changeset 64 3533d4323edc
equal deleted inserted replaced
63:d189ee25cf9d 64:3533d4323edc
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  CLS lists class implementation
    15  *
    16 */
    18 #include "emailtrace.h"
    19 #include "cesmrclslistshandler.h"
    21 #include <eikenv.h>                                 // CEikonEnv
    22 #include <centralrepository.h>                      // CRepository
    23 #include <AknFepInternalCRKeys.h>                   // KCRUidAknFep
    24 #include <CPbkContactEngine.h>                      // CPbkContactEngine
    25 #include <CPbkContactItem.h>                        // CPbkContactItem, TPbkContactItemField
    26 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>                        // CAknErrorNote
    27 //<cmail>
    28 #include "cfsmailbox.h"                             // cfsmailbox
    29 //</cmail>
    30 #include <CPsRequestHandler.h>
    31 #include <CPsSettings.h>
    32 #include <CPcsDefs.h>
    33 #include <VPbkEng.rsg>
    34 #include <e32const.h>                               // TLanguage
    36 #include <CVPbkContactManager.h>
    38 #include "mesmrclslistsobserver.h"
    39 #include "cesmrclsmatchobserver.h"
    40 #include "cesmrinputmodeobserver.h"
    41 #include "esmrfieldbuilderdef.h"
    43 // CONSTANTS
    45 // Unnamed namespace for local definitionsm functions and templates
    46 namespace{ // codescanner::namespace
    48 const TInt KMaxMRUMatches = 50;
    49 const TInt KNumDisplayFields = 6;
    50 const TInt KMaxUriLen = 50;
    52 template<typename T> class CleanupResetAndDestroyClose
    53     {
    54     public:
    55         inline static void PushL( T& aRef );
    56     private:
    57         static void Close( TAny *aPtr );
    58     };
    60 template<typename T> inline void CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( T& aRef );
    62 template<typename T> inline void CleanupResetAndDestroyClose<T>::PushL( T& aRef )
    63     {
    64     CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( &Close, &aRef ) );
    65     }
    67 template<typename T> void CleanupResetAndDestroyClose<T>::Close( TAny *aPtr )
    68     {
    69     static_cast<T*>(aPtr)->ResetAndDestroy();
    70     static_cast<T*>(aPtr)->Close();
    71     }
    73 template<typename T> inline void CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( T& aRef )
    74     {
    75     CleanupResetAndDestroyClose<T>::PushL( aRef );
    76     }
    78 }//namespace
    80 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    82 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 // CESMRClsListsHandler::NewL
    84 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 CESMRClsListsHandler* CESMRClsListsHandler::NewL( RFs& aFs, CVPbkContactManager* aContactManager )
    87     {
    88     FUNC_LOG;
    89     CESMRClsListsHandler* object =  CESMRClsListsHandler::NewLC( aFs, aContactManager );
    90     CleanupStack::Pop( object );
    91     return object;
    92     }
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // CESMRClsListsHandler::NewLC
    96 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 CESMRClsListsHandler* CESMRClsListsHandler::NewLC( RFs& aFs, CVPbkContactManager* aContactManager )
    98     {
    99     FUNC_LOG;
   100     CESMRClsListsHandler* object = new (ELeave) CESMRClsListsHandler( aFs, aContactManager );
   101     CleanupStack::PushL( object );
   102     object->ConstructL();
   103     return object;
   104     }
   106 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 // CESMRClsListsHandler::~CESMRClsListsHandler
   108 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 CESMRClsListsHandler::~CESMRClsListsHandler( )
   110     {
   111     FUNC_LOG;
   112     delete iSearchedText;
   113     delete iPcsMatchObserver;
   115     iMatchingCompleteContacts.Reset();
   116     iMatchingMRUContacts.Reset();
   117     iMatchingMissingEmailContacts.Reset();
   119     iMatchingCompleteContacts.Close();
   120     iMatchingMRUContacts.Close();
   121     iMatchingMissingEmailContacts.Close();
   123     delete iAllMRUContacts;
   124     delete iInputObserver;
   125     delete iAknFepCenRep;
   126     delete iRequestHandler;
   127     }
   129 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 // CESMRClsListsHandler::UpdateContactMatchListsL
   131 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 void CESMRClsListsHandler::UpdateContactMatchListsL( const RPointerArray<CESMRClsItem>& aMatches )
   133     {
   134     FUNC_LOG;
   135     for( TInt i = 0 ; i < aMatches.Count() ; ++i )
   136         {
   137         if( aMatches[i]->IsMruItem() )
   138             {
   139             // If this is MRU item, we need to check that it doesn't
