changeset 0 8466d47a6819
child 8 e1b6206813b4
child 18 578830873419
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:8466d47a6819
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This file implements class CIPSAccountInfo.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "emailtrace.h"
    20 #include "ipsplgheaders.h"
    22 const TInt KEventGranularity = 2;
    23 //<cmail>
    24 const TInt KMaxDriveUnitValue = 25;
    25 //</cmail>
    27 #ifdef _DEBUG
    28 _LIT( KIpsPlgEventHandlerPanic, "ArrError");
    29 #endif
    31 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 // class CIPSAccountInfo
    33 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    36 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37 CIPSAccountInfo* CIPSAccountInfo::NewL(
    38     const TDesC& aName, const TFSMailMsgId& aMBoxId )
    39     {
    40     FUNC_LOG;
    41     CIPSAccountInfo* self = new(ELeave)CIPSAccountInfo( aMBoxId );
    42     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    43     self->ConstructL( aName );
    44     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    45     return self;
    46     }
    48 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 void CIPSAccountInfo::ConstructL( const TDesC& aName )
    51     {
    52     FUNC_LOG;
    53     iName = aName.AllocL();
    54     }
    56 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 CIPSAccountInfo::CIPSAccountInfo( const TFSMailMsgId& aMBoxId ) :
    59     iMBoxId( aMBoxId )
    60     {
    61     FUNC_LOG;
    62     }
    64 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 CIPSAccountInfo::~CIPSAccountInfo()
    67     {
    68     FUNC_LOG;
    69     delete iName;
    70     }
    72 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 // class CIpsPlgEventHandler
    74 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 CIpsPlgEventHandler* CIpsPlgEventHandler::NewL(
    79     CIpsPlgSosBasePlugin& aBasePlugin )
    80     {
    81     FUNC_LOG;
    82     CIpsPlgEventHandler* self = new( ELeave ) CIpsPlgEventHandler(
    83         aBasePlugin );
    84     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    85     self->ConstructL( );
    86     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    87     return self;
    88     }
    90 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 CIpsPlgEventHandler::~CIpsPlgEventHandler()
    93     {
    94     FUNC_LOG;
    95     UnRegisterPropertyObserver( this );
    96     iMBoxObservers.ResetAndDestroy();
    97     iMBoxObservers.Close();
    98     iIPSAccounts.ResetAndDestroy();
    99     iIPSAccounts.Close();
   100     if ( iCenRep )
   101         {
   102         iCenRep->NotifyCancelAll();
   103         }
   104     delete iCenRep;
   105     iIPSSettingsObservers.ResetAndDestroy();
   106     iIPSSettingsObservers.Close();
   107     iPropertyObservers.Close();
   108     delete iSettingsApi;
   109     iImapFolderIds.Close();
   110     }
   112 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 CIpsPlgEventHandler::CIpsPlgEventHandler(
   115     CIpsPlgSosBasePlugin& aBasePlugin )
   116     :iBasePlugin( aBasePlugin ),
   117     iMBoxObservers( KEventGranularity ),
   118     iIPSAccounts( KEventGranularity ),
   119     iIPSSettingsObservers( KEventGranularity ),
   120     iIsConnected( EFalse ),
   121     iPropertyObservers( KEventGranularity )
   122     {
   123     FUNC_LOG;
   124     }
   126 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::ConstructL( )
   129     {
   130     FUNC_LOG;
   131     iCenRep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidExtendedSettingsUid );
   132     iPluginId = iBasePlugin.PluginId();
   133     RegisterPropertyObserverL( this );
   134     }
   136 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   138 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::CompleteConstructL( CMsvSession* aSession )
   139     {
   140     FUNC_LOG;
   141     iSession = aSession;
   142     iSettingsApi = CIpsSetDataApi::NewL( *iSession );
   144     // this collects all folderids to array from mailboxes that
   145     // have registered observers, this is need to do here because
   146     // observers might be registered before calling complete construct
   147     RArray<TMsvId> mboxes( KEventGranularity );
   148     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iMBoxObservers.Count(); i++ )
   149         {
   150         TMsvId mboxId = iMBoxObservers[i]->iMBoxId.Id();
   151         if ( mboxes.Find(mboxId) == KErrNotFound )
   152             {
   153             mboxes.Append( mboxId );
   154             }
   155         }
   157     for ( TInt i = 0; i < mboxes.Count(); i++ )
   158         {
   159         CollectSubscribedFoldersL( mboxes[i] );
   160         }
   161     mboxes.Close();
   163     }
   165 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   167 TInt CIpsPlgEventHandler::SetNewPropertyEvent(
   168         TInt aMailbox, TInt aEvent, TInt aError )
   169     {
   170     FUNC_LOG;
   171     TIpsPlgPropertyEvent pEvent(  aEvent, aMailbox ,
   172             iBasePlugin.PluginId() ,aError );
   173     TInt error = SetProperty( pEvent );
   174     return error;
   175     }
   177 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   179 TInt CIpsPlgEventHandler::SetProperty( TIpsPlgPropertyEvent aEvent )
   180     {
   181     FUNC_LOG;
   182     TInt error = RProperty::Define(
   183             KIpsPlgPropertyCatUid,
   184         KIPSSosEventPropertyKey, RProperty::EByteArray,
   185         KAllowAllPolicy,
   186         KAllowWriteDeviceDataPolicy );
   188     iPropertyBuf = aEvent;
   190     // if definition was success
   191     if ( error == KErrNone ||
   192          error == KErrAlreadyExists ||
   193          error == KErrPermissionDenied )
   194         {
   195         error = RProperty::Set(
   196                 KIpsPlgPropertyCatUid,
   197                 KIPSSosEventPropertyKey, iPropertyBuf );
   199         }
   200     return error;
   201     }
   203 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   204 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 TInt CIpsPlgEventHandler::RegisterPropertyObserverL(
   206         MIpsPlgPropertyObserver* aObserver )
   207     {
   208     FUNC_LOG;
   209     if ( !aObserver )
   210         {
   211         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   212         }
   214     if ( !iPropertyWatcher )
   215         {
   216         iPropertyWatcher = CIpsPlgPropertyWatcher::NewL(
   217                 CActive::EPriorityIdle, *this );
   218         }
   220     return iPropertyObservers.Append( aObserver );
   221     }
   223 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   224 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::UnRegisterPropertyObserver(
   226         MIpsPlgPropertyObserver* aObserver )
   227     {
   228     FUNC_LOG;
   229     TInt index = iPropertyObservers.Find( aObserver );
   231     if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   232         {
   233         iPropertyObservers.Remove( index );
   234         }
   236     if ( iPropertyObservers.Count() == 0 )
   237         {
   238         delete iPropertyWatcher;
   239         iPropertyWatcher = NULL;
   240         }
   242     }
   244 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   246 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::NotifyPropertyEventL(
   247         TIpsPlgPropertyEvent aEvent )
   248     {
   249     FUNC_LOG;
   250     TBool doNotify = ETrue;
   251     switch ( aEvent.iEvent )
   252         {
   253         case KIpsSosEmailSyncStarted:
   254             SignalStartSyncL( TFSMailMsgId( aEvent.iPluginId,
   255                     aEvent.iMailbox ) );
   256             break;
   257         case KIpsSosEmailSyncCompleted:
   258             {
   259             SignalSyncCompletedL( TFSMailMsgId( aEvent.iPluginId,
   260                     aEvent.iMailbox ), aEvent.iError );
   261                 }
   262             break;
   263         default:
   264             break;
   265         }
   267     for ( TInt i = 0; doNotify && i < iPropertyObservers.Count(); i++ )
   268         {
   269         TRAP_IGNORE( iPropertyObservers[i]->HandlePropertyEventL(
   270                 aEvent.iEvent,  aEvent.iMailbox,
   271                 aEvent.iPluginId, aEvent.iError ) );
   272         }
   273     }
   275 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   276 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   277 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::HandleSessionEventL(
   278     MMsvSessionObserver::TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
   279     TAny* aArg1,
   280     TAny* aArg2,
   281     TAny* aArg3)
   282     {
   283     FUNC_LOG;
   284     if ( aEvent == MMsvSessionObserver::EMsvServerReady )
   285         {
   286         iBasePlugin.CompleteConstructL();
   287         IPSAccountsL();
   288         return;
   289         }
   290     if ( !iPluginObserver && iMBoxObservers.Count()==0 )
   291         {
   292         //if no observer we can't relay these events.
