<configuration xmlns="http://www.s60.com/xml/confml/1" name="Camerax variation">
<feature ref="CxRuntimeFeaturesCrUid" name="CameraX Runtime Variation">
<desc>CameraX Runtime Variation</desc>
<setting ref="PrimaryCameraCaptureKeysCr" name="primary camera capture keys" type="string" readOnly="true">
<desc>PrimaryCameraCaptureKeysCr defines the key scan codes that are configured
as capture keys for primary camera.
<setting ref="SecondaryCameraCaptureKeysCr" name="secondary camera capture keys" type="string" readOnly="true">
<desc>SecondaryCameraCaptureKeysCr defines the key scan codes that are configured
as capture keys for secondary camera.
<setting ref="PrimaryCameraAutofocusKeysCr" name="primary camera autofocus keys" type="string" readOnly="true">
<desc>PrimaryCameraAutofocusKeysCr defines the key scan codes that are configured
as autofocus keys for primary camera.
<setting ref="ContrastItemsCr" name="contrast range" type="string" readOnly="true">
<desc>ContrastItemsCr defines the range which incluse the min value to max along with step size. e.g. -4, 4, 1</desc>
<setting ref="StillMaxZoomValuesCr" name="Maximum still zoom values" type="string" readOnly="true">
<desc>Key defines maximum zoom limit specific to each image quality. The firt item represent max zoom limit
for highest still resoultion and so on. We have only 5 entries, since we dont expect to have more than 5 still resoultions
in any product. Use -1 when zoom limit is not supported for a particular resolution.
Note: ECAM already has some limits which should be taken into account.
<setting ref="VideoMaxZoomValuesCr" name="Maximum video zoom values" type="string" readOnly="true">
<desc>Key defines maximum zoom limit specific to each video quality. The firt item represent max zoom limit
for highest video resoultion and so on. We have only 5 entries, since we dont expect to have more than 5 video resoultions
in any product. Use -1 when zoom limit is not supported for a particular resolution.
Note: ECAM already has some limits which should be taken into account.