--- a/camerauis/cameraxui/cxengine/src/cxeenginesymbian.cpp Tue Aug 31 15:03:46 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include <xqserviceutil.h>
-#include "cxeenginesymbian.h"
-#include "cxecameradevicecontrolsymbian.h"
-#include "cxestillcapturecontrolsymbian.h"
-#include "cxevideocapturecontrolsymbian.h"
-#include "cxesettingscontrolsymbian.h"
-#include "cxeviewfindercontrolsymbian.h"
-#include "cxesnapshotcontrol.h"
-#include "cxefilenamegeneratorsymbian.h"
-#include "cxeautofocuscontrolsymbian.h"
-#include "cxezoomcontrolsymbian.h"
-#include "cxequalitypresetssymbian.h"
-#include "cxutils.h"
-#include "cxesettingsimp.h"
-#include "cxefeaturemanagerimp.h"
-#include "cxesettingscenrepstore.h"
-#include "cxesoundplayersymbian.h"
-#include "cxesensoreventhandlersymbian.h"
-#include "cxefilesavethread.h"
-#include "cxecameradevice.h"
-#include "cxememorymonitor.h"
-#include "cxediskmonitor.h"
-#include "cxegeotaggingtrail.h"
-#include "cxeexception.h"
-#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
-#include "cxeenginesymbianTraces.h"
-// Member Functions
- : mCameraDeviceControl(NULL),
- mCameraDevice(NULL),
- mViewfinderControl(NULL),
- mSnapshotControl(NULL),
- mStillCaptureControl(NULL),
- mVideoCaptureControl(NULL),
- mSettingsControl(NULL),
- mAutoFocusControl(NULL),
- mZoomControl(NULL),
- mSettings(NULL),
- mFeatureManager(NULL),
- mFilenameGenerator(NULL),
- mSensorEventHandler(NULL),
- mQualityPresets(NULL),
- mFileSaveThread(NULL),
- mDiskMonitor(NULL),
- mMemoryMonitor(NULL),
- mGeoTaggingTrail(NULL)
- Create all control classes and connect relevant signals
-void CxeEngineSymbian::construct()
- createControls();
- connectSignals();
- Create all control classes.
- Note: Throws an error, if free memory request by CxeMemoryMonitor constructor fails!
-void CxeEngineSymbian::createControls()
- // Check we do this only once.
- if (!mSettings) {
- CxeCameraDeviceControlSymbian *deviceControl = new CxeCameraDeviceControlSymbian();
- mCameraDeviceControl = deviceControl;
- mCameraDevice = deviceControl->cameraDevice();
- CX_ASSERT_ALWAYS(mCameraDeviceControl);
- CX_ASSERT_ALWAYS(mCameraDevice);
- mCameraDeviceControl->init();
- CxeSettingsCenRepStore *settingsStore(NULL);
- if (XQServiceUtil::isService()) {
- settingsStore = new CxeSettingsLocalStore();
- } else {
- settingsStore = new CxeSettingsCenRepStore();
- }
- //ownership of settings store transferred to the settings
- mSettings = new CxeSettingsImp(settingsStore);
- // Loading current camera mode value from settings store and updating
- // devicecontrol
- Cxe::CameraMode cameraMode = Cxe::ImageMode;
- try {
- cameraMode = mSettings->get<Cxe::CameraMode>(CxeSettingIds::CAMERA_MODE);
- } catch (CxeException &e) {
- CX_DEBUG(("Failed to read camera mode from settings, using image mode. Error code: %d", e.error()));
- }
- // set current camera mode to devicecontrol.
- mCameraDeviceControl->setMode(cameraMode);
- //! @todo a temporary hack to change the startup sequence to avoid GOOM problems
- static_cast<CxeSettingsImp*>(mSettings)->loadSettings(mode());
- // Connect P&S key updates to settings signal.
- connect(settingsStore, SIGNAL(settingValueChanged(long int, unsigned long int, QVariant)),
- mSettings, SIGNAL(settingValueChanged(long int, unsigned long int, QVariant)));
- mFeatureManager = new CxeFeatureManagerImp(*mSettings);
- // Memory monitor needed as early as possible to request free memory.
