changeset 63 d189ee25cf9d
equal deleted inserted replaced
61:dcf0eedfc1a3 63:d189ee25cf9d
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description: Mail viewer implementation.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include "nmuiheaders.h"
    20 static const char *NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_XML = ":/docml/nmmailviewer.docml";
    21 static const char *NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_VIEW = "nmailViewerView";
    22 static const char *NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_CONTENT = "content";
    23 static const char *NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_SCROLL_AREA = "viewerScrollArea";
    24 static const char *NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_SCROLL_AREA_CONTENTS = "viewerScrollAreaContents";
    25 static const char *NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_HEADER = "viewerHeader";
    26 static const char *NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_ATTALIST = "viewerAttaList";
    27 static const char *NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_SCROLL_WEB_VIEW = "viewerWebView";
    28 static const int NmOrientationTimer = 100;
    29 static const int NmHeaderMargin = 3;
    30 static const int NmWhitePixmapSize = 10;
    31 static const int NmProgressValueComplete = 100;
    32 static const QString NmParamTextHeightSecondary = "hb-param-text-height-secondary";
    33 static const QString NmHttpLinkScheme = "http";
    34 static const QString NmHttpsLinkScheme = "https";
    35 static const QString NmMailtoLinkScheme = "mailto";
    37 // Local constants
    38 const qreal NmZoomFactor = 1.5;
    40 /*!
    41 	\class NmViewerView
    42 	\brief Mail viewer class
    43 */
    45 /*!
    46     Constructor
    47 */
    48 NmViewerView::NmViewerView(
    49     NmApplication &application,
    50     NmUiStartParam* startParam,
    51     NmUiEngine &uiEngine,
    52     HbMainWindow *mainWindow,
    53     NmAttachmentManager &attaManager,
    54     bool toolbarEnabled,
    55     QGraphicsItem *parent)
    56 :NmBaseView(startParam, application, parent),
    57 mApplication(application),
    58 mUiEngine(uiEngine),
    59 mMainWindow(mainWindow),
    60 mAttaManager(attaManager),
    61 mToolbarEnabled(toolbarEnabled),
    62 mMessage(NULL),
    63 mScrollArea(NULL),
    64 mViewerContent(NULL),
    65 mWebView(NULL),
    66 mHeaderWidget(NULL),
    67 mMessageFetchingOperation(NULL),
    68 mDisplayingPlainText(false),
    69 mDocumentLoader(NULL),
    70 mScrollAreaContents(NULL),
    71 mScreenSize(QSize(0,0)),
    72 mWaitDialog(NULL),
    73 webFrameloadingCompleted(false),
    74 mLatestLoadingSize(QSize(0,0)),
    75 mAttaIndexUnderFetch(NmNotFoundError),
    76 mAttaWidget(NULL),
    77 mViewReady(false),
    78 mWaitNoteCancelled(false),
    79 mErrorNote(NULL)
    80 {
    81     // Create documentloader
    82     mDocumentLoader = new NmUiDocumentLoader(mMainWindow);
    83     // Get screensize
    84     mScreenSize = mApplication.screenSize();
    85     // Connect external delete handling to uiengine signal
    86     connect(&mUiEngine,
    87             SIGNAL(messageDeleted(const NmId &, const NmId &, const NmId &)),
    88             this, SLOT(messageDeleted(const NmId &, const NmId &, const NmId &)),
    89             Qt::UniqueConnection);
    90     // Fetch message
    91     loadMessage();
    92     // Load view layout
    93     loadViewLayout();
    94 }
    96 /*!
    97     Destructor
    98 */
    99 NmViewerView::~NmViewerView()
   100 {
   101     delete mErrorNote;
   102     mErrorNote=NULL;
   103     delete mWebView;
   104     mWebView = NULL;
   105     delete mMessage;
   106     mMessage = NULL;
   107     delete mDocumentLoader;
   108     mDocumentLoader = NULL;
   109     mWidgetList.clear();
   110     delete mWaitDialog;
   111     mWaitDialog = NULL;
   112     // remove view from osbserving atta manager events
   113     mAttaManager.clearObserver();
   114     mAttaManager.cancelFetch();
   115 }
   117 /*!
   118     View is about to exit
   119 */
   120 void NmViewerView::aboutToExitView()
   121 {
   122     // View is about to exit, for safety, stop 
   123     // loading of content before closing the view
   124     if (mWebView){
   125         mAttaManager.cancelFetch();
   126         mWebView->stop();
   127         if (mWebView->page()){
   128             mWebView->page()->deleteLater();
   129         }
   130     }
   131 }
   133 /*!
   134     View layout loading from XML
   135 */
   136 void NmViewerView::loadViewLayout()
   137 {
   138     NM_FUNCTION;
   140     // Use document loader to load the view
   141     bool ok(false);
   142     setObjectName(QString(NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_VIEW));
   143    QObjectList objectList;
   144    objectList.append(this);
   145    // Pass the view to documentloader. Document loader uses this view
   146    // when docml is parsed, instead of creating new view.
