* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class for managing intercommunication between Camera UI*
// ===========================================================================
#include <bldvariant.hrh> // for feature definitions
#include <e32property.h>
#include <apparc.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include <hal_data.h>
#include <pathinfo.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
#include <akntoolbar.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <ctsydomainpskeys.h>
#include <ProfileEngineSDKCRKeys.h>
#include <sysutildomaincrkeys.h>
#include <ScreensaverInternalPSKeys.h>
#include <musresourceproperties.h>
#include <cameraplatpskeys.h>
#include <bitmaptransforms.h>
#include <sensrvorientationsensor.h>
#include <sensrvchannel.h>
#include <sensrvchannelfinder.h>
#include <UsbWatcherInternalPSKeys.h>
#include <usbpersonalityids.h>
#include <cameraapp.rsg>
#include <vgacamsettings.rsg>
#include "CamSettingsInternal.hrh"
#include "CamProductSpecificSettings.hrh"
#include "CameraappPrivateCRKeys.h"
#include "CamAppController.h"
#include "CamUtility.h"
#include "CamLogger.h"
#include "CamSettings.hrh"
#include "CamSettingsModel.h"
#include "CamPanic.h"
#include "CamBurstCaptureArray.h"
#include "CamTimer.h"
#include "CamImageSaveActive.h"
#include "CamAppUi.h"
#include "CamObserverHandler.h"
#include "CamSelfTimer.h"
#include "camflashstatus.h"
#include "CamPerformance.h"
#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
#include "CamAppControllerTraces.h"
#include "CamVideoQualityLevel.h"
#include "CamCallStateAo.h"
#include "CamPropertyWatcher.h"
#include <avkondomainpskeys.h>
#ifndef __WINSCW__
#include "rlocationtrail.h"
#include "locationtrailpskeys.h"
//#include "camconstantsettingprovider.h"
#include "camsettingprovider.h"
#include "camsettingconversion.h"
#include "camcamerarequests.h"
#include "camcameraevents.h"
#include "camcameracontrollertypes.h"
#include "camcameracontroller.h"
#include "cambuffershare.h"
#include "cambuffersharecleanup.h"
#include "camaudioplayercontroller.h"
#include "camuidconstants.h"
#include "camconfiguration.h"
#include "CamPreCaptureViewBase.h"
#include <cfclient.h>
#include <cfcontextobject.h>
#include <cfcontextquery.h>
#include "camvideotime.h"
#include "CamGSInterface.h"
#include "CameraUiConfigManager.h"
#include "camsnapshotrotator.h"
#include <bitmaptransforms.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
struct CFakeActiveScheduler : public CActiveScheduler {
virtual TInt Extension_( TUint, TAny *&, TAny* ) { return 0; }
#endif // _AO_TRACKING
#endif // _DEBUG
// ===========================================================================
// Local constants
// Sequence mode related constants that define the amount of pictures taken
// with sequence mode.
const TInt KShortBurstCount = 18; // number of images captured during burst
const TInt KMinBurstCount = 2; // minimum of images captured
const TInt KBurstEstimate = 10; // Correction of underestimated file size
const TUint32 KCamLatestFilePath = 0x00000001;
// temporary constants until image naming is implemented
_LIT( KImageExtension, ".jpg" );
_LIT( KVideo3GPExtension, ".3gp" );
#ifndef __WINS__
_LIT( KVideoMP4Extension, ".mp4" );
const TInt KMaxExtension = 4;
//const TInt64 KBurstInterval = 0;
const TInt KIdleTimeout = 1000000 * 60; // 60 seconds
const TInt KDeepSleepTimeout = KIdleTimeout*2; // Measuring time is two minutes
const TInt KVideoArrayUsers = 1;
const TInt KImageArrayUsers = 2;
const TInt KVideoNameRetryCount = 1; // Maximum number of video naming retries
// UID for central repository file
const TInt KCRCamShutterSound = 0x7; // key for shutter sound
const TInt KMicroSecsInMilliSec = 1000;
const TInt KSecondInMicSec = 1000000;
#if defined(RD_MDS_2_5) && !defined(__WINSCW__)
const TInt KLocTrailCloseRetryTime = 5 * KSecondInMicSec;
#endif // defined(RD_MDS_2_5) && !defined(__WINSCW__)
// Estimated time needed to complete autofocus
const TInt KFocusingDurationSeconds = 2;
const TInt KCCorFocused = 0x00000002;
const TInt KCamMaxDateLen = 8;
static const TInt KTimelapseArrayGranularity = 6;
// Backlight / Inactivity timer related
// Callback interval is set to 4s.
// Smallest value that the user can select from Phone Settings is 5s.
static const TInt KBacklighTimerPriority = CActive::EPriorityHigh;
static const TInt KBacklighTimerInterval = 4*1000*1000;
// Camera Controller events interest.
// Want to receive all events.
// Vf frames needed for correct zoom handling (should be left out otherwise).
static const TUint KCamEventInterest = ( ECamCameraEventClassAll );
static const TInt KLensCoverDelay = 500*1000;
_LIT( KCamContextSource, "Application" );
_LIT( KCamContextType, "Camera.Zoom" );
_LIT( KCamContextValueEnable, "Enabled" );
_LIT( KCamContextValueDisable, "Disabled" );
static const TInt KCriticalMemoryLevel = 5*1000*1000;
// ===========================================================================
// Local namespace
namespace NCamAppController
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Request sequences
// static const TCamCameraRequestId KCamSequencePowerOffOn[] =
// {
// ECamRequestPowerOff,
// ECamRequestPowerOn
// };
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Local methods
inline TInt ResetBitmap( CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap )
if( aBitmap )
return KErrNone;
TRAPD( create, aBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap() );
return create;
inline void ClearSequenceBusyFlag( TAny* aBusyFlags )
TUint* flags = static_cast<TUint*>( aBusyFlags );
if( flags )
*flags &= ~EBusySequence;
inline void ClearRequestBusyFlag( TAny* aBusyFlags )
TUint* flags = static_cast<TUint*>( aBusyFlags );
if( flags )
*flags &= ~EBusyRequest;
#include "camflagutility.inl"
#include "campointerutility.inl"
using namespace NCamAppController;
using namespace NCamCameraController;
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Member functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController* CCamAppController::NewL()
CCamAppController* self = new( ELeave ) CCamAppController();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CompleteConstructionL
// The camera engine cannot be instantiated until the application orientation has
// been set by the CCamAppUi. This does not exist when the CCamAppController is
// constructed. CompleteConstructionL must be called in CCamAppUi::ConstructL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CompleteConstructionL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CompleteConstructionL" ))
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// Memory critical levels reading moved to the point when
// those values are actually needed for the first time.
TInt index = 0;
iInfo.iActiveCamera = ECamActiveCameraPrimary;
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Cameras available: %d"), CamerasAvailable() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Store primary camera settings"))
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CompleteConstructionL iSlideState initial value = %d" ), iSlideState)
if ( iConfigManager->IsLensCoverSupported() )
// Request notification of slide state changes
// Read the current slider status - use the front camera (if there is one) as default if
// there are any errors.
TInt slideErr = iSlideStateWatcher->Get( iSlideState );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CompleteConstructionL setting iSlideState to %d" ), iSlideState)
TInt requiredOrientation;
if ( ( appUi->CamOrientation() == ECamOrientationCamcorderLeft && iSlideState == CameraPlatPSKeys::EClosed ) ||
( appUi->CamOrientation() == ECamOrientationCamcorder && iSlideState == CameraPlatPSKeys::EClosed ) )
if ( appUi->IsQwerty2ndCamera() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Do not exit. Reload landscape 2nd camera settings") )
index = 1;
iInfo.iActiveCamera = ECamActiveCameraSecondary;
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>(
CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// We may have primary camera settings loaded
LoadStaticSettingsL( appUi->IsEmbedded() );
CamUtility::GetPsiInt( ECamPsiSecondaryCameraOrientation,
requiredOrientation );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Lens cover has been closed during camera construction. Exit camera.") )
appUi->HandleCommandL( EEikCmdExit);
// if the slide is closed or there is an error, then use the front camera
// check that there is more than 1 camera and that the current orientation is correct
if ( ( iSlideState == CameraPlatPSKeys::EClosed
|| slideErr != KErrNone )
&& CamerasAvailable() > 1 )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CompleteConstructionL slider is not open" ))
index = 1;
iInfo.iActiveCamera = ECamActiveCameraSecondary;
CamUtility::GetPsiInt( ECamPsiSecondaryCameraOrientation, requiredOrientation );
else // slide is open or using primary camera as default
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CompleteConstructionL slider is open- primary camera in use" ))
index = 0;
iInfo.iActiveCamera = ECamActiveCameraPrimary;
//when active camera is primary camera,orientation must be landscape,
//so need to fix orientation
if ( ECamOrientationPortrait == appUi->CamOrientation() )
TInt primaryOrientation;
CamUtility::GetPsiInt( ECamPsiPrimaryCameraOrientation,
primaryOrientation );
appUi->SetOrientationL( ( CAknAppUiBase::TAppUiOrientation ) primaryOrientation );
ConstructCameraControllerL( index );
// Send startup sequence ?
* Removed all custom interfaces requested from engine
iAccSensorListening = EFalse;
iCallStateAo = CCamCallStateAo::NewL( this );
// Use backlight timer instead of every Nth vf frame event
// to reset inactivity timer. This is to avoid adding load
// when higher VF frame rates are used (and overall load is
// already higher).
iBacklightTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( KBacklighTimerPriority );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TAny *iAoBacklightTimer = (TAny *)iBacklightTimer;
PRINT2( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: BacklightTimer=%x, %d"),iBacklightTimer, iAoBacklightTimer );
CActiveScheduler *pAS = CActiveScheduler::Current();
CFakeActiveScheduler *pFAS = static_cast<CFakeActiveScheduler*>(pAS);
pFAS->Extension_( 0, iAoBacklightTimer, (TAny *)("iBacklightTimer") );
#endif // _AO_TRACKING
#endif // _DEBUG
#ifdef _DEBUG
TAny *iAoDeepSleepTimer = (TAny *)iDeepSleepTimer;
PRINT2( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: DeepSleepTimer=%x, %d"),iDeepSleepTimer, iAoDeepSleepTimer );
CActiveScheduler *pAS2 = CActiveScheduler::Current();
CFakeActiveScheduler *pFAS2 = static_cast<CFakeActiveScheduler*>(pAS2);
pFAS2->Extension_( 0, iAoDeepSleepTimer, (TAny *)("iDeepSleepTimer") );
#endif // _AO_TRACKING
#endif // _DEBUG
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsXenonFlashSupported() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: Create flash status observer..") );
iFlashStatus = CCamFlashStatus::NewL( *this );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CompleteConstructionL" ))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::GetCriticalMemoryLevelL( const TCamMediaStorage& aStorage )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::GetCriticalMemoryLevelL" ) )
// If this is the first call here, get the critical levels from
// Central repository. Later the cached values will be used.
if( KErrNotFound == iRamDiskCriticalLevel
|| KErrNotFound == iDiskCriticalLevel )
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidDiskLevel );
TInt err;
err = repository->Get( KDiskCriticalThreshold , iDiskCriticalLevel );
if ( KErrNone != err )
CamPanic( ECamPanicDefaultNotFoundInIniFile );
err = repository->Get( KRamDiskCriticalLevel , iRamDiskCriticalLevel );
if ( KErrNone != err )
CamPanic( ECamPanicDefaultNotFoundInIniFile );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
TInt level = ( aStorage == ECamMediaStoragePhone )
? iRamDiskCriticalLevel
: iDiskCriticalLevel;
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::GetCriticalMemoryLevelL, level:%d" ), level )
return level;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::~CCamAppController
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => ~CCamAppController") );
// As a precaution, make sure the screen saver is never left in a disabled state
EnableScreenSaver( ETrue );
RProperty::Set( KPSUidCamcorderNotifier, KCCorFocused, 0 );
if ( iFlashStatus )
delete iFlashStatus;
delete iSoundPlayer;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> close observers array..") );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iControllerObservers.Count() == 0, CamPanic( ECamPanicResourceLeak ) );
delete iCallStateAo;
delete iBurstTimer;
// Using timer also on bitmap mode.
if( iBacklightTimer )
delete iBacklightTimer;
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported() &&
iAccSensorListening )
delete iAccSensorChannel;
if ( iSlideStateWatcher )
delete iSlideStateWatcher;
if ( iSliderCallBack )
delete iSliderCallBack;
iSliderCallBack = NULL;
if ( iKeyLockStatusWatcher && iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsKeyLockWatcherSupported() )
delete iKeyLockStatusWatcher;
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsPublishZoomStateSupported() )
TRAP_IGNORE ( PublishZoomStateL( EFalse ) );
delete iContextFwClient;
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsLocationSupported() )
if( iLocationTrailTimer )
delete iLocationTrailTimer;
iLocationTrailTimer = NULL;
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsLocationSupported() )
// stop trail and close session
StopLocationTrail( ETrue );
if ( iImageSaveActive )
delete iImageSaveActive;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> delete settingsmodel..") );
delete iSettingsModel; // Must be before iEngine deleted
iSettingsPreviewHandler = NULL; // Currently the Settings Model object.
delete iCaptureArray;
delete iRotationArray;
if ( iSequenceFilenameArray )
delete iSequenceFilenameArray;
if( iDeepSleepTimer )
delete iDeepSleepTimer;
if( iIdleTimer )
delete iIdleTimer;
if ( iTimeLapseTimer )
delete iTimeLapseTimer;
if( iCaptureToneDelayTimer )
delete iCaptureToneDelayTimer;
delete iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler;
delete iSnapShotCopy;
// Close the arrays
// Controller handles releasing CCamera if needed.
PRINT( _L("Camera <> delete camera controller..") );
delete iCameraController;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> delete setting provider..") );
delete iSettingProvider;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= ~CCamAppController") );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> delete Configuration Manager..") );
delete iConfiguration;
iConfiguration = NULL;
RProperty::Delete( KPSUidCamcorderNotifier, KCCorFocused );
if( iPlugin )
// Destroy Ecom plugin
iPlugin = NULL;
delete iDriveChangeNotifier;
if( iRotatorAo )
delete iRotatorAo;
delete iSnapShotRotator;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= ~CCamAppController") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SavedCurrentImage
// Returns whether the last requested captured image has been saved or not.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::SavedCurrentImage() const
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SavedCurrentImage") );
TBool saved( ETrue );
// If we are waiting for a save request then image has not been saved.
if( iImageSaveRequestPending )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SavedCurrentImage: iImageSaveRequestPending") )
saved = EFalse;
else if( CurrentFullFileName() == KNullDesC )
saved = EFalse;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SavedCurrentImage: filename not yet reserved") )
else if( !iCaptureArray->AlreadySavedFile( CurrentFullFileName() ) ||
iCaptureArray->CurrentlySavingFile( CurrentFullFileName() ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SavedCurrentImage: capture array not saved file or currently saving file") )
saved = EFalse;
else if ( iInfo.iOperation == ECamCapturing || iInfo.iOperation == ECamCompleting )
PRINT(_L("Camera CCamAppController::SavedCurrentImage returning false, capturing/completing") )
saved = EFalse;
// empty
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SavedCurrentImage, return %d"), saved );
return saved;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RenameCurrentFileL
// Rename image/video.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::RenameCurrentFileL( const TDesC& aNewName,
const TCamCameraMode& /*aMode*/ )
TBool status = EFalse;
// If file to rename has already been saved then remove from album,
// rename the file and add the renamed file to the album.
if ( BurstCaptureArray()->AlreadySavedFile( CurrentFullFileName() ) )
// Rename the file.
TFileName filePath = CurrentFullFileName();
CamUtility::RenameStillImageL( filePath, aNewName, filePath );
// Update capture array with new name and path.
BurstCaptureArray()->SetNameL( filePath, aNewName, iCurrentImageIndex );
status = ETrue;
// Otherwise, if the file is not currently being saved, modify the names
// in the capture array before it is saved.
else if ( !BurstCaptureArray()->CurrentlySavingFile( CurrentFullFileName() ) )
// Update capture array with new name and path.
// ...determine new path.
TParsePtrC parse( CurrentFullFileName() );
TFileName fullNewPath;
fullNewPath = parse.DriveAndPath();
fullNewPath.Append( aNewName );
fullNewPath.Append( parse.Ext() );
BurstCaptureArray()->SetNameL( fullNewPath, aNewName, iCurrentImageIndex );
status = ETrue;
// Otherwise, the file is in the process of being saved, and
// so that renaming must wait until completed.
// Leave status to EFalse
return status;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::AddControllerObserverL
// Add a controller observer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::AddControllerObserverL( const MCamControllerObserver* aObserver )
if( aObserver &&
KErrNotFound == iControllerObservers.Find( aObserver ) )
User::LeaveIfError( iControllerObservers.Append( aObserver ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RemoveControllerObserver
// Remove a controller observer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::RemoveControllerObserver( const MCamControllerObserver* aObserver )
// Errors ignored
if( aObserver )
TInt index = iControllerObservers.Find( aObserver );
if( KErrNotFound != index )
iControllerObservers.Remove( index );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddCameraObserverL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
::AddCameraObserverL( const MCamCameraObserver* aObserver,
const TUint& aEventInterest )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::AddCameraObserverL aObserver=%d"), aObserver );
// First check that observer is not in array already
if( KErrNotFound == iPendingObserversArray.Find( aObserver ) )
PRINT(_L("Camera <> CCamAppController::AddCameraObserverL add Observer") );
iPendingObserversArray.AppendL( aObserver );
iCameraEventInterested.AppendL( aEventInterest );
if( iCameraController )
PRINT(_L("Camera <> CCamAppController::AddCameraObserverL camera controller available") );
while ( iPendingObserversArray.Count() > 0 &&
iCameraEventInterested.Count() > 0 )
const MCamCameraObserver* camEventObserver = iPendingObserversArray[0];
TUint eventInterest = iCameraEventInterested[0];
iCameraController->AttachObserverL( camEventObserver, eventInterest );
iPendingObserversArray.Remove( 0 );
iCameraEventInterested.Remove( 0 );
PRINT(_L("Camera <= CCamAppController::AddCameraObserverL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RemoveCameraObserver
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
::RemoveCameraObserver( const MCamCameraObserver* aObserver )
if( iCameraController )
iCameraController->DetachObserver( aObserver );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddSettingsObserverL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
::AddSettingsObserverL( const MCamSettingsModelObserver* aObserver )
if( iSettingsModel )
iSettingsModel->AttachObserverL( aObserver );
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RemoveCameraObserver
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
::RemoveSettingsObserver( const MCamSettingsModelObserver* aObserver )
if( iSettingsModel )
iSettingsModel->DetachObserver( aObserver );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::ConstructCameraControllerL( TInt aCameraIndex )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ConstructCameraControllerL") )
PERF_EVENT_START_L2( EPerfEventCAEConstruction );
if( !iCameraController )
iCameraController = CCamCameraController::NewL( *iSettingProvider, *this,
aCameraIndex );
//If uiorientationoverride feature is not supported, the camera switch has
// to be finished here
if( !( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsUIOrientationOverrideSupported() ) )
// Attach as Camera Controller observer to get events
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Attaching as camera observer with interest:%032b"), KCamEventInterest );
iCameraController->AttachObserverL( this, KCamEventInterest );
PERF_EVENT_END_L2( EPerfEventCAEConstruction );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ConstructCameraControllerL") )
// #################################################################################################
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the current camera controller state
// (Bitfield of type TCamCameraStateFlags )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CameraControllerState() const
TUint state( ECamIdle );
if( iCameraController )
state = iCameraController->State();
PRINT1( _L("Camera =><= CCamAppController::CameraControllerState(): %032b"), state );
return state;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the current camera state
// (TCamCameraState)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CameraState() const
TCamCameraState state( ECamCameraIdle );
TUint controllerState = CameraControllerState();
// Convert controller state to TCamCameraState
// Use the state represented by the "most significant"
// bit in the bitfield. Ignore VF state.
if( IsFlagOn( controllerState, ECamImageOn ) )
state = ECamCameraPreparedImage;
else if( IsFlagOn( controllerState, ECamVideoOn ) )
state = ECamCameraPreparedVideo;
else if( IsFlagOn( controllerState, ECamPowerOn ) )
state = ECamCameraPowerOn;
else if( IsFlagOn( controllerState, ECamReserved ) )
state = ECamCameraReserved;
PRINT1( _L("Camera =><= CCamAppController::CameraState(): %d"), state );
return state;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CurrentMode() const
return iInfo.iMode;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::TargetMode() const
return iInfo.iTargetMode;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentCaptureModeSetup()
CCamAppController::CurrentImageModeSetup() const
TCamImageCaptureMode captureMode = ECamImageCaptureSingle;
if( IsAppUiAvailable() )
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( appUi->IsBurstEnabled() )
captureMode = appUi->CurrentBurstMode();
return captureMode;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CurrentOperation() const
return iInfo.iOperation;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CurrentImageOperation() const
if( ECamControllerImage == iInfo.iMode )
return iInfo.iOperation;
return ECamNoOperation;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CurrentVideoOperation() const
if( ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode )
return iInfo.iOperation;
return ECamNoOperation;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCamImageCaptureMode CCamAppController::CurrentImageMode() const
return iInfo.iImageMode;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCamCameraTriState CCamAppController::ViewfinderTargetState() const
return iInfo.iTargetVfState;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetMode( const TCamCameraMode& aNewMode )
PRINT3( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SetMode old[%s] new[%s] target[%s]"),
KCamModeNames[iInfo.iTargetMode] );
if( aNewMode != iInfo.iMode )
// In shutdown mode will not accept leaving ECamControllerShutdown state.
TBool newModeNotAccepted = ( IsInShutdownMode()
&& ECamControllerShutdown == iInfo.iMode
&& ECamControllerShutdown != aNewMode );
if( !newModeNotAccepted )
iInfo.iMode = aNewMode;
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventEngineStateChanged );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> this mode change not acceptable in shutdown mode!") );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SetMode") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetTargetMode( const TCamCameraMode& aNewMode )
PRINT2( _L("Camera =><= CCamAppController::SetTargetMode [%s] -> [%s]"),
KCamModeNames[aNewMode ] );
iInfo.iTargetMode = aNewMode;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetImageMode( const TCamImageCaptureMode& aNewMode )
PRINT2( _L("Camera =><= CCamAppController::SetImageMode [%s] -> [%s]"),
KCamImageModeNames[aNewMode ] );
iInfo.iImageMode = aNewMode;
// Notify ??
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetTargetImageMode( const TCamImageCaptureMode& aNewMode )
PRINT2( _L("Camera =><= CCamAppController::SetTargetImageMode [%s] -> [%s]"),
KCamImageModeNames[aNewMode ] );
iInfo.iTargetImageMode = aNewMode;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetOperation( TCamCaptureOperation aNewOperation,
TInt aError /*= KErrNone*/ )
PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SetOperation: [%s] -> [%s]"),
KCamCaptureOperationNames[aNewOperation ] );
if( iInfo.iOperation != aNewOperation
|| aError != KErrNone )
iInfo.iOperation = aNewOperation;
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventOperationStateChanged, aError );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SetOperation") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining
// Return the number of images that can still be saved
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining( TCamMediaStorage aStorage,
TBool aBurstActive )
TCamPhotoSizeId size = static_cast<TCamPhotoSizeId>
( iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoSize ) );
return ImagesRemaining( aStorage, aBurstActive, size );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining
// Return the number of images that can still be saved
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining( TCamMediaStorage aStorage,
TBool aBurstActive,
TInt aQualityIndex )
TCamPhotoSizeId size = static_cast<TCamPhotoSizeId>
( iSettingsModel->PhotoResolution( aQualityIndex ) );
return ImagesRemaining( aStorage, aBurstActive, size );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining
// Return the number of images that can still be saved
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining( TCamMediaStorage aStorage,
TBool aBurstActive,
TCamPhotoSizeId aSize )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining" ))
if ( ECamMediaStorageCurrent == aStorage )
TCamMediaStorage store_unfiltered = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>
( IntegerSettingValueUnfiltered( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage ) );
// check to see if the MMC has been removed and we are waiting on a storage switch note
// before we start returning the values for phone memory
if( ECamMediaStorageCard == store_unfiltered
&& static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() )->IsMMCRemovedNotePending()
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining mmc removed - returning 0" ))
return 0;// UI Behaves as if MMC is still memory in use, thus we return zero images remaining as MMC is removed
// use current storage location
aStorage = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>
( IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage ) );
// use specified location
TInt remaining = 0;
TInt criticalLevel = 0;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Get critical memory level.." ))
TRAPD( err, criticalLevel = GetCriticalMemoryLevelL( aStorage ) );
if( !err )
remaining = iConfiguration->ImagesRemaining( aStorage, aSize, criticalLevel, aBurstActive );
// There is a factor in cenrep that defined a correction factor in percent.
// This feature makes possible to define separate file size estimates in
// burst capture mode. 100 = 100%, 50 = half of single capture size etc.
if ( aBurstActive )
TInt corrFactor = iConfigManager->BurstFileSizeEstimateFactor();
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining, factor: %d"), corrFactor )
remaining = TInt( remaining * corrFactor / 100 );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ImagesRemaining, return:%d"), remaining )
return remaining;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RecordTimeElapsed
// Return the length of video that has been recorded
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CCamAppController::RecordTimeElapsed() const
return iVideoTimeElapsed;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RecordTimeElapsed
// Return the length of video that has been recorded
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::RecordTimeElapsed(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aElapsed )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RecordTimeRemaining
// Return the length of video that can still be saved
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::RecordTimeRemaining" ));
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds remain( 0 );
// All the time we get this information from the CaeEngine which is thru camera controller.
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( appUi->SettingsLaunchedFromCamera() || iDismountPending )
// In case settings plugin is being run or mmc dismount is pending
// due to usb activation, we calculate the remaining time here,
// instead of repreparing the engine and getting it from there
TRAPD( err, iVideoTimeRemaining = CalculateVideoTimeRemainingL() );
if( KErrNone != err )
iVideoTimeRemaining = 0;
if( iInfo.iOperation == ECamCapturing ||
iInfo.iOperation == ECamPausing ||
iInfo.iOperation == ECamPaused ||
iInfo.iOperation == ECamResuming ||
iInfo.iOperation == ECamCompleting )
iVideoTimeRemaining = iCameraController->RemainingVideoRecordingTime();
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::RecordTimeRemaining - video mode not yet initialized" ));
TRAPD( err, iVideoTimeRemaining = CalculateVideoTimeRemainingL() );
if( KErrNone != err )
iVideoTimeRemaining = 0;
if ( ECamControllerVideo == CurrentMode() &&
ECamMediaStorageCard == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage ) &&
appUi->IsMemoryFullOrUnavailable( ECamMediaStorageCard ) )
iVideoTimeRemaining = 0;
// if the storage location is MMC but the MMC is not accessible then
// return 0 time remaining
if ( appUi->IsMMCRemovedNotePending() )
// Return remaining time of zero, it will be reset when
// a card is reinserted or storage location is changed
PRINT( _L("Camera <> MMC note pending, return 0") );
// If the time we have is greater than the maximum allowed, return the
// maximum
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds maxRecordingLength( static_cast<TInt64>(KMaxRecordingLength) );
if ( iVideoTimeRemaining > maxRecordingLength )
remain = maxRecordingLength;
remain = iVideoTimeRemaining;
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::RecordTimeRemaining, %Ld" ), remain.Int64() );
return remain;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetNoBurstCancel
//Set iNoBurstCancel flag which is used to prevent stopping burst
// when actual burst capture has started after focusing. Flag is
// used in CancelFocusAndCapture method.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetNoBurstCancel(TBool aValue )
PRINT1 ( _L("Camera =><= CCamAppController::SetNoBurstCancel, aValue=%d"),aValue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SoftStopBurstL
// Stop burst as soon as possible given the following constrains:
// - if quick burst is ongoing, it's continued to the end, unless
// aFastStop is true. Then the minimum of 2 images is allowed.
// For "immediate" stop, StopSequenceCapture should be used.
// - if press and hold burst is ongoing, stop after next image.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SoftStopBurstL( TBool aFastStop /*=EFalse*/ )
PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SoftStopBurstL") );
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// Still in short burst mode, if
// a) no burst timer at all (long burst not supported)
// b) burst timer still ticking
// c) in self-timer initiated burst, which is always short burst.
TBool shortBurst = ( !iBurstTimer
|| iBurstTimer->IsActive()
|| appUi->SelfTimerEnabled() );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SoftStopBurstL .. is short burst: %d"), shortBurst );
if( iSequenceCaptureInProgress )
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SoftStopBurstL .. burst ongoing") );
if( aFastStop || !shortBurst )
// Camera controller takes care of setting "high enough" limit.
// SetCaptureLimitL takes care of setting right count to
// stop as early as possible.