   293         return;
   294         }
   295     //<cmail>
   296     if ( iMBoxObservers.Count() == 0 && aArg2 &&
   297         (*(TMsvId*) (aArg2)) != KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue &&
   298         aEvent != EMsvMediaChanged )
   299         {
   300         // event is related to messages / folders, can return
   301         // because no mailbox observers found
   302         return;
   303         }
   304     //</cmail>
   306     switch( aEvent )
   307         {
   308         case EMsvEntriesCreated:
   309             HandleEntriesCreatedL( aArg1, aArg2, aArg3 );
   310             break;
   311         case EMsvEntriesDeleted:
   312             HandleEntriesDeletedL( aArg1, aArg2, aArg3 );
   313             break;
   314         case EMsvEntriesChanged:
   315             HandleEntriesChangedL( aArg1, aArg2, aArg3 );
   316             break;
   317         case EMsvEntriesMoved:
   318             HandleEntriesMovedL( aArg1, aArg2, aArg3 );
   319             break;
   320         case EMsvServerTerminated:
   321             iBasePlugin.SessionTerminated();
   322             iSession = NULL;
   323             break;
   324         case EMsvCloseSession:
   325             break;
   326         case EMsvGeneralError:
   327             break;
   328         //<cmail>    
   329         case EMsvMediaChanged:
   330             HandleMediaChangedL( aArg1, aArg2, aArg3 );
   331             break;
   332         //</cmail>
   333         default:
   334             //we don't care about unhandled events
   335             break;
   336         };
   337     }
   339 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   340 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::AddPluginObserverL(
   342     MFSMailEventObserver* aObserver )
   343     {
   344     FUNC_LOG;
   345     // there can be several plugin observers??
   346     iPluginObserver = aObserver;
   347     }
   348 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   349 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::RemovePluginObserver(
   351     MFSMailEventObserver* /*aObserver*/ )
   352     {
   353     FUNC_LOG;
   354     iPluginObserver = NULL;
   355     }
   357 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   359 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::SubscribeMailboxEventsL(
   360     const TFSMailMsgId& aMailboxId,
   361     MFSMailEventObserver& aObserver,
   362     TUint32 aKey )
   363     {
   364     FUNC_LOG;
   365     CMBoxEventObserver* observer = new(ELeave) CMBoxEventObserver( aObserver, aMailboxId );
   366     CleanupStack::PushL( observer );
   367     iMBoxObservers.AppendL( observer );
   368     CleanupStack::Pop( observer );
   369     AppendSettingsObserverL( aMailboxId, aKey );
   370     //at the moment we won't support syncstate events for IMAP alwaysonline.
   371     //because of imap idle. we can't extract usefull syncstate changes when it is in use.
   372    /* if ( iBasePlugin.MtmId().iUid != KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue )
   373         {
   374         AppendSyncStateObserverL( aMailboxId );
   375         }*/
   376     if( aMailboxId.PluginId() == KIpsPlgImap4PluginUid )
   377         {
   378         CollectSubscribedFoldersL( aMailboxId.Id() );
   379         }
   380     }
   382 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   384 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::UnsubscribeMailboxEvents(
   385     const TFSMailMsgId& aMailboxId,
   386     MFSMailEventObserver& aObserver )
   387     {
   388     FUNC_LOG;
   389     TInt count = iMBoxObservers.Count();
   390     for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
   391         {
   392         if( &iMBoxObservers[i]->iObserver == &aObserver )
   393             {
   394             RemoveSettingsObserver( aMailboxId );
   395             delete iMBoxObservers[i];
   396             iMBoxObservers.Remove(i);
   397             break;
   398             }
   399         }
   400     }
   402 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   403 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 TBool CIpsPlgEventHandler::IsEventFromIpsSourceL( TAny* aArg1,
   405                                                   TUid& aSourceType,
   406                                                   TMsvEntry& aEntry )
   407     {
   408     FUNC_LOG;
   409     const CMsvEntrySelection* selection =
   410         static_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*>( aArg1 );
   412     TMsvId dummy( KMsvNullIndexEntryIdValue );
   413     TMsvId entryId( KMsvNullIndexEntryIdValue );
   414     if ( selection->Count() == 0)
   415         {
   416         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   417         }
   419     if( !iSession )
   420         {
   421         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   422         }
   424     entryId = selection->At(0);
   425     User::LeaveIfError( iSession->GetEntry( entryId, dummy, aEntry ) );
   427     //we set the source type regardless is it IPS ( imap/pop )
   428     aSourceType = aEntry.iType;
   431     TBool ret = ETrue;
   432     //we're interested only in events from own mtm type
   433     //or ny messages in smtp folder
   434     if ( aEntry.iMtm.iUid != iBasePlugin.MtmId().iUid )
   435         {
   436         //when creating a mailbox, we come here only once,
   437         //so this is reliable way to see mailbox creation.
