamReserved, KErrNotReady );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Get changed settings..") );
-  ClearSettingQueue();
-  iSettingProvider.ProvidePendingSettingChangesL( iSettingArray );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Start processing..") );
-  SetFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySetting ); // Cleared in EndSequence
-  iActive->IssueRequest();
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::RequestSettingsChangeL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// DirectRequestSettingsChangeL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::DirectSettingsChangeL( const TCamCameraSettingId& aSettingId )
-  {
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::DirectSettingsChangeL") );
-  CheckFlagOnL( iInfo.iState, ECamReserved, KErrNotReady );
-  TBool callback = ProcessSettingL( aSettingId );
-  // If there is a callback, do notification there.
-  if( !callback )
-    {
-    TCamCameraSettingId setting = aSettingId;
-    NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                     ECamCameraEventSettingsSingle,
-                     ECamCameraEventClassSettings,
-                     &setting );
-    }
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::DirectSettingsChangeL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CancelSequence
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::CancelSequence") );
-  if( iActive &&
-      iActive->IsActive() )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> iActive is active, call Cancel()..") );
-    // Results to call to iActive::DoCancel
-    // which in turn calls our EndSequence.
-    iActive->Cancel();
-    }
-  // If busy flag is not set, we either had no sequence going on or
-  // iActive::DoCancel already handled calling EndSequence().
-  if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySequence|ECamBusySetting ) )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Busy, call EndSequence()..") );
-    // Clears busy flag, if we were processing a sequence of requests / settings.
-    // If iBusy is set because one request is on the way,
-    // we must not clear it here - when that request is processed,
-    // the flag will be cleared.
-    EndSequence( KErrCancel );
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::CancelSequence") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// SwitchCameraL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::SwitchCameraL( TInt aCameraIndex )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::SwitchCameraL%d"),aCameraIndex );
-  #ifdef _DEBUG
-  if( aCameraIndex == iInfo.iCurrentCamera )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SwitchCameraL - Changing Secondary camera orientation") );
-    }
-  #endif // _DEBUG
-  if( aCameraIndex < 0 || aCameraIndex >= CamerasAvailable() )
-    {
-    User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // First free old camera resources
-    if( iCamera )
-      {
-      ReleaseCurrentCamera();
-      }
-    // used in CompleteSwitchCamera
-    iCurrentCameraIndex = aCameraIndex;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Then create new camera:
-    PRINT ( _L("############################################################") );
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Creating CCaeEngine, camera index: %d .."), aCameraIndex );
-    iCaeEngine = NewCaeEngineL( aCameraIndex );
-    PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Note: CCamera only in use, no CCaeEngine") );
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Creating CCamera, camera index: %d .."), aCameraIndex );
-    iCamera = NewCameraL( aCameraIndex );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::SwitchCameraL") );
-    }
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompleteSwitchCameraL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::CompleteSwitchCameraL") );
-  if( iCurrentCameraIndex < 0 || iCurrentCameraIndex >= CamerasAvailable() )
-    {
-    User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-    }
-  else if( iCurrentCameraIndex == iInfo.iCurrentCamera )
-    {
-    return;
-    }
-    PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Creating new CCamera..") );
-    iCamera    = NewCameraL( iCurrentCameraIndex );
-  #else
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Creating CCamera duplicate, camera handle: %d .."), iCaeEngine->CCameraHandle() );
-    iCamera    = NewDuplicateCameraL( iCaeEngine->CCameraHandle() );
-  #endif
-    // Get the camera info and store current camera index.
-    // Camera index needed by GetAdvancedSettingsInfoL.
-    iCamera->CameraInfo( iCameraInfo );
-    iInfo.iCurrentCamera = iCurrentCameraIndex;
-    PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Creating CCameraAdvancedSettings..") );
-    iAdvancedSettings = CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::NewL( *iCamera );
-    if( KPrimaryCameraIndex == iInfo.iCurrentCamera )
-      {
-      // Support only for primary camera.
-      // Ignore error in instantiation: If NewL leaves, there's no
-      // support for Image Processing available. Report error to client
-      // if settings requiring it are used.
-      PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Create CCameraImageProcessing..") );
-      TRAP_IGNORE( iImageProcessor = CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::NewL( *iCamera ) );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Image Processor pointer: %d"), iImageProcessor );
-      }
-    // Get info on CCameraAdvancedSettings and CCameraImageProcessing
-    // support for several setting. Not supported settings will not
-    // cause this method to leave, only more serious errors.
-    GetAdvancedSettingsInfoL();
-    PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Get i/f MCameraOrientation..") )
-    iCustomInterfaceOrientation =
-      static_cast <MCameraOrientation*>(
-  	    iCamera->CustomInterface( KCameraOrientationUid ) );
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Orientation custom i/f pointer:%d"), iCustomInterfaceOrientation );
-    iCustomInterfaceUseCaseHint =
-      static_cast <MCameraUseCaseHint*>(
-  	    iCamera->CustomInterface( KCameraUseCaseHintUid ) );
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera <> UseCaseHint custom i/f pointer:%d"), iCustomInterfaceUseCaseHint );
-    PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ..done") );
-    PRINT ( _L("############################################################") );
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    PrintCameraInfo();
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::CompleteSwitchCameraL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// SetOrientationModeL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::SetOrientationModeL( TInt aOrientation )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::SetOrientationModeL %d"), aOrientation );
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCameraController: Get i/f MUIOrientationOverride from iCaeEngine..") )
-    iCustomInterfaceUIOrientationOverride =
-      static_cast <MCameraUIOrientationOverride*>(
-  	    iCaeEngine->CustomInterface( KCameraUIOrientationOverrideUid ) );
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCameraController: Get i/f MUIOrientationOverride from iCamera..") )
-    iCustomInterfaceUIOrientationOverride =
-      static_cast <MCameraUIOrientationOverride*>(
-  	    iCamera->CustomInterface( KCameraUIOrientationOverrideUid ) );
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera <> OrientationOverride custom i/f pointer:%d"), iCustomInterfaceUIOrientationOverride );
-    TRAP_IGNORE(iCustomInterfaceUIOrientationOverride->SetOrientationModeL( aOrientation ));
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::SetOrientationModeL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CamerasAvailable <<static>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  return CCamera::CamerasAvailable();
-  // Temporary
-  return 2;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CameraHandle
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  if( iCamera )
-    return iCamera->Handle();
-  else
-    return KNullHandle;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CameraInfo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TCameraInfo&
-CCamCameraController::CameraInfo() const
-  {
-  return iCameraInfo;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ControllerInfo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TCamControllerInfo&
-CCamCameraController::ControllerInfo() const
-  {
-  return iInfo;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::State() const
-  {
-  return iInfo.iState;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ViewfinderMode()  const
-  {
-  return iInfo.iVfMode;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ViewfinderState() const
-  {
-  return iInfo.iVfState;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::SnapshotState() const
-  {
-  return iInfo.iSsState;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::FlashState() const
-  {
-  TCamCameraReadyState state = ECamUnknown;
-  if( iAdvancedSettings )
-    {
-    TBool ready       = EFalse;
-    TInt  queryStatus = iAdvancedSettings->IsFlashReady( ready );
-    if( KErrNone == queryStatus )
-      {
-      state = ready ? ECamReady : ECamNotReady;
-      }
-    }
-  return state;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// GetCameraSettingValueL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::GetCameraSettingValueL( const TCamCameraSettingId& aSettingId,
-                          TAny* aSettingData )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::GetCameraSettingValueL") );
-  CheckNonNullL( aSettingData, KErrArgument );
-  switch( aSettingId )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFlash:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingFlash:
-      {
-      CCamera::TFlash* flash = static_cast<CCamera::TFlash*>( aSettingData );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        *flash = iCaeEngine->FlashMode();
-      else
-        {
-        *flash = iCamera->Flash();
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingExposure:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingExposure:
-      {
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataExposure>* exposure =
-          static_cast<TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataExposure>*>( aSettingData );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        (*exposure)().iExposureMode = iCaeEngine->ExposureMode();
-      else
-        {
-        (*exposure)().iExposureMode = iAdvancedSettings->ExposureMode();
-        (*exposure)().iExposureStep = iAdvancedSettings->ExposureCompensationStep();
-  #else
-        (*exposure)().iExposureMode = iCamera->Exposure();
-  #endif
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingLightSensitivity:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingLightSensitivity:
-      {
-      TInt* iso = static_cast<TInt*>( aSettingData );
-      *iso = iAdvancedSettings->IsoRate();
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingContAF:
-      {
-      TInt* contAF = static_cast<TInt*>( aSettingData );
-      *contAF = iAdvancedSettings->AutoFocusType() &  //bitwise
-                CAS::EAutoFocusTypeContinuous;
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingWhiteBalance:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingWhiteBalance:
-      {
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataWhiteBalance>* wb =
-          static_cast<TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataWhiteBalance>*>( aSettingData );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        (*wb)().iWhiteBalanceMode = iCaeEngine->WhiteBalanceMode();
-      else
-        {
-        (*wb)().iWhiteBalanceMode = iCamera->WhiteBalance();
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingColourEffect:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingColourEffect:
-      {
-      CheckNonNullL( iImageProcessor, KErrNotSupported );
-      CIP::TEffect* effect = static_cast<CIP::TEffect*>( aSettingData );
-      *effect =
-        (CIP::TEffect)
-          iImageProcessor->TransformationValue( KUidECamEventImageProcessingEffect );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingSharpness:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingSharpness:
-      {
-      CheckNonNullL( iImageProcessor, KErrNotSupported );
-      TInt* sharpness = static_cast<TInt*>( aSettingData );
-      *sharpness = iImageProcessor->TransformationValue( KUidECamEventImageProcessingAdjustSharpness );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingDigitalZoom:
-      {
-      TInt* zoom = static_cast<TInt*>( aSettingData );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        *zoom = iCaeEngine->ZoomValue();
-      else
-        {
-        // Zoom step despite the misleading method name.
-        *zoom = iCamera->ZoomFactor();
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingOpticalZoom:
-      {
-      TInt* zoom = static_cast<TInt*>( aSettingData );
-      *zoom = iAdvancedSettings->OpticalZoom();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFileMaxSize:
-      {
-      if( iCaeEngine )
-        {
-        TInt* bytes = static_cast<TInt*>( aSettingData );
-        *bytes = iCaeEngine->VideoClipMaxSize();
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFileName:
-      {
-      User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingAudioMute:
-      {
-      if( iCaeEngine )
-        {
-        TBool* mute = static_cast<TBool*>( aSettingData );
-        *mute = iCaeEngine->VideoAudio();
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFacetracking:
-      {
-      if( iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking )
-        {
-        TBool* ftOn = static_cast<TBool*>( aSettingData );
-        *ftOn = iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking->FaceTrackingOn();
-        PRINT1( _L("Camera <> facetracking setting: %d"), *ftOn )
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingBrightness:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingBrightness:
-      {
-      CCamera::TBrightness* brightness =
-          static_cast<CCamera::TBrightness*>( aSettingData );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        *brightness = (CCamera::TBrightness)iCaeEngine->Brightness();
-      else
-        *brightness = (CCamera::TBrightness)iCamera->Brightness();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingContrast:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingContrast:
-      {
-      CCamera::TContrast* contrast =
-          static_cast<CCamera::TContrast*>( aSettingData );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        *contrast = (CCamera::TContrast)iCaeEngine->Contrast();
-      else
-        *contrast = (CCamera::TContrast)iCamera->Contrast();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingStabilization:
-      {
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataStabilization>* pckg =
-          static_cast<TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataStabilization>*>( aSettingData );
-      TCamSettingDataStabilization& stabilization = (*pckg)();
-      stabilization.iMode       = iAdvancedSettings->StabilizationMode();
-      stabilization.iEffect     = iAdvancedSettings->StabilizationEffect();
-      stabilization.iComplexity = iAdvancedSettings->StabilizationComplexity();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Image orientation
-    case ECameraSettingOrientation:
-      {
-      CheckNonNullL( iCustomInterfaceOrientation, KErrNotSupported );
-      MCameraOrientation::TOrientation* orientation =
-          static_cast<MCameraOrientation::TOrientation*>( aSettingData );
-      *orientation = iCustomInterfaceOrientation->Orientation();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFocusRange:
-    default:
-      {
-      PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Not supported, LEAVE!") );
-      User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    }
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessNextRequestL
-// Called from iActive::RunL.
-// If the request made to CCamera has a callback, more calls from iActive
-// will not be requested here, but in those callbacks.
-// Leave here will cause iActive to call EndSequence with the error code.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessNextRequestL") );
-  TInt readyForNextStep( EFalse );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  if( ECamModeChangeInactive != iModeChange )
-    {
-    readyForNextStep = ProceedModeSwitch();
-    }
-  else
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySetting ) )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Settings ongoing") );
-    iSettingIndex++;
-    if( iSettingIndex < iSettingArray.Count() )
-      {
-      const TCamCameraSettingId& setting( iSettingArray[iSettingIndex] );
-      readyForNextStep = ProcessSettingL( setting );
-      // No notification sent at the moment per setting.
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      EndSequence( KErrNone );
-      }
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySequence ) )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Sequence ongoing") );
-    iSequenceIndex++;
-    if( iSequenceIndex < iSequenceArray.Count() )
-      {
-      const TCamCameraRequestId& requestId( iSequenceArray[iSequenceIndex] );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> process request..") );
-      // If this request will be responded through MCameraObserver(2) callback,
-      // iActive will be requested a new callback there and also
-      // the notification to our observers will be sent there.
-      // Otherwise we do both of those right away.
-      readyForNextStep = ProcessOneRequestL( requestId );
-      if( readyForNextStep )
-        {
-        if( ECamRequestVideoStop == requestId
-         || ECamRequestImageCancel == requestId )
-          {
-          // For video stop request, callback has already happened and notification
-          // has been given. No need to do anything here.
-          PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::RequestL .. Skipping commmon notification, is done already.") );
-          }
-        else
-          {
-          TCamCameraEventId event( Request2Event( requestId ) );
-          NotifyObservers( KErrNone, event, EventClass( event ) );
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Sequence end detected") );
-      EndSequence( KErrNone );
-      }
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Nothing active!! PANIC") );
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessNextRequestL, more calls now:%d"), readyForNextStep );
-  return readyForNextStep;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessSettingL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ProcessSettingL( const TCamCameraSettingId& aSettingId )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessSettingL [%s]"),
-          KCameraSettingNames[aSettingId] );
-  TInt callback( EFalse );
-  switch( aSettingId )
-    {
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingCaptureLimit:
-      {
-      ProcessCaptureLimitSettingL();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFlash:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingFlash:
-      {
-      if ( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-        {
-        CCamera::TFlash flash( CCamera::EFlashNone );
-        TCamFlashId currentFlashSetting( ECamFlashOff );
-        // Video light setting has values ECamFlashOff/ECamFlashForced
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId,
-                                                &currentFlashSetting );
-        PRINT2( _L("Camera => Video Flash now = %d, new = %d"),
-                                       iCamera->Flash(), currentFlashSetting );
-        // Camera uses values EFlashNone/EFlashVideoLight
-        flash = (currentFlashSetting == ECamFlashOff)?
-                CCamera::EFlashNone:CCamera::EFlashVideoLight;
-        PRINT1( _L("Camera => iCamera->SetFlashL( %d )"), flash );
-        iCamera->SetFlashL( flash );
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        // Still image flash
-        CCamera::TFlash flash( CCamera::EFlashAuto );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &flash );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-            {
-            iCaeEngine->SetFlashModeL( flash );
-            }
-      else
-        {
-        if( iCamera->Flash() != flash )
-          {
-          iCamera->SetFlashL( flash );
-          callback = ETrue;
-          }
-        }
-         }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingExposure:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingExposure:
-      {
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataExposure> params;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &params );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        iCaeEngine->SetExposureModeL( params().iExposureMode );
-      else
-        {
-      PRINT( _L("Calling iAdvancedSettings->SetExposureMode..") );
-      const CCamera::TExposure& mode = params().iExposureMode;
-      // Zero value is default and always supported
-      // (CCamera::EExposureAuto)
-      if( mode == CCamera::EExposureAuto || mode & iAdvancedSettingInfo.iEvModesSupport )
-        {
-        iAdvancedSettings->SetExposureMode( mode );
-        // iCamera->SetExposureL( mode );
-        TInt step = ResolveEvStep( params().iExposureStep );
-        // Value needs to be multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
-        // Setting provider does this for us.