   147    // documentloader is created in constructor
   148    mDocumentLoader->setObjectTree(objectList);
   149    mWidgetList = mDocumentLoader->load(NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_XML, &ok);
   151    if (ok)
   152    {
   153         // Create content and content layout
   154         // qobject_cast not work in this case, using reinterpret_cast
   155         mViewerContent = reinterpret_cast<HbWidget *>(
   156                 mDocumentLoader->findObject(NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_CONTENT));
   157         // Find scroll area
   158         mScrollArea = reinterpret_cast<HbScrollArea *>(
   159                 mDocumentLoader->findObject(NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_SCROLL_AREA));
   160         if (mScrollArea) {
   161             mScrollArea->setParentItem(this);
   162             mScrollArea->setScrollDirections(Qt::Vertical | Qt::Horizontal);
   163             connect(mScrollArea, SIGNAL(scrollPositionChanged(QPointF)),
   164                 this, SLOT(contentScrollPositionChanged(QPointF)));
   166             // Get scroll area contents and set layout margins
   167             mScrollAreaContents = qobject_cast<HbWidget *>(
   168                     mDocumentLoader->findObject(NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_SCROLL_AREA_CONTENTS));
   169             if (mScrollAreaContents) {
   170                 QGraphicsLayout *layout = mScrollAreaContents->layout();
   171                 if (layout){
   172                     layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
   173                 }
   174                 // Set white pixmap to backgrounditem 
   175                 QPixmap whitePixmap(NmWhitePixmapSize,NmWhitePixmapSize);
   176                 whitePixmap.fill(Qt::white);
   177                 QGraphicsPixmapItem *pixmapItem = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(whitePixmap);
   178                 mScrollAreaContents->setBackgroundItem(pixmapItem);
   179             }
   181             // Load headerwidget
   182             mHeaderWidget = qobject_cast<NmViewerHeader *>(
   183                     mDocumentLoader->findObject(NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_HEADER));
   184             if (mHeaderWidget) {
   185                 mHeaderWidget->setView(this);
   186                 mHeaderWidget->rescaleHeader(mScreenSize);
   187                 mHeaderWidget->setMessage(mMessage);
   188                 QPointF headerStartPos = mHeaderWidget->scenePos();
   189                 mHeaderStartScenePos = QPointF(0,headerStartPos.y());
   190             }
   192             // Load webview
   193             mWebView = reinterpret_cast<NmMailViewerWK *>(
   194                     mDocumentLoader->findObject(QString(NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_SCROLL_WEB_VIEW)));
   195             if (mWebView) {
   196                 // Set auto load images and private browsing(no history) attributes
   197                 QWebSettings *settings = mWebView->settings();
   198                 if (settings) {
   199                     settings->setAttribute(QWebSettings::AutoLoadImages, true);
   200                     settings->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled, true);
   201                 }
   202                 QWebPage *page = mWebView->page();
   203                 if (page) {
   204                     QWebFrame *frame = page->mainFrame();
   205                     if (frame) {
   206                         frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical,Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
   207                         frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
   208                         frame->setTextSizeMultiplier(NmZoomFactor);
   209                         connect(mWebView->page()->mainFrame(),
   210                                 SIGNAL(contentsSizeChanged(const QSize&)),
   211                             this, SLOT(scaleWebViewWhenLoading(const QSize&)));  
   212                     }
   213                 }
   214             }
   215         }
   216     }
   217 }
   219 /*!
   220     Lazy loading when view layout has been loaded
   221 */
   222 void NmViewerView::viewReady()
   223 {
   224     if (!mViewReady){
   225         // Set mailbox name to title
   226         setMailboxName();
   227         // Create toolbar if needed
   228         if (mToolbarEnabled) {
   229             createToolBar();
   230         } else {
   231             // Connect options menu about to show to create options menu function
   232             QObject::connect(menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),
   233                     this, SLOT(createOptionsMenu())); 
   234             // Menu needs one dummy item so that aboutToShow signal is emitted.
   235             NmAction *dummy = new NmAction(0);
   236             menu()->addAction(dummy);
   237         }
   239         if (mHeaderWidget) {
   240             QPointF contentWidgetPos = mScrollArea->pos();
   241             qreal headerHeight = mHeaderWidget->geometry().height();
   242             if (mMainWindow->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
   243                 const QPointF pointToWebView(contentWidgetPos.x(), headerHeight+NmHeaderMargin);
   244                 mScrollArea->scrollContentsTo(pointToWebView,0);
   245             }
   246         }
   248         // Run fetchmessage in queue
   249         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "fetchMessage", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   250         // Set view ready
   251         mViewReady = true;
   252     }
   253 }
   255 /*!