   438         ret = EFalse;
   439         }
   440     else if ( aEntry.iType.iUid < KUidMsvRootEntryValue ||
   441              aEntry.iType.iUid > KUidMsvAttachmentEntryValue )
   442          {
   443          ret = EFalse;
   444          }
   446     if ( !ret && aEntry.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue )
   447         {
   448         ret = ETrue;
   449         }
   452     return ret;
   453     }
   455 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   456 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   457 inline TFSMailMsgId CIpsPlgEventHandler::SymId2FsId(
   458     TMsvId aId, TUint aMtmUid )
   459     {
   460     FUNC_LOG;
   461     TFSMailMsgId id;
   462     id.SetId( aId );
   463     if ( aMtmUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue )
   464         {
   465         id.SetPluginId( KIpsPlgImap4PluginUid );
   466         }
   467     else if ( aMtmUid == KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue )
   468         {
   469         id.SetPluginId( KIpsPlgPop3PluginUid );
   470         }
   471     else if ( aMtmUid == KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue )
   472         {
   473         // set plugin id to this plugin
   474         id.SetPluginId( TUid::Uid(iPluginId) );
   475         }
   476     return id;
   477     }
   479 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   480 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   481 inline TFSMailMsgId CIpsPlgEventHandler::SymId2FsId(
   482     const TMsvEntry& aEntry )
   483     {
   484     FUNC_LOG;
   485     return SymId2FsId( aEntry.Id(), aEntry.iMtm.iUid );
   486     }
   488 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   489 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   490 inline void CIpsPlgEventHandler::FillFSMessageArray(
   491     RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& aFSArray,
   492     const CMsvEntrySelection* aSelection,
   493     TUint aMtmUid )
   494     {
   495     FUNC_LOG;
   496     // function should used only with empty (new) arrays
   497     __ASSERT_DEBUG( ( aFSArray.Count() == 0 ),
   498         User::Panic( KIpsPlgEventHandlerPanic, KErrGeneral ) );
   500     for ( TInt i = 0; i < aSelection->Count(); i++ )
   501         {
   502         aFSArray.Append( SymId2FsId(aSelection->At(i), aMtmUid) );
   503         }
   504     }
   506 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   507 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   508 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::SendDelayedEventL(
   509     TFSMailEvent aEvent,
   510     TFSMailMsgId aMailbox,
   511     TAny* aArg1,
   512     TAny* aArg2,
   513     TAny* aArg3 )
   514     {
   515     FUNC_LOG;
   516     TIpsPlgEvent event;
   517     event.iAccountId = aMailbox;
   518     event.iEvent = aEvent;
   519     event.iArg1 = aArg1;
   520     event.iArg2 = aArg2;
   521     event.iArg3 = aArg3;
   523     RPointerArray<MFSMailEventObserver> observers;
   524     CleanupClosePushL( observers );
   526     if( aEvent == TFSEventNewMailbox ||
   527         aEvent == TFSEventMailboxRenamed ||
   528         aEvent == TFSEventMailboxDeleted )
   529         {
   530         //<cmail>
   531         if( iPluginObserver )
   532             {
   533             // Could been deleted within observer itself
   534             observers.AppendL( iPluginObserver );
   535             }
   536         //</cmail>
   537         }
   538     else
   539         {
   540         //other events go to mailbox specific observers
   541         MailboxObserversL( aMailbox, observers );
   542         }
   543     for( TInt i = 0; i < observers.Count(); ++i )
   544         {
   545         // ignore leave so that other observers get event even if
   546         // one leaves
   547         TRAP_IGNORE(observers[i]->EventL(
   548             event.iEvent,
   549             event.iAccountId,
   550             event.iArg1,
   551             event.iArg2,
   552             event.iArg3 ));
   553         }
   554     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &observers );
   555     }
   557 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   558 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::IPSAccountsL()
   560     {
   561     FUNC_LOG;
   562     if( !iSession )
   563         {
   564         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   565         }
   566     CMsvEntry* root = iSession->GetEntryL( KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue );
   567     CleanupStack::PushL( root );
   569     CMsvEntrySelection* pop = root->ChildrenWithMtmL( KSenduiMtmPop3Uid );
   570     CleanupStack::PushL( pop );
   572     CMsvEntrySelection* imap = root->ChildrenWithMtmL( KSenduiMtmImap4Uid );
   573     CleanupStack::PushL( imap );
   575     TInt count = pop->Count();
   576     TMsvEntry tEntry;
   577     TMsvId service;
   578     for ( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
   579         {
   580         iSession->GetEntry( pop->At(i), service, tEntry );
   581         //<cmail>
   582         if( !AccountExistsL( tEntry ) )
   583             {
   584             iIPSAccounts.AppendL( CIPSAccountInfo::NewL( 
   585                 tEntry.iDetails, 
   586                 SymId2FsId( tEntry ) ) );    
   587             }
   588         //</cmail>
   589         }
   591     count = imap->Count();
   592     for ( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
   593         {
   594         iSession->GetEntry( imap->At(i), service, tEntry );
   595         //<cmail>
   596         if( !AccountExistsL( tEntry ) )
   597             {  
   598             iIPSAccounts.AppendL( CIPSAccountInfo::NewL( 
   599                 tEntry.iDetails, 
   600                 SymId2FsId( tEntry ) ) );
   601             }
   602         //</cmail>
   603         }        
   605     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, root );
   606     }
   608 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   609 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   610 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::HandleEntriesCreatedL(
   611     TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* /*aArg3*/ )
   612     {
   613     FUNC_LOG;
   614     TUid type;
   615     TMsvEntry tNew;
   617     if( IsEventFromIpsSourceL( aArg1, type, tNew ) )
   618         {
   619         TAny* arg1=NULL;
   620         TAny* arg2=NULL;
   621         TAny* arg3=NULL;
   623         TFSMailEvent event;
   624         TFSMailMsgId mbox;
   626         if ( type == KUidMsvServiceEntry )
   627             {
   628             event = TFSEventNewMailbox;
   630             mbox = SymId2FsId( tNew );
   632             if( AccountExistsL( tNew ) )
   633                 {
   634                 //this is a duplicate event. Ignoring...
