changeset 18 578830873419
child 20 ecc8def7944a
equal deleted inserted replaced
4:e7aa27f58ae1 18:578830873419
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description: NMail Application Launcher interface used for interfacing between
    15  *              QT highway and other applications
    16  *
    17  */
    19 //  INCLUDES
    20 #include "nmuiheaders.h"
    22 //  CONSTANTS
    23 static const QString emailSendSubjectKey = "subject";
    24 static const QString emailSendToKey = "to";
    25 static const QString emailSendCcKey = "cc";
    26 static const QString emailSendBccKey = "bcc";
    29 /*!
    30     \class NmStartParamDataHelper
    31     \brief A helper class for processing the data given to the actual service.
    32 */
    33 class NmStartParamDataHelper
    34 {
    35 public:
    37     /*!
    38         Class constructor.
    39     */
    40     inline NmStartParamDataHelper()
    41     : mSubject(0),
    42       mToAddresses(0),
    43       mCcAddresses(0),
    44       mBccAddresses(0),
    45       mAttachmentList(0),
    46       mEditorStartMode(NmUiEditorCreateNew)
    47     {
    48     }
    50     /*!
    51         Class destructor.
    52     */
    53     inline ~NmStartParamDataHelper()
    54     {
    55     }
    57     /*!
    58         Extracts the data from the given QVariant into the class members.
    59         \param data QVariant containing the data.
    60         \return True if success, false otherwise.
    61     */
    62     inline bool extractData(const QVariant &data)
    63     {
    64         QVariant::Type dataType = data.type();
    65         bool success = false;
    67         switch (dataType) {
    68             case QVariant::String: {
    69                 // The given data contains a single attachment.
    70                 QString attachment = data.toString();
    71                 mAttachmentList = new QStringList(attachment);
    72                 success = true;
    73                 break;
    74             }
    75             case QVariant::StringList: {
    76                 // The given data contains a list of attachments.
    77                 QStringList attachmentList = data.toStringList();
    78                 mAttachmentList = new QStringList(attachmentList);
    79                 success = true;
    80                 break;
    81             }
    82             case QVariant::Map: {
    83                 // The given data may contain a mail subject and recipient lists.
    84                 QMap<QString, QVariant> map = data.toMap();
    85                 success = processMap(map);
    86                 break;
    87             }
    88             default: {
    89                 // Data type not supported!
    90                 NMLOG("NmStartParamDataHelper::extractData(): Data type not supported!");
    91                 break;
    92             }
    93         } // switch ()
    95         // Determine the editor start mode.
    96         if (mToAddresses || mCcAddresses || mBccAddresses) {
    97             mEditorStartMode = NmUiEditorMailto;
    98         }
    99         else if (mAttachmentList) {
   100             mEditorStartMode = NmUiEditorCreateNew;
   101         }
   103         return success;
   104     }
   106     /*!
   107         Deletes the class members. Must be used if NmUiStartParam does not
   108         take ownership of the members.
   109     */
   110     inline void deleteData()
   111     {
   112         delete mSubject;
   113         mSubject = 0;
   115         if (mToAddresses) {
   116             qDeleteAll(*mToAddresses);
   117             delete mToAddresses;
   118             mToAddresses = 0;
   119         }
   121         if (mCcAddresses) {
   122             qDeleteAll(*mCcAddresses);
   123             delete mCcAddresses;
   124             mCcAddresses = 0;
   125         }
   127         if (mBccAddresses) {
   128             qDeleteAll(*mBccAddresses);
   129             delete mBccAddresses;
   130             mBccAddresses = 0;
   131         }
   133         delete mAttachmentList;
   134         mAttachmentList = 0;
   135     }
   138 private:
   140     /*!
   141         Extracts the data from the given map into the class members.
   142         \param map The map to extract the data from.
   143         \return True if success, false otherwise.
   144     */
   145     inline bool processMap(const QMap<QString, QVariant> &map)
   146     {
   147         QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator i = map.constBegin();
   148         QString key;
   149         QVariant value;
   151         while (i != map.constEnd()) {
   152             key = i.key();
   153             value = i.value();
   155             if (!, Qt::CaseInsensitive) &&
   156                 value.type() == QVariant::String) {
   157                 // Extract the mail subject.