   256     Function fecthes message data based on parameters
   257 */
   258 void NmViewerView::loadMessage()
   259 {
   260     NM_FUNCTION;
   262     if (mMessage) {
   263         delete mMessage;
   264         mMessage = NULL;
   265     }
   266     // Read start params and message object
   267     if (mStartParam){
   268         NmId mailboxId = mStartParam->mailboxId();
   269         NmId folderId = mStartParam->folderId();
   270         NmId msgId = mStartParam->messageId();
   271         mMessage = mUiEngine.message(mailboxId, folderId, msgId);
   272     }
   273 }
   275 /*!
   276     Function fecthes message data based on parameters. Returns false if message is available,
   277     true if message have to be fetched
   278 */
   279 void NmViewerView::fetchMessage()
   280 {
   281     NM_FUNCTION;
   283     if (mMessage) {
   284         NmId mailboxId = mStartParam->mailboxId();
   285         NmId folderId = mStartParam->folderId();
   286         NmId msgId = mStartParam->messageId();
   287         const NmMessagePart *body = mMessage->htmlBodyPart();
   288         if (!body) {
   289             // try plain to plain text part
   290             body = mMessage->plainTextBodyPart();
   291         }
   292         // try to fetch if body missing or fetched size is smaller than content size
   293         // if body missing it might mean that only header is fetched or message has no body
   294         if (!body || (body && (body->fetchedSize() < body->size()))) {
   295             // start fetching operation
   296             if (mMessageFetchingOperation && mMessageFetchingOperation->isRunning()) { 
   297                 mMessageFetchingOperation->cancelOperation();
   298             }
   299             mMessageFetchingOperation = mUiEngine.fetchMessage(mailboxId, folderId, msgId);
   301             if (mMessageFetchingOperation) {
   302                 connect(mMessageFetchingOperation,
   303                         SIGNAL(operationCompleted(int)),
   304                         this,
   305                         SLOT(messageFetched(int)));
   306                 createAndShowWaitDialog();
   307             }
   308         } else {
   309             // message is fetched
   310             setMessageData();
   311         }
   312     }
   313 }
   315 /*!
   316     This is signalled by mMessageFetchingOperation when the original message is fetched.
   317  */
   318 void NmViewerView::messageFetched(int result)
   319 {
   320     mWaitDialog->close();
   321     disconnect(mWaitDialog->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
   322                 this, SLOT(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)));
   324     if (result == NmNoError && mMessageFetchingOperation) {
   325         if (mMessage) {
   326             delete mMessage;
   327             mMessage = NULL;
   328         }
   329         // Read start params and message object
   330         if (mStartParam) {
   331             NmId mailboxId = mStartParam->mailboxId();
   332             NmId folderId = mStartParam->folderId();
   333             NmId msgId = mStartParam->messageId();
   334             mMessage = mUiEngine.message(mailboxId, folderId, msgId);
   335         }
   336         setMessageData();
   337         // Update header message data
   338 		if (mHeaderWidget){
   339         	mHeaderWidget->updateMessageData(mMessage);
   340 		}
   341     }
   342 }
   345 /*!
   346     This is signalled by mWaitDialog when the note is cancelled
   347  */
   348 void NmViewerView::waitNoteCancelled()
   349 {
   350     if (!mWaitNoteCancelled) {
   351         if (mMessageFetchingOperation && mMessageFetchingOperation->isRunning()) { 
   352 	        mMessageFetchingOperation->cancelOperation();
   353         }
   354         mWaitNoteCancelled = true;
   355         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&mApplication, "prepareForPopView", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   356     }
   357 }
   360 /*!
   361     Function sets message data to web view and header
   362 */
   363 void NmViewerView::setMessageData()
   364 {
   365     NM_FUNCTION;
   367     // Connect to observe orientation change events
   368     connect(mApplication.mainWindow(), SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
   369                 this, SLOT(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)));
   371     // Set page parameters
   372     QWebPage *page(NULL);
   373     if (mWebView){
   374        page = mWebView->page();
   375     }
   376     if (page){
   377         // Set custom network access manager for embedded image handling
   378         NmViewerViewNetManager &netMngr = mApplication.networkAccessManager();
   379         netMngr.setView(this);
   380         page->setNetworkAccessManager(&netMngr);
   381         QWebSettings *webSettings = page->settings();
   382         if (webSettings) {
   383             webSettings->setObjectCacheCapacities(0,0,0);
   384         }
   386         connect(page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)),
   387                     this, SLOT(webFrameLoaded(bool)));
   388         page->setLinkDelegationPolicy(QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks);
   389         page->setContentEditable(false);
   390     }
   392   	// if everything is ok, set message to html viewer
   393     if (mMessage && mWebView && page) {
   394         // Set initial size of component and content before loading data
   395         mWebView->setPreferredWidth(mScreenSize.width());
   396         QRectF myGeometry = geometry();
   397         page->setViewportSize(myGeometry.size().toSize());
   398         //Set message data to html viewer.
   399         mWebView->setHtml(formatMessage());
   400         // Connect to link clicked
   401         QObject::connect(page, SIGNAL(linkClicked(const QUrl&)),
   402                 this, SLOT(linkClicked(const QUrl&)));
   403         changeMessageReadStatus(true);
   404         setAttachmentList();
   405     }
   406 }
   408 /*!