   635                 return;
   636                 }
   638             iIPSAccounts.AppendL( CIPSAccountInfo::NewL(
   639                 tNew.iDetails,
   640                 mbox ) );
   641             SendDelayedEventL( event, mbox,
   642                 arg1, arg2 , arg3 );
   643             }
   645         // discard any new mail events if message is marked as deleted in imap
   646         const TMsvEmailEntry& emlEntry(tNew);
   647         TBool isMarkedAsDeleted = EFalse;
   648         if ( mbox.PluginId() == KIpsPlgImap4PluginUid
   649                 && (EDisconnectedDeleteOperation == emlEntry.DisconnectedOperation()
   650                 || emlEntry.DeletedIMAP4Flag()) )
   651             {
   652             isMarkedAsDeleted = ETrue;
   653             }
   656         if ( type == KUidMsvMessageEntry && !isMarkedAsDeleted )
   657             {
   658             TMsvId* parent = static_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg2);
   659             event = TFSEventNewMail;
   660             TFSMailMsgId mbox;
   662             if ( tNew.iServiceId == KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryIdValue
   663                 || tNew.Parent() == KMsvDraftEntryIdValue )
   664                 {
   665                 TMsvEntry srvEntry;
   666                 TMsvId dummy;
   667                 if( !iSession )
   668                     {
   669                     User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   670                     }
   671                 iSession->GetEntry( tNew.iServiceId, dummy, srvEntry );
   672                 iSession->GetEntry( srvEntry.iRelatedId, dummy, srvEntry );
   673                 mbox = SymId2FsId( srvEntry );
   674                 }
   675             else
   676                 {
   677                 mbox = SymId2FsId( tNew.iServiceId , tNew.iMtm.iUid );
   678                 // start automatic sync
   679                 if ( iBasePlugin.IsUnderUiProcess() &&
   680                         iBasePlugin.PluginId() == KIpsPlgImap4PluginUidValue )
   681                     {
   682                     iBasePlugin.PopulateNewMailL(
   683                             mbox, tNew.Id(), tNew.Parent() );
   684                     }
   685                 }
   687             // set entries array pointer
   688             RArray<TFSMailMsgId> array(KEventGranularity);
   689             CleanupClosePushL( array );
   691             FillFSMessageArray(
   692                 array,
   693                 static_cast<const CMsvEntrySelection*>(aArg1),
   694                 tNew.iMtm.iUid );
   695             arg1 = static_cast<TAny*>(&array);
   697             // set parent pointer
   698             parent = static_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg2);
   699             TFSMailMsgId tfsid( iPluginId, *parent);
   700             arg2 = static_cast<TAny*>(&tfsid);
   702             SendDelayedEventL( event, mbox,
   703                 arg1, arg2 , arg3 );
   704             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
   705             }
   706         else if ( type == KUidMsvFolderEntry )
   707             {
   708             event = TFSEventNewFolder;
   709             mbox = SymId2FsId( tNew.iServiceId, tNew.iMtm.iUid );
   711             // set entries array pointer
   712             RArray<TFSMailMsgId> array(1);
   713             CleanupClosePushL( array );
   714             array.Append( SymId2FsId( tNew ) );
   715             arg1 = &array;
   717             // set parent pointer
   718             TMsvId* parent = static_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg2);
   719             TFSMailMsgId tfsid( iPluginId, *parent);
   720             arg2 = static_cast<TAny*>(&tfsid);
   722             SendDelayedEventL( event, mbox,
   723                 arg1, arg2 , arg3 );
   725             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
   727             if( tNew.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue )
   728                 {
   729                 SetFolderIdToArrayL( tNew.Id() );
   730                 }
   731             }
   732         else//attachment
   733             {
   734             return;
   735             //do we need to handle this? maybe....
   736             }
   738         // set null to prevent later usage in framework side
   739         // causes kern exec 3 panic...
   740         arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = NULL;
   741         }
   742     }
   744 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   745 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   746 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::HandleEntriesMovedL(
   747     TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3 )
   748     {
   749     FUNC_LOG;
   750     TUid type;
   751     TMsvEntry tMoved;
   752     if( IsEventFromIpsSourceL( aArg1, type, tMoved ) )
   753         {
   754         //sent to draft can cause problems
   755         TAny* arg1=NULL;
   756         TAny* arg2=NULL;
   757         TAny* arg3=NULL;
   759         TFSMailEvent event( TFSMailboxUnavailable );
   761         RArray<TFSMailMsgId> array(KEventGranularity);
   762         CleanupClosePushL( array );
   763         FillFSMessageArray(
   764             array,
   765             static_cast<const CMsvEntrySelection*>(aArg1),
   766             tMoved.iMtm.iUid );
   768         arg1 = &array;
   769         TFSMailMsgId tempId1 = TFSMailMsgId( iPluginId, *(static_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg2) ) ); //target
   770         arg2 = &tempId1;
   771         TFSMailMsgId tempId2 = TFSMailMsgId( iPluginId, *(static_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg3)) ); //source
   772         arg3 = &tempId2;
   774         if( tMoved.iType == KUidMsvMessageEntry )
   775             {
   776             event = TFSEventMailMoved;
   777             }
   778         else if( tMoved.iType == KUidMsvFolderEntry )
   779             {
   780             event = TFSEventFoldersMoved;
   781             }
   783         TFSMailMsgId mbox;
   784         // solve mailbox.
   785         if ( tMoved.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue )
   786             {
   787             TMsvEntry serv;
   788             TMsvId service;
   789             iSession->GetEntry( tMoved.iServiceId, service, serv );
   790             //get correct imap/pop service to tEntry
   791             iSession->GetEntry( serv.iRelatedId, service, serv );
   792             mbox = SymId2FsId( serv.iServiceId, serv.iMtm.iUid );
   793             }
   794         else
   795             {
   796             mbox = SymId2FsId( tMoved.iServiceId, tMoved.iMtm.iUid );
   797             }
   799         SendDelayedEventL(
   800             event,
   801             mbox,
   802             arg1,
   803             arg2,
   804             arg3 );
   806         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
   807         // set null to prevent later usage in framework side
   808         // causes kern exec 3 panic...
   809         arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = NULL;
   810         }
   811     }
   813 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   814 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   815 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::HandleEntriesDeletedL(
   816     TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* /*aArg3*/ )
   817     {
   818     FUNC_LOG;
   820     if ( !aArg1 || !aArg2 )
   821         {
   822         // sometimes we get null pointers from symbian api
   823         return;
   824         }
   826     TAny* arg1=NULL;
   827     TAny* arg2=NULL;
   828     TAny* arg3=NULL;
   830     TFSMailEvent event( TFSMailboxUnavailable );
   832     //parent must be root for it to be mailbox
   833     if( (*(TMsvId*) (aArg2)) == KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue )
   834         {
   835         CMsvEntrySelection* sel = static_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*>(aArg1);
   836         TFSMailMsgId id;
   837         TBool found = EFalse;
   838         TInt count = iIPSAccounts.Count();
   839         TInt selCount = sel->Count();
   841         for(TInt i=count-1; i>=0; i--)
   842             {
   843             TMsvId mboxId = iIPSAccounts[i]->iMBoxId.Id();
   844             for (TInt j = 0; j < selCount; j++ )
   845                 {
   846                 TMsvId deletedId = sel->At(j);
   847                 if ( deletedId == mboxId)
   848                     {
   849                     iIPSAccounts[i];
   850                     id.SetId( deletedId );
   851                     id.SetPluginId( iIPSAccounts[i]->iMBoxId.PluginId() );
   852                     delete iIPSAccounts[i];
   853                     iIPSAccounts.Remove(i);
   854                     found = ETrue;
   855                     break;
   856                     }
   857                 }
   858             }
   860         if(!found)
   861             {
   862             //was some other service, ignore.
   863             return;
   864             }
   866         //check is the id of the deleted entry in our account list.
   868         event = TFSEventMailboxDeleted;
   869         SendDelayedEventL(
   870             event,
   871             id,
   872             arg1,
   873             arg2,
   874             arg3 );
   875         }
   876     else
   877         {
   878         //aArg2 is a service OR a folder
   879         TMsvEntry tEntry;
   880         TMsvId service;
   881         TBool isFolderId( EFalse );
   882         if( !iSession )
   883             {
   884             User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   885             }
   886         iSession->GetEntry( (*(TMsvId*) (aArg2)), service, tEntry );
   888         if( tEntry.iMtm.iUid == iBasePlugin.MtmId().iUid )
   889             {
   890             CMsvEntrySelection* sel = static_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*>(aArg1);
   891 	        TMsvId deletedId( KMsvNullIndexEntryIdValue );
   892 	        TInt count = sel->Count();
   894     		if( count )
   895 	            {
   896 	            // In case we get several id's, ignore others than
   897 	            // last one which is the actual message/root folder id.