-        PRINT( _L("Calling iAdvancedSettings->SetExposureCompensationStep..") );
-        iAdvancedSettings->SetExposureCompensationStep( step );
-        callback = ETrue;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-        }
-      iCamera->SetExposureL( params().iExposureMode );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingLightSensitivity:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingLightSensitivity:
-      {
-      TInt iso( 0 );
-      RArray<TInt> ISOarray;
-      CleanupClosePushL( ISOarray );
-      iAdvancedSettings->GetSupportedIsoRatesL( ISOarray );
-      iSettingProvider.SetSupportedISORatesL( ISOarray );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &iso );
-      callback = ETrue;
-      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ISOarray );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Setting ISO rate to: %d"), iso );
-      if( !iso )
-        {
-        // ISO Auto
-        iAdvancedSettings->SetISORateL(
-                CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::EISOAutoUnPrioritised, iso );
-        }
-      else if( IsSupportedValue( iso,
-                                 iAdvancedSettingInfo.iIsoRatesSupport,
-                                 EDiscreteSteps ) )
-        {
-        // Selected ISO rate
-        iAdvancedSettings->SetISORateL(
-                CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::EISOManual, iso );
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingWhiteBalance:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingWhiteBalance:
-      {
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataWhiteBalance> params;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &params );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        iCaeEngine->SetWhiteBalanceModeL( params().iWhiteBalanceMode );
-      else
-        {
-        iCamera->SetWhiteBalanceL( params().iWhiteBalanceMode );
-        callback = ETrue;
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingColourEffect:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingColourEffect:
-      {
-      CheckNonNullL( iImageProcessor, KErrNotSupported );
-      CIP::TEffect effect( CIP::EEffectNone );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &effect );
-      if( IsSupportedValue( effect,
-                            iAdvancedSettingInfo.iColourEffectSupport,
-                            iAdvancedSettingInfo.iColourEffectValueInfo ) )
-        {
-        iImageProcessor->SetTransformationValue( KUidECamEventImageProcessingEffect, effect );
-        callback = ETrue;
-        }
-      else
-        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingSharpness:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingSharpness:
-      {
-      CheckNonNullL( iImageProcessor, KErrNotSupported );
-      TInt sharpness( 0 );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &sharpness );
-      if( IsSupportedValue( sharpness,
-                            iAdvancedSettingInfo.iSharpnessSupport,
-                            iAdvancedSettingInfo.iSharpnessValueInfo ) )
-        {
-        iImageProcessor->SetTransformationValue( KUidECamEventImageProcessingAdjustSharpness, sharpness );
-        callback = ETrue;
-        }
-      else
-        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingBrightness:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingBrightness:
-      {
-      CCamera::TBrightness brightness( CCamera::EBrightnessAuto );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &brightness );
-      iCamera->SetBrightnessL( brightness );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingContrast:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingContrast:
-      {
-      CCamera::TContrast contrast( CCamera::EContrastAuto );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &contrast );
-      iCamera->SetContrastL( contrast );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingDigitalZoom:
-      {
-      TInt zoom( 0 );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &zoom );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Setting digital zoom step to: %d"), zoom );
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        iCaeEngine->SetZoomValueL( zoom );
-      else
-        {
-        if( iAdvancedSettingInfo.iDigitalZoomSupport.Count() > zoom )
-            iAdvancedSettings->SetDigitalZoom( iAdvancedSettingInfo.iDigitalZoomSupport[zoom] );
-          else
-            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-        callback = ETrue;
-        // Note: Even if the method is misleadingly named
-        //       CCamera::SetDigitalZoomFactorL, the values are
-        //       zoom steps, not zoom factors.
-        iCamera->SetDigitalZoomFactorL( zoom );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingOpticalZoom:
-      {
-      TInt zoom( 0 );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &zoom );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Setting optical zoom to: %d"), zoom );
-      iAdvancedSettings->SetOpticalZoom( zoom );
-      callback = ETrue;
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingStabilization:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::ProcessSettingL ECameraSettingStabilization") );
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataStabilization> stabilization;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &stabilization );
-      // Check that the values are supported..
-      TBool modeOk    = ( CAS::EStabilizationModeOff == stabilization().iMode
-                       || iAdvancedSettingInfo.iStabilizationModeSupport & stabilization().iMode );
-      TBool effectOk  = ( CAS::EStabilizationOff     == stabilization().iEffect
-                       || iAdvancedSettingInfo.iStabilizationEffectSupport & stabilization().iEffect );
-      TBool complexOk = ( CAS::EStabilizationComplexityAuto == stabilization().iComplexity
-                       || iAdvancedSettingInfo.iStabilizationComplexitySupport & stabilization().iComplexity );
-      if( modeOk && effectOk && complexOk )
-        {
-        PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::ProcessSettingL set stabilization mode=%d"), stabilization().iMode );
-        iAdvancedSettings->SetStabilizationMode      ( stabilization().iMode       );
-        iAdvancedSettings->SetStabilizationEffect    ( stabilization().iEffect     );
-        iAdvancedSettings->SetStabilizationComplexity( stabilization().iComplexity );
-        // Events:
-        //   KUidECamEventCameraSettingStabilizationMode
-        //   KUidECamEventCameraSettingsStabilizationEffect
-        //   KUidECamEventSettingsStabilizationAlgorithmComplexity
-        // We use the latest one to determine when we can continue.
-        // Do not change above order unless CCamSettingConversion::Map2EventUidValue
-        // is edited..
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-        }
-      callback = ETrue;
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingContAF:
-      {
-      CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
-      if ( appUi->AppController().UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsContinuosAutofocusSupported() )
-         {
-         TBool isContAFon( iAdvancedSettings->AutoFocusType() &
-                           CAS::EAutoFocusTypeContinuous );
-         if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-            {
-            TBool contAF( ETrue );
-            iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &contAF );
-            if( contAF != isContAFon )
-              {
-              CAS::TAutoFocusType type = contAF? CAS::EAutoFocusTypeContinuous:
-                                                 CAS::EAutoFocusTypeOff;
-              iAdvancedSettings->SetAutoFocusType( type );
-			  }
-            }
-         else
-			{
-			// Do nothing
-			}
-		 }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFileMaxSize:
-      {
-      if( iCaeEngine )
-        {
-        TInt bytes( 0 );
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &bytes );
-        if( iCaeEngine->VideoClipMaxSize() != bytes )
-          {
-          iCaeEngine->SetVideoClipMaxSizeL( bytes );
-          callback = IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn );
-          }
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        //
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Video file size too early, NOT SET!!") );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFileName:
-      {
-      if( iCaeEngine )
-        {
-        PRINT ( _L("Camera <> processing filename setting") );
-        HBufC* filename = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
-        TPtr   ptr      = filename->Des();
-        PRINT ( _L("Camera <> get filename from setting provider..") );
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &ptr );
-        PRINT1( _L("Camera <> set filename [%S]"), filename );
-        iCaeEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( ptr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filename );
-        // If video has been prepared, MCaeoVideoPrepareComplete will be repeated,
-        // and needs to be waited.
-        callback = IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn );
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Video name too early, NOT SET!!") );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingAudioMute:
-      {
-      if( iCaeEngine )
-        {
-         TBool isAudioOn( EFalse );
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &isAudioOn );
-        TBool audioOn( iCaeEngine->VideoAudio() );
-        // If we need to mute audio and audio is on
-        // or we need to enable audio and audio is off
-        if( isAudioOn != audioOn )
-          {
-          iCaeEngine->SetVideoAudioL( isAudioOn );
-          callback = IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn );
-          }
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Video mute too early, NOT SET!!") );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFacetracking:
-      {
-      if( iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking )
-        {
-        SetFaceTrackingL();
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Facetracking too early, NOT SET!!") );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    // Image orientation
-    case ECameraSettingOrientation:
-      {
-      CheckNonNullL( iCustomInterfaceOrientation, KErrNotSupported );
-      MCameraOrientation::TOrientation
-        orientation( MCameraOrientation::EOrientation0 );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &orientation );
-      if ( iInfo.iCurrentCamera != KPrimaryCameraIndex &&
-           orientation == MCameraOrientation::EOrientation90 )
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Rotate portrait secondary camera image 270 degrees") );
-        orientation = MCameraOrientation::EOrientation270;
-        }
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> setting camera orientation to [0x%02x]"), orientation );
-      iCustomInterfaceOrientation->SetOrientationL( orientation );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECameraSettingFocusRange:
-    default:
-      {
-      PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Not supported, LEAVE!") );
-      User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -------------------------------
-    }
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessSettingL, continue now:%d"), !callback );
-  return !callback;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::ProcessOneRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessOneRequestL") );
-  PRINT2( _L("Camera <> processing request [%s] id:%d "),
-          KCamRequestNames[aRequestId],
-          aRequestId );
-  TInt readyForNext( ETrue );
-  // Order from most time critical / frequent
-  // to less time critical / seldom.
-  // Handled in submethods to preserve readability.
-  // -----------------------------------------------------
-  switch( aRequestId )
-    {
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestReserve:
-    case ECamRequestPowerOn:
-      readyForNext = ProcessControlStartupRequestL( aRequestId );
-      break;
-    case ECamRequestPowerOff:
-    case ECamRequestRelease:
-      readyForNext = ProcessControlShutdownRequest( aRequestId );
-      break;
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVfStart:
-    case ECamRequestVfStop:
-    case ECamRequestVfRelease:
-      readyForNext = ProcessVfRequestL( aRequestId );
-      break;
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestSsStart:
-    case ECamRequestSsStop:
-    case ECamRequestSsRelease:
-      readyForNext = ProcessSnapshotRequestL( aRequestId );
-      break;
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestImageInit:
-    case ECamRequestImageCapture:
-      readyForNext = ProcessImageRequestL( aRequestId );
-      break;
-    case ECamRequestImageCancel:
-    case ECamRequestImageRelease:
-      readyForNext = ProcessImageShutdownRequest( aRequestId );
-      break;
-    // -------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVideoInit:
-    case ECamRequestVideoStart:
-    case ECamRequestVideoPause:
-    case ECamRequestVideoStop:
-    case ECamRequestVideoRelease:
-    case ECamRequestSetAsyncVideoStopMode:
-      readyForNext = ProcessVideoRequestL( aRequestId );
-      break;
-    // -------------------------------
-    default:
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnknownRequest );
-      break;
-    // -------------------------------
-    }
-  // -----------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessOneRequestL") );
-  return readyForNext;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessControlStartupRequestL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::ProcessControlStartupRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessControlStartupRequestL [%s]"),
-          KCamRequestNames[aRequestId] );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Reserve
-  if( ECamRequestReserve == aRequestId )
-    {
-    CheckFlagOffL( iInfo.iState, ECamReserved, KErrInUse );
-    // tell CAPI the usecase (still or video), not fatal if fails
-    TRAPD( err, HintUseCaseL() );
-    if( err ) 
-      {
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::ProcessControlStartupRequestL HintUseCaseL failed:%d"), err)
-      }
-    iCamera->Reserve();
-    // If UIOrientationOverrideAPI is used, ui construction is completed while
-    // waiting for Reserve to complete, event sent here to continue ui construction
-    CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
-    if ( appUi->AppController().UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsUIOrientationOverrideSupported() )
-      {
-      NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                       ECamCameraEventReserveRequested,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-      }
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Power on
-  else if( ECamRequestPowerOn == aRequestId )
-    {
-    CheckFlagOnL ( iInfo.iState, ECamReserved, KErrNotReady );
-    CheckFlagOffL( iInfo.iState, ECamPowerOn,  KErrInUse    );
-    iCamera->PowerOn();
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Unknown
-  else
-    {
-    Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  iReleasedByUi = EFalse;
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessControlStartupRequestL") );
-  // Callback needs to be received before we can continue.
-  return EFalse;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessControlShutdownRequest
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::ProcessControlShutdownRequest( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessControlShutdownRequest") );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Power off
-  if( ECamRequestPowerOff == aRequestId )
-    {
-    if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamPowerOn ) )
-      {
-      // -------------------------------
-      // Release image or video capture
-      if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamImageOn ) )
-        {
-        // Leaves only if state is wrong (already checked here).
-        ProcessImageShutdownRequest( ECamRequestImageRelease );
-        NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                         ECamCameraEventImageRelease,
-                         ECamCameraEventClassImage );
-        }
-      else if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-        {
-        TRAP_IGNORE( ProcessVideoRequestL( ECamRequestVideoRelease ) );
-        NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                         ECamCameraEventVideoRelease,
-                         ECamCameraEventClassVideo );
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      // If viewfinder is not released yet, release it now.
-      if( ECamTriIdle != iInfo.iVfState )
-        {
-        ProcessVfRelaseRequest();
-        NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                         ECamCameraEventVfRelease,
-                         ECamCameraEventClassVfControl );
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      // If snapshot is not released yet, release it now.
-      if( ECamTriIdle != iInfo.iSsState )
-        {
-        ProcessSsReleaseRequest();
-        NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                         ECamCameraEventSsRelease,
-                         ECamCameraEventClassSsControl );
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      // Do the actual powering off.
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        {
-        iCaeEngine->PowerOff();
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        iCamera->PowerOff();
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      }
-    ClearFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamPowerOn );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Release
-  else if( ECamRequestRelease == aRequestId )
-    {
-    if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamReserved ) )
-      {
-      // If power off not called yet, do it now.
-      if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamPowerOn ) )
-        {
-        ProcessControlShutdownRequest( ECamRequestPowerOff );
-        // Separate notification needed here, because operation done
-        // as part of handling other request.
-        NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                         ECamCameraEventPowerOff,
-                         ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-        }
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        {
-        iCaeEngine->Release();
-        iCaeInUse = EFalse;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        iCamera->Release();
-        iReleasedByUi = ETrue;
-        if( iIveRecoveryCount > 0 )
-            {
-            HandleReserveLostEvent( KErrNone );
-            }
-        }
-      }
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> released, reset info") );
-    // Reset our info, but preserve busy flag and camera index.
-    // Sets iInfo.iState to ECamIdle.
-    iInfo.Reset( ETrue, ETrue );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Unknown
-  else
-    {
-    Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessControlShutdownRequest") );
-  // No callback needs to be waited.
-  return ETrue;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessViewfinderRequestL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::ProcessVfRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  CheckFlagOnL( iInfo.iState, ECamPowerOn, KErrNotReady );
-  switch( aRequestId )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVfStart:
-      {
-      CAMERAAPP_PERF_CONTROLLER_STARTNEW( ECamRequestVfStart, iFirstVfFrameReceived );
-      ProcessVfStartRequestL();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVfStop:
-      {
-      ProcessVfStopRequestL();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVfRelease:
-      {
-      ProcessVfRelaseRequest();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      {
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  // No callback to be waited
-  return ETrue;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// InitViewfinderL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::InitViewfinderL( const TCamViewfinderMode& aMode )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::InitViewfinderL") );
-  // Check the old viewfinder is released now.
-  // No further checks made here.
-  __ASSERT_DEBUG( ECamTriIdle == iInfo.iVfState, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-  // Then init the new mode
-  switch( aMode )
-    {
-    // ---------------------------------
-    case ECamViewfinderDirect:
-      {
-      // Don't proceed if not supported by camera.
-      CheckFlagOnL( iCameraInfo.iOptionsSupported,
-                    TCameraInfo::EViewFinderDirectSupported,
-                    KErrNotSupported );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Creating CCameraDirectViewFinder instance") );
-      if( iDirectViewfinder )
-        {
-        	delete iDirectViewfinder;
-        	iDirectViewfinder=NULL;
-        }
-      iDirectViewfinder = CCamera::CCameraDirectViewFinder::NewL( *iCamera );
-  #else
-      // not implemented
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnsupported );
-  #endif
-      iInfo.iVfState  = ECamTriInactive;
-      iInfo.iVfMode   = ECamViewfinderDirect;
-      break;
-      }
-    // ---------------------------------
-    case ECamViewfinderBitmap:
-      {
-      // Don't proceed if not supported by camera.
-      CheckFlagOnL( iCameraInfo.iOptionsSupported,
-                    TCameraInfo::EViewFinderBitmapsSupported,
-                    KErrNotSupported );
-      iInfo.iVfState  = ECamTriInactive;
-      iInfo.iVfMode   = ECamViewfinderBitmap;
-      break;
-      }
-    // ---------------------------------
-    case ECamViewfinderNone:
-      // Mode is "none", so no init needed.
-      break;
-    // ---------------------------------
-    default:
-      // Unknown mode
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnsupported );
-      break;
-    // ---------------------------------
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::InitViewfinderL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessVfStartRequestL") );
-#ifdef __WINSCW__
-  const TCamViewfinderMode KTargetMode( ECamViewfinderBitmap );
-  TPckgBuf<TCamViewfinderMode> mode;
-  iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamVfMode, &mode );
-  // If the viewfinder mode needs to be changed,
-  // first stop and release resources related to the old viewfinder type.
-  const TCamViewfinderMode KTargetMode( mode() );
-  if( ECamViewfinderNone != iInfo.iVfMode
-   && KTargetMode        != iInfo.iVfMode )
-    {
-    ProcessVfRelaseRequest();
-    }
-  // Check that application is still in foreground, if not, then vf not started.
-  CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
-  if ( appUi && appUi->AppInBackground( ETrue ) )
-    {
-    // Notify appUi that we did not start viewfinder although asked to do so.
