--- a/camerauis/cameraxui/cxui/src/cxuipostcaptureview.cpp Tue Aug 31 15:03:46 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <QPixmap>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QGraphicsRectItem>
-#include <QBrush>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QProcess>
-#include <hblabel.h>
-#include <hbmainwindow.h>
-#include <hbtoolbar.h>
-#include <hbaction.h>
-#include <hbmessagebox.h>
-#include <hbactivitymanager.h>
-#include <xqaiwdecl.h>
-#include <shareui.h>
-#include <thumbnailmanager_qt.h>
-#include "cxeviewfindercontrol.h"
-#include "cxuienums.h"
-#include "cxuipostcaptureview.h"
-#include "cxeengine.h"
-#include "cxecameradevicecontrol.h"
-#include "cxestillcapturecontrol.h"
-#include "cxevideocapturecontrol.h"
-#include "cxestillimage.h"
-#include "cxutils.h"
-#include "cxefeaturemanager.h"
-#include "cxuidocumentloader.h"
-#include "cxesettings.h"
-#include "cxenamespace.h"
-#include "cxuiserviceprovider.h"
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
-#include "cxuipostcaptureviewTraces.h"
-#endif //Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-using namespace CxUiLayout;
-using namespace Cxe;
-namespace {
- const QString FILENAME_KEY = "filename";
- const int CXUI_STOP_VIEWFINDER_TIMEOUT = 5000; // 5 seconds
- const int CXUI_RELEASE_CAMERA_TIMEOUT = 60000; // 60 seconds
-* Constructor.
-CxuiPostcaptureView::CxuiPostcaptureView(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
- CxuiView(parent),
- mStillToolbar(NULL),
- mVideoToolbar(NULL),
- mEmbeddedToolbar(NULL),
- mBackgroundItem(NULL),
- mImageLabel(NULL),
- mShareUi(NULL),
- mStopViewfinderTimer(this),
- mReleaseCameraTimer(this),
- mPostcaptureTimer(this),
- mTimersStarted(false),
- mDeleteNoteOpen(false),
- mFilename(QString::null),
- mThumbnailManager(NULL)
-* Destructor.
- QCoreApplication::instance()->removeEventFilter(this);
- stopTimers();
- delete mThumbnailManager;
- delete mShareUi;
-* Second phase construction.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::construct(HbMainWindow *mainwindow, CxeEngine *engine,
- CxuiDocumentLoader *documentLoader,
- CxuiCaptureKeyHandler *keyHandler,
- HbActivityManager *activityManager)
- Q_UNUSED(keyHandler);
- CxuiView::construct(mainwindow, engine, documentLoader, NULL, activityManager);
- // set back action to go back to pre-capture
- HbAction *backAction = new HbAction(Hb::BackNaviAction, this);
- connect(backAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(goToPrecaptureView()));
- setNavigationAction(backAction);
- // creates black background item
- createBackground();
- CX_DEBUG_ASSERT(mDocumentLoader);
- QGraphicsWidget *widget = 0;
- widget = mDocumentLoader->findWidget(POST_CAPTURE_SNAPSHOT_LABEL);
- mImageLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>(widget);
- CX_DEBUG_ASSERT(mImageLabel);
- mShareUi = new ShareUi();
- // get toolbar pointers from the documentloader
- widget = mDocumentLoader->findWidget(STILL_POST_CAPTURE_TOOLBAR);
- // This resize is a workaround to get toolbar shown correctly.
- widget->resize(60, 300);
- mStillToolbar = qobject_cast<HbToolBar *> (widget);
- CX_DEBUG_ASSERT(mStillToolbar);
- widget = mDocumentLoader->findWidget(VIDEO_POST_CAPTURE_TOOLBAR);
- // This resize is a workaround to get toolbar shown correctly.
- widget->resize(60, 300);
- mVideoToolbar = qobject_cast<HbToolBar *> (widget);
- CX_DEBUG_ASSERT(mVideoToolbar);
- widget = mDocumentLoader->findWidget(EMBEDDED_POST_CAPTURE_TOOLBAR);
- // This resize is a workaround to get toolbar shown correctly.
