changeset 18 578830873419
child 20 ecc8def7944a
equal deleted inserted replaced
4:e7aa27f58ae1 18:578830873419
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Message editor view
    15 *
    16 */
    17 #include "nmuiheaders.h"
    19 // Layout file and view
    20 static const char *NMUI_EDITOR_VIEW_XML = ":/docml/nmeditorview.docml";
    21 static const char *NMUI_EDITOR_VIEW= "editorview";
    22 static const char *NMUI_EDITOR_SCROLL_AREA = "scrollArea";
    23 static const char *NMUI_EDITOR_SCROLL_AREA_CONTENTS = "scrollAreaContents";
    25 static const int nmOrientationTimer=100;
    27 static const QString Delimiter("; ");
    28 #define IMAGE_FETCHER_INTERFACE "Image"
    29 #define FETCHER_OPERATION "fetch(QVariantMap,QVariant)"
    31 /*!
    32 	\class NmEditorView
    33 	\brief Mail editor view
    34 */
    36 /*!
    37     Constructor
    38 */
    39 NmEditorView::NmEditorView(
    40     NmApplication &application,
    41     NmUiStartParam* startParam,
    42     NmUiEngine &uiEngine,
    43     QGraphicsItem *parent)
    44 : NmBaseView(startParam, parent),
    45 mApplication(application),
    46 mUiEngine(uiEngine),
    47 mDocumentLoader(NULL),
    48 mScrollArea(NULL),
    49 mEditWidget(NULL),
    50 mHeaderWidget(NULL),
    51 mMessage(NULL),
    52 mContentWidget(NULL),
    53 mAttachContextMenu(NULL),
    54 mMessageCreationOperation(NULL),
    55 mAddAttachmentOperation(NULL),
    56 mRemoveAttachmentOperation(NULL),
    57 mCheckOutboxOperation(NULL)
    58 {
    59     mDocumentLoader	= new HbDocumentLoader();
    60     // Set object name
    61     setObjectName("NmEditorView");
    62     // Load view layout
    63     loadViewLayout();
    64     // Set mailbox name to title pane
    65     setMailboxName();
    66     // Set message data
    67     setMessageData();
    68 }
    70 /*!
    71     Destructor
    72 */
    73 NmEditorView::~NmEditorView()
    74 {
    75     delete mMessageCreationOperation;
    76     delete mCheckOutboxOperation;
    78     delete mMessage;
    80     mWidgetList.clear();
    81     delete mDocumentLoader;
    83     delete mContentWidget;
    85     delete mPrioritySubMenu;
    86     delete mAttachContextMenu;
    87 }
    89 /*!
    90     View layout loading from XML
    91 */
    92 void NmEditorView::loadViewLayout()
    93 {
    94     mPrioritySubMenu = NULL;
    96     // Use document loader to load the view
    97     bool ok = false;
    98     mWidgetList = mDocumentLoader->load(NMUI_EDITOR_VIEW_XML, &ok);
   100     if (ok == true && mWidgetList.count()) {
   101         // Set view
   102         QGraphicsWidget *view = mDocumentLoader->findWidget(NMUI_EDITOR_VIEW);
   103         if (view){
   104             setWidget(view);
   105         }
   107         mScrollArea = qobject_cast<NmBaseViewScrollArea *>
   108             (mDocumentLoader->findObject(NMUI_EDITOR_SCROLL_AREA));
   109         mScrollAreaContents = qobject_cast<HbWidget *>
   110              (mDocumentLoader->findObject(NMUI_EDITOR_SCROLL_AREA_CONTENTS));
   112         mContentWidget = new NmEditorContent(mScrollArea, this, mDocumentLoader);
   113         mEditWidget = mContentWidget->editor();
   114         mHeaderWidget = mContentWidget->header();
   116         // Set default color for user - entered text if editor is in re/reAll/fw mode
   117         NmUiEditorStartMode mode = mStartParam->editorStartMode();
   118         if (mode == NmUiEditorReply || mode == NmUiEditorReplyAll || mode == NmUiEditorForward) {
   119         mEditWidget->setCustomTextColor(true, Qt::blue);
   120         }
   121     }
   123     // Connect signals from background scroll area
   124     connect(mScrollArea, SIGNAL(handleMousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)),
   125             this, SLOT(sendMousePressEventToScroll(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)));
   126     connect(mScrollArea, SIGNAL(handleMouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)),
   127             this, SLOT(sendMouseReleaseEventToScroll(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)));
   128     connect(mScrollArea, SIGNAL(handleMouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)),
   129             this, SLOT(sendMouseMoveEventToScroll(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)));
   131     connect(mScrollArea, SIGNAL(handleLongPressGesture(const QPointF &)),
   132                 this, SLOT(sendLongPressGesture(const QPointF &)));
   134     // Connect options menu about to show to create options menu function
   135     // Menu needs to be create "just-in-time"
   136     connect(menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(createOptionsMenu()));
   137     NmAction *dummy = new NmAction(0);
   138     menu()->addAction(dummy);
   140     initializeVKB();
   141     connect(mContentWidget->header(), SIGNAL(recipientFieldsHaveContent(bool)),
   142             this, SLOT(setButtonsDimming(bool)) );
   144     // call the createToolBar on load view layout
   145     createToolBar();
   147     // Set dimensions
   148     adjustViewDimensions();
   150     // Connect to observe orientation change events
   151     connect(mApplication.mainWindow(), SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
   152             this, SLOT(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)));
   153     // Signal for handling the attachment list selection
   154     connect(mHeaderWidget, SIGNAL(attachmentRemoved(const NmId)),
   155             this, SLOT(removeAttachment(const NmId)));
   156 }
   158 /*!