-    appUi->SetViewFinderStoppedStatus( iInfo.iVfState != ECamTriActive );
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    switch( iInfo.iVfState )
-      {
-      // -----------------------------------------------------
-      case ECamTriIdle:
-       PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamTriIdle") );
-        InitViewfinderL( KTargetMode );
-        // << fall through >>
-      case ECamTriInactive:
-        {
-        // -------------------------------
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamTriInactive") );
-        if( ECamViewfinderDirect == iInfo.iVfMode )
-          {
-          switch( iDirectViewfinder->ViewFinderState() )
-            {
-            case CCamera::CCameraDirectViewFinder::EViewFinderInActive:
-              {
-              if ( !iViewfinderWindow )
-                  {
-                  PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::iViewfinderWindow is NULL - cannot start VF!") );
-                  User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
-                  }
-              // Use the same viewfinder position and size as for bitmap viewfinder
-              TPckgBuf<TCamParamsVfBitmap> params;
-              iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamVfBitmap, &params );
-              CEikonEnv* env = CEikonEnv::Static();
-              iCamera->StartViewFinderDirectL(
-                  env->WsSession(),
-                  *env->ScreenDevice(),
-                  *iViewfinderWindow,
-                  params().iRect );
-              if ( appUi && ECamActiveCameraSecondary == appUi->ActiveCamera() )
-                  {
-                  iCamera->SetViewFinderMirrorL(ETrue);
-                  }
-              // VF started succesfully, reset recovery counter
-              delete iIdle;
-              iIdle = NULL;
-              iIveRecoveryCount = KIveRecoveryCountMax;
-              break;
-              }
-            case CCamera::CCameraDirectViewFinder::EViewFinderPause:
-              {
-              iDirectViewfinder->ResumeViewFinderDirectL();
-              break;
-              }
-            case CCamera::CCameraDirectViewFinder::EViewFinderActive:
-              {
-              // Already running. Not considered as error.
-              break;
-              }
-            default:
-              {
-              Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnsupported );
-              break;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          {
-          // No controller support for direct vf.
-          Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnsupported );
-          }
-        // -------------------------------
-        else
-          {
-          PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get bitmap vf details..") );
-          TPckgBuf<TCamParamsVfBitmap> params;
-          iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamVfBitmap, &params );
-          iInfo.iViewfinderFormat = params().iFormat;
-          iInfo.iViewfinderSize   = params().iRect.Size();
-          if( iCaeInUse )
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> Call CCaeEngine::StartViewFinderBitmapsL..") );
-            iCaeEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iInfo.iViewfinderSize );
-            }
-          else
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> Call CCamera::StartViewFinderBitmapsL..") );
-            iCamera->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iInfo.iViewfinderSize );
-  		  if ( params().iMirrorImage )
-  		  	{
-  		   	iCamera->SetViewFinderMirrorL( params().iMirrorImage );
-  		   	}
-            }
-          }
-        // -------------------------------
-        iInfo.iVfState = ECamTriActive;
-        //view finder started now(set stop status as false)
-        if ( appUi )
-            {
-            appUi->SetViewFinderStoppedStatus( EFalse );
-            }
-        break;
-        }
-      // -----------------------------------------------------
-      case ECamTriActive:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamTriActive") );
-        // Viewfinder started *and* the right mode
-        // no action needed.
-        break;
-        }
-      // -----------------------------------------------------
-      default:
-        Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-        break;
-      // -----------------------------------------------------
-      }
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessVfStartRequestL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessVfStopRequestL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessVfStopRequestL") );
-  switch( iInfo.iVfState )
-    {
-    case ECamTriActive:
-      {
-      ProcessVfStopEcamRequest();
-      iInfo.iVfState = ECamTriInactive;
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECamTriIdle:
-      {
-      // Viewfinder not initialized.
-      // Let this pass as our "start viewfinder" handles all states.
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECamTriInactive:
-      {
-      // Already stopped. No action needed.
-      break;
-      }
-    default:
-      {
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-      }
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessVfStopRequestL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessVfStopEcamRequest
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessVfStopEcamRequest") );
-  if( ECamViewfinderDirect == iInfo.iVfMode )
-    {
-    if ( iCamera )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> VF stop by CCamera") );
-      iCamera->StopViewFinder();
-      }
-    Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnsupported );
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    if( iCaeInUse && iCaeEngine )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> stop by CAE") );
-      iCaeEngine->StopViewFinder();
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      if ( iCamera )
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> stop by CCamera") );
-        iCamera->StopViewFinder();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessVfStopEcamRequest") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  switch( iInfo.iVfState )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamTriActive:
-      {
-      // Do the stopping first and continue then with release.
-      // Leaves only if iVfState is ECamVfIdle, which is not the case here.
-      TRAP_IGNORE( ProcessVfStopRequestL() );
-      // Need to notify here, because done as a part of other request.
-      NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                       ECamCameraEventVfStop,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassVfControl );
-      // << fall through >>
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamTriInactive:
-      {
-      if( ECamViewfinderDirect == iInfo.iVfMode )
-        {
-        delete iDirectViewfinder;
-        iDirectViewfinder = NULL;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        // No further actions needed for bitmap viewfinding.
-        }
-      // These may very well remain as they are.
-      // Atleast for the format there is no "zero" value available.
-      //    iInfo.iViewfinderSize
-      //    iInfo.iViewfinderFormat
-      iInfo.iVfState          = ECamTriIdle;
-      iInfo.iVfMode           = ECamViewfinderNone;
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamTriIdle:
-      // Already released.
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessImageRequestL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::ProcessImageRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessImageRequestL") );
-  CheckFlagOnL( iInfo.iState, ECamPowerOn, KErrNotReady );
-  TInt callback( ETrue );
-  switch( aRequestId )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestImageInit:
-      {
-      // When camera engine still capture don't Init a new capture
-      if ( ECamCaptureOn == iInfo.iCaptureState )
-      	{
-      	return EFalse;
-      	}
-      if( iCaeInUse )
-        {
-        iModeChange       = ECamModeChangeVideo2Image;
-        iModeChangePhase  = ECamModeChangePhaseIdle;   // incremented before first step
-        iModeChangeStatus = KErrNone;
-        iActive->IssueRequest();
-        }
-      else
-  #else
-      if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-        {
-        // Release any video recording resources
-        iCaeEngine->CloseVideoRecording();
-        ClearFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn );
-        }
-  #endif // CAMERAAPP_CAE_FIX
-        {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Checking that image capture not ongoing..") );
-      CheckEqualsL( iInfo.iCaptureState, ECamCaptureOff, KErrInUse    );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Checking that image capture supported..") );
-      CheckFlagOnL( iCameraInfo.iOptionsSupported,
-                    TCameraInfo::EImageCaptureSupported,
-                    KErrNotSupported );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Ask image parameters..") );
-      TPckgBuf<TCamParamsImage> params;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamImage, &params );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Enumerating capture sizes..") );
-      // Query the supported resolutions for the selected format.
-      // GetResolutionIndexL may change the format to some alternative,
-      // if we are able to convert the incoming image later to the
-      // format requested by client.
-      CCamera::TFormat format( params().iFormat );
-      TInt index = GetResolutionIndexL( format, params().iSize );
-      User::LeaveIfError( index );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Call CCamera::PrepareImageCaptureL..") );
-      PRINT2( _L("Camera <> Image size: (%d, %d)"),
-                  params().iSize.iWidth,
-                  params().iSize.iHeight );
-      iCamera->PrepareImageCaptureL( format, index );
-      iCamera->SetJpegQuality( params().iQualityFactor );
-      SetFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamImageOn );
-      // Set current autofocus range to invalid value to force focusing
-      iInfo.iCurrentFocusRange = static_cast<CAS::TFocusRange>( -1 );
-      GetAdvancedSettingsInfoL();
-      iInfo.iCaptureCount  = 0;
-      iInfo.iSnapshotCount = 0;
-      callback = EFalse; // No callback to wait for.
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestImageCapture:
-      {
-      CheckFlagOnL( iInfo.iState,        ECamImageOn,    KErrNotReady );
-      CheckEqualsL( iInfo.iCaptureState, ECamCaptureOff, KErrInUse    );
-      // New capture starts, reset capture and snapshot counters.
-      iInfo.iCaptureCount  = 0;
-      iInfo.iSnapshotCount = 0;
-      iInfo.iCaptureState  = ECamCaptureOn;
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. About to start capture, total shared buffers in use: %d"), CCamBufferShare::TotalBufferShareCount() );
-      iCamera->CaptureImage();
-      // When image data is received from CCamera,
-      // an event is generated for that. We need to notify
-      // here as other places check if the request has associated
-      // callback, and send no notification yet if callback exist.
-      NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                       ECamCameraEventImageStart,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassImage );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      {
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessImageRequestL, continue now:%d"), !callback );
-  return !callback;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessImageShutdownRequest
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::ProcessImageShutdownRequest( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessImageShutdownRequest") );
-  switch( aRequestId )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestImageCancel:
-      {
-      if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamImageOn )
-//      && ECamCaptureOn == iInfo.iCaptureState
-        )
-        {
-        const TCamCameraCaptureState previousState( iInfo.iCaptureState );
-        if( iEncoder )
-          {
-          iEncoder->Cancel();
-          delete iEncoder;
-          iEncoder = NULL;
-          }
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Calling iCamera->CancelCaptureImage()") );
-        iCamera->CancelCaptureImage();
-        iInfo.iCaptureState = ECamCaptureOff;
-        // Notify if we actually stopped the capturing here.
-        if( ECamCaptureOn == previousState )
-          {
-          // Capturing image was stopped here.
-          // If single request was ongoing, it must be "capture image".
-          ClearFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySingle );
-          TInt fullCaptures( Min( iInfo.iCaptureCount, iInfo.iSnapshotCount ) );
-          NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                           ECamCameraEventImageStop,
-                           ECamCameraEventClassImage,
-                           &fullCaptures );
-          }
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestImageRelease:
-      {
-      // Cancel any pending capture.
-      ProcessImageShutdownRequest( ECamRequestImageCancel );
-      // Nothing else really needed for image, just set flags.
-      ClearFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamImageOn );
-      iInfo.iCaptureCount  = 0;
-      iInfo.iSnapshotCount = 0;
-      iInfo.iCaptureState  = ECamCaptureOff;
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      {
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessImageShutdownRequest") );
-  return ETrue; // can continue sequence, if needed
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessVideoRequestL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::ProcessVideoRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessVideoRequestL") );
-  CheckFlagOnL( iInfo.iState, ECamPowerOn, KErrNotReady );
-  TInt callback( ETrue );
-  switch( aRequestId )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVideoInit:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamRequestVideoInit") );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> old CAE") );
-      // First init for video after image mode or startup
-      if( !IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-        {
-        iModeChange       = ECamModeChangeImage2Video;
-        iModeChangePhase  = ECamModeChangePhaseIdle; // incremented before first step
-        iModeChangeStatus = KErrNone;
-        iActive->IssueRequest();
-        }
-      // Just repeat prepare
-      else
-  #else
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> new CAE, CCameraHandle + SetCameraReserved supported") );
-      if( !IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCaeEngine::EnableVideoRecording..") );
-        iCaeEngine->EnableVideoRecording();
-        }
-  #endif
-        {
-       if ( iAppController.VideoInitNeeded() )
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCaeEngine::InitVideoRecorderL..") );
-            iCaeEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
-            }
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Ask filename..") );
-        HBufC* filename( HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName ) );
-        TPtr   ptr     ( filename->Des()              );
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( ECameraSettingFileName, &ptr );
-        // _LIT( KTempFilename, "C:\\video.3gp" );
-        // TPtrC ptr;
-        // ptr.Set( KTempFilename() );
-        PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Set filename [%S]"), &ptr );
-        iCaeEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( ptr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filename );
-        // Set max video clip size
-        ProcessSettingL( ECameraSettingFileMaxSize );
-        TPckgBuf<TCamParamsVideoCae> params;
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Getting params from setting provider..") );
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamVideoCae, &params );
-        // The audioOn value is defined On==0 and Off==1, but the engine expects
-        // ETrue if audio recording is On
-        params().iAudioOn = ( ECamSettOn == params().iAudioOn )
-        											? ETrue
-        											: EFalse;
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Calling PrepareVideoRecordingL..") );
-        PRINT2( _L("Camera <> FrameSize: (%d x %d)"), params().iFrameSize.iWidth, params().iFrameSize.iHeight );
-        if ( iAppController.VideoInitNeeded() )
-            {
-            // McaeoVideoPrepareComplete will be called when prepare is ready.
-            // The callback is allowed to come also *during* this call.
-            iCaeEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( params().iFrameSize,
-                    params().iFrameRate,
-                    params().iVideoBitRate,
-                    params().iAudioOn,
-                    params().iAudioBitRate,
-                    params().iMimeType,
-                    params().iSupplier,
-                    params().iVideoType,
-                    params().iAudioType );
-            }
-      // Set current autofocus range to invalid value to force focusing
-      iInfo.iCurrentFocusRange = static_cast<CAS::TFocusRange>( -1 );
-        iAppController.SetVideoInitNeeded( EFalse );
-        // iState is updated in the callback.
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> ..waiting for callback") );
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVideoStart:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamRequestVideoStart") );
-      CheckFlagOnL( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn, KErrNotReady );
-      switch( iInfo.iCaptureState )
-        {
-        case ECamCaptureOn:     User::Leave( KErrInUse );           break;
-        case ECamCaptureOff:    iCaeEngine->StartVideoRecording();  break;
-        //case ECamCaptureOff:    iCaeEngine->ResumeVideoRecording();  break;
-        case ECamCapturePaused: iCaeEngine->ResumeVideoRecording(); break;
-        default:
-          Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-          break;
-        }
-      // iCaptureState is updated in McaeoVideoRecordingOn.
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVideoPause:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamRequestVideoPause") );
-      CheckEqualsL( iInfo.iCaptureState, ECamCaptureOn, KErrNotReady );
-      iCaeEngine->PauseVideoRecording();
-      // iCaptureState is updated in McaeoVideoRecordingPaused.
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVideoStop:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamRequestVideoStop") );
-      switch( iInfo.iCaptureState )
-        {
-        case ECamCaptureOn:     // << fall through >>
-        case ECamCapturePaused:
-          PRINT( _L("Camera <> call CCaeEngine::StopVideoRecording..") );
-          iCaeEngine->StopVideoRecording();
-          // If we got the callback during above call,
-          // we should not wait for it anymore.
-          // Check the capture state to be sure.
-          callback = (ECamCaptureOff != iInfo.iCaptureState);
-          break;
-        case ECamCaptureOff:
-          // no action, already stopped
-          break;
-        default:
-          Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-          break;
-        }
-      // iCaptureState is updated in McaeoVideoRecordingComplete.
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestVideoRelease:
-      {
-      // Need to be stopped.
-      CheckEqualsL( iInfo.iCaptureState, ECamCaptureOff, KErrInUse );
-      if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-        iCaeEngine->CloseVideoRecording();
-      ClearFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn );
-      callback = EFalse;
-      GetAdvancedSettingsInfoL();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestSetAsyncVideoStopMode:
-      {
-      TInt err = iCaeEngine->SetAsyncVideoStopMode( ETrue );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::ProcessVideoRequestL, engine SetAsyncVideoStopMode return code:%d"), err );
-      iAsyncVideoStopModeSupported = !err; // Use async stop if KErrNone
-      callback = EFalse;
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  #pragma message("CCamCameraController::ProcessVideoRequestL not implemented!")
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <> Not supported, PANIC!") );
-  Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnsupported );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessVideoRequestL, continue now:%d"), !callback );
-  return !callback;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessSnapshotRequestL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::ProcessSnapshotRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessSnapshotRequestL") );
-  CheckFlagOnL( iInfo.iState, ECamReserved, KErrNotReady );
-  switch( aRequestId )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestSsStart:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamRequestSsStart") );
-      switch( iInfo.iSsState )
-        {
-        case ECamTriIdle:
-          PRINT( _L("Camera <> ECamTriIdle") );
-          InitSnapshotL();
-          // << fall through >>
-        case ECamTriInactive:
-          {
-          PRINT( _L("Camera <> ECamTriInactive") );
-          iSnapshotProvider->StartSnapshot();
-          break;
-          }
-        case ECamTriActive: // Already active, no action
-          PRINT( _L("Camera <> ECamTriActive") );
-          break;
-        default:
-          Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-          break;
-        }
-      iInfo.iSsState = ECamTriActive;
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestSsStop:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamRequestSsStop") );
-      ProcessSsStopRequest();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestSsRelease:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> case ECamRequestSsRelease") );
-      ProcessSsReleaseRequest();
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessSnapshotRequestL") );
-  // No callback to wait for any of the requests => can continue now.
-  return ETrue;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessSsStopRequest
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessSsStopRequest") );
-  switch( iInfo.iSsState )
-    {
-    case ECamTriIdle:     // Not even initialized yet. No action needed.
-    case ECamTriInactive: // Already inactive, no action.
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Snapshot idle/inactive, no need to stop") );
-      break;
-    case ECamTriActive:
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Snapshot ECamTriActive -> need to stop") );
-      iSnapshotProvider->StopSnapshot();
-      break;
-    default:
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-    }
-  iInfo.iSsState = ECamTriInactive;
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessSsStopRequest") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessSsReleaseRequest
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessSsReleaseRequest") );
-  switch( iInfo.iSsState )
-    {
-    case ECamTriIdle:    // No action needed
-      break;
-    case ECamTriActive:
-      iSnapshotProvider->StopSnapshot();
-      NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                       ECamCameraEventSsStop,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassSsControl );
-      // << fall through >>
-    case ECamTriInactive:
-      delete iSnapshotProvider;
-      iSnapshotProvider = NULL;
-      break;
-    default:
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-    }
-  iInfo.iSsState = ECamTriIdle;
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessSsReleaseRequest") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// InitSnapshotL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::InitSnapshotL") );
-  // Check the snapshot state here. No further checks made.