SetCaptureLimitL( 0 );
else if( ECamFocusing != iInfo.iOperation &&
!iAutoFocusRequested )
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SoftStopBurstL .. burst NOT ongoing, just cancel pending..") );
iCaptureRequested = EFalse;
PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SoftStopBurstL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StartBurstTimerL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StartBurstTimerL") );
if( iBurstTimer )
TInt timeout( 0 );
User::LeaveIfError( CamUtility::GetPsiInt( ECamPsiLongCaptureKeyPressInterval, timeout ) );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::StartBurstTimerL .. Creating timer with timeout value of [%d ms]"), timeout );
// Multiply timeout by 1000 to get microseconds
TCallBack cb( CCamAppController::ShortBurstTimeout, this );
iBurstTimer = CCamTimer::NewL( timeout*1000, cb );
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::StartBurstTimerL .. Starting timer..") );
PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StartBurstTimerL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StopBurstTimer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StopBurstTimer") );
if( iBurstTimer )
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StopBurstTimer") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ShortBurstTimeout
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::ShortBurstTimeout( TAny* aController )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ShortBurstTimeout") );
CCamAppController* self = static_cast<CCamAppController*>( aController );
TRAP_IGNORE( self->DoShortBurstTimeoutL() );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ShortBurstTimeout") );
return KErrNone; // no more callbacks
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DoShortBurstTimeoutL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DoShortBurstTimeoutL") );
PRINT2( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DoShortBurstTimeoutL iInfo.iImageMode: %d, iSequenceCaptureInProgress: %d"), iInfo.iImageMode, iSequenceCaptureInProgress );
if( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode
&& iSequenceCaptureInProgress )
TInt longBurstLimit( 0 );
CamUtility::GetPsiInt( ECamPsiMaxBurstCapture, longBurstLimit );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DoShortBurstTimeoutL .. product long burst limit: %d"), longBurstLimit );
SetCaptureLimitL( longBurstLimit );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DoShortBurstTimeoutL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Actual capture limit value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CaptureLimit() const
TInt limit( 1 );
if( iCameraController && ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
limit = iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iCaptureLimit;
return limit;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CaptureLimitSetting
// Stored for Setting Provider to give to Camera Controller.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CaptureLimitSetting() const
TInt limit( 1 );
if( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iTargetImageMode )
limit = iRequestedCaptureCount;
return limit;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetCaptureLimitL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL( TInt aLimit )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. requested limit: %d"), aLimit );
if( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iTargetImageMode )
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. burst mode active") );
// We give the total amount of images during burst, not the remaining ones.
// Need to subtract captures that have already been taken,
// before comparing to the disk limit.
if( iSequenceCaptureInProgress )
//TInt captured = iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iCaptureCount;
TInt captured = iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iSnapshotCount;
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. captured already: %d"), captured );
if( aLimit > captured )
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. some more captures requested..") );
// Check which is more restrictive - disk space or given limit.
TInt diskLimit = ImagesRemaining( ECamMediaStorageCurrent, ETrue );
TInt remaining = Min( aLimit - captured, diskLimit );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. disk limit: %d"), diskLimit );
iRequestedCaptureCount = Max( KMinBurstCount, captured + remaining );
if ( diskLimit - KMinBurstCount < iRequestedCaptureCount )
// Estimated file size is not worst case estimate and long burst
// sequence accumulates error, thus critical disk space limit may
// be reached. Requested capture count is decreased here if needed.
iRequestedCaptureCount -=
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. Near to critical level, adjust iRequestedCaptureCount"));
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. capturing should be stopped as soon as possible..") );
// Stop as fast as possible requested.
// Still need to request minimum of 2.
iRequestedCaptureCount = Max( KMinBurstCount, captured + 1 );
// Not capturing - adjust freely
TInt diskLimit = ImagesRemaining( ECamMediaStorageCurrent, ETrue );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. disk limit: %d"), diskLimit );
iRequestedCaptureCount = Max( KMinBurstCount, Min( aLimit, diskLimit ) );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. setting the request limit to: %d"), iRequestedCaptureCount );
// In burst mode camera needs to be updated with the limit.
iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( ECameraSettingCaptureLimit );
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. single / timelapse mode active") );
TInt diskLimit = ImagesRemaining( ECamMediaStorageCurrent, EFalse );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. disk limit: %d"), diskLimit );
iRequestedCaptureCount = Min( aLimit, diskLimit );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL .. setting the request limit to: %d"), iRequestedCaptureCount );
PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SetCaptureLimitL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetTimeLapseInterval
// Updates the interval used in next TimeLapse capture
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetTimeLapseInterval( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aInterval )
iTimeLapseInterval = aInterval;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::TimeLapseInterval
// Returns the interval used in next TimeLapse capture
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CCamAppController::TimeLapseInterval()
return iTimeLapseInterval;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::TimeLapseCountdown
// Returns the remaining time lapse interval until the next capture
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CCamAppController::TimeLapseCountdown()
TInt64 remainingTime( 0 ); // Assume uninitialised start time
// If the start time is uninitialised then the first capture is about to be initiated
if ( iTimeLapseStartTime == remainingTime )
return remainingTime;
// Otherwise, work out how much time is left before the next capture
TTime now;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds elapsedTime = now.MicroSecondsFrom( iTimeLapseStartTime );
remainingTime = Max ( remainingTime, iTimeLapseInterval.Int64() - elapsedTime.Int64() );
return remainingTime;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StartAutoFocus
// Start the autofocus procedure
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StartAutoFocus()
PRINT (_L("Camera => CCamAppController::StartAutoFocus"));
PRINT1(_L("Camera <> CCamAppController::StartAutoFocus - CurrentOperation() = [%s]"), KCamCaptureOperationNames[iInfo.iOperation] );
PRINT1(_L("Camera <> CCamAppController::StartAutoFocus - IsViewFinding() = [%d]"), IsViewFinding() );
if( iConfigManager
&& iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported()
&& IsViewFinding()
&& !iAFCancelInProgress
&& ECamNoOperation == iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT(_L("Camera <> Calling TryAutoFocus" ) );
PRINT(_L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StartAutoFocus"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::Capture
// Begin the capture procedure
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::Capture()
PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::Capture(), operation[%s], iSaving:%d"),
iSaving );
// If the camera orientation changed during capture and not in burst mode,
// set the new orientation
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported()
&& iOrientationChangeOccured
&& iInfo.iImageMode != ECamImageCaptureBurst )
iOrientationChangeOccured = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( SetImageOrientationL() );
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported() && !iAccSensorListening )
// Delayed sensor initialization has not yet happened, but shutter key has been pressed.
// Force initialization now, causing an addition to shutter lag - this is a very
// rare case, as there should always be enough idle time to run the delayed
// initialization.
TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateSensorApiL( ETrue ) );
PERF_EVENT_END_L1( EPerfEventKeyToCapture );
// Set to EFalse for burst
iAllSnapshotsReceived = EFalse;
if ( ECamFocusing == iInfo.iOperation ||
iAFCancelInProgress ||
iAutoFocusRequested || IsAfNeeded() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Focusing going on, cannot start capture - setting iCaptureRequested" ) );
if( !IsAfNeeded() )
iCaptureRequested = ETrue;
// -------------------------------------------------------
//Quick pressed capture key after backing to precapture from postcapture in burst mode
//Quick pressed capture key during cancelling autofocus(eg. backing to precapture from setting view )
else if ( ECamNoOperation == iInfo.iOperation
&& ( ( ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode )
|| ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
|| ( ECamImageCaptureSingle == iInfo.iImageMode ) )
&& iAFCancelInProgress )
PRINT(_L("Camera <> Cancelling auto focus going on, cannot start capture - setting iCaptureRequested"));
// delay the start of capture until cancelling autofocus has finished
iCaptureRequested = ETrue;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Quick pressed after capture, during image processing
else if ( ECamCompleting == iInfo.iOperation
&& ECamImageCaptureSingle == iInfo.iImageMode )
PRINT(_L("Camera <> operation state is capture completing setting iCaptureRequested"));
// delay the start of capture until current capture has finished
iCaptureRequested = ETrue;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Ready for new shot
else if( ECamNoOperation == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamFocused == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamFocusFailed == iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT(_L("Camera <> operation state is no operation"));
// Update current capture mode
// iInfo.iImageMode = CurrentImageModeSetup();
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported() )
// If AF sound hasn't finished playing yet, stop it now
// to make sure it does not block capture sound playing.
iSoundPlayer->CancelPlaying( ECamAutoFocusComplete );
if( ECamImageCaptureBurst != iInfo.iImageMode )
// Do not log the single image start events in burst mode, as the end
// events would arrive for all images at once after all images have been taken
PERF_EVENT_START_L1( EPerfEventShotToSnapshot );
PERF_EVENT_START_L1( EPerfEventShotToStillImageReady );
PERF_EVENT_START_L1( EPerfEventShotToSave );
PERF_EVENT_START_L1( EPerfEventSequenceCapture );
if( ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode &&
!iSequenceCaptureInProgress )
// First image of timelapse, reset capture count
iTimeLapseCaptureCount = 0;
if( iInfo.iImageMode == ECamImageCaptureNone )
PRINT(_L("Camera <= CCamAppController::Capture() - request ignored"));
// iCaptureRequested is reset in DoCaptureL
TBool capture = EFalse;
TInt err = KErrNone;
iFilenameReserved = EFalse;
TRAP( err, capture = DoCaptureL() );
if ( KErrNone != err )
// Sequence capture is not in progress as capture failed
iSequenceCaptureInProgress = EFalse;
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Tried to start capture, status:%d"), capture );
if ( capture )
if( ECamActiveCameraPrimary == iInfo.iActiveCamera
&& iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsCaptureToneDelaySupported() )
// first cancel to make sure
// delay playing of capture tone
// Play capture sound
PlaySound( CaptureToneId(), EFalse );
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Not ready for a capture
// request ignored
// -------------------------------------------------------
PRINT(_L("Camera <= CCamAppController::Capture()"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StopSequenceCaptureL
// Stop and complete the burst capture operation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StopSequenceCaptureL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StopSequenceCaptureL()") );
iSequenceCaptureInProgress = EFalse;
iNoBurstCancel = EFalse;
// Re-enable screen saver
EnableScreenSaver( ETrue );
TCamImageCaptureMode captureModeSetup = CurrentImageModeSetup();
// Test that this method was not called in single capture mode
__ASSERT_DEBUG( captureModeSetup != ECamImageCaptureSingle, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
// If a burst sequence is currently active or has been requested
if ( iInfo.iImageMode == ECamImageCaptureBurst
|| ( captureModeSetup == ECamImageCaptureBurst && iCaptureRequested ) )
IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestImageCancel );
if ( iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing )
// If a timelapse sequence is currently active or has been requested
else if ( iInfo.iImageMode == ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse ||
( captureModeSetup == ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse &&
iCaptureRequested ) )
if ( TimeLapseSupported() )
if ( iTimeLapseTimer )
delete iTimeLapseTimer;
iTimeLapseTimer = NULL;
// The current state is in between captures the next one has now been cancelled
// so just ensure that the view switch occurs
// if ( iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing && !iCaptureRequested )
if ( iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing )
// Either the first capture is queued or a capture is still in stages of
// completion. Any future capture has been cancelled so all that remains is to ensure the
// completion code is run when the capture finally completes
iCompleteTimeLapsePending = ETrue;
else // Otherwise there is no active or pending burst
// Do nothing
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StopSequenceCaptureL()") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CapturePending
// Whether or not a capture is pending
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::CapturePending() const
// iOperation can be ECamFocusing but a
// request to start still capture has been made and is waiting for the
// focus operation to complete
return iCaptureRequested;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::VideoRecordPending
// Whether or not video recording is pending
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::VideoRecordPending() const
// iOperation can be ECamFocusing but a
// request to start video has been made and is waiting for the
// focus operation to complete
return iVideoRequested;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SequenceCaptureInProgress
// Whether or not sequence capture is active
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::SequenceCaptureInProgress() const
return iSequenceCaptureInProgress;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StartVideoRecordingL
// Begin the video recording procedure
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StartVideoRecordingL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StartVideoRecordingL") );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
if( ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode )
if( !iVideoRequested
&& ECamNoOperation == iInfo.iOperation )
iVideoRequested = ETrue;
if( !iSilentProfile || iShutterSndAlwaysOn )
// Load (and play) the start video sound
PlaySound( ECamVideoStartSoundId , ETrue );
// initialise the array accessing values
iArrayUsageCount = KVideoArrayUsers;
iCurrentImageIndex = 0;
if( ECamMediaStorageCard ==
IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage ) )
TRAPD( err, ReserveFileNamesL( iInfo.iMode, ECamImageCaptureNone ) );
if ( err )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> invalid MMC") );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventInvalidMemoryCard );
// If we have got here, we can't access MMC. Switch to phone memory
TRAP_IGNORE( ForceUsePhoneMemoryL() ); //with multiple drive support,
//this actually uses the internal mass memory
// Ignore for now, let fail when recording.
TRAP_IGNORE( ReserveFileNamesL( iInfo.iMode, ECamImageCaptureNone, ETrue ) );
// Ignore for now, let fail when recording.
TRAP_IGNORE( ReserveFileNamesL( iInfo.iMode, ECamImageCaptureNone ) );
if( iSilentProfile && !iShutterSndAlwaysOn )
// Remember where are we recording
iInitialVideoStorageLocation = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>(
IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage ) );
// Video already requested or other operation busy.
// Request ignored.
// Note: The code to actually START video recording has been moved
// to the PlaySoundComplete function so as to only start when
// sound playback has completed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StopVideoRecording
// End the video recording procedure
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StopVideoRecording") );
// if a video capture operation is pending
if ( iVideoRequested )
iVideoRequested = EFalse;
// otherwise, if a video recording operation is in progress or is paused
/* else */
if ( ECamCapturing == CurrentVideoOperation()
|| ECamPaused == CurrentVideoOperation() )
// TRAPD( err, iAutoFocus->StopContinuousFocusL() );
// iFocusLocked = EFalse;
// Keep track of the fact we are now in "saving" state
iSaving = ETrue;
// IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestVfStop );
IssueRequestL( ECamRequestVideoStop ); // Rest handled when event comes.
// otherwise there is no current recording operation
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StopVideoRecording") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StopVideoRecordingAsync
// End the video recording procedure asynchronously
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StopVideoRecordingAsync") );
// Change CAE and MMF mode to async
TRAP_IGNORE( IssueRequestL( ECamRequestSetAsyncVideoStopMode ) );
StopVideoRecording(); // Call normal stop, mode is set to sync in call-backs
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StopVideoRecordingAsync") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleVideoAsyncStopEvent
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::HandleVideoAsyncStopEvent( TInt aStatus )
PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleVideoAsyncStopEvent, status:%d" ), aStatus );
(void)aStatus; // remove compiler warning
// We DO NOT play the stop sound when recording stopped due to
// an incoming call. UI Spec 1.0, 4.4.1.
if ( !iInCallOrRinging
&& !iVideoStoppedForPhoneApp )
PlaySound( ECamVideoStopSoundId, EFalse ); // No callback
// Recording completed, so we can re-enable key sounds
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleVideoAsyncStopEvent" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleVideoStopEvent
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::HandleVideoStopEvent( TInt aStatus )
PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleVideoStopEvent, status:%d" ), aStatus );
PERF_EVENT_END_L1( EPerfEventVideoStopToSave );
if ( KErrDiskFull == aStatus
|| KErrCompletion == aStatus)
// if recording ends due to disk full condition or end of
// specified recording period do not propogate the error
aStatus = KErrNone;
// Play sound here if async mode is not supported
// If it is then next playing is copyed to HandleVideoAsyncStopEvent
if ( iCameraController && !iCameraController->AsyncVideoStopModeSupported() )
// We DO NOT play the stop sound when recording stopped due to
// an incoming call. UI Spec 1.0, 4.4.1.
if ( !iInCallOrRinging
&& !iVideoStoppedForPhoneApp )
PlaySound( ECamVideoStopSoundId, EFalse ); // No callback
// Recording completed, so we can re-enable key sounds
// Keep track of the fact we are now leaving saving state
iSaving = EFalse;
// try closing video record to free up resources
// Test - <eo> commented out, no such direct request supported
// TRAP_IGNORE( IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestVideoRelease ) );
// if video post capture is off then force re-prepare so
// that remaining record time is updated
// if using direct viewfinding pause viewfinder
// report to LifeBlog
RProperty::Set( KPSUidCamcorderNotifier, KCamLatestFilePath, iSuggestedVideoPath );
// Add to album if this is enabled for videos
TUint32 defaultAlbumId = static_cast<TUint32>(
IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDefaultAlbumId ));
if ( iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue
( ECamSettingItemVideoStoreInAlbum ) == ECamSettYes )
iImageSaveActive->AddToAlbum( iSuggestedVideoPath, ETrue, defaultAlbumId );
else // Harvest the file but dont add to the default album
iImageSaveActive->AddToAlbum( iSuggestedVideoPath, EFalse, defaultAlbumId );
//create thumbnail
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsThumbnailManagerAPISupported() )
TRAP_IGNORE( iImageSaveActive->CreateThumbnailsL( *BurstCaptureArray() ) );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventRecordComplete, aStatus );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> calling HandleCaptureCompletion.." ) )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventMediaFileChanged, aStatus );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleVideoStopEvent" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetVideoStoppedForPhoneApp
// Store the cause of the video stopping
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetVideoStoppedForPhoneApp( TBool aIsPhoneApp )
iVideoStoppedForPhoneApp = aIsPhoneApp;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::PauseVideoRecording
// Pause the video recording procedure
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::PauseVideoRecording()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::PauseVideoRecording") );
if( ECamCapturing == CurrentVideoOperation() )
TRAPD( error, IssueRequestL( ECamRequestVideoPause ) );
if( KErrNone != error )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> PAUSING FAILED!!") );
// start video pause timeout
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::PauseVideoRecording") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ContinueVideoRecording
// Continue the video recording procedure
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::ContinueVideoRecording()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ContinueVideoRecording") );
if ( ECamPaused == CurrentVideoOperation() )
SetOperation( ECamResuming );
// Restart video when sound played
PlaySound( ECamVideoResumeSoundId, ETrue );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ContinueVideoRecording") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::TryAFRequest
// issue AF request if there are no pending AF requests currently
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::TryAFRequest( TInt aAFRequest )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => TryAFRequest") );
PRINT3( _L( "iPendingAFRequest=%d aAFRequest=%d ,iCurrentAFRequest=%d"), iPendingAFRequest,
aAFRequest, iCurrentAFRequest );
switch( aAFRequest )
case ECamRequestCancelAutofocus:
case ECamRequestStartAutofocus:
if ( !( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsContinuosAutofocusSupported()&& ECamControllerVideo == CurrentMode() ) )
TRAPD( err, IssueDirectRequestL( TCamCameraRequestId(aAFRequest) ) );
//TRAPD( err, iCameraController->DirectRequestL( aAFRequest ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
// There is an error, we leave without focusing
return EFalse; // Not doing any autofocus request.
//This is only case where AFrequest cause EFalse to be returned.
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( appUi->AlwaysDrawPreCaptureCourtesyUI()
&& !CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus() )
appUi->SetActivePaletteVisibility( EFalse );
//Not type of autofocus request. Ignoring.
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= TryAFRequest") );
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CancelAFNow
// Cancel AutoFocus
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CancelAFNow()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CancelAfNow()") );
if( !iAFCancelInProgress && ECamFocusing == CurrentOperation() )
TRAPD( err, IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestCancelAutofocus ) );
if( KErrNone == err )
iAFCancelInProgress = ETrue;
iCurrentAFRequest = ECamRequestCancelAutofocus;
iPendingAFRequest = ECamRequestCancelAutofocus;
PRINT( _L("AF Cancel already in progress or not focusing") );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CancelAfNow()") );
// CCamAppController::CancelFocusAndCapture
// Cancel the focus and capture procedures
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CancelFocusAndCapture()
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::CancelFocusAndCapture") );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CancelFocusAndCapture - CurrentOperation() = [%s]"), KCamCaptureOperationNames[iInfo.iOperation] );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CancelFocusAndCapture - IsViewFinding() = [%d]"), IsViewFinding() );
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// Only cancels autofocus if needed, burst capture is no longer
// stopped if capture key pressed during burst
if( !iNoBurstCancel
&& ECamNoOperation != CurrentOperation()
&& ECamCompleting != CurrentOperation() )
// If we are currently focused, cancel autofocus
if ( IsViewFinding() && CurrentOperation() != ECamCapturing ) // Cannot do AF operations if VF not on. AF is anyway cancelled on VF start event.
if( ECamFocusing == CurrentOperation() )
if ( IsTouchScreenSupported() )
CAknToolbar* fixedToolbar = appUi->CurrentFixedToolbar();
if ( fixedToolbar )
fixedToolbar->SetToolbarVisibility( ETrue );
TryAFRequest( ECamRequestCancelAutofocus );
iCaptureRequested = EFalse;
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::CancelFocusAndCapture") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SnapshotImage
// Get post-exposure snapshot bitmap, if available.
// Returns: pointer to post-exposure snapshot bitmap. Does not transfer ownership.
// May be NULL if no image available.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CFbsBitmap*
CCamAppController::SnapshotImage() const
PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SnapshotImage") );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SnapshotImage .. current image index: %d"), iCurrentImageIndex );
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SnapshotImage .. saved current image: %d"), SavedCurrentImage() );
if ( iSnapShotRotator->IsActive() )
// Avoid flickering. Do not show original snapshot, if it needs to be rotated
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SnapshotImage - return null") );
return NULL;
//Sometime burst capture array includes more than one image in single capture mode,
//so just display the latest image here.
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( BurstCaptureArray()->Count() > 1 && !appUi->IsBurstEnabled() )
TInt currentImageIndex = BurstCaptureArray()->Count() - 1;
const CFbsBitmap* ss = BurstCaptureArray()->Snapshot( currentImageIndex );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SnapshotImage") );
return ss;
const CFbsBitmap* ss = BurstCaptureArray()->Snapshot( iCurrentImageIndex );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SnapshotImage") );
return ss;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetAsCurrentImage
// Sets the specified index as the "current image", as will be used by the
// post capture view
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetAsCurrentImage( TInt aIndex )
iCurrentImageIndex = aIndex;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentImageName
// Get the user-visible name for the current image
// used in post-capture views.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC&
CCamAppController::CurrentImageName() const
return BurstCaptureArray()->ImageName( iCurrentImageIndex );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::BurstCaptureArray
// Return a pointer to the array representing a burst capture
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::BurstCaptureArray() const
return iCaptureArray;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentItemCount
// Return the count of non-deleted items in the burst array
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( !BurstCaptureArray() )
return 0;
return BurstCaptureArray()->ImagesRemaining();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentCapturedCount
// Return the count of burst capture moments that have taken
// place in a current burst
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//return iActualBurstCount;
TInt count( 0 );
if( iCameraController )
// Using snapshot as count, because UI updates counter
// on snapshot events.
count = iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iSnapshotCount;
return count;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::TimeLapseImageCount
// Return the count of items in the timelapse sequence array
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
return iTimeLapseCaptureCount;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ResetTimelapseArray
// Resets the timelapse sequence array
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::ResetTimelapseArray()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::PlaySound
// Play a sound with given id.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::PlaySound( TCamSoundId aSoundId, TBool aEnableCallback )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::PlaySound %d"), aSoundId );
if ( ToneShouldBeSilent( aSoundId ) &&
!iShutterSndAlwaysOn &&
iSilentProfile )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Profile silent, do not play sound") );
// Don't play shutter sound if we are following
// current profile setting and profile is silent.
// Notify the observer right away. E.g. video start
// depends on the notification
if( aEnableCallback )
PlayComplete( aSoundId, KErrNone );
/* OLD
if ( aSoundId == ECamVideoStartSoundId ||
aSoundId == ECamVideoPauseSoundId ||
aSoundId == ECamVideoResumeSoundId )
// Force the callback to start recording without sound.
iSoundPlayer->PlaySound( aSoundId, aEnableCallback );
// If in timelapse mode the remaining time counter should be updated
// as soon as the capture tone has played, but as there is no callback
// this is the closest we can get
if ( ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCounterUpdated );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::PlaySound") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::PlayTone
// Play a tone with specified frequency, period and volume
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::PlayTone( TInt aToneHz,
TInt aLenMicSec,
TReal32 aVolume,
TBool aEnableCallback )
if ( !iShutterSndAlwaysOn &&
iSilentProfile )
// don't play shutter sound if we are following
// current profile setting and profile is silent
iSoundPlayer->PlayTone( aToneHz, aLenMicSec, aVolume, aEnableCallback );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::AllOptionsVisibleForSettingItem
// Returns true if all the settings list options for a particular setting
// item are visible.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::AllOptionsVisibleForSettingItem( TInt aSettingItem,
TInt& aRevisedResourceId )
if ( ( aSettingItem == ECamSettingItemVideoQuality ) &&
( iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraSecondary ) )
return EFalse;
// Otherwise, all options are visible for the setting item
return ETrue;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SwitchCameraL
// Switch the camera
// ----------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SwitchCameraL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SwitchCameraL") );
TCamAppControllerInfo oldInfo = iInfo;
TCamActiveCamera targetCamera = ECamActiveCameraNone;
// If something goes wrong when changing from 2nd to 1st camera,
// we need to make sure, that 2nd cam settings are not stored
// to CR by accident.
iInfo = TCamAppControllerInfo(); // reset
// reset zoom waiting flag. this flag is only used with bitmap viewfinder
// and it might cause problems if one camera uses bitmap viewfinder and the
// other one uses direct viewfinder
iZoomWaitingForCamera = EFalse;
if( ECamActiveCameraPrimary == oldInfo.iActiveCamera )
// Currently using primary camera, switch to secondary
PRINT( _L("Camera <> switch to 2nd cam") );
#ifdef _DEBUG
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ======================================") );
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> Photo quality index: ") );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Before loading 2nd cam settings: %d "), IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoQuality ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> After loading 2nd cam settings: %d "), IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoQuality ) );
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> ======================================") );
targetCamera = ECamActiveCameraSecondary;
// Currently using secondary camera, switch to primary
// or landscape secondary camera
PRINT( _L("Camera <> switch to 1st camera or change 2nd camera mode") )
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( appUi->IsEmbedded() )
LoadStaticSettingsL( appUi->IsEmbedded() );
else if ( CameraSwitchQueued() != ESwitchSecondaryOrientation )
if ( CameraSwitchQueued() != ESwitchSecondaryOrientation )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> switch to 1st cam") )
targetCamera = ECamActiveCameraPrimary;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> change 2nd camera mode") )
targetCamera = ECamActiveCameraSecondary;
SetCameraSwitchRequired( ESwitchDone );
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
iCameraController->SwitchCameraL( (ECamActiveCameraPrimary == targetCamera) ? 0 : 1 );
// Camera switched.
// a) Set current camera index to the new one.
// b) Set target mode (video/image) to the one before mode switch.