   410 */
   411 void NmViewerView::setAttachmentList()
   412 {
   413     NM_FUNCTION;
   415     // Load headerwidget
   416     mAttaWidget = qobject_cast<NmAttachmentListWidget *>(
   417             mDocumentLoader->findObject(NMUI_MESSAGE_VIEWER_ATTALIST));
   418     if (mMessage && mAttaWidget) {
   419         // connect atta widget to listen progress value events
   420         QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(progressValueChanged(int, int)),
   421                 mAttaWidget, SLOT(setProgressBarValue(int, int)));
   422         // Set atta widget text color black since header has static white bg.
   423         mAttaWidget->setTextColor(Qt::black);
   424         // Set attawidget minimum & maximum size
   425         mAttaWidget->setMinimumWidth(mScreenSize.width());
   426         mAttaWidget->setMaximumWidth(mScreenSize.width());
   427         bool inserted(false);
   428         QList<NmMessagePart*> messageParts;
   429         mMessage->attachmentList(messageParts);
   430         for (int i = 0; i < messageParts.count();i++) {
   431             NmMessagePart *part = messageParts[i];
   432             if (part &&
   433                 ((part->contentDisposition().trimmed().startsWith("inline", Qt::CaseInsensitive)==false) ||
   434                  (part->contentType().trimmed().startsWith("image", Qt::CaseInsensitive)==false))) {
   435                 QString fileName = part->attachmentName();
   436                 // index starts from zero, next index is same as count
   437                 int attaIndex = mAttaWidget->count();
   438                 mAttaWidget->insertAttachment(attaIndex, fileName,
   439                                               NmUtilities::attachmentSizeString(part->size()));
   440                 mAttaIdList.insert(attaIndex, part->partId());
   441                 // check is part under fetch, add progress value to attachment widget
   442                 if (mAttaManager.isFetching() && 
   443                         mAttaManager.partIdUnderFetch() == part->partId()) {
   444                     mAttaIndexUnderFetch = attaIndex;
   445                 }
   446                 inserted = true;
   447             }
   448         }
   449         if (inserted) {
   450             QObject::connect(mAttaWidget, SIGNAL(itemActivated(int)),
   451                     this, SLOT(openAttachment(int)));
   452         }
   453         else {
   454             // No attachments, set height to 0
   455             mAttaWidget->setMinimumHeight(0);
   456             mAttaWidget->setMaximumHeight(0);
   457         }
   458         // set this as a observer for attachment manager
   459         mAttaManager.setObserver(this);
   460     }
   461 }
   463 /*!
   465 */
   466 void NmViewerView::openAttachment(int index)
   467 {
   468     NM_FUNCTION;
   469     if (index >= 0) {
   470         NmId attaId =;
   471         // reload message to get updates part sizes
   472         loadMessage();
   473         QList<NmMessagePart*> messageParts;
   474         if (mMessage) {
   475             mMessage->attachmentList(messageParts);
   476              NmId mailboxId = mMessage->envelope().mailboxId();
   477              NmId folderId = mMessage->envelope().folderId();
   478              NmId messageId = mMessage->envelope().messageId();
   479              for (int i = 0; i < messageParts.count(); i++) {
   480                  // message part found have to found
   481                  // and its fetched size is smaller than size, then start part fetch
   482                  if (messageParts[i]->partId() == attaId &&
   483                      messageParts[i]->size() > messageParts[i]->fetchedSize()) {
   484                      // do not start if there's already ongoing fetch
   485                      if (mAttaIndexUnderFetch == NmNotFoundError) {
   486                          mAttaIndexUnderFetch = index;
   487                          mAttaManager.fetchAttachment(mailboxId, folderId,
   488                                                       messageId, attaId);
   489                      }
   490                  }
   491                  // attachment is fetched, open file
   492                  else if (messageParts[i]->partId() == attaId) {
   493                      mAttaManager.cancelFetch();
   494                      XQSharableFile file = mUiEngine.messagePartFile(mailboxId, folderId,
   495                                                                      messageId, attaId);
   496                      int error = NmUtilities::openFile(file);
   497                      file.close();
   498                      if (error==NmNotFoundError){
   499                          delete mErrorNote;
   500                          mErrorNote=NULL;
   501                          mErrorNote = NmUtilities::displayWarningNote(
   502                                  hbTrId("txt_mail_dialog_unable_to_open_attachment_file_ty"));
   503                      }
   504                  }
   505              }            
   506          }
   507     }
   508 }
   510 /*!
   511     Function formats message based on actual data
   512 */
   513 QString NmViewerView::formatMessage()
   514 {
   515     NM_FUNCTION;
   517     QString msg = "";
   518     if (mMessage) {
   519         NmMessagePart *html = mMessage->htmlBodyPart();
   520         if (html) {
   521             msg += formatHtmlMessage(html);
   522         }
   523         else {
   524             NmMessagePart *plain = mMessage->plainTextBodyPart();
   525             if (plain) {
   526                 msg += formatPlainTextMessage(plain);
   527             }
   528         }    
   529     }
   530     return msg;
   531 }
   533 /*!