   158                 if (mSubject) {
   159                     // A subject string has already been extracted! Discard the
   160                     // old subject.
   161                     delete mSubject;
   162                 }
   164                 mSubject = new QString(value.toString());
   165             }
   166             else if (!, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
   167                 // Extract the "to" recipients.
   168                 addAddressesToList(value, &mToAddresses);
   169             }
   170             else if (!, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
   171                 // Extract the "cc" recipients.
   172                 addAddressesToList(value, &mCcAddresses);
   173             }
   174             else if (!, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
   175                 // Extract the "bcc" recipients.
   176                 addAddressesToList(value, &mBccAddresses);
   177             }
   179             ++i;
   180         }
   182         // In principle it is ok even if the map does not contain any data e.g.
   183         // in a case where the editor view needs to be opened without any
   184         // predefined data. Therefore, we always return true.
   185         return true;
   186     }
   188     /*!
   189         Appends the given addresses into the given list.
   190         \param address The addresses to append.
   191         \param list The list where the addresses are appended to.
   192     */
   193     inline void addAddressesToList(const QVariant &addresses,
   194                                    QList<NmAddress*> **list)
   195     {
   197         if (!list) {
   198             // Invalid argument!
   199             return;
   200         }
   202         QVariant::Type dataType = addresses.type();
   203         QList<NmAddress*> foundAddresses;
   205         switch (dataType) {
   206             case QVariant::String: {
   207                 // A single address.
   208                 NmAddress *address = new NmAddress(addresses.toString());
   209                 foundAddresses.append(address);
   210                 break;
   211             }
   212             case QVariant::StringList: {
   213                 // A list of addresses.
   214                 QStringList addressList = addresses.toStringList();
   216                 foreach (QString addressAsString, addressList) {
   217                     NmAddress *address = new NmAddress(addressAsString);
   218                     foundAddresses.append(address);
   219                 }
   221                 break;
   222             }
   223             default: {
   224                 break;
   225             }
   226         }
   228         if (foundAddresses.count()) {
   229             // Append the found addresses into the given list.
   230             if (!(*list)) {
   231                 *list = new QList<NmAddress*>();
   232             }
   234             (*list)->append(foundAddresses);
   235         }
   236     }
   239 public: // Data
   241     QString *mSubject; // Not owned.
   242     QList<NmAddress*> *mToAddresses; // Not owned.
   243     QList<NmAddress*> *mCcAddresses; // Not owned.
   244     QList<NmAddress*> *mBccAddresses; // Not owned.
   245     QStringList *mAttachmentList; // Not owned.
   246     NmUiEditorStartMode mEditorStartMode;
   247 };
   251 /*!
   252     \class NmSendServiceInterface
   253     \brief NMail application service interface which provides an email sending
   254            interface for other application using the Qt Highway. 
   255 */
   257 /*!
   258     Class constructor.
   259 */
   260 NmSendServiceInterface::NmSendServiceInterface(QObject *parent,
   261                                                NmUiEngine &uiEngine,
   262                                                NmApplication *application)
   263 #ifndef NM_WINS_ENV
   264     : XQServiceProvider(QLatin1String(""), parent),
   265 #else
   266     : QObject(parent),
   267 #endif
   268       mApplication(application),
   269       mUiEngine(uiEngine),
   270       mAsyncReqId(0)
   271 {
   272 #ifndef NM_WINS_ENV
   273     publishAll();
   274 #endif
   275 }
   278 /*!
   279     Class desctructor.
   280 */
   281 NmSendServiceInterface::~NmSendServiceInterface()
   282 {
   283 }
   286 /*!
   287     Queries the user for a mailbox to use.
   288     \param mailboxId Where the ID of the selected mailbox is set.
   289     \return True if a mailbox was selected, false otherwise.
   290 */
   291 bool NmSendServiceInterface::selectMailbox(NmId& mailboxId)
   292 {
   293 	NmMailboxSelectionDialog *dialog =
   294 	    new NmMailboxSelectionDialog(mUiEngine.mailboxListModel());
   295 	bool ok = dialog->exec(mailboxId);
   296 	delete dialog;
   297 	return ok;
   298 }
   301 /*!