// c) Image mode is single shot after camera switch
// d) Ensure vf start
iInfo.iActiveCamera = targetCamera; // a)
iInfo.iTargetMode = appUi->TargetMode(); // b)
iInfo.iTargetImageMode = ( ECamControllerVideo==iInfo.iTargetMode )
? ECamImageCaptureNone : ECamImageCaptureSingle; // c)
iInfo.iTargetVfState = ECamTriActive; // d)
if( oldInfo.iMode != ECamControllerShutdown )
appUi->SetDrawPreCaptureCourtesyUI( ETrue );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCameraChanged );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SwitchCameraL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ActiveCamera
// Returns the active camera
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::ActiveCamera() const
return iInfo.iActiveCamera;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CameraSwitchQueued
// Returns whether a camera switch is pending
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CameraSwitchQueued() const
PRINT1( _L("Camera =><= CCamAppController::CameraSwitchQueued %d"), iCameraSwitchRequired )
return iCameraSwitchRequired;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CheckExitStatus
// Check whether exit is required
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CheckExitStatus" ) )
TBool exit = EFalse;
if ( iEndKeyWaiting )
exit = ETrue;
else if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsLensCoverSupported() )
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( iSliderCloseEvent && !appUi->IsEmbedded() && !appUi->Embedding() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CheckExitStatus - slider closed, not embedded/embedding" ) )
exit = ETrue;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CheckExitStatus - embedded/embedding, not exiting" ) )
exit = EFalse;
exit = EFalse;
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CheckExitStatus - return %d" ), exit )
return exit;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetEndKeyExitWaiting
// Update whether exit is required
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetEndKeyExitWaiting( TBool aEndKeyWaiting )
iEndKeyWaiting = aEndKeyWaiting;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CameraSlideState
// Returns the status of the camera slide
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CameraSlideState() const
return iSlideState;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SliderCloseEventActioned
// Update whether exit is required
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
iSliderCloseEvent = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetCameraSwitchRequired
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetCameraSwitchRequired( TCameraSwitchRequired aSwitchRequired )
iCameraSwitchRequired = aSwitchRequired;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CheckSlideStatus
// Check the slide state and schedule a camera switch if needed
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CheckSlideStatus()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CheckSlideStatus") );
// if only 1 camera available then can't switch camera
if ( CamerasAvailable() <= 1 )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Only one camera, no action") );
// if the slide is closed then schedule a camera switch
// if the back camera is active
if ( CameraSlideState() == CameraPlatPSKeys::EClosed ||
CameraSlideState() == KErrNone )
if ( iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraPrimary )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> slide closed or uninitialized -> switch to secondary") );
iCameraSwitchRequired = ESwitchPrimaryToSecondary;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> no camera switch needed") );
iCameraSwitchRequired = ESwitchDone;
// if the slide is open then schedule a camera switch
// if the front camera is active
else if ( CameraSlideState() == CameraPlatPSKeys::EOpen )
if ( iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraSecondary )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> slide open -> switch to primary") );
iCameraSwitchRequired = ESwitchSecondaryToPrimary;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> no camera switch needed") );
iCameraSwitchRequired = ESwitchDone;
// do nothing
PRINT( _L("Camera <> not recognized slider state -> no action") );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CheckSlideStatus") );
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::EvRange
// Range of EV value supported by current product
// ----------------------------------------------------
TCamEvCompRange CCamAppController::EvRange() const
PRINT( _L("Camera =><= CCamAppController::EvRange") );
return iEvRange;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CallStateChanged
// Callback for when the current phone call state changes
// ----------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CallStateChanged( TPSCTsyCallState aState,
TInt /* aError */ )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CallStateChanged aState: %d"), aState);
TBool oldState = iInCallOrRinging;
if ( aState == EPSCTsyCallStateAlerting ||
aState == EPSCTsyCallStateRinging ||
aState == EPSCTsyCallStateDialling ||
aState == EPSCTsyCallStateAnswering ||
aState == EPSCTsyCallStateDisconnecting ||
aState == EPSCTsyCallStateConnected ||
aState == EPSCTsyCallStateHold )
// If not already in a call/ringing state, and the new state
// indicates this, stop recording
if ( !iInCallOrRinging )
// Set the flag before handle call, as this may need to
// know the call state for stopping video.
iInCallOrRinging = ETrue;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CallStateChanged: calling handleincomingcallL") );
iInCallOrRinging = EFalse;
// If the state has changed from in a call to not, notify the
// observers
// Also notify again if the state has reached connected so that
// the observer can reconsider its actions now that connection is complete
if ( iInCallOrRinging != oldState ||
EPSCTsyCallStateConnected == aState )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CallStateChanged: telling call observers") );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCallStateChanged, KErrNone );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CallStateChanged(%d, %d)"), aState );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ReleaseCamera
// Releases the camera hardware for other apps to use
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::ReleaseCamera()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ReleaseCamera") );
if ( IsAppUiAvailable())
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( appUi )
appUi->SetAssumePostCaptureView( EFalse );
if ( Busy() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::ReleaseCamera: set release pending") );
iPendingRelease = ETrue;
else if ( iCameraController && ECamCameraIdle != CameraState() )
// No leaving code here. Clear the flag before any operation
// to prevent calling this from the event callbacks caused
// by the following requests.
iPendingRelease = EFalse;
if( iInfo.iImageMode == ECamImageCaptureBurst &&
SequenceCaptureInProgress() )
// Cancel ongoing burst capture
// Burst capture is normally cancelled by setting iRequestedBurstCount,
// and actual cancelling is done when next imagedata arrives.
// However, in this case camera is going to be released, and there won't
// be next image data, so give ECamRequestImageCancel and capture
// completion event here to avoid problems
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::ReleaseCamera: Going to bacgkround in the middle of a burst capture") );
TRAP_IGNORE ( IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestImageCancel ) );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, KErrCancel );
//iInfo.iMode = ECamControllerShutdown;
//iInfo.iTargetMode = ECamControllerIdle;
iInfo.iTargetMode = ECamControllerIdle;
iInfo.iImageMode = ECamImageCaptureNone;
iInfo.iTargetImageMode = ECamImageCaptureNone;
iInfo.iOperation = ECamNoOperation;
iCaptureModeTransitionInProgress = EFalse;
// Last change to stop view finder if we were "busy" previously in
// ExitViewfinderMode method. View finder must be stopped in case where
// orientation is changed, so Posting API display control doesn't try to
// draw outside existing area. Otherwise KErrTooBig error is encountered.
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::ReleaseCamera: requesting release directly..") );
// iInfo.iMode set when complete
TRAP_IGNORE( IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestRelease ) );
//iPendingRelease = EFalse;
//shutdown the orientation channel
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported() &&
iAccSensorListening )
TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateSensorApiL( EFalse ) );
// No action needed.
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::ReleaseCamera: camera already idle!!") );
if(ECamControllerIdle != iInfo.iMode )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::ReleaseCamera: camera already idle correcting state!!") );
iInfo.iMode = ECamControllerIdle;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ReleaseCamera") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IncCameraUsers
// Increments the camera usage count
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::IncCameraUsers()
PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::IncCameraUsers") );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::IncCameraUsers, count now %d"), iCameraReferences );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DecCameraUsers
// Decrements the camera usage count
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::DecCameraUsers()
PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DecCameraUsers") );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCameraReferences > 0, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DecCameraUsers: count now %d"), iCameraReferences );
// If the engine is no longer required then release it.
if ( iCameraReferences <= 0 )
PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DecCameraUsers") );
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::InCallOrRinging
// Whether we are in call or ringing
// ----------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::InCallOrRinging() const
return iInCallOrRinging;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::InVideocallOrRinging
// Whether we are in videocall or ringing
// ----------------------------------------------------
if ( InCallOrRinging() )
TInt callType( EPSCTsyCallTypeUninitialized );
TInt err = RProperty::Get( KPSUidCtsyCallInformation, KCTsyCallType, callType );
if ( err == KErrNone && callType == EPSCTsyCallTypeH324Multimedia )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
return EFalse;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentlySavingVideo
// Whether we are currently saving a video clip or not
// ----------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CurrentlySavingVideo() const
return iSaving;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IssueModeChangeSequenceL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::IssueModeChangeSequenceL( TBool aStartup )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::IssueModeChangeSequenceL" ) );
// Generate the request sequence and issue to Camera Controller.
RCamRequestArray sequence;
CleanupClosePushL( sequence );
if( !aStartup )
GenerateModeChangeSequenceL( sequence );
if( iCameraReferences )
SetFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusySequence );
TCleanupItem clearBusy( ClearSequenceBusyFlag, &iBusyFlags );
CleanupStack::PushL( clearBusy );
iCameraController->RequestSequenceL( sequence );
iCaptureModeTransitionInProgress = ETrue;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> No camera users, not requesting sequence.") );
GenerateStartupSequenceL( sequence );
SetFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusySequence );
TCleanupItem clearBusy( ClearSequenceBusyFlag, &iBusyFlags );
CleanupStack::PushL( clearBusy );
iCameraController->RequestSequenceL( sequence );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // sequence.Close()
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::IssueModeChangeSequenceL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL( RCamRequestArray& aSequence )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL" ) );
TBool vfStartDone = EFalse;
//Have to empty autofocusrequest values here because modechange could override
//currently processed autofocus request.
iNoBurstCancel = EFalse;
iKeyUP = EFalse;
iAFCancelInProgress = EFalse;
// -------------------------------------------------------
if( ECamTriIdle != iCameraController->ViewfinderState() )
// If VF is not stopped, frames might come when we are not
// in either image or video mode.
if( ECamControllerIdle != iInfo.iMode
&& iInfo.iTargetMode != iInfo.iMode )
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestVfRelease );
if( ECamTriIdle == iInfo.iTargetVfState )
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestVfRelease );
else if( ECamTriInactive == iInfo.iTargetVfState )
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestVfStop );
// Nothing needed here
switch( iInfo.iMode )
// ---------------------------------
case ECamControllerImage:
if( ECamControllerImage != iInfo.iTargetMode )
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestImageRelease );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamControllerVideo:
if( ECamControllerVideo != iInfo.iTargetMode )
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestVideoRelease );
// ---------------------------------
// If we need to get to video or image mode
// make sure camera has power on before further requests.
if( ECamControllerImage == iInfo.iTargetMode
|| ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iTargetMode )
TUint cameraState( iCameraController->State() );
if( !(ECamPowerOn&cameraState) )
if( !(ECamReserved&cameraState) )
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestReserve );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestPowerOn );
// ---------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Append prepare operations to achieve target camera mode
switch( iInfo.iTargetMode )
// ---------------------------------
case ECamControllerImage:
if( ECamImageCaptureNone != iInfo.iTargetImageMode )
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestImageInit );
// Snapshot may have to be released and restarted because the
// snapshot size may change.
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( appUi )
if( appUi->ShowPostCaptureView() || iInfo.iTargetImageMode == ECamImageCaptureBurst )
// If vf needs to be (re)started.
// Camera Controller checks from Setting Provider if
// viewfinder mode (direct/bitmap) has changed, and
// releases old type first if needed.
if( ECamTriActive == iInfo.iTargetVfState )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL: VF start needed" ) );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestVfStart );
vfStartDone = ETrue;
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL: Snapshot on" ) );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestSsRelease );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestSsStart );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL: Snapshot off" ) );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestSsRelease );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestSsStop );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamControllerVideo:
// Video recorder needs to be initialized and prepared
// if we are not already in video mode.
if ( iInfo.iMode != ECamControllerVideo )
iVideoInitNeeded = ETrue;
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestVideoInit );
// Snapshot has to be released and restarted because the
// snapshot size may change.
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( appUi )
if( appUi->ShowPostCaptureView() || iInfo.iTargetImageMode == ECamImageCaptureBurst )
// If vf needs to be (re)started.
// Camera Controller checks from Setting Provider if
// viewfinder mode (direct/bitmap) has changed, and
// releases old type first if needed.
if( ECamTriActive == iInfo.iTargetVfState )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL: VF start needed" ) );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestVfStart );
vfStartDone = ETrue;
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL: Snapshot on" ) );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestSsRelease );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestSsStart );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL: Snapshot off" ) );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestSsRelease );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestSsStop );
// ---------------------------------
// ---------------------------------
// If vf needs to be (re)started.
// Camera Controller checks from Setting Provider if
// viewfinder mode (direct/bitmap) has changed, and
// releases old type first if needed.
if( !vfStartDone && ECamTriActive == iInfo.iTargetVfState )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL: VF start needed" ) );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestVfStart );
// -------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Generated sequence: " ) );
for( TInt i = 0; i < aSequence.Count(); i++ )
PRINT2( _L( "Camera <> %d) %s" ), i, KCamRequestNames[aSequence[i]] );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::GenerateModeChangeSequenceL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SettingsPhotoResolution
// Returns the photo resolution stored by the Settings Model
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCamPhotoSizeId CCamAppController::SettingsPhotoResolution() const
return iSettingsModel->CurrentPhotoResolution();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::GetCurrentImageDimensions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::GetCurrentImageDimensions() const
TCamPhotoSizeId index = iSettingsModel->CurrentPhotoResolution();
TSize size = iSettingsModel->ImageResolutionFromIndex( index );
return size;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::GetCurrentImageResolution
// Gets the current image resolution used. May not be the same at that stored in Settings
// if Zoom state is not 1x
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCamPhotoSizeId CCamAppController::GetCurrentImageResolution() const
TCamPhotoSizeId size = iSettingsModel->CurrentPhotoResolution();
return size;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::GetCurrentImageCompression
// Returns the photo compression level from the Settings Model
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::GetCurrentImageCompression() const
return iSettingsModel->CurrentPhotoCompression();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::GetCurrentVideoResolution
// Gets the current video resolution used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCamVideoResolution CCamAppController::GetCurrentVideoResolution() const
TInt videoQuality = iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoQuality );
CCamVideoQualityLevel& level = *( iSettingsModel->VideoQualityArray() )[videoQuality];
return static_cast<TCamVideoResolution>( level.VideoResolution() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::UsePhoneMemoryL
// Force use of phone memory storage.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::UsePhoneMemoryL() const
// This function is used to directly force the value of media storage
// Bypasses any updates the controller does for change to these values
if( ExistMassStorage() )
iSettingsModel->SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage,
ECamMediaStorageMassStorage );
iSettingsModel->SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage,
ECamMediaStorageMassStorage );
iSettingsModel->SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage,
ECamMediaStoragePhone );
iSettingsModel->SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage,
ECamMediaStoragePhone );
// ===========================================================================
// From MCamSettingsModelObserver
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IntSettingChangedL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::IntSettingChangedL( TCamSettingItemIds aSettingItem,
TInt aSettingValue )
switch( aSettingItem )
case ECamSettingItemDynamicSelfTimer:
TCamSelfTimerFunctions function( ECamSelfTimerDisabled );
switch( aSettingValue )
case ECamSelfTimer2: function = ECamSelfTimerMode1; break;
case ECamSelfTimer10: function = ECamSelfTimerMode2; break;
case ECamSelfTimer20: function = ECamSelfTimerMode3; break;
default: break;
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( appUi )
appUi->SelfTimerEnableL( function );
case ECamSettingItemPhotoQuality:
case ECamSettingItemVideoQuality:
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventVideoQualityChanged, KErrNone );
case ECamSettingItemVideoAudioRec:
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventAudioMuteStateChanged );
case ECamSettingItemContinuousAutofocus:
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventContAFStateChanged );
case ECamSettingItemFaceTracking:
PRINT( _L("Camera => ECamSettingItemFaceTracking") );
TCamCameraSettingId cameraId(
CCamSettingConversion::Map2CameraControllerSettingId( aSettingItem ) );
iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( cameraId );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventFaceTrackingStateChanged );
case ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoFlash:
PRINT( _L("Camera => ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoFlash") );
TCamCameraSettingId cameraId(
CCamSettingConversion::Map2CameraControllerSettingId( aSettingItem ) );
iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( cameraId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::TextSettingChangedL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::TextSettingChangedL( TCamSettingItemIds /*aSettingItem*/,
const TDesC& /*aSettingValue*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleImageQualitySettingChangeL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::HandleImageQualitySettingChangeL") );
if( IsViewFinding() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController - viewfinder on, stop vf / re-prepare / start vf..") );
TRAPD( status,
IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestVfStop );
IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestSsRelease );
IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestImageInit );
IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestSsStart );
IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestVfStart );
if( KErrNone != status )
SetOperation( ECamStandby, status );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventImageQualityChanged, KErrNone );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleImageQualitySettingChangeL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::BurstModeActive
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::BurstModeActiveL( TBool aActive, TBool /*aStillModeActive*/ )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::BurstModeActiveL %d"), aActive );
if( ECamControllerImage == iInfo.iMode )
//TCamImageCaptureMode oldImageMode = iInfo.iImageMode;
// We are in still capture mode
if( aActive )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. iInfo.iImageMode = appUi->CurrentBurstMode() ") );
// Burst mode active. Query current mode from AppUi
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// iInfo.iImageMode = appUi->CurrentBurstMode();
SetImageMode( appUi->CurrentBurstMode() );
// reset image orientation
iImageOrientation = ECamOrientation0;
TRAP_IGNORE( SetImageOrientationL() );
// Burst mode not active
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. iInfo.iImageMode = ECamImageCaptureSingle ") );
// iInfo.iImageMode = ECamImageCaptureSingle;
SetImageMode( ECamImageCaptureSingle );
iRequestedCaptureCount = ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
? KShortBurstCount
: 1;
iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( ECameraSettingCaptureLimit );
// set image orientation in case it was changed during burst mode
if( iOrientationChangeOccured )
iOrientationChangeOccured = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( SetImageOrientationL() );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. [WARNING] Not in image mode, set iInfo.iImageMode = ECamImageCaptureNone") );
// iInfo.iImageMode = ECamImageCaptureNone;
SetImageMode( ECamImageCaptureNone );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::BurstModeActiveL %d") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetVideoLengthL
// Set video length (max or short)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetVideoLengthL( TInt /*aLength*/ )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::SetVideoLengthL" ) );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentPhotoStorageLocation
// Returns the current photo storage location filtered by MMC presence
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::CurrentPhotoStorageLocation() const
TInt storageLocation = iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage );
// added iForceUseOfPhoneMemory part to treat current location
// as Mass Storage / Phone, also if it is forced.
if ( iForceUseOfPhoneMemory ||
( ( storageLocation == ECamMediaStorageCard ) &&
( CamUtility::MemoryCardStatus() != ECamMemoryCardInserted ) ) )
if ( ExistMassStorage() )
storageLocation = ECamMediaStorageMassStorage;
storageLocation = ECamMediaStoragePhone;
return storageLocation;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentVideoStorageLocation
// Returns the current video storage location filtered by MMC presence
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::CurrentVideoStorageLocation() const
TInt storageLocation = iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage );
// added iForceUseOfPhoneMemory part to treat current location
// as Mass Storage / Phone, also if it is forced.
if ( iForceUseOfPhoneMemory )
storageLocation = iForcedStorageLocation;
return storageLocation;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ReleaseArray
// Record that the view has finished with the array
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::ReleaseArray( TBool aForcedRelease )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ReleaseArray") );
// Otherwise we were using the real capture array, so reset it
if( iArrayUsageCount > 0 )
if ( iArrayUsageCount == 0 || aForcedRelease )
PRINT( _L("Camere <> CCamAppController::ReleaseArray .. usage to 0") );
iCurrentImageIndex = 0;
// May have released a large amount of memory, so compress the heap
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ReleaseArray") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RestoreFactorySettingsL
// Delete
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::RestoreFactorySettingsL( TBool aIsEmbedded )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::RestoreFactorySettingsL") );
// reload static settings
LoadStaticSettingsL( aIsEmbedded );
// reload dynamic settings
// Restoring camera settings didn't set the capture mode to single capture,
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
appUi->SwitchStillCaptureModeL( ECamImageCaptureSingle, EFalse, EFalse );
SetMode( ECamControllerIdle );
if( iLocationTrailStarted &&
ECamLocationOn != IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemRecLocation ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::RestoreFactorySettingsL - Stop location trail") );
// Location trail has been started, but setting off after restore -> stop trail
// Starting (if needed after restore) happens when still precap view is activated
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventRestoreCameraSettings );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::RestoreFactorySettingsL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PlayComplete
// Called from when sound playing completes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::PlayComplete( TInt /*aStatus*/, TInt /*aSoundId*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::PlaySoundComplete
// Called when playback of a sound has completed. Typically used in conjunction
// with Video recording (must only start recording AFTER sound has finished
// to avoid recording the sound in the recorded clip).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::PlaySoundComplete()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::PlaySoundComplete") );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
if( ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode && !IsKeyLockOn() )
switch( CurrentVideoOperation() )
case ECamResuming:
// Restarting video
case ECamPausing:
// Notifies observers, so paused icon and softkeys can be updated.
SetOperation( ECamPaused );
case ECamNoOperation:
// Starting the video capture
// If the next file path has not changed, start capturing
if ( BurstCaptureArray()->FileName( 0 ).Compare( iSuggestedVideoPath ) == 0 )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> starting to record..") );
// File path changed. Prepare the engine with the new video file path.
// Start video recording when filename changed (event)
iVideoRequested = ETrue;
iSuggestedVideoPath.Copy( BurstCaptureArray()->FileName( 0 ) );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Requesting Camera controller to set the video name, iSuggestedVideoPath = [%S] "), &iSuggestedVideoPath );
// Set video name change pending and request setting it to camera controller.
iSettingProvider->AddPendingSettingChangeL( ECamSettingItemVideoNameBase );
iVideoNameRetries = KVideoNameRetryCount;
// No operation.
// Should be stopping video
// Image mode or keylock on, no action
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::PlaySoundComplete") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::MediaFileChangedNotification
//Helper function for making notification about deleted files
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::MediaFileChangedNotification") );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventMediaFileChanged );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::MediaFileChangedNotification") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DeleteCurrentFile
// Delete the current image/video file
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::DeleteCurrentFile( TBool aNotify /*=ETrue*/ )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DeleteCurrentFile") );
iImageSaveRequestPending = EFalse;
TInt err( KErrNone );
if( BurstCaptureArray()->Count() > 0 )
err = BurstCaptureArray()->SetDeleted( iCurrentImageIndex, ETrue );
if ( aNotify && err == KErrNone )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventMediaFileChanged );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DeleteCurrentFile") );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DeleteTimeLapseFiles
// Delete the current timelapse sequence
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Count() is inline
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSequenceFilenameArray->Count(); i++ )
TPtrC filename( iSequenceFilenameArray->MdcaPoint( i ) );
// Error ignored
(void)iImageSaveActive->DeleteFile( filename, ETrue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsProcessingCapture
// Indicate whether or not the controller is actively engaged in still
// or video capture
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsProcessingCapture()
return ( iCaptureRequested // if a still capture is pending
|| iVideoRequested // if a video capture is pending
|| EngineProcessingCapture() // if recording or capture is active
|| ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode // if capturing time lapse
|| CurrentlySavingVideo() ); // if a video save is in progress
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CompleteCaptureAndNotifyL
// Request that any current processes complete, then notify observers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CompleteCaptureAndNotifyL( MCamObserver* aObserver,
TBool aSafeCompletion )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::CompleteCaptureAndNotifyL" ) )
RProperty::Set( KPSUidCamcorderNotifier, KCCorFocused, 0 );
// Add the observer to the observer handler for capture completion.
if ( !iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler )
iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler = CCamObserverHandler::NewL();
iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler->RegisterObserverL( aObserver );
// if the capture has not yet begun, all that is required is to switch off
// the pending capture
iCaptureRequested = EFalse;
iVideoRequested = EFalse;
// if no capture is actively in progress
if ( !IsProcessingCapture() )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> not capturing calling HandleCaptureCompletion" ) )
// if recording is active
else if ( ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode )
if( ECamCapturing == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamPausing == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamPaused == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamResuming == iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> currently recording calling StopVideoRecording()" ) )
// iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler will be notified when the record completes
// in McaeoVideoRecordingComplete
else if ( ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Calling StopSequenceCapture" ) )
// iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler will be notified when the
// next image saving completes
// if a burst capture is in early stages
else if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
if( ECamCapturing == iInfo.iOperation )
if ( !aSafeCompletion )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Safe completion requested, currently capturing burst, issue ECamRequestImageCancel" ) )
IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestImageCancel );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Not safe completion requested, currently capturing burst, issue ECamRequestImageCancel" ) )
IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestImageCancel );
// iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler will be notified when the
// image saving completes
else // do nothing
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> currently waiting for capture completion" ) )
// e.g. iOperation == ECamCaptureCompleting
// iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler will be notified when the
// image saving completes
// e.g. CurrentlySavingVideo()
// iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler will be notified when the
// video saving completes in McaeoVideoRecordingComplete
// e.g. iOperation == ECamCaptureInProgress (single capture)
// iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler will be notified when the
// image saving completes
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::CompleteCaptureAndNotifyL" ) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::EnterShutdownMode
// Enter shutdown mode as the application is closing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::EnterShutdownMode( TBool aImmediateShutdown )
PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::EnterShutdownMode( aImmediateShutdown=%d )"), aImmediateShutdown );
if ( !IsInShutdownMode() )
PRINT ( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::EnterShutdownMode: set target mode to ECamControllerShutdown..") );
SetTargetMode( ECamControllerShutdown );
// if not close down straightaway (i.e. for embedded )
if ( !aImmediateShutdown )
// cancel any outstanding sound requests
// iSoundPlayer->CancelTonePlayer();
TRAPD( err, CompleteCaptureAndNotifyL( this, EFalse ) )
if ( err )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventExitRequested, KErrNone );
// This checks for any ongoing operation.
PRINT ( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::EnterShutdownMode") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsInShutdownMode
// Whether or not the controller is in shutdown mode
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsInShutdownMode() const
return ( ECamControllerShutdown == iInfo.iTargetMode );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsAppUiAvailable
// Returns true if AppUi has been constructed, and not yet destructed
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsAppUiAvailable() const
return iAppUiAvailable;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetAppUiAvailable
// Sets AppUi availablility (see IsAppUiAvailable)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetAppUiAvailable( TBool aAvailable )
iAppUiAvailable = aAvailable;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::GetZoomRange
// Returns the minimum and maximum supported zoom values
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::GetZoomRange( TInt& aMinZoom, TInt& aMaxZoom ) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicNullPointer ) );
aMinZoom = 0;
aMaxZoom = iCameraController->CameraInfo().iMaxDigitalZoom;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ZoomValue
// Returns the current zoom value
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::ZoomValue() const
return iDesiredZoomVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetZoomValue
// Sets a new zoom value
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetZoomValue( TInt aValue )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SetZoomValue( %d )"), aValue );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicNullPointer ) );
// Check the requested value for validity
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Rng( 0, aValue, iCameraController->CameraInfo().iMaxDigitalZoom ),
CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidZoomValue ) );
if ( ECamControllerImage == iInfo.iMode
|| ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode )
// Setting provider asks for the zoom value from us
iDesiredZoomVal = aValue;
if ( !iZoomWaitingForCamera )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: calling Camera Controller..") );
TRAPD( error,
iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( ECameraSettingDigitalZoom );
// If no leave occurred, notification is done in HandleSettingEventL
if( KErrNone != error )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventZoomStateChanged, error );
// iZoomWaitingForCamera is set to EFalse when vf frame arrives.
// With direct vf, this never happens, so do not set to ETrue.
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( appUi && !appUi->IsDirectViewfinderActive() )
iZoomWaitingForCamera = ETrue;
iNewZoomPending = EFalse;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: zoom is waiting for VF update") );
iNewZoomPending = ETrue;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SetZoomValue") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ResetUserSceneL
// Resets all the user scene settings to their defaults.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::ResetUserSceneL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::PreviewSettingChangeL
// Previews a new value for the specified integer setting.
// If method leaves, preview is not activated.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::PreviewSettingChangeL( TInt aSettingItem,
TInt aSettingValue )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::PreviewSettingChangeL") );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iSettingsPreviewHandler, CamPanic( ECamPanicNullPointer ) );
TCamSettingItemIds settingId(
static_cast<TCamSettingItemIds>(aSettingItem) );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Setting to be previewed [%s]"), KCamSettingItemNames[settingId] );
if ( settingId == ECamSettingItemDynamicSelfTimer )
// Activate the preview as a first thing.
// If requests are issued to Camera Controller,
// it asks for the setting value through Setting Provider and
// the setting needs to be already in preview at that point.
// If this fails, there's nothing we need to roll back.
iSettingsPreviewHandler->ActivatePreviewL( settingId, aSettingValue );
// Check which setting is previewed.
// Some need special attention, or should/need not be set to Camera at this point.
TInt status( KErrNone );
switch( settingId )
// ---------------------------------
// Image quality
case ECamSettingItemPhotoQuality:
// Still image quality does not require re-prepare,
// as even the remining images counting is done
// based on local size esimates.
// Need to do notification to update counters.
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventImageQualityChanged );
// ---------------------------------
// Video quality
case ECamSettingItemVideoQuality:
// Video needs to be re-prepared to be able to update
// remaining time counters.
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventVideoQualityChanged );
// ---------------------------------
// Self timer
case ECamSettingItemDynamicSelfTimer:
// Just set the preview. Once committed, set via AppUi.
// ---------------------------------
// Others - set to Camera to see the effect.
TCamCameraSettingId cameraId(
CCamSettingConversion::Map2CameraControllerSettingId( settingId ) );
//PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: Setting the preview to Camera, id[%s]"), KCameraSettingNames[settingId] );
// Assertation to notice if some setting is not properly handled.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( ECameraSettingNone != cameraId, CamPanic( ECamPanicNotSupported ) );
if( ECameraSettingNone != cameraId )
// Preview is active.
// Camera controller will ask the value during DirectSettingsChangeL.
// Need trap to be able to cancel on failure.
TRAP( status, iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( cameraId ) );
// ---------------------------------
if( KErrNone != status )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: Problem in preview, cancelling!!!") );
// Invalid id does not cause problem here.
iSettingsPreviewHandler->CancelPreview( settingId );
User::Leave( status );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::PreviewSettingChangeL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CancelPreviewChangesL
// Cancels all preview changes, since last commit/cancel.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CancelPreviewChangesL") );
// Just check non-null, but no panic.
if ( iSettingsPreviewHandler )
RArray<TCamSettingItemIds> previews;
CleanupClosePushL( previews );
// Get all active previews
iSettingsPreviewHandler->ActivePreviewsL( previews );
// Reset all previews so the Setting Provider does
// not get those values anymore.
// Reset the original setting values to Camera
TInt errorOne( KErrNone );
TInt errorAll( KErrNone );
TCamCameraSettingId cameraId( ECameraSettingNone );
for( TInt i = previews.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
if( ECamSettingItemVideoQuality == previews[i] )
TRAP( errorOne, RePrepareVideoL() );
cameraId =
CCamSettingConversion::Map2CameraControllerSettingId( previews[i] );
if( ECameraSettingNone != cameraId )
TRAP( errorOne, iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( cameraId ) );
/* All previews are not set to Camera.
errorOne = KErrNotSupported;
if( KErrNone == errorAll
&& KErrNone != errorOne )
errorAll = errorOne;
User::LeaveIfError( errorAll );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // previews
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CancelPreviewChangesL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CommitPreviewChanges
// Commits last preview change.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CommitPreviewChanges") );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iSettingsPreviewHandler, CamPanic( ECamPanicNullPointer ) );
// All previews have been set to Camera already.
// Only need to request the model to store new values.