- // Note: Throws error if enough memory cannot be freed!
- mMemoryMonitor = new CxeMemoryMonitor(*mFeatureManager);
- mDiskMonitor = new CxeDiskMonitor(*mSettings);
- mQualityPresets = new CxeQualityPresetsSymbian(*mSettings);
- CX_DEBUG_ASSERT(mQualityPresets);
- // sensor event handler initialization
- mSensorEventHandler = new CxeSensorEventHandlerSymbian();
- mFilenameGenerator = new CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian(*mSettings,
- mode());
- mViewfinderControl = new CxeViewfinderControlSymbian(*mCameraDevice,
- *mCameraDeviceControl);
- mSnapshotControl = new CxeSnapshotControl(*mCameraDevice);
- mAutoFocusControl = new CxeAutoFocusControlSymbian(*mCameraDevice,
- *mSettings);
- mFileSaveThread = CxeFileSaveThreadFactory::createFileSaveThread();
- mStillCaptureControl = new CxeStillCaptureControlSymbian(
- *mCameraDevice, *mViewfinderControl, *mSnapshotControl, *mCameraDeviceControl,
- *mFilenameGenerator, *mSensorEventHandler, *mAutoFocusControl,
- *mSettings, *mQualityPresets, *mFileSaveThread, *mDiskMonitor);
- mZoomControl = new CxeZoomControlSymbian(
- *mCameraDevice, *mCameraDeviceControl, *mSettings, *mFeatureManager);
- mVideoCaptureControl = new CxeVideoCaptureControlSymbian(
- *mCameraDevice, *mViewfinderControl, *mSnapshotControl, *mCameraDeviceControl,
- *mFilenameGenerator, *mSettings, *mQualityPresets, *mDiskMonitor);
- mSettingsControl = new CxeSettingsControlSymbian(*mCameraDevice, *mSettings);
- mGeoTaggingTrail = new CxeGeoTaggingTrail(*mStillCaptureControl,
- *mVideoCaptureControl,
- *mSettings);
- }
- Connect internal signals for control classes
-void CxeEngineSymbian::connectSignals()
- // enabling scene setting change callbacks to Autofocus control
- mSettings->listenForSetting(CxeSettingIds::IMAGE_SCENE_DATA, mAutoFocusControl, SLOT(handleSceneChanged(const QVariant&)));
- mSettings->listenForSetting(CxeSettingIds::VIDEO_SCENE_DATA, mAutoFocusControl, SLOT(handleSceneChanged(const QVariant&)));
- // connecting Autofocus state change callbacks to stillcapturecontrol
- connect(mAutoFocusControl,
- SIGNAL(stateChanged(CxeAutoFocusControl::State, CxeError::Id)),
- mStillCaptureControl,
- SLOT(handleAutofocusStateChanged(CxeAutoFocusControl::State,CxeError::Id)));
- // Connect signals for ECam events
- connect(mCameraDeviceControl,
- SIGNAL(cameraEvent(int,int)),
- mSnapshotControl,
- SLOT(handleCameraEvent(int,int)));
- connect(mCameraDeviceControl,
- SIGNAL(cameraEvent(int,int)),
- mAutoFocusControl,
- SLOT(handleCameraEvent(int,int)));
- connect(mCameraDeviceControl,
- SIGNAL(cameraEvent(int,int)),
- mStillCaptureControl,
- SLOT(handleCameraEvent(int,int)));
- // Connect signal for device ready events
- connect(mCameraDeviceControl,
- SIGNAL(deviceReady()),
- this,
- SLOT(doInit()));
- // Connect image and video init complete signals to
- // CameraDeviceControl initModeComplete
- connect(mStillCaptureControl,
- SIGNAL(imagePrepareComplete(CxeError::Id)),
- mCameraDeviceControl,
- SIGNAL(initModeComplete(CxeError::Id)));
- connect(mVideoCaptureControl,
- SIGNAL(videoPrepareComplete(CxeError::Id)),
- mCameraDeviceControl,
- SIGNAL(initModeComplete(CxeError::Id)));
- // Zoom is prepared once the image/video emits prepare zoom signals
- connect(mStillCaptureControl,
- SIGNAL(prepareZoomForStill(int)),
- mZoomControl,
- SLOT(prepareZoomForStill(int)));
- connect(mVideoCaptureControl,
- SIGNAL(prepareZoomForVideo()),
- mZoomControl,
- SLOT(prepareZoomForVideo()));
- // Connect file saving thread to snapshot signals and video saved signal.
