* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <pathinfo.h>
#include <pathconfiguration.hrh>
#include <coemain.h> // For CCoeEnv
#include <QDate>
#include "cxefilenamegeneratorsymbian.h"
#include "cxeengine.h"
#include "cxenamespace.h"
#include "cxutils.h"
#include "cxesysutil.h"
#include "cxesettings.h"
#include "cxeerror.h"
#include "cxeerrormappingsymbian.h"
using namespace Cxe;
// ===========================================================================
// Local constants
static const int KMultipleFolderNumberChars = 2;
static const int KMaxMonthFolders = 260;
static const int KBase10 = 10;
static const int KMaxFilesPerFolder = 100;
const char* CAMERA_FOLDER = "Camera";
const char* FOLDER_SEPARATOR = "\\";
const char* WILDCARD_CHARACTER = "?";
const char CHAR_OFFSET = 'A';
const char DIGIT_OFFSET = '0';
const char MAX_CHAR = 'Z';
const TInt64 KMinRequiredSpaceImage = 2000000;
const TInt64 KMinRequiredSpaceVideo = 4000000;
// ===========================================================================
// Local functions
* Convert QString to TPtrC16.
inline TPtrC16 convertToTPtrC16(const QString& string)
return TPtrC16(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(string.utf16()));
// ===========================================================================
// Class functions
* Constructor
CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian(CxeSettings &settings, CameraMode mode)
: mFs(CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession()),
// Set default values (used in case of error retrieving values)
mCurrentMonth = "";
mMonthCounterImage = -1;
mMonthCounterVideo = -1;
mImageCounter = 0;
mVideoCounter = 0;
// Retrieve last used counter values from settings
mSettings.get(CxeSettingIds::FNAME_MONTH_FOLDER, mCurrentMonth);
mSettings.get(CxeSettingIds::FNAME_IMAGE_COUNTER, mImageCounter);
mSettings.get(CxeSettingIds::FNAME_VIDEO_COUNTER, mVideoCounter);
* Destructor
* This must be called for every burst capture.
void CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::startNewImageFilenameSequence()
When the client calls this function, we should start a new "sequence" of filenames...
What I mean here is that for burst capture, we have filename sequences like...
and so on...
So this function says "Ok, I'm starting a new capture sequence here... so reset your variables"
This should be done below...
Development efforts need to be aware of Edrive vs. Cdrive, and also multiple drive support.
* Generates the next file name in the sequence.
* @param filename: A QString reference to hold the filename
* @return error id, Id::None if no error
CxeError::Id CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::nextImageFilenameInSequence(QString &qfName, const QString &fileExt)
/** @todo: When the client calls this function, the next filename in the
* sequence is retrieved. The entire path should be included... e.g
* C//PHOTOS//SOMETHING//HELLO//Filename001.jpg
return generateFilename(qfName, fileExt);
* Generates image/video file name depending on the current active mode.
* @param filename: A QString reference to hold the filename
* @return error id, CxeError::None if no error.
CxeError::Id CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::generateFilename(QString &qfName, const QString &fileExt)
// Make sure that the path for images/videos exists
QString path;
int err = selectFolder(path);
// Continue generating filename, if no errors encountered yet
if (!err) {
// Generate and append the file name to construct the full path
QString fileName;
err = generateUniqueFileName(path, fileName, fileExt);
if (!err) {
qfName = path + fileName;
return CxeErrorHandlingSymbian::map(err);
* Generates a unique file name in the given path.
* @param filePath Path for the file (reference)
* @param fileName Name of the file (reference)
* @return Symbian error code (used internally)
int CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::generateUniqueFileName(QString &filePath, QString &fileName, const QString &ext)
// At this point the path must exist.
// Remote possibility / security threat that it doesn't exist or is not a folder.
TEntry entry;
int ferr = mFs.Entry(convertToTPtrC16(filePath), entry);
if (ferr != KErrNone || !entry.IsDir()) {
return ferr;
// Initialize counters and file extension
int *fileCounter = &mImageCounter;
if (mCurrentMode==VideoMode) {
fileCounter = &mVideoCounter;
QString fnFormat("%1%2%3");
QString number;
// get the file name suffix
QString baseFileName;
mSettings.get(CxeSettingIds::FNAME_FOLDER_SUFFIX, baseFileName);
while (true) {
// Generate new name
number = number.sprintf("%04d", *fileCounter);
fileName = fnFormat.arg(number, baseFileName, ext);
CX_DEBUG(("Checking filename [%s]", fileName.toAscii().constData()));
// Check if it exists
ferr = checkExistence(filePath + fileName);
if (ferr == KErrNone) {
// Filename has already been used in this location, try the next number
CX_DEBUG(("File exists already"));
} else if (ferr == KErrNotFound) {
// No file with this name, use it.