   534     Function formats html message
   535 */
   536 QString NmViewerView::formatHtmlMessage(NmMessagePart *html)
   537 {    
   538     NM_FUNCTION;
   540     QString msg = "";
   541     if (html && mMessage) {
   542         NmId mailboxId = mMessage->envelope().mailboxId();
   543         NmId folderId = mMessage->envelope().folderId();
   544         NmId messageId = mMessage->envelope().messageId();
   545         QList<NmMessagePart*> parts;
   546         mMessage->attachmentList(parts);
   547         for (int i=0; i < parts.count(); i++) {
   548             NmMessagePart *child = parts[i];
   549             // Browse through embedded image parts and add those
   550             // the web view.
   551             bool isFetched = child->fetchedSize() >= child->size();
   552             if (child->contentType().startsWith("image", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
   553                 QString contentId = child->contentId();
   554                 if (isFetched) {
   555                     int ret = mUiEngine.contentToMessagePart(
   556                             mailboxId, folderId, messageId, *child);
   557                     if (ret == NmNoError) {
   558                       mWebView->addContent(contentId, QVariant::fromValue(child->binaryContent()), 
   559                               child->partId(), isFetched);
   560                     }
   561                 }
   562                 else {
   563                     mWebView->addContent(contentId, QVariant::fromValue(QByteArray()), 
   564                             child->partId(), isFetched);
   565                 }
   566             }
   567         }
   568         int ret = mUiEngine.contentToMessagePart(mailboxId, folderId, messageId, *html);
   569         if (ret == NmNoError) {
   570          msg = html->textContent();
   571         }    
   572     }
   573     return msg;
   574 }
   576 /*!
   577     Function formats plain text message message
   578 */
   579 QString NmViewerView::formatPlainTextMessage(NmMessagePart *plain)
   580 {
   581     NM_FUNCTION;
   583     QString msg = "";
   584     if (plain && mMessage) {
   585         NmId mailboxId = mMessage->envelope().mailboxId();
   586         NmId folderId = mMessage->envelope().folderId();
   587         NmId messageId = mMessage->envelope().messageId();
   588         int ret = mUiEngine.contentToMessagePart(mailboxId, folderId,
   589                                                  messageId, *plain);
   590         if (ret == NmNoError) {
   591             QTextDocument document;
   592             // set font
   593             QFont currentFont = document.defaultFont();
   594             currentFont.setWeight(QFont::Normal);
   595             qreal secondarySize;
   596             HbStyle myStyle;
   597             bool found = myStyle.parameter(NmParamTextHeightSecondary, secondarySize);
   598             if (found) {
   599                 HbFontSpec fontSpec(HbFontSpec::Secondary);
   600                 fontSpec.setTextHeight(secondarySize);
   601                 currentFont.setPixelSize(fontSpec.font().pixelSize());
   602             }
   603             document.setDefaultFont(currentFont);
   604             // convert to html
   605             document.setPlainText(plain->textContent());
   606             msg = document.toHtml();
   608             if (qApp->layoutDirection()==Qt::RightToLeft){
   609                 // add right alignment to document css section
   610                 QRegExp rx("(<style type=\"text/css\">)(.+)(</style>)", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
   611                 rx.setMinimal(true);
   612                 int pos = rx.indexIn(msg);
   613                 if (pos > -1) {
   614                     QString newStr = rx.cap(1);
   615                     newStr.append(rx.cap(2));
   616                     newStr.append("p { text-align: right } ");
   617                     newStr.append(rx.cap(3));
   618                     msg.replace(rx, newStr);
   619                 }
   620             }
   621         }    
   622     }
   623     mDisplayingPlainText=true;  
   624     return msg;
   625 }
   627 /*!
   628     Reload view contents with new start parameters
   629     Typically when view is already open and external view activation occurs
   630     for this same view
   631 */
   632 void NmViewerView::reloadViewContents(NmUiStartParam* startParam)
   633 {
   634     // Check start parameter validity, message view cannot
   635     // be updated if given parameter is zero.
   636     if (startParam && startParam->viewId() == NmUiViewMessageViewer &&
   637         startParam->messageId()!= 0) {
   638         // Delete existing start parameter data
   639         delete mStartParam;
   640         mStartParam = NULL;
   641         // Store new start parameter data
   642         mStartParam = startParam;
   643         // Reload viewer with new message information
   644         setMessageData();
   645     }
   646     else {
   647         NMLOG("nmailui: Invalid viewer start parameter");
   648         // Unused start parameter needs to be deleted
   649         delete startParam;
   650     }
   651 }
   653 /*!
   654     nmailViewId
   655 */
   656 NmUiViewId NmViewerView::nmailViewId() const
   657 {
   658     return NmUiViewMessageViewer;
   659 }
   661 /*!