-  __ASSERT_DEBUG( ECamTriIdle == iInfo.iSsState, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Create snapshot provider if not available yet.
-  if( !iSnapshotProvider )
-    {
-    iSnapshotProvider = CCamSnapshotProvider::NewL( *iCamera, *this, *this );
-    }
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-  PrintSnapshotInfo();
-#endif // _DEBUG
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Initialize the snapshot parameters
-  TPckgBuf<TCamParamsSnapshot> params;
-  iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamSnapshot, &params );
-  // Try to get the best, still supported, snapshot format.
-  iInfo.iSnapshotFormat         = ResolveSnapshotFormatL( params().iFormat );
-  iInfo.iSnapshotSize           = params().iSize;
-  iInfo.iSnapshotAspectMaintain = params().iMaintainAspect;
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <> Prepare snapshot..") );
-  iSnapshotProvider->PrepareSnapshotL( iInfo.iSnapshotFormat,
-                                       iInfo.iSnapshotSize,
-                                       iInfo.iSnapshotAspectMaintain );
-  iInfo.iSsState = ECamTriInactive;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::InitSnapshotL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::ProcessAutofocusRequestL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCamCameraController::ProcessAutofocusRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aRequestId )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessAutofocusRequestL") );
- CheckNonNullL( iAdvancedSettings, KErrNotReady );
-  if( ECamRequestStartAutofocus == aRequestId )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> SetAutoFocusType( EAutoFocusTypeSingle )") );
-    iAdvancedSettings->SetAutoFocusType( CAS::EAutoFocusTypeSingle );
-    iAfInProgress = ETrue;
-    iFirstAfEventReceived = EFalse;
-    }
-  else if( ECamRequestCancelAutofocus == aRequestId )
-    {
-    if( iAfInProgress && iInfo.iCurrentCamera == KPrimaryCameraIndex )
-      {
-      // Autofocus in progress, need to cancel it before setting range to hyperfocal
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Cancel ongoing autofocus request") );
-      iAdvancedSettings->SetAutoFocusType( CAS::EAutoFocusTypeOff );
-      iAfHyperfocalPending = ETrue;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      // If focustype is set to continuous, need to change it to off
-	  // before continuing
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> SetAutoFocusType( EAutoFocusTypeOff )") );
-      if ( iAdvancedSettings->AutoFocusType() & CAS::EAutoFocusTypeContinuous )
-        {
-        iAdvancedSettings->SetAutoFocusType( CAS::EAutoFocusTypeOff );
-        }
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Cancel autofocus - set focus range to hyperfocal") );
-      iInfo.iCurrentFocusRange = CAS::EFocusRangeHyperfocal;
-      iAdvancedSettings->SetFocusRange( CAS::EFocusRangeHyperfocal );
-      // Then start the focus. The callback of this cancel request sets
-      // a boolean in CamAppController, so the resulting optimal
-      // focus event does not change reticule/focus state.
-      iAdvancedSettings->SetAutoFocusType( CAS::EAutoFocusTypeSingle );
-      iAfInProgress = ETrue;
-      }
-    }
-  else if( ECamRequestSetAfRange == aRequestId )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Set autofocus range") );
-    // Get autofocus mode from settings provider
-    CAS::TFocusRange afRange;
-    iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( ECameraSettingFocusRange, &afRange );
-    if( iInfo.iCurrentFocusRange != afRange )
-      {
-      iAdvancedSettings->SetFocusRange( afRange );
-      // Should this be done in the callback?:
-      iInfo.iCurrentFocusRange = afRange;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      // Correct range already set. No need to do anything.
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    // Other request must not end up here
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-    }
-  (void)aRequestId; // removes compiler warning
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessAutofocusRequestL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ProcessCaptureLimitSettingL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProcessCaptureLimitSettingL") );
-  // Check that we are prepared for image mode.
-  CheckFlagOnL( iInfo.iState, ECamImageOn, KErrNotReady );
-  // Get requested capture count and determine current and target drive modes.
-  TInt requestedLimit( 1 );
-  iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( ECameraSettingCaptureLimit, &requestedLimit );
-  if( requestedLimit < 1 ) User::Leave( KErrArgument );
-  const CAS::TDriveMode& currentMode( iAdvancedSettings->DriveMode() );
-  const CAS::TDriveMode  targetMode ( requestedLimit <= 1
-                                    ? CAS::EDriveModeSingleShot
-                                    : CAS::EDriveModeBurst      );
-  const TInt cameraLimit( iAdvancedSettings->BurstImages() );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. --------------------------------------") );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. requested capture  limit   %04d"), requestedLimit                  );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. current   capture  limit : %04d"), iInfo.iCaptureLimit           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. current   camera's limit : %04d"), cameraLimit                   );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. current   capture  count : %04d"), iInfo.iCaptureCount           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. current   snapshot count : %04d"), iInfo.iSnapshotCount          );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. current drive mode       : [%S]"), &DriveModeName( currentMode ) );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. target  drive mode       : [%S]"), &DriveModeName( targetMode  ) );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. --------------------------------------") );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Determine needed changes and when to issue them
-  //
-  // During burst capture, we may receive snapshots and
-  // image data on mixed order, e.g:
-  //
-  //   [ ss#1 | img#1 | ss#2 | ss#3 | img2 | img3 ]
-  //   --------------^^--------------------------^^
-  //
-  // C-API starts new burst capture when we adjust the
-  // capture limit. To avoid problems and to get equal
-  // amount of snapshots and images, capture count is
-  // only changed when we image data is received,
-  // and as many images as snapshots have arrived.
-  // In the chart above ^ marks a place where capture limit
-  // can be updated.
-  TBool callback( EFalse );
-  // -----------------------------------
-  // Capture ongoing..
-  if( ECamCaptureOn == iInfo.iCaptureState )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Capture ongoing..") );
-    if( targetMode != currentMode )
-      {
-      // Cannot change drive mode during capturing.
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Drive mode update not possible now, LEAVE!") );
-      User::Leave( KErrInUse );
-      }
-    else if ( CAS::EDriveModeBurst == currentMode )
-      {
-      if( cameraLimit != requestedLimit )
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Adjusting capture limit during burst..") );
-        // Set limit locally and react on next image data event.
-        iInfo.iCaptureLimit = Min( cameraLimit, Max( requestedLimit, iInfo.iCaptureCount+1 ) );
-        PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Set local capture limit to %d.."), iInfo.iCaptureLimit );
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Capture limit during burst already has right value.") );
-        }
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      // No action needed. Capture limit of 1 image kept.
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Single shot mode kept, no action") );
-      }
-    }
-  // -----------------------------------
-  // Not capturing
-  //
-  else
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. No capture ongoing..") );
-    iInfo.iCaptureLimit = requestedLimit;
-    // Capture limit has changed,
-    // check if drive mode also needs to be changed..
-    if( targetMode != currentMode )
-      {
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Calling SetDriveMode([%S])"), &DriveModeName( targetMode  ) );
-      iAdvancedSettings->SetDriveMode( targetMode );
-      }
-    if( CAS::EDriveModeBurst == targetMode )
-      {
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Calling SetBurstImages(%d).."), iInfo.iCaptureLimit );
-      iAdvancedSettings->SetBurstImages( iInfo.iCaptureLimit );
-      }
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Notify user that the change is done
-  // or wait for camera callbacks to finish.
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Should wait callback = %d"), callback );
-  if( !callback )
-    {
-    TInt setting( ECameraSettingCaptureLimit );
-    NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                     ECamCameraEventSettingsSingle,
-                     ECamCameraEventClassSettings,
-                     &setting );
-    }
-  User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProcessCaptureLimitSettingL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// EndSequence
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::EndSequence( TInt aStatus )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::EndSequence, status:%d"), aStatus );
-  iIveRecoveryOngoing = EFalse;
-  iIveSequenceActive = EFalse;
-  if( ECamModeChangeInactive != iModeChange )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> mode change not cleared, PANIC!!") );
-    Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnrecovableError );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySequence ) )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> ending sequence..") );
-    ClearRequestQueue();
-    iReserveTryAgainCount = KCamReserveTryAgainMaxCount;
-    // Need to first clear busy flag as observer might issue
-    // new requests in notification callback.
-    ClearFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySequence );
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> send notification..") );
-    NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                     ECamCameraEventSequenceEnd,
-                     ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySetting ) )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> ending settings handling..") );
-    TCamCameraSettingId last( ECameraSettingNone );
-    if( KErrNone != aStatus )
-      {
-      if( Rng( 0, iSettingIndex, iSettingArray.Count()-1 ) )
-         {
-         last = iSettingArray[iSettingIndex];
-         }
-      }
-    ClearSettingQueue();
-    ClearFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySetting );
-    NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                     ECamCameraEventSettingsDone,
-                     ECamCameraEventClassSettings,
-                     &last );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> No active operation, no action needed") );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::EndSequence") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ClearRequestQueue
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  iSequenceArray.Reset();
-  iSequenceIndex = -1;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ClearSettingQueue
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  iSettingArray.Reset();
-  iSettingIndex = -1;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandlePowerOnEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandlePowerOnEvent( TInt aStatus )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandlePowerOnEvent, status:%d"), aStatus );
-  // We should be blocking new request at the moment.
-  __ASSERT_DEBUG( iInfo.iBusy, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-  CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
-  if ( appUi->AppController().UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsFaceTrackingSupported() )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: Get i/f MCameraFaceTracking..") )
-      iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking =
-          static_cast <MCameraFaceTracking*>(
-            iCamera->CustomInterface( KCameraFaceTrackingUid ) );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Face Tracking custom i/f pointer:%d"), iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking );
-      }
-  if( KErrNone == aStatus )
-    {
-    SetFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamPowerOn|ECamReserved );
-#if defined( CAMERAAPP_CAE_FOR_VIDEO ) && !defined( CAMERAAPP_CAE_FIX )
-    // We need to tell to CCaeEngine that the CCamera has been reserved
-    // and powered on "behind its back".
-    if( iCaeEngine )
-      {
-      iCaeEngine->EnableVideoRecording();
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    ClearFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamPowerOn );
-    }
-  if( ECamModeChangeVideo2Image == iModeChange )
-    {
-    if( ECamModeChangePhase2 == iModeChangePhase )
-      {
-      // We have called CCamera::PowerOn in phase2
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> mode change image->video ongoing, continue") );
-      iModeChangeStatus = aStatus;
-      // Handle repeative events before iActive gets to run.
-      if( !iActive->IsActive() )
-        iActive->IssueRequest();
-      }
-    }
-  else if( ECamModeChangeImage2Video == iModeChange )
-    {
-    if( ECamModeChangePhase1 == iModeChangePhase )
-      {
-      // We have called CCaeEngine::InitL in phase1
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> mode change image->video ongoing, continue") );
-      iModeChangeStatus = aStatus;
-      // Handle repeative events before iActive gets to run.
-      if( !iActive->IsActive() )
-        iActive->IssueRequest();
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> no mode change ongoing") );
-    HandleCallbackEvent( aStatus,
-                         ECamCameraEventPowerOn,
-                         ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-    }
-  HandleCallbackEvent( aStatus,
-                       ECamCameraEventPowerOn,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-  if ( appUi->AppController().UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsOrientationSensorSupported() )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController: Get i/f MCameraOrientation..") )
-      if(!iCustomInterfaceOrientation )
-          {
-          iCustomInterfaceOrientation =
-          static_cast <MCameraOrientation*>(
-          iCamera->CustomInterface( KCameraOrientationUid ) );
-          }
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Orientation custom i/f pointer:%d"), iCustomInterfaceOrientation );
-      }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandlePowerOnEvent") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleReserveGainEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleReserveGainEvent( TInt aStatus )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleReserveGainEvent, status:%d"), aStatus );
-  iAfInProgress = EFalse;  // Stop waiting autofocus events, if reserving camera.
-  CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
-  if( appUi->StandbyStatus() && !appUi->IsRecoverableStatus() )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleReserveGainEvent - return, in non recoverable standby state"));
-      return;
-      }
-  if( iIdle && iIdle->IsActive() )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleReserveGainEvent - return, recovery in progress"));
-    return;
-    }
-  if( iIveRecoveryOngoing && !iIveSequenceActive )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleReserveGainEvent - first recovering sequence command executed"));
-    iIveSequenceActive = ETrue;
-    }
-  // We should be blocking new request at the moment.
-  __ASSERT_DEBUG( iInfo.iBusy, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-  if( KErrNone == aStatus ) SetFlags  ( iInfo.iState, ECamReserved );
-  else                      ClearFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamReserved );
-  // Make sure our priority is not downgraded
-  CEikonEnv* env = CEikonEnv::Static();
-  env->WsSession().ComputeMode(RWsSession::EPriorityControlDisabled);
-  if( ECamModeChangeVideo2Image == iModeChange )
-    {
-    if( ECamModeChangePhase1 == iModeChangePhase )
-      {
-      // We have called CCamera::Reserve in phase1
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> mode change video->image ongoing, continue") );
-      iModeChangeStatus = aStatus;
-      // Handle repeative events before iActive gets to run.
-      if( !iActive->IsActive() )
-        iActive->IssueRequest();
-      }
-    }
-  else if( ECamModeChangeImage2Video == iModeChange )
-    {
-    // No action yet, wait for power on event
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> mode change image->video ongoing, waiting for power on event") );
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> no mode change ongoing") );
-    HandleCallbackEvent( aStatus,
-                         ECamCameraEventReserveGain,
-                         ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-    }
-  HandleCallbackEvent( aStatus,
-                       ECamCameraEventReserveGain,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleReserveGainEvent") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleReserveLostEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleReserveLostEvent( TInt aStatus )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleReserveLostEvent, status:%d"), aStatus );
-  iInfo.iState   = ECamIdle;
-  iInfo.iVfState = ECamTriIdle;
-  iInfo.iSsState = ECamTriIdle;
-#pragma message("CCamCameraController: Reserve lost event does not stop sequence")
-  // These are not valid anymore.
-  ReleaseCustomInterfaces();
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  if( ECamModeChangeVideo2Image == iModeChange )
-    {
-    // ignore
-    }
-  else if( ECamModeChangeImage2Video == iModeChange )
-    {
-    // ignore
-    }
-  else
-#endif // CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> no mode change ongoing") );
-    NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                     ECamCameraEventReserveLose,
-                     ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-    }
-  // We need to tell to CCaeEngine that the CCamera
-  // has been released "behind its back".
-  if( iCaeEngine )
-    {
-    iCaeEngine->DisableVideoRecording();
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                   ECamCameraEventReserveLose,
-                   ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
-  TInt err = KErrNone;
-  if( !iIdle )
-    {
-    TRAP( err, iIdle = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle ) );
-    }
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::HandleReserveLostEvent iIveRecoveryOngoing = %d"), iIveRecoveryOngoing );
-  if ( !err && iIdle && !iIdle->IsActive() && // Recovering already
-       iAppController.IsAppUiAvailable()  && // Exit mode
-       iIveRecoveryCount &&                   // Give up eventually
-       !appUi->AppInBackground( EFalse ) &&   // Only if on the foreground
-       ( !iReleasedByUi ||             // Try recover if unknown reason
-         ( appUi->StandbyStatus() && appUi->IsRecoverableStatus() ) ) &&    // or known error 
-         !iAppController.InVideocallOrRinging() && // Video telephony parallel use case
-         !iIveRecoveryOngoing        //  processing recovery sequence
-         )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::HandleReserveLostEvent - Start recovery") );
-    NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                     ECamCameraEventReserveLose,
-                     ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-    iIdle->Start( TCallBack( IdleCallback, this ) );
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleReserveLostEvent") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleViewfinderEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleViewfinderEvent( MCameraBuffer* aCameraBuffer,
-                                             TInt           aStatus )
-  {
-  PRINT_FRQ1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleViewfinderEvent, status in:%d"), aStatus );
-  CAMERAAPP_PERF_CONTROLLER_STOP_ONCE( ECamRequestVfStart, iFirstVfFrameReceived );
-  CFbsBitmap* vfFrame = NULL;
-  if( KErrNone == aStatus )
-    {
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aCameraBuffer, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-    PRINT_FRQ( _L("Camera <> get new one..") );
-    TRAP( aStatus,
-      {
-      vfFrame = &(aCameraBuffer->BitmapL( 0 ));
-      });
-    PRINT_FRQ1( _L("Camera <> ..status after getting bitmap data: %d"), aStatus );
-    }
-  NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                   ECamCameraEventVfFrameReady,
-                   ECamCameraEventClassVfData,
-                   vfFrame );
-  ReleaseAndNull( aCameraBuffer );
-  PRINT_FRQ( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleViewfinderEvent") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleImageCaptureEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleImageCaptureEvent( MCameraBuffer* aCameraBuffer,
-                                               TInt           aStatus )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleImageCaptureEvent, status in: %d"), aStatus );
-  // Check that we are expecting images..
