changeset 63 d189ee25cf9d
equal deleted inserted replaced
61:dcf0eedfc1a3 63:d189ee25cf9d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: NMail viewer view header widget implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "nmuiheaders.h"
    21 static const qreal NmHeaderLineOpacity = 0.4;
    22 static const int NmTextWrapWordOrAnywhere = 4;
    24 /*!
    25     \class NmViewerHeader
    26     \brief Mail viewer header area class
    27 */
    29 /*!
    30     Constructor
    31 */
    32 NmViewerHeader::NmViewerHeader(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
    33     HbWidget(parent),
    34     mMessage(NULL),
    35     mSubject(NULL),
    36     mSent(NULL),
    37     mPrioIcon(NULL),
    38     mHeaderBox(NULL),
    39     mRecipientsBox(NULL),
    40     mViewerView(NULL)
    41 {
    42     NM_FUNCTION;
    44     loadWidgets();
    45     setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents, false);
    46 }
    48 /*!
    49     Destructor
    50 */
    51 NmViewerHeader::~NmViewerHeader()
    52 {
    53     NM_FUNCTION;
    54 }
    56 /*!
    57     setter for nmviewer view
    58 */
    59 void NmViewerHeader::setView(NmViewerView* view)
    60 {
    61     NM_FUNCTION;
    63     mViewerView = view;
    64 }
    66 /*!
    67     Load widgets from XML for the header
    68 */
    69 void NmViewerHeader::loadWidgets()
    70 {
    71     NM_FUNCTION;
    73     // Scale header widget to screen width
    74     setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); 
    76     // Add header box
    77     if (!mHeaderBox) {
    78         mHeaderBox = new HbGroupBox(this);
    79         HbStyle::setItemName(mHeaderBox, "headergroupbox");
    80         mHeaderBox->setObjectName("ViewerHeaderRecipients");
    81         mHeaderBox->setFontSpec(HbFontSpec(HbFontSpec::Secondary));
    82         mHeaderBox->setCollapsable(true);
    83     }
    85     // Add sent time
    86     if (!mSent){
    87         mSent = new HbTextItem(this);
    88         HbStyle::setItemName(mSent, "sent");
    89         mSent->setObjectName("ViewerHeaderSent");
    90     }
    92     // Add priority icon
    93     if (!mPrioIcon){
    94         mPrioIcon = new HbIconItem(this);
    95         mSent->setObjectName("ViewerHeaderPrioIcon");
    96         HbStyle::setItemName(mPrioIcon, "prioicon");
    97     }
    99     // Add subject
   100     if (!mSubject){
   101         mSubject = new HbTextItem(this);
   102         HbStyle::setItemName(mSubject, "subject");
   103         mSubject->setObjectName("ViewerHeaderSubject");
   104         mSubject->setTextWrapping(Hb::TextWordWrap);
   105     }
   106 }
   109 /*!
   110     Reimplementation to do some extra painting
   111 */
   112 void NmViewerHeader::paint(
   113     QPainter *painter,
   114     const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
   115     QWidget *widget)
   116 {
   117     NM_FUNCTION;
   119     Q_UNUSED(option);
   120     Q_UNUSED(widget);
   121     if (painter) {
   122         painter->save();
   123         painter->setOpacity(NmHeaderLineOpacity);
   124         QLineF line1( rect().topLeft().x(), rect().bottomRight().y(),
   125                      rect().bottomRight().x(), rect().bottomRight().y());
   126         painter->drawLine(line1);
   127         if (mHeaderBox){
   128             QRectF headerBoxGeometry = mHeaderBox->geometry();
   129             QLineF line2( headerBoxGeometry.topLeft().x(), headerBoxGeometry.bottomRight().y(),
   130                           headerBoxGeometry.bottomRight().x(), headerBoxGeometry.bottomRight().y());
   131             painter->drawLine(line2);        
   132         } 
   133         painter->restore();      
   134     }
   135 }
   137 /*!
   138     Setter for message object
   139 */
   140 void NmViewerHeader::setMessage(NmMessage* message)
   141 {
   142     NM_FUNCTION;
   144     mMessage=message;
   145     setHeaderData();
   146 }
   149 /*!
   150     Function updates data in already created objects. New message pointer
   151     comes from viewer view, ownership is not transferred.