   140             // already exist in iMatchingCompleteContacts
   141             TInt itemIndex = FindDuplicate( *aMatches[i], iMatchingCompleteContacts );
   142             if( itemIndex != KErrNotFound )
   143                 {
   144                 // Found, no need to add this, free memory
   145                 }
   146             else
   147                 {
   148                 // Not found, add new to MRU list
   149                 iMatchingMRUContacts.AppendL( aMatches[i] );
   150                 }
   151             }
   152         else if( aMatches[i]->EmailAddress().Length() > 0 )
   153             {
   154             // If this is Phonebook item, we need to check that it doesn't
   155             // already exist in iMatchingMRUContacts
   156             TInt itemIndex = FindDuplicate( *aMatches[i], iMatchingMRUContacts );
   157             if( itemIndex != KErrNotFound )
   158                 {
   159                 // Found, this needs to be removed from the MRU list
   160                 iMatchingMRUContacts.Remove( itemIndex );
   161                 }
   163             // Phonebook items are always added to the top of the list
   164             iMatchingCompleteContacts.AppendL( aMatches[i] );
   165             }
   166         else
   167             {
   168             // No email, nothing to compare, so add this always to the end of the list
   169             iMatchingMissingEmailContacts.AppendL( aMatches[i] );
   170             }
   171         }
   173     RPointerArray<CESMRClsItem> allMatches = ConstructOneListL( iMatchingCompleteContacts,
   174                                                                       iMatchingMRUContacts,
   175                                                                       iMatchingMissingEmailContacts );
   176     if(iClsListObserver)
   177         {
   178         iClsListObserver->ArrayUpdatedL( allMatches );
   179         }
   181     allMatches.ResetAndDestroy();
   182     }
   184 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 // CESMRClsListsHandler::InputModeChangedL
   186 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 void CESMRClsListsHandler::InputModeChangedL( TKeyboardModes aNewInputMode )
   188     {
   189     FUNC_LOG;
   190     iPcsMatchObserver->SetInputMode( aNewInputMode );
   191     }
   193 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 // CESMRClsListsHandler::CurrentSearchText
   195 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 const TDesC& CESMRClsListsHandler::CurrentSearchText( )
   197     {
   198     FUNC_LOG;
   199     return *iSearchedText;
   200     }
   202 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 // CESMRClsListsHandler::SearchMatchesL
   204 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 void CESMRClsListsHandler::SearchMatchesL( const TDesC& aText )
   206     {
   207     FUNC_LOG;
   208     iMatchingCompleteContacts.Reset();
   209     iMatchingMRUContacts.Reset();
   210     iMatchingMissingEmailContacts.Reset();
   212     delete iSearchedText;
   213     iSearchedText = NULL;
   214     iSearchedText = aText.AllocL();
   216     iPcsMatchObserver->SearchMatchesL( aText );
   217     }
   219 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   220 // CESMRClsListsHandler::CESMRClsListsHandler
   221 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   222 CESMRClsListsHandler::CESMRClsListsHandler( RFs& aFs, CVPbkContactManager* aContactManager ) :
   223     iContactManager( aContactManager ),
   224     iFs( aFs )
   225     {
   226     FUNC_LOG;
   227     // do nothing
   228     }
   230 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   231 // CESMRClsListsHandler::ConstructL
   232 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 void CESMRClsListsHandler::ConstructL( )
   234     {
   235     FUNC_LOG;
   236     iRequestHandler = CPSRequestHandler::NewL();
   238     iAknFepCenRep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidAknFep );
   240     iPcsMatchObserver = CESMRClsMatchObserver::NewL( *iAknFepCenRep, *this, *iRequestHandler, iContactManager );
   241     SetSearchSettingsForPcsMatchObserverL();
   243     // Monitors inputMode changes (predictive vs. non-predictive
   244     iInputObserver = CESMRInputModeObserver::NewL( *iAknFepCenRep, *this );
   246     if( !iSearchedText )
   247         iSearchedText = KNullDesC().AllocL();
   248     }
   250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   251 // CESMRClsListsHandler::ReadCLSInfoFromMRUListIndexL
   252 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   253 TBool CESMRClsListsHandler::ReadCLSInfoFromMRUListIndexL(
   254         MDesCArray& aTextArray, CESMRClsItem& aClsItem,