-  if( ECamCaptureOn == iInfo.iCaptureState )
-    {
-    // Store flags
-    TUint busyFlags( iInfo.iBusy );
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Try to get the image data.
-    if( KErrNone == aStatus )
-      {
-      // Takes ownership of aCameraBuffer and NULLs the pointer.
-      TRAP( aStatus, HandleImageCaptureEventL( aCameraBuffer ) );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> status after handling data: %d"), aStatus );
-      }
-    // Release if not NULLed in HandleImageCaptureEventL.
-    ReleaseAndNull( aCameraBuffer );
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Errors in or in handling
-    if( KErrNone != aStatus )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... [WARNING] error in image data event!") );
-      iInfo.PrintInfo();
-      iInfo.iCaptureState = ECamCaptureOff;
-      // See HandleCallbackEvent for comments.
-      // ClearFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySingle );
-      NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                       ECamCameraEventImageData,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassImage );
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // If capture state was just changed to OFF,
-    // send notification that capture has fully completed.
-    if( ECamCaptureOff == iInfo.iCaptureState )
-      {
-      // See HandleCallbackEvent for comments.
-      ClearFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySingle );
-      TInt fullCaptures( Min( iInfo.iCaptureCount, iInfo.iSnapshotCount ) );
-      NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                       ECamCameraEventImageStop,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassImage,
-                       &fullCaptures );
-      // Now we can actually continue, if necessary.
-      if( IsFlagOn( busyFlags, ECamBusySequence ) )
-        {
-        __ASSERT_DEBUG( iActive, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-        iActive->IssueRequest();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... [WARNING] Unexpected image data event!") );
-    iInfo.PrintInfo();
-    // Stop capture to be safe.
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Calling CancelCaptureImage..") );
-    iCamera->CancelCaptureImage();
-    // Not expecting image data at this time.
-    // Release the buffer and ignore event.
-    ReleaseAndNull( aCameraBuffer );
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleImageCaptureEvent") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleImageCaptureEventL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleImageCaptureEventL( MCameraBuffer*& aCameraBuffer )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleImageCaptureEventL") );
-  CheckNonNullL( aCameraBuffer, KErrNotFound );
-  MCameraBuffer* temp = aCameraBuffer;
-  aCameraBuffer = NULL; // ownership taken
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <> Wrap MCameraBuffer to sharable..") );
-  CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( CameraBufferCleanup, temp ) );
-  CCamBufferShare* share = new (ELeave) CCamBufferShare( temp );
-  CleanupStack::Pop(); // cleanup item
-  temp = NULL;         // ownership to share
-  share->Reserve();
-  CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( CamBufferShareCleanup, share ) );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Checking encoded data availability..") );
-  TRAPD( dataStatus,
-    {
-    TDesC8* data = share->SharedBuffer()->DataL( 0 );
-    if( !data )
-      User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
-    });
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Normal capture format case
-  if( KErrNone == dataStatus )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController .. Normal, encoded capture format found..") );
-    // Increase received images count. Needed in burst drive mode.
-    iInfo.iCaptureCount++;
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Incremented capture counter to: %d"), iInfo.iCaptureCount );
-    // If we have needed amount of snapshots and images, end capture.
-    if( iInfo.iCaptureCount  >= iInfo.iCaptureLimit
-     && ( (iInfo.iSnapshotCount >= iInfo.iCaptureLimit) || iInfo.iSsState != ECamTriActive ) )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Capture limit met, calling CancelCaptureImage..") );
-      iCamera->CancelCaptureImage();
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Setting capture state to OFF..") );
-      iInfo.iCaptureState = ECamCaptureOff;
-      }
-    // If we are in burst mode and need to increase capture limit,
-    // do it now. If we have just decreased the capture limit,
-    // we just cancel once the limit is met.
-    else if( iAdvancedSettings
-          && iAdvancedSettings->DriveMode() == CAS::EDriveModeBurst )
-      {
-      const TInt cameraLimit( iAdvancedSettings->BurstImages() );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Camera capture limit: %d"), cameraLimit         );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Local  capture limit: %d"), iInfo.iCaptureLimit );
-      if( cameraLimit < iInfo.iCaptureLimit )
-        {
-        TInt startedCaptures = Max( iInfo.iSnapshotCount, iInfo.iCaptureCount );
-        iInfo.iCaptureLimit  = Max( iInfo.iCaptureLimit, startedCaptures+1 );
-        PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Pending capture limit increase, calling SetBurstImages(%d).."), iInfo.iCaptureLimit );
-        iAdvancedSettings->SetBurstImages( iInfo.iCaptureLimit );
-        }
-      }
-    // Normal, single capture.
-    else
-      {
-      }
-    // See HandleCallbackEvent for comments.
-    // ClearFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySingle );
-    NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-                     ECamCameraEventImageData,
-                     ECamCameraEventClassImage,
-                     share );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Bitmap format case. Need to encode first.
-  else if( iAlternateFormatInUse )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Bitmap alternative capture format in use..") );
-    // NOTE: We get another callback with encoded image data
-    //       once encoder has done the conversion.
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Starting jpeg encoding..") );
-    if( !iEncoder ) iEncoder = CCamImageEncoder::NewL( *this );
-    // Encoder needs to call Reserve
-    iEncoder->StartConversionL( share );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Encoded data missing although expected.
-  else
-    {
-    User::Leave( dataStatus );
-    }
-  // -----------------------------------------------------
-  CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // share->Release();
-  share = NULL;
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleImageCaptureEventL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleSnapshotEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleSnapshotEvent( TInt aStatus )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleSnapshotEvent") );
-  // Check that we are in right state to handle snapshot.
-  // CCameraSnapshot sends atleast event with KErrCancel status
-  // when releasing the camera.
-  TBool videoSsExpected( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) );
-  TBool imageSsExpected( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamImageOn )
-                      && ECamCaptureOn        == iInfo.iCaptureState
-                      && iInfo.iSnapshotCount <  iInfo.iCaptureLimit );
-  if(
-      ECamModeChangeInactive == iModeChange &&
-      (videoSsExpected||imageSsExpected)
-    )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Try to get snapshot data
-    if( KErrNone == aStatus )
-      {
-      TRAP( aStatus, HandleSnapshotEventL() );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... status after handling snapshot data: %d"), aStatus );
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // If snapshot was received and notified ok,
-    // check if capture ended.
-    if( KErrNone == aStatus )
-      {
-      // If we have needed amount of snapshots and images, end capture.
-      if( iInfo.iCaptureCount  >= iInfo.iCaptureLimit
-       && iInfo.iSnapshotCount >= iInfo.iCaptureLimit )
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Setting capture state to OFF..") );
-        iInfo.iCaptureState = ECamCaptureOff;
-        }
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // If any error, stop capture.
-    else
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... error encountered, notify and set capture state off..") );
-      NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                       ECamCameraEventSsReady,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassSsData );
-      iInfo.iCaptureState = ECamCaptureOff;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Check if we have just completed the capture.
-    // Notify observers if so.
-    if( imageSsExpected
-     && ECamCaptureOff == iInfo.iCaptureState )
-      {
-      // See HandleCallbackEvent for comments.
-      ClearFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySingle );
-      TInt fullCaptures( Min( iInfo.iCaptureCount, iInfo.iSnapshotCount ) );
-      NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                       ECamCameraEventImageStop,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassImage,
-                       &fullCaptures );
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    // Just retrieve and release camera buffer if snapshot is not expected
-    TRAP_IGNORE( HandleSnapshotEventL( ETrue ) );
-    if( iInfo.iSnapshotCount > iInfo.iCaptureLimit )
-      {
-      // For burst stopping:
-      //   We have more snapshots already than requested..
-      //   All needed captures have to have started,
-      //   so we can call cancel here.
-      // Note:
-      //   Cannot use ">=" as last image might not be provided then.
-      //
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Snapshot limit passed, calling CancelCaptureImage..") );
-      iCamera->CancelCaptureImage();
-      }
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... [WARNING] Snapshot ignored!") );
-    iInfo.PrintInfo();
-    }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleSnapshotEvent") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleSnapshotEventL
-// Helper method for leaving part of HandleSnapshotEvent.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleSnapshotEventL( TBool aIgnore )
-  {
-   PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleSnapshotEventL ignore %d"),aIgnore);
-  __ASSERT_DEBUG( iSnapshotProvider, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-  RArray<TInt> temp;
-  CleanupClosePushL( temp );
-  MCameraBuffer* buffer( NULL );
-    buffer = &iSnapshotProvider->SnapshotDataL( temp );
-  TInt firstImageIndex = temp.Find( 0 );
-  CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // temp.Close()
-  if( !aIgnore )
-      {
-      CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( CameraBufferCleanup, buffer ) );
-      CFbsBitmap& snapshot = buffer->BitmapL( firstImageIndex );
-      PRINT2( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... snapshot size: (%dx%d)"),
-              snapshot.SizeInPixels().iWidth, snapshot.SizeInPixels().iHeight );
-      // Increase received snapshots count.
-      // Needed in burst drive mode.
-      iInfo.iSnapshotCount++;
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController ... Incremented snapshot counter to: %d"), iInfo.iSnapshotCount );
-      // No leaving code after notification as otherwise
-      // HandleSnapshotEvent calling this method will notify clients again.
-      NotifyObservers( KErrNone,
-              ECamCameraEventSsReady,
-              ECamCameraEventClassSsData,
-              &snapshot );
-      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer->Release()
-      }
-  else
-      {
-      ReleaseAndNull(buffer);
-      }
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleSnapshotEventL"));
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleVideoInitEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleVideoEvent( const TCamCameraEventId& aEventId,
-                                              TInt               aStatus   )
-  {
-  PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleVideoEvent, status:%d, event[%s]"),
-          aStatus,
-          KCamCameraEventNames[aEventId] );
-  // Only video stop of these events may come without our explicit request.
-  if( ECamCameraEventVideoStop != aEventId )
-    {
-    if( ECamBusyOff != iInfo.iBusy )
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-    }
-  switch( aEventId )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoInit:
-      // Some settings repeat this event if CCaeEngine in use.
-      if( !IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySetting ) )
-        {
-        CAMERAAPP_PERF_CONTROLLER_STOP( ECamRequestVideoInit );
-        if( KErrNone == aStatus ) SetFlags  ( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn );
-        else                      ClearFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn );
-        }
-        TRAP_IGNORE( GetAdvancedSettingsInfoL() );
-      if( ECamModeChangeImage2Video == iModeChange )
-        {
-        iModeChangeStatus = aStatus;
-        iActive->IssueRequest();
-        return;
-        }
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoStart:
-      if( KErrNone == aStatus )
-        {
-        iInfo.iCaptureState = ECamCaptureOn;
-        }
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoPause:
-      if( KErrNone == aStatus )
-        {
-        iInfo.iCaptureState = ECamCapturePaused;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        // Problem with pausing.
-        // Keep our capture state unchanged.
-        }
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoStop:
-      // Even if error we have done what we can for stopping.
-      // Update internal capture state anyway.
-      iInfo.iCaptureState = ECamCaptureOff;
-      // We may receive this event from CCaeEngine, even though we have not
-      // issued a request to stop the video recording. If e.g. there is not
-      // enough space in the disk to continue recording, this event is
-      // generated without explicit request.
-      //
-      // We must not continue any pending operations if this event is not
-      // a response to our stop request.
-      // HandleCallbackEvent takes care of that.
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoAsyncStop:
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::HandleVideoEvent case ECamCameraEventVideoAsyncStop") );
-      // Do not change state, just play sound later
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      {
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  HandleCallbackEvent( aStatus,
-                       aEventId,
-                       ECamCameraEventClassVideo );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleVideoEvent") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleVideoTimeEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::HandleVideoTimeEvent( TInt aStatus,
-                        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeElapsed,
-                        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeRemaining )
-  {
-  // If capture has already stopped, we don't echo this to our observers.
-  if( ECamCaptureOff != iInfo.iCaptureState )
-    {
-    iVideoTimes.iTimeElapsed   = aTimeElapsed.Int64();
-    iVideoTimes.iTimeRemaining = aTimeRemaining.Int64();
-    NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                     ECamCameraEventVideoTimes,
-                     ECamCameraEventClassVideoTimes,
-                     &iVideoTimes );
-    }
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleAutoFocusEvent
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleAutoFocusEvent( TInt aStatus, const TUid& aEventUid )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleAutoFocusEvent, status: %d"), aStatus );
- if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) && ECamCaptureOn == iInfo.iCaptureState )
-    {
-    CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
-    if ( appUi && !appUi->AppController().UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsContinuosAutofocusSupported() )
-        {
-        // Autofocus events are not need anymore, if video recording is started already.
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleAutoFocusEvent - ignore") );
-        return;
-        }
-    }
-  TBool proceed = EFalse;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Check the event
-  if( KUidECamEventCameraSettingsOptimalFocus == aEventUid )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController: event KUidECamEventCameraSettingsOptimalFocus") );
-    if( !iAfHyperfocalPending )
-      {
-      proceed = ETrue;
-      iAfInProgress = EFalse;
-      iFirstAfEventReceived = EFalse;
-      }
-    }
-  else if( KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType2 == aEventUid )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController: event KUidECamEventCameraSettingsAutoFocusType2") );
-    // If AF started and canceled before finishing
-    if( iAfInProgress && iAfHyperfocalPending && iFirstAfEventReceived )
-      {
-      // continue to set focus to hyperfocal
-      proceed = ETrue;
-      }
-    if( !iFirstAfEventReceived )
-      {
-      // For the first time, this event means that the autofocusing has been started
-      iFirstAfEventReceived = ETrue;
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController: event KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType2 - first time, set iFirstAfEventReceived ") );
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      iFirstAfEventReceived = EFalse;
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController: event KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType2 - second time") );
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    // No other event acceptable here..
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Proceed if right event received
-  if( proceed )
-    {
-    TCamCameraEventId  event = ( KErrNone == aStatus )
-                             ? ECamCameraEventAutofocusSuccessful
-                             : ECamCameraEventAutofocusFailed;
-    if( iAfHyperfocalPending )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Cancelled active autofocus request.") );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Setting focus range to hyperfocal, no event to observers yet") );
-      iAfHyperfocalPending = EFalse;
-      iAfInProgress = EFalse;
-      TRAP_IGNORE( ProcessAutofocusRequestL( ECamRequestCancelAutofocus ) );
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      HandleCallbackEvent( KErrNone,
-                           event,
-                           ECamCameraEventClassAutofocus );
-      }
-    }
-  else if(iFirstAfEventReceived && (aStatus != KErrNone) )
-    {
-    //There might have been error when first event was received
-    //and no further autofocus events would occur.
-    iFirstAfEventReceived = EFalse;
-    iAfInProgress = EFalse;
-    if( iAfHyperfocalPending )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Cancelled active autofocus request.") );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Set focus range to hyperfocal, no event to observers yet") );
-      iAfHyperfocalPending = EFalse;
-      TRAP_IGNORE( ProcessAutofocusRequestL( ECamRequestCancelAutofocus ) );
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      HandleCallbackEvent( KErrNone,
-                           ECamCameraEventAutofocusFailed,
-                           ECamCameraEventClassAutofocus );
-      }
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleAutoFocusEvent") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleFlashStatusEvent
-// Helper method to handle flash status updates.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HandleFlashStatusEvent( TInt                     aStatus,
-                                              const TCamCameraEventId& aEventId )
-  {
-  PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleFlashStatusEvent, event[%s] status:%d"), KCamCameraEventNames[aEventId], aStatus );
-  NotifyObservers( aStatus,
-                   aEventId,
-                   EventClass( aEventId ) );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleFlashStatusEvent" ) );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HandleCallbackEvent
-// Helper method to handle CCamera callback events.
-// Notifies observers and checks if we should proceed with the sequence.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::HandleCallbackEvent(       TInt                    aStatus,
-                       const TCamCameraEventId&      aEventId,
-                       const TCamCameraEventClassId& aEventClass,
-                             TAny*                   aEventData /*= NULL*/ )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HandleCallbackEvent, event[%s]"),
-          KCamCameraEventNames[aEventId] );
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Clear single request busy flag before notification to observers,
-  // in case client wishes to issue new request during the notification.
-  // Sequence busy flag can only be cleared in EndSequence
-  ClearFlags( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySingle );
-  // Observers might issue a new sequence during notification.
-  // We need to decide if sequence needs to continue here
-  // based on the status *before* notification.
-  TBool proceedSequence = EFalse;
-  TBool notify          = ETrue;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Continue if:
-  // 1) Processing sequence is ongoing.
-  // 2) The received event is exact response to our request.
-  //    There are events like "video stopped" or "reserve lost"
-  //    that may be received without our associated request.
-  //    In that case we must not proceed sequence processing now.