CX_DEBUG(("Filename free, using it"));
ferr = KErrNone;
} else {
// Filename could not be reserved. Log actual error and report as general error.
CX_DEBUG(("[WARNING] Error %d generating filename!", ferr));
ferr = KErrGeneral;
// Increment counter if image mode. Video counter is incremented when
// video has been actually recorded
if (mCurrentMode == ImageMode) {
return ferr;
* Computes the suffix to be used in destination folder name.
void CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::computeFolderSuffix(int folderNumber, QString &suffix)
// Clear any old content.
suffix = "";
// Example:
// if folderNumber is 15
// 15/10 = 1 (int)
// A + 1 = B
suffix += (CHAR_OFFSET + folderNumber/KBase10);
// 15%10 = 5
// 0 + 5 = 5
// => suffix = B5
suffix += (DIGIT_OFFSET + folderNumber%KBase10);
* Compute the month counter value (0 to 259 => A0 to Z9).
* @param
* @return Symbian error code (internal to class)
int CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::computeMonthCounter(QString &path, QString& monthFolder, int &monthCounter)
bool done = false;
// Query the month folder: path\YYYYMM??
QString queryPath = path + monthFolder;
for (int charCount = 0; charCount < KMultipleFolderNumberChars; charCount++) {
CX_DEBUG(("Listing folders with wildcards: [%s]", queryPath.toAscii().constData()));
// Get a list of folders for this month, sorted in descending alphabetical order.
// The first entry should be the latest used folder.
CDir* dirList;
int err = mFs.GetDir(convertToTPtrC16(queryPath),
// On errors (or empty list of folders), let's default to zero.
// Errors here should be recoverable when we start to
// count files within current directory.
monthCounter = 0;
// If directory listing worked fine, then figure out the last month folder number
if (err == KErrNone) {
int monthFolderCount = dirList->Count();
CX_DEBUG(("Matching folder count: %d", monthFolderCount));
int index = 0;
// Look through the list of folders in the month for the highest numbered folder
// with the format YYYYMMAX Where YYYY is the year MM is the month A is an alphabetical
// character in the range a-z or A-Z and X is a digit 0-9
while ( index < monthFolderCount && !done ) {
// The list is sorted in descending order. Get the last 2 characters from
// the first directory in the list these indicate the highest folder number
TPtrC name = ( *dirList )[index].iName;
int nameLength = name.Length();
// Check the first character is in the range a-z or A-Z
// and the second character is in the range 0-9
TChar firstChar = name[nameLength - KMultipleFolderNumberChars];
TChar secondChar = name[nameLength - 1];
int secondCharVal = secondChar.GetNumericValue();
// If 1st character is NOT in the range(A-Z) then disregard this folder
if (firstChar < CHAR_OFFSET || firstChar > MAX_CHAR) {
done = false;
// If 2nd character is NOT in the range(0-9) then disregard this folder
else if (secondCharVal < 0 || secondCharVal > KBase10-1) {
done = false;
else {
done = true;
// If no problems were encountered, then calculate the folder number
if (done) {
// 10's part of folder number is represented by characters A-Z
// convert the character into a decimal value (*10) and add on the units.
monthCounter = ((int)firstChar-(int)CHAR_OFFSET)*KBase10 + secondCharVal;
CX_DEBUG(("Calculated month counter value: %d", monthCounter));
// Make sure that month counter doesn't exceed Z9
if (monthCounter >= KMaxMonthFolders) {
monthCounter = KMaxMonthFolders - 1;
} else {
CX_DEBUG(("[WARNING] Error %d listing month folders!", err));
delete dirList;
return err;
* Checks that the month folder exists: creates the folder if required.
* Returns error code if the folder can't be created.
int CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::selectFolder(QString &suggestedPath)
// Compose the path string and select counter based on mode.