   255         const TInt aCurrentMatchIndex, const TInt aPreviousMatchIndex )
   256     {
   257     FUNC_LOG;
   258     TBool retVal = EFalse;
   259     // This should be even number
   260     TInt currentRealItemIndex = aCurrentMatchIndex - ( aCurrentMatchIndex % 2 );
   261     // Here we need to check if match is found both from the display name and email address
   262     if( currentRealItemIndex != aPreviousMatchIndex )
   263         {
   264         aClsItem.SetDisplayNameL( aTextArray.MdcaPoint( currentRealItemIndex )  );
   265         aClsItem.SetEmailAddressL( aTextArray.MdcaPoint( currentRealItemIndex + 1 )  );
   266         retVal = ETrue;
   267         }
   268     return retVal;
   269     }
   271 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 // CESMRClsListsHandler::FindDuplicate
   273 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   274 TInt CESMRClsListsHandler::FindDuplicate( const CESMRClsItem& aClsItem,
   275           RPointerArray<CESMRClsItem>& aContacts )
   276     {
   277     FUNC_LOG;
   278     // find duplicate email addresses from aContacts
   279     const TDesC& emailAddress = aClsItem.EmailAddress();
   281     for( TInt i = 0; i < aContacts.Count(); ++i )
   282         {
   283         const TDesC& currentItemEmailAddress = aContacts[i]->EmailAddress();
   285         if( emailAddress.CompareF( currentItemEmailAddress ) == 0 )
   286             {
   287             return i;
   288             }
   289         }
   291     return KErrNotFound;
   292     }
   294 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CESMRClsListsHandler::ConstructOneListL
   296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 RPointerArray<CESMRClsItem> CESMRClsListsHandler::ConstructOneListL(
   298         const RPointerArray<CESMRClsItem>& aContactMatchesWithEmail,
   299         const RPointerArray<CESMRClsItem>& aMRUMatches,
   300         const RPointerArray<CESMRClsItem>& aContactMatchesWithoutEmail )
   301     {
   302     RPointerArray<CESMRClsItem> allMatches;
   303     CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( allMatches );
   305     // Copy all the objects from three other lists to the all matches list
   306     TInt matchingComleteItemsCount = aContactMatchesWithEmail.Count();
   307     for( TInt i = 0 ; i <  matchingComleteItemsCount; i++ )
   308         {
   309         CESMRClsItem* newClsItem = CopyClsItemLC( *aContactMatchesWithEmail[i] );
   310         allMatches.AppendL( newClsItem );
   311         CleanupStack::Pop( newClsItem );
   312         }
   314     // max MRU matches count limited to 50
   315     TInt matchingMRUItemsCount = aMRUMatches.Count();
   316     for( TInt i = 0; i < matchingMRUItemsCount && i < KMaxMRUMatches; i++ )
   317         {
   318         CESMRClsItem* newClsItem = CopyClsItemLC( *aMRUMatches[i] );
   319         allMatches.AppendL( newClsItem );
   320         CleanupStack::Pop( newClsItem );
   321         }
   323     TInt mathingContactItemsWithoutEmailCount = aContactMatchesWithoutEmail.Count();
   324     for( TInt i = 0 ; i < mathingContactItemsWithoutEmailCount ; i++ )
   325         {
   326         CESMRClsItem* newClsItem = CopyClsItemLC( *aContactMatchesWithoutEmail[i] );
   327         allMatches.AppendL( newClsItem );
   328         CleanupStack::Pop( newClsItem );
   329         }
   331     CleanupStack::Pop( &allMatches );
   332     return allMatches;
   333     }
   335 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   336 // CESMRClsListsHandler::CopyClsItemL
   337 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   338 CESMRClsItem* CESMRClsListsHandler::CopyClsItemLC( const CESMRClsItem& aClsItem )
   339     {
   340     FUNC_LOG;
   341     return aClsItem.CloneLC();
   342     }
   344 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 // CESMRClsListsHandler::SetSearchSettingsForPcsMatchObserverL()
   346 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 void CESMRClsListsHandler::SetSearchSettingsForPcsMatchObserverL()
   348     {
   349     FUNC_LOG;
   350     // Create predictive search settings
   351     CPsSettings* searchSettings = CPsSettings::NewL();
   352     CleanupStack::PushL(searchSettings);
   354     RPointerArray<TDesC> databases;
   355     CleanupClosePushL(databases);
   357     HBufC* store1 = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxUriLen);
   358     store1->Des().Copy( KVPbkDefaultCntDbURI ); // To specify phone contacts store
   359     databases.AppendL(store1);
   360     HBufC* store2 = NULL;
   361     if ( iMailBox ) 
   362         {
   363         store2 = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxUriLen);
   364         GetMruDatastoreUriFromMailbox( *iMailBox, *store2 );