   662     Scale web view width
   663 */
   664 void NmViewerView::webFrameLoaded(bool loaded)
   665 {
   666     if (loaded){
   667         webFrameloadingCompleted = true;
   668         // Scale web view after loading the
   669         // complete contents, including images
   670         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "scaleWebViewWhenLoaded", Qt::QueuedConnection);       
   671     }
   672 }
   674 /*!
   675     Scale web view width when loading is ongoing
   676 */
   677 void NmViewerView::scaleWebViewWhenLoading(const QSize &size)
   678 {
   679     // Try to scale web view while mainframe is being loaded.
   680     // So that screen is scrollable even before images are fully loaded
   681     // First check that new size is different than previous, no need to react if
   682     // same size value is received more than once.
   683     if (size != mLatestLoadingSize) {
   684         if (!webFrameloadingCompleted && mWebView && mWebView->page() &&
   685             (size.width() > mScreenSize.width() || size.height() > geometry().height())) {
   686             int width = (int)size.width();
   687             int height = (int)size.height();
   688             // Set content (webview) width
   689             if (mDisplayingPlainText){
   690                 mWebView->setPreferredWidth(geometry().width());           
   691             }
   692             else {
   693                 mWebView->setPreferredWidth(width);
   694             }
   695             mWebView->setMinimumHeight(height);
   696         }
   697     }
   698     mLatestLoadingSize = size;
   699 }
   701 /*!
   702     Scale web view width when loading is completed
   703 */
   704 void NmViewerView::scaleWebViewWhenLoaded()
   705 {
   706     QRectF myGeometry = geometry();
   707     QWebPage *page = mWebView->page();
   708     if (mWebView && page) {
   709         page->setPreferredContentsSize(myGeometry.size().toSize());
   710         QSizeF contentSize = page->mainFrame()->contentsSize();
   711         mWebView->setPreferredSize(contentSize);
   712     }
   713     // Workaround for scrolling problem
   714     scene()->setProperty("overridingGesture",QVariant());
   715 }
   717 /*!
   718     Set new dimensions after orientation change.
   719 */
   720 void NmViewerView::adjustViewDimensions()
   721 {
   722     // Update current screensize
   723     mScreenSize = mApplication.screenSize();
   724     // Scale header to screen width
   725     if (mHeaderWidget){
   726         mHeaderWidget->rescaleHeader(mScreenSize);
   727     }
   728     if (mAttaWidget){
   729         // Set attawidget minimum & maximum size
   730         mAttaWidget->setMinimumWidth(mScreenSize.width());
   731         mAttaWidget->setMaximumWidth(mScreenSize.width());
   732     }    
   733     scaleWebViewWhenLoaded();
   735     if (mToolbarEnabled) {
   736 		// Re-create toolbar in orientation switch
   737 		createToolBar();
   738     }
   739 }
   741 /*!
   742    Screen orientation changed. Web view needs to be scaled when
   743    landscape <-> portrait switch occurs because text needs to
   744    be wrapped again.
   745 */
   746 void NmViewerView::orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation)
   747 {
   748     Q_UNUSED(orientation);
   749     QTimer::singleShot(NmOrientationTimer, this, SLOT(adjustViewDimensions()));
   750 }
   752 /*!
   753    Link clicked callback
   754 */
   755 void NmViewerView::linkClicked(const QUrl& link)
   756 {
   757     NM_FUNCTION;
   759     if (link.scheme() == NmHttpLinkScheme ||
   760         link.scheme() == NmHttpsLinkScheme) {
   761         mAttaManager.cancelFetch();
   762         QDesktopServices::openUrl(link);
   763     } else if (link.scheme() == NmMailtoLinkScheme){
   764         mAttaManager.cancelFetch();
   765         QList<NmAddress*> *addrList = new QList<NmAddress*>();
   766         NmAddress *mailtoAddr = new NmAddress();
   767         QString address = link.toString(QUrl::RemoveScheme);
   768         mailtoAddr->setAddress(address);
   769         mailtoAddr->setDisplayName(address);
   770         addrList->append(mailtoAddr);
   771         // Create start parameters. Address list ownership
   772         // is transferred to startparam object
   773         NmUiStartParam* param = new NmUiStartParam(NmUiViewMessageEditor,
   774                                                    mStartParam->mailboxId(),
   775                                                    mStartParam->folderId(),
   776                                                    0,
   777                                                    NmUiEditorMailto,
   778                                                    addrList);
   779         mApplication.enterNmUiView(param);
   780     }    
   781 }
   783 /*!
   784    Function can be used to check whether mouse event has
   785    occured on top of header area.
   786 */
   787 bool NmViewerView::eventOnTopOfHeaderArea(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
   788 {
   789     bool ret(false);
   790     if (event && mHeaderWidget) {
   791         QPointF lastReleasePoint = event->lastPos();
   792         QPointF contentWidgetPos = mScrollAreaContents->pos();
   793         int headerHeight = (int)mHeaderWidget->geometry().height();
   794         if (lastReleasePoint.y()<headerHeight+contentWidgetPos.y()) {
   795             ret=true;
   796         }
   797     }
   798     return ret;
   799 }
   801 /*!