- widget->resize(60, 300);
- mEmbeddedToolbar = qobject_cast<HbToolBar *> (widget);
- CX_DEBUG_ASSERT(mEmbeddedToolbar);
- mStopViewfinderTimer.setSingleShot(true);
- connect(&mStopViewfinderTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
- this, SLOT(stopViewfinder()));
- mReleaseCameraTimer.setSingleShot(true);
- connect(&mReleaseCameraTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
- this, SLOT(releaseCamera()));
- mHideControlsTimeout.setSingleShot(true);
- connect(&mHideControlsTimeout, SIGNAL(timeout()),
- this, SLOT(hideControls()));
- mPostcaptureTimer.setSingleShot(true);
- connect(&mPostcaptureTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
- this, SLOT(goToPrecaptureView()));
- // set focus flags
- setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable);
- setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
- QCoreApplication::instance()->installEventFilter(this);
-* Handle pressing capture key.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::handleCaptureKeyPressed()
- if (!mDeleteNoteOpen) {
- goToPrecaptureView();
- }
-* Handle pressing auto focus key.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::handleAutofocusKeyPressed()
- if (!mDeleteNoteOpen) {
- goToPrecaptureView();
- }
- Slot for starting video playing.
- */
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::playVideo()
- stopTimers();
- releaseCamera();
- QString videoFile(getCurrentFilename());
- XQAiwRequest *videoRequest = mAppManager.create(XQI_VIDEO_PLAY, XQOP_VIDEO_PLAY, true);
- if (videoRequest) {
- QVariantList fileList;
- fileList.append(QVariant(videoFile));
- videoRequest->setArguments(fileList);
- CX_DEBUG(("CxuiPostcaptureView: sending request"));
- QVariant result;
- bool res = videoRequest->send(result);
- if (res) {
- CX_DEBUG(("CxuiPostcaptureView: request sent, received \"%s\"",
- qPrintable(result.toString())));
- } else {
- CX_DEBUG(("CxuiPostcaptureView: request sending failed, error=%d",
- videoRequest->lastError()));
- }
- delete videoRequest;
- videoRequest = NULL;
- }
-* Show delete query.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::showDeleteNote()
- hideControls();
- QString text(mEngine->mode() == Cxe::VideoMode
- ? hbTrId("txt_cam_other_delete_video_clip")
- : hbTrId("txt_cam_other_delete_image"));
- HbMessageBox::question(text,
- this,
- SLOT(handleDeleteDialogClosed(int)),
- HbMessageBox::Yes | HbMessageBox::No);
- mDeleteNoteOpen = true;
-* Handle closing delete query dialog.
-* @param action HbMessageBox::Yes if user accepted the delete query, HbMessageBox::No if not.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::handleDeleteDialogClosed(int action)
- hideControls();
- mDeleteNoteOpen = false;
- // Check that user confirmed delete
- if (action == HbMessageBox::Yes) {
- QFileInfo fileInfo(getCurrentFilename());
- if (fileInfo.exists()) {
- //! @todo
- // We can retry deletion if file deletion does'nt succeed,
- // but this is left out for the time being since the user
- // can't delete it so early that it's not saved yet or
- // is being harvested by MdS etc.
- QDir dir = fileInfo.absolutePath();
- bool ok = dir.remove(fileInfo.fileName());
- CX_DEBUG(("Delete file [%s], status %d", qPrintable(fileInfo.fileName()), ok));
- // Go back to precapture view
- goToPrecaptureView();
- }
- }
- Slot for handling image/video sharing.
- */
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::launchShare()
- stopTimers();
- releaseCamera();
- hideControls();
- QString filename = getCurrentFilename();
- QStringList filelist;
- filelist.append(filename);
- mShareUi->send(filelist, true);
-* Go to pre-capture view.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::goToPrecaptureView()
- // Cannot return to pre-capture while stopping in video mode
- if (mEngine->mode() != Cxe::VideoMode ||
- mEngine->videoCaptureControl().state() != CxeVideoCaptureControl::Stopping) {
- stopTimers();
- // Re-enabling starting timers the next time we enter post capture view.