   159     Reload view contents with new start parameters
   160     Typically when view is already open and external view activation occurs
   161     for this same view
   162 */
   163 void NmEditorView::reloadViewContents(NmUiStartParam* startParam)
   164 {
   165     // Check start parameter validity.
   166     if (startParam&&startParam->viewId()==NmUiViewMessageEditor) {
   167         // Delete existing start parameter data
   168         delete mStartParam;
   169         mStartParam=NULL;
   170         // Store new start parameter data
   171         mStartParam=startParam;
   172         // Store existing edited message to drafts and reload
   173         // editor with new start parameters.
   174         // ..
   175         // Reload editor with new message data
   176         setMessageData();
   177     }
   178     else {
   179         NMLOG("nmailui: Invalid editor start parameter");
   180         // Unused start parameter needs to be deleted
   181         delete startParam;
   182         startParam = NULL;
   183     }
   184 }
   186 /*!
   187    Screen orientation changed. Editor view needs to be scaled when
   188    landscape <-> portrait switch occurs because text needs to
   189    be wrapped again.
   190 */
   191 void NmEditorView::orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation)
   192 {
   193     Q_UNUSED(orientation);
   194     // Adjust content height
   195     QTimer::singleShot(nmOrientationTimer, this, SLOT(adjustViewDimensions()));
   196 }
   198 /*!
   199     Set new dimensions after orientation change.
   200 */
   201 void NmEditorView::adjustViewDimensions()
   202 {
   203     if (mScrollAreaContents) {
   204         const QSize reso = mApplication.screenSize();
   205         mScrollAreaContents->setMinimumWidth(reso.width());
   206         mScrollAreaContents->setMaximumWidth(reso.width());
   207     }
   208 }
   210 /*!
   211     View id
   212 */
   213 NmUiViewId NmEditorView::nmailViewId() const
   214 {
   215     return NmUiViewMessageEditor;
   216 }
   218 /*!
   219     ScrollArea contents
   220 */
   221 HbWidget* NmEditorView::scrollAreaContents()
   222 {
   223     return mScrollAreaContents;
   224 }
   226 /*
   227    Query user if we want to exit the editor
   228  */
   229 bool NmEditorView::okToExitView()
   230 {
   231     bool okToExit = true;
   233     // show the query if the message has not been sent
   234     if (mMessage && mContentWidget->header()) {
   235         // see if editor has any content
   236         NmEditorHeader *header = mContentWidget->header();
   238         int toTextLength = 0;
   239         if (header->toField()) {
   240             toTextLength = header->toField()->text().length();
   241         }
   243         int ccTextLength = 0;
   244         if (header->ccField()) {
   245             ccTextLength = header->ccField()->text().length();
   246         }
   248         int bccTextLength = 0;
   249         if (header->bccField()) {
   250             bccTextLength = header->bccField()->text().length();
   251         }
   253         int subjectLength = 0;
   254         if (header->subjectField()) {
   255             subjectLength = header->subjectField()->text().length();
   256         }
   258         okToExit = (toTextLength == 0 && ccTextLength == 0 && bccTextLength == 0 && 
   259             subjectLength == 0 && mContentWidget->editor()->document()->isEmpty());
   261         // content exists, verify exit from user
   262         if (!okToExit) {
   263             HbMessageBox *messageBox = new HbMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion);
   264             messageBox->setText(hbTrId("txt_mail_dialog_delete_message"));
   265             messageBox->setTimeout(HbMessageBox::NoTimeout);
   267             // Read user selection
   268             HbAction *action = messageBox->exec(); 
   269             okToExit = (action == messageBox->primaryAction());
   270         }
   271     }
   273     return okToExit;
   274 }
   276 /*!
   277     About to exit view. Application calls this function when user has
   278     pressed back key and editor needs to delete the draft message. This is
   279     called when "auto-exiting" after a successful mail sending.
   280 */
   281 void NmEditorView::aboutToExitView()
   282 {
   283     // These operations need to be stopped before message can be deleted
   284     delete mAddAttachmentOperation;
   285     delete mRemoveAttachmentOperation;
   287     if (mMessage) { // this is NULL if sending is started
   288         // Delete message from drafts
   289         NmId mailboxId = mMessage->mailboxId();
   290         NmId folderId = mMessage->parentId();
   291         NmId msgId = mMessage->envelope().id();
   292         mUiEngine.removeMessage(mailboxId, folderId, msgId);
   293     }
   294 }
   296 /*!
   297     Find message data based on start parameters.  Method is called
   298     when editor is started. If message data is found it means that
   299     operation is forward or reply message.