   152     This function gets called when message body is fetched and
   153     to/cc/bcc data needs to be updated
   154 */
   155 void NmViewerHeader::updateMessageData(NmMessage* message)
   156 {
   157     NM_FUNCTION;
   159     if (message){
   160         mMessage=message;
   161         // Set recipients to text edit field as html 
   162         NmAddress sender = mMessage->envelope().sender();      
   163         if (mRecipientsBox){  
   164             mRecipientsBox->setHtml(formatRecipientList(addressToDisplay(sender),
   165                                     mMessage->envelope().toRecipients(), 
   166                                     mMessage->envelope().ccRecipients()));
   167         }       
   168     }
   169 }
   171 /*!
   172     Function sets data to header area based on message data
   173 */
   174 void NmViewerHeader::setHeaderData()
   175 {
   176     NM_FUNCTION;
   178     if (mMessage) {
   179         // Background is all white always, so force text color to black
   180         QColor textColor(Qt::black);
   181         const NmMessageEnvelope &envelope = mMessage->envelope();
   182         const QString dispName = envelope.sender().displayName();
   183         if (dispName.length()>0){
   184             mSenderName = NmUtilities::cleanupDisplayName(dispName);
   185         }
   186         else {
   187             mSenderName = envelope.sender().address();
   188         }
   189         if (mHeaderBox) {
   190             mHeaderBox->setHeading(mSenderName);
   191         }
   192         // Set subject text
   193         if (mSubject){
   194             QString subjectText = envelope.subject();
   195             if (subjectText.length()){
   196                 mSubject->setText(subjectText);
   197             }
   198             else{
   199                 mSubject->setText(hbTrId("txt_mail_dblist_val_no_subject"));
   200             }
   201         mSubject->setTextColor(textColor);
   202         }
   203         if (mSent){
   204             HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
   205             QDateTime localTime = envelope.sentTime().addSecs(locale.universalTimeOffset());
   206             QTime time = localTime.time();
   207             QDate sentLocalDate =;
   208             QString shortDateSpec = r_qtn_date_without_year;
   209             QString shortTimeSpec = r_qtn_time_usual;
   210             QString text = locale.format(sentLocalDate, shortDateSpec);
   211             text += " ";
   212             text += locale.format(time, shortTimeSpec);
   213             mSent->setText(text);
   214             mSent->setTextColor(textColor);
   215         } 
   216         if (mPrioIcon){
   217             switch (envelope.priority()){
   218                 case NmMessagePriorityLow:
   219                     mPrioIcon->setObjectName("ViewerHeaderPriorityLow");
   220                     mPrioIcon->setIcon(NmIcons::getIcon(NmIcons::NmIconPriorityLow));
   221                     mPrioIcon->show();
   222                     break;
   223                 case NmMessagePriorityHigh:
   224                     mPrioIcon->setObjectName("ViewerHeaderPriorityHigh");
   225                     mPrioIcon->setIcon(NmIcons::getIcon(NmIcons::NmIconPriorityHigh));
   226                     mPrioIcon->show();
   227                     break;
   228                 case NmMessagePriorityNormal:
   229                 default:
   230                     // Normal priority has no icon so hide the label hide.
   231                     mPrioIcon->setObjectName("ViewerHeaderPriorityNormal");
   232                     break;
   233             }
   234         }
   235     }
   236     createExpandableHeader();
   237 }
   240 /*!
   241     Function can be used to rescale the header area.
   242 */ 
   243 void NmViewerHeader::rescaleHeader(const QSizeF layoutReso)
   244 {  
   245     NM_FUNCTION;
   247     setMinimumWidth(layoutReso.width());
   248     setMaximumWidth(layoutReso.width());
   249 }
   251 /*!