- mTimersStarted = false;
- // reset saved filename
- mFilename = QString::null;
- // Switch to pre-capture view
- emit changeToPrecaptureView();
- }
-* Stop viewfinder.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::stopViewfinder()
- if (mMainWindow->currentView() == this) {
- mEngine->viewfinderControl().stop();
- }
- mStopViewfinderTimer.stop();
-* Hides toolbar.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::hideToolbar()
- if (mStillToolbar) {
- mStillToolbar->hide();
- }
- if (mVideoToolbar) {
- mVideoToolbar->hide();
- }
- if (mEmbeddedToolbar) {
- mEmbeddedToolbar->hide();
- }
-* Handle events.
-* Needed for restarting timers.
-bool CxuiPostcaptureView::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
- Q_UNUSED(object)
- bool eventWasConsumed = false;
- switch (event->type())
- {
- case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease:
- mHideControlsTimeout.start();
- break;
- case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress:
- mHideControlsTimeout.stop();
- // stop the postcapture timer
- mPostcaptureTimer.stop();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return eventWasConsumed;
-* Paint method.
-* Used for performance tracing purposes.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- // Performance trace for checking shot to snapshot time.
- // Guard that we actually have the snapshot set before outputting the trace.
- if (mImageLabel && !mImageLabel->icon().isNull()) {
- OstTrace0(camerax_performance, CXUIPOSTCAPTUREVIEW_SNAPSHOT_DRAW, "msg: e_CX_SHOT_TO_SNAPSHOT 0");
- }
- QGraphicsWidget::paint(painter, option, widget);
- * Restore view state from activity.
- * @param activityId Activity id
- * @param data Activity data
- */
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::restoreActivity(const QString &activityId, const QVariant &data)
- Q_UNUSED(activityId);
- // get filename. if filename is not found (toString() returns empty string)
- // we will go back to pre-capture in updateSnapshotImage()
- mFilename = data.toMap()[FILENAME_KEY].toString();
- CX_DEBUG(("Got filename [%s] from activity", qPrintable(mFilename)));
- * Save view state to activity.
- */
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::saveActivity()
- QVariantMap data;
- QVariantHash params;
- QString filename = getCurrentFilename();
- CX_DEBUG(("Saving filename [%s]", qPrintable(filename)));
- data.insert(FILENAME_KEY, filename);
- QImage img(mMainWindow->rect().size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
- QPainter p(&img);
- mMainWindow->render(&p, mMainWindow->rect(), mMainWindow->rect());
- QPixmap screenshot = QPixmap::fromImage(img);
- params.insert("screenshot", screenshot);
- if (mEngine->mode() == Cxe::ImageMode) {
- mActivityManager->removeActivity(CxuiActivityIds::STILL_POSTCAPTURE_ACTIVITY);
- mActivityManager->addActivity(CxuiActivityIds::STILL_POSTCAPTURE_ACTIVITY, data, params);
- } else {
- mActivityManager->removeActivity(CxuiActivityIds::VIDEO_POSTCAPTURE_ACTIVITY);
- mActivityManager->addActivity(CxuiActivityIds::VIDEO_POSTCAPTURE_ACTIVITY, data, params);
- }
- * Clear activity from activity manager.
- */
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::clearActivity()
- mActivityManager->removeActivity(CxuiActivityIds::STILL_POSTCAPTURE_ACTIVITY);
- mActivityManager->removeActivity(CxuiActivityIds::VIDEO_POSTCAPTURE_ACTIVITY);
-* Show event for this view.
-* Update snapshot and start timers.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::showEvent(QShowEvent *event)
- QGraphicsWidget::showEvent(event);
- if (event->type() == QEvent::Show) {
- QCoreApplication::instance()->installEventFilter(this);
- // Update snapshot for current file.
- // If the current file does not exist anymore, return to pre-capture view.
- updateSnapshotImage();
- // If the image / video has been deleted, control returned to pre-capture view.
- // No point to start timers or show controls then.
- if (mMainWindow->currentView() == this) {
- showControls();
- startTimers();
- }
- event->accept();
- }
-* Hide event.
-* Release snapshot and stop timers.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event)
- QGraphicsWidget::hideEvent(event);
- if (event->type() == QEvent::Hide) {
- // remove event filter to disable unnecessary actions
- QCoreApplication::instance()->removeEventFilter(this);
- // Clear the snapshot.