   300  */
   301 void NmEditorView::setMessageData()
   302 {
   303     // Check the outbox.
   304     delete mCheckOutboxOperation;
   305 	mCheckOutboxOperation = NULL;
   307 	mCheckOutboxOperation = mUiEngine.checkOutbox(mStartParam->mailboxId());
   309     if (mCheckOutboxOperation) {
   310         connect(mCheckOutboxOperation, SIGNAL(operationCompleted(int)),
   311                 this, SLOT(outboxChecked(int)));
   312     }
   313     else {
   314         startMessageCreation( mStartParam->editorStartMode() );
   315     }
   316 }
   318 /*!
   319  */
   320 void NmEditorView::startMessageCreation(NmUiEditorStartMode startMode)
   321 {
   322     NmId mailboxId = mStartParam->mailboxId();
   323     NmId folderId = mStartParam->folderId();
   324     NmId msgId = mStartParam->messageId();
   326     delete mMessageCreationOperation;
   327 	mMessageCreationOperation = NULL;
   329 	// original message is now fetched so start message creation
   330     if (startMode == NmUiEditorForward) {
   331         mMessageCreationOperation = mUiEngine.createForwardMessage(mailboxId, msgId);
   332     }
   333     else if (startMode == NmUiEditorReply || startMode == NmUiEditorReplyAll) {
   334         mMessageCreationOperation = mUiEngine.createReplyMessage(mailboxId, 
   335             msgId, 
   336             startMode == NmUiEditorReplyAll);
   337     }
   338     else {
   339         mMessageCreationOperation = mUiEngine.createNewMessage(mailboxId);
   340     }
   342     // operation continues in messageCreated() once it finishes ok
   343     if (mMessageCreationOperation) {
   344         connect(mMessageCreationOperation,
   345                 SIGNAL(operationCompleted(int)),
   346                 this,
   347                 SLOT(messageCreated(int)));
   348     }    
   349 }
   351 /*!
   352     Starting the message sending is handled here.
   353  */
   354 void NmEditorView::startSending()
   355 {
   356     // The message contents should be verified
   357     updateMessageWithEditorContents();
   359     // verify addresses before sending
   360     QList<NmAddress> invalidAddresses;
   361     NmUtilities::getRecipientsFromMessage(*mMessage, invalidAddresses, NmUtilities::InvalidAddress);
   363     bool okToSend = true;
   364     if (invalidAddresses.count() > 0) {
   366         // invalid addresses found, verify send from user
   367         HbMessageBox *messageBox = new HbMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion);
   368         QString noteText = hbTrId("txt_mail_dialog_invalid_mail_address_send");
   369         // set the first failing address to the note
   370         noteText = noteText.arg(;
   371         messageBox->setText(noteText);
   372         messageBox->setTimeout(HbMessageBox::NoTimeout);
   374         // Read user selection
   375         HbAction *action = messageBox->exec();
   376         okToSend = (action == messageBox->primaryAction());
   377     }
   379     if (okToSend) {
   380         // ownership of mMessage changes
   381         mUiEngine.sendMessage(mMessage);
   382         mMessage = NULL;
   383         // sending animation should be shown here, then exit
   384         QTimer::singleShot(1000, &mApplication, SLOT(popView()));
   385     }
   386 }
   388 /*!
   389     This is signalled by mMessageCreationOperation when message is created.
   390  */
   391 void NmEditorView::messageCreated(int result)
   392 {
   393     delete mMessage;
   394     mMessage = NULL;
   396     if (result == NmNoError && mMessageCreationOperation) {
   397         NmUiEditorStartMode startMode = mStartParam->editorStartMode();
   399         // get message "again" from engine to update the message contents 
   400         mMessage = mUiEngine.message(
   401             mStartParam->mailboxId(), 
   402             mStartParam->folderId(), 
   403             mMessageCreationOperation->getMessageId());
   405         fillEditorWithMessageContents();       
   406     }
   407 }
   409 /*!
   410    Updates the message with the editor contents.
   411  */
   412 void NmEditorView::updateMessageWithEditorContents()
   413 {
   414     if (mMessage) {
   415         if (mContentWidget && mContentWidget->editor()) {
   416             NmMessagePart* bodyPart = mMessage->htmlBodyPart();
   417             if (bodyPart) {
   418                 bodyPart->setTextContent(mContentWidget->editor()->toHtml(), NmContentTypeTextHtml);
   419             }
   420             bodyPart = mMessage->plainTextBodyPart();
   421             if (bodyPart) {
   422                 bodyPart->setTextContent(mContentWidget->editor()->toPlainText(), NmContentTypeTextPlain);
   423             }
   424         }
   425         if (mContentWidget && mContentWidget->header() ) {
   426             if (mContentWidget->header()->subjectField()) {
   427                 mMessage->envelope().setSubject(
   428                     mContentWidget->header()->subjectField()->text());
   429             }
   430             if (mContentWidget->header()->toField()) {
   431                 QString toFieldText =
   432                     mContentWidget->header()->toField()->text();
   434                 // This verification of zero length string isn't needed
   435                 // after list of addresses
   436                 if (toFieldText.length() > 0) {
   437                     mMessage->envelope().setToRecipients(mContentWidget->header()->toField()->emailAddressList());  
   438                 }
   439             }
   440             if (mContentWidget->header()->ccField()) {
   441                 QString ccFieldText =
   442                     mContentWidget->header()->ccField()->text();
   444                 if (ccFieldText.length() > 0) {
   445                     mMessage->envelope().setCcRecipients(mContentWidget->header()->ccField()->emailAddressList());      
   446                 }
   447             }
   448             if (mContentWidget->header()->bccField()) {
   449                 QString bccFieldText =
   450                     mContentWidget->header()->bccField()->text();
   452                 if (bccFieldText.length() > 0) {
   453                     mMessage->envelope().setBccRecipients(mContentWidget->header()->bccField()->emailAddressList());  
   454                 }
   455             }
   456         }
   457     }
   458 }
   461 /*!
