changeset 54 bac7acad7cb3
parent 53 61bc0f252b2b
child 57 2c87b2808fd7
--- a/camerauis/cameraxui/cxui/src/cxuiapplicationframeworkmonitorprivate.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:03:46 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include <QObject>
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-#include <e32cmn.h>
-#include <w32std.h>
-#include <apgwgnam.h>
-#include <apgtask.h>
-#include <eikenv.h>
-#include <avkondomainpskeys.h>  // keyguard state
-#include <hwrmpowerstatesdkpskeys.h> // battery status
-#include <UsbWatcherInternalPSKeys.h> // usb status
-#include <usbman.h>
-#include <usbpersonalityids.h>
-#include <QMetaEnum>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QVariant>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <qsymbianevent.h>
-#endif // Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-#include "cxutils.h"
-#include "cxuieventlog.h"
-#include "cxuiapplication.h"
-#include "cxesettings.h"
-#include "cxuiapplicationframeworkmonitorprivate.h"
-    const int CXUI_USB_MODE_CHECK_TIMER_DELAY = 1000; // 1 second
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-    inline QString convertTDesC2QString(const TDesC& aDescriptor)
-    {
-        #ifdef QT_NO_UNICODE
-            return QString::fromLocal8Bit(aDescriptor.Ptr(), aDescriptor.Length());
-        #else
-            return QString::fromUtf16(aDescriptor.Ptr(), aDescriptor.Length());
-        #endif
-    }
-    inline QString windowGroupName(RWsSession& ws, int id)
-    {
-        TBuf<CApaWindowGroupName::EMaxLength> name;
-        ws.GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier(id, name);
-        // Window group name contains "null" characters,
-        // which are considered end-of-string if not replaced.
-        for (int i=0; i < name.Length(); i++) {
-            if (name[i] == NULL) {
-                name[i] = ' ';
-            }
-        }
-        return convertTDesC2QString(name);
-    }
-    inline QString bitString(int number, char fill = '0', int width = 32)
-    {
-        return QString::number(number, 2).rightJustified(width, fill);
-    }
-    //!@todo: Avkon UIDs not needed once device dialogs fully implemented in Orbit.
-    // AknCapServer
-    static const unsigned int UID_AKNCAPSERVER    = 0x10207218;
-    // Phone ui
-    static const unsigned int UID_PHONEUI         = 0x100058B3;
-    // Task switcher
-    static const unsigned int UID_TASKSWITCHER    = 0x2002677D;
-    // Dialog server
-    static const unsigned int UID_DIALOGAPPSERVER = 0x20022FC5;
-    // Log event types
-    static const char *EVENT_USB        = "usb";
-    static const char *EVENT_FOREGROUND = "foreground";
-#endif // Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-* Constructor
-CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate(CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor *parent,
-                                                                               CxuiApplication &application,
-                                                                               CxeSettings& settings)
-    :  q(parent),
-       mApplication(application),
-       mSettings(settings),
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-       mWsSession(CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession()),
-       mWindowGroup(CCoeEnv::Static()->RootWin()),
-       mWindowGroupId(mWindowGroup.Identifier()),
-       mWindowGroupName(),
-       mKeyLockState(EKeyguardNotActive),
-       mBatteryStatus(EBatteryStatusUnknown),
-       mUsbPersonality(0),
-       mUsbModeCheckTimer(this),
-       mEventLog(NULL),
-#endif // Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-       mState(CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundOwned)
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-    mWindowGroup.EnableFocusChangeEvents();
-    mWindowGroupName = windowGroupName(mWsSession, mWindowGroupId);
-    mEventLog = new CxuiEventLog("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate");
-    init();
-    mUsbModeCheckTimer.setSingleShot(true);
-    mUsbModeCheckTimer.setInterval(CXUI_USB_MODE_CHECK_TIMER_DELAY);
-    connect(&mUsbModeCheckTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
-            this, SLOT(usbModeCheckTimerCallback()));
-#endif // Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-* Destructor
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-    delete mEventLog;
-#endif // Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-* Current foreground owning state of this application.
-* @return Foreground owning state.
-CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundState CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::foregroundState() const
-    return mState;
-* Is USB connected in mass memory mode?
-* @return True if USB mass memory mode is active and connected, false otherwise.
-bool CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::isUsbMassMemoryModeActive() const
-    bool active(false);
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-    // Mass memory mode activity can be seen from the KUsbWatcherSelectedPersonality property.
-    // When USB is connected in Mass Memory Mode, we get KUsbPersonalityIdMS as personality id.
-    // If USB is not connected, personality id is KUsbWatcherSelectedPersonalityNone.
-    active = (mUsbPersonality == KUsbPersonalityIdMS);
-#endif // Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-    return active;
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-* Slot to handle Symbian event.
-* @param event Symbian event to be handled. (Ownership not taken.)
-void CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::handleEvent(const QSymbianEvent *event)
-    // We receive tons of these events, so function start and end traces
-    // are intentionally left out.