-  // 3) In case that aStatus is KErrInUse and the current event is
-  //    Reserve, it means reserve failed for some reason
-  if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySequence ) ) // 1
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Sequence is active") );
-    PRINT2( _L("Camera <> seq index: %d, seq array len: %d"), iSequenceIndex, iSequenceArray.Count() );
-    if( KErrNone != aStatus )
-        {
-        if ( KErrInUse == aStatus               // 3
-            && aEventId == ECamCameraEventReserveGain
-            && iSequenceIndex >= 0
-            && Request2Event( iSequenceArray[iSequenceIndex] ) == ECamCameraEventReserveGain
-            && iReserveTryAgainCount > 0 )
-            {
-            // Handle here only if reserve gain with error is part of a sequence and try again count is not zero
-            iReserveTryAgainCount--;
-            User::After( KCamReserveTryAgainWaitInterval );
-            // decrease index, to get the same request handled again
-            iSequenceIndex--;
-            notify          = EFalse;
-            proceedSequence = ETrue;
-            PRINT1( _L( "Camera <> CCamCameraController::HandleCallbackEvent - %d reserve try again left" ), iReserveTryAgainCount );
-            }
-        else if(KErrBadName == aStatus &&
-                iSequenceIndex >= 0 &&   
-                Request2Event( iSequenceArray[iSequenceIndex] ) == aEventId)  
-            {
-            aStatus         = KErrNone;
-            notify          = ETrue;
-            proceedSequence = ETrue;
-            //EndSequence( aStatus );      
-            }
-        else 
-            {
-            notify          = EFalse;
-            proceedSequence = EFalse;
-            EndSequence( aStatus );
-            }
-        }
-    else if( iSequenceIndex >= 0 &&  // Sequence has started
-             Request2Event( iSequenceArray[iSequenceIndex] ) == aEventId ) // 2
-        {
-        notify          = ETrue;
-        proceedSequence = ETrue;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-         // Not the event we need yet.
-        }
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Setting sequence ongoing
-  else if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySetting )
-           && iSettingIndex >= 0 )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Settings change ongoing..") );
-    // Default is no notification
-    if( aEventClass != ECamCameraEventClassAutofocus )
-      {
-      notify = EFalse;
-	  }
-    if( KErrNone != aStatus )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> error in, end settings sequence!") );
-      proceedSequence = EFalse;
-      EndSequence( aStatus ); // does one notification
-      }
-    else if( ECamCameraEventSettingsSingle == aEventId
-          && aEventData
-          && iSettingArray[iSettingIndex] == *( static_cast<TInt*>( aEventData ) )
-           )
-      {
-      // We have checked already in HandleEvent that this is
-      // the right event for the setting we wait to finish.
-      // Notification can be sent with the given data.
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> One setting finished, continue sequence") );
-      proceedSequence = ETrue;
-      }
-    // Video init event repeated when filename or max file size set
-    // after init already done
-    else if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn )
-          && ECamCameraEventVideoInit == aEventId
-          && ( ECameraSettingFileName    == iSettingArray[iSettingIndex]
-            || ECameraSettingFileMaxSize == iSettingArray[iSettingIndex]
-            || ECameraSettingAudioMute   == iSettingArray[iSettingIndex] ) )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> One setting finished, continue sequence") );
-      proceedSequence = ETrue;
-      }
-    else if( ECamCameraEventVideoStop == aEventId || ECamCameraEventVideoAsyncStop == aEventId  )
-      {
-      // Video stop might come whenever.
-      // Need to notify client.
-      notify = ETrue;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      // Not event for us yet
-      }
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else
-    {
-    // Single request or no request sent
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // Notify the observers with data from the event.
-  if( notify )
-    {
-    NotifyObservers( aStatus, aEventId, aEventClass, aEventData );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  // If this is part of sequence, continue processing.
-  if( proceedSequence )
-    {
-    PRINT ( _L("Camera <> proceeding with the sequence") );
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iActive, Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt ) );
-    iActive->IssueRequest();
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HandleCallbackEvent") );
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Notify all our observers of an event.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::NotifyObservers( TInt                   aStatus,
-                   TCamCameraEventId      aEventId,
-                   TCamCameraEventClassId aEventClass,
-                   TAny*                  aEventData /*=NULL*/ )
-  {
-//  PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::NotifyObservers") );
-//  PRINT3( _L("Camera <> status:% 3d event:% 3d class:%032b"), aStatus, aEventId, aEventClass );
-  // NOTE:
-  //   We might skip an observer, if during the notification some observer
-  //   is removed from the array (from smaller index than current one).
-  //   This is a commmon problem for all observable classes in this application.
-  for( TInt i = 0; i < iObservers.Count(); i++ )
-    {
-    // Observer defines which events it is interested in.
-//    PRINT1( _L("Camera <>          observer interest:%032b"), iObserverInterests[i] );
-    if( iObserverInterests[i] & aEventClass )
-      {
-      TRAP_IGNORE( iObservers[i]->HandleCameraEventL( aStatus, aEventId, aEventData ) );
-      }
-    }
-//  PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::NotifyObservers") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ReleaseCurrentCamera") );
-  // Cancel any outstanding sequence.
-  if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySequence )
-   // Mode change calls this method possibly in the middle
-   // of request sequence. Must not try to cancel then.
-   && ECamModeChangeInactive == iModeChange
-    )
-    {
-    CancelSequence();
-    }
-  if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamReserved ) )
-    {
-    // Releases viewfinder and snapshot, cancels capture,
-    // powers off and releases CCamera if needed.
-    ProcessControlShutdownRequest( ECamRequestRelease );
-    }
-  // Custom interfaces (not owned)
-  ReleaseCustomInterfaces();
-  delete iEncoder;            iEncoder           = NULL;
-  delete iCaeEngine;          iCaeEngine         = NULL;
-  delete iAdvancedSettings;   iAdvancedSettings  = NULL;
-  iAdvancedSettingInfo.Reset();
-  delete iDirectViewfinder;   iDirectViewfinder  = NULL;
-  delete iOverlayProvider;    iOverlayProvider   = NULL;
-  delete iHistogramProvider;  iHistogramProvider = NULL;
-  delete iImageProcessor;     iImageProcessor    = NULL;
-  delete iSnapshotProvider;   iSnapshotProvider  = NULL;
-  delete iCamera;             iCamera            = NULL;
-  // Must not reset busy flags if this method is called
-  // because of mode switch.
-  TBool saveBusyFlags = (ECamModeChangeInactive != iModeChange);
-  iInfo.Reset( saveBusyFlags );
-  iInfo.Reset();
-  iResolutionSupport.Reset();
-  iInfo.iState = ECamIdle;
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ReleaseCurrentCamera") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ReleaseCustomInterfaces
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  iCustomInterfaceOrientation   = NULL;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompareSize
-// Compare two TSize instances
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCamCameraController::CompareSize( const TSize& aA, const TSize& aB )
-    {
-    return ( aA.iWidth == aB.iWidth && aA.iHeight == aB.iHeight );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// GetResolutionIndexL
-// Get quality index for prepare with given format and size.
-// If current info is not for the given format, update the
-// supported resolutions info. After the support info is up to date,
-// find the index. Return KErrNotFound if not supported size.
-// For JPEG format we try two alternate bitmap formats, if
-// the given resolution is not supported in JPEG format.
-// If support is achieved by using one of the alternate formats,
-// the format in use is returned in aFormat. When image is then
-// later captured, we encode the bitmap to JPEG before handing
-// it over to clients.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::GetResolutionIndexL(       CCamera::TFormat& aFormat,
-                       const TSize&            aSize   )
-  {
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::GetResolutionIndexL") );
-  if( iResolutionSupport.iForCameraFormat != aFormat
-   || iResolutionSupport.iForCameraIndex  != iInfo.iCurrentCamera )
-    {
-    iAlternateFormatInUse = EFalse;
-    // Reset all old resolution info
-    iResolutionSupport.Reset();
-    // Get the resolution info for current camera with given format.
-    const TInt KResolutionCount( iCameraInfo.iNumImageSizesSupported );
-    RArray<TSize>& resolutions( iResolutionSupport.iResolutions );
-    resolutions.ReserveL( KResolutionCount );
-    for( TInt i = 0; i < KResolutionCount; i++ )
-      {
-      // Reserve called, so should not leave.
-      resolutions.AppendL( TSize() );
-      iCamera->EnumerateCaptureSizes( resolutions[i], i, aFormat );
-      }
-    // Set these after successful filling of the array
-    iResolutionSupport.iForCameraIndex  = iInfo.iCurrentCamera;
-    iResolutionSupport.iForCameraFormat = aFormat;
-    }
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ==================================================") );
-  PRINT2( _L("Camera <> Size requested           : (%d,%d)"), aSize.iWidth, aSize.iHeight        );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Formats supported        : %032b"  ), iCameraInfo.iImageFormatsSupported );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Sizes listed for         : %032b"  ), aFormat                            );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatJpeg              : %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatJpeg               );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatExif              : %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatExif               );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K  : %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K   );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K : %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K  );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M : %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M  );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatFbsBitmapColor16MU: %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16MU );
-  for( TInt i = 0; i < iResolutionSupport.iResolutions.Count(); i++ )
-    {
-    const TSize& size( iResolutionSupport.iResolutions[i] );
-    PRINT3( _L("Camera <> Size (%d): (%d,%d)"), i, size.iWidth, size.iHeight );
-    }
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ==================================================") );
-  TIdentityRelation<TSize> compareFunc( CCamCameraController::CompareSize );
-  TInt index = iResolutionSupport.iResolutions.Find( aSize, compareFunc );
-  // Exception for JPEG format:
-  //   If JPEG format is not supported, but bitmap format is,
-  //   pretend to support the format anyway.
-  //   When capturing, we encode the JPEG from the bitmap.
-  if( CCamera::EFormatJpeg == aFormat
-   && KErrNotFound         == index )
-    {
-    PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Jpeg not supported, trying bitmap format 1..") );
-    aFormat = KCamJpegAlternativeFormat1;
-    index   = GetResolutionIndexL( aFormat, aSize );
-    if( KErrNotFound == index )
-      {
-      PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Jpeg not supported, trying bitmap format 2..") );
-      aFormat = KCamJpegAlternativeFormat2;
-      index   = GetResolutionIndexL( aFormat, aSize );
-      }
-    if( KErrNotFound != index )
-      {
-      iAlternateFormatInUse = ETrue;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      // Could not find alternative.
-      aFormat = CCamera::EFormatJpeg;
-      iAlternateFormatInUse = EFalse;
-      }
-   }
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::GetResolutionIndexL, return: %d"), index );
-  return index;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// GetAdvancedSettingsInfoL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::GetAdvancedSettingsInfoL") );
-  PRINT2( _L("Camera <> current camera:%d, latest info for:%d"),
-          iInfo.iCurrentCamera,
-          iAdvancedSettingInfo.iForCameraIndex );
-    CheckNonNullL( iAdvancedSettings, KErrNotReady );
-    iAdvancedSettingInfo.Reset();
-    TInt error( KErrNone );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( ResetInfo, &iAdvancedSettingInfo ) );
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Digital zoom steps support
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get zoom steps..") );
-    if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamImageOn ) )
-      {
-      TPckgBuf<TCamParamsImage> params;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamImage, &params );
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Enumerating capture sizes..") );
-      CCamera::TFormat format( params().iFormat );
-      TInt             index ( GetResolutionIndexL( format, params().iSize ) );
-      User::LeaveIfError( index );
-      TBool isInfluencePossible; // Not used
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get zoom steps for image") );
-      TRAP( error, iAdvancedSettings->GetDigitalZoomStepsForStillL (
-                      iAdvancedSettingInfo.iDigitalZoomSupport,
-                      iAdvancedSettingInfo.iDigitalZoomValueInfo,
-                      index,
-                      format,
-                      isInfluencePossible  ) );
-      if( KErrNotSupported != error ) User::LeaveIfError( error );
-      }
-    else if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get zoom steps for video") );
-      TRAP( error, iAdvancedSettings->GetDigitalZoomStepsL(
-                      iAdvancedSettingInfo.iDigitalZoomSupport,
-                      iAdvancedSettingInfo.iDigitalZoomValueInfo ) );
-      if( KErrNotSupported != error ) User::LeaveIfError( error );
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // EV steps multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get EV support..") );
-    iAdvancedSettingInfo.iEvModesSupport =
-        iAdvancedSettings->SupportedExposureModes();
-    TRAP( error, iAdvancedSettings->GetExposureCompensationStepsL(
-                    iAdvancedSettingInfo.iEvStepsSupport,
-                    iAdvancedSettingInfo.iEvStepsValueInfo ) );
-    // Ignore error if just not supported.
-    // We check the support when setting is requested.
-    if( KErrNotSupported != error ) User::LeaveIfError( error );
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // ISO rates (.. 50, 100, 200, ..)
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get ISO rates..") );
-    TRAP( error, iAdvancedSettings->GetSupportedIsoRatesL(
-                    iAdvancedSettingInfo.iIsoRatesSupport ) );
-    if( KErrNotSupported != error ) User::LeaveIfError( error );
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Stabilization
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get Stabilization info..") );
-    iAdvancedSettingInfo.iStabilizationModeSupport =
-        iAdvancedSettings->SupportedStabilizationModes();
-    iAdvancedSettingInfo.iStabilizationEffectSupport =
-        iAdvancedSettings->SupportedStabilizationEffects();
-    iAdvancedSettingInfo.iStabilizationComplexitySupport =
-        iAdvancedSettings->SupportedStabilizationComplexityValues();
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Image Processor only for primary camera
-    if( KPrimaryCameraIndex == iInfo.iCurrentCamera )
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get image processing info..") );
-      if( iImageProcessor != NULL )
-        {
-        // -----------------------------------------------------
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get sharpness support..") );
-        TRAP( error, iImageProcessor->GetTransformationSupportedValuesL(
-                        KUidECamEventImageProcessingAdjustSharpness,
-                        iAdvancedSettingInfo.iSharpnessSupport,
-                        iAdvancedSettingInfo.iSharpnessValueInfo ) );
-        if( KErrNotSupported != error ) User::LeaveIfError( error );
-        // -----------------------------------------------------
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get colour effect support..") );
-        TRAP( error, iImageProcessor->GetTransformationSupportedValuesL(
-                          KUidECamEventImageProcessingEffect,
-                          iAdvancedSettingInfo.iColourEffectSupport,
-                          iAdvancedSettingInfo.iColourEffectValueInfo ) );
-        if( KErrNotSupported != error ) User::LeaveIfError( error );
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> [WARNING] Image processing not supported") );
-        }
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> ..done") );
-    CleanupStack::Pop(); // Cleanup item
-    // Set only after successfully gathering the data
-    iAdvancedSettingInfo.iForCameraIndex = iInfo.iCurrentCamera;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    iAdvancedSettingInfo.PrintInfo();
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::GetAdvancedSettingsInfoL") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ResolveEvStep
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ResolveEvStep( TInt aEvProposedStep ) const
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ResolveEvStep( %d )"), aEvProposedStep );
-  TInt delta ( KMaxTInt );
-  TInt delta1( 0        );
-  TInt step  ( 0        );
-  for( TInt i = 0; i < iAdvancedSettingInfo.iEvStepsSupport.Count() && delta != 0; i++ )
-    {
-    delta1 = Max( iAdvancedSettingInfo.iEvStepsSupport[i], aEvProposedStep )
-           - Min( iAdvancedSettingInfo.iEvStepsSupport[i], aEvProposedStep );
-    if( delta1 < delta )
-      {
-      delta = delta1;
-      step  = iAdvancedSettingInfo.iEvStepsSupport[i];
-      }
-    }
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ResolveEvStep, return %d"), step );
-  return step;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// IsSupportedValue <<static>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::IsSupportedValue( const TInt&         aValue,
-                                        const RArray<TInt>& aValueList,
-                                        const TValueInfo&   aValueInfo )
-  {
-  TBool support( EFalse );
-  switch( aValueInfo )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case EBitField:
-      {
-      // Supported values are described by a bitfield.
-      // Compare the support bitfield and the setting value.
-      // Default value for these settings is zero (0) and
-      // that is always supported.
-      // Array: [0] bitfield of supported bits
-      support = ( 1 <= aValueList.Count()
-               && ( !aValue
-                 || (aValue & aValueList[0]) // 0 always supported
-                  )
-                );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case EDiscreteSteps:
-      {
-      // All supported steps are listed, look for this one.
-      support = ( KErrNotFound != aValueList.Find( aValue ) );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case EDiscreteRangeMinMaxStep:
-      {
-      // Support is described with evenly spaced steps between
-      // min and max value. Step is given.
-      // Array: [0] min supported value
-      //        [1] max supported value
-      //        [2] step between supported values
-      support =
-        ( 3      <= aValueList.Count()                 // We need 3 items.
-       && 1      <=  aValueList[2]                     // 1      <= step
-       && aValue >=  aValueList[0]                     // aValue >= min
-       && aValue <=  aValueList[1]                     // aValue <= max
-       && (aValue - aValueList[0])%aValueList[2] == 0  // aValue  = min + N*step
-        );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case EContinuousRangeMinMax:
-      {
-      // Support is described by min and max value,
-      // continuous range of values within those two is supported.