   252     Function creates expandable header area with group box
   253 */
   254 void NmViewerHeader::createExpandableHeader()
   255 {
   256     NM_FUNCTION;
   258     if (mHeaderBox) {        // Initialize recipient box
   259         if (!mRecipientsBox){
   260             mRecipientsBox = new HbLabel();
   261             HbStyle::setItemName(mRecipientsBox, "recipients");
   262             mRecipientsBox->setFontSpec(HbFontSpec(HbFontSpec::Secondary)); 
   263             mRecipientsBox->setTextWrapping((Hb::TextWrapping)NmTextWrapWordOrAnywhere);
   264         }
   266         // Set recipients to text edit field as html 
   267         NmAddress sender = mMessage->envelope().sender();               
   268         if (mMessage) {
   269             mRecipientsBox->setHtml(formatRecipientList(addressToDisplay(sender),
   270                                     mMessage->envelope().toRecipients(), 
   271                                     mMessage->envelope().ccRecipients()));
   272         }
   273         mHeaderBox->setContentWidget(mRecipientsBox);
   274         // Set box collapsed as default
   275         mHeaderBox->setCollapsed(true);
   276     }
   277 }
   279 /*!
   280     Function formats recipient list to be displayed in HTML format.
   281 */
   282 QString NmViewerHeader::formatRecipientList(const QString &sender,
   283                                             const QList<NmAddress> &to,
   284                                             const QList<NmAddress> &cc)
   285 {
   286     NM_FUNCTION;
   288     QString result;
   289     result.append("<html><body link=\"blue\" topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\"");
   290     result.append("marginwidth=\"0\">");    
   291     result.append("<font color=\"black\" face=\"");
   292     result.append("Nokia Sans");
   293     result.append("\"size=\"3\">"); 
   294     // Set text in HTML format based on layout direction
   295     if (qApp->layoutDirection()==Qt::RightToLeft){
   296         result.append("<p style=\"margin-right: '0'; margin-left: '0'\" dir=\"rtl\"><b>"); 
   297         result.append(hbTrId("txt_mail_list_from"));
   298         result.append(" </b>"); 
   299         result.append(sender);
   300         result.append("<br><b>"); 
   301         result.append(hbTrId("txt_mail_list_to"));
   302         result.append(" </b>");
   303         int reciCount = to.count();
   304         for (int i=0; i < reciCount; i++) { 
   305             result.append(addressToDisplay(to[i]));
   306             if (i!=reciCount-1) {
   307                 result.append(" ");
   308             }
   309         } 
   310         reciCount = cc.count();
   311         if (reciCount) {
   312             result.append("<br><b>");
   313             result.append(hbTrId("txt_mail_list_cc"));
   314             result.append(" </b>");
   315             for (int i=0; i < reciCount; i++) {
   316                 result.append(addressToDisplay(cc[i]));
   317                 if (i!=reciCount-1) {
   318                     result.append(" ");
   319                 }                
   320             }
   321         }   
   322     }
   323     else{
   324         result.append("<p style=\"margin-right: '0'; margin-left: '0'\" dir=\"ltr\"><b>"); 
   325         result.append(hbTrId("txt_mail_list_from"));
   326         result.append(" </b>"); 
   327         result.append(sender);
   328         result.append("<br><b>"); 
   329         result.append(hbTrId("txt_mail_list_to"));
   330         result.append(" </b>");
   331         int reciCount = to.count();
   332         for (int i=0; i < reciCount; i++) { 
   333             result.append(addressToDisplay(to[i]));
   334             if (i!=reciCount-1) {
   335                 result.append("; ");
   336             }
   337         }
   338         reciCount = cc.count();
   339         if (reciCount) {
   340             result.append("<br><b>");
   341             result.append(hbTrId("txt_mail_list_cc"));
   342             result.append(" </b>");
   343             for (int i=0; i < reciCount; i++) {
   344                 result.append(addressToDisplay(cc[i]));
   345                 if (i!=reciCount-1) {
   346                     result.append("; ");
   347                 }
   348             }
   349         }   
   350     } 
   351     result.append("</p></font></body></html>");     
   352     return result;
   353 }
   355 /*!
   356     Function retursn address string from NmAddress to
   357     be displayed in HTML format
   358 */
   359 QString NmViewerHeader::addressToDisplay(const NmAddress &addr)
   360 {
   361     NM_FUNCTION;
   363     QString dispName;
   364     if (addr.displayName().length()!=0){
   365         dispName.append(NmUtilities::cleanupDisplayName(addr.displayName()));
   366     }
   367     else{
   368         dispName.append(addr.address());
   369     }
   370     QString ret="<a href=mailto:";
   371     ret.append(addr.address());
   372     ret.append(">");
   373     ret.append(dispName);
   374     ret.append("</a>");
   375     return ret;
   376 }