   898 	            deletedId = sel->At(count-1);
   899 	            }
   901             // message in remote folder (inbox)
   902             TFSMailMsgId mbox(iPluginId, tEntry.iServiceId );
   903             RArray<TFSMailMsgId> array( KEventGranularity );
   904             CleanupClosePushL( array );
   905             TFSMailMsgId parentId( iPluginId, tEntry.Id() );
   907             if ( tEntry.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue )
   908                 {
   909                 isFolderId = MatchFolderIdFound( deletedId );
   910                 }
   911             if( !isFolderId )
   912                 {
   913                 FindCorrectDeletedEntryAndParentL(
   914                     tEntry, *sel, parentId, array );
   916                 if ( array.Count() > 0 )
   917                     {
   918                     arg1 = &array;
   919                     arg2 = &parentId;
   921                     event = TFSEventMailDeleted;
   922                     SendDelayedEventL(
   923                         event,
   924                         mbox,
   925                         arg1,
   926                         arg2,
   927                         arg3 );
   928                     }
   929                 }
   930             else
   931                 {
   932                 array.Append( SymId2FsId(deletedId, tEntry.iMtm.iUid) );
   933                 arg1 = &array;
   934                 arg2 = &parentId;
   936                 event = TFSEventFoldersDeleted;
   937                 SendDelayedEventL(
   938                     event,
   939                     mbox,
   940                     arg1,
   941                     arg2,
   942                     arg3 );
   943                 }
   945             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
   946             }
   947         else if ( tEntry.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue )
   948             {
   949             // seems that case when deleding from draft, symbian
   950             // sends event that contains some child part's id of
   951             // correct deleted mail. So append parents id to array
   952             TFSMailMsgId msg;
   953             msg.SetId( tEntry.Id() );
   954             TFSMailMsgId parent;
   955             parent.SetId( tEntry.Parent() );
   956             if( !iSession )
   957                 {
   958                 User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   959                 }
   960             //re-load smtp service to tEntry
   961             iSession->GetEntry( tEntry.iServiceId, service, tEntry );
   962             //get correct imap/pop service to tEntry
   963             iSession->GetEntry( tEntry.iRelatedId, service, tEntry );
   965             TFSMailMsgId mbox;
   966             mbox.SetId( tEntry.Id() );
   968             // set plugin id to msg, parent and mbox
   969             if ( tEntry.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue )
   970         		{
   971         		parent.SetPluginId( KIpsPlgImap4PluginUid );
   972         		msg.SetPluginId( KIpsPlgImap4PluginUid );
   973         		mbox.SetPluginId( KIpsPlgImap4PluginUid );
   974         		}
   975     		else if ( tEntry.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue )
   976         		{
   977         		parent.SetPluginId( KIpsPlgPop3PluginUid );
   978         		msg.SetPluginId( KIpsPlgPop3PluginUid );
   979         		mbox.SetPluginId( KIpsPlgPop3PluginUid );
   980         		}
   981             else
   982                 {
   983                 // Should be panic at this point?
   984                 return;
   985                 }
   987             RArray<TFSMailMsgId> array(1);
   988             CleanupClosePushL( array );
   989             array.Append( msg );
   990             arg1 = &array;
   991             arg2 = &parent;
   992             event = TFSEventMailDeleted;
   993             SendDelayedEventL(
   994                 event,
   995                 mbox,
   996                 arg1,
   997                 arg2,
   998                 arg3 );
   999             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
  1000             }
  1001         else
  1002             {
  1003             //deletion happened under some other service that IPS.
  1004             return;
  1005             }
  1006         }
  1007     // set null to prevent later usage in framework side
  1008     // causes kern exec 3 panic...
  1009     arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = NULL;
  1010     }
  1012 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1013 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1014 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::HandleEntriesChangedL(
  1015     TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* /*aArg3*/ )
  1016     {
  1017     FUNC_LOG;
  1018     TAny* arg1=NULL;
  1019     TAny* arg2=NULL;
  1020     TAny* arg3=NULL;
  1022     TUid uId;
  1023     TMsvEntry tChanged;
  1024     if ( !IsEventFromIpsSourceL( aArg1, uId, tChanged ) )
  1025         {
  1026         return;
  1027         }
  1028     else if ( tChanged.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue )
  1029         {
  1030         // do not send entry changed events from draft messages
  1031         // mess up draft email
  1032         return;
  1033         }
  1035     TFSMailEvent event = static_cast<TFSMailEvent>( KErrNotFound );
  1037     RArray<TFSMailMsgId> array(1);
  1038     CleanupClosePushL( array );
  1040     if ( tChanged.iType == KUidMsvMessageEntry )
  1041         {
  1042         TMsvEmailEntry emailEntry(tChanged);
  1043         if( emailEntry.DeletedIMAP4Flag() /*|| tChanged.Deleted()*/ )
  1044             {
  1045             event = TFSEventMailDeleted;
  1046             }
  1047         else
  1048             {
  1049             event = TFSEventMailChanged;
  1050             }
  1052         // message entry
  1053         array.Append( SymId2FsId( tChanged )  );
  1054         arg1 = &array;
  1056         // parent entry
  1057         TFSMailMsgId id = SymId2FsId( *(static_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg2)), tChanged.iMtm.iUid );
  1058         arg2 = &id;
  1060         }
  1061     else if ( tChanged.iType == KUidMsvFolderEntry )
  1062         {
  1063         event = TFSEventFolderChanged;
  1065         array.Append( SymId2FsId( tChanged ) );
  1066         arg1 = &array;
  1068         TFSMailMsgId id = SymId2FsId( *(static_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg2)), tChanged.iMtm.iUid );
  1069         arg2 = &id;
  1071         if ( tChanged.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue )
  1072             {
  1073             TMsvEmailEntry eml( tChanged );
  1074             TInt index = iImapFolderIds.Find(tChanged.Id());
  1075             if ( eml.LocalSubscription() && index == KErrNotFound )
  1076                 {
  1077                 iImapFolderIds.Append( tChanged.Id() );
  1078                 }
  1079             else if ( !eml.LocalSubscription() && index != KErrNotFound )
  1080                 {
  1081                 iImapFolderIds.Remove( index );
  1082                 }
  1083             }
  1085         }
  1086     else if( IsConnectionChangeL( aArg1, aArg2 ) )
  1087         {
  1088         if ( iIsConnected )
  1089             {
  1090             event = TFSEventMailboxOnline;
  1091             }
  1092         else
  1093             {
  1094             event = TFSEventMailboxOffline;
  1095             }
  1096         }
  1097     else if( IsAccountNameChangeL( aArg1, aArg2 ) )
  1098         {
  1099         event = TFSEventMailboxRenamed;
  1100         }
  1102     // send event only if we found correct one
  1103     if ( event != KErrNotFound )
  1104         {
  1105         TFSMailMsgId mbox;
  1106         // solve mailbox.