QString basePath = "%1%2\\";
int *monthCounter = &mMonthCounterImage;
if (ImageMode == mCurrentMode) {
basePath = basePath.arg(mImagesPath, mCurrentMonth);
else { // VideoMode
basePath = basePath.arg(mVideosPath, mCurrentMonth);
monthCounter = &mMonthCounterVideo;
CX_DEBUG(("Base path [%s]", basePath.toAscii().constData()));
QString suffix;
QString newPath;
int status(KErrNone);
bool created(false);
while (true) {
// Construct the complete path
computeFolderSuffix(*monthCounter, suffix);
newPath = basePath + mCurrentMonth + suffix + FOLDER_SEPARATOR;
// Check if the folder exists, and create if not.
CX_DEBUG(("Checking new path [%s] ..", newPath.toAscii().constData()));
status = ensureExists(newPath, created);
// Check if the folder can be used.
if (status == KErrNone) {
// If the folder was newly created, it's empty and can be used.
// If the folder is last available month folder,
// we need to use it even if it has "too many" files.
if (created || *monthCounter >= (KMaxMonthFolders-1)) {
CX_DEBUG(("Newly created folder, or the last month folder available, using it"));
suggestedPath = newPath;
} else {
// For other folders, if the folder already exists then make sure
// that it doesn't contain maximum number of files already.
CX_DEBUG(("Folder already existed, check the amount of files.."));
CDir* fileList;
status = mFs.GetDir(convertToTPtrC16(newPath),
CX_DEBUG(("Folder contains %d files", fileList->Count()));
bool spaceRemaining(fileList->Count() < KMaxFilesPerFolder);
delete fileList;
fileList = NULL;
if (status == KErrNone && spaceRemaining) {
// Not too many files on the folder, use it.
CX_DEBUG(("File count acceptable, using this folder"));
suggestedPath = newPath;
} else {
// Need to check the next folder, this one is full,
// or we had error listing it's contents.
CX_DEBUG(("Folder full, continue search"));
} else {
// Unknown error encountered.
// LOG the error and use the basePath!
// Base path's existence has been checked when init was called.
CX_DEBUG(("[WARNING] - error %d encountered. Using base path as fallback.", status));
suggestedPath = basePath;
// We fallback to basePath in case of unknown errors,
// so no error will be reported here.
return KErrNone;
* Initializes the month folders.
* @return Symbian error code (internal to class)
int CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::initMonthFolders()
// Month folder: YYYYMM, with suffix: YYYYMMXX
QString monthFolder = QDate::currentDate().toString("yyyyMM");
// If the month folder name is different from the last used month folder name
// this indicates that a new month has been started.
if ( monthFolder.compare(mCurrentMonth) != 0 ) {
// Check/create that the month folder exists
int *monthCounter = &mMonthCounterImage;
QString path = "%1%2\\";
if (ImageMode==mCurrentMode) {
path = path.arg(mImagesPath, monthFolder);
else {
path = path.arg(mVideosPath, monthFolder);
monthCounter = &mMonthCounterVideo;
CX_DEBUG(("Check if exists, create if not [%s]", path.toAscii().constData()));
bool created(false);
int status(ensureExists(path, created));
if (status == KErrNone) {
if (created) {
// New folder, new month -> counter starts from zero.
*monthCounter = 0;
} else {
// If the month counter is un-initialised it needs to be set up.
if (*monthCounter < 0) {
status = computeMonthCounter(path, monthFolder, *monthCounter);
if (status != KErrNone) {
CX_DEBUG(("[WARNING] - Error setting month counter: %d", status));
*monthCounter = 0;
} else {
//! @todo: Review error handling
// Report error - can't continue without 'camera' and camera\YYYYMM folders
CX_DEBUG(("[FATAL] - Could not create month folder, error %d", status));
return status;
* Checks if the passed amount of disk space is available on the passed drive.
* @return true if space available, false otherwise
bool CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::spaceAvailable(int &driveIndex, TInt64 minSpaceInBytes)
TVolumeInfo vInfo;
// Get the drive/volume details
int status(KErrNone);
driveIndex = CxeSysUtil::getCameraDrive(mFs);
if (driveIndex >= 0) {
status = mFs.Volume(vInfo, driveIndex);
return (status == KErrNone) ? vInfo.iFree >= minSpaceInBytes : false;
* Selects the drive to use based on preference and availability.
