changeset 1 12c456ceeff2
child 8 e1b6206813b4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailservices/emailstore/tsrc/message_store_test/src/ContentTests.cpp	Thu Jan 07 12:38:38 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Base class for all test cases class member functions
+#include <BAUTILS.H>
+#include "ContentTests.h"
+//#include <ismsgstorepropertykeys.h>
+#include "messagestoreclientserver.h"
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+CContentTests* CContentTests::NewL( CStifLogger* aLog )
+    {
+    CContentTests* self = new(ELeave) CContentTests( aLog );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CContentTests::CContentTests( CStifLogger* aLog ) : CAsyncTestCaseBase( aLog ) 
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 2nd phase constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CContentTests::ConstructL()
+    {
+    CAsyncTestCaseBase::ConstructL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ExecuteL : start executing the test case
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CContentTests::ExecuteL()
+    {
+    LogHeader( _L("Content") );
+    // Create messages for later use.
+    CMsgStoreAccount* account = CMsgStoreAccount::NewLC(1234, _L("new account") );     //+1
+    CMsgStoreMailBox* mailBox1 = iMsgStore->CreateAccountL( *account );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( mailBox1 );                                                 //+2
+    CMsgStorePropertyContainer* properties = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( properties );                                              //+3
+    TMsgStoreId inbox1Id = mailBox1->CreateFolderL( mailBox1->Id(), *properties );
+    CMsgStoreFolder* inbox1 = mailBox1->FolderL( inbox1Id );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( inbox1 );                                                    //+4
+    CMsgStoreMessage* message1 = mailBox1->CreateMessageL( inbox1Id, *properties );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( message1 );                                                  //+5
+    message1->CommitL();
+    CMsgStoreMessage* message2 = mailBox1->CreateMessageL( inbox1Id, *properties );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( message2 );                                                  //+6
+    message2->CommitL();
+    CMsgStoreMessage* message3 = mailBox1->CreateMessageL( inbox1Id, *properties );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( message3 );                                                  //+7
+    message3->CommitL();
+    RBuf8 expectedContent;
+    RBuf8 contentBuf;
+    expectedContent.CreateL( 1000 );
+    contentBuf.CreateL( 1000 );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Fetch content to buffer before content added"), iCaseId++ );
+    message1->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("no content"), (contentBuf.Length() == 0) && (message1->ContentLengthL() == 0) );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: ReplaceContentL"), iCaseId++ );
+    _LIT8( KContent1, "THIS IS SOME CONTENT" );
+    message1->ReplaceContentL( KContent1 );
+    CheckCondition( _L("ContentLength matches"), message1->ContentLengthL() == KContent1().Length() );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: FetchContentToBufferL"), iCaseId++ );
+    message1->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentBuf.Compare( KContent1 ) == 0 );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Fetch content with start offset"), iCaseId++ );
+    message1->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf, 4 );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentBuf.Compare( KContent1().Mid( 4 ) ) == 0 );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Append to content"), iCaseId++ );
+    _LIT8( KContent2, "MORE CONTENT" );
+    message1->AppendToContentL( KContent2 );
+    TInt contentLength = message1->ContentLengthL();
+    TInt expectedLength = KContent1().Length() + KContent2().Length();
+    CheckCondition( _L("ContentLength matches"), contentLength == expectedLength );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Append null buffer to content"), iCaseId++ );
+    _LIT8( KNullBuffer, "" );
+    message1->AppendToContentL( KNullBuffer );
+    contentLength = message1->ContentLengthL();
+    CheckCondition( _L("ContentLength matches"), contentLength == expectedLength );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Append null buffer to content"), iCaseId++ );
+    expectedContent.Copy( KContent1 );
+    expectedContent.Append( KContent2 );
+    message1->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Long content"), iCaseId++ );
+    expectedContent.Fill( 'C', 998 );
+    expectedContent.Insert( 0, _L8("A") );
+    expectedContent.Append( _L8("B") );
+    message1->ReplaceContentL( expectedContent );