// Currently ignore error, if settings model cannot save the preview.
TRAPD( error, iSettingsPreviewHandler->CommitAllPreviewsL() );
if( KErrNone != error )
// Ignored.
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Settings model could not save the preview!!!") );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CommitPreviewChanges") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RePrepareVideoL
// Helper method for re-preparing video if e.g. a setting change
// requires it. If Camera Controller is currently processing
// some request, set the flag to issue the request later.
// Used atleast in PreviewSettingChangeL and CancelPreviewChangesL.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::RePrepareVideoL") );
if( !Busy() )
iVideoPrepareNeeded = EFalse;
IssueRequestL( ECamRequestVideoInit );
iVideoPrepareNeeded = ETrue;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::RePrepareVideoL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IntegerSettingValue
// Returns the current integer value for the specified setting
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::IntegerSettingValue( TInt aSettingItem ) const
// If the requested item is the photo storage location, this must be filtered
// based on the availability of the MMC.
if ( aSettingItem == ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage )
return CurrentPhotoStorageLocation();
// If the requested item is the video storage location, this must be filtered
// based on the availability of the MMC.
if ( aSettingItem == ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage )
return CurrentVideoStorageLocation();
// Not a setting we sometimes need to filter
return IntegerSettingValueUnfiltered( aSettingItem );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IntegerSettingValueUnfiltered
// Returns the current integer value for the specified setting
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::IntegerSettingValueUnfiltered( TInt aSettingItem ) const
if( aSettingItem == ECamSettingItemVideoFileType )
TInt videoQuality = iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoQuality );
CCamVideoQualityLevel& level = *( iSettingsModel->VideoQualityArray() )[videoQuality];
return level.VideoType();
// Query the relevant settings model.
return iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( aSettingItem );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetIntegerSettingValueL
// Sets a new value for the specified integer setting
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetIntegerSettingValueL( TInt aSettingItem,
TInt aSettingValue )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SetIntegerSettingValueL"))
// Update the settings model.
iSettingsModel->SetIntegerSettingValueL( aSettingItem, aSettingValue );
// Update observers with any changes that do not directly affect the
// engine. That is, they need to be updated now because the settings model
// will not pass these to this observer.
switch( aSettingItem )
case ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage:
case ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage:
PRINT(_L("Camera SetIntegerSettingValueL calling SetPathnamesToNewStorageL" ))
// reset iForceUseOfPhoneMemory flag when user chooses
// from settings.
iForceUseOfPhoneMemory = EFalse;
SetPathnamesToNewStorageL(static_cast < TCamMediaStorage > ( aSettingValue ) );
case ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoScene:
iVideoInitNeeded = ETrue;
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSceneStateChanged );
case ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoScene:
case ECamSettingItemUserSceneBasedOnScene:
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported() )
// Check for macro or landscape scene/based on scene and
// set up AF accordingly. For other scenes, the AF mode
// is setup at capture
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSceneStateChanged );
case ECamSettingItemVideoAudioRec:
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( appUi->IsEmbedded() )
iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( ECameraSettingAudioMute );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventAudioMuteStateChanged );
case ECamSettingItemContinuousAutofocus:
iSettingProvider->AddPendingSettingChangeL( ECamSettingItemContinuousAutofocus );
case ECamSettingItemPhotoStoreInAlbum:
case ECamSettingItemVideoStoreInAlbum:
TUint32 defaultAlbumId = static_cast<TUint32>(
IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDefaultAlbumId ));
iImageSaveActive->SetAddImageToAlbum( aSettingValue == ECamSettYes,
defaultAlbumId );
case ECamSettingItemRecLocation:
// Set the location utility active object
if ( ECamLocationOff == aSettingValue )
else if ( ECamLocationOn == aSettingValue )
// Notify observers
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventLocationSettingChanged );
// Need to support more zoom settings.
// Digital/extended setting combined to
// ECamSettingItemPhotoDigitalZoom and ECamSettingItemVideoDigitalZoom
case ECamSettingItemPhotoDigitalZoom:
case ECamSettingItemVideoDigitalZoom:
// Notify observers
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventZoomSetupChanged );
// no action for others here
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SetIntegerSettingValueL"))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetPathnamesToNewStorageL
// Sets pathnames for video and image files to point to new storage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetPathnamesToNewStorageL( TCamMediaStorage aMediaStorage )
PRINT(_L("Camera => CCamAppController::SetPathnamesToNewStorageL" ))
iSetNewPathnamesPending = ECamMediaStorageNone;
TFileName path;
// If the engine is prepared for image capture then check that the required
// image folder exists
if ( IsFlagOn( CameraControllerState(), ECamImageOn ) )
CCamFolderUtility::GetBasePathL( iMonthFolderCounters,
EFalse );
iCurrentStorage = aMediaStorage;
// If the engine is prepared for video capture then check that the required
// month folder exists and set up the engine with the new video path, this
// will be adjusted with the appropriate month counter folder when video
// capture begins
else if ( IsFlagOn( CameraControllerState(), ECamVideoOn ) )
CCamFolderUtility::GetBasePathL( iMonthFolderCounters,
EFalse );
if( iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamPausing &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamPaused &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamResuming &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamCompleting )
iCurrentStorage = aMediaStorage;
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( !appUi->SettingsLaunchedFromCamera() )
// Set video name change pending and request setting it to camera controller.
if( iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamPausing &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamPaused &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamResuming &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamCompleting )
iSettingProvider->AddPendingSettingChangeL( ECamSettingItemVideoNameBase );
// Can't set the new pathname, if camera controller is busy.
if ( CameraControllerBusy() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Camera controller busy. New pathname not set. Set iSetNewPathnamesPending.") )
iSetNewPathnamesPending = aMediaStorage;
iVideoNameRetries = KVideoNameRetryCount;
//iVideoTimeRemaining = KMaxRecordingLength;
if( iInfo.iOperation == ECamCapturing ||
iInfo.iOperation == ECamPausing ||
iInfo.iOperation == ECamPaused ||
iInfo.iOperation == ECamResuming ||
iInfo.iOperation == ECamCompleting )
iVideoTimeRemaining = iCameraController->RemainingVideoRecordingTime();
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetPathnamesToNewStorageL - video mode not yet initialized" ));
TRAPD( err, iVideoTimeRemaining = CalculateVideoTimeRemainingL() );
if( KErrNone != err )
iVideoTimeRemaining = 0;
// The engine is not yet prepared, the folder will be checked when the engine preparation
// takes place. The controller also checks the state of iSetNewPathnamesPending when
// preparation completes, just in case preparation is currently in progress.
iSetNewPathnamesPending = aMediaStorage;
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSaveLocationChanged );
PRINT(_L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SetPathnamesToNewStorageL" ))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetTextSettingValueL
// Sets a new text value for the specified setting
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetTextSettingValueL( TInt aSettingItem,
const TDesC& aSettingValue )
// Update the relevant settings model.
iSettingsModel->SetTextSettingValueL( aSettingItem, aSettingValue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::TextSettingValue
// Returns the current text value for the specified setting
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::TextSettingValue( TInt aSettingItem ) const
// Query the relevant settings model.
return iSettingsModel->TextSettingValue( aSettingItem );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SettingValueEnabled
// Returns whether a particular setting value can be set or not.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SettingValueEnabled( TInt aSettingItem,
TInt aSettingValue ) const
return iSettingsModel->SettingValueEnabled( aSettingItem, aSettingValue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::LoadStaticSettingsL
// Loads the static settings from shared data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::LoadStaticSettingsL( TBool aIsEmbedded )
PRINT(_L("Camera => CCamAppController::LoadStaticSettingsL" ))
iSettingsModel->LoadStaticSettingsL( aIsEmbedded );
// Cache the image 'add to album' setting in the saving active object
// it will change infrequently
TInt value = iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoStoreInAlbum );
TUint32 defaultAlbumId = static_cast<TUint32>(
IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDefaultAlbumId ));
iImageSaveActive->SetAddImageToAlbum( value == ECamSettYes,
defaultAlbumId );
// Ensure that the navipane is upto date with the current save location.
if ( !aIsEmbedded )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventAudioMuteStateChanged );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventVideoQualityChanged );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSaveLocationChanged );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventVideoStabChanged );
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsLocationSupported() )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventLocationSettingChanged );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventVideoFileTypeChanged );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventImageQualityChanged );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventContAFStateChanged );
PRINT(_L("Camera <= CCamAppController::LoadStaticSettingsL" ))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DynamicSettingDefaultValue
// Get the setting default value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::DynamicSettingDefaultValue( TInt aSettingId ) const
return iSettingsModel->DynamicSettingDefaultValue( aSettingId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetDynamicSettingsToDefaults
// Sets all dynamic settings to their defaults.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetDynamicSettingsToDefaults
// Sets a dynamic setting to its default.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetDynamicSettingToDefault(TInt aSettingItem)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetDynamicSettingToSceneDefaultL
// Set the dynamic setting identified by aSettingId to scene default.
// Because video and photo scenes can have sama identifiers, aVideoScene
// is needed to decide which ones to look for.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetDynamicSettingToSceneDefaultL( TInt aSceneId,
TInt aSceneField,
TInt aSettingId,
TBool aVideoScene )
return iSettingsModel->SetDynamicSettingToSceneDefaultL( aSceneId,
aVideoScene );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::VideoSceneDefaultsAreSet
// Returns whether the video setup settings are set to the defaults
// for its current scene.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
return iSettingsModel->VideoSceneDefaultsAreSet();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::PhotoSceneDefaultsAreSet
// Returns whether the photo setup settings are set to the defaults
// for its current scene.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
return iSettingsModel->PhotoSceneDefaultsAreSet();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentFullFileName
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC&
CCamAppController::CurrentFullFileName() const
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CurrentFullFileName, index:%d"), iCurrentImageIndex );
const TDesC& name( BurstCaptureArray()->FileName( iCurrentImageIndex ) );
if( name != KNullDesC )
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CurrentFullFileName, return:[%S]"), &name );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CurrentFullFileName, name not set.") );
return name;
const TDesC&
CCamAppController::CurrentVideoFileName() const
return iSuggestedVideoPath;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CCamAppController
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: iBusyFlags( EBusyNone )
, iDiskCriticalLevel ( KErrNotFound )
, iRamDiskCriticalLevel( KErrNotFound )
, iImageOrientation( ECamOrientation0 )
, iLastImageOrientation( ECamOrientation0 )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::ConstructL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ConstructL"));
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::ConstructL - constructing Configuration Manager"));
iConfiguration = CCamConfiguration::NewL();
CCamFolderUtility::ResetCounters( iMonthFolderCounters );
iCaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving = EFalse;
iCaptureModeTransitionInProgress = ETrue;
iSettingsModel = CCamSettingsModel::NewL( *iConfiguration );
iSettingsModel->AttachObserverL( this );
// Get the config pointer from settings model
iConfigManager = static_cast<CCamSettingsModel*>(iSettingsModel)->UiConfigManagerPtr();
RArray<TInt> supportedValues;
CleanupClosePushL( supportedValues );
// Get the EV slider info
// these values should be read before camsettingsprovided is constructd
// as the EV step value is needed during the construction of camsettingsprovider.
iConfigManager->SupportedEVSettingsL( supportedValues );
if ( supportedValues.Count() > 0 )
iEvRange.iMinValue = supportedValues[0];
iEvRange.iMaxValue = supportedValues[1];
iEvRange.iStepsPerUnit = supportedValues[2];
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &supportedValues );
// The Settings Model handles the previews at the moment
iSettingsPreviewHandler = static_cast<CCamSettingsModel*>( iSettingsModel );
//iSettingProvider = CCamConstantSettingProvider::NewL( *this );
iSettingProvider = CCamSettingProvider::NewL( *this, iSettingsModel );
iDeepSleepTimer = CCamTimer::NewL( KDeepSleepTimeout,
TCallBack( CCamAppController::DeepSleepTimeout, this ) );
iIdleTimer = CCamTimer::NewL( KIdleTimeout,
TCallBack( CCamAppController::IdleTimeoutL, this ) );
iImageSaveActive = CCamImageSaveActive::NewL( *this , *this );
iCaptureArray = CCamBurstCaptureArray::NewL( *iImageSaveActive );
iRotationArray = CCamBurstCaptureArray::NewL( *iImageSaveActive );
iSnapShotRotator = CCamSnapShotRotator::NewL( *this );
iSequenceFilenameArray = new( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( KTimelapseArrayGranularity );
iSoundPlayer = CCamAudioPlayerController::NewL( *this, *this );
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsLensCoverSupported() )
// create property watcher for slide state
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: Define Camera slider P&S key..") );
// Whole slider position reading could be removed after PCFW has implemented
// creation for KLensCoverStatus key
TInt sliderPosition;
TInt err = RProperty::Get(
sliderPosition );
if( err != KErrNone )
iSlideStateWatcher = CCamPropertyWatcher::NewL( *this,
NMusResourceApi::KCameraAvailability );
iSlideStateWatcher = CCamPropertyWatcher::NewL( *this,
CameraPlatPSKeys::KLensCoverStatus );
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsKeyLockWatcherSupported() )
iKeyLockStatusWatcher = CCamPropertyWatcher::NewL( *this,
KAknKeyguardStatus );
// read central repository value indicating whether camera shutter sound
// should be played always or depending on the current profile setting
CRepository* cr = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidCamcorderFeatures );
TInt value;
TInt err;
User::LeaveIfError( cr->Get( KCRCamShutterSound, value ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cr );
iShutterSndAlwaysOn = value;
// get data for monitoring free RAM during sequence capture
CamUtility::GetPsiInt( ECamPsiSnapshotSize, iSnapshotDataSize );
iConfiguration->GetPsiIntArrayL( ECamPsiJpegDataSizes, iJpegDataSizes );
iConfiguration->GetPsiIntArrayL( ECamPsiSequencePostProcessDataSizes,
iSequencePostProcessDataSizes );
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsCaptureToneDelaySupported() )
TInt captureToneDelay = iConfigManager->CaptureToneDelay();
TCallBack captureToneCb( CCamAppController::CaptureToneDelayTimeout, this );
iCaptureToneDelayTimer =
CCamTimer::NewL( captureToneDelay * KMicroSecsInMilliSec,
captureToneCb );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: Define Camera focused P&S key..") );
err = RProperty::Define( KPSUidCamcorderNotifier,
RProperty::EInt );
if ( KErrNone != err )
// Error handling. Remove warning.
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsPublishZoomStateSupported() )
{ // Publish zoom state
iContextFwClient = CCFClient::NewL( *this );
// Defining the context using the Context Framework.
err = iContextFwClient->DefineContext(
KCamContextSecurity );
if( KErrNone == err )
iDefineContextSuccessful = ETrue;
PublishZoomStateL( EFalse );
// We make sure that we dont proceed with publishing the zoom state
// if the context definition fails.
iDefineContextSuccessful = EFalse;
} // Publish zoom state
iLocationTrailStarted = EFalse;
CamUtility::GetPsiInt( ECamPsiMaxBurstCapture, iLongSequenceLimit );
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
iDriveChangeNotifier = CCamDriveChangeNotifier::NewL( iFs, *this );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ConstructL"));
* CCamAppController::PublishZoomStateL
void CCamAppController::PublishZoomStateL( const TBool aEnabled )
// We publish the zoom state only when context definition is
// successful. the value of the zoom state is controlled by the
// boolean flag "aEnabled".
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsPublishZoomStateSupported() )
if ( iDefineContextSuccessful )
CCFContextQuery* query = CCFContextQuery::NewLC();
query->SetSourceL( KCamContextSource );
query->SetTypeL( KCamContextType );
RContextObjectArray result;
TInt err = iContextFwClient->RequestContext( *query, result );
if( err == KErrNone && result.Count() > 0 )
if ( aEnabled )
result[0]->SetValueL( KCamContextValueEnable );
result[0]->SetValueL( KCamContextValueDisable );
TInt err = iContextFwClient->PublishContext( *result[0] );
if ( err != KErrNone )
// Define how to handle the error case.
// ignoring the error case.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( query );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsViewFinding
// Check if viewfinder is active
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsViewFinding() const
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
return ( iCameraController
&& iCameraController->ViewfinderState() == ECamTriActive );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::NotifyControllerObservers
// Notify the controller observers that a new controller event has occurred
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
::NotifyControllerObservers( TCamControllerEvent aEvent,
TInt aError ) const
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::NotifyControllerObservers"));
// We might need to stop notification for some time.
if( !iMuteNotifications )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iControllerObservers.Count(); i++ )
// NON-NULL checked when adding observers.
// If the notification leaves, continue for the other observers
TRAP_IGNORE( iControllerObservers[i]->HandleControllerEventL( aEvent, aError ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::NotifyControllerObservers"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
::EnterViewfinderMode( const TCamCameraMode& aMode )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::EnterViewfinderMode"));
TInt error( KErrNone );
iPendingRelease = EFalse;
// start monitoring mmc dismount notifications
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsPublishZoomStateSupported() )
TRAP_IGNORE ( PublishZoomStateL( ETrue ) );
// Clear these just in case some video prepare is pending.
iVideoPrepareNeeded = EFalse;
if( ECamControllerVideo == aMode )
// Filename generation needs to be done in all case, not only
// when the current path is null.
// if( KNullDesC() == iSuggestedVideoPath )
TRAP_IGNORE( GenerateNextValidVideoPathL() );
// Clear this to be sure it doesn't block recording
iVideoRequested = EFalse;
SetTargetMode ( ECamControllerVideo );
SetTargetImageMode( ECamImageCaptureNone );
// shutdown the orientation channel when going to videomode
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported() )
TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateSensorApiL( EFalse ) );
else if( ECamControllerImage == aMode )
SetTargetMode ( ECamControllerImage );
// SetTargetImageMode( ECamImageCaptureSingle );
SetTargetImageMode( CurrentImageModeSetup() );
SetOperation( ECamStandby, KErrGeneral );
iInfo.iTargetVfState = ECamTriActive;
if( !Busy() )
TRAP( error, IssueModeChangeSequenceL() );
if ( KErrNone != error
&& ECamStandby != iInfo.iOperation )
SetOperation( ECamStandby, error );
// operation will continue when busy sequence or request completes
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::EnterViewfinderMode"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::ExitViewfinderMode( const TCamCameraMode& aMode )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ExitViewfinderMode"));
// The check here is to ensure that the viewfinder isn't stopped by the still precapture
// view when it has just lost the foreground to the video precapture view and vice versa.
// In that case the mode in parameter would not match the target mode.
if( iInfo.iOperation != ECamStandby )
if ( aMode == iInfo.iTargetMode )
iInfo.iTargetVfState = ECamTriIdle;
SetTargetImageMode( ECamImageCaptureNone );
if( !Busy() )
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsPublishZoomStateSupported() )
TRAP_IGNORE ( PublishZoomStateL( EFalse ) );
TRAPD( error, IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestVfRelease ) );
if ( KErrNone != error
&& ECamStandby != iInfo.iOperation )
SetOperation( ECamStandby, error );
// operation will continue when busy sequence or request completes
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ExitViewfinderMode"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StartViewFinder();
// Non-leaving version of StartViewFinderL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StartViewFinder" ))
iInfo.iTargetVfState = ECamTriActive;
if( !Busy() )
TRAPD( error, IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestVfStart ) );
if ( KErrNone != error
&& ECamStandby != iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::StartViewFinder - [ERROR] VF start failed, go to standby" ))
SetOperation( ECamStandby, error );
// Vf started at earliest convenient time when ongoing requests finish.
PRINT(_L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StartViewFinder") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StopViewFinder
// Stop the viewfinder immediately
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StopViewFinderNow" ) )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
if ( iBacklightTimer && iBacklightTimer->IsActive() )
// Only stop if active.
// Idle and inactive need no action at this point.
if( ECamTriActive == iCameraController->ViewfinderState() )
iInfo.iTargetVfState = ECamTriInactive;
// Can only fail to OOM when state is checked.
TRAPD( error, iCameraController->DirectRequestL( ECamRequestVfStop ) );
if( KErrNone != error
&& ECamStandby != iInfo.iOperation )
SetOperation( ECamStandby, error );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StopViewFinderNow" ) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StopViewFinderEcam
// Stop the viewfinder immediately without changing states
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StopViewFinderEcam" ) )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
// Trap and ignore error
TRAP_IGNORE( iCameraController->DirectRequestL( ECamRequestVfStopEcam ) );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StopViewFinderEcam" ) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::FreezeViewFinder
// Copy the next viewfinder frame then stop the viewfinder
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::FreezeViewFinder( TBool aFreeze )
// If the viewfinder needs to freeze
if ( aFreeze )
PERF_MESSAGE_L2( EPerfMessagePausingViewFinder );
iFreezeViewFinder = ETrue;
iUpdateFrozenFrame = ETrue;
// Restarting the viewfinder
iFreezeViewFinder = EFalse;
iUpdateFrozenFrame = EFalse;
if ( ECamTriActive != iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iVfState )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetKeyUp
// Set iKeyUP value which is used to determine if burst
// timer should be activated or not
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetKeyUp( TBool aValue /*= EFalse*/ )
PRINT1(_L("Camera => CCamAppController::SetKeyUp, iKeyUP=%d"), aValue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DoCaptureL
// Initiate image capture
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::DoCaptureL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DoCaptureL()"));
PRINT2(_L("Camera <> mode[%s] imagemode[%s]"), KCamModeNames[iInfo.iMode], KCamImageModeNames[iInfo.iImageMode] );
// ReleaseArray();
if( iImageSaveActive->Count() <= 0 )
ReleaseArray( ETrue );
iCurrentImageIndex = 0;
iArrayUsageCount = KImageArrayUsers;
iCameraWoken = EFalse;
TBool continueWithCapture = ETrue;
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// Capture needed as fast as possible.
// Use direct stopping of viewfinder
// unless there are settings pending,
// otherwise cancel capture
if ( !IsFlagOn( iBusyFlags, EBusySetting ) )
// Stop VF for burst mode or for secondary or
// embedded camera before capturing.
// VF stopping will increase capture lag.
if ( iInfo.iImageMode == ECamImageCaptureBurst ||
iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraSecondary ||
appUi->IsEmbedded() )
continueWithCapture = EFalse;
switch( iInfo.iImageMode )
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Burst capture
case ECamImageCaptureBurst:
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DoCaptureL .. case ECamImageCaptureBurst") );
TCamPhotoSizeId sizeId( GetCurrentImageResolution() );
TInt memoryNeed( iJpegDataSizes[sizeId]
+ iSequencePostProcessDataSizes[sizeId]
+ iSnapshotDataSize );
TInt memoryFree( 0 );
HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, memoryFree ); // error ignored
if( memoryFree < memoryNeed )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Not enough memory for more burst captures - complete capture" ) );
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// Force re-prepare of engine
appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdSequence );
// Display out of memory note
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSnapshotReady, KErrNoMemory );
// Return app to burst precapture state from burst in-capture
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete );
// Force update of UI furniture
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCounterUpdated );
iCaptureRequested = EFalse;
continueWithCapture = EFalse;
iSequenceCaptureInProgress = ETrue;
iActualBurstCount = 0;
FreezeViewFinder( ETrue );
// Stop the screensaver from coming on when burst mode is active
EnableScreenSaver( EFalse );
// Make navi counter update itself
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCounterUpdated );
if( !appUi->SelfTimerEnabled() )
// Start timer to change burst mode to press and hold
// if not determined to be short burst before that.
//One such case is if capturekeyup event has occured before
//DocaptureL method
if( !iKeyUP && !iNoBurstCancel )
iSequenceCaptureInProgress = ETrue;
iValueIsStored = EFalse;
FreezeViewFinder( ETrue );
EnableScreenSaver( EFalse );
if( iBacklightTimer
&& !iBacklightTimer->IsActive() )
iBacklightTimer->Start( 0,
TCallBack( ResetInactivityTimer, this ) );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCounterUpdated );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Timelapse capture
case ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse:
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DoCaptureL .. case ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse") );
iSequenceCaptureInProgress = ETrue;
// Stop the screensaver from coming on when burst mode is active
EnableScreenSaver( EFalse );
// Get the remaining image count and only start the timer for the next capture if there is enough
// space, taking into account that the current capture will also use up one image
TCamMediaStorage storage( (TCamMediaStorage)IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage ) );
TCamPhotoSizeId sizeId ( GetCurrentImageResolution() );
TInt remainingCount = ImagesRemaining( storage, ETrue, sizeId );
// Check if the advanced sequence is limited (by starting from selftimer)
if( remainingCount >= 1
&& iRequestedCaptureCount <= TimeLapseImageCount()+1 )
iCompleteTimeLapsePending = ETrue;
// if there isn't space for this capture (e.g. some memory has been used since the timer was initiated
// or there isn't enough space to initiate a further capture
else if ( remainingCount <= 1 )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DoCaptureL .. only space for one capture, stop timer") );
// The timer is no longer needed
if ( iTimeLapseTimer )
delete iTimeLapseTimer;
iTimeLapseTimer = NULL;
// if there isn't even enough space for this capture
if ( remainingCount < 1 )
// complete the timelapse capture now (prevent the current capture from starting)
continueWithCapture = EFalse;
iArrayUsageCount = 0;
else // if there isn't enough space to initiate a further capture
// ensure that the time lapse capture completes after the current capture
iCompleteTimeLapsePending = ETrue;
else // there is space to initiate a further capture
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DoCaptureL .. space for more than this capture, timer set on..") );
if ( !iTimeLapseTimer )
//Products which support autofocus needs to reduce time for second picture
//about the time needed by autofocus.
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported()
&& !CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus() )
iTimeLapseStartTime = iTimeLapseStartTime - TTimeIntervalSeconds( KFocusingDurationSeconds );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Single capture
case ECamImageCaptureSingle:
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DoCaptureL .. case ECamImageCaptureSingle") );
// Should not take so long to get the image captured and saved,
// but
EnableScreenSaver( EFalse );
// -----------------------------------------------------
PRINT(_L("Camera <> Not in any image capture mode, LEAVE!!"));
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
// -----------------------------------------------------
if ( continueWithCapture )
IssueRequestL( ECamRequestImageCapture );
// Operation in progress is updated in HandleCameraEventL
// store the orientation at capture time, needed in thumbnail creation
iCaptureOrientation = iLastImageOrientation;
iCaptureStoppedForUsb = EFalse;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DoCaptureL()"));
return continueWithCapture;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DoRecord
// Initiate video recording
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::DoRecord()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DoRecord") );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
// No key sounds when recording
TRAP_IGNORE( iSoundPlayer->DisableAllKeySoundsL() );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Requesting video capture start..") );
TRAPD( error, IssueRequestL( ECamRequestVideoStart ) );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> ..request issued, status:%d"), error );
if( KErrNone != error ) SetOperation( ECamStandby, error );
else SetOperation( ECamCapturing );
// Request is handled
iVideoRequested = EFalse;
iCaptureStoppedForUsb = EFalse;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DoRecord") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ReserveFileNamesL
// Reserve a set of filenames for a burst capture
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TCamCameraMode& aCaptureMode,
const TCamImageCaptureMode& aImageMode,
TBool aForcePhoneMem /*= EFalse*/ )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ReserveFileNamesL") )
TInt captureCount = 1;
TInt store = ECamMediaStorageNone;
TBuf<KMaxExtension> extension;
// If the next file will be a photo
if ( ECamControllerImage == aCaptureMode )
extension = KImageExtension;
// Otherwise the next file will be a video
#ifndef __WINS__
TCamVideoFileType fileType = static_cast<TCamVideoFileType>
( IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoFileType ) );
extension = ( ECamVideoMpeg4 == fileType )
? KVideoMP4Extension
: KVideo3GPExtension;
extension = KVideo3GPExtension;
store = ( ECamControllerImage == aCaptureMode ) ?
CurrentPhotoStorageLocation() : CurrentVideoStorageLocation();
TPath basePath;
// Take a snapshot of the date - to ensure a sequence on a date boundary isn't split into
// different months
TTime now;
// Need to check that there is enough space for the files. If this is a sequence of 20 images or
// less then ensure there is enough space in the current folder, otherwise only one space is needed
TInt guaranteedGroup = 1;
if ( captureCount < CCamFolderUtility::KMaxGuaranteedBurstGroup )
guaranteedGroup = captureCount;
// Leaves if errors generating the path
CCamFolderUtility::GetBasePathL( iMonthFolderCounters,
now );
iCurrentStorage = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>( store );
// TInt numberSettingId( KErrNotFound );
TInt typeSettingId( KErrNotFound );
TInt baseSettingId( KErrNotFound );
TInt counter( 0 );
if( ECamControllerVideo == aCaptureMode )
// numberSettingId = ECamSettingItemVideoNumber;
counter = IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoNumber );
typeSettingId = ECamSettingItemVideoNameBaseType;
baseSettingId = ECamSettingItemVideoNameBase;
// numberSettingId = ECamSettingItemPhotoNumber;
counter = iImageNumberCache;
typeSettingId = ECamSettingItemPhotoNameBaseType;
baseSettingId = ECamSettingItemPhotoNameBase;
// TInt counter( IntegerSettingValue( numberSettingId ) );
TBuf<KCamMaxDateLen> dateNameBase;
TPtrC nameBase;
if ( ECamNameBaseDate == iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( typeSettingId ) )
CamUtility::FormatDateFileNameL( dateNameBase );
nameBase.Set( dateNameBase );
nameBase.Set( TextSettingValue( baseSettingId ) );
RFs rfs;
User::LeaveIfError( rfs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( rfs );
TEntry entry;
TInt namedImages = 0;
while ( namedImages < captureCount )
// Generate new name
TFileName newFileName;
CamUtility::FormatFileName( counter, nameBase, newFileName );
TFileName newPath( basePath );
newPath.Append( newFileName );
newPath.Append( extension );
// if there is no file in the current location with this name
TEntry entry; // Prevent LINT error
TInt ferr = rfs.Entry( newPath, entry );
if ( KErrNotFound == ferr )
// A file with that name was not found, so the filename is okay.