   462     Updates the message with the editor contents. Called only once when the
   463     editor is launched.
   464  */
   465 void NmEditorView::fillEditorWithMessageContents()
   466 {
   467     if (!mMessage || !mContentWidget) {
   468         return;
   469     }
   471     NmMessageEnvelope messageEnvelope(mMessage->envelope());
   472     NmUiEditorStartMode editorStartMode = NmUiEditorCreateNew;
   473     bool useStartParam(false);
   475     if (mStartParam) {
   476         editorStartMode = mStartParam->editorStartMode();
   478         if (editorStartMode == NmUiEditorMailto) {
   479             // Retrieve the message header data e.g. recipients from mStartParam.
   480             useStartParam = true;        
   481         }
   482     }
   484     // Set recipients (to, cc and bcc).
   485     QString toAddressesString;
   486     QString ccAddressesString;
   487     QString bccAddressesString;
   489     if (useStartParam) {
   490         toAddressesString = addressListToString(mStartParam->mailtoAddressList());
   491         ccAddressesString = addressListToString(mStartParam->ccAddressList());
   492         bccAddressesString = addressListToString(mStartParam->bccAddressList());
   493     }
   494     else {
   495         toAddressesString = addressListToString(messageEnvelope.toRecipients());
   496         ccAddressesString = addressListToString(messageEnvelope.ccRecipients());
   497         bccAddressesString = addressListToString(messageEnvelope.bccRecipients());
   498     }
   500     mContentWidget->header()->toField()->setPlainText(toAddressesString);
   501     mContentWidget->header()->ccField()->setPlainText(ccAddressesString);
   502     mContentWidget->header()->bccField()->setPlainText(bccAddressesString);
   504     if (ccAddressesString.length() || bccAddressesString.length()) {
   505         // Since cc or/and bcc recipients exist, expand the group box to display
   506         // the addresses by expanding the group box.
   507         mContentWidget->header()->setGroupBoxCollapsed(false);
   508     }
   510     // Set subject.
   511     if (useStartParam) {
   512         QString *subject = mStartParam->subject();
   514         if (subject) {
   515             mContentWidget->header()->subjectField()->setPlainText(*subject);
   516         }
   517     }
   518     else {
   519         // If a message is taken from the outbox, no subject formatting is done.
   520         NmId notUsed(0);
   522         if (mCheckOutboxOperation &&
   523             mCheckOutboxOperation->getMessageId(notUsed)) {
   524             editorStartMode = NmUiEditorCreateNew;
   525         }
   527         // Construct the subject field.
   528         mContentWidget->header()->subjectField()->setPlainText(
   529             addSubjectPrefix(editorStartMode, messageEnvelope.subject()));
   530     }
   532     // Set priority.
   533     mHeaderWidget->setPriority(messageEnvelope.priority());
   535     // Set the message body.
   536     // Fetch plain text part form message store.
   537     NmMessagePart *plainPart = mMessage->plainTextBodyPart();
   539     if (plainPart) {
   540         mUiEngine.contentToMessagePart(mMessage->mailboxId(),
   541                                        mMessage->parentId(),
   542                                        mMessage->envelope().id(),
   543                                        *plainPart);
   544     }
   546     // Fetch html part form message store.
   547     NmMessagePart *htmlPart = mMessage->htmlBodyPart();
   549     if (htmlPart) {
   550         mUiEngine.contentToMessagePart(mMessage->mailboxId(),
   551                                        mMessage->parentId(),
   552                                        mMessage->envelope().id(),
   553                                        *htmlPart);
   554     }
   556     // Fetch attachment.html part form message store if such exists.