  1107         if ( tChanged.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue )
  1108             {
  1109             TMsvEntry serv;
  1110             TMsvId service;
  1111             if( !iSession )
  1112                 {
  1113                 User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1114                 }
  1115             iSession->GetEntry( tChanged.iServiceId, service, serv );
  1116             //get correct imap/pop service to tEntry
  1117             iSession->GetEntry( serv.iRelatedId, service, serv );
  1118             mbox = SymId2FsId( serv.iServiceId, serv.iMtm.iUid );
  1119             }
  1120         else
  1121             {
  1122             mbox = SymId2FsId( tChanged.iServiceId, tChanged.iMtm.iUid );
  1123             }
  1125         SendDelayedEventL( event,
  1126             mbox, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
  1127         }
  1128     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
  1129     // set null to prevent later usage in framework side
  1130     // causes kern exec 3 panic...
  1131     arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = NULL;
  1132     }
  1133 //<cmail>
  1134 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1135 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1136 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::HandleMediaChangedL( 
  1137     TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* /*aArg3*/ )
  1138     {
  1139     TAny* arg1=NULL;
  1140     TAny* arg2=NULL;
  1141     TAny* arg3=NULL;    
  1142     TMsvId service;
  1143     TMsvEntry tChanged;
  1144     TFSMailMsgId mbox;
  1145     TFSMailEvent event( TFSEventMailboxDeleted );
  1146     TInt startPoint(iIPSAccounts.Count()-1);
  1147     TInt from(*(TInt*) (aArg1));
  1148     TInt to(*(TInt*) (aArg2));
  1150     if ( !aArg1 || !aArg2 || 
  1151          from>KMaxDriveUnitValue || to>KMaxDriveUnitValue )
  1152         {
  1153         // Possibly duplicate event 
  1154         // or some other disinformation
  1155         return; 
  1156         }
  1157     if( !iSession )
  1158         {
  1159         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1160         }
  1162     CMsvEntry* cEntry = iSession->GetEntryL( KMsvRootIndexEntryId );
  1163     CleanupStack::PushL( cEntry );
  1165     CMsvEntrySelection* children = cEntry->ChildrenWithMtmL( MtmId() );
  1166     CleanupStack::PushL( children );
  1168     for( TInt accIndex(startPoint); accIndex>=0; accIndex-- )
  1169         {
  1170         // Remove all mailboxes, also the ones possibly added to 
  1171         // array from current store to avoid duplicate boxes
  1172         mbox.SetId( iIPSAccounts[accIndex]->iMBoxId.Id() );
  1173         mbox.SetPluginId( iIPSAccounts[accIndex]->iMBoxId.PluginId() );
  1174         iIPSAccounts.Remove(accIndex);
  1175         SendDelayedEventL( event, mbox, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
  1176         }
  1177     for( TInt chdIndex(0); chdIndex<children->Count(); chdIndex++ )
  1178         {
  1179         // With clear table send mailboxes in current store
  1180         // to observers to complete full update
  1181         iSession->GetEntry( children->At(chdIndex), service, tChanged );
  1182         mbox = SymId2FsId( tChanged );
  1183         event = TFSEventNewMailbox;
  1184         SendDelayedEventL( event, mbox, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
  1185         }
  1187     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
  1188     // set null to prevent later usage in framework side
  1189     // causes kern exec 3 panic...
  1190     arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = NULL;
  1191     }
  1193 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1194 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1195 TUid CIpsPlgEventHandler::MtmId() const
  1196     {
  1197     TUid ret = KSenduiMtmImap4Uid;
  1198     if ( iBasePlugin.MtmId().iUid == KIpsPlgPop3PluginUidValue )
  1199         {
  1200         ret = KSenduiMtmPop3Uid;
  1201         }
  1202     return ret;
  1203     }
  1204 //</cmail>
  1205 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1206 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  1207 TBool CIpsPlgEventHandler::IsConnectionChangeL( TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2 )
  1208     {
  1209     FUNC_LOG;
  1210     TMsvId parent = (*(TMsvId*) (aArg2));
  1212     //we check that parent is the root. if not, it cannot be a
  1213     //event from service, thus can't be from connection change..
  1214     if ( parent == KMsvRootIndexEntryId )
  1215         {
  1216         const CMsvEntrySelection* selection =
  1217             static_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*>( aArg1 );
  1219         TMsvEntry tEntry;
  1220         TMsvId service;
  1221         if( !iSession )
  1222             {
  1223             User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1224             }
  1225         if ( selection->Count() )
  1226             {
  1227             iSession->GetEntry( selection->At(0), service, tEntry );
  1228             }
  1230         if ( tEntry.Connected() == iIsConnected )
  1231             {
  1232             return EFalse;
  1233             }
  1234         else
  1235             {
  1236             //state has changed, update iIsConnected accordingly.
  1237             iIsConnected = tEntry.Connected();
  1238             return ETrue;
  1239             }
  1240         }
  1242     return EFalse;
  1243     }
  1245 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1246 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1247 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::MailboxObserversL(
  1248     TFSMailMsgId aMailbox,
  1249     RPointerArray<MFSMailEventObserver>& aObservers )
  1250     {
  1251     FUNC_LOG;
  1252     TInt count = iMBoxObservers.Count();
  1253     for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
  1254         {
  1255           CMBoxEventObserver* observer = iMBoxObservers[i];
  1256           if ( observer && observer->iMBoxId == aMailbox )
  1257             {
  1258             aObservers.AppendL( &iMBoxObservers[i]->iObserver );
  1259             }
  1260         }
  1261     }
  1263 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1264 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1265 TBool CIpsPlgEventHandler::IsAccountNameChangeL( TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2 )
  1266     {
  1267     FUNC_LOG;
  1268     TMsvId parent = (*(TMsvId*) (aArg2));
  1270     TBool ret = EFalse;
  1272     //we check that parent is the root. if not, it cannot be a
  1273     //event from service, thus can't be from account name change
  1274     if ( parent == KMsvRootIndexEntryId )
  1275         {
  1276         const CMsvEntrySelection* selection =
  1277             static_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*>( aArg1 );
  1279         TMsvEntry tEntry;
  1280         TMsvId service;
  1281         if( !iSession )
  1282             {
  1283             User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1284             }
  1285         if ( selection->Count() )
  1286             {
  1287             iSession->GetEntry( selection->At(0), service, tEntry );
  1288             }
  1290         TInt count = iIPSAccounts.Count();
  1291         for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
  1292             {
  1293             if( iIPSAccounts[i]->iMBoxId.Id() == tEntry.Id() )
  1294                 {
  1295                 if( iIPSAccounts[i]->iName->CompareC( tEntry.iDetails ) != 0 )
  1296                     {
  1297                     //account has been renamed