   802     Get function for content widget web view.
   803 */
   804 NmMailViewerWK* NmViewerView::webView()
   805 {
   806     return mWebView;
   807 }
   809 /*!
   810     Get function for message being viewed
   811 */
   812 NmMessage* NmViewerView::message()
   813 {
   814     return mMessage;
   815 }
   817 /*!
   818    Function to set message read status
   819 */
   820 void NmViewerView::changeMessageReadStatus(bool read)
   821 {
   822     NM_FUNCTION;
   824     QList<const NmMessageEnvelope*> envelopeList;
   825     NmMessageEnvelope *envelope = &mMessage->envelope();
   826     QPointer<NmStoreEnvelopesOperation> op(NULL);
   827     if (envelope) {
   828         if ( read != envelope->isRead() ){
   829             if (read){
   830                 envelope->setRead(true);
   831                 envelopeList.append(envelope);
   832                 op = mUiEngine.setEnvelopes(
   833                     mStartParam->mailboxId(),
   834                     mStartParam->folderId(),
   835                     MarkAsRead,
   836                     envelopeList);
   837             }
   838             else {
   839                 envelope->setRead(false);
   840                 envelopeList.append(envelope);
   841                 op = mUiEngine.setEnvelopes(
   842                     mStartParam->mailboxId(),
   843                     mStartParam->folderId(),
   844                     MarkAsUnread,
   845                     envelopeList);
   846             }
   847         }
   848     }
   849 }
   851 /*!
   852     Set mailbox name to title
   853 */
   854 void NmViewerView::setMailboxName()
   855 {
   856     if (mStartParam){
   857         NmMailboxMetaData *meta = mUiEngine.mailboxById(mStartParam->mailboxId());
   858         if (meta) {
   859             setTitle(meta->name());
   860         }
   861     }
   862 }
   864 /*!
   865     contentScrollPositionChanged.
   866     Function reacts to scroll position change events and sets
   867     header to correct position
   868 */
   869 void NmViewerView::contentScrollPositionChanged(const QPointF &newPosition)
   870 {
   871     if (mWebView&&mHeaderWidget){
   872         QRectF webViewRect = mWebView->geometry();
   873         QTransform tr;
   874         qreal leftMovementThreshold(webViewRect.width()-mHeaderWidget->geometry().width());
   875         if (newPosition.x()<0) {
   876             tr.translate(webViewRect.topLeft().x() ,0);
   877         }
   878         else if (newPosition.x()>=0 && newPosition.x()<leftMovementThreshold) {
   879             tr.translate(mHeaderStartScenePos.x()+newPosition.x() ,0);
   880         }
   881         else {
   882             tr.translate(webViewRect.topLeft().x()+leftMovementThreshold ,0);
   883         }
   884         mHeaderWidget->setTransform(tr);
   885         if (mAttaWidget) {
   886             mAttaWidget->setTransform(tr);
   887         }
   888     }
   889     mLatestScrollPos = newPosition;
   890 }
   892 /*!
   893     createToolBar. Function asks menu commands from extension
   894     to be added to toolbar owned by the HbView.
   895 */
   896 void NmViewerView::createToolBar()
   897 {
   898     HbToolBar *tb = toolBar();
   899     NmUiExtensionManager &extMngr = mApplication.extManager();
   900     if (tb && &extMngr && mStartParam) {
   901         tb->clearActions();
   902         NmActionRequest request(this, NmActionToolbar, NmActionContextViewViewer,
   903                 NmActionContextDataNone, mStartParam->mailboxId(), mStartParam->folderId() );
   904         QList<NmAction *> list;
   905         extMngr.getActions(request, list);
   906         for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) {
   907             tb->addAction(list[i]);
   908         }
   909     }
   910 }
   912 /*!
   913     createOptionsMenu. Functions asks menu commands from extension
   914     to be added to options menu.
   915 */
   916 void NmViewerView::createOptionsMenu()
   917 {
   918 	HbMenu *optionsMenu = menu();
   919 	NmUiExtensionManager &extMngr = mApplication.extManager();
   920 	if (optionsMenu && &extMngr && mStartParam) {
   921 		optionsMenu->clearActions();
   922 		NmActionRequest request(this, NmActionOptionsMenu, NmActionContextViewViewer,
   923 				NmActionContextDataNone, mStartParam->mailboxId(), mStartParam->folderId() );
   925 		QList<NmAction*> list;
   926 		extMngr.getActions(request, list);
   927 		for (int i=0;i<list.count();i++) {
   928 			optionsMenu->addAction(list[i]);
   929 		}
   930 	}
   931 }
   933 /*!
   934     handleActionCommand. From NmActionObserver, extension manager calls this
   935     call to handle menu command in the UI.