   557     QList<NmMessagePart*> parts;
   558     mMessage->attachmentList(parts);
   559     NmMessagePart *attachmentHtml = NULL;
   561     foreach(NmMessagePart *part, parts) {
   562         if (part->contentDescription().startsWith(NmContentDescrAttachmentHtml)) {
   563             attachmentHtml = part;
   564         }
   565     }
   567     if (attachmentHtml) {
   568         mUiEngine.contentToMessagePart(mMessage->mailboxId(),
   569                                        mMessage->parentId(),
   570                                        mMessage->envelope().id(),
   571                                        *attachmentHtml);
   572     }
   574     mContentWidget->setMessageData(mMessage);
   576     // Get list of attachments from the message and set those into UI attachment list
   577     QList<NmMessagePart*> attachments;
   578     mMessage->attachmentList(attachments);
   580     for (int i=0; i<attachments.count(); i++) {
   581         mHeaderWidget->addAttachment(
   582             attachments[i]->attachmentName(),
   583             QString::number(attachments[i]->size()),
   584             attachments[i]->id());
   585     }
   587     if (mStartParam) {
   588         // Attach passed files to the message.
   589         QStringList *fileList = mStartParam->attachmentList();
   591         if (fileList) {
   592             addAttachments(*fileList);
   593         }
   594     }
   596     // TODO Switch the following arbitrary (magic number) timeout to a
   597     // meaningful constant, please!
   598     QTimer::singleShot(200, mHeaderWidget, SLOT(sendHeaderHeightChanged()));
   599 }
   602 /*!
   603     createToolBar. Function asks menu commands from extension
   604     to be added to toolbar owned by the HbView.
   605 */
   606 void NmEditorView::createToolBar()
   607 {
   608     HbToolBar *tb = toolBar();
   609     NmUiExtensionManager &extMngr = mApplication.extManager();
   610     if (tb && &extMngr && mStartParam) {
   611         tb->clearActions();
   612         NmActionRequest request(this, NmActionToolbar, NmActionContextViewEditor,
   613                 NmActionContextDataNone, mStartParam->mailboxId(), mStartParam->folderId() );
   614         QList<NmAction *> list;
   615         extMngr.getActions(request, list);
   616         for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) {
   617             tb->addAction(list[i]);
   618             // If action has NmSendable condition, it is shown only when send action
   619             // is available, i.e. when at least one recipient field has data.
   620             if( list[i]->availabilityCondition() == NmAction::NmSendable ) {
   621                 list[i]->setEnabled(false);
   622             }
   623         }
   624     }
   625 }
   627 /*!
   628     createOptionsMenu. Functions asks menu commands from extension
   629     to be added to options menu.
   630 */
   631 void NmEditorView::createOptionsMenu()
   632 {
   633     if (!mPrioritySubMenu) {
   634         mPrioritySubMenu = new HbMenu();
   635     }
   636     mPrioritySubMenu->clearActions();
   637     menu()->clearActions();
   638     NmActionRequest request(this, NmActionOptionsMenu, NmActionContextViewEditor,
   639             NmActionContextDataMessage, mStartParam->mailboxId(), mStartParam->folderId(),
   640             mStartParam->messageId());
   641     NmUiExtensionManager &extMngr = mApplication.extManager();
   642     QList<NmAction*> list;
   643     extMngr.getActions(request, list);
   644     for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) {
   645         mPrioritySubMenu->addAction(list[i]);
   646     }
   647     mPrioritySubMenu->setObjectName("editorPrioritySubMenu");
   648     mPrioritySubMenu->setTitle(hbTrId("txt_mail_opt_add_priority"));
   649     menu()->addMenu(mPrioritySubMenu);
   650 }
   652 /*!
   653     handleActionCommand. From NmActionObserver, extension manager calls this
   654     call to handle menu command in the UI.
   655 */
   656 void NmEditorView::handleActionCommand(NmActionResponse &actionResponse)
   657 {
   658     NmActionResponseCommand responseCommand = actionResponse.responseCommand();
   660     // Handle options menu
   661     if (actionResponse.menuType() == NmActionOptionsMenu) {
   662         setPriority(responseCommand);
   663     }
   664     else if (actionResponse.menuType() == NmActionToolbar) {
   665         switch (responseCommand) {
   666             case NmActionResponseCommandSendMail: {
   667                 startSending();
   668                 break;
   669             }
   670             case NmActionResponseCommandAttach : {
   671                 // Do nothing if previous addAttachment operation is still ongoing.
   672                 if(!mAddAttachmentOperation || !mAddAttachmentOperation->isRunning()) {
   673                     //will be replaced by toolbar extension                                
   674                     if (!mAttachContextMenu) {
   675                         QList<NmAction *> actionList;
   676                         NmAction* actionPhoto = new NmAction(0);
   677                         actionPhoto->setText(QObject::tr("Photo", "txt_nmailui_photo_attach"));
   678                         actionList.append(actionPhoto);
   679                         connect(actionPhoto, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(attachImage()));
   681                         mAttachContextMenu = new HbMenu();
   682                         mAttachContextMenu->clearActions();
   684                         for (int i=0;i<actionList.count();i++) {
   685                             mAttachContextMenu->addAction(actionList[i]);
   686                         }
   687                     }
   689                     QPointF menuPos(qreal(20),qreal(520));
   690                     mAttachContextMenu->exec(menuPos);
   691                 }
   692                 break;
   693             }
   694             default:
   695                 break;
   696         }
   697     }
   698 }
   700 /*!
   701     This function converts background scroll area coordinate point into
   702     body text editor coordinate point.