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Filename OK.") )
StoreNextFileNameL( newPath );
// If this is time lapse capture then the full set of file names
// will be needed for the 'delete sequence' option. The burst capture array
// in timelapse only holds data for one item at a time so a separate array
// is used to keep track of all the images file names. The redundancy in filename
// storage is limited to a single file name.
if ( ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == aImageMode )
TRAP_IGNORE( iSequenceFilenameArray->AppendL( newPath ) );
// Update the images captured count
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCounterUpdated );
else if ( KErrNone == ferr )
// A file with that name exists already. Increment the counter and try again.
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Filename already in use!") )
counter++; // Try the next index number
// There was some other error. Can not save file -> Leave.
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> File server returned error: %d"), ferr );
User::Leave( ferr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rfs );
// SetIntegerSettingValueL( numberSettingId, counter );
if( ECamControllerVideo == aCaptureMode )
SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemVideoNumber, counter );
// SetIntegerSettingValueL called when capture ends.
iImageNumberCache = counter;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ReserveFileNamesL") )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CreateDummyFileL
// Create dummy file ready for image storage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CreateDummyFileL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFullPath )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CreateDummyFileL [%S]"), &aFullPath );
RFile file;
CleanupClosePushL( file );
TInt err = file.Create( aFs, aFullPath, EFileWrite );
if ( err == KErrNone )
// Still image files are made writable and non-hidden
// just before the save operation
// file is set to hidden so that media gallery does not detect it
file.SetAtt( KEntryAttReadOnly|KEntryAttHidden, 0 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CreateDummyFileL, status:%d"), err );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StoreNextFileNameL
// Add newly generated filename to array of names
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StoreNextFileNameL( const TDesC& aFullPath )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StoreNextFileNameL") );
TParse parse;
parse.Set( aFullPath, NULL, NULL );
// Store the path + filename and plain filename for future reference
if( ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode && BurstCaptureArray()->Count() > 0 )
BurstCaptureArray()->SetNameL( aFullPath, parse.Name(), 0 );
BurstCaptureArray()->SetNextNameL( aFullPath, parse.Name() );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StoreNextFileNameL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::GenerateNextVideoFilePathL
// Generate a new file name and full path to save the next
// video
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::GenerateNextVideoFilePathL( TBool aForcePhoneMem )
PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::GenerateNextVideoFilePathL, force phone mem:%d" ), aForcePhoneMem )
TInt store = IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage );
TBuf<KMaxExtension> extension;
#ifdef __WINS__
extension = KVideo3GPExtension;
// If the video file type is MP3, then display this icon.
TCamVideoFileType fileType =
IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoFileType ) );
extension = (fileType == ECamVideoMpeg4)
? KVideoMP4Extension
: KVideo3GPExtension;
TBuf<KCamMaxDateLen> dateNameBase;
TPtrC baseVideoName;
if ( iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue(
ECamSettingItemVideoNameBaseType ) == ECamNameBaseDate )
CamUtility::FormatDateFileNameL( dateNameBase );
baseVideoName.Set( dateNameBase );
baseVideoName.Set( TextSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoNameBase ) );
TFileName nextFileName( baseVideoName );
store = ( ECamControllerImage == iInfo.iMode ) ?
CurrentPhotoStorageLocation() : CurrentVideoStorageLocation();
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( IsAppUiAvailable() &&
appUi &&
appUi->IsMemoryFullOrUnavailable( ECamMediaStorageCard ) &&
ECamMediaStorageCard == store )
if ( ExistMassStorage() )
// with multiple drives, the mass memory is the default
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Force ECamMediaStorageMassStorage") );
store = ECamMediaStorageMassStorage;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Force ECamMediaStoragePhone") );
store = ECamMediaStoragePhone;
TInt fileNameCounter = IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoNumber );
// Update contents of iSuggestedVideoPath (drive and folders only)
CCamFolderUtility::GetBasePathL( iMonthFolderCounters,
ETrue );
iCurrentStorage = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>( store );
// Update contents of iSuggestedVideoPath (appending filename and extension)
CamUtility::GetUniqueNameL( iSuggestedVideoPath, nextFileName, fileNameCounter, extension );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CamAppController::GenerateNextVideoFilePathL" ) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::GenerateNextValidVideoPathL
// Generate a new file name and full path to save the next video.
// If the generated file (using settings to suggest the drive) can not be opened
// try again, forcing the file to be on C: instead.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::GenerateNextValidVideoPathL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::GenerateNextValidVideoPathL()"));
// If USB is active, use phone memory
if( CamUtility::IsUsbActive() )
GenerateNextVideoFilePathL( ETrue );
// Generate a file path using the settings
TRAPD( err, GenerateNextVideoFilePathL() );
// If left (possibly due to corrupt MMC), try again with phone memory
if ( err )
// If we have got here, we can't access MMC.
// Don't switch to phone memory, but prepare the engine with a video
// name in phone memory. This will be reset if needed when the user actually
// starts recording
PRINT( _L( "Could not generate next file path! Corrupt MMC?" ) );
GenerateNextVideoFilePathL( ETrue );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::GenerateNextValidVideoPathL()"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::GenerateNextValidImagesPathL
// Generate a new path to save the next image.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::GenerateNextValidImagesPathL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::GenerateNextValidImagesPathL()"));
// Generate a file path using the settings
// Ensure the image folder exists
TFileName path;
TInt storage = IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage );
CCamFolderUtility::GetBasePathL( iMonthFolderCounters,
EFalse );
iCurrentStorage = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>( storage );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::GenerateNextValidImagesPathL()"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CaptureModeTranstionInProgress
// Report whather a capture mode is currently being prepared
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::CaptureModeTransitionInProgress()
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CaptureModeTransitionInProgress (%d)"), iCaptureModeTransitionInProgress )
return iCaptureModeTransitionInProgress;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent
// From MCamImageSaveObserver.
// Handle completion of image saving
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent( TCamSaveEvent aEvent )
PRINT3( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. event[%s] imagemode[%s] operation[%s]" ),
KCamSaveEventNames [aEvent ],
KCamImageModeNames [iInfo.iImageMode],
KCamCaptureOperationNames[iInfo.iOperation] )
TBool mediaFileChanged = EFalse;
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( ( iCaptureArray->ImagesRemaining() <= 0 )
&& appUi
&& appUi->IsInPretendExit() )
ReleaseArray( ETrue );
if( ECamSaveEventCriticalError == aEvent )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent: critical error, going to standby.." ) )
SetOperation( ECamStandby, KErrGeneral );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent" ) )
if( aEvent == ECamSaveEventSaveError )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent - ECamSaveEventSaveError!") );
if( iInfo.iImageMode == ECamImageCaptureBurst &&
SequenceCaptureInProgress() )
// Cancel ongoing burst capture
// Burst capture is normally cancelled by setting iRequestedBurstCount,
// and actual cancelling is done when next imagedata arrives.
// However, in this case camera is going to be released, and there won't
// be next image data, so give ECamRequestImageCancel and capture
// completion event here to avoid problems
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. Cancel burst due to error") );
TRAP_IGNORE ( IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestImageCancel ) );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, KErrCancel );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent: critical error, going to standby.." ) )
SetOperation( ECamStandby, KErrGeneral );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent - ECamSaveEventSaveError!") );
// if a save completes
if ( aEvent == ECamSaveEventComplete )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. ECamSaveEventComplete") );
if( ECamImageCaptureBurst != iInfo.iImageMode )
// Do not log in burst mode
PERF_EVENT_END_L1( EPerfEventShotToSave );
// Check that this is the completion of the last pending
// single image save.
// Note burst capture completion is handled separately
TBool savedAll = ( iImageSaveActive->Count()== 0 );
TBool completing = ( ECamCompleting == iInfo.iOperation );
switch( iInfo.iImageMode )
case ECamImageCaptureNone: // In postcapture, waiting for saving
case ECamImageCaptureSingle:
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. case ECamImageCaptureSingle/None") );
if( savedAll )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. calling HandleCaptureCompletion()") );
if( !iSaveStarted )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, KErrNone );
iSaveStarted = EFalse;
// If we have returned from postcapture to precapture before
// the filename has been sent to the gallery (i.e. pressing back
// key during image processing), iArrayUsageCount will be reduced
// to zero and capture array will be released. In that case, we must
// send the filename to gallery before it happens.
if ( iArrayUsageCount == 1 )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventMediaFileChanged );
mediaFileChanged = ETrue;
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( iImageSaveActive && IsAppUiAvailable() )
if( iImageSaveActive->Count() <= 0 && ECamViewStatePostCapture != appUi->CurrentViewState() )
case ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse:
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. case ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse") );
// If image capture has finished, but waiting for file to be saved.
if( ECamNoOperation == iInfo.iOperation || ECamCompleting == iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. current file saved, complete this capture") );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
case ECamImageCaptureBurst:
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. case ECamImageCaptureBurst") );
// After the whole burst has stopped, we get Image Stop event from Camera Controller,
// and enter completing state.
if( completing && savedAll )
// Modify this event to "burst complete" one.
aEvent = ECamSaveEventBurstComplete;
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSaveComplete );
if ( aEvent == ECamSaveEventStarted )
if( iInfo.iImageMode == ECamImageCaptureSingle )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. Saving started") );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, KErrNone );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSaveComplete );
iCaptureRequested = EFalse;
iSaveStarted = ETrue;
// If the user cancelled a save
if ( aEvent == ECamSaveEventUserCancelled )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. ECamSaveEventUserCancelled" ) )
//iInfo.iImageMode = ECamImageModeNone;
// Make sure that any further engine callbacks are ignored until next capture
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// Delete dummy files for unsaved images
TInt nextSavingImage = BurstCaptureArray()->NextFileIndex();
TInt lastImage = BurstCaptureArray()->Count();
TInt i;
// delete the next and following files
for ( i = nextSavingImage; i < lastImage; i++ )
SetAsCurrentImage( i );
SetAsCurrentImage( 0 );
// Empty out the array - this ensures the thumbnail view doesn't open
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSaveCancelled );
// if a burst capture has completed
if ( aEvent == ECamSaveEventBurstComplete )
if( ECamCompleting == iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent .. completing burst capture" ) )
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, KErrNone );
if ( iImageSaveActive->Count() == 0 || aEvent == ECamSaveEventStarted )
iSaving = EFalse;
if ( !mediaFileChanged )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventMediaFileChanged );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleSaveEvent" ) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleViewfinderFrame
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::HandleViewfinderFrame( TInt /*aStatus*/,
CFbsBitmap* /*aFrame*/ )
PRINT_FRQ( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleViewfinderFrame" ) );
// This function is called when a viewfinder bitmap arrives
if( EPerfWaitingForStartup == iPerformanceState )
iPerformanceState = EPerfIdle;
PERF_EVENT_END_L1( EPerfEventApplicationStartup );
else if( EPerfWaitingForStillMode == iPerformanceState )
iPerformanceState = EPerfIdle;
PERF_EVENT_END_L1( EPerfEventSwitchToStillMode );
else if( EPerfWaitingForVideoMode == iPerformanceState )
iPerformanceState = EPerfIdle;
PERF_EVENT_END_L1( EPerfEventSwitchToVideoMode );
else if( EPerfWaitingForBurstFrame == iPerformanceState )
iPerformanceState = EPerfIdle;
PERF_EVENT_END_L1( EPerfEventBurstCaptureMomentToViewfinderFrame );
if( ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode )
// removed first vf frame usage as snapshot.
// snapshot received now from Camera
else if( ECamControllerImage == iInfo.iMode )
// No need to duplicate here.
// Not valid state for vf frame.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
if ( iZoomWaitingForCamera )
iZoomWaitingForCamera = EFalse;
if ( iNewZoomPending )
SetZoomValue( iDesiredZoomVal );
PRINT_FRQ( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleViewfinderFrame" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::HandleSnapshotEvent( TInt aStatus,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap )
PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleSnapshotEvent, status:%d" ), aStatus );
if( ECamImageCaptureBurst != iInfo.iImageMode )
// Do not log in burst mode
PERF_EVENT_END_L1( EPerfEventShotToSnapshot );
// In burst mode
PERF_MESSAGE_L2( EPerfMessageBurstSnapshotReady );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Video snapshot handling
if( ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Snapshot in video mode") );
if( KErrNone == aStatus )
// Make a copy of the snapshot and set it as current video ss.
CopySnapshotIfNeeded( *aBitmap, aStatus );
if( iSnapShotCopy )
if (BurstCaptureArray()->Count() > 0 )
const CFbsBitmap* tempSnapShotCopy = iSnapShotCopy;
TRAP_IGNORE( BurstCaptureArray()->ReplaceSnapshot( tempSnapShotCopy, 0 ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( BurstCaptureArray()->SetNextSnapshotL( *iSnapShotCopy ) );
// If video recording has already stopped, give snapshot event,
// which causes snapshot to be updated in postcapture view.
// If recording is still in progress, the event would cause
// too early switch to pastcapture.
if( ECamNoOperation == iInfo.iOperation ||
ECamCompleting == iInfo.iOperation )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSnapshotReady, aStatus );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Still snapshot handling
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Snapshot in still mode") );
if( ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode )
// Update time lapse count during snapshot, so the update counter value
// appears at the same time as snapshot.
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCounterUpdated );
else if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
// Re-enable the screen saver if burst capture is completing.
// This has to be done when all captures complete for timelapse.
// EnableScreenSaver( ETrue );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCounterUpdated );
iUpdateFrozenFrame = ETrue;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// if there is an error with the still capture operation
if ( KErrNone != aStatus )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: error in, cancel saving etc..") );
// Store this now, as it's cleared by TidyCaptureArray
// but needed a little later
TBool wasCapturingBurst = (ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode);
TidyCaptureArray( BurstCaptureArray()->NextFileIndex(), aStatus );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> cancel further capturing") );
TRAP_IGNORE( iCameraController->DirectRequestL( ECamRequestImageCancel ) );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSnapshotReady, aStatus );
if ( wasCapturingBurst )
// Need this here to allow the AppUi to update the state correctly
// following the error condition. This needs to be *after* the
// change to OperationNone (called in TidyCaptureArray) so when the
// AppUi forces CBA update we're not still in burst capture state.
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, aStatus );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> calling HandleCaptureCompletion()" ) )
// -------------------------------------------------------
// No error reported
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: status in KErrNone..") );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aBitmap, CamPanic( ECamPanicNullPointer ) );
if( iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraSecondary &&
iCaptureOrientation == ECamOrientation90 &&
ECamSettOn == iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemImageRotation ) &&
ECamSettOn == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemShowCapturedPhoto ) )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Rotate portrait secondary camera snapshot image 180 degrees" ) )
TRAP_IGNORE( iSnapShotRotator->RotateL( aBitmap ) );
CopySnapshotIfNeeded( *aBitmap, aStatus );
// Removed filename reservation when snapshot arrives.
// From now on, it's always done in HandleImageCaptureEvent,
// even if snapshot comes first.
// This is being ignored, but there is nothing to display in the app
TRAP_IGNORE( BurstCaptureArray()->SetNextSnapshotL( *aBitmap ) )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSnapshotReady );
// If this is not a burst capture and snapshot came before image
// data, then the operation is now entering the completion phase.
// In case iFilenameReserved is set, imagedata has already
// arrived and we don't need to change state here.
if ( ECamCompleting != iInfo.iOperation &&
ECamImageCaptureBurst != iInfo.iImageMode &&
!iFilenameReserved )
SetOperation( ECamCompleting );
if( CurrentCapturedCount() < CaptureLimit() )
// Play capture sound for the next burst image
PlaySound( CaptureToneId(), EFalse );
// -------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleSnapshotEvent" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleImageCaptureEventL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::HandleImageCaptureEventL( TInt aStatus,
CCamBufferShare* aShare )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::HandleImageCaptureEventL, status:%d"), aStatus );
if( ECamImageCaptureBurst != iInfo.iImageMode )
// Do not log in burst mode
PERF_EVENT_END_L1( EPerfEventShotToStillImageReady );
PERF_MESSAGE_L2( EPerfMessageBurstStillimageReady );
// Check if we need to stop the burst capture.
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
if( CurrentCapturedCount() < CaptureLimit() )
// Play capture sound for the next burst image
PlaySound( CaptureToneId(), EFalse );
// If we have all the needed snapshots set the flag
// so the processing image text is shown.
// Do it here instead of handlesnapshotevent so that
// the counter has time to show the last image as well
if( CurrentCapturedCount() == CaptureLimit() )
iAllSnapshotsReceived = ETrue;
if( KErrNone == aStatus )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: image capture status KErrNone") );
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( CamBufferShareCleanup, aShare ) );
// Reserve filename for saving the image. In case there's problem
// with current media, switch to internal memory
TRAPD(err, ReserveFileNamesL( iInfo.iMode, iInfo.iImageMode ) );
if( KErrNone != err )
if( ECamMediaStorageCard == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Memory card access failed.") )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventInvalidMemoryCard );
// If we have got here, we can't access MMC. Switch to phone memory
TRAP_IGNORE( ForceUsePhoneMemoryL() ); //with multiple drive support,
//this actually uses the internal mass memory
TRAPD(err, ReserveFileNamesL( iInfo.iMode, iInfo.iImageMode ) );
if( KErrNone != err )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Mass memory or phone memory access also failed.") )
TRAP_IGNORE( ForceUsePhoneMemoryL() );
TRAP_IGNORE( ReserveFileNamesL( iInfo.iMode, iInfo.iImageMode, ETrue ) );
TBool markedForDelete = BurstCaptureArray()->IsNextImageDeleted();
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Next image delete mark:%d"), markedForDelete );
if ( !markedForDelete )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> setting iImageSaveRequestPending to false"))
iImageSaveRequestPending = EFalse;
const TDesC& nextName( BurstCaptureArray()->NextFileName() );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> BurstCaptureArray()->NextFileName() returned") );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Set image to be saved, name:[%S]"), &nextName );
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( ( iInfo.iImageMode == ECamImageCaptureSingle )
&& ECamSettOff == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemShowCapturedPhoto )
&& iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraPrimary
&& !appUi->IsEmbedded() )
HandleSaveEvent( ECamSaveEventStarted );
TBool added = iImageSaveActive->AddToSave( nextName, aShare );
if ( !added )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Image saving start unsuccessful!") );
// The system state is consistent if this fails so ignore the error
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Image saving started ok.") );
// Ownership of the data has now been passed to CCamImageSaveActive
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventImageData );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleImageCaptureEventL array count:%d"), BurstCaptureArray()->Count() );
// check if snapshot bitmap needs to be rotated before creating a thumbnail from it
TBool rotate( ECamSettOn == iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemImageRotation ) &&
ECamSettOn == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemShowCapturedPhoto ) &&
iCaptureOrientation != ECamOrientation0 );
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst != iInfo.iImageMode )
//create thumbnail or rotate first if needed
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsThumbnailManagerAPISupported() )
if ( rotate )
TRAP_IGNORE( iImageSaveActive->CreateThumbnailsL( *BurstCaptureArray() ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // aShare->Release()
aShare = NULL;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: capture status *not* KErrNone, mark current file for delete") );
iFilenameReserved = ETrue;
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleImageCaptureEventL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleImageStopEventL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::HandleImageStopEventL( TInt aStatus, TInt aFullCaptureCount )
PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::HandleImageStopEventL, status:%d, full captures:%d"), aStatus, aFullCaptureCount );
TBool saved = ( iImageSaveActive->Count()== 0 );
switch( iInfo.iImageMode )
// -----------------------------------------------------
case ECamImageCaptureBurst:
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController .. case ECamImageCaptureBurst" ) );
// CompleteBurstOperation();
// Re-enable screen saver
EnableScreenSaver( ETrue );
if( iBacklightTimer )
TInt started( iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iSnapshotCount );
if ( aFullCaptureCount < started )
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. [WARNING] Incomplete captures detected, cleaning up.." ) );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. [WARNING] snapshot count: %d"), started );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. [WARNING] full capture count: %d"), aFullCaptureCount );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. [WARNING] burst array count: %d"), BurstCaptureArray()->Count() );
TInt stopAt = Min( started, BurstCaptureArray()->Count() );
for ( TInt index = aFullCaptureCount; index < stopAt; index++ )
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. [WARNING] deleting temp file from index %d.."), index );
SetAsCurrentImage( index );
// Parameter: notify about file system change only on last delete.
DeleteCurrentFile( stopAt-1 == index );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. [WARNING] setting as current image %d.."), aFullCaptureCount );
SetAsCurrentImage( aFullCaptureCount );
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. [WARNING] resetting burst array to required count..") );
BurstCaptureArray()->Reset( aFullCaptureCount );
SetOperation( ECamCompleting );
// We may have deleted all the images, so check the status here.
if( iImageSaveActive->Count()== 0 )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController .. images already saved, completing burst capture" ) )
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, aStatus );
// if no images were taken, clear AssumePostCaptureView flag
if ( started == 0 )
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( appUi )
appUi->SetAssumePostCaptureView( EFalse );
// -----------------------------------------------------
case ECamImageCaptureSingle:
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController .. case ECamImageCaptureSingle" ) );
// In secondary camera we can get snapshot as last event
// so we might still be in capturing state.
if( ECamCapturing == iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController .. still in capturing phase, set to completing first.." ) );
SetOperation( ECamCompleting );
// In case of secondary camera, image may be saved before Stop event is received.
// Notify capture complete event to the observers and other completion handling here.
if( saved && ECamCompleting == iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController .. file saved, complete capture" ) );
// Operation mode is also set in HandleCaptureCompletion
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, aStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------
case ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse:
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController .. case ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse" ) );
if( saved )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController .. current file saved, complete this capture" ) );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
if ( iCompleteTimeLapsePending )
// If the camera orientation changed during capture, set the new orientation in the engine
// ready for the next timelapse capture
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported()
&& iOrientationChangeOccured )
iOrientationChangeOccured = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( SetImageOrientationL() );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleImageStopEventL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IdleTimeoutL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::IdleTimeoutL( TAny* aPtr )
return static_cast<CCamAppController*>( aPtr )->DoIdleTimeoutL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DoIdleTimeoutL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::DoIdleTimeoutL()
// if a video recording has been paused for 60 seconds without key presses
if ( ECamPaused == CurrentVideoOperation() )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventVideoPauseTimeout, KErrNone );
// notify switch to standby mode and stop timer
else if( ECamStandby != iInfo.iOperation && ECamTriActive == iCameraController->ViewfinderState())
SetOperation( ECamStandby );
// For Lint
// Use backlight timer also with bitmap vf
if( iBacklightTimer )
if( ECamTriActive == iCameraController->ViewfinderState() )
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer()
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer" ) );
// if in standby mode notify of switch back to pre-capture
if ( ECamStandby == iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer ECamStandby" ) );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// if recording is in progress don't go to standby
else if ( ECamCapturing == CurrentVideoOperation() )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer no restart" ) );
// don't restart if recording operation in progress
// if recording is paused, use the idle timer to stop recording after 60 secs
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer else part" ) );
// empty else statement to remove LINT error
// restart timer
// don't restart if capturing burst, setting time lapse or in a pretend exit state
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( !SequenceCaptureInProgress() && appUi && !appUi->IsInPretendExit()
&& !appUi->TimeLapseSliderShown())
// restart timer
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer starting timer" ) );
if ( iDeepSleepTimer )
if ( iDeepSleepTimer->IsActive() )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer - restart deep sleep timer" ) );
else if ( iDeepSleepTimerExpired )
iDeepSleepTimerExpired = EFalse; // clear flag
TVwsViewId activeView;
CCamAppUi* appUi =
static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
(void) appUi->GetActiveViewId( activeView ); // ignore error
if ( !IsViewFinding() && !InVideocallOrRinging() &&
activeView.iViewUid.iUid != ECamViewIdVideoPostCapture &&
activeView.iViewUid.iUid != ECamViewIdStillPostCapture &&
activeView.iViewUid.iUid != ECamViewIdBurstThumbnail )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer - Deep sleep timer expired. Restart VF" ) );
TCamCameraMode mode = CurrentMode() == ECamControllerVideo?
ECamControllerVideo : ECamControllerImage;
EnterViewfinderMode( mode );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::StartIdleTimer" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StopIdleTimer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StopIdleTimer()
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::StopIdleTimer" ) );
if( iIdleTimer )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::StopIdleTimer" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::TimeLapseTimeoutL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::TimeLapseTimeoutL( TAny* aPtr )
return static_cast<CCamAppController*>( aPtr )->DoTimeLapseTimeoutL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DoTimeLapseTimeoutL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::DoTimeLapseTimeoutL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DoTimeLapseTimeoutL" ))
// Work out how much time is left before the next capture
TTime now;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds elapsedTime = now.MicroSecondsFrom( iTimeLapseStartTime );
TInt64 remainingTime = iTimeLapseInterval.Int64() - elapsedTime.Int64();
// update the remaining time countdown
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCounterUpdated );
//if the total timelapse period has now completed
if ( remainingTime <= 0 )
// Workaround for DoTimeLapseTimeoutL firing while in inappropriate state
// cause capture to be delayed by 1 sec
if( ECamNoOperation != iInfo.iOperation )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DoTimeLapseTimeoutL workaround" ))
//remainingTime = TInt64( KSecondInMicSec );
TInt remainingCount = ImagesRemaining( static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>( IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage ) ), ETrue );
if ( remainingCount > 0 )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DoTimeLapseTimeoutL about to do next capture" ))
// About to do the next capture so decrement the view's usage count on the array
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported() )
if( !CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus() )
if( !IsViewFinding() )
iCaptureRequested = ETrue; //Has to be set before focused/not focused event.
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DoTimeLapseTimeoutL capture with forcedfocus scene" ))
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DoTimeLapseTimeoutL capture is complete" ))
return EFalse;
// Otherwise restart the timer for the next period
if ( remainingTime < TInt64( KSecondInMicSec ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DoTimeLapseTimeoutL shortening timer" ))
iTimeLapseTimer->SetTimeout( (TInt)remainingTime );
else if( ( remainingTime < TInt64( 5 *KSecondInMicSec )) && !iCameraWoken )
iCameraWoken = ETrue;
if( !IsViewFinding() )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DoTimeLapseTimeoutL restarting timer" ))
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SupportedFlashModes
// Return flash modes supported engine
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CCamAppController::SupportedFlashModes()
if( iCameraController )
return iCameraController->CameraInfo().iFlashModesSupported;
return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SupportedWBModes
// Return white balance modes supported engine
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CCamAppController::SupportedWBModes()
if( iCameraController )
return iCameraController->CameraInfo().iWhiteBalanceModesSupported;
return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SupportedEVModes
// Return EV modes supported engine
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CCamAppController::SupportedEVModes()
if( iCameraController )
return iCameraController->CameraInfo().iExposureModesSupported;
return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CaptureState
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::CaptureState()
if( iCameraController )
return iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iCaptureState;
return KErrNotFound;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::FlashStatus()
// Returns pointer to FlashStatus object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::FlashStatus() const
return iFlashStatus;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::FlashRequired()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::FlashRequired() const
if( ECamSceneSports == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoScene ) )
// Flash is not required in sport scene, even if the flash mode
// is forced or redeye.
return EFalse;
// Make decision based on current flash mode
TInt flashMode = IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoFlash );
switch( flashMode )
case ECamFlashOff:
return EFalse;
case ECamFlashAntiRedEye: // Flowthrough
case ECamFlashForced:
return ETrue;
// Just return true in the default case.
// Automatic mode will decide if flash is used or not.