-      // Array: [0] min supported value
-      //        [1] max supported value
-      support =
-        ( 2      <= aValueList.Count() // We need 2 items.
-       && aValue >= aValueList[0]      // aValue >= min
-       && aValue <= aValueList[1]      // aValue <= max
-        );
-      break;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ENotActive:
-    default:
-      // Not supported setting
-      support = EFalse;
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  return support;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ResolveSnapshotFormat
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::ResolveSnapshotFormatL( CCamera::TFormat aPreferredFormat ) const
-  {
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ResolveSnapshotFormatL") );
-  CheckNonNullL( iSnapshotProvider, KErrNotReady );
-  const TUint32    support = iSnapshotProvider->SupportedFormats();
-  CCamera::TFormat final   = aPreferredFormat;
-  // Return the preferred format if it is supported.
-  // Otherwise return the "best" supported format.
-  if      ( support & aPreferredFormat                   ) final = aPreferredFormat;
-  else if ( support & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16MU ) final = CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16MU;
-  else if ( support & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M  ) final = CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
-  else if ( support & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K  ) final = CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K;
-  else if ( support & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K   ) final = CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K;
-  else
-    {
-    // No known acceptable format supported
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController: No acceptable format available, LEAVE!") );
-    User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-    }
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Preferred format : %032b"), aPreferredFormat  );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Supported formats: %032b"), support           );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Selected  format : %032b"), final             );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ResolveSnapshotFormatL") );
-  return final;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Request2Event <<static>>
-// Convert request id to event id
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::Request2Event( const TCamCameraRequestId& aType )
-  {
-  switch( aType )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Camera control
-    case ECamRequestReserve:       return ECamCameraEventReserveGain;
-    case ECamRequestRelease:       return ECamCameraEventReserveLose;
-    case ECamRequestPowerOn:       return ECamCameraEventPowerOn;
-    case ECamRequestPowerOff:      return ECamCameraEventPowerOff;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Viewfinder
-    case ECamRequestVfStart:       return ECamCameraEventVfStart;
-    case ECamRequestVfStop:        return ECamCameraEventVfStop;
-    case ECamRequestVfRelease:     return ECamCameraEventVfRelease;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Snapshot
-    case ECamRequestSsStart:        return ECamCameraEventSsStart;
-    case ECamRequestSsStop:         return ECamCameraEventSsStop;
-    case ECamRequestSsRelease:      return ECamCameraEventSsRelease;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Still capture
-    case ECamRequestImageInit:     return ECamCameraEventImageInit;
-    case ECamRequestImageCapture:  return ECamCameraEventImageStart;
-    case ECamRequestImageCancel:   return ECamCameraEventImageStop;
-    case ECamRequestImageRelease:  return ECamCameraEventImageRelease;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Video recording
-    case ECamRequestVideoInit:     return ECamCameraEventVideoInit;
-    case ECamRequestVideoStart:    return ECamCameraEventVideoStart;
-    case ECamRequestVideoPause:    return ECamCameraEventVideoPause;
-    case ECamRequestVideoStop:     return ECamCameraEventVideoStop;
-    case ECamRequestVideoRelease:  return ECamCameraEventVideoRelease;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Autofocus
-    case ECamRequestStartAutofocus:   return ECamCameraEventStartAutofocus;
-    case ECamRequestCancelAutofocus:  return ECamCameraEventCancelAutofocus;
-    case ECamRequestSetAfRange:       return ECamCameraEventSetAfRange;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // Unrecognised
-    default:
-      {
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnknownRequest );
-      return ECamCameraEventNone;
-      }
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// EventClass <<static>>
-// Get the event class for an event
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::EventClass( const TCamCameraEventId& aEventId )
-  {
-  switch( aEventId )
-    {
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventSequenceEnd:
-    case ECamCameraEventReserveGain:
-    case ECamCameraEventReserveLose:
-    case ECamCameraEventPowerOn:
-    case ECamCameraEventPowerOff:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventVfStart:
-    case ECamCameraEventVfStop:
-    case ECamCameraEventVfRelease:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassVfControl;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventVfFrameReady:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassVfData;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventSsStart:
-    case ECamCameraEventSsStop:
-    case ECamCameraEventSsRelease:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassSsControl;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventSsReady:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassSsData;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventImageInit:
-    case ECamCameraEventImageStart:
-    case ECamCameraEventImageStop:
-    case ECamCameraEventImageRelease:
-    case ECamCameraEventImageData:
-    case ECamCameraEventImageCaptureEvent:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassImage;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoInit:
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoStart:
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoPause:
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoStop:
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoRelease:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassVideo;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventVideoTimes:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassVideoTimes;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventSettingsSingle:
-    case ECamCameraEventSettingsDone:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassSettings;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventStartAutofocus:
-    case ECamCameraEventCancelAutofocus:
-    case ECamCameraEventAutofocusSuccessful:
-    case ECamCameraEventAutofocusFailed:
-    case ECamCameraEventSetAfRange:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassAutofocus;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamCameraEventFlashReady:
-    case ECamCameraEventFlashNotReady:
-      return ECamCameraEventClassFlashStatus;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      {
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-      Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-    #endif
-      return ECamCameraEventClassAll;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HasCallback
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::HasCallback( const TCamCameraRequestId& aType )
-  {
-  TBool callback = EFalse;
-  switch( aType )
-    {
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    case ECamRequestReserve:      // ReserveComplete / KUidECamEventReserveComplete
-    case ECamRequestPowerOn:      // PowerOnComplete / KUidECamEventPowerOnComplete
-    case ECamRequestImageCapture: // ImageReady      / ImageBufferReady
-    case ECamRequestVideoInit:    // McaeoVideoPrepareComplete
-    case ECamRequestVideoStart:   // McaeoVideoRecordingOn
-    case ECamRequestVideoPause:   // McaeoVideoRecordingPaused
-    case ECamRequestVideoStop:    // McaeoVideoRecordingComplete
-      callback = ETrue;
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    default:
-      callback = EFalse;
-      break;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    }
-  return callback;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CurrentSettingHasCallback
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  TBool callback( EFalse );
-  if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-    {
-    switch( iSettingArray[iSettingIndex] )
-      {
-      case ECameraSettingFileName:
-      case ECameraSettingFileMaxSize:
-        callback = ETrue;
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    // no callback if not prepared for video yet.
-    }
-  return callback;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// NewCaeEngineL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::NewCaeEngineL( TInt aCameraIndex )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::NewCaeEngineL") );
-  CCaeEngine* engine = CCaeEngine::NewL( aCameraIndex );
-  (void)aCameraIndex; // remove compiler warning
-  CCaeEngine* engine = CCameraappDummyEngine::NewL();
-  engine->SetCamAppEngineObserver( *this );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::NewCaeEngineL") );
-  return engine;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// NewCameraL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::NewCameraL( TInt aCameraIndex )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::NewCameraL") );
-  CAMERA* camera( NULL );
-  camera = CAMERA::New2L( *this, aCameraIndex, KCameraClientPriority );
-  // Both v1 and v2 observer interface implemented
-  // Need to cast to avoid ambiguous call.
-  MCameraObserver* self( this );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Give observer pointer: %d"), self );
-  camera = CAMERA::NewL ( *self, aCameraIndex );
-#endif // CAMERAAPP_CAPI_V2
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::NewCameraL") );
-  return camera;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// NewDuplicateCameraL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::NewDuplicateCameraL( TInt aCameraHandle )
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::NewDuplicateCameraL( %d )"), aCameraHandle );
-  CAMERA* camera( NULL );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <> call NewDuplicate2L..") );
-  camera = CAMERA::NewDuplicate2L( *this, aCameraHandle );
-  MCameraObserver* self( this );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <> call NewDuplicateL..") );
-  camera = CAMERA::NewDuplicateL ( *self, aCameraHandle );
-  PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::NewCameraL") );
-  return camera;
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// Constructors
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 2nd phase constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::ConstructL( TInt aCameraIndex )
-  {
-  iActive = CCamCameraControllerActive::NewL( *this, KCamCallBackPriority );
-  iIveRecoveryCount = KIveRecoveryCountMax;
-  iPerformanceLogger    = new (ELeave) CCamPerformanceLogger;
-  iFirstVfFrameReceived = EFalse;
-  iFlashSimulator = CCamFlashSimulator::NewL( *this );
-  SwitchCameraL( aCameraIndex );
-  iAsyncVideoStopModeSupported = EFalse;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 1st phase constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::CCamCameraController( MCamSettingProvider& aSettingProvider,
-                        CCamAppController& aAppController )
-  : iSequenceArray       ( KCamSequenceGranularity     ),
-    iReserveTryAgainCount( KCamReserveTryAgainMaxCount ),
-    iSettingProvider     ( aSettingProvider            ),
-    iAppController       ( aAppController              )
-  {
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// Workaround for CCaeEngine with no support for CCamera sharing
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ProceedModeSwitch, status in:%d"), iModeChangeStatus );
-  TInt proceed( EFalse );
-  // Update only after here, so any events arriving
-  // in the middle get ignored if wanted.
-  ++iModeChangePhase;
-  if( KErrNone == iModeChangeStatus )
-    {
-    TRAP( iModeChangeStatus, proceed = DoProceedModeSwitchL() );
-    }
-  if( KErrNone != iModeChangeStatus )
-    {
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Mode switch error: %d"), iModeChangeStatus );
-    iModeChange       = ECamModeChangeInactive;
-    iModeChangePhase  = ECamModeChangePhase0;
-    iModeChangeStatus = KErrNone;
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Deleting engine..") );
-    delete iCaeEngine;
-    iCaeEngine = NULL;
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Deleting camera..") );
-    delete iCamera;
-    iCamera = NULL;
-    iInfo.Reset();
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> PANIC!!") );
-    Panic( ECamCameraControllerUnrecovableError );
-    }
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ProceedModeSwitch, more calls now:%d"), proceed );
-  return proceed;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::DoProceedModeSwitchL") );
-  User::LeaveIfError( iModeChangeStatus );
-  TBool callback = ETrue;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  if( ECamModeChangeImage2Video == iModeChange )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Changing mode image => video") );
-    switch( iModeChangePhase )
-      {
-      // First two phases only usable if CAE v1 in use.
-      // Must start from phase2 otherwise.
-      // -------------------------------
-      case ECamModeChangePhase0:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phase0: Release camera..") );
-        TInt cameraIndex = iInfo.iCurrentCamera;
-        ReleaseCurrentCamera();
-        SwitchCameraL( cameraIndex );
-        CompleteSwitchCameraL();
-        callback = EFalse;
-        // iModeChangePhase is incremented when iActive->RunL calls
-        // ProcessNextRequestL for the next time.
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      case ECamModeChangePhase1:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phase1: calling CCaeEngine::InitL..") );
-        iCaeEngine->InitL();
-        iCaeInUse = ETrue;
-        // Continue mode change in callback
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> ..waiting for to complete") );
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      case ECamModeChangePhase2:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phase2: Prepare video..") );
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Call InitVideoRecorderL..") );
-        iCaeEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Ask filename..") );
-//        HBufC* filename( HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName ) );
-//        TPtr   ptr     ( filename->Des()              );
-//        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( ECameraSettingFileName, &ptr );
-        _LIT( KTempFilename, "C:\\video.3gp" );
-        TPtrC ptr;
-        ptr.Set( KTempFilename() );
-#pragma message( "Camera Controller: video filename hardcoded" )
-        PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Set filename [%S]"), &ptr );
-        iCaeEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( ptr );
-//        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filename );
-        // Set max video clip size
-        ProcessSettingL( ECameraSettingFileMaxSize );
-        TPckgBuf<TCamParamsVideoCae> params;
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamVideoCae, &params );
-        // The audioOn value is defined On==0 and Off==1, but the engine expects
-        // ETrue if audio recording is On
-        params().iAudioOn = ( ECamSettOn == params().iAudioOn )
-        											? ETrue
-        											: EFalse;
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Call prepare..") );
-        // McaeoVideoPrepareComplete will be called when prepare is ready.
-        // The callback is allowed to come also *during* this call.
-        iCaeEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( params().iFrameSize,
-                                            params().iFrameRate,
-                                            params().iVideoBitRate,
-                                            params().iAudioOn,
-                                            params().iAudioBitRate,
-                                            params().iMimeType,
-                                            params().iSupplier,
-                                            params().iVideoType,
-                                            params().iAudioType );
-//        iCaeEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( 0 );
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      case ECamModeChangePhase3:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phase3: Notifying..") );
-        iModeChange      = ECamModeChangeInactive;
-        iModeChangePhase = ECamModeChangePhaseIdle;
-        callback         = EFalse;
-        NotifyObservers( iModeChangeStatus,
-                         ECamCameraEventVideoInit,
-                         ECamCameraEventClassVideo );
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      default:
-        {
-        Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      }
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else if( ECamModeChangeVideo2Image == iModeChange )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <> Changing mode video => image") );
-    switch( iModeChangePhase )
-      {
-      // -------------------------------
-      case ECamModeChangePhase0:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phase0: Release camera..") );
-        TInt cameraIndex = iInfo.iCurrentCamera;
-        ReleaseCurrentCamera();
-        SwitchCameraL( cameraIndex );
-        CompleteSwitchCameraL();
-        callback = EFalse;
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      case ECamModeChangePhase1:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phase1: Reserve camera..") );
-        iCaeInUse = EFalse;
-        iCamera->Reserve();
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      case ECamModeChangePhase2:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phase2: Power on..") );
-        iCamera->PowerOn();
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      case ECamModeChangePhase3:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phase3: Prepare image..") );
-        TPckgBuf<TCamParamsImage> params;
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamImage, &params );
-        // Query the supported resolutions for the selected format.
-        TInt index = GetResolutionIndexL( params().iFormat, params().iSize );
-        User::LeaveIfError( index );
-        PRINT2( _L("Camera <> Image size: (%d, %d)"),
-                  params().iSize.iWidth,
-                  params().iSize.iHeight );
-        iCamera->PrepareImageCaptureL( params().iFormat, index );
-        iCamera->SetJpegQuality( params().iQualityFactor );
-        SetFlags( iInfo.iState, ECamImageOn );
-        callback  = EFalse;
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      case ECamModeChangePhase4:
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phase4: Notifying..") );
-        iModeChange      = ECamModeChangeInactive;
-        iModeChangePhase = ECamModeChangePhaseIdle;
-        callback         = EFalse;
-        NotifyObservers( iModeChangeStatus,
-                         ECamCameraEventImageInit,
-                         ECamCameraEventClassImage );
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      default:
-        {
-        Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-        break;
-        }
-      // -------------------------------
-      }
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  else
-    {
-    Panic( ECamCameraControllerCorrupt );
-    }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::DoProceedModeSwitchL, more calls now:%d"), !callback );
-  return !callback;
-  }
-* CCamCameraController::RemainingVideoRecordingTime()
-* Method to retrieve Remaining Recording time from CCaeEngine
-* which is used in AppController and AppUi during Video Rec Operation
-	{
-	if( iCaeEngine )
-  	return iCaeEngine->RemainingVideoRecordingTime();
-  else
-    return 0;
-	}
-// ===========================================================================
-// Performance measurement related
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PerformanceLogger()
-// Return the performance logger instance.