  1298                     delete iIPSAccounts[i]->iName;
  1299                     iIPSAccounts[i]->iName=NULL;
  1300                     iIPSAccounts[i]->iName = tEntry.iDetails.AllocL();
  1301                     ret = ETrue;
  1302                     break;
  1303                     }
  1304                 }
  1305             }
  1306         }
  1308     return ret;
  1309     }
  1311 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1312 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1313 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::AppendSettingsObserverL(
  1314     TFSMailMsgId aAccount,
  1315     TUint32 aSettingKey )
  1316     {
  1317     FUNC_LOG;
  1318     // recycle setting observers
  1319     TInt find = KErrNotFound;
  1320     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iIPSSettingsObservers.Count(); i++ )
  1321         {
  1322         if ( iIPSSettingsObservers[i]->MailboxId() == aAccount )
  1323             {
  1324             find = i;
  1325             break;
  1326             }
  1327         }
  1329     RPointerArray<MFSMailEventObserver> observers;
  1330     MailboxObserversL( aAccount, observers );
  1332     if ( find != KErrNotFound )
  1333         {
  1334         iIPSSettingsObservers[find]->SetKeyAndActivateL( aSettingKey, observers );
  1335         }
  1336     else
  1337         {
  1338         CIpsPlgSettingsObserver* obs =
  1339             CIpsPlgSettingsObserver::NewL( aAccount, *iCenRep, *this );
  1340         obs->SetKeyAndActivateL( aSettingKey, observers );
  1341         iIPSSettingsObservers.AppendL( obs );
  1342         }
  1343     observers.Close();
  1344     }
  1346 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1347 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1348 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::RemoveSettingsObserver( TFSMailMsgId aMailboxId )
  1349     {
  1350     FUNC_LOG;
  1351     TInt count = iIPSSettingsObservers.Count();
  1352     for( TInt i=0; i < count; i++ )
  1353         {
  1354         if( iIPSSettingsObservers[i]->MailboxId() == aMailboxId )
  1355             {
  1356             iIPSSettingsObservers[i]->UnActivate();
  1357             break;
  1358             }
  1359         }
  1360     }
  1362 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1363 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1364 MFSMailEventObserver* CIpsPlgEventHandler::MailboxObserverL(
  1365     TFSMailMsgId aMailbox )
  1366     {
  1367     FUNC_LOG;
  1368     TInt count = iMBoxObservers.Count();
  1369     for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
  1370         {
  1371         if ( iMBoxObservers[i]->iMBoxId == aMailbox )
  1372             {
  1373             return &iMBoxObservers[i]->iObserver;
  1374             }
  1375         }
  1376     return NULL;
  1377     }
  1379 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1380 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1381 TBool CIpsPlgEventHandler::AccountExistsL( const TMsvEntry& aEntry )
  1382     {
  1383     FUNC_LOG;
  1384     if ( !(aEntry.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue
  1385         || aEntry.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue) )
  1386         {
  1387         // check only imap and pop
  1388         return ETrue;
  1389         }
  1391     TInt count = iIPSAccounts.Count();
  1393     for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
  1394         {
  1395         TInt a = aEntry.Id();
  1396         TInt b = iIPSAccounts[i]->iMBoxId.Id();
  1398         if( a == b )
  1399             {
  1400             return ETrue;
  1401             }
  1402         }
  1403     return EFalse;
  1404     }
  1406 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1407 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1408 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::FindCorrectDeletedEntryAndParentL(
  1409     const TMsvEmailEntry& aParent,
  1410     const CMsvEntrySelection& aDeletedIds,
  1411     TFSMailMsgId& aFSParent,
  1412     RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& aFSDeletedArray )
  1413     {
  1414     FUNC_LOG;
  1415     if ( aParent.iType.iUid == KUidMsvRootEntryValue )
  1416         {
  1417         // stop recursion
  1418         return;
  1419         }
  1421     // only pop or imap types are alloved beyond this point
  1422     __ASSERT_DEBUG( ( aParent.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue ||
  1423             aParent.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue ),
  1424         User::Panic( KIpsPlgEventHandlerPanic, KErrGeneral ) );
  1426     TBool doRecursion = EFalse;
  1428     if ( aParent.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue )
  1429         {
  1430         if ( aParent.iType.iUid == KUidMsvServiceEntryValue )
  1431             {
  1432             // return in case of service / root entries to avoid
  1433             // forever recursion
  1434             return;
  1435             }
  1436         else if ( aParent.iType.iUid != KUidMsvFolderEntryValue
  1437             || !aParent.LocalSubscription() )
  1438             {
  1439             // some message part is deleted and main message still appears
  1440             // on msg store, this case happens when messages are deleted
  1441             // in offline state
  1442             doRecursion = ETrue;
  1443             }
  1444         }
  1445     else
  1446         {
  1447         // POP
  1448         if ( aParent.iType.iUid != KUidMsvServiceEntryValue )
  1449             {
  1450             if ( iBasePlugin.GetSyncStateHandler().GetMailboxIpsState(
  1451                     aParent.iServiceId ) != KIpsSosEmailSyncStarted )
  1452                 {
  1453                 // message entries parent must be service in case of POP
  1454                 doRecursion = ETrue;
  1455                 }
  1456             }
  1457         }
  1460     if ( !doRecursion )
  1461         {
  1462         aFSParent.SetPluginId( TUid::Uid( iPluginId ) );
  1463         aFSParent.SetId( aParent.Id() );
  1464         for ( TInt i = 0; i < aDeletedIds.Count(); i++ )
  1465             {
  1466             aFSDeletedArray.Append(
  1467                     TFSMailMsgId( iPluginId, aDeletedIds.At(i) ) );
  1468             }
  1469         }
  1470     else
  1471         {
  1472         TMsvEmailEntry eml;
  1473         TMsvId dummy;
  1474         if ( iSession && iSession->GetEntry( aParent.Parent(), dummy, eml )
  1475                 == KErrNone )
  1476             {
  1477             CMsvEntrySelection* sel = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection();
  1478             CleanupStack::PushL( sel );
  1479             sel->AppendL( aParent.Id() );
  1480             // recursive call
  1481             FindCorrectDeletedEntryAndParentL(
  1482                 eml, *sel, aFSParent, aFSDeletedArray );
  1483             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sel );
  1484             }
  1485         }
  1486     }
  1488 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1489 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1490 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::SignalStartSyncL( const TFSMailMsgId& aAccount )
  1491     {
  1492     FUNC_LOG;
  1493     TFSMailEvent event = TFSEventMailboxSyncStateChanged;
  1494     TSSMailSyncState state = StartingSync;
  1496     SaveSyncStatusL( aAccount.Id(), TInt( state ) );
  1498     SendDelayedEventL(
  1499         event,
  1500         aAccount,
  1501         &state,
  1502         NULL,
  1503         NULL );
  1504     }