   703  */
   704 QPointF NmEditorView::viewCoordinateToEditCoordinate(QPointF orgPoint)
   705 {
   706     QPointF contentWidgetPos = mScrollAreaContents->pos();
   707     qreal y = orgPoint.y() - mHeaderWidget->headerHeight();
   708     y -= contentWidgetPos.y();
   709     qreal x = orgPoint.x() - contentWidgetPos.x();
   710     return QPointF(x, y);
   711 }
   713 /*!
   714    Send mouse press event to body edit widget
   715 */
   716 void NmEditorView::sendMousePressEventToScroll(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
   717 {
   718     if (event && mEditWidget && mHeaderWidget) {
   719         event->setPos(viewCoordinateToEditCoordinate(event->pos()));
   720         event->setAccepted(true);
   721         mEditWidget->sendMousePressEvent(event);
   722     }
   723 }
   725 /*!
   726    Send mouse release event to body edit widget
   727 */
   728 void NmEditorView::sendMouseReleaseEventToScroll(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
   729 {
   730     if (event&& mEditWidget && mHeaderWidget) {
   731         event->setPos(viewCoordinateToEditCoordinate(event->pos()));
   732         event->setAccepted(true);
   733         mEditWidget->sendMouseReleaseEvent(event);
   734     }
   735 }
   737 /*!
   738    Send mouse move event to body edit widget
   739 */
   740 void NmEditorView::sendMouseMoveEventToScroll(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
   741 {
   742     if (event&& mEditWidget && mHeaderWidget) {
   743         event->setPos(viewCoordinateToEditCoordinate(event->pos()));
   744         event->setAccepted(true);
   745         mEditWidget->sendMouseMoveEvent(event);
   746     }
   747 }
   749 void NmEditorView::sendLongPressGesture(const QPointF &point)
   750 {
   751     if (mEditWidget && mHeaderWidget) {
   752         QPointF scenePos = mEditWidget->scenePos();
   753         QPointF newPoint = QPointF(point.x()-scenePos.x(), point.y()-scenePos.y());
   754         if(mEditWidget->contains(newPoint)) {
   755             mEditWidget->sendLongPressEvent(point);
   756         }
   757     }
   758 }
   761 /*!
   762    Sets all toolbar and VKB buttons dimmed state. All actions that have the
   763    availability condition NmSendable set, will be enabled/disabled.
   764 */
   765 void NmEditorView::setButtonsDimming(bool enabled)
   766 {
   767     // Set the toolbar action states
   768     HbToolBar *tb = toolBar();
   769     if (tb) {
   770         QList<QAction *> toolbarList = tb->actions();
   771         int count = toolbarList.count();
   772         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   773             NmAction *action = static_cast<NmAction *>(toolbarList[i]);
   774             if (action->availabilityCondition() == NmAction::NmSendable) {
   775                 action->setEnabled(enabled);
   776             }
   777         }
   779         // Set the VKB action states
   780         // All editors of the view share the same action, so it is enough to set
   781         // this only to one of them.
   782         HbEditorInterface editorInterface(mContentWidget->editor());
   783         QList<HbAction *> vkbList = editorInterface.actions();
   784         count = vkbList.count();
   785         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   786             NmAction *action = static_cast<NmAction *>(vkbList[i]);
   787             if (action->availabilityCondition() == NmAction::NmSendable) {
   788                 action->setEnabled(enabled);
   789             }
   790         }
   791     }
   792 }
   794 /*!
   795     Initialize the Virtual Keyboard to show the "Send" button
   796     for all editors of the view.
   797 */
   798 void NmEditorView::initializeVKB()
   799 {
   800     NmActionRequest request(this, NmActionVKB, NmActionContextViewEditor,
   801          NmActionContextDataNone, mStartParam->mailboxId(), mStartParam->folderId() );
   802     NmUiExtensionManager &extMngr = mApplication.extManager();
   803     if (&extMngr) {
   804         QList<NmAction *> list;
   805         extMngr.getActions(request, list);
   807         // VKB only supports one application key, but the responsibility of giving only one
   808         // action is left to the extension plugin. The rest are still attached to the VKB, but
   809         // they are not shown (unless VKB starts supporting more than one).
   810         for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) {
   811             if( list[i]->availabilityCondition() == NmAction::NmSendable ) {
   812                 list[i]->setEnabled(false);
   813             }
   814             list[i]->setIcon(NmIcons::getIcon(NmIcons::NmIconSend));
   816             // Link VKB to the action. This must be done to all
   817             // editors that show the button in VKB.
   818             HbEditorInterface editorInterface(mContentWidget->editor());
   819             editorInterface.addAction(list[i]);
   820             HbEditorInterface toEditorInterface(mContentWidget->header()->toField());
   821             toEditorInterface.addAction(list[i]);
   822             HbEditorInterface ccEditorInterface(mContentWidget->header()->ccField());
   823             ccEditorInterface.addAction(list[i]);
   824             HbEditorInterface bccEditorInterface(mContentWidget->header()->bccField());
   825             bccEditorInterface.addAction(list[i]);
   826             HbEditorInterface subjectEditorInterface(mContentWidget->header()->subjectField());
   827             subjectEditorInterface.addAction(list[i]);
   828         }
   829     }
   830 }
   832 /*!