   302     Used for sending email messages from external applications. Used by the
   303     Share UI. In addition, the interface can be used to send email to a contact
   304     from another application. The method sets the given data (e.g. recipients,
   305     attachments) to a mail composer (editor) view and displays it.
   307     \param data If used by Share UI, will contain the list of filenames to
   308                 attach. Can also contain a map with key value pairs containing
   309                 subject and recipient data. 
   310 */
   311 void NmSendServiceInterface::send(QVariant data)
   312 {
   313     NMLOG("NmSendServiceInterface::send()");
   315 #ifndef NM_WINS_ENV
   316     // Make sure the NMail application is on the foreground.
   317     XQServiceUtil::toBackground(false);
   318     HbMainWindow *mainWindow = mApplication->mainWindow();
   319     HbView *currentView = mainWindow->currentView();
   321     // Hide the current view.
   322     if (currentView) {
   323         currentView->hide();
   324     }
   326     // Check the given data.
   327     NmStartParamDataHelper dataHelper;
   328     bool validData = dataHelper.extractData(data);
   330     NmMailboxListModel &mailboxListModel = mUiEngine.mailboxListModel();
   331     const int count = mailboxListModel.rowCount();
   332     NmId mailboxId(0);
   333     bool launchEditor(true);
   335     if (!validData) {
   336         // Failed to extract the data!
   337         NMLOG("NmSendServiceInterface::send(): Failed to process the given data!");
   338         launchEditor = false;
   339     }
   340     else if (count == 0) {
   341         // No mailboxes.
   342         HbMessageBox note(hbTrId("txt_mail_dialog_no_mailboxes_defined"),
   343                           HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
   344         note.setTimeout(HbMessageBox::NoTimeout);
   345         note.exec();
   346         launchEditor = false;
   347     }
   348     else if (count == 1) {
   349         // A single mailbox exists.
   350         QModelIndex modelIndex = mailboxListModel.index(0, 0);
   351         QVariant mailbox(;
   352         NmMailboxMetaData *mailboxMetaData = mailbox.value<NmMailboxMetaData*>();
   353         mailboxId = mailboxMetaData->id();
   354     }
   355     else if (count > 1 && !selectMailbox(mailboxId)) {
   356         // More than one mailboxes exist but the user cancelled the mailbox
   357         // selection dialog.
   358         launchEditor = false;
   359     }
   361     mAsyncReqId = setCurrentRequestAsync();
   363     if (launchEditor) {
   364         // Make the previous view visible again.
   365         if (currentView) {
   366             currentView->show();
   367         }
   369         NmUiStartParam *startParam = new NmUiStartParam(
   370             NmUiViewMessageEditor,
   371             mailboxId,
   372             0, // folder id
   373             0, // message id
   374             dataHelper.mEditorStartMode, // editor start mode
   375             dataHelper.mToAddresses, // address list
   376             dataHelper.mAttachmentList, // attachment list
   377             true, // start as service
   378             dataHelper.mSubject, // message subject
   379             dataHelper.mCcAddresses, // list containing cc recipient addresses
   380             dataHelper.mBccAddresses // list containing bcc recipient addresses
   381         );
   383         mApplication->enterNmUiView(startParam);
   384         completeRequest(mAsyncReqId, 1);
   385     } 
   386     else {
   387         // Delete the extracted data since the editor was not launched and thus
   388         // NmUiStartParam did not take the ownership of the data.
   389         dataHelper.deleteData();
   391         // If the service was started as embedded, do not hide the app.
   392 		if (!XQServiceUtil::isEmbedded()) {
   393 			XQServiceUtil::toBackground(true);
   394 		}
   396         completeRequest(mAsyncReqId, 0);
   398         // If started as service, the application must be closed now.
   399         if (XQServiceUtil::isService()) {
   400             connect(this, SIGNAL(returnValueDelivered()),
   401                     mApplication, SLOT(delayedExitApplication()));
   402         }
   403         else {
   404             // Make the previous view visible again.
   405             if (currentView) {
   406                 currentView->show();
   407             }
   408         }
   409     }
   410 #endif /* NM_WINS_ENV */
   411 }
   414 // End of file.