-// Used to record performance measurement data.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const CCamPerformanceLogger*
-CCamCameraController::PerformanceLogger() const
-  {
-  return iPerformanceLogger;
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-// Debug prints
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PrintCameraInfo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::PrintCameraInfo() const
-  {
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ==================================================") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Camera info:") );
-  PRINT3( _L("Camera <> Camera hw version[%d.%d.%d]"),
-          iCameraInfo.iHardwareVersion.iMajor,
-          iCameraInfo.iHardwareVersion.iMinor,
-          iCameraInfo.iHardwareVersion.iBuild );
-  PRINT3( _L("Camera <> Camera sw version[%d.%d.%d]"),
-          iCameraInfo.iSoftwareVersion.iMajor,
-          iCameraInfo.iSoftwareVersion.iMinor,
-          iCameraInfo.iSoftwareVersion.iBuild );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> TCameraInfo.iMinZoom             : %d"), iCameraInfo.iMinZoom );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> TCameraInfo.iMaxZoom             : %d"), iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> TCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom      : %d"), iCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> TCameraInfo.iMinZoomFactor       : %f"), iCameraInfo.iMinZoomFactor );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> TCameraInfo.iMaxZoomFactor       : %f"), iCameraInfo.iMaxZoomFactor );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> TCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoomFactor: %f"), iCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoomFactor );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ==================================================") );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PrintSnapshotInfo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::PrintSnapshotInfo() const
-  {
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ===========================================================") );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Snapshot info"  ) );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Formats supported (1st)  : %032b"  ), iSnapshotProvider->SupportedFormats() );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K  : %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K      );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K : %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K     );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M : %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M     );
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> EFormatFbsBitmapColor16MU: %032b"  ), CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16MU    );
-  PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ===========================================================")               );
-  }
-// ===========================================================================
-#endif // _DEBUG
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDateL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDateL( const NCamCameraController::TCamCameraSettingId& aSettingId )
-  {
-  PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate") );
-  TBool upToDate = ETrue;
-  switch( aSettingId )
-    {
-    case ECameraSettingFlash:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingFlash:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate ECameraSettingFlash") );
-      // Supposed setting value from settings provider
-      CCamera::TFlash flashSetting( CCamera::EFlashNone );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &flashSetting );
-      // Real settings value from camera
-      CCamera::TFlash flashValue( CCamera::EFlashNone );
-      GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &flashValue );
-      PRINT2( _L("Camera <> flashValue = %d, flashSetting = %d"), flashValue, flashSetting );
-      upToDate = ( flashValue == flashSetting );
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingExposure:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingExposure:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate ECameraSettingExposure") );
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataExposure> exposureSetting;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &exposureSetting );
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataExposure> exposureValue;
-      GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &exposureValue );
-      if ( exposureSetting().iExposureMode != exposureValue().iExposureMode ||
-           exposureSetting().iExposureStep != exposureValue().iExposureStep )
-        {
-        upToDate = EFalse;
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingLightSensitivity:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingLightSensitivity:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate ECameraSettingLightSensitivity") );
-      RArray<TInt> ISOarray;
-      CleanupClosePushL( ISOarray );
-      iAdvancedSettings->GetSupportedIsoRatesL( ISOarray );
-      iSettingProvider.SetSupportedISORatesL( ISOarray );
-      TInt* isoSetting = 0;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &isoSetting );
-      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ISOarray );
-      TInt* isoValue = 0;
-      GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &isoValue );
-      upToDate = ( isoSetting == isoValue );
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingWhiteBalance:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingWhiteBalance:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate ECameraSettingWhiteBalance") );
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataWhiteBalance> wbSetting;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &wbSetting );
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataWhiteBalance> wbValue;
-      GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &wbValue );
-      upToDate = ( wbSetting().iWhiteBalanceMode == wbValue().iWhiteBalanceMode );
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingColourEffect:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingColourEffect:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate ECameraSettingColourEffect") );
-      CIP::TEffect effectSetting( CIP::EEffectNone );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &effectSetting );
-      CIP::TEffect effectValue( CIP::EEffectNone );
-      // Can't leave here or other settings won't be restored
-      TRAP_IGNORE( GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &effectValue ) );
-      upToDate = ( effectSetting == effectValue );
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingBrightness:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingBrightness:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate ECameraSettingBrightness") );
-      CCamera::TBrightness brightnessSetting;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &brightnessSetting );
-      CCamera::TBrightness brightnessValue;
-      GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &brightnessValue );
-      upToDate = ( brightnessSetting == brightnessValue );
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingContrast:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingContrast:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate ECameraSettingContrast") );
-      CCamera::TContrast contrastSetting( CCamera::EContrastAuto );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &contrastSetting );
-      CCamera::TContrast contrastValue( CCamera::EContrastAuto );
-      GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &contrastValue );
-      upToDate = ( contrastSetting == contrastValue );
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingSharpness:
-    case ECameraUserSceneSettingSharpness:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate ECameraSettingSharpness") );
-      TInt sharpnessSetting( 0 );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &sharpnessSetting );
-      TInt sharpnessValue( 0 );
-      // Can't leave here or other settings won't be restored
-      TRAP_IGNORE( GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &sharpnessValue ) );
-      upToDate = ( sharpnessSetting == sharpnessValue );
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingDigitalZoom:
-      {
-      TInt zoomSetting( 0 );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &zoomSetting );
-      TInt zoomValue( 0 );
-      GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &zoomValue );
-      upToDate = ( zoomSetting == zoomValue );
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingStabilization:
-      {
-      PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate ECameraSettingStabilization") );
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataStabilization> stabilizationSetting;
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &stabilizationSetting );
-      TPckgBuf<TCamSettingDataStabilization> stabilizationValue;
-      GetCameraSettingValueL( aSettingId, &stabilizationValue );
-      if ( stabilizationSetting().iMode != stabilizationValue().iMode ||
-              stabilizationSetting().iEffect != stabilizationValue().iEffect ||
-              stabilizationSetting().iComplexity != stabilizationValue().iComplexity )
-        {
-        upToDate = EFalse;
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    case ECameraSettingContAF:
-      {
-      TBool isContAFon( iAdvancedSettings->AutoFocusType() &
-                        CAS::EAutoFocusTypeContinuous );
-      if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iState, ECamVideoOn ) )
-        {
-        TBool contAF( ETrue );
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( aSettingId, &contAF );
-        if( contAF != isContAFon )
-          {
-          upToDate = EFalse;
-          }
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        //Do nothing
-        }
-      break;
-      }
-    default:
-      {
-      PRINT1( _L("CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate - unknown setting id: %d"), aSettingId );
-      }
-    }
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::SettingValueUpToDate returning %d"), upToDate );
-  return upToDate;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::SetViewfinderWindowHandle
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCamCameraController::SetViewfinderWindowHandle( RWindowBase* aWindow )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::SetViewfinderWindowHandle") );
-    PRINT2( _L("Camera <> aWindow=0x%08x iViewfinderWindow=0x%08x "), aWindow, iViewfinderWindow );
-    if ( aWindow != iViewfinderWindow &&
-        iCamera &&
-        iInfo.iVfState == ECamTriActive &&
-        iInfo.iVfMode == ECamViewfinderDirect )
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> viewfinder active and window handle changed, restarting viewfinder...") );
-         iCamera->StopViewFinder();
-        if ( iViewfinderWindow != NULL )
-            {
-            iViewfinderWindow = aWindow;
-            // Use the same viewfinder position and size as for bitmap viewfinder
-            TPckgBuf<TCamParamsVfBitmap> params;
-            iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamVfBitmap, &params );
-            CEikonEnv* env = CEikonEnv::Static();
-            iCamera->StartViewFinderDirectL(
-                  env->WsSession(),
-                  *env->ScreenDevice(),
-                  *iViewfinderWindow,
-                  params().iRect );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iCamera->StopViewFinder();
-            iInfo.iVfState = ECamTriInactive;
-            // restart viewfinder
-		    iAppController.EnterViewfinderMode(iAppController.CurrentMode());
-            }
-        }
-    iViewfinderWindow = aWindow;
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::SetViewfinderWindowHandle") );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::ViewfinderWindowDeleted
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCamCameraController::ViewfinderWindowDeleted( RWindowBase* aWindow )
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::ViewfinderWindowDeleted") );
-    PRINT2( _L("Camera <> aWindow=0x%08x iViewfinderWindow=0x%08x "), aWindow, iViewfinderWindow );
-    if ( aWindow == iViewfinderWindow )
-        {
-        if ( iCamera &&
-            iInfo.iVfState == ECamTriActive &&
-            iInfo.iVfMode == ECamViewfinderDirect )
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> viewfinder active and window deleted, stopping viewfinder...") );
-            iCamera->StopViewFinder();
-            iInfo.iVfState = ECamTriInactive;
-            }
-        iViewfinderWindow = NULL;
-        }
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::ViewfinderWindowDeleted") );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::SetVfWindowOrdinal
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCamCameraController::SetVfWindowOrdinal( TInt aOrdinalPosition )
-    {
-    TInt orgPos( KErrUnknown );
-    CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
-    if ( iViewfinderWindow )
-        {
-        TInt cbaPos(0);
-        TInt toolbarPos(0);
-        CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();
-        orgPos = iViewfinderWindow->OrdinalPosition();
-        if ( aOrdinalPosition != KErrUnknown)
-            {
-            // Set wanted ordinal position
-            iViewfinderWindow->SetOrdinalPosition( aOrdinalPosition );
-            }
-        else if ( appUi )
-            {
-            // Find out other windows ordinal positions
-            if ( cba )
-                {
-                cbaPos =  cba->DrawableWindow()->OrdinalPosition();
-                }
-            CAknToolbar* toolbar = appUi->CurrentFixedToolbar();
-            if ( toolbar )
-                {
-                RDrawableWindow* toolbarwindow = toolbar->DrawableWindow();
-                if ( toolbarwindow )
-                    {
-                    toolbarPos = toolbarwindow->OrdinalPosition();
-                    }
-                }
-            // Calculate new viewfinder position,
-            // just under fixed toolbar and CBA buttons
-            TInt newPos = Max( toolbarPos, cbaPos ) + 1;
-            // Use new position if viefinder window is not visible already
-            iViewfinderWindow->SetOrdinalPosition( Min( orgPos, newPos ) );
-            }
-        }
-    return orgPos;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::DelayedCaeCallback
-// Static function called when the timer expires
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::DelayedCaeCallback( TAny* aController )
-    {
-    CCamCameraController* self = static_cast<CCamCameraController*>( aController );
-    self->CallAppropriateCallback();
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::CallAppropriateCallback
-// Helper function to call the appropriate callback handler.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamCameraController::CallAppropriateCallback( const TCamCameraEventId aEventId,
-                                                     TInt              aStatus )
-    {
-    PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::CallAppropriateCallback, event:%d, status:%d"), aEventId, aStatus )
-    switch ( iSimEventId )
-        {
-        case ECamCameraEventVideoInit:
-        case ECamCameraEventVideoStart:  // fallthrough
-        case ECamCameraEventVideoPause:  // fallthrough
-        case ECamCameraEventVideoStop:
-            if( aEventId == ECamCameraEventNone )
-                {
-                PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::CallAppropriateCallback - calling handler after delay") )
-                HandleVideoEvent( iSimEventId, iSimStatus );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::CallAppropriateCallback - calling handler without delay") )
-                HandleVideoEvent( aEventId, aStatus );
-                }
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    // In case of being called by timer, stop and destro the timer
-    if( aEventId == ECamCameraEventNone && iCallbackTimer )
-        {
-        iCallbackTimer->Cancel();
-        delete iCallbackTimer;
-        iCallbackTimer = NULL;
-        }
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::CallAppropriateCallback") )
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::AsyncVideoStopModeSupported
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  {
-  PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::AsyncVideoStopModeSupported = %d "), iAsyncVideoStopModeSupported );
-  return( iAsyncVideoStopModeSupported );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// IdleCallback <<static>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// static
-TInt CCamCameraController::IdleCallback( TAny* aSelf )
-    {
-    CCamCameraController* self( static_cast<CCamCameraController*>( aSelf ) );
-    self->DoIveRecovery();
-    return EFalse;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::DoIveRecovery
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCamCameraController::DoIveRecovery()
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::DoIveRecovery") )
-    if( iAppController.IsAppUiAvailable()
-            && !( iAppController.IsInShutdownMode() || iAppController.CheckExitStatus() ) )
-        {
-        CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
-        __ASSERT_DEBUG(appUi, CamPanic(ECamPanicNullPointer));
-		TVwsViewId activeView;
-        TInt viewErr = appUi->GetActiveViewId( activeView );
-        CCamViewBase* view = NULL;
-        if( !viewErr )
-            {
-            view = static_cast<CCamViewBase*>( appUi->View( activeView.iViewUid ));
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            //There was an error when getting active view ID. Propably camera
-            //application went to background. In that case just return because
-            //camera resource should be released when going to background.
-            return;
-            }
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(view, CamPanic(ECamPanicNullPointer));
-        if ( appUi->StandbyStatus() && appUi->IsRecoverableStatus() && view->IsInStandbyMode() ) 
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::DoIveRecovery - Standby mode active, try to exit") )
-            TRAP_IGNORE( appUi->HandleControllerEventL(  ECamEventCameraChanged,
-                                                         KErrNone ) );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamCameraController::DoIveRecovery - Start recovering from beginning") )
-            iIveSequenceActive = EFalse;
-            if( IsFlagOn( iInfo.iBusy, ECamBusySequence|ECamBusySetting ) )
-                {
-                if( iActive &&
-                    iActive->IsActive() )
-                    {
-                    iActive->Cancel();
-                    }
-                iIveCancel = ETrue;
-                EndSequence( KErrNone ); // Clears iIveRecoveryOngoing and iIveSequenceActive
-                }
-            NotifyObservers( KErrNone, ECamCameraEventIveRecover,
-                             ECamCameraEventClassBasicControl );
-            }
-        iIveRecoveryCount--;
-        iIveRecoveryOngoing = ETrue;
-        iIveCancel = EFalse;
-        }
-    PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::DoIveRecovery iIveRecoveryCount%d"),iIveRecoveryCount )
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::IsWaitingIveResources
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCamCameraController::IsWaitingIveResources()
-    {
-    // ETrue if recovery is started, but not completed.
-    // iIveRecoveryOngoing is set to false when last recovery command is executed
-    return (iIdle && iIdle->IsActive()) ||
-            iIveCancel || iIveRecoveryOngoing || iIveSequenceActive;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::SetFaceTrackingL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCamCameraController::SetFaceTrackingL()
-    {
-    if( iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking &&
-        KPrimaryCameraIndex == iInfo.iCurrentCamera )
-      {
-      // always enable FaceIndicators regardless of FT setting
-      // to get reticule visible  
-      iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking->EnableFaceIndicatorsL( ETrue );
-      TBool ftOn( EFalse );
-      iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraSettingL( ECameraSettingFacetracking, &ftOn );
-      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Set facetracking: %d"), ftOn )
-      if( ( ftOn && !iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking->FaceTrackingOn() ) ||
-          ( !ftOn && iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking->FaceTrackingOn() ) )
-          {
-          iCustomInterfaceFaceTracking->SetFaceTrackingL( ftOn );
-          DirectRequestL( ECamRequestSetAfRange );
-          }
-      }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCamCameraController::HintUseCase
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCamCameraController::HintUseCaseL()
-    {
-    PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamCameraController::HintUseCaseL"))
-    CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );    
-    //videomode    
-    if ( iCustomInterfaceUseCaseHint && appUi && 
-       ( ( appUi->IsEmbedded() && appUi->TargetMode() == ECamControllerVideo ) || 
-       ( !appUi->IsEmbedded() && iAppController.TargetMode() == ECamControllerVideo ) ) )
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> HintUseCaseL VideoMode") );
-        MCameraUseCaseHint::TVideoCodec codec = MCameraUseCaseHint::ECodecUnknown;
-        MCameraUseCaseHint::TVideoProfile profile = MCameraUseCaseHint::EProfileUnknown;
-        TPckgBuf<TCamParamsVideoCae> params;
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamVideoCae, &params );
-        if( params().iVideoType == KCMRMimeTypeH264AVCBPL31 )
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> HintUseCaseL VideoMode KCMRMimeTypeH264AVCBPL31") );    
-            codec = MCameraUseCaseHint::ECodecH264;
-            profile = MCameraUseCaseHint::EProfileH264BpL3_1;
-            }
-        else if( params().iVideoType == KCMRMimeTypeH263 )
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> HintUseCaseL VideoMode KCMRMimeTypeH263") );    
-            codec = MCameraUseCaseHint::ECodecH263;
-            profile = MCameraUseCaseHint::EProfileH263P0L10;
-            }
-        else if( params().iVideoType == KCMRMimeTypeH264AVCBPL30 )
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> HintUseCaseL VideoMode KCMRMimeTypeH264AVCBPL30") );    
-            codec = MCameraUseCaseHint::ECodecH264;
-            profile = MCameraUseCaseHint::EProfileH264BpL3;
-            }            
-        else if( params().iVideoType == KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4VSPL4A )
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> HintUseCaseL VideoMode KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4VSPL4A") );    
-            codec = MCameraUseCaseHint::ECodecMpeg4;
-            profile = MCameraUseCaseHint::EProfileMPEG4SpL4a;     
-            }
-        else if( params().iVideoType == KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4VSPL3 )
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> HintUseCaseL VideoMode KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4VSPL3") );    
-            codec = MCameraUseCaseHint::ECodecMpeg4;
-            profile = MCameraUseCaseHint::EProfileMPEG4SpL3;                        
-            }
-        else if( params().iVideoType == KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4VSPL2 )
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> HintUseCaseL VideoMode KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4VSPL2") );    
-            codec = MCameraUseCaseHint::ECodecMpeg4;
-            profile = MCameraUseCaseHint::EProfileMPEG4SpL2;                        
-            }                        
-        else
-            {
-            PRINT( _L("Camera <> HintUseCaseL VideoMode not supported") );        
-            //leave if type not supported
-            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-            }    
-        iCustomInterfaceUseCaseHint->HintDirectVideoCaptureL( codec, 
-                                                              profile, 
-                                                              params().iFrameSize );
-        }
-    //stillmode    
-    else if ( iCustomInterfaceUseCaseHint && appUi && 
-            ( ( appUi->IsEmbedded() && appUi->TargetMode() == ECamControllerImage ) || 
-              ( !appUi->IsEmbedded() && iAppController.TargetMode() == ECamControllerImage ) ) )
-        {
-        PRINT( _L("Camera <> HintUseCaseL ImageMode") );    
-        TPckgBuf<TCamParamsImage> params;
-        iSettingProvider.ProvideCameraParamL( ECameraParamImage, &params );
-        CCamera::TFormat format( params().iFormat );
-        TInt index ( GetResolutionIndexL( format, params().iSize ) );    
-        iCustomInterfaceUseCaseHint->HintStillCaptureL( format, index );
-        }
-    PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamCameraController::HintUseCaseL"))    
-    }
-// End of file