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CheckFlash()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CheckFlash() const
PRINT ( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CheckFlash") );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: flash required :%d "), FlashRequired() );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: FlashStatus: flash ready :%d "), iFlashStatus->FlashReady() );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: CameraCtrl: flash status :[%s]"),
KCamCameraReadyStateNames[iCameraController->FlashState()] );
TBool ok( !FlashRequired() || iFlashStatus->FlashReady() );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CheckFlash, return:%d"), ok );
#ifdef __WINSCW__
return ETrue;
return ok;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SaveFlashMode()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SaveFlashMode()
iFlashModeSaved = ETrue;
iSavedFlashMode = static_cast<TCamFlashId>( IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoFlash ) );
iSavedFlashScene = static_cast<TCamSceneId>( IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoScene ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RestoreFlashMode
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::RestoreFlashMode()
if( iFlashModeSaved )
if( iSavedFlashScene == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoScene ) )
// Set saved flash mode
TRAP_IGNORE( SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoFlash, iSavedFlashMode ) );
// Set default flash mode for this scene
// SetDynamicSettingToDefault( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoFlash );
TInt scene = IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoScene );
TInt sceneFlashMode = iSettingsModel->SceneSettingValue( scene, ECamSettingItemSceneFlashMode );
TRAP_IGNORE( SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoFlash, sceneFlashMode ) );
iFlashModeSaved = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ForceUsePhoneMemoryL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::ForceUsePhoneMemoryL( TBool aEnable )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ForceUsePhoneMemoryL") );
if( aEnable )
iForceUseOfPhoneMemory = ETrue;
if( ExistMassStorage() )
// with multiple drives, the mass memory is the default
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Force ECamMediaStorageMassStorage") );
iForcedStorageLocation = ECamMediaStorageMassStorage;
SetPathnamesToNewStorageL( ECamMediaStorageMassStorage );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Force ECamMediaStoragePhone") );
iForcedStorageLocation = ECamMediaStoragePhone;
SetPathnamesToNewStorageL( ECamMediaStoragePhone );
// Revert back to memory card, if aEnable is EFalse
iForceUseOfPhoneMemory = EFalse;
iForcedStorageLocation = ECamMediaStorageNone;
SetPathnamesToNewStorageL( iPreferredStorageLocation );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSaveLocationChanged );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ForceUsePhoneMemoryL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsPhoneMemoryForced
// Check whether the use of phone memory is forced, because of unavailibility
// or problems encountered in using MMC.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsPhoneMemoryForced()
return iForceUseOfPhoneMemory;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CheckMemoryToUseL
// Set the appropriate memory to use. Use Phone memory if MMC not available.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::CheckMemoryToUseL()
TInt key = ( ECamControllerImage == CurrentMode() )
? ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage
: ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage;
TCamMediaStorage storageLocation = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage> ( IntegerSettingValueUnfiltered(key) );
TBool mmcAvailable = IsMemoryAvailable ( ECamMediaStorageCard );
PRINT1( _L("Camera :: CCamAppController::CheckMemoryToUse preferred storage:%d"),
storageLocation );
// If MMC is preferred storage location but is not available
if ( storageLocation == ECamMediaStorageCard && !mmcAvailable )
PRINT( _L("Camera :: CCamAppController::CheckMemoryToUse - use phone memory / mass storage") )
ForceUsePhoneMemoryL( ETrue );
return ETrue;
// Preferred location is MMC and its available now -> stop forcing phone memory
else if( storageLocation == ECamMediaStorageCard && mmcAvailable &&
iForceUseOfPhoneMemory )
PRINT( _L("Camera :: CCamAppController::CheckMemoryToUse - use MMC") )
ForceUsePhoneMemoryL( EFalse );
return ETrue;
if ( storageLocation == ECamMediaStorageMassStorage && !ExistMassStorage() )
PRINT( _L("Camera :: CCamAppController::CheckMemoryToUse - no mass storage, use phone memory") )
ForceUsePhoneMemoryL( ETrue );
return ETrue;
// Mass storage is available now -> stop forcing phone memory
else if( storageLocation == ECamMediaStorageMassStorage && ExistMassStorage() && iForceUseOfPhoneMemory )
PRINT( _L("Camera :: CCamAppController::CheckMemoryToUse - use mass memory") )
ForceUsePhoneMemoryL( EFalse );
return ETrue;
SetPathnamesToNewStorageL( storageLocation );
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CompleteBurstOperation
// Complete the burst operation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CompleteBurstOperation()
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::CompleteBurstOperation" ) );
iSequenceCaptureInProgress = EFalse;
if( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::CompleteBurstOperation array count:%d"), BurstCaptureArray()->Count() );
// Create thumbnails
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsThumbnailManagerAPISupported() )
TRAP_IGNORE( iImageSaveActive->CreateThumbnailsL( *BurstCaptureArray() ) );
// Re-enable screen saver
EnableScreenSaver( ETrue );
if( iBacklightTimer )
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, KErrNone );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::CompleteBurstOperation" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CompleteTimeLapseOperation
// Complete the time lapse operation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CompleteTimeLapseOperation()
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::CompleteTimeLapseOperation" ) );
iSequenceCaptureInProgress = EFalse;
if ( iTimeLapseTimer )
delete iTimeLapseTimer;
iTimeLapseTimer = NULL;
if( ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode )
// Re-enable screen saver
EnableScreenSaver( ETrue );
iCompleteTimeLapsePending = EFalse;
// SetImageMode( ECamImageCaptureNone );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCaptureComplete, KErrNone );
iTimeLapseStartTime = TInt64( 0 );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::CompleteTimeLapseOperation" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::EngineProcessingCapture
// Return whether or not the engine is carrying out a capture operation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::EngineProcessingCapture() const
TBool engineIsProcessing = EFalse;
if ( ECamCapturing == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamPausing == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamPaused == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamResuming == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamCompleting == iInfo.iOperation
engineIsProcessing = ETrue;
return engineIsProcessing;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::HandleIncomingCall
// Stop video recording (or burst capture in early stages)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::HandleIncomingCall()
PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::HandleIncomingCallL .. mode[%s] operation[%s]"),
if( ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode )
// if video is recording or paused
if ( !iSaving
&& ( ECamCapturing == iInfo.iOperation
|| ECamPaused == iInfo.iOperation ) )
else if( ECamControllerImage == iInfo.iMode )
iCaptureRequested = EFalse;
switch( iInfo.iImageMode )
// if a timelapse operation is in progress
case ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse:
TRAP_IGNORE( StopSequenceCaptureL() );
case ECamImageCaptureBurst:
TRAP_IGNORE( SoftStopBurstL( ETrue ) );
if ( ECamCompleting == iInfo.iOperation )
// if some of the image captures failed
// release the reserved filenames and tidy the array
TInt captured( iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iCaptureCount );
if ( BurstCaptureArray()->NextFileIndex() < captured )
TInt index;
TInt stopAt = Min( captured, BurstCaptureArray()->Count() );
for ( index = BurstCaptureArray()->NextFileIndex(); index < stopAt; index++ )
SetAsCurrentImage( index );
SetAsCurrentImage( 0 );
BurstCaptureArray()->Reset( BurstCaptureArray()->NextFileIndex() );
// Finished with this now
// SetImageMode( ECamImageCaptureNone );
if( iImageSaveActive )
// no action needed
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleIncomingCallL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::FileSize
// Returns the file size of the specified captured item, or KErrNotFound if doesn't exist
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::FileSize( TDesC& aFilename ) const
return iImageSaveActive->FileSize( aFilename );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CancelStillCaptureNow
// Immediately cancels an ongoing still capture
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CancelStillCaptureNow()
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::CancelStillCaptureNow" ) )
// Re-enable screen saver
EnableScreenSaver( ETrue );
// iEngine->CancelCaptureStill();
TRAP_IGNORE( iCameraController->DirectRequestL( ECamRequestImageCancel ) );
// ensure that any outstanding images are discarded
SetOperation( ECamCompleting );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// If sequence mode, remove items from the array
// this prevents the post capture view from showing
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
BurstCaptureArray()->Reset( 0 );
else // single capture, the array is no longer needed
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> single capture so releasing array and starting vf" ) )
FreezeViewFinder( EFalse );
// Cancel any pending saves, this will call CompleteBurstOperation for sequence
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> calling iImageSaveArray->Cancel" ) )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::CancelStillCaptureNow" ) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::TidyCaptureArray
// Tidy up capture array in event of burst capture failure
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::TidyCaptureArray( TInt aImageCountDelivered,
TInt /*aError*/ )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::TidyCaptureArray img count %d"), aImageCountDelivered )
// if some of the image captures failed
// release the reserved filenames and tidy the array
TInt captured( iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iSnapshotCount );
if ( aImageCountDelivered < captured )
TInt index;
TInt stopAt = Min( captured, BurstCaptureArray()->Count() );
for ( index = aImageCountDelivered; index < stopAt; index++ )
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> TidyCaptureArray delete current %d"),index )
SetAsCurrentImage( index );
SetAsCurrentImage( 0 );
iCaptureArray->Reset( aImageCountDelivered );
// Finished with this now
SetImageMode( ECamImageCaptureNone );
// Need to release the array
// Unfreeze the viewfinder
FreezeViewFinder( EFalse );
// Change op state to none
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::TidyCaptureArray") )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CaptureToneId
// Returns the current capture tone
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCamSoundId CCamAppController::CaptureToneId( )
TCamSoundId toneId = ECamStillCaptureSoundId1;
switch(iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoCaptureTone ) )
case ECamSettTone1:
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
toneId = ECamBurstCaptureSoundId1;
toneId = ECamStillCaptureSoundId1;
case ECamSettTone2:
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
toneId = ECamBurstCaptureSoundId2;
toneId = ECamStillCaptureSoundId2;
case ECamSettTone3:
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
toneId = ECamBurstCaptureSoundId3;
toneId = ECamStillCaptureSoundId3;
case ECamSettTone4:
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode )
toneId = ECamBurstCaptureSoundId4;
toneId = ECamStillCaptureSoundId4;
return toneId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::LoadSecondaryCameraSettingsL()
// Update settings for secondary camera
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::LoadSecondaryCameraSettingsL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::LoadSecondaryCameraSettingsL" ))
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::LoadSecondaryCameraSettingsL B" ))
SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemPhotoQuality,
iConfiguration->SecondaryCameraImageQuality() );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::LoadSecondaryCameraSettingsL C" ))
SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemVideoQuality,
iConfiguration->SecondaryCameraVideoQuality() );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::LoadSecondaryCameraSettingsL E" ))
SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoScene, ECamSceneAuto );
SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoScene, ECamSceneNormal );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::LoadSecondaryCameraSettingsL F" ))
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::LoadSecondaryCameraSettingsL" ))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ImageOrientation <<public>>
// Return the current image orientation based on data from orientation sensor.
// If "image rotation" setting is OFF, the value has been overriden with
// "no rotation" value (ECamOrientation0).
// Provided (primarily) for Camera Controller even if orientation
// sensor is not supported. In that case the returned
// value is always ECamOrientation0.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::ImageOrientation() const
return iImageOrientation;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Indicates data is available in the receiving buffer. A client can read
// the data through GetData()-function in the related channel object. Data
// is valid until the data received notification occurs again.
// @param[in] aChannel Reference to the related channel object
// @param[in] aCount Data object count in receiving buffer. Not used in this implementation.
// @param[in] aDataLost Number of lost data items. Not used in this implementation. It does not
// matter if some data event is lost.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::DataReceived( CSensrvChannel& aChannel,
TInt aCount,
TInt aDataLost )
PRINT3( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DataReceived aChannel %d aCount %d aDataLost %d"),
aChannel.GetChannelInfo().iChannelType, aCount, aDataLost );
if ( KSensrvChannelTypeIdOrientationData == aChannel.GetChannelInfo().iChannelType )
TBool rotate( ECamSettOn == iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemImageRotation ) );
if( rotate )
TSensrvOrientationData orientationData;
TPckg<TSensrvOrientationData> orientationPackage( orientationData );
aChannel.GetData( orientationPackage );
iImageOrientation =
MapSensorOrientatio2CamOrientation( orientationData.iDeviceOrientation, iLastImageOrientation );
// If "rotate images" setting is OFF, set "no rotation" value
iImageOrientation = ECamOrientation0;
// rotate image if we are in still capture mode but not currently
// capturing image, no rotation in burst mode or if orientation has stayed the same
if( IsFlagOn( CameraControllerState(), ECamImageOn ) &&
rotate &&
iLastImageOrientation != iImageOrientation &&
iImageOrientation != ECamOrientationIgnore)
if( ECamCapturing != CurrentOperation() &&
ECamFocusing != CurrentOperation() &&
ECamFocused != CurrentOperation() &&
ECamFocusFailed != CurrentOperation() &&
ECamCompleting != CurrentOperation() &&
ECamImageCaptureBurst != iInfo.iImageMode &&
ECamImageCaptureBurst != iInfo.iTargetImageMode )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController:DataReceived calling SetImageOrientationL()") );
TRAP_IGNORE( SetImageOrientationL() );
// queue a request to re-prepare still capture
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: Queueing an orientation change event") );
iOrientationChangeOccured = ETrue;
iOrientationChangeOccured = EFalse;
if( iImageOrientation != ECamOrientationIgnore )
iLastImageOrientation = iImageOrientation;
PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DataReceived") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data listening failed.
// If error was fatal, channel has also been closed and sensor server session
// terminated. If error was minor, some data has potentially been lost.
// iAccSensorChannel needs to be closed in fatal error case. A new channel will
// be created the next time we call UpdateSensorApiL().
// @param[in] aChannel Reference to the related channel object
// @param[in] aError Error code.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::DataError( CSensrvChannel& aChannel,
TSensrvErrorSeverity aError )
PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DataError aChannel %d aError %d"), aChannel.GetChannelInfo().iChannelType, aError );
if ( ESensrvErrorSeverityFatal == aError )
// Delete sensor api object
delete iAccSensorChannel;
iAccSensorChannel = NULL;
iAccSensorListening = EFalse;
// Set orientation back to default if not already there.
iImageOrientation = ECamOrientation0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a pointer to a specified interface
// @since S60 5.0
// @param aInterfaceUid Identifier of the interface to be retrieved
// @param aInterface A reference to a pointer that retrieves the specified interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::GetDataListenerInterfaceL( TUid aInterfaceUid,
TAny*& aInterface )
aInterface = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetImageOrientationL()
// Setup image rotation parameters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetImageOrientationL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SetImageOrientationL") );
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported()
&& iCameraController )
// Camera controller asks for the current orientation through
// our ImageOrientation(). Value for that was updated in
// DataReceived() callback.
iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( ECameraSettingOrientation );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SetImageOrientationL"))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MapSensorOrientatio2CamOrientation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TSensrvOrientationData::TSensrvDeviceOrientation& aSensorOrientation, TCamImageOrientation aLastImageOrientation )
PRINT1 ( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::MapSensorOrientatio2CamOrientation aSensorOrientation: %d"), aSensorOrientation );
TCamImageOrientation cameraOrientation( ECamOrientation0 );
switch( aSensorOrientation )
case TSensrvOrientationData::EOrientationDisplayUpwards:
// If coming from upside down portrait...
if ( ECamOrientation270 == aLastImageOrientation )
// Switch from upside down portrait to normal portrait.") )
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientation90; // Set normal portrait
// If coming from upside down landscape...
else if ( ECamOrientation180 == aLastImageOrientation )
// Switch from upside down landscape to normal landscape...") )
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientation0; // Set normal lanscape
// If neither one, keep the current image orientation.
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientationIgnore;
case TSensrvOrientationData::EOrientationDisplayDownwards:
// Camera is pointing up now. Check if it was upside down previously.
// If coming from upside down portrait...
if ( ECamOrientation270 == aLastImageOrientation )
// Switch from upside down portrait to normal portrait...") )
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientation90; // Set normal portrait
// If coming from upside down landscape...
else if ( ECamOrientation180 == aLastImageOrientation )
// Switch from upside down landscape to normal landscape...") )
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientation0; // Set normal lanscape
// If neither one, keep the current image orientation.
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientationIgnore;
case TSensrvOrientationData::EOrientationDisplayRightUp:
case TSensrvOrientationData::EOrientationUndefined:
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientation0;
case TSensrvOrientationData::EOrientationDisplayUp:
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientation90;
case TSensrvOrientationData::EOrientationDisplayLeftUp:
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientation180;
case TSensrvOrientationData::EOrientationDisplayDown:
cameraOrientation = ECamOrientation270;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Unexpected orientation value") );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::MapSensorOrientatio2CamOrientation, return [%s]"),
KCamOrientationNames[cameraOrientation] );
return cameraOrientation;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MapSensorOrientatio2CamOrientation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TCamImageOrientation aOrientation )
PRINT1 ( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::MapCamOrientation2RotationAngle aOrientation: %d"), aOrientation );
CBitmapRotator::TRotationAngle angle;
switch( aOrientation )
case ECamOrientation90:
angle = CBitmapRotator::ERotation90DegreesClockwise;
case ECamOrientation180:
angle = CBitmapRotator::ERotation180DegreesClockwise;
case ECamOrientation270:
angle = CBitmapRotator::ERotation270DegreesClockwise;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Unexpected orientation value") );
// using a value to avoid compiler warning
angle = CBitmapRotator::ERotation90DegreesClockwise;
PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::MapCamOrientation2RotationAngle, return %d"), angle );
return angle;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL() <<public>>
// Updates the sensorApi object when the app focus changes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL(TBool aStartupApi)
PRINT(_L("Camera => CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL"));
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported() )
// only activate the orientation channel for image mode
if( ECamControllerImage == CurrentMode() )
// This if-statement intentionally not a condition of the first if.
// If the iAccSensorChannel is already active, we don't want to recreate it
// and leak memory, but at the same time, we don't want to destroy it either.
if( !iAccSensorChannel )
PRINT(_L("Camera <=> CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - Starting new sensor channel api - info not yet initialized"));
//Construct a channel finder.
CSensrvChannelFinder* channelFinder;
PRINT(_L("Camera <=> CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - calling CSensrvChannelFinder::NewL()"));
//CSensorChannelFinder* channelFinder;
channelFinder = CSensrvChannelFinder::NewL();
//channelFinder = CSensorChannelFinder::NewL();
PRINT(_L("Camera <=> CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - CSensrvChannelFinder::NewL() returned without a leave"));
CleanupStack::PushL( channelFinder );
//List of found channels.
RSensrvChannelInfoList channelInfoList;
CleanupClosePushL( channelInfoList );
//Create and fill channel search criteria.
TSensrvChannelInfo channelInfo;
channelInfo.iChannelType = KSensrvChannelTypeIdOrientationData;
PRINT(_L("Camera <=> CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - calling channelFinder->FindChannelsL"));
//Find the orientation channel
channelFinder->FindChannelsL( channelInfoList, channelInfo );
if( channelInfoList.Count() != 1 )
//The device doesn’t support orientation data channel or
//there are several orientation channels.
PRINT1(_L("Camera <=> CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - The device doesn’t support orientation data channel or there are several orientation channels: %d channels found"),channelInfoList.Count());
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
//orientation channel found
PRINT(_L("Camera <=> CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - orientation channel found"));
//Open the orientation channel.
//When the channel object is created the channel info object
//must be an object returned by CSensrvChannelFinder::FindChannelsL().
PRINT(_L("Camera <=> CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - calling CSensrvChannel::NewL"));
iAccSensorChannel = CSensrvChannel::NewL( channelInfoList[ 0 ] );
//iAccSensorChannel = CSensorChannel::NewL( channelInfoList[ 0 ] );
//CleanupStack::PushL( iAccSensorChannel );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &channelInfoList ); //Close() is being called on "channelInfoList"
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( channelFinder );
if( !iAccSensorListening )
PRINT(_L("Camera <=> CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - calling iAccSensorChannel->OpenChannelL()"));
TRAPD(channelerror, iAccSensorChannel->OpenChannelL() );
if (channelerror!=KErrNone)
PRINT1(_L("CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - iAccSensorChannel->OpenChannelL() failed. Error code: %d"),channelerror);
User::Leave( channelerror );
//orientation channel is now open.
// start listening
PRINT(_L("Camera <=> CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL - calling iAccSensorChannel->StartDataListeningL"));
iAccSensorChannel->StartDataListeningL( this, //this object is data listener for this channel
1, //aDesiredCount is one, i.e. each orientation change is notified separately
1, //aMaximumCount is one, i.e. object count in receiving data buffer is one
0 );//buffering period is not used
iAccSensorListening = ETrue;
iLastImageOrientation = ECamOrientation0;
else // shut down the sensorApi object
PRINT(_L("Camera <=> UpdateSensorApiL shutting down iAccSensor"))
// Stop listening to the events
iAccSensorListening = EFalse;
// Delete sensor api object
delete iAccSensorChannel;
iAccSensorChannel = NULL;
PRINT(_L("Camera <= CCamAppController::UpdateSensorApiL"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::HandlePropertyChangedL()
// Handle changes in specified property
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::HandlePropertyChangedL( const TUid& aCategory, const TUint aKey )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::HandlePropertyChangedL"))
#if !( defined(__WINS__) || defined(__WINSCW__) )
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsLensCoverSupported() )
// First if condition could be removed after PCFW has released
// creation for KLensCoverStatus key
if ( ( aCategory == NMusResourceApi::KCategoryUid &&
aKey == NMusResourceApi::KCameraAvailability ) ||
( aCategory == CameraPlatPSKeys::KPSCameraPlatUid &&
aKey == CameraPlatPSKeys::KLensCoverStatus ) )
TInt err = iSlideStateWatcher->Get( iNewSlideState );
PRINT2( _L( "Camera HandlePropertyChangedL getting slider state = %d, err = %d" ), iNewSlideState, err )
if ( iNewSlideState != iSlideState )
delete iSliderCallBack;
iSliderCallBack = NULL;
iSliderCallBack = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle );
iSliderCallBack->Start( KLensCoverDelay, KLensCoverDelay, TCallBack( LensCoverUpdateL, this ) );
#endif // !( defined(__WINS__) || defined(__WINSCW__
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::HandlePropertyChangedL"))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::LensCoverUpdate()
// Callback function that is called when lens cover state changes.
// Used to implement delayed handling of lens cover events.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::LensCoverUpdateL( TAny* aPtr )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::LensCoverUpdateL()" ) )
CCamAppController* self = static_cast<CCamAppController*>( aPtr );
if ( self->iNewSlideState != self->iSlideState ||
self->iNewSlideState == CameraPlatPSKeys::EClosed // always handle closing
self->iSlideState = self->iNewSlideState;
if ( self->iSlideState == CameraPlatPSKeys::EClosed )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::LensCoverUpdateL() SLIDE CLOSED" ) )
else if ( self->iSlideState == CameraPlatPSKeys::EOpen )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::LensCoverUpdateL() SLIDE OPENED" ) )
delete self->iSliderCallBack;
self->iSliderCallBack = 0;
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::LensCoverUpdateL()" ) )
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RefreshSlideState
// Force a refresh of the slide status
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::RefreshSlideStatus()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::RefreshSlideStatus") );
// read the slider status from P & S key
if ( iSlideStateWatcher->Get( iSlideState ) != KErrNone )
iSlideState = KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL
// Handle the slide closed event
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL") );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSliderClosed );
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( appUi->IsInPretendExit() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL already in pretend exit") );
SetCameraSwitchRequired( ESwitchDone );
// shutdown the camera on slide closing if EDGE variant/standalone app
// don't close app if embedded or embedding
TInt camerasAvailable = CamerasAvailable();
TVwsViewId activeView;
TInt viewErr = appUi->GetActiveViewId( activeView );
TBool embedded = appUi->IsEmbedded();
TBool embedding = appUi->Embedding();
if ( camerasAvailable == 1 ) // EDGE variant
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - camerasAvailable == 1") );
// if embedding another app then don't exit just yet
if ( embedding )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - Embedding mode") );
// remember that the slider has been closed
iSliderCloseEvent = ETrue;
// Embedded post capture view
else if ( embedded && viewErr == KErrNone &&
( activeView.iViewUid.iUid == ECamViewIdStillPostCapture ||
activeView.iViewUid.iUid == ECamViewIdVideoPostCapture ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - Embedded post capture") );
// remember that the slider has been closed
iSliderCloseEvent = ETrue;
// if standalone app performing a burst capture,
// don't exit till complete
else if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode ||
ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode )
// remember that the slider has been closed
iSliderCloseEvent = ETrue;
else // standalone or embedded pre capture view
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - emit ECamCmdSlideClosedExit") );
appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdSlideClosedExit );
else // variants with > 1 camera
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - camerasAvailable > 1") );
if ( !embedding && !embedded )
// if standalone app performing a burst capture,
// don't exit till complete
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode ||
ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode )
// remember that the slider has been closed
iSliderCloseEvent = ETrue;
PRINT( _L("Camera Normal mode-handle ECamCmdSlideClosedExit") );
appUi->SetLensCoverExit( ETrue );
if ( ECamViewIdVideoPreCapture == activeView.iViewUid.iUid )
// stop recording and save the video
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - emit ECamCmdSlideClosedExit") );
appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdSlideClosedExit );
// 2ndary camera, slider closed -> application to be closed,
// not in embedded mode
if ( iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraSecondary )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - 2ndary camera slider closed, app closing...") );
else // we are embedded in an app or embedding another app
// remember that the slider has been closed
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - Embedded/Embedding mode") );
if ( viewErr == KErrNone )
iSliderCloseEvent = ETrue;
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - active view %d"), activeView.iViewUid.iUid );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - iInfo.iOperation %d"), iInfo.iOperation );
// switch the camera if slide is closed and primary camera
// is active in embedded mode
switch ( activeView.iViewUid.iUid )
case ECamViewIdStillPreCapture:
case ECamViewIdVideoPreCapture:
// if in pre capture view and slide is closed
if ( iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraPrimary )
if ( iInfo.iOperation != ECamPaused &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamCompleting &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamPausing &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamResuming &&
!iVideoRequested )
appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdSwitchCamera );
else if ( iInfo.iOperation == ECamCapturing ||
iInfo.iOperation == ECamPaused )
else if ( iVideoRequested )
// cancel any outstanding sound requests
appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdSwitchCamera );
else // lint
// Embedded camera not closed even if lens cover is closed.
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - 2ndary camera, no action..") );
case ECamViewIdStillPostCapture:
case ECamViewIdVideoPostCapture:
// Embedded camera not closed even if lens cover is closed.
else if ( viewErr == KErrNotFound )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - view not found") );
if ( ECamActiveCameraPrimary == iInfo.iActiveCamera )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL - need switch to 2ndary") );
SetCameraSwitchRequired( ESwitchPrimaryToSecondary );
if ( !appUi->AppInBackground( ETrue ) )
appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdSwitchCamera );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleSlideClosedL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::HandleSlideOpenedL
// Handles the slide opened event
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::HandleSlideOpenedL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::HandleSlideOpenedL") );
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// reset slider event flag
if ( iSliderCloseEvent )
iSliderCloseEvent = EFalse;
TVwsViewId activeView;
TInt viewErr = appUi->GetActiveViewId( activeView );
if ( viewErr == KErrNone )
PRINT1( _L("Camera HandleSlideOpenedL => active view %d"),
activeView.iViewUid.iUid );
// For EDGE variant
TInt camerasAvailable = CamerasAvailable();
if ( camerasAvailable == 1 )
// if in standby view and the slide is opened then exit standby view
if ( iInfo.iOperation == ECamStandby )
PRINT( _L("Camera HandleSlideOpenedL => Exit Standby view") );
appUi->View( activeView.iViewUid )->HandleCommandL(
ECamCmdExitStandby );
else // variants with > 1 camera
PRINT1( _L("Camera HandleSlideOpenedL => iInfo.iOperation %d"),
iInfo.iOperation );
PRINT1( _L("Camera HandleSlideOpenedL => CameraState() %d"),
switch ( activeView.iViewUid.iUid )
// if we are in the photo/video capture view and the
// second camera is enabled then switch to the main camera
// so long as video/photo capture is not in progress
case ECamViewIdStillPreCapture:
case ECamViewIdVideoPreCapture:
if ( iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraSecondary &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamPaused &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamPausing &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamResuming &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamCompleting &&
(CameraState() == ECamCameraPreparedImage ||
CameraState() == ECamCameraPreparedVideo
CameraState() == ECamCameraReserved ||
CameraState() == ECamCameraPowerOn
) &&
!VideoRecordPending() )
PRINT( _L("Camera precapture 2nd camera - switching now") );
SetCameraSwitchRequired( ESwitchSecondaryToPrimary );
if ( !appUi->AppInBackground( ETrue ) )
appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdSwitchCamera );
PRINT( _L("Camera capturing, paused etc. in precapview") );
if ( ECamViewIdVideoPreCapture == activeView.iViewUid.iUid &&
( ECamCapturing == iInfo.iOperation ||
ECamPaused == iInfo.iOperation ) )
StopVideoRecording(); // stop recording and save the video
if ( ECamActiveCameraSecondary == iInfo.iActiveCamera )
PRINT( _L("Camera HandleSlideOpenedL, switchCamera") );
SetCameraSwitchRequired( ESwitchSecondaryToPrimary );
if ( !appUi->AppInBackground( ETrue ) )
appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdSwitchCamera );
case ECamViewIdStillPostCapture:
case ECamViewIdVideoPostCapture:
if ( ECamActiveCameraSecondary == iInfo.iActiveCamera )
SetCameraSwitchRequired( ESwitchSecondaryToPrimary );
if ( !appUi->AppInBackground( ETrue ) )
appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdSwitchCamera );
else if ( viewErr == KErrNotFound &&
iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraSecondary )
// If no view is found it means that camera is in background.