- mImageLabel->setIcon(HbIcon());
- stopTimers();
- // Hide controls to make sure title bar reacts to show()
- // when this view is reactivated.
- hideControls();
- event->accept();
- }
-/*! Shows toolbar.
- Toolbar that is shown is selected based on current mode.
- */
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::showToolbar(){
- if (CxuiServiceProvider::isCameraEmbedded()) {
- mEmbeddedToolbar->setVisible(true);
- mStillToolbar->setVisible(false);
- mVideoToolbar->setVisible(false);
- } else {
- mEmbeddedToolbar->setVisible(false);
- if (mEngine->mode() == ImageMode) {
- mVideoToolbar->setVisible(false);
- mStillToolbar->setVisible(true);
- mStillToolbar->show();
- } else {
- mStillToolbar->setVisible(false);
- mVideoToolbar->setVisible(true);
- mVideoToolbar->show();
- }
- }
- Creates black background item. If snapshot smaller than the screen size,
- background is visible.
- */
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::createBackground()
- if (!mBackgroundItem) {
- mBackgroundItem = new QGraphicsRectItem(this);
- QBrush blackBrush = QBrush(Qt::black);
- mBackgroundItem->setBrush(blackBrush);
- mBackgroundItem->setRect(mMainWindow->sceneRect());
- }
- * Updates snapshot image. In normal case snapshot is retrieved from engine
- * but if we are restoring camera to post-capture through activity, then
- * we get snapshot from thumbnail manager.
- */
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::updateSnapshotImage()
- if (isFileDeleted()) {
- // File deleted, go to pre-capture view.
- CX_DEBUG(("File has been deleted, going back to pre-capture"));
- goToPrecaptureView();
- } else if (!mFilename.isNull()) {
- // filename set, we are restoring activity
- if (!mThumbnailManager) {
- mThumbnailManager = new ThumbnailManager();
- connect(mThumbnailManager, SIGNAL(thumbnailReady(QPixmap, void *, int, int)),
- this, SLOT(handleThumbnailReady(QPixmap)));
- mThumbnailManager->setThumbnailSize(ThumbnailManager::ThumbnailLarge);
- }
- mThumbnailManager->getThumbnail(mFilename);
- CX_DEBUG(("Thumbnail requested"));
- } else {
- // Normal use of post-capture view
- QPixmap snapshot;
- if (mEngine->mode() == ImageMode) {
- if (mEngine->stillCaptureControl().imageCount() > 0) {
- snapshot = mEngine->stillCaptureControl()[0].snapshot();
- }
- } else {
- snapshot = mEngine->videoCaptureControl().snapshot();
- }
- // Update the snapshot image
- handleThumbnailReady(snapshot);
- }
-* Check if the file we show this post-capture view for is deleted.
-* This can happen e.g. if we send camera to background and delete
-* the file in other application. When used as activity, we may also
-* get the name of already deleted file as activity parameter.
-* @return True if the current file is deleted, false if not.
-bool CxuiPostcaptureView::isFileDeleted()
- bool deleted(false);
- // Check how we entered this view.
- if (mFilename.isNull()) {
- CX_DEBUG(("Checking engine filename"));
- // Normally entered post-capture view.
- if (mEngine->mode() == ImageMode) {
- // Check that the image have been saved already.
- // If not, it cannot have been deleted in that case.
- CxeStillImage &image(mEngine->stillCaptureControl()[0]);
- CX_DEBUG(("Image filename [%s]", qPrintable(image.filename())));
- CX_DEBUG(("Image file saved: %d exists: %d", image.saved(), QFile::exists(image.filename())));
- deleted = image.saved() && !QFile::exists(image.filename());
- } else {
- // Check that video has been stopped fully.
- // If it's still stopping, QFile may not work.
- CX_DEBUG(("Video filename [%s]", qPrintable(mEngine->videoCaptureControl().filename())));
- deleted = mEngine->videoCaptureControl().state() != CxeVideoCaptureControl::Stopping
- && !QFile::exists(mEngine->videoCaptureControl().filename());
- }
- } else {
- // Started as activity, check the filename given when restoring activity.
- CX_DEBUG(("Checking filename saved in activity"));
- deleted = !QFile::exists(mFilename);
- }
- return deleted;
-/* !