   365         databases.AppendL( store2 );
   366         }
   367     searchSettings->SetSearchUrisL(databases);
   369     // Set displayfields (first name, last name, email addresses)
   370     RArray<TInt> displayFields(KNumDisplayFields);
   371     CleanupClosePushL(displayFields);
   372     displayFields.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_FIRSTNAME);
   373     displayFields.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_LASTNAME);
   374     displayFields.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_EMAILGEN);
   375     displayFields.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_EMAILHOME);
   376     displayFields.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_EMAILWORK);
   377     searchSettings->SetDisplayFieldsL(displayFields);
   378     CleanupStack::Pop(&displayFields);
   379     displayFields.Close();
   381     // Set the new sort order of data fields
   382     RArray<TInt> sortOrder;
   383     CleanupClosePushL(sortOrder);
   384     sortOrder.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_FIRSTNAME);
   385     sortOrder.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_LASTNAME);
   386     sortOrder.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_EMAILGEN);
   387     sortOrder.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_EMAILHOME);
   388     sortOrder.AppendL(R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_EMAILWORK);
   389     iRequestHandler->ChangeSortOrderL(*store1, sortOrder);
   390     if ( store2 )
   391         {
   392         iRequestHandler->ChangeSortOrderL(*store2, sortOrder);
   393         }
   395     CleanupStack::Pop(&sortOrder);
   396     sortOrder.Close();
   398     // Set the new search settings
   399     iRequestHandler->SetSearchSettingsL(*searchSettings);
   401     if ( store2 )
   402         {
   403         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store2);
   404         }
   405     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store1);
   406     CleanupStack::Pop(&databases);
   407     databases.Close();
   408     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(searchSettings);
   409     }
   411 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   412 // CESMRClsListsHandler::isLanguageSupportedL()
   413 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   414 TBool CESMRClsListsHandler::IsLanguageSupportedL()
   415     {
   416     FUNC_LOG;
   417     // Get the current language
   418     TLanguage lang = User::Language();
   420     // Check for language support
   421     return iRequestHandler->IsLanguageSupportedL(lang);
   422     }
   423 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   424 // CESMRClsListsHandler::GetMruDatastoreUriFromMailbox()
   425 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   426 void CESMRClsListsHandler::GetMruDatastoreUriFromMailbox( CFSMailBox& aMailbox, HBufC& aUri )
   427     {
   428     FUNC_LOG;
   429     aUri.Des().Copy( KDefaultMailBoxURI );
   430     aUri.Des().AppendNum( aMailbox.GetId().PluginId().iUid );
   431     aUri.Des().Append( KDefaultMailBoxURISeparator );
   432     aUri.Des().AppendNum( aMailbox.GetId().Id() );
   433     }
   434 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   435 // CESMRClsListsHandler::SetObserver()
   436 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   437 void CESMRClsListsHandler::SetObserver( MESMRClsListsObserver* aClsListObserver )
   438     {
   439     FUNC_LOG;
   440     iClsListObserver = aClsListObserver;
   441     }
   442 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   443 // CESMRClsListsHandler::SetCurrentMailboxL()
   444 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   445 void CESMRClsListsHandler::SetCurrentMailboxL( CFSMailBox* aMailBox )
   446     {
   447     FUNC_LOG;
   448     TFSMailMsgId currentMailboxId;
   449     TFSMailMsgId newMailboxId;
   451     if( iMailBox )
   452         {
   453         currentMailboxId = iMailBox->GetId();
   454         }
   455     if( aMailBox )
   456         {
   457         newMailboxId = aMailBox->GetId();
   458         }
   460     if( currentMailboxId != newMailboxId )
   461         {
   462         iMailBox = aMailBox;
   463         SetSearchSettingsForPcsMatchObserverL();
   464         }
   465     }
   466 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 // CESMRClsListsHandler::OperationErrorL()
   468 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   469 void CESMRClsListsHandler::OperationErrorL( TInt aErrorCode )
   470     {
   471     FUNC_LOG;
   472     if ( iClsListObserver  )
   473         {
   474         iClsListObserver->OperationErrorL( aErrorCode );
   475         }
   476     }