// We don't want to do camera switch in embdedded/embedding mode
// post-capture when in background
if ( ( !appUi->IsEmbedded() &&
!appUi->Embedding() ) ||
appUi->CurrentViewState() != ECamViewStatePostCapture )
PRINT( _L("Camera HandleSlideOpenedL => view not found, 2nd active") );
iCameraSwitchRequired = ESwitchToUnknown;
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventSliderOpen );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CamAppController::HandleSlideOpenedL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::VideoViewFinderResourceId()
// Resource Id for video viewfinder layout
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::VideoViewFinderResourceId( TCamVideoResolution aResolution )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::VideoViewFinderResourceIdL"))
TInt vidVFRes;
TCamOrientation orient = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() )->CamOrientation();
if( orient == ECamOrientationCamcorder || orient == ECamOrientationCamcorderLeft )
vidVFRes = CamUtility::MapVideoQualityToViewFinderRes( aResolution );
TInt resId;
TInt err = CamUtility::GetPsiInt( ECamPsiVideoVFResSecondaryCamera, resId );
if( err )
vidVFRes = ROID( resId );
PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::VideoViewFinderResourceId res id "), vidVFRes )
return vidVFRes;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::HandleObservedEvent()
// Receives event codes from observables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::HandleObservedEvent( TCamObserverEvent aEvent )
switch( aEvent )
case ECamObserverEventCaptureProcessComplete:
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventExitRequested, KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsProfileSilent
// Return whether current profile is silent or not, uses warning
// tones setting to determine whether silent or not
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsProfileSilent()
TRAPD( ignore, iSilentProfile = IsProfileSilentL() );
if ( ignore )
return iSilentProfile;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsProfileSilentL
// Return whether current profile is silent or not, uses warning
// tones setting to determine whether silent or not
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsProfileSilentL()
// get current keypad volume as indication of whether
// or not we have a silent profile
CRepository* cr = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidProfileEngine );
TInt value;
User::LeaveIfError( cr->Get( KProEngActiveWarningTones, value ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cr );
return ( value == 0 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ResetInactivityTimer <<static>>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::ResetInactivityTimer( TAny* /*aPtr*/ )
PRINT( _L("Camera =><= CCamAppController::ResetInactivityTimer") );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ToneShouldBeSilent
// Returns ETrue if the supplied toneId should be silent if the profile is
// set to silent. Does *not* take into account network variant forcing
// sounds on.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::ToneShouldBeSilent( TCamSoundId aSoundId )
if ( aSoundId == CaptureToneId() ||
aSoundId == ECamVideoStartSoundId ||
aSoundId == ECamVideoStopSoundId ||
aSoundId == ECamVideoPauseSoundId ||
aSoundId == ECamVideoResumeSoundId ||
aSoundId == ECamAutoFocusComplete ||
aSoundId == ECamSelfTimerSoundId )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::HandleCaptureCompletion
// Inform any observers that are waiting for a capture completion event
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::HandleCaptureCompletion()
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleCaptureCompletion()" ) )
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// Re-enable screensaver
EnableScreenSaver( ETrue );
// If mmc dismount notification came while saving, allow the dismount now
if( iDismountPending )
iDismountPending = EFalse;
// If any observers are waiting for a capture completion event
if ( iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler )
iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler->BroadcastEvent( ECamObserverEventCaptureProcessComplete );
delete iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler;
iCaptureCompletionObserverHandler = NULL;
// If the camera orientation changed during capture and not in burst mode,
// set the new orientation
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported()
&& iOrientationChangeOccured
&& iInfo.iImageMode != ECamImageCaptureBurst )
iOrientationChangeOccured = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( SetImageOrientationL() );
if ( iPendingRelease )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleCaptureCompletion(), DATAMAKE2" ) )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleCaptureCompletion()" ) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CheckAfModeForScene
// Checks the current scene/based on scene to see if AF mode needs setting
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CheckAfModeForScene( TBool aForceAFReset )
PRINT(_L("Camera => CCamAppController::CheckAfModeForScene"));
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported() )
TRAP_IGNORE( iCameraController->DirectRequestL( ECamRequestSetAfRange ) );
PRINT(_L("Camera <= CCamAppController::CheckAfModeForScene"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::TryAutoFocus
// Start an AF operation, if needed
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::TryAutoFocus()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::TryAutoFocus()") );
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported() )
if( ECamActiveCameraPrimary != iInfo.iActiveCamera ||
ECamControllerImage != iInfo.iMode )
PRINT( _L("Returning EFalse - Not using primary camera in still mode") );
// Not using primary camera in still mode
return EFalse; // Not focusing
PRINT( _L("Calling IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestStartAutofocus )") );
return TryAFRequest( ECamRequestStartAutofocus );
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus
// Returns whether the current scene has focus forced to
// a particular value ( eg Macro/Landscape modes may have
// focus fixed to Macro/Infinite )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus() const
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported() )
// Work out what the current scene is (or if current scene is user
// scene, what it's based on).
TInt currentScene = IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoScene );
if ( currentScene == ECamSceneUser )
currentScene = IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemUserSceneBasedOnScene );
TBool isFaceTrackingOn = (iConfigManager &&
iConfigManager->IsFaceTrackingSupported() &&
ECamSettingItemFaceTracking ) == ECamSettOn ) );
// Check if the current (or based on) scene is one that should *not* have
// a reticule.
if ( ( currentScene == ECamSceneScenery
|| currentScene == ECamSceneNightScenery
|| currentScene == ECamSceneSports )
&& !isFaceTrackingOn )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CaptureToneDelayTimeout
// Timeout from capture tone delay timer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::CaptureToneDelayTimeout( TAny* aPtr )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::CaptureToneDelayTimeoutL") )
static_cast<CCamAppController*>( aPtr )->PlayDelayedCaptureTone();
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::PlayDelayedCaptureTone
// Play capture tone
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::PlayDelayedCaptureTone()
PlaySound( CaptureToneId(), EFalse );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::InitAutoFocusL
// Initalises the AutoFocus interface, if needed
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::InitAutoFocusL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::InitAutoFocusL") )
PRINT(_L("Camera !! DISABLED"));
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::InitAutoFocusL") )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CopySnapshotIfNeededL
// Helper function for McaeoSnapImageReady that makes a copy of the snapshot
// if needed to fake a viewfinder or for image rotation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CopySnapshotIfNeeded( const CFbsBitmap& aSnapshot, TInt aError )
if ( ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode
|| ECamControllerVideo == iInfo.iMode
|| ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported() &&
iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemImageRotation ) == ECamSettOn )
delete iSnapShotCopy;
iSnapShotCopy = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE ( ( iSnapShotCopy = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap() ) );
if ( iSnapShotCopy )
TInt dupeError = iSnapShotCopy->Duplicate( aSnapshot.Handle() );
if ( dupeError )
delete iSnapShotCopy;
iSnapShotCopy = NULL;
else if ( iConfigManager && !iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported() )
if( ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse == iInfo.iImageMode )
// simulate the receipt of a viewfinder frame using the snapshot image
// McaeoViewFinderFrameReady( *iSnapShotCopy, aError );
HandleViewfinderFrame( aError, iSnapShotCopy );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::EnableScreenSaver
// Turns the screen saver on or off for timelapse capture
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::EnableScreenSaver( TBool aEnable )
if ( !aEnable )
// Stop the screensaver from appearing
RProperty::Set( KPSUidScreenSaver, KScreenSaverAllowScreenSaver, 1 );
// Allow the screensaver to appear
RProperty::Set( KPSUidScreenSaver, KScreenSaverAllowScreenSaver, 0 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetPerformanceState
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetPerformanceState( TCamPerformanceState aState )
iPerformanceState = aState;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StartLocationTrailL()
// Connects and starts the locationtrail
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StartLocationTrailL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StartLocationTrailL") );
CCamAppUi* appUI = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// If a stop request is pending but the trail is being restarted, stop
// and delete the timer
if( iLocationTrailTimer )
delete iLocationTrailTimer;
iLocationTrailTimer = NULL;
TInt err = KErrNone;
#if defined(RD_MDS_2_5) && !defined(__WINSCW__)
if ( !iLocationTrailStarted )
if ( !iLocationUtilityConnected )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StartLocationTrailL - iLocationUtility.Connect()") );
TVwsViewId activeView;
if ( appUI->GetActiveViewId( activeView ) == KErrNone )
if( ECamViewIdStillPreCapture == activeView.iViewUid.iUid )
CCamPreCaptureViewBase* view = static_cast<CCamPreCaptureViewBase*>( appUI->View( activeView.iViewUid ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iLocationUtility.Connect() );
iLocationUtilityConnected = ETrue;
err = iLocationUtility.StartLocationTrail( RLocationTrail::ECaptureAll );
// If start fails, change the setting to off
if( KErrNone != err )
PRINT1( _L("Camera :: CCamAppController::StartLocationTrailL error:%d encountered while starting location trail"), err )
#if defined(RD_MDS_2_5) && !defined(__WINSCW__)
// Disconnect from the location utility
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StartLocationTrailL - Starting of LocationTrail failed -> iLocationUtility.Close()") );
iLocationUtilityConnected = EFalse;
SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemRecLocation, ECamLocationOff );
// Going to standby mode, location trail disabled
TVwsViewId activeView;
if ( appUI->GetActiveViewId( activeView ) == KErrNone )
CCamViewBase* view = static_cast<CCamViewBase*>( appUI->View( activeView.iViewUid ) );
view->SwitchToStandbyModeL( TCamAppViewIds(activeView.iViewUid.iUid), err );
appUI->SetStandbyStatus( err );
appUI->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdGoToStandby );
iLocationTrailStarted = ETrue;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StartLocationTrailL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StopLocationTrail( TBool aCloseSession )
// Stops the locationtrail
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StopLocationTrail( TBool aCloseSession )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StopLocationTrail operation mode:%d"), iInfo.iOperation );
#if defined(RD_MDS_2_5) && !defined(__WINSCW__)
if( iLocationTrailStarted )
// if not ECamCapturing, ECamPausing, ECamPaused, ECamResuming or ECamCompleting
if( (iInfo.iOperation < ECamCapturing || iInfo.iOperation > ECamCompleting ) &&
( CurrentFullFileName() == KNullDesC || SavedCurrentImage() )
PRINT( _L("Camera :: CCamAppController::StopLocationTrail - stopping location trail") )
if ( aCloseSession )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::StartLocationTrailL - iLocationUtility.Close()") );
iLocationUtilityConnected = EFalse;
iLocationTrailStarted = EFalse;
// If a timer was used to stop the location trail, then cancel and delete the timer
if( iLocationTrailTimer )
delete iLocationTrailTimer;
iLocationTrailTimer = NULL;
// Use a timer to close the trail in a few seconds
PRINT( _L("Camera :: CCamAppController::StopLocationTrail - location trail in use") )
if( !iLocationTrailTimer )
TRAP_IGNORE( iLocationTrailTimer = CCamTimer::NewL( KLocTrailCloseRetryTime,
TCallBack( CCamAppController::RetryStopLocationTrail, this ) ) );
else // restart the timer
iLocationTrailTimer->SetTimeout( KLocTrailCloseRetryTime );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::StopLocationTrail") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RetryStopLocationTrail()
// Timer callback function to attempt to remove the location trail periodically
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::RetryStopLocationTrail( TAny* aPtr )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::RetryStopLocationTrail") )
static_cast<CCamAppController*>( aPtr )->StopLocationTrail();
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::RetryStopLocationTrail") )
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving
// Whether or not a capture key pressed during image saving
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::CaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving() const
return iCaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetCaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetCaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving(TBool aCaptureKeyPressed)
iCaptureKeyPressedWhileImageSaving = aCaptureKeyPressed;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CamerasAvailable <<static>>
// Commonly needed in UI classes, so added also support to get this info
// through this class. This way we avoid unnecessary binding of
// CCameraController and UI classes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
return CCamCameraController::CamerasAvailable();
return (ECamSupportOn == iSettingsModel->VariantInfo().iTimeLapseSupport);
return (ECamSupportOn == iSettingsModel->VariantInfo().iAlwaysOnSupport);
const TVersion&
return iSettingsModel->VariantInfo().iVersion;
// <<public>>
CCamAppController::Busy() const
return (EBusyNone != iBusyFlags || CameraControllerBusy() );
CCamAppController::CameraControllerBusy() const
return (iCameraController && ECamBusyOff != iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iBusy );
// ===========================================================================
// From MCamCameraObserver
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleCameraEventL <<virtual>>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
::HandleCameraEventL( TInt aStatus,
TCamCameraEventId aEventId,
TAny* aEventData /*= NULL*/ )
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Log viewfinder events with PRINT_FRQ
// #ifdef _DEBUG is used to avoid extra if in release builds
// where logging is not used anyway.
if( ECamCameraEventVfFrameReady == aEventId )
PRINT_FRQ1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleCameraEventL, event[%s]" ),
KCamCameraEventNames[aEventId] );
#endif // _DEBUG
PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleCameraEventL, event[%s]" ),
KCamCameraEventNames[aEventId] );
// in case we get poweron event before appui is completely constructed
// finish it here
if ( aEventId == ECamCameraEventPowerOn )
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( iConfigManager &&
iConfigManager->IsUIOrientationOverrideSupported() &&
!appUi->IsUiConstructionComplete() )
appUi->AppUIConstructCallbackL( appUi );
TInt handleError( KErrNone );
if( ECamCameraEventVfFrameReady != aEventId &&
KErrNone == aStatus || KErrDiskFull == aStatus || KErrCompletion == aStatus )
// Called for all events, except viewfinder frame ready event.
SetStateFromEvent( aEventId );
if( ECamCameraEventImageInit == aEventId ||
ECamCameraEventVideoInit == aEventId )
iSettingsRestoreNeeded = ETrue;
// NOTE: Consider that the ones needing these events
// receive them directly from Camera Controller?
switch( aEventId )
case ECamCameraEventVfStart:
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// For forced focus scenes, do one autofocus request once vf starts if needed
if( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsAutoFocusSupported() )
if( CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus() || UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsAutofocusSetInHyperfocalAtStartup() )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleCameraEventL, TryAFRequest( ECamRequestCancelAutofocus )") );
TryAFRequest( ECamRequestCancelAutofocus );
if( iSettingsRestoreNeeded )
iSettingsRestoreNeeded = EFalse;
TRAP( aStatus, RestoreSettingsToCameraL() );
// fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
if ( IsTouchScreenSupported() )
appUi->SetToolbarVisibility();// avoid flickering in settings view
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> SetToolbarVisibility done ") );
// else use AP
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsUIOrientationOverrideSupported() )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventInitReady );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsLocationSupported() &&
if( ECamLocationOn == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemRecLocation ) )
if( ECamActiveCameraPrimary == ActiveCamera() && ECamStandby != CurrentOperation() )
else // Secondary camera
PRINT( _L("Camera: CCamAppController::HandleCameraEventL - secondary camera, stop location trail") )
case ECamCameraEventVfFrameReady:
HandleViewfinderFrame( aStatus, static_cast<CFbsBitmap*>( aEventData ) );
if( KErrNone == aStatus && iSettingsRestoreNeeded )
iSettingsRestoreNeeded = EFalse;
TRAP( aStatus, RestoreSettingsToCameraL() );
case ECamCameraEventSsReady:
TRAP_IGNORE( HandleSnapshotEvent( aStatus, static_cast<CFbsBitmap*>( aEventData ) ) );
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode &&
CurrentCapturedCount() < CaptureLimit() )
// check memory level
TInt memoryLeft = 0;
HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, memoryLeft );
if ( memoryLeft < KCriticalMemoryLevel )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> RAM is below critical level #1") )
// memory below critical level, need to stop capture
SoftStopBurstL( ETrue );
EventHandlingErrorRecovery( KErrNoMemory );
case ECamCameraEventImageData:
// TRAP_IGNORE( HandleImageCaptureEventL( aStatus, static_cast<HBufC8*>( aEventData ) ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( HandleImageCaptureEventL( aStatus, static_cast<CCamBufferShare*>( aEventData ) ) );
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst == iInfo.iImageMode &&
CurrentCapturedCount() < CaptureLimit() )
// check memory level
TInt memoryLeft = 0;
HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, memoryLeft );
if ( memoryLeft < KCriticalMemoryLevel )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> RAM is below critical level #2") )
// memory below critical level, need to stop capture
TRAP_IGNORE( iCameraController->DirectRequestL( ECamRequestImageCancel ) );
EventHandlingErrorRecovery( KErrNoMemory );
case ECamCameraEventImageStop:
TRAP( aStatus, HandleImageStopEventL( aStatus, aEventData ? *static_cast<TInt*>( aEventData ) : 0 ) );
case ECamCameraEventAutofocusSuccessful: // Flowthrough
case ECamCameraEventAutofocusFailed:
// Autofocusing is done, do possible pending capture
SetAfNeeded( EFalse );
if( iCaptureRequested && !EngineProcessingCapture() )
iCaptureRequested = EFalse;
case ECamCameraEventSettingsSingle:
TRAP_IGNORE( HandleSettingEventL( aStatus, aEventId, aEventData ) );
case ECamCameraEventVideoAsyncStop:
case ECamCameraEventVideoStop:
// we always want to handle these events. set the flag because
// there is a possibility that some other event has come before
// and caused the flag to be cleared
SetFlags(iBusyFlags, EBusyRequest);
if ( !IsMemoryAvailable( ECamMediaStorageCard, EFalse )
&& CurrentStorage() == ECamMediaStorageCard )
aStatus = KErrNone;
if( aStatus != KErrNone && aStatus != KErrDiskFull && aStatus != KErrCompletion
&& !( aStatus == KErrPathNotFound && IsCaptureStoppedForUsb() ) )
iSaving = EFalse;
SetOperation( ECamStandby, KErrGeneral );
// In case of no error, we are already in appropriate state
case ECamCameraEventIveRecover:
if( !Busy() )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleCameraEventL - Issue new recovery sequence" ) );
SetStateFromEvent( ECamCameraEventReserveLose );
SetTargetMode( ECamControllerImage );
SetTargetImageMode( CurrentImageModeSetup() );
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleCameraEventL - Recovery sequence is active" ) );
case ECamCameraEventSequenceEnd:
// only for image mode
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsOrientationSensorSupported()
&& ECamControllerImage == CurrentMode() )
// If the camera orientation changed during initialization sequence and not in burst mode,
// set the new orientation
if ( iOrientationChangeOccured &&
iInfo.iImageMode != ECamImageCaptureBurst )
iOrientationChangeOccured = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( SetImageOrientationL() );
if( !iAccSensorListening )
TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateSensorApiL( ETrue ) );
if ( aStatus == KErrCancel )
// sequence canceled, no need to event further
// -------------------------------------------------------
// We have requested a series of operations.
// The sequences have ids, which we use to determine
// the right procedure. React when sequence ends.
if( IsFlagOn( iBusyFlags, EBusySequence ) )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Sequence of requests pending" ) );
TRAP( handleError, HandleSequenceEventL( aStatus, aEventId, aEventData ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------
// We have single request pending.
else if( IsFlagOn( iBusyFlags, EBusyRequest ) )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Single request pending" ) );
TRAP( handleError, HandleRequestEventL( aStatus, aEventId, aEventData ) );
else if( IsFlagOn( iBusyFlags, EBusySetting ) )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Settings finished" ) );
TRAP( handleError, HandleSettingEventL( aStatus, aEventId, aEventData ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------
// No request pending for us.
// Direct request issued to Camera controller.
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> No requests pending!!" ) );
// handle these ..
// -------------------------------------------------------
if( KErrNone != handleError )
EventHandlingErrorRecovery( handleError );
// Reserve lost event is always handled.
if( ECamCameraEventReserveLose == aEventId && KErrNone != aStatus )
SetOperation( ECamStandby, aStatus );
if( iPendingRelease && !Busy() &&
!IsSavingInProgress() && iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing )
// Finally, if camera release is pending, and we are no longer busy,
// call ReleaseCamera to get it done.
// ReleaseCamera is used instead of simply setting iInfo.iTargetMode,
// because it also handles stopping ongoing burst captures.
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleCameraEventL, release pending, calling ReleaseCamera..") );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Log viewfinder events with PRINT_FRQ
if( ECamCameraEventVfFrameReady == aEventId )
PRINT_FRQ( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleCameraEventL" ) );
#endif // _DEBUG
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleCameraEventL" ) );
// ===========================================================================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EventHandlingErrorRecovery
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::EventHandlingErrorRecovery( TInt aError )
PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::EventHandlingErrorRecovery, error:%d" ), aError );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aError != KErrNone, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
iCaptureModeTransitionInProgress = EFalse;
// Reset the saving flag to ensure that camera does not get stuck
iSaving = EFalse;
iMuteNotifications = ETrue;
// Cancel ongoing sequence if any
// Clear busy flags
iBusyFlags = EBusyNone;
iInfo.iBusyRequestId = ECamRequestNone;
iMuteNotifications = EFalse;
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
//Don't change to Stand by mode if -4 error gotten during burst (somehow expected)
if(SequenceCaptureInProgress() && appUi->CurrentBurstMode() == ECamImageCaptureBurst && KErrNoMemory == aError )
TRAP_IGNORE( appUi->HandleCameraErrorL(aError) );
SetOperation( ECamStandby, aError );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventControllerReady, aError );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::EventHandlingErrorRecovery" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleSettingEventL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::HandleSettingEventL( TInt aStatus,
TCamCameraEventId aEventId,
TAny* aEventData )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleSettingEventL" ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------
if( ECamCameraEventSettingsDone == aEventId )
ClearFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusySetting );
// Need to clear any pending settings.
if( IsInShutdownMode() && iInfo.iMode != ECamControllerIdle && iInfo.iMode != ECamControllerShutdown )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController: Releasing camera.." ) );
IssueRequestL( ECamRequestRelease );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController: Got setting end event.." ) );
if( KErrNone != aStatus )
TCamCameraSettingId* cameraSetting =
static_cast<TCamCameraSettingId*>( aEventData );
// Leave with the incoming error, if setting id not provided.
CheckNonNullL( cameraSetting, aStatus );
if( ECameraSettingFileName == *cameraSetting )
DoVideoNameRetryL( aStatus );
User::Leave( aStatus );
// -------------------------------------------------------
else if( ECamCameraEventSettingsSingle == aEventId )
TCamCameraSettingId* cameraSetting =
static_cast<TCamCameraSettingId*>( aEventData );
CheckNonNullL( cameraSetting, KErrNotFound );
switch( *cameraSetting )
case ECameraSettingDigitalZoom:
case ECameraSettingOpticalZoom:
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController: zoom event" ) );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventZoomStateChanged, aStatus );
// Pending zooming done in HandleViewfinderFrame
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamAppController: unhandled setting event" ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Ignored
// -------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleSettingEventL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DoVideoNameRetryL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::DoVideoNameRetryL( TInt aStatus )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::DoVideoNameRetryL" ) );
if ( IsFlagOn( iCameraController->State(), ECamVideoOn )
&& iVideoNameRetries > 0 )
PRINT1( _L( "Camera <> video rename failed retries = %d retrying rename" ), iVideoNameRetries );
// Try again
TRAP_IGNORE( GenerateNextValidVideoPathL() );
if ( ECamCapturing != iInfo.iOperation && ECamPaused != iInfo.iOperation )
iSettingProvider->AddPendingSettingChangeL( ECamSettingItemVideoNameBase );
else if ( KErrDiskFull == aStatus
&& ECamMediaStorageCard == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage ) )
PRINT( _L( "Camera McaeoVideoPrepareComplete disk full and set to memory card " ) );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventInvalidMemoryCard );
// ForceUsePhoneMemory
if( ExistMassStorage() )
iSettingsModel->SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage,
ECamMediaStorageMassStorage );
iSettingsModel->SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage,
ECamMediaStoragePhone );
iSettingProvider->AddPendingSettingChangeL( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage );
// No retries left
PRINT1( _L( "Camera <> video prep failed retries = %d removing iVideoRequested" ), iVideoNameRetries );
// remove pending request, so that new attempts to record are not blocked
if ( iVideoRequested )
iVideoRequested = EFalse;
User::LeaveIfError( aStatus );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::DoVideoNameRetryL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleCameraSequenceComplete
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::HandleSequenceEventL( TInt aStatus,
TCamCameraEventId aEventId,
TAny* /*aEventData*/ )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleSequenceEventL" ) );
if( iDismountPending &&
( ECamCameraEventImageInit == aEventId ||
ECamCameraEventVideoInit == aEventId ||
ECamCameraEventSequenceEnd == aEventId ) )
iDismountPending = EFalse;
if( ECamCameraEventSequenceEnd == aEventId )
ClearFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusySequence );
if( IsInShutdownMode() && iInfo.iMode != ECamControllerIdle && iInfo.iMode != ECamControllerShutdown )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> In shutdown mode!!" ) );
IssueRequestL( ECamRequestRelease );
User::LeaveIfError( aStatus );
if( iCameraController && !iCameraController->IsWaitingIveResources() )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> sequence end, proceed with pending.." ) );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleSequenceEventL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleRequestEventL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::HandleRequestEventL( TInt aStatus,
TCamCameraEventId aEventId,
TAny* /*aEventData*/ )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::HandleRequestEventL" ) );
// Check if pending operations that need immediate attention.
if( IsInShutdownMode() && iInfo.iMode != ECamControllerIdle &&
iInfo.iMode != ECamControllerShutdown &&
!iSaving && iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing &&
iInfo.iOperation != ECamCompleting )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> in shutdown mode, release camera.." ) );
IssueDirectRequestL( ECamRequestRelease );
if( ECamCameraEventVideoStop == aEventId )
ClearFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusyRequest );
HandleVideoStopEvent( aStatus );
//If postcapture view is set to off notify controller ready event
//for updating counter.
if(IntegerSettingValue(ECamSettingItemVideoShowCapturedVideo)!=ECamSettOn )
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventControllerReady, KErrNone );
else if( ECamCameraEventVideoAsyncStop == aEventId )
HandleVideoAsyncStopEvent( aStatus );
// Error handling in one place
User::LeaveIfError( aStatus );
// If our request is fully processed.
if( !CameraControllerBusy() )
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> camera not busy, proceed or notify ready.." ) );
ClearFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusyRequest );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleRequestEventL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IssueRequestL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
::IssueRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aId )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::IssueRequestL request[%s]"), KCamRequestNames[aId] );
SetFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusyRequest );
iInfo.iBusyRequestId = aId;
TRAPD( error, iCameraController->RequestL( iInfo.iBusyRequestId ) );
if( error != KErrNone )
ClearFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusyRequest );
iInfo.iBusyRequestId = ECamRequestNone;
User::Leave( error );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::IssueRequestL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IssueDirectRequestL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
::IssueDirectRequestL( const TCamCameraRequestId& aId )
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::IssueDirectRequestL") );
iCameraController->DirectRequestL( aId );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::IssueDirectRequestL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IssueSettingsChangeRequestL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::IssueSettingsChangeRequestL") );
SetFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusySetting );
TRAPD( error, iCameraController->RequestSettingsChangeL() );
if( KErrNone != error )
ClearFlags( iBusyFlags, EBusySetting );
User::Leave( error );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::IssueSettingsChangeRequestL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ProceedPendingOrNotifyReadyL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::ProceedPendingOrNotifyReadyL") );
PRINT4( _L("Camera <> iMode[%s] iTargetMode[%s] iImageMode[%s] iTargetImageMode[%s]"),
KCamImageModeNames[iInfo.iTargetImageMode] );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicNullPointer ) );
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if( iInfo.iMode != iInfo.iTargetMode )
if ( !IsInShutdownMode() && !iSaving && iInfo.iOperation != ECamCapturing )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: not in target mode, need to issue requests") );
else if( iCameraController->ViewfinderState() != iInfo.iTargetVfState &&
IsAppUiAvailable () &&
!appUi->AppInBackground( ETrue ) &&
!( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsUIOrientationOverrideSupported() &&
iPendingRelease ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: need to start/stop viewfinder..") );
else if( iSettingProvider
&& iSettingProvider->PendingSettingChangeCount() > 0 )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: settings pending, proceed now..") );
else if( iVideoPrepareNeeded )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: video prepare pending, proceed now..") );
iVideoPrepareNeeded = EFalse;
IssueRequestL( ECamRequestVideoInit );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: Target mode achieved") );
if( iCaptureModeTransitionInProgress )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController: capture mode transition complete") );
iCaptureModeTransitionInProgress = EFalse;
SetImageMode( iInfo.iTargetImageMode );
if ( iSetNewPathnamesPending > ECamMediaStorageNone )
TRAP_IGNORE( SetPathnamesToNewStorageL( iSetNewPathnamesPending ) );
if( iVideoRequested )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> starting recording..") );
iVideoRequested = EFalse;
IssueRequestL( ECamRequestVideoStart );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> ..done") );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventEngineStateChanged, KErrNone );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventControllerReady, KErrNone );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::ProceedPendingOrNotifyReadyL") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetStateFromEvent
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::SetStateFromEvent( TCamCameraEventId aEventId )
PRINT3( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::SetStateFromEvent mode[%s] operation[%s] event[%s]"),
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
switch( aEventId )
// =================================
case ECamCameraEventReserveLose:
// SetMode( ECamControllerShutdown );
SetMode( ECamControllerIdle );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventPowerOn:
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Init key sound system..") );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> ..Init key sound system done") );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventPowerOff:
// Reset the flash error status
if( iFlashStatus ) iFlashStatus->SetFlashError( EFalse );
SetMode( ECamControllerIdle );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// =================================
// VF events
case ECamCameraEventVfStart:
if( iBacklightTimer
&& !iBacklightTimer->IsActive() )
//iBacklightTimer->Start( KBacklighTimerInterval,
// KBacklighTimerInterval,
// TCallBack( ResetInactivityTimer, this ) );
iBacklightTimer->Start( 0,
TCallBack( ResetInactivityTimer, this ) );
iAFCancelInProgress = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventVfStop:
if( iBacklightTimer )
// =================================
case ECamCameraEventImageInit:
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetStateFromEvent .. case ECamCameraEventImageInit") );
SetMode( ECamControllerImage );
// Set the capture count now, so we don't need to set it when starting capture.