* @param index of the drive to be used (reference)
* @return Symbian error code (internal to class)
int CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::selectDrive(int &drive)
int err = KErrNone;
TInt64 minDiskSpace = KMinRequiredSpaceImage;
if (Cxe::VideoMode == mCurrentMode) {
minDiskSpace = KMinRequiredSpaceVideo;
// Check the available space.
// Drive index is set here also.
if ( !spaceAvailable(drive, minDiskSpace)) {
// All drives are full or inaccessible
err = KErrDiskFull;
return err;
* Initializes the value of base path for the given mode and drive.
void CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::initBasePath(QString &path, int drive)
// Get the root path for the given drive.
TFileName tPath;
PathInfo::GetRootPath(tPath, drive);
if (VideoMode == mCurrentMode) {
tPath.Append( PathInfo::VideosPath() );
else {
tPath.Append( PathInfo::ImagesPath() );
//! @todo: Fetch localized Camera folder name, if/when applicable.
path = QString::fromUtf16(tPath.Ptr(), tPath.Length());
CX_DEBUG(("Path: %s", path.toAscii().constData()));
* Resets the image and video counters used for file name generation.
void CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::resetCounters(QString &monthFolder)
mCurrentMonth = monthFolder;
mMonthCounterImage = 0;
mMonthCounterVideo = 0;
// Save the setting values
// Errors (if any) encountered here are not handled, since these indicate
// that settings are'nt saved. If settings are not fetched next time,
// then default settings are used.
mSettings.set(CxeSettingIds::FNAME_MONTH_FOLDER, mCurrentMonth);
* Initializes the base folder names and counters
* NB: Video mode init requires file name. So this should be called
* before init is called for image/video capture controls.
* Initializes only for appropriate mode (image/video).
CxeError::Id CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::init(Cxe::CameraMode mode)
mCurrentMode = mode;
int err = KErrNone;
bool initialized = (mode==ImageMode && !mImagesPath.isEmpty()) ||
(mode==VideoMode && !mVideosPath.isEmpty());
if (!initialized) {
// Select a drive based on available disk space
int drive;
err = selectDrive(drive);
if (!err) {
if (mode == ImageMode) {
initBasePath(mImagesPath, drive);
else {
initBasePath(mVideosPath, drive);
// Initialize the month folders and counters so that
// file names can be generated quickly when requested.
err = initMonthFolders();
return CxeErrorHandlingSymbian::map(err);
* Raises file name counter value by one
void CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::raiseCounterValue()
if (VideoMode==mCurrentMode) {
mSettings.set(CxeSettingIds::FNAME_VIDEO_COUNTER, ++mVideoCounter);
else {
mSettings.set(CxeSettingIds::FNAME_IMAGE_COUNTER, ++mImageCounter);
* Check if the given file or directory exists.
* @return KErrNone, if given file/directory exists, KErrNotFound if not.
* Other Symbian error code on "real" errors.
int CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::checkExistence(const QString& path)
unsigned int placeHolder(0);
int status(mFs.Att(convertToTPtrC16(path), placeHolder));
return status;
* Check if directory exists and create if not.
* @param created When returned, holds if the folder needed to be created or not.
* @return KErrNone, if folder existed or was created successfully.
* Other Symbian error code if there were errors.
int CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::ensureExists(const QString& path, bool& created)
// Default to "not created" if errors are encountered.
created = false;
unsigned int placeHolder(0);
TPtrC16 pathDesc(convertToTPtrC16(path));
CX_DEBUG_SYMBIAN((_L("Checking [%S]"), &pathDesc));
// Check if it already exists
CX_DEBUG(("CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::ensureExists - check existence.."));
int status = mFs.Att(pathDesc, placeHolder);
CX_DEBUG(("CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::ensureExists - ..check existence"));
if( status == KErrPathNotFound || status == KErrNotFound ) {
// Create path if doesn't exist yet.
CX_DEBUG(("CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::ensureExists - create path.."));
status = mFs.MkDirAll(pathDesc);
CX_DEBUG(("CxeFilenameGeneratorSymbian::ensureExists - ..create path"));
// Set "created" flag only if successfull
created = (status == KErrNone);
return status;
// end of file