   936 */
   937 void NmViewerView::handleActionCommand(NmActionResponse &actionResponse)
   938 {
   939     // Handle options menu or toolbar
   940     if (actionResponse.menuType() == NmActionOptionsMenu ||
   941     	actionResponse.menuType() == NmActionToolbar) {
   942         switch (actionResponse.responseCommand()) {
   943             case NmActionResponseCommandReply: {
   944                 mAttaManager.cancelFetch();
   945                 NmUiStartParam *startParam = new NmUiStartParam(NmUiViewMessageEditor,
   946                     mStartParam->mailboxId(), mStartParam->folderId(),
   947                     mStartParam->messageId(), NmUiEditorReply);
   948                 mApplication.enterNmUiView(startParam);
   949             }
   950             break;
   951             case NmActionResponseCommandReplyAll: {
   952                 mAttaManager.cancelFetch();
   953                 NmUiStartParam *startParam = new NmUiStartParam(NmUiViewMessageEditor,
   954                     mStartParam->mailboxId(), mStartParam->folderId(),
   955                     mStartParam->messageId(), NmUiEditorReplyAll);
   956                 mApplication.enterNmUiView(startParam);
   957             }
   958             break;
   959             case NmActionResponseCommandForward: {
   960                 mAttaManager.cancelFetch();
   961                 NmUiStartParam *startParam = new NmUiStartParam(NmUiViewMessageEditor,
   962                     mStartParam->mailboxId(), mStartParam->folderId(),
   963                     mStartParam->messageId(), NmUiEditorForward);
   964                 mApplication.enterNmUiView(startParam);
   965             }
   966             break;
   967             case NmActionResponseCommandDeleteMail: {
   968                 mAttaManager.cancelFetch();
   969                 deleteMessage();
   970                 }
   971             break;
   972             default:
   973                 break;
   974         }
   975     }
   976 }
   978 /*!
   979     Deletes the currently open message
   980 */
   981 void NmViewerView::deleteMessage()
   982 {
   983     NM_FUNCTION;
   985     QList<NmId> messageList;
   986     messageList.append(mStartParam->messageId());  
   987     int err = mUiEngine.deleteMessages(mStartParam->mailboxId(),
   988                                        mStartParam->folderId(),
   989                                        messageList);
   990     messageList.clear();
   991 }
   994 /*!
   995     This is called when attachment fetch progress changes
   996 */
   997 void NmViewerView::progressChanged(int value)
   998 {
   999     if (mAttaIndexUnderFetch != NmNotFoundError) {
  1000         // emit signal
  1001         if (mAttaWidget && mAttaWidget->progressValue(mAttaIndexUnderFetch) < value) {
  1002             progressValueChanged(mAttaIndexUnderFetch, value);
  1003         }
  1004     }
  1005 }
  1007 /*!
  1008     This is called when attachment fetch is completed
  1009 */
  1010 void NmViewerView::fetchCompleted(int result)
  1011 {
  1012     if (mAttaWidget && mAttaIndexUnderFetch != NmNotFoundError) {
  1013         if (result == NmNoError) {
  1014             progressValueChanged(mAttaIndexUnderFetch, NmProgressValueComplete);
  1015             openAttachment(mAttaIndexUnderFetch);
  1016         } else {
  1017             mAttaWidget->hideProgressBar(mAttaIndexUnderFetch);
  1018         }
  1019     }
  1020     mAttaIndexUnderFetch = NmNotFoundError;
  1021 }
  1023 /*!
  1024     externalDelete. From NmUiEngine, handles viewer shutdown when current message is deleted.
  1025 */
  1026 void NmViewerView::messageDeleted(const NmId &mailboxId, const NmId &folderId, const NmId &messageId)
  1027 {
  1028     if ((mStartParam->viewId() == NmUiViewMessageViewer)
  1029         && (mStartParam->mailboxId()== mailboxId)
  1030         && (mStartParam->folderId()== folderId)
  1031         && (mStartParam->messageId()== messageId)) {
  1032         mApplication.prepareForPopView();
  1033     }
  1034 }
  1036 /*!
  1037     Helper function for wait dialog creation.
  1038 */
  1039 void NmViewerView::createAndShowWaitDialog()
  1040 {
  1041     delete mWaitDialog;
  1042     mWaitDialog = NULL;
  1043     // Create new wait dialog and set it to me modal with dimmed background
  1044     mWaitDialog = new HbProgressDialog(HbProgressDialog::WaitDialog);
  1045     // Connect to observe orientation change events
  1046     connect(mWaitDialog->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
  1047                 this, SLOT(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)));
  1048     mWaitDialog->setModal(true);
  1049     mWaitDialog->setBackgroundFaded(true);
  1050     connect(mWaitDialog, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(waitNoteCancelled()));
  1051     mWaitDialog->setText(hbTrId("txt_mail_dialog_loading_mail_content"));
  1052     // Display wait dialog
  1053     mWaitDialog->show(); 
  1054 }