- // Image saving it handles internally.
- connect(mStillCaptureControl,
- SIGNAL(snapshotReady(CxeError::Id, const QImage&, int)),
- mFileSaveThread,
- SLOT(handleSnapshotReady(CxeError::Id, const QImage&, int)));
- connect(mVideoCaptureControl,
- SIGNAL(videoComposed(CxeError::Id, const QString&)),
- mFileSaveThread,
- SLOT(handleVideoSaved(CxeError::Id, const QString&)));
- connect(mVideoCaptureControl,
- SIGNAL(snapshotReady(CxeError::Id, const QImage&, const QString&)),
- mFileSaveThread,
- SLOT(handleSnapshotReady(CxeError::Id, const QImage&, const QString&)));
- // stop location trail when releasing camera.
- connect(mCameraDevice,
- SIGNAL(prepareForRelease()),
- mGeoTaggingTrail,
- SLOT(stop()),
- Qt::UniqueConnection);
- // Use MCameraUseCaseHint API before calling Reserve()
- connect(mCameraDevice,
- SIGNAL(aboutToReserve()),
- mStillCaptureControl,
- SLOT(hintUseCase()),
- Qt::UniqueConnection);
- connect(mCameraDevice,
- SIGNAL(aboutToReserve()),
- mVideoCaptureControl,
- SLOT(hintUseCase()),
- Qt::UniqueConnection);
- // Start / stop geotagging based on mode.
- // Do this later to reduce startup time.
- connect(mStillCaptureControl,
- SIGNAL(imagePrepareComplete(CxeError::Id)),
- this,
- SLOT(initGeotagging()));
- connect(mVideoCaptureControl,
- SIGNAL(videoPrepareComplete(CxeError::Id)),
- this,
- SLOT(initGeotagging()));
- // Saving current camera mode to cenrep
- saveMode();
- delete mGeoTaggingTrail;
- delete mAutoFocusControl;
- delete mZoomControl;
- delete mSettingsControl;
- delete mStillCaptureControl;
- delete mVideoCaptureControl;
- delete mSnapshotControl;
- delete mViewfinderControl;
- delete mFilenameGenerator;
- delete mDiskMonitor;
- delete mMemoryMonitor;
- delete mFeatureManager;
- delete mSettings;
- delete mCameraDeviceControl;
- delete mQualityPresets;
- delete mFileSaveThread;
-CxeCameraDeviceControl &CxeEngineSymbian::cameraDeviceControl()
- return *mCameraDeviceControl;
-CxeViewfinderControl &CxeEngineSymbian::viewfinderControl()
- return *mViewfinderControl;
-CxeSnapshotControl &CxeEngineSymbian::snapshotControl()
- return *mSnapshotControl;
-CxeStillCaptureControl &CxeEngineSymbian::stillCaptureControl()
- return *mStillCaptureControl;
-CxeVideoCaptureControl &CxeEngineSymbian::videoCaptureControl()
- return *mVideoCaptureControl;
-CxeAutoFocusControl &CxeEngineSymbian::autoFocusControl()
- return *mAutoFocusControl;
-CxeZoomControl &CxeEngineSymbian::zoomControl()
- return *mZoomControl;
-Returns the settings handle
-CxeSettings &CxeEngineSymbian::settings()
- return *mSettings;
-Returns the sensor event handle
-CxeSensorEventHandler &CxeEngineSymbian::sensorEventHandler()
- return *mSensorEventHandler;
-CxeFeatureManager &CxeEngineSymbian::featureManager()
- return *mFeatureManager;
-* Returns memory monitor utility handle.