-    if (event) {
-        switch (event->type()) {
-        case QSymbianEvent::WindowServerEvent:
-            handleWindowServerEvent(event);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-* Handle changes in RProperty values of keylock state and battery status.
-* @param uid Category uid of the changed property.
-* @param key Integer key of the changed property.
-* @param value New value of the changed property.
-void CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::handlePropertyEvent(long int uid, unsigned long int key, QVariant value)
-    if (uid == KPSUidAvkonDomain.iUid && key == KAknKeyguardStatus) {
-        CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - keylock status changed: %d -> %d", mKeyLockState, value.toInt()));
-        // Check if the keylock value has actually changed
-        const int newKeyLockState = value.toInt();
-        if (newKeyLockState != mKeyLockState) {
-            mKeyLockState = newKeyLockState;
-            // Set foreground state based on keylock status and focused application info.
-            setState(getCurrentState());
-        }
-    } else if (uid == KPSUidHWRMPowerState.iUid && key == KHWRMBatteryStatus ) {
-        CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - battery status changed: %d -> %d", mBatteryStatus, value.toInt() ));
-        // If status changed, check if battery is going empty.
-        const int newBatteryStatus = value.toInt();
-        if (newBatteryStatus != mBatteryStatus) {
-            mBatteryStatus = newBatteryStatus;
-            // Notify that battery is almost empty,
-            // need to stop any recordings etc.
-            if(mBatteryStatus == EBatteryStatusEmpty) {
-                emit q->batteryEmpty();
-            }
-        }
-    } else if (uid == KPSUidUsbWatcher.iUid && key == KUsbWatcherSelectedPersonality) {
-        CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - usb personality changed: %d -> %d", mUsbPersonality, value.toInt()));
-        const int newUsbPersonality(value.toInt());
-        if (newUsbPersonality != mUsbPersonality) {
-            // Check before saving the new state if mass memory mode was active,
-            // so we know when to emit the unactivated signal.
-            const bool wasUsbMassMemoryModeActive(isUsbMassMemoryModeActive());
-            // Store new state.
-            mUsbPersonality = newUsbPersonality;
-            // Save state to log.
-            if (mEventLog) {
-                mEventLog->append(EVENT_USB, QString::number(mUsbPersonality));
-            }
-            // Check if mass memory mode activity changed.
-            if (wasUsbMassMemoryModeActive != isUsbMassMemoryModeActive()) {
-                // If the massmemory mode switched from on to off,
-                // the signal is emitted immediately.
-                // If the switch is from off to on, we need to use a timer
-                // as a workaround because  plugging in the USB charger
-                // sends a mass memory mode change event.
-                if (wasUsbMassMemoryModeActive) {
-                    emit q->usbMassMemoryModeToggled(isUsbMassMemoryModeActive());
-                } else {
-                    // (Re)starting the timer
-                    mUsbModeCheckTimer.stop();
-                    mUsbModeCheckTimer.start();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-*  Callback function for the timer used to seperate USB charging
-*  from USB mass memory mode
-void CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::usbModeCheckTimerCallback()
-    // if the device is still in mass memory mode after the timer has finished,
-    // the device really is in massmemory mode and not plugged into the charger
-    if (isUsbMassMemoryModeActive()){
-        emit q->usbMassMemoryModeToggled(isUsbMassMemoryModeActive());
-    }
-* Set initial values.
-void CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::init()
-    // Connect to application (window server) events.
-    connect(&mApplication, SIGNAL(symbianEvent(const QSymbianEvent *)), this, SLOT(handleEvent(const QSymbianEvent *)));
-    QVariant value;
-    // Get initial battery status.
-    mSettings.get(KPSUidHWRMPowerState.iUid, KHWRMBatteryStatus, Cxe::PublishAndSubscribe, value);
-    mBatteryStatus = value.toInt();
-    // Get initial keylock status.
-    mSettings.get(KPSUidAvkonDomain.iUid, KAknKeyguardStatus, Cxe::PublishAndSubscribe, value);
-    mKeyLockState = value.toInt();
-    // Get current USB personality
-    mSettings.get(KPSUidUsbWatcher.iUid, KUsbWatcherSelectedPersonality, Cxe::PublishAndSubscribe, value);
-    mUsbPersonality = value.toInt();
-    bool ok = connect(&mSettings, SIGNAL(settingValueChanged(long int, unsigned long int, QVariant)),
-                      this, SLOT(handlePropertyEvent(long int, unsigned long int, QVariant)));
-    // Get foreground state. Depends on keyguard status, so that needs to be read first.
-    mState = getCurrentState();
-* Helper method to handle Symbian event that specificly is of type QSymbianEvent::WindowServerEvent.
-* @param event Symbian event to be handled. (Ownership not taken.)
-void CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::handleWindowServerEvent(const QSymbianEvent *event)
-    {
-    // We receive tons of these events, so function start and end traces
-    // are intentionally left out.