- * gets the filename of the current file
- */
-QString CxuiPostcaptureView::getCurrentFilename()
- QString filename;
- if (!mFilename.isNull()) {
- // post-capture started by activity, engine doesn't contain correct
- // filename anymore so use the stored one
- CX_DEBUG(("Using filename saved in activity"));
- filename = mFilename;
- } else {
- CX_DEBUG(("Getting filename from engine"));
- if (mEngine->mode() == Cxe::VideoMode) {
- filename = mEngine->videoCaptureControl().filename();
- } else {
- //!@todo Currently only gets index 0 from the still capture control.
- CxeStillCaptureControl& stillCaptureControl = mEngine->stillCaptureControl();
- if (stillCaptureControl.imageCount() > 0) {
- filename = stillCaptureControl[0].filename();
- }
- }
- }
- CX_DEBUG(("Got filename [%s]", qPrintable(filename)));
- return filename;
- Sends current capture to client app and closes camera
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::select()
- CxuiServiceProvider *serviceProvider = CxuiServiceProvider::instance();
- if (!serviceProvider) {
- return;
- }
- QString filename = getCurrentFilename();
- serviceProvider->sendFilenameToClientAndExit(filename);
-* Handle exiting standby.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::exitStandby()
- // Common functionality first.
- CxuiView::exitStandby();
- // Update snapshot and check the current file is not deleted.
- updateSnapshotImage();
- if (mMainWindow->currentView() == this) {
- showControls();
- }
-* Handle entering standby.
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::enterStandby()
- // Common functionality (release camera).
- CxuiView::enterStandby();
- stopTimers();
- hideControls();
- * Handle thumbnail received from ThumbnailManager.
- *
- * @param thumbnail Thumbnail as QPixmap
- */
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::handleThumbnailReady(QPixmap thumbnail)
- if (thumbnail.isNull()) {
- CX_DEBUG(("[WARNING] Received null thumbnail from TNM, going to pre-capture."));
- // null thumbnail, go to precapture
- goToPrecaptureView();
- } else if (mImageLabel) {
- mImageLabel->setIcon(HbIcon(QIcon(thumbnail)));
- }
- Start the timers
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::startTimers()
- // we start timers only once in a given postcapture view session
- if(!mTimersStarted) {
- startPostcaptureTimer();
- startReleaseTimers();
- mTimersStarted = true;
- }
- Start the timer to return to pre-capture view
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::startPostcaptureTimer()
- if (!mFilename.isNull()) {
- // restored from activity, don't do post-capture timeout
- return;
- }
- int postCaptureTimeout = 0;
- QString settingId;
- if (mEngine->mode() == ImageMode) {
- settingId = CxeSettingIds::STILL_SHOWCAPTURED;
- } else {
- settingId = CxeSettingIds::VIDEO_SHOWCAPTURED;
- }
- if (!CxuiServiceProvider::isCameraEmbedded()) {
- postCaptureTimeout = mEngine->settings().get<int>(settingId, 0);
- if (postCaptureTimeout > 0) {
- mPostcaptureTimer.start(postCaptureTimeout);
- } else {
- // do nothing
- }
- }
- Start the timers to stop viewfinder and release the camera
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::startReleaseTimers()
- // Release camera and stop viewfinder if user stays in postcapture long enough.
- // Battery could otherwise drain fast.
- mReleaseCameraTimer.start(CXUI_RELEASE_CAMERA_TIMEOUT);
- mStopViewfinderTimer.start(CXUI_STOP_VIEWFINDER_TIMEOUT);
-void CxuiPostcaptureView::stopTimers()
- // stop all the timers
- mHideControlsTimeout.stop();
- mReleaseCameraTimer.stop();
- mPostcaptureTimer.stop();
- mStopViewfinderTimer.stop();
- //!@note mTimersStarted is intentionally not reset here.
- // Once the timers are stopped, they are not to be started again until
- // we come from precapture view again.
- // E.g. returning from background could otherwise restart the timers and
- // if post-capture timer would be on, user could be confused: camera
- // shows up with post-capture view, after couple seconds it disappears
- // and we return to pre-capture view. That's not what we want.
-// end of file