+    message1->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    contentLength = message1->ContentLengthL();
+    expectedLength = expectedContent.Length();
+    TBool passed = (contentLength == expectedLength && contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0);
+    //if( !passed )
+    //    {
+    //    __LOG_HEX_DUMP_ERROR( "expected", expectedContent )
+    //    __LOG_HEX_DUMP_ERROR( "actual", contentBuf )
+    //    }   
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), passed );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Open the original content file"), iCaseId++ );
+    RFile testFile;
+    TRAPD(err, message1->OpenOriginalContentFileL( testFile ) );
+        //try to read from the file
+        CheckCondition( _L("OpenOriginalContentFileL succeeded"), err == KErrNone );
+        testFile.Read( contentBuf );
+        CheckCondition( _L("Content in original file"), contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+        iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Fetch while client has original file open"), iCaseId++ );
+        message1->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+        CheckCondition( _L("Fetch while client has original file open"), contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+        iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: ContentLength while client has original file open"), iCaseId++ );
+        contentLength = message1->ContentLengthL();
+        CheckCondition( _L("ContentLength while client has original file open"), contentLength == expectedLength );
+        iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: ReplaceContent while client has original file open"), iCaseId++ );
+        message1->ReplaceContentL( KContent1 );
+        message1->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+        expectedContent.Copy( KContent1 );
+        CheckCondition( _L("ReplaceContent while client has original file open"), contentLength == expectedLength );
+        iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Can't Remove Content while client has original file open"), iCaseId++ );
+        TRAP( err, message1->RemoveContentL() );
+        CheckCondition( _L("can't RemoveContentL"), err == KErrInUse );       
+        iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Delete message while client has original file open"), iCaseId++ );
+        //delete message while content file is locked
+        mailBox1->DeleteMessageL( message1->Id(), inbox1Id );
+        iLog->Log( _L("  Wait 3 seconds for server delete handler to complete") );
+        Yield(3000000);
+        iLog->Log( _L("  Create a dummy message") );
+        CMsgStoreMessage* message4 = mailBox1->CreateMessageL( inbox1Id, *properties );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( message4 );                                                         //+8
+        message4->CommitL();
+        testFile.Close();
+        iLog->Log( _L("  Client closed content file") );
+        iLog->Log( _L("  delete dummy message after the file is closed, to trigger the delete handle") );
+        mailBox1->DeleteMessageL( message4->Id(), inbox1Id );
+        iLog->Log( _L("  Wait 3 secs for server delete handler to complete") );
+        Yield(3000000);
+    CMsgStoreMessage* message5 = mailBox1->CreateMessageL( inbox1Id, *properties );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( message5 );                                                         //+9
+    message5->CommitL();
+    iLog->Log( _L("  Make sure other messages are not affected") );
+    message2->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("no content"), (contentBuf.Length() == 0) && (message2->ContentLengthL() == 0) );
+    message3->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("no content"), (contentBuf.Length() == 0) && (message3->ContentLengthL() == 0) );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: FetchContentToFileL"), iCaseId++ );
+    _LIT( KFilename, "c:\\content_test.txt" );
+    expectedContent.Fill( 'C', 998 );
+    expectedContent.Insert( 0, _L8("A") );
+    expectedContent.Append( _L8("B") );
+    message5->ReplaceContentL( expectedContent );
+    message5->FetchContentToFileL( KFilename );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: ReplaceContentWithFileL"), iCaseId++ );
+    message2->ReplaceContentWithFileL( KFilename );
+    contentBuf.SetLength(0);            
+    message2->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Remove content"), iCaseId++ );
+    message5->RemoveContentL();
+    message5->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    TInt length1 = contentBuf.Length();
+    TInt length2 = message5->ContentLengthL();
+    CheckCondition( _L("no content"), length1 == 0 && length2 == 0 );       
