changeset 54 bac7acad7cb3
parent 53 61bc0f252b2b
child 57 2c87b2808fd7
--- a/camerauis/cameraxui/cxengine/inc/api/cxenamespace.h	Tue Aug 31 15:03:46 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#ifndef CXENUMS_H
-#define CXENUMS_H
-#include <QVariant>
-typedef QVariantMap CxeScene;
-namespace Cxe
-    enum CameraIndex
-    {
-        //! Primary camera index
-        PrimaryCameraIndex   = 0,
-        //! Secondary camera index. Secondary camera points at the user.
-        SecondaryCameraIndex = 1
-    };
-    /**
-     * Engine operating mode
-     */
-    enum CameraMode
-    {
-        //! Still image capture mode
-        ImageMode = 0,
-        //! Video recording mode
-        VideoMode
-    };
-    enum FlashMode
-    {
-        FlashAuto = 0,
-        FlashAntiRedEye,
-        FlashOn,
-        FlashOff
-    };
-    enum ExposureMode
-    {
-        ExposureAuto = 0,
-        ExposureBacklight,
-        ExposureSport,
-        ExposureNight
-    };
-    enum Colortone
-    {
-        ColortoneNormal = 0,
-        ColortoneSepia,
-        ColortoneNegative,
-        ColortoneBlackAndWhite,
-        ColortoneVivid
-    };
-    enum Whitebalance
-    {
-        WhitebalanceAutomatic = 0,
-        WhitebalanceSunny,
-        WhitebalanceCloudy,
-        WhitebalanceIncandescent,
-        WhitebalanceFluorescent
-    };
-    enum Sharpness
-    {
-        SharpnessHard = 2,
-        SharpnessNormal = 0,
-        SharpnessSoft = -2
-    };
-    enum LightSensitivity
-    {
-        LightSensitivityAutomatic,
-        LightSensitivityLow,
-        LightSensitivityMedium,
-        LightSensitivityHigh
-    };
-    enum DeviceOrientation
-    {
-        Orientation0,
-        Orientation90,
-        Orientation180,
-        Orientation270,
-        OrientationNone  // Data is invalid or ignored for camera app use cases
-    };
-    enum AspectRatio
-    {
-        AspectRatio4to3, // standard
-        AspectRatio16to9, // wide screen
-        AspectRatio11to9
-    };
-    enum SettingKeyType
-    {
-        Repository, // repository key
-        PublishAndSubscribe // P&S key
-    };
-    /*!
-    * Index to CxeVariationKeys::FREE_MEMORY_LEVELS comma separated values
-    */
-    enum FreeMemoryIndex
-    {
-        FreeMemoryTrigger = 0,
-        FreeMemoryTarget
-    };
-    /*!
-    * Indicates if Geotagging setting is enabled or disabled.
-    */
-    enum GeoTagging
-    {
-        GeoTaggingOff = 0,
-        GeoTaggingOn
-    };
-    /*!
-    * Indicates if Geotagging disclaimer note is shown to the users during camera first startup
-    */
-    enum GeoTaggingDisclaimer
-    {
-        GeoTaggingDisclaimerDisabled = 0,
-        GeoTaggingDisclaimerEnabled
-    };
-    // image scene mode key values
-    static const char*  IMAGE_SCENE_AUTO                       = "image_scene_auto";
-    static const char*  IMAGE_SCENE_PORTRAIT                   = "image_scene_portrait";
-    static const char*  IMAGE_SCENE_SCENERY                    = "image_scene_scenery";
-    static const char*  IMAGE_SCENE_MACRO                      = "image_scene_macro";
-    static const char*  IMAGE_SCENE_SPORTS                     = "image_scene_sports";
-    static const char*  IMAGE_SCENE_NIGHT                      = "image_scene_night";
-    static const char*  IMAGE_SCENE_NIGHTPORTRAIT              = "image_scene_night_portrait";
-    // video scene setting key values
-    static const char*  VIDEO_SCENE_AUTO                       = "video_scene_auto";
-    static const char*  VIDEO_SCENE_NIGHTPORTRAIT              = "video_scene_night_portrait";
-    static const char*  VIDEO_SCENE_LOWLIGHT                   = "video_scene_low_light";
-    static const char*  VIDEO_SCENE_NIGHT                      = "video_scene_night";
-namespace CxeSettingIds
-    // Setting Ids
-    static const char* CAMERA_MODE                             = "camera_mode";
-    static const char* FOCAL_RANGE                             = "focal_range";
-    static const char* FLASH_MODE                              = "flash_mode";
-    static const char* WHITE_BALANCE                           = "white_balance";
-    static const char* LIGHT_SENSITIVITY                       = "light_sensitivity";
-    static const char* EXPOSURE_MODE                           = "exposure_mode";
-    static const char* SHARPNESS                               = "sharpness";
-    static const char* COLOR_TONE                              = "color_tone";
-    static const char* EV_COMPENSATION_VALUE                   = "ev_compensation_value";
-    static const char* CONTRAST                                = "contrast";
-    static const char* BRIGHTNESS                              = "brightness";
-    static const char* FRAME_RATE                              = "frame_rate";
-    static const char* SCENE_ID                                = "sceneId";
-    static const char* IMAGE_QUALITY                           = "imageQuality";
-    static const char* VIDEO_QUALITY                           = "videoQuality";
-    static const char* SECONDARY_CAMERA                        = "2ndCamera";
-    static const char* SELF_TIMER                              = "selfTimer";
-    static const char* FACE_TRACKING                           = "face_tracking";
-    static const char* GEOTAGGING                              = "geotagging";
-    static const char* GEOTAGGING_DISCLAIMER                   = "geotagging_disclaimer";
-    static const char* CAPTURE_SOUND_ALWAYS_ON                 = "capture_sound_always_on";
-    // file name/path related key values
-    static const char*  FNAME_FOLDER_SUFFIX                    = "folder_suffix";
-    static const char*  FNAME_MONTH_FOLDER                     = "month_folder";
-    static const char*  FNAME_IMAGE_COUNTER                    = "image_counter";
-    static const char*  FNAME_VIDEO_COUNTER                    = "video_counter";
-    // scene modes. these ids are used to access scene data in settings (CxeScene)
-    static const char* IMAGE_SCENE_DATA                        = "still_scene_mode_data";
-    static const char* VIDEO_SCENE_DATA                        = "video_scene_mode_data";
-    // these setting ids are used to access scene id
-    static const char* IMAGE_SCENE                             = "still_scene_mode";
-    static const char* VIDEO_SCENE                             = "video_scene_mode";
-    // setting keys for post capture timeout
-    static const char*  STILL_SHOWCAPTURED                     = "still_showcaptured";
-    static const char*  VIDEO_SHOWCAPTURED                     = "video_showcaptured";
-    // video mute setting
-    static const char*  VIDEO_MUTE_SETTING                     = "video_mute_setting";
-namespace CxeVariationKeys
-    // Runtime variation keys
-    static const char* FREE_MEMORY_LEVELS            = "free_memory_levels";
-    static const char* STILL_MAX_ZOOM_LIMITS         = "still_max_zoom_limits";
-    static const char* VIDEO_MAX_ZOOM_LIMITS         = "video_max_zoom_limits";
-#endif // CXENUMS_H