-CxeMemoryMonitor &CxeEngineSymbian::memoryMonitor()
- return *mMemoryMonitor;
- Returns geotaggingtrail handle
- */
-CxeGeoTaggingTrail &CxeEngineSymbian::geoTaggingTrail()
- return *mGeoTaggingTrail;
-* Returns true, if the engine is ready or else false.
-bool CxeEngineSymbian::isEngineReady()
- bool ready = false;
- if (mCameraDeviceControl->state() == CxeCameraDeviceControl::Ready &&
- mViewfinderControl->state() == CxeViewfinderControl::Running) {
- if (mode() == Cxe::ImageMode) {
- if (mStillCaptureControl->state() == CxeStillCaptureControl::Ready) {
- ready = true;
- }
- } else if (mode() == Cxe::VideoMode) {
- if (mVideoCaptureControl->state() == CxeVideoCaptureControl::Ready) {
- ready = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return ready;
- Prepare current capture control (CxeVideoCaptureControl in video mode,
- CxeStillCaptureControl in still image mode).
-void CxeEngineSymbian::doInit()
- OstTrace0(camerax_performance, CXEENGINESYMBIAN_DOINIT_IN, "msg: e_CX_ENGINE_DO_INIT 1");
- mFilenameGenerator->init(mode());
- // load settings whenever we change mode or start camera or switch camera
- CxeSettingsImp *settingsImp = qobject_cast<CxeSettingsImp*>(mSettings);
- if (settingsImp) {
- settingsImp->loadSettings(mode());
- }
- if (mode() == Cxe::ImageMode) {
- mVideoCaptureControl->deinit();
- mStillCaptureControl->init();
- } else if (mode() == Cxe::VideoMode) {
- mStillCaptureControl->deinit();
- mVideoCaptureControl->init();
- }
- OstTrace0(camerax_performance, CXEENGINESYMBIAN_DOINIT_OUT, "msg: e_CX_ENGINE_DO_INIT 0");
- * Returns camera mode.
- */
-Cxe::CameraMode CxeEngineSymbian::mode() const
- return mCameraDeviceControl->mode();
- * Sets the camera mode.
- * \parama mode New camera mode
- */
-void CxeEngineSymbian::setMode(Cxe::CameraMode mode)
- mCameraDeviceControl->setMode(mode);
- Check if we need to reserve camera.
-bool CxeEngineSymbian::reserveNeeded()
- // If camera device control is in Idle or pending release state,
- // we need to call reserve()
- return (mCameraDeviceControl->state() == CxeCameraDeviceControl::Idle ||
- mCameraDeviceControl->state() == CxeCameraDeviceControl::PendingRelease);
- Check if we need to prepare image/video capture.
-bool CxeEngineSymbian::initNeeded()
- bool result = false;
- if (mCameraDeviceControl->state() == CxeCameraDeviceControl::Ready) {
- if (mode() == Cxe::ImageMode) {
- if(mStillCaptureControl->state() == CxeStillCaptureControl::Uninitialized) {
- // We're in still image mode, camera is reserved and ready, but
- // we need to prepare still image control
- result = true;
- }
- } else if (mode() == Cxe::VideoMode) {
- if (mVideoCaptureControl->state() == CxeVideoCaptureControl::Idle ||
- mVideoCaptureControl->state() == CxeVideoCaptureControl::Initialized) {
- // We're in video mode, camera is reserved and ready, but
- // we need to prepare for video recording.
- result = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- Check if we need to start viewfinder.
-bool CxeEngineSymbian::startViewfinderNeeded()
- bool result = false;
- if (mViewfinderControl->state() != CxeViewfinderControl::Running) {
- if (mode() == Cxe::ImageMode &&
- mStillCaptureControl->state() == CxeStillCaptureControl::Ready) {
- // We're in still image mode and ready for capturing... we just need to
- // start viewfinder.
- result = true;
- } else if (mode() == Cxe::VideoMode &&
- mVideoCaptureControl->state() == CxeVideoCaptureControl::Ready) {
- // We're in video mode and ready for capturing... we just need to
- // start viewfinder.