   833     Set mailbox name to title
   834 */
   835 void NmEditorView::setMailboxName()
   836 {
   837     if (mStartParam){
   838         NmMailboxMetaData *meta = mUiEngine.mailboxById(mStartParam->mailboxId());
   839         if (meta){
   840             setTitle(meta->name());
   841         }
   842     }
   843 }
   845 /*!
   846    Adds a prefix to the subject for reply or forward. 
   847    Strips other occurrences of the prefix from the beginning.
   848  */
   849 QString NmEditorView::addSubjectPrefix( NmUiEditorStartMode startMode, const QString &subject )
   850 {
   851     QString newSubject(subject.trimmed());
   853     if (startMode == NmUiEditorReply || startMode == NmUiEditorReplyAll || 
   854         startMode == NmUiEditorForward) {
   855         QString rePrefix(QObject::tr("Re:", "txt_nmailui_reply_subject_prefix"));
   856         QString fwPrefix(QObject::tr("Fw:", "txt_nmailui_forward_subject_prefix"));
   858         // strip extra prefixes from beginning
   859         int rePrefixLength(rePrefix.length());
   860         int fwPrefixLength(fwPrefix.length());
   862         bool startswithRe(newSubject.startsWith(rePrefix, Qt::CaseInsensitive));
   863         bool startswithFw(newSubject.startsWith(fwPrefix, Qt::CaseInsensitive));
   865         while (startswithRe || startswithFw) {            
   866             if (startswithRe) {
   867                 newSubject.remove(0,rePrefixLength);
   868                 newSubject = newSubject.trimmed();
   869             }
   870             else if (startswithFw) {
   871                 newSubject.remove(0,fwPrefixLength);
   872                 newSubject = newSubject.trimmed();
   873             }
   874             startswithRe = newSubject.startsWith(rePrefix, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
   875             startswithFw = newSubject.startsWith(fwPrefix, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
   876         }
   878         if (startMode == NmUiEditorReply || startMode == NmUiEditorReplyAll) {
   879             newSubject = rePrefix + " " + newSubject;
   880         }
   881         else if (startMode == NmUiEditorForward) {
   882             newSubject = fwPrefix + " " + newSubject;
   883         }
   884     }
   886     return newSubject;
   887 }
   889 #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
   891 void NmEditorView::attachImage()
   892 {      
   893     XQAiwRequest *request;
   894     XQApplicationManager mAppmgr;
   895     request = mAppmgr.create(IMAGE_FETCHER_INTERFACE, FETCHER_OPERATION, true);
   897     if (request) {
   898         connect(request, SIGNAL(requestOk(const QVariant&)), this, SLOT(onAttachmentReqCompleted(const QVariant&)));
   899     }
   900     else {
   901         //create request failed
   902         NMLOG("appmgr: create request failed");
   903         return;
   904     }               
   906     if (!(request)->send()) {
   907         //sending request failed
   908         NMLOG("appmgr: send request failed");
   909     }
   910     delete request;
   911 }
   913 /*!
   914     This slot is called when 'attachment picker' request has been performed succesfully
   915     Parameter 'value' contains file currently one file name but later list of the files. 
   916 */
   917 void NmEditorView::onAttachmentReqCompleted(const QVariant &value)
   918 {
   919     if (!value.isNull()) {
   920         addAttachments(value.toStringList());
   921     }
   922 }
   924 #endif
   926 /*!
   927     Add list of attachments
   928 */
   929 void NmEditorView::addAttachments(const QStringList& fileNames) 
   930 {
   931     NMLOG("NmEditorView::addAttachments");
   933     // Add attachment name into UI
   934     foreach (QString fileName, fileNames)  {
   935         // At this phase attachment size and nmid are not known
   936         mHeaderWidget->addAttachment(fileName, QString("0"), NmId(0));
   937         NMLOG(fileName);
   938     }
   940     // Start operation to attach file or list of files into mail message
   941     // This will also copy files into message store
   942     // Delete previous operation
   943     if (mAddAttachmentOperation) {
   944         if (!mAddAttachmentOperation->isRunning()) {
   945             delete mAddAttachmentOperation;
   946             mAddAttachmentOperation = NULL;
   947         }
   948     }
   949     if (!mAddAttachmentOperation) {
   950         mAddAttachmentOperation = mUiEngine.addAttachments(*mMessage, fileNames);
   952         if (mAddAttachmentOperation) {
   953             // Signal to inform completion of one attachment
   954             connect(mAddAttachmentOperation,
   955                     SIGNAL(operationPartCompleted(const QString &, const NmId &, int)),
   956                     this,
   957                     SLOT(oneAttachmentAdded(const QString &, const NmId &, int)));
   959             // Signal to inform the completion of the whole operation
   960             connect(mAddAttachmentOperation,
   961                     SIGNAL(operationCompleted(int)),
   962                     this,
   963                     SLOT(allAttachmentsAdded(int)));
   964         }
   965     }
   966 }
   968 /*!