  1506 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1507 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1508 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::SignalSyncCompletedL(
  1509     const TFSMailMsgId& aAccount,
  1510     TInt aError )
  1511     {
  1512     FUNC_LOG;
  1513     TFSMailEvent event = TFSEventMailboxSyncStateChanged;
  1515     TSSMailSyncState state = FinishedSuccessfully;
  1517     if ( aError == KErrCancel )
  1518         {
  1519         state = SyncCancelled;
  1520         }
  1521     else if ( aError != KErrNone && aError != KErrCancel )
  1522         {
  1523         state = SyncError;
  1524         }
  1526     SaveSyncStatusL( aAccount.Id(), TInt( state ) );
  1528     SendDelayedEventL(
  1529         event,
  1530         aAccount,
  1531         &state,
  1532         NULL,
  1533         NULL );
  1534     }
  1536 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1537 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1538 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::SignalMailboxOfflineStateL(
  1539     const TFSMailMsgId& aAccount )
  1540     {
  1541     FUNC_LOG;
  1542     SendDelayedEventL(
  1543         TFSEventMailboxOffline,
  1544         aAccount,
  1545         NULL,
  1546         NULL,
  1547         NULL );
  1548     }
  1550 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1551 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1552 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::SettingsChangedL( TFSMailMsgId /*aAccount*/ )
  1553     {
  1554     FUNC_LOG;
  1555     }
  1557 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1558 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1559 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::SaveSyncStatusL( TMsvId aMailboxId, TInt aState )
  1560     {
  1561     FUNC_LOG;
  1562     TMsvEntry tEntry;
  1563     TMsvId service;
  1564     if( !iSession )
  1565         {
  1566         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1567         }
  1568     TInt err = iSession->GetEntry( aMailboxId, service, tEntry );
  1570     if( err == KErrNone )
  1571         {
  1572         iSettingsApi->SaveSyncStatusL( tEntry, aState );
  1573         }
  1574     }
  1576 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1577 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1578 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::HandlePropertyEventL(
  1579         TInt aEvent,
  1580         TInt aMailbox,
  1581         TInt /*aPluginId*/,
  1582         TInt aError )
  1583     {
  1584     FUNC_LOG;
  1585     RProcess process;
  1586     if ( aEvent == EIPSSosPswErr && process.SecureId() == FREESTYLE_FSSERVER_SID )
  1587         {
  1588         TFSMailMsgId mbox = SymId2FsId( aMailbox,
  1589                         iBasePlugin.MtmId().iUid );
  1590         TFSMailEvent event = TFSEventException;
  1591         TFsEmailNotifierSystemMessageType msg = EFsEmailNotifErrLoginUnsuccesfull;
  1592         SendDelayedEventL( event, mbox, &msg, NULL , (MFSMailExceptionEventCallback*)this );
  1593         }
  1594     else if ( aEvent == EIPSSosCredientialsSet || aEvent == EIPSSosCredientialsCancelled )
  1595         {
  1596         if ( iConnOpCallback )
  1597             {
  1598             iConnOpCallback->CredientialsSetL( aEvent );
  1600             //Set to null after we have used this.
  1601             //don't delete, we don't own this.
  1602             iConnOpCallback=NULL;
  1603             }
  1604         //if password was changed, we need to send settings changed event also.
  1605         if( aEvent == EIPSSosCredientialsSet )
  1606             {
  1607             TFSMailMsgId mbox = SymId2FsId( aMailbox,
  1608                     iBasePlugin.MtmId().iUid );
  1609             TFSMailEvent event = TFSEventMailboxSettingsChanged;
  1610             SendDelayedEventL( event, mbox, NULL, NULL , NULL );
  1611             }
  1612         }
  1613     else if ( aEvent == EIPSSosSettingsChanged )
  1614         {
  1615         TFSMailMsgId mbox = SymId2FsId( aMailbox,
  1616                 iBasePlugin.MtmId().iUid );
  1617         TFSMailEvent event = TFSEventMailboxSettingsChanged;
  1618         SendDelayedEventL( event, mbox, NULL, NULL , NULL );
  1619         }
  1620     else if ( aEvent == KIpsSosEmailSyncCompleted &&
  1621             aError == KErrImapBadLogon )
  1622         {
  1623         TFSMailMsgId mbox = SymId2FsId( aMailbox,
  1624                         iBasePlugin.MtmId().iUid );
  1625         TFSMailEvent event = TFSEventException;
  1626         TFsEmailNotifierSystemMessageType msg = EFsEmailNotifErrLoginUnsuccesfull;
  1627         SendDelayedEventL( event, mbox, &msg, NULL , this );
  1628         }
  1629     }
  1631 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1632 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1633 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::QueryUsrPassL( TMsvId aMbox, MIpsPlgConnectOpCallback* aCallback )
  1634     {
  1635     FUNC_LOG;
  1636     iConnOpCallback = aCallback;//can be null, doesn't matter.
  1637     SetNewPropertyEvent( aMbox, EIPSSosPswErr, 0 );
  1638     }
  1640 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1641 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1642 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::SignalCredientialsSetL( TInt aMailboxId, TBool aCancelled )
  1643     {
  1644     FUNC_LOG;
  1645     TInt event = EIPSSosCredientialsSet;
  1646     if ( aCancelled )
  1647         {
  1648         event = EIPSSosCredientialsCancelled;
  1649         }
  1651     SetNewPropertyEvent( aMailboxId, event, 0 );
  1652     }
  1654 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1655 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1656 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::SetFolderIdToArrayL( TMsvId aNewId )
  1657     {
  1658     FUNC_LOG;
  1659     TBool idInArray( EFalse );
  1661     for( TInt i=0; i<iImapFolderIds.Count(); i++ )
  1662         {
  1663         if( iImapFolderIds[i] == aNewId )
  1664             {
  1665             idInArray = ETrue;
  1666             }
  1667         }
  1668     if( !idInArray )
  1669         {
  1670         iImapFolderIds.AppendL( aNewId );
  1671         }
  1672     }
  1673 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1674 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1675 TBool CIpsPlgEventHandler::MatchFolderIdFound( TMsvId aDeletedId )
  1676     {
  1677     FUNC_LOG;
  1678     TBool match( EFalse );
  1680     for ( TInt i(iImapFolderIds.Count()-1); i >= 0; i-- )
  1681         {
  1682         if( aDeletedId == iImapFolderIds[i] )
  1683             {
  1684             iImapFolderIds.Remove( i );
  1685             match = ETrue;
  1686             }
  1687         }
  1688     return match;
  1689     }
  1691 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1692 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1693 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::CollectSubscribedFoldersL( TMsvId aMailboxId )
  1694     {
  1695     FUNC_LOG;
  1696     if ( iSession )
  1697         {
  1698         iSettingsApi->GetSubscribedImapFoldersL( aMailboxId, iImapFolderIds );
  1699         }
  1700     }
  1702 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1703 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1704 void CIpsPlgEventHandler::ExceptionEventCallbackL(
  1705         TFSMailMsgId aMailboxId,
  1706         TInt /*aEventType*/,
  1707         TBool /*aResponse*/ )
  1708     {
  1709     FUNC_LOG;
  1710     TFSMailEvent event = TFSEventMailboxSyncStateChanged;
  1711     TSSMailSyncState state = PasswordNotVerified;
  1713     SendDelayedEventL( event, aMailboxId, &state, NULL , NULL );
  1714     }
  1716 // End of File