+    iLog->Log( _L("case %d: Fetch content to file with no content"), iCaseId++ );
+    RFs fs;
+    User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
+    message5->FetchContentToFileL( KFilename );
+    RFile file;
+    User::LeaveIfError( file.Open( fs, KFilename, EFileRead ) );
+    TInt size;
+    User::LeaveIfError( file.Size( size ) );
+    file.Close();
+    CheckCondition( _L("file size = 0"), size == 0 );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: FENCEPOST ERRORS Detection"), iCaseId++ );
+    // THESE SHOULD EXACTLY MATCH THE VALUES INSIDE ContainerStoreContentManager.cpp
+    const TUint KBlockSize = 64;
+    const TUint KBufferSize = 4096;            
+    const TInt KSizesToTest[] = 
+        {
+        0, 
+        1, 
+        KBlockSize-1, 
+        KBlockSize, 
+        KBlockSize+1, 
+        KBufferSize-1, 
+        KBufferSize,
+        KBufferSize+1, 
+        2*KBufferSize-1, 
+        2*KBufferSize, 
+        2*KBufferSize+1, 
+        5*KBufferSize-1, 
+        5*KBufferSize, 
+        5*KBufferSize+1,
+        -1
+        };
+    expectedContent.ReAllocL( 7*KBufferSize );
+    expectedContent.SetLength( 0 );        
+    contentBuf.ReAllocL( 7*KBufferSize );
+    contentBuf.SetLength( 0 );        
+    TBuf8<KBufferSize+1> appendBuffer;
+    TInt index = 0;
+    while( KSizesToTest[index] != -1 )
+        {
+        TInt growSizeBy = KSizesToTest[index] - expectedContent.Length();
+        expectedContent.SetLength( KSizesToTest[index] );
+        expectedContent.RightTPtr( growSizeBy ).Fill( 'A' + index );
+        contentBuf.SetLength( 0 );
+        message5->ReplaceContentL( expectedContent );
+        message5->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );    
+        CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), message5->ContentLengthL() == expectedContent.Length() && contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+        contentBuf.SetLength( 0 );
+        BaflUtils::DeleteFile( fs, KFilename );
+        message5->FetchContentToFileL( KFilename );        
+        message2->ReplaceContentWithFileL( KFilename );
+        message2->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );    
+        contentLength = message2->ContentLengthL();
+        expectedLength = expectedContent.Length();
+        CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentLength == expectedLength && contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+        message3->ReplaceContentWithFileL( KFilename );
+        appendBuffer.Fill( 'w', 1 );
+        expectedContent.Append( appendBuffer );
+        message5->AppendToContentL( appendBuffer );
+        message5->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );    
+        contentLength = message5->ContentLengthL();
+        expectedLength = expectedContent.Length();
+        CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentLength == expectedLength && contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+        appendBuffer.Fill( 'x', KBlockSize-1 );
+        expectedContent.SetLength( KSizesToTest[index] );
+        expectedContent.Append( appendBuffer );
+        message2->AppendToContentL( appendBuffer );
+        message2->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );    
+        contentLength = message2->ContentLengthL();
+        expectedLength = expectedContent.Length();
+        CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentLength == expectedLength && contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+        appendBuffer.Fill( 'y', KBlockSize );
+        expectedContent.SetLength( KSizesToTest[index] );
+        expectedContent.Append( appendBuffer );
+        message3->AppendToContentL( appendBuffer );
+        message3->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );    
+        contentLength = message3->ContentLengthL();
+        expectedLength = expectedContent.Length();
+        CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentLength == expectedLength && contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+        appendBuffer.Fill( 'z', KBufferSize+1 );
+        expectedContent.Append( appendBuffer );
+        message3->AppendToContentL( appendBuffer );
+        message3->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+        contentLength  = message3->ContentLengthL();
+        expectedLength = expectedContent.Length();   
+        CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentLength == expectedLength && contentBuf.Compare( expectedContent ) == 0 );
+        expectedContent.SetLength( KSizesToTest[index] );
+        index++;
+        } // end for
+    expectedContent.Close();
+    contentBuf.Close();
+    fs.Close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 9 );
+    //we are done 
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+//  End of File