TRAP_IGNORE( InitCaptureLimitL() );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventImageQualityChanged );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventImageStart: // Capture started, not finished.
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetStateFromEvent .. case ECamCameraEventImageStart") );
SetOperation( ECamCapturing );
// Make sure our cached value for image filename number is up to date.
iImageNumberCache = IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemPhotoNumber );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventImageStop: // Capture finished, unless in burst
PRINT ( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetStateFromEvent .. case ECamCameraEventImageStop") );
// Store image counter now.
TRAP_IGNORE( SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemPhotoNumber, iImageNumberCache ) );
if ( ECamImageCaptureBurst != iInfo.iImageMode )
//If canceled autofocusing previously then have to set
//autofocus range to get autofocusing work again.
if(iAFCancelInProgress )
iAFCancelInProgress = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( iCameraController->DirectRequestL( ECamRequestSetAfRange ) );
// No operation change here.
// Set to Completing in SS event, and ECamNoOperation when image saved.
// SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventImageRelease:
SetMode( ECamControllerIdle );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// =================================
case ECamCameraEventVideoInit:
SetMode( ECamControllerVideo );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventVideoStart:
iVideoRequested = EFalse;
SetOperation( ECamCapturing );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventVideoPause:
PlaySound( ECamVideoPauseSoundId, EFalse );
SetOperation( ECamPaused );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventVideoStop:
SetOperation( ECamCompleting );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventVideoRelease:
SetMode( ECamControllerIdle );
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// =================================
case ECamCameraEventStartAutofocus:
if ( !CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus() &&
!iAFCancelInProgress )
PRINT( _L("ECamCameraEventStartAutofocus -> Set operation state to ECamFocusing") );
SetOperation( ECamFocusing );
// fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
if ( IsTouchScreenSupported() )
CAknToolbar* fixedToolbar = appUi->CurrentFixedToolbar();
if ( fixedToolbar )
fixedToolbar->SetToolbarVisibility( EFalse );
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventAutofocusSuccessful:
case ECamCameraEventAutofocusFailed:
PRINT2( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::SetStateFromEvent - iPendingAFRequest[%s] iCurrentAFRequest[%s]"),
KCamRequestNames[iCurrentAFRequest] );
if( iAFCancelInProgress && ECamRequestCancelAutofocus == iCurrentAFRequest &&
ECamRequestCancelAutofocus == iPendingAFRequest )
// Cancelling done, camera lens is in hyperfocal position.
// Return AF range back to normal, so that next autofocus request
// will use the right range for this scene.
iAFCancelInProgress = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( iCameraController->DirectRequestL( ECamRequestSetAfRange ) );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventFocusCancelled );
if ( !iCaptureRequested )
SetOperation( ECamNoOperation );
// do not notify observers if this happens after capture
// has been requested as that would result in invalid ui state
iInfo.iOperation = ECamNoOperation;
if( IsAfNeeded() )
SetAfNeeded( EFalse );
else if( iCurrentAFRequest==iPendingAFRequest &&
&& !CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus()
if( aEventId==ECamCameraEventAutofocusSuccessful )
PRINT( _L("ECamCameraEventAutofocusSuccessful -> Set operation state to ECamFocused") );
if( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported() &&
!iCaptureRequested && appUi && appUi->SelfTimer() &&
PlaySound( ECamAutoFocusComplete, EFalse );
SetOperation( ECamFocused );
else if( aEventId==ECamCameraEventAutofocusFailed )
PRINT( _L("ECamCameraEventAutofocusFailed -> Set operation state to ECamFocusFailed") );
if ( iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsAutoFocusSupported() )
PlaySound( ECamAutoFocusFailed, EFalse );
SetOperation( ECamFocusFailed );
else if( iCurrentAFRequest != iPendingAFRequest && iPendingAFRequest !=0
&& !CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus()
TryAFRequest( iCurrentAFRequest );
else if( CurrentSceneHasForcedFocus() )
// Autofocus flags has to be reset in forced focus cases
// ---------------------------------
case ECamCameraEventCancelAutofocus:
// Set iAFCancelInProgress to true so that we don't change the
// reticule for the next focus successful/focus failed event.
iAFCancelInProgress = ETrue;
iCurrentAFRequest = ECamRequestCancelAutofocus;
// fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
if ( !iCaptureRequested && IsTouchScreenSupported() )
appUi->SetToolbarVisibility(); // avoid flickering in settings view
// =================================
// No change to state with other events
// =================================
PRINT2( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::SetStateFromEvent mode[%s] operation[%s]"),
KCamCaptureOperationNames[iInfo.iOperation] );
// Set the capture count now, so we don't need to set it when starting capture.
switch( iInfo.iTargetImageMode )
case ECamImageCaptureBurst:
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. burst mode as target, set capture limit to %d"), KShortBurstCount );
SetCaptureLimitL( KShortBurstCount );
case ECamImageCaptureTimeLapse:
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. timelapse mode as target, set capture limit locally to max %d"), iLongSequenceLimit );
SetCaptureLimitL( iLongSequenceLimit );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController .. single mode as target, set capture limit locally to 1") );
SetCaptureLimitL( 1 );
// ===========================================================================
: iActiveCamera ( ECamActiveCameraNone ),
iMode ( ECamControllerIdle ),
iTargetMode ( ECamControllerIdle ),
iImageMode ( ECamImageCaptureNone ),
iTargetImageMode ( ECamImageCaptureNone ),
iOperation ( ECamNoOperation ),
iTargetVfState ( ECamTriIdle ),
iViewfinderMirror ( EFalse ),
iTargetImageResolution( 0 ),
iTargetImageQuality ( 0 ),
iBusyRequestId ( ECamRequestNone )
// ===========================================================================
void CCamAppController::HandleFileHarvestingComplete()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::HandleFileHarvestingComplete" ) );
// If release required but not done in postcapture not shown mode this is the
// last time to do it. Otherwise problems occurs in 2ndary camera if opened
if ( iPendingRelease && ECamSettOff == IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemShowCapturedPhoto ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::HandleFileHarvestingComplete, releasing" ) );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::HandleFileHarvestingComplete" ) );
void CCamAppController::DeRegisterHarverterClientEvents()
if ( iImageSaveActive )
#if defined(RD_MDS_2_5) && !defined(__WINSCW__) && !defined(__WINS__)
#endif //defined(RD_MDS_2_5) && !defined(__WINSCW__) && !defined(__WINS__)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::Configuration
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::Configuration() const
return iConfiguration;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RestoreSettingsToCameraL
// Calls RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL for all supported camera settings.
// In case there were settings needing restoring, and camera controller
// is not busy, request camera controller to start setting changes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::RestoreSettingsToCameraL" ) );
const TCamCameraMode mode = CurrentMode();
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( IsAppUiAvailable() && appUi->CurrentViewState()==ECamViewStateUserSceneSetup )
//restore user scence setting
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemUserSceneWhitebalance );
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemUserSceneExposure );
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemUserSceneFlash );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsColorToneFeatureSupported() )
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemUserSceneColourFilter );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsBrightnessSupported() )
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemUserSceneBrightness );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsContrastSupported() )
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemUserSceneContrast );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsISOSupported() || UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsExtendedLightSensitivitySupported() )
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemUserSceneLightSensitivity );
if ( ECamControllerImage == mode )
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsSharpnessFeatureSupported() )
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemUserSceneImageSharpness );
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemPhotoDigitalZoom );
else if ( ECamControllerVideo == mode )
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemVideoDigitalZoom );
DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemVideoStab);
else if(iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraPrimary)
if ( ECamControllerImage == mode )
// Add rest of the pending settings where needed
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoWhiteBalance );
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoExposure );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsColorToneFeatureSupported() )
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoColourFilter );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsBrightnessSupported() )
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoBrightness );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsContrastSupported() )
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoContrast );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsSharpnessFeatureSupported() )
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoImageSharpness );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsISOSupported() || UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsExtendedLightSensitivitySupported() )
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoLightSensitivity );
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicPhotoFlash );
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemPhotoDigitalZoom );
else if ( ECamControllerVideo == mode )
// Video settings in the toolbar
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoWhiteBalance );
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoExposure );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsColorToneFeatureSupported() )
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoColourFilter );
// The following settings are not supported in video mode toolbar
// However, the values may need to be reset, in case the setting was
// changed in image mode
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsBrightnessSupported() )
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoBrightness );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsContrastSupported() )
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoContrast );
if ( UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsVideoStabilizationSupported() )
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemVideoStab );
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemVideoDigitalZoom );
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoFlash );
RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( ECamSettingItemContinuousAutofocus );
else if(iInfo.iActiveCamera == ECamActiveCameraSecondary)
if ( ECamControllerImage == mode )
// Not needed
else if ( ECamControllerVideo == mode )
// Not needed
// Do nothing
if( iSettingProvider->PendingSettingChangeCount() > 0 &&
!iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iBusy )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::RestoreSettingsToCameraL - Issue settings change request") );
IssueSettingsChangeRequestL( );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::RestoreSettingsToCameraL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL
// Checks from camera controller, whether the value of the setting given
// as argument has same value in camera hw and settings model (UI).
// If value is not the same, add the setting id to settingsmodel's list
// of pending changes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( TCamSettingItemIds aSettingItem )
// Convert UI setting ID to camera controller setting ID
TCamCameraSettingId camSettingId =
CCamSettingConversion::Map2CameraControllerSettingId( aSettingItem );
if( !iCameraController->SettingValueUpToDateL( camSettingId ) )
PRINT1( _L("RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL - Restoring value for setting %s"), KCamSettingItemNames[aSettingItem] );
iSettingProvider->AddPendingSettingChangeL( aSettingItem );
if( aSettingItem == ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoFlash )
TCamCameraSettingId cameraId(
CCamSettingConversion::Map2CameraControllerSettingId( aSettingItem ) );
iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( cameraId );
PRINT1( _L("RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL - Setting %s has up-to-date value, no need to restore"), KCamSettingItemNames[aSettingItem] );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL
// Checks if the setting needs restoring (UI setting value doesn't match
// the actual setting value in camera). In that case, function
// directly set settting to camera
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::DirectRestoreSettingIfNecessaryL( TCamSettingItemIds aSettingItem )
TCamCameraSettingId cameraId(
CCamSettingConversion::Map2CameraControllerSettingId( aSettingItem ) );
if ( !iCameraController->SettingValueUpToDateL( cameraId ) )
PRINT1( _L("RestoreSettingIfNecessaryL - Restoring value for setting %s"), KCamSettingItemNames[aSettingItem] );
iCameraController->DirectSettingsChangeL( cameraId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RestartTimeLapseTimerL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::RestartTimeLapseTimerL()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::RestartTimeLapseTimerL inside this function" ))
if ( iTimeLapseTimer )
iTimeLapseTimer->SetTimeout( KSecondInMicSec );
iTimeLapseTimer = CCamTimer::NewL( KSecondInMicSec, TCallBack( CCamAppController::TimeLapseTimeoutL, this ) );
NotifyControllerObservers( ECamEventCounterUpdated );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::RestartTimeLapseTimerL starting timelapse timer" ));
// Following trace may be useful to see timing related handling in TimeLapse mode
// TDateTime stTime = iTimeLapseStartTime.DateTime();
// PRINT3( _L("Start time: %d:%d:%d"), stTime.Minute(), stTime.Second(), stTime.MicroSecond() );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::RestartTimeLapseTimerL" ))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetSettingsRestoreNeeded
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
iSettingsRestoreNeeded = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsSettingsRestoreNeeded
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::IsSettingsRestoreNeeded() const
return iSettingsRestoreNeeded;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StaticSettingsModel
// Gets the handle to the settings model, which is used inturn by the
// plugin to call the interfaces for performing needed actions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::IsSceneSupported( const TInt aSceneId, TBool aPhotoScene ) const
if ( aPhotoScene )
return static_cast<CCamSettingsModel*>(iSettingsModel)->IsImageSceneSupported( aSceneId );
return static_cast<CCamSettingsModel*>(iSettingsModel)->IsVideoSceneSupported( aSceneId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StaticSettingsModel
// Gets the handle to the settings model, which is used inturn by the
// plugin to call the interfaces for performing needed actions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
return static_cast<CCamSettingsModel*>(iSettingsModel)->StaticSettingsModel();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EngineRequestsPending
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::EngineRequestsPending() const
return IsFlagOn( iBusyFlags, EBusyRequest );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CalculateVideoTimeRemainingL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::CalculateVideoTimeRemainingL(const TCamMediaStorage aStorage)
RFs& fs = CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession();
TInt drive = 0;
if(aStorage == ECamMediaStorageCurrent)
const TDesC& filename = CurrentVideoFileName();
TParse fp;
User::LeaveIfError(fs.Parse(filename, fp));
TPtrC driveletter = fp.Drive();
TChar drl = driveletter[0];
User::LeaveIfError(fs.CharToDrive(drl, drive));
DriveInfo::TDefaultDrives driveInfo = static_cast<DriveInfo::TDefaultDrives>(KErrNotFound);
case ECamMediaStoragePhone:
driveInfo = DriveInfo::EDefaultPhoneMemory;
case ECamMediaStorageCard:
driveInfo = DriveInfo::EDefaultRemovableMassStorage;
case ECamMediaStorageMassStorage:
driveInfo = DriveInfo::EDefaultMassStorage;
User::LeaveIfError(DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( driveInfo, drive ));
// Get critical level for this drive type
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
fs.Drive(driveInfo, drive);
TInt criticalDiskVal = 0;
if( driveInfo.iType == EMediaRam ) //RAM drives have diff critical levels
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidDiskLevel );
repository->Get( KRamDiskCriticalLevel, criticalDiskVal ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
else // Some other media type
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidDiskLevel );
repository->Get( KDiskCriticalThreshold, criticalDiskVal ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
// Get the available space in volumeinfo.iFree
TVolumeInfo volumeinfo;
User::LeaveIfError(fs.Volume(volumeinfo, drive));
// Get the current video quality data
TInt videoQuality = iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue(
ECamSettingItemVideoQuality );
CCamVideoQualityLevel& level = *( iSettingsModel->
VideoQualityArray() )[videoQuality];
// Audio recording on/muted
TInt audioRec = iSettingsModel->IntegerSettingValue(
ECamSettingItemVideoAudioRec );
TBool audioMute = ECamSettOff == audioRec;
// Video file size limit (MMS case)
TInt videoLimit = 0;
if( ECamVideoClipShort == level.VideoLength() )
// Short video, needs to fit into MMS message
videoLimit = CamUtility::MaxMmsSizeInBytesL();
TCamVideoTime videoTime( volumeinfo.iFree, // Free space
criticalDiskVal, // Critical space
//level.VideoFileType(), // Video codec
level.VideoBitRate(), // Video bitrate
//level.AudioType(), // Audio FourCC
level.AudioBitRate(), // Audio bitrate
videoLimit, // File size limit
audioMute, // Mute audio?
iConfiguration->CMRAvgVideoBitRateScaler() );
return videoTime.GetRemainingTimeL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetRemainingImageStored
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
iValueIsStored = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsRemainingImageStored
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::IsRemainingImageStored() const
return iValueIsStored;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsSavingInProgress
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::IsSavingInProgress() const
return ( iImageSaveActive->Count() > 0 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CapturedImages
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::CapturedImages() const
return iCameraController->ControllerInfo().iCaptureCount;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetSettingsPlugin( CCamGSInterface* aPlugin )
iPlugin = aPlugin;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetViewfinderWindowHandle
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetViewfinderWindowHandle( RWindowBase* aWindow )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
iCameraController->SetViewfinderWindowHandle( aWindow );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ViewfinderWindowDeleted
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::ViewfinderWindowDeleted( RWindowBase* aWindow )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iCameraController, CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState ) );
iCameraController->ViewfinderWindowDeleted( aWindow );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::ExistMassStorage()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::ExistMassStorage() const
const TUint KMassStorageBits = DriveInfo::EDriveInternal |
TInt drive;
TInt err = DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultMassStorage, drive );
if ( err != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
TUint driveStatus(0);
err = DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(),
driveStatus );
TInt usbPersonality;
TInt ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidUsbWatcher,
if ( err != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
if ( (driveStatus & KMassStorageBits) == KMassStorageBits &&
!(driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveCorrupt) &&
((KErrNone == ret) && (KUsbPersonalityIdMS != usbPersonality) ) )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsMemoryAvailable()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::IsMemoryAvailable(const TCamMediaStorage aStorage, TBool aIgnoreUsbPersonality ) const
TInt currentStorage = aStorage;
if(aStorage == ECamMediaStorageCurrent)
TCamCameraMode mode = CurrentMode();
if((ECamControllerImage != mode) && (ECamControllerVideo != mode))
//This is needed for case where current mode is not yet set.
mode = TargetMode();
if(ECamControllerImage == mode)
currentStorage = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>(
ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage ) );
else if(ECamControllerVideo == mode)
currentStorage = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>(
ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage ) );
//No impl
TInt usbPersonality;
TInt ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidUsbWatcher,
if ( !aIgnoreUsbPersonality )
if ( ( currentStorage != ECamMediaStoragePhone ) && ( KErrNone == ret ) &&
( KUsbPersonalityIdMS == usbPersonality ) )
return EFalse;
DriveInfo::TDefaultDrives driveInfo = static_cast<DriveInfo::TDefaultDrives>(KErrNotFound);
case ECamMediaStoragePhone:
driveInfo = DriveInfo::EDefaultPhoneMemory;
case ECamMediaStorageCard:
driveInfo = DriveInfo::EDefaultRemovableMassStorage;
case ECamMediaStorageMassStorage:
driveInfo = DriveInfo::EDefaultMassStorage;
TInt drive;
TInt err = DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( driveInfo, drive );
return EFalse;
TUint driveStatus(0);
err = DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(),
driveStatus );
return EFalse;
return ( (driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDrivePresent) &&
!(driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveCorrupt) &&
(driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveUserVisible) &&
!(driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveInUse) &&
!(driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveReadOnly) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsDemandKeyRelease()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsDemandKeyRelease()
return iDemandKeyRelease;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetDemandKeyRelease()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetDemandKeyRelease( TBool aDemand )
iDemandKeyRelease = aDemand;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsKeyLockOn()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsKeyLockOn()
if ( iKeyLockStatusWatcher && iConfigManager && iConfigManager->IsKeyLockWatcherSupported() )
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
TInt iKeyLockStatus = 0;
iKeyLockStatusWatcher->Get( iKeyLockStatus );
if ( iKeyLockStatus == EKeyguardLocked && appUi )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DriveChangeL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::DriveChangeL( const TCamDriveChangeType aType )
PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DriveChangeL aType: %d" ), aType );
TCamCameraMode mode = CurrentMode();
TCamMediaStorage currentStorage;
// Photos and videos are saved onto the same media, so no need to
// differentiate between still/video
currentStorage = static_cast<TCamMediaStorage>(
IntegerSettingValueUnfiltered( ECamSettingItemPhotoMediaStorage ) );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> iPreferredStorageLocation is now %d"),
iPreferredStorageLocation );
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> Update iPreferredStorageLocation to %d"),
currentStorage );
iPreferredStorageLocation = currentStorage;
if ( ECamMediaStoragePhone == iPreferredStorageLocation )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phone memory is the preferred storage location. Nothing to be done here. Return KErrNone.") )
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DriveChangeL" ) );
return KErrNone;
if ( ( !IsMemoryAvailable( ECamMediaStorageCard, EFalse ) ||
!IsMemoryAvailable( ECamMediaStorageMassStorage, EFalse ) ) ||
!IsMemoryAvailable( iPreferredStorageLocation, ETrue ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> USB personality is 'Mass storage' or iPreferredStorageLocation (MMC or mass memory) is unavailable") )
// Stop if recording a video to mass memory or MMC
if ( CurrentVideoOperation() == ECamCapturing ||
CurrentVideoOperation() == ECamPaused )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Video capture in progress...") )
if ( !IsMemoryAvailable( iInitialVideoStorageLocation ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> ...Stop video recording.") )
iCaptureStoppedForUsb = ETrue;
PRINT( _L("Camera <> ...Phone memory in use. No need to stop.") )
// Cancel if pending recording
else if( iVideoRequested )
iVideoRequested = EFalse;
if ( SequenceCaptureInProgress() )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Sequence capture in progress. -> Stop and skip postcapture.") )
iCaptureStoppedForUsb = ETrue;
SoftStopBurstL( ETrue );
// If in the middle of init sequence or saving a file, set the dismount
// pending so that the AllowDismount call will be made later
if( IsFlagOn( iBusyFlags, EBusySequence ) || iSaving )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAppController::DriveChangeL sequence or saving ongoing" ) );
iDismountPending = ETrue;
// Mass memory may be the forced storage location. Then it's necessary
// to switch to (forced) phone memory
ForceUsePhoneMemoryL( ETrue );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DriveChangeL dismount pending" ) );
return KErrNotReady;
// Mass memory may be the forced storage location. Then it's necessary
// to switch to (forced) phone memory
ForceUsePhoneMemoryL( ETrue );
// Make sure toolbar is visible
CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>(
CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
CAknToolbar* fixedToolbar = appUi->CurrentFixedToolbar();
if ( fixedToolbar && ECamNoOperation == CurrentOperation() )
fixedToolbar->SetToolbarVisibility( ETrue );
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DriveChangeL dismount ok" ) );
return KErrNone;
else if ( IsMemoryAvailable( iPreferredStorageLocation, ETrue ) &&
( ECamMediaStorageCard == iPreferredStorageLocation ||
ECamMediaStorageMassStorage == iPreferredStorageLocation ) )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> iPreferredStorageLocation (MMC or mass memory) is now available.") )
// if phone memory forced, then revert back to user selected location
if ( iForceUseOfPhoneMemory )
PRINT( _L("Camera <> Phone memory is forced, switch back to user selected storage location.") )
ForceUsePhoneMemoryL( EFalse );
PRINT( _L("Camera <> !IsPhoneMemoryForced() -> No action.") )
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DriveChangeL" ) );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentStorage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCamMediaStorage CCamAppController::CurrentStorage()
return iCurrentStorage;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsAfNeeded
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsAfNeeded()
return iAfNeeded;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetAfNeeded
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetAfNeeded( TBool aAfNeeded )
iAfNeeded = aAfNeeded;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsCaptureStoppedForUsb
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsCaptureStoppedForUsb()
return iCaptureStoppedForUsb;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetCaptureStoppedForUsb
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetCaptureStoppedForUsb( TBool aCaptureStoppedForUsb )
iCaptureStoppedForUsb = aCaptureStoppedForUsb;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CancelDismountMonitoring
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CancelDismountMonitoring()
if( iDriveChangeNotifier )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StartDismountMonitoring
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StartDismountMonitoring()
if( iDriveChangeNotifier )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DeepSleepTimeout
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::DeepSleepTimeout( TAny* aPtr )
static_cast<CCamAppController*>( aPtr )->DoDeepSleepTimeout();
return EFalse; // dummy
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DoDeepSleepTimeout
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::DoDeepSleepTimeout()
PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAppController::DoDeepSleepTimeout") );
iDeepSleepTimerExpired = ETrue;
PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAppController::DoDeepSleepTimeout") );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DeepSleepTimerStart
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::DeepSleepTimerStart()
PRINT( _L("Camera : DeepSleepTimerStart") );
iDeepSleepTimerExpired = EFalse;
if ( iDeepSleepTimer && !iDeepSleepTimer->IsActive() )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::DeepSleepTimerCancel
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::DeepSleepTimerCancel()
PRINT( _L("Camera : DeepSleepTimerCancel") );
if ( iDeepSleepTimer )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::AllSnapshotsReceived
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::AllSnapshotsReceived()
PRINT1( _L("Camera <> AllSnapshotsReceived %d"), iAllSnapshotsReceived );
return iAllSnapshotsReceived;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::PendingAFRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::PendingAFRequest()
return iPendingAFRequest;
// CCamAppController::IsTouchScreenSupported
// Return whether the device supports touch screen
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsTouchScreenSupported()
return AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::IsTouchScreenSupported
// Return whether the device supports direct screen viewfinder
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::IsDirectScreenVFSupported( TBool aPrimaryCamera )
// test for integration
return iConfigManager->IsDSAViewFinderSupported( aPrimaryCamera );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::UiConfigManagerPtr
// handle to CameraUiConfigManager
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCameraUiConfigManager* CCamAppController::UiConfigManagerPtr()
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iConfigManager, CamPanic(ECamPanicNullPointer));
return iConfigManager;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetCameraOrientationModeL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetCameraOrientationModeL( TInt aOrientation )
iCameraController->SetOrientationModeL( aOrientation );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CompleteCameraConstruction
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::CompleteCameraConstructionL()
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::CompleteCameraConstructionL" ) );
// start reserve and poweron already here
IssueModeChangeSequenceL( ETrue );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::CompleteCameraConstructionL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::CurrentImageIndex
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamAppController::CurrentImageIndex()
return iCurrentImageIndex;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCamAppController::GenerateStartupSequenceL( RCamRequestArray& aSequence )
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::GenerateStartupSequenceL" ) );
//Have to empty autofocusrequest values here because modechange could override
//currently processed autofocus request.
iNoBurstCancel = EFalse;
iKeyUP = EFalse;
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestReserve );
aSequence.Append( ECamRequestPowerOn );
// -------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
PRINT( _L( "Camera <> Generated sequence: " ) );
for( TInt i = 0; i < aSequence.Count(); i++ )
PRINT2( _L( "Camera <> %d) %s" ), i, KCamRequestNames[aSequence[i]] );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::GenerateStartupSequenceL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RotateSnapshotL
// Copy and rotate snapshot bitmap before it is used to
// create a thumbnail
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::RotateSnapshotL()
PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::RotateSnapshotL" ) );
// empty the array
if( iRotationArray->Count() > 0 )
// copy snapshot to preserve the original snapshot bitmap
// first get the handle for the original snapshot bitmap
CFbsBitmap* snapshot = new (ELeave)CFbsBitmap();
CleanupStack::PushL( snapshot );
snapshot->Duplicate( BurstCaptureArray()->Snapshot( iCurrentImageIndex )->Handle() );
//create a new bitmap with the same dimensions as the original snapshot
iRotatedSnapshot = new (ELeave)CFbsBitmap();
iRotatedSnapshot->Create( snapshot->SizeInPixels(), snapshot->DisplayMode() );
TRect tmpRect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), snapshot->SizeInPixels() );
TInt tmpLen = tmpRect.Width() * tmpRect.Height() * 4;
//copy the snapshot data
Mem::Copy( iRotatedSnapshot->DataAddress(), snapshot->DataAddress(), tmpLen );
// copy the filename
iRotationArray->SetNextNameL( BurstCaptureArray()->FileName( iCurrentImageIndex ), BurstCaptureArray()->ImageName( iCurrentImageIndex ));
// rotate the copied snapshot
if ( !iRotatorAo )
iRotatorAo = CCamSyncRotatorAo::NewL( *this );
iRotatorAo->RotateL( iRotatedSnapshot, MapCamOrientation2RotationAngle( iCaptureOrientation ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( snapshot );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::RotateSnapshotL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::RotationCompleteL
// Notification of bitmap rotation complete events
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::RotationCompleteL( TInt aErr )
PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamAppController::RotationCompleteL aErr:%d" ), aErr );
// rotation completed, use the rotated bitmap to create a thumbnail
// in case of error, don't use the snapshot, thumbnail is created from
// the imagefile instead
if ( !aErr )
iRotationArray->ReplaceSnapshot( iRotatedSnapshot, 0 );
TRAP_IGNORE( iImageSaveActive->CreateThumbnailsL( *iRotationArray ) );
PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamAppController::RotationCompleteL" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::StoreFaceTrackingValue
// Calls CamSettingModel to save user defined FT setting
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StoreFaceTrackingValue()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::SetVideoInitNeeded
// Sets the value defining the need for CAE video init and prepare
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::SetVideoInitNeeded( TBool aVideoInitNeeded )
iVideoInitNeeded = aVideoInitNeeded;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamAppController::VideoInitNeeded
// Returns the value defining the need for CAE video init and prepare
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCamAppController::VideoInitNeeded()
return iVideoInitNeeded;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StoreUserSceneSettingsL
// Stores the UserScene settings
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamAppController::StoreUserSceneSettingsL()
// End of File