-    const TWsEvent *wsEvent = event->windowServerEvent();
-    if (wsEvent) {
-        switch (wsEvent->Type()) {
-        case EEventFocusGroupChanged: {
-            CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - EEventFocusGroupChanged event"));
-            setState(getCurrentState());
-            break;
-        }
-        case EEventFocusGained: {
-            CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - EEventFocusGained event"));
-            setState(getCurrentState());
-            break;
-        }
-        case EEventFocusLost: {
-            CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - EEventFocusLost event"));
-            setState(getCurrentState());
-            break;
-        }
-        case EEventWindowVisibilityChanged: {
-            const TWsVisibilityChangedEvent *visibilityEvent = wsEvent->VisibilityChanged();
-            if (visibilityEvent) {
-                CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - EFullyVisible: bits[%s]",
-                    bitString(TWsVisibilityChangedEvent::EFullyVisible).toAscii().constData() ));
-                CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - EPartiallyVisible: bits[%s]",
-                    bitString(TWsVisibilityChangedEvent::EPartiallyVisible).toAscii().constData() ));
-                CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - ENotVisible: bits[%s]",
-                    bitString(TWsVisibilityChangedEvent::ENotVisible).toAscii().constData() ));
-                CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - event:       bits[%s]",
-                    bitString(visibilityEvent->iFlags).toAscii().constData() ));
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-* Set state and emit signal if state really changes.
-* @param state New state.
-void CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::setState(CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundState state)
-    if (mState != state) {
-        const CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundState original(mState);
-        // Check if state transition is acceptable in current state.
-        switch (mState) {
-        case CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundOwned:
-        case CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundPartiallyLost:
-            // All changes accepted.
-            mState = state;
-            break;
-        case CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundFullyLost:
-            // If foreground application is changed to note when we are already
-            // fully in background, cannot accept state change to "partial foreground".
-            if (state != CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundPartiallyLost) {
-                mState = state;
-            } else {
-                CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - state change full bg -> partial bg ignored"));
-            }
-        }
-        if (mState != original) {
-            // Print the event log with this foreground event included.
-            if (mEventLog) {
-                mEventLog->append(
-                    EVENT_FOREGROUND,
-                    CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::staticMetaObject.enumerator(
-                        CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("ForegroundState")).valueToKey(mState));
-                mEventLog->print();
-            }
-            // If state was changed, signal it to listeners.
-            emit q->foregroundStateChanged(mState);
-        }
-    }
-* Get the current foreground state.
-* @return Current state for foreground ownership.
-CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundState CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::getCurrentState()
-    CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundState state(CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundOwned);
-    int focusWindowGroupId(mWsSession.GetFocusWindowGroup());
-    if (mKeyLockState != EKeyguardNotActive) {
-        // Keylock enabled is the same as if other application is in foreground.
-        CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - key lock on"));
-        state = CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundFullyLost;
-    } else if (focusWindowGroupId == mWindowGroupId) {
-        // If our window group has focus, we clearly are the foreground owning application.
-        CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - Foreground window group matches ours."));
-        state = CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundOwned;
-    } else {
-        // Need to check if foreground is owned by known apps.
-        unsigned int uid(focusedApplicationUid());
-        // Check the app uid.
-        switch (uid) {
-        case UID_AKNCAPSERVER:
-        case UID_TASKSWITCHER:
-            // Note or task switcher in foreground.
-            state = CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundPartiallyLost;
-            break;
-        case UID_PHONEUI:
-        default:
-            // Foreground owned by other app.
-            state = CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor::ForegroundFullyLost;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return state;
-* Get the uid of application in foreground.
-* @return Application uid for the foreground application.
-unsigned int CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitorPrivate::focusedApplicationUid()
-    unsigned int uid(0);
-    int focusWgId(mWsSession.GetFocusWindowGroup());
-        CApaWindowGroupName* wgn = CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(mWsSession, focusWgId);
-        uid = wgn->AppUid().iUid;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wgn);
-    });
-    // If the window group identifier does not have the application uid set,
-    // get it via thread secure id.
-    if (uid == 0) {
-        TApaTask task(mWsSession);
-        task.SetWgId(focusWgId);
-        RThread t;
-        int err = t.Open(task.ThreadId());
-        if (err == KErrNone) {
-            uid = t.SecureId().iId;
-            CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - uid resolved from thread"));
-        }
-        t.Close();
-    }
-#ifdef CX_DEBUG
-    QString name(windowGroupName(mWsSession, focusWgId));
-    CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - Own window group id:     0x%08x", mWindowGroupId));
-    CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - Focused window group id: 0x%08x", focusWgId));
-    CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - Own window group name:        [%s]", mWindowGroupName.toAscii().constData()));
-    CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - Focused window group name:    [%s]", name.toAscii().constData()));
-    CX_DEBUG(("CxuiApplicationFrameworkMonitor - Focused application uid: 0x%08x", uid));
-    return uid;
-#endif // Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-// end of file