- result = true;
- }
- }
- return result;
-void CxeEngineSymbian::initMode(Cxe::CameraMode cameraMode)
- OstTrace0(camerax_performance, CXEENGINE_INITMODE_IN, "msg: e_CX_ENGINE_INIT_MODE 1");
- if (mode() == cameraMode) {
- CX_DEBUG(("initMode() called for current mode"));
- // We're already in the requested mode. However, it is possible
- // that we need to reserve and power on camera and/or prepare
- // the capture control.
- if (reserveNeeded()) {
- // Camera needs to be reserved. Initialization will continue
- // when we get the deviceReady() signal.
- CX_DEBUG(("initMode() - calling reserve()"));
- reserve();
- } else if (initNeeded()) {
- // Camera is reserved and ready, but we need to prepare still image control or
- // video capture control
- CX_DEBUG(("initMode() - calling doInit()"));
- doInit();
- } else if (startViewfinderNeeded()) {
- // Everything is ready and prepared, but we viewfinder is not yet running
- CX_DEBUG(("initMode() - calling viewfinder start()"));
- mViewfinderControl->start();
- } else {
- CX_DEBUG(("initMode() - no actions needed"));
- // Do nothing.
- // We are either already ready to capture or the we're pending
- // on prepare complete callback.
- }
- } else {
- CX_DEBUG(("initMode() called for mode switch"));
- // Mode switch
- mCameraDeviceControl->setMode(cameraMode);
- // stop the vf
- mViewfinderControl->stop();
- if (reserveNeeded()) {
- CX_DEBUG(("initMode() - calling reserve()"));
- reserve();
- } else if (mCameraDeviceControl->state() == CxeCameraDeviceControl::Ready) {
- CX_DEBUG(("initMode() - calling doInit()"));
- // Camera device is ready... we only need to prepare video or still
- // capture control, depending on current mode.
- doInit();
- } else {
- CX_DEBUG(("initMode() - no actions needed"));
- // Do nothing.
- // Camera device control is in Initializing state. Initialization will continue
- // when we get the deviceReady() callback.
- }
- }
- OstTrace0(camerax_performance, CXEENGINE_INITMODE_OUT, "msg: e_CX_ENGINE_INIT_MODE 0");
-void CxeEngineSymbian::reserve()
- // Start reserving camera HW.
- mCameraDeviceControl->reserve();
- emit reserveStarted();
-* Saves current mode to the cenrep
-void CxeEngineSymbian::saveMode()
- if (mCameraDeviceControl && mSettings) {
- try {
- mSettings->set(CxeSettingIds::CAMERA_MODE, mCameraDeviceControl->mode());
- } catch (CxeException &e) {
- CX_DEBUG(("Failed to save camera mode, error=%d", e.error()));
- }
- }
-* Initialize geotagging.
-* Check if we are allowed to start the geotagging and if it's supported in current mode.
-void CxeEngineSymbian::initGeotagging()
- OstTrace0(camerax_performance, CXEENGINE_START_GEO_IN, "msg: e_CX_ENGINE_START_GEOTAGGING 1");
- if (mGeoTaggingTrail && mSettings) {
- if (mode() == Cxe::ImageMode) {
- // Location trail is limited to image mode only for now.
- Cxe::GeoTaggingDisclaimer value =
- mSettings->get<Cxe::GeoTaggingDisclaimer>(
- CxeSettingIds::GEOTAGGING_DISCLAIMER, Cxe::GeoTaggingDisclaimerDisabled);
- // we start location trail only when Geotagging First-time-use note is accepted by user.
- if (value == Cxe::GeoTaggingDisclaimerDisabled) {
- mGeoTaggingTrail->start();
- }
- } else {
- // Geotagging is not (yet) supported in video mode.
- mGeoTaggingTrail->stop();
- }
- }
- OstTrace0(camerax_performance, CXEENGINE_START_GEO_OUT, "msg: e_CX_ENGINE_START_GEOTAGGING 0");
-// End of file