   969     This slot is called when attachment has been deleted from UI
   970 */
   971 void NmEditorView::removeAttachment(const NmId attachmentPartId)
   972 {
   973     // Delete previous operation
   974     if (mRemoveAttachmentOperation) {
   975         if (!mRemoveAttachmentOperation->isRunning()) {
   976             delete mRemoveAttachmentOperation;
   977             mRemoveAttachmentOperation = NULL;
   978         }
   979     }
   980     if (!mRemoveAttachmentOperation) {
   981         mRemoveAttachmentOperation = mUiEngine.removeAttachment(*mMessage, attachmentPartId);
   982     }
   983 }
   985 /*!
   986     This is signalled by mAddAttachmentOperation when the operation is
   987     completed for one attachment.
   988  */
   989 void NmEditorView::oneAttachmentAdded(const QString &fileName, const NmId &msgPartId, int result)
   990 {
   991     if (result == NmNoError) {
   992         // Get file size from the message when it works
   993         mHeaderWidget->setAttachmentParameters(fileName, msgPartId, QString("0"), result);
   994     }
   995     else {
   996         // Attachment adding failed. Show an error note and remove from UI attachment list.
   997         NMLOG(QString("nmailui: attachment adding into message failed: %1").arg(fileName));
   998         mHeaderWidget->removeAttachment(fileName);
   999     }
  1000 }
  1002 /*!
  1003     This is signalled by mAddAttachmentOperation when the operation is
  1004     completed totally.
  1005  */
  1006 void NmEditorView::allAttachmentsAdded(int result)
  1007 {
  1008     if (result != NmNoError) {
  1009         HbMessageBox::warning(hbTrId("txt_mail_dialog_unable_to_add_attachment"));
  1010     }
  1011 }
  1013 /*!
  1014     This is signalled by mCheckOutboxOperation when the operation is complete.
  1015  */
  1016 void NmEditorView::outboxChecked(int result)
  1017 {
  1018     bool messageInOutbox = false;
  1020     if (result == NmNoError && mCheckOutboxOperation) {
  1022         NmId messageId;
  1023         messageInOutbox = mCheckOutboxOperation->getMessageId(messageId);
  1025         if (messageInOutbox) {
  1026             delete mMessage;
  1027             mMessage = NULL;
  1029             mMessage = mUiEngine.message(
  1030                 mStartParam->mailboxId(), 
  1031                 mUiEngine.standardFolderId(
  1032                     mStartParam->mailboxId(), NmFolderOutbox), 
  1033                 messageId);
  1035             fillEditorWithMessageContents();
  1037             if (mMessage) {
  1038                 HbMessageBox::warning(
  1039                     hbTrId("txt_mail_dialog_sending failed").arg(
  1040                         NmUtilities::truncate(
  1041                             mMessage->envelope().subject(), 20)));
  1042             }
  1043         }
  1044     }
  1046     if (!messageInOutbox) {
  1047         startMessageCreation(mStartParam->editorStartMode());
  1048     }
  1049 }
  1051 /*!
  1052    Sets priority for the message object that is being edited 
  1053 */
  1054 void NmEditorView::setPriority(NmActionResponseCommand priority)
  1055 {
  1056     mHeaderWidget->setPriority(priority);
  1058     if (mMessage) {
  1059         NmMessagePriority messagePriority = NmMessagePriorityNormal;
  1061         if (priority == NmActionResponseCommandPriorityHigh) {
  1062             messagePriority = NmMessagePriorityHigh;
  1063         }
  1064         else if (priority == NmActionResponseCommandPriorityLow) {
  1065             messagePriority = NmMessagePriorityLow;
  1066         }
  1067         mMessage->envelope().setPriority(messagePriority);
  1068     }
  1069 }
  1072 /*!
  1073     Extracts the addresses from the given list into a string separated with a
  1074     delimiter.
  1076     \param list The list containing the addresses.
  1077     \return String containing the addresses.
  1078 */
  1079 QString NmEditorView::addressListToString(const QList<NmAddress*> &list) const
  1080 {
  1081     QString addressesString;
  1082     QList<NmAddress*>::const_iterator i = list.constBegin();
  1084     while (i != list.constEnd() && *i) {
  1085         if (i > list.constBegin()) {
  1086             // Add the delimiter.
  1087             addressesString += Delimiter;
  1088         }
  1090         addressesString += (*i)->address();
  1091         ++i;
  1092     }
  1094     return addressesString;
  1095 }
  1098 /*!
  1099     Extracts the addresses from the given list into a string separated with a
  1100     delimiter.
  1102     \param list The list containing the addresses.
  1103     \return String containing the addresses.
  1104 */
  1105 QString NmEditorView::addressListToString(const QList<NmAddress> &list) const
  1106 {
  1107     QString addressesString;
  1108     QList<NmAddress>::const_iterator i = list.constBegin();
  1110     while (i != list.constEnd()) {
  1111         if (i > list.constBegin()) {
  1112             // Add the delimiter.
  1113             addressesString += Delimiter;
  1114         }
  1116         addressesString += (*i).address();
  1117         ++i;
  1118     }
  1120     return addressesString;
  1121 }
  1124 // End of file.