changeset 1 12c456ceeff2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailservices/emailstore/tsrc/message_store_test/src/PartTests.cpp	Thu Jan 07 12:38:38 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Base class for all test cases class member functions
+// [INCLUDE FILES] - do not remove
+#include <tz.h>
+#include "PartTests.h"
+//#include <ismsgstorepropertykeys.h>
+#include "messagestoreclientserver.h"
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+CPartTests* CPartTests::NewL( CStifLogger* aLog )
+    {
+    CPartTests* self = new(ELeave) CPartTests( aLog );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPartTests::CPartTests( CStifLogger* aLog ) : CAsyncTestCaseBase( aLog ) 
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 2nd phase constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPartTests::ConstructL()
+    {
+    CAsyncTestCaseBase::ConstructL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ExecuteL : start executing the test case
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CPartTests::ExecuteL()
+    {
+    LogHeader( _L("Part") );
+    //account 1
+    CMsgStoreAccount* account1 = CMsgStoreAccount::NewLC( 1234, KNullDesC );   //+1
+    CMsgStoreMailBox* mailBox1 = iMsgStore->CreateAccountL( *account1 );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( mailBox1 );                                           //+2
+    CMsgStorePropertyContainer* properties = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( properties );                                              //+3
+    properties->AddPropertyL( _L8("name"), _L("some name") );
+    TMsgStoreId inbox1Id = mailBox1->CreateFolderL( mailBox1->Id(), *properties );
+    CMsgStoreFolder* inbox1 = mailBox1->FolderL( inbox1Id );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( inbox1 );                                              //+4
+    CMsgStoreMessage* message1 = mailBox1->CreateMessageL( inbox1Id, *properties );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( message1 );                                               //+5
+    message1->CommitL();
+    RPointerArray<CMsgStoreMessagePart> parts;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: List parts when no parts yet"), iCaseId++ );
+    message1->ChildPartsL( parts );
+    CheckCondition( _L("no parts"), parts.Count() == 0 );               
+    parts.ResetAndDestroy();
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Add a part with no content"), iCaseId++ );
+    CMsgStoreMessagePart* part = message1->AddChildPartL( *properties );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *part, *properties );
+    CheckCondition( _L("parent ID is correct"), part->ParentId() == message1->Id() );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Get ChildPart"), iCaseId++ );
+    CMsgStoreMessagePart* compareMe = message1->ChildPartL( part->Id() );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *part, *compareMe );
+    CheckCondition( _L("parent ID is correct"), compareMe->ParentId() == message1->Id() );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Add a child part to a child child part"), iCaseId++ );
+    CMsgStoreMessagePart* grandChild = part->AddChildPartL( *properties );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *grandChild, *properties );
+    CheckCondition( _L("grandChild's parent ID is correct"), grandChild->ParentId() == part->Id() );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Testing ChildPartL(aRecursive=ETrue)"), iCaseId++ );
+    delete compareMe;
+    compareMe = message1->ChildPartL( grandChild->Id(), ETrue );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *grandChild, *compareMe );
+    CheckCondition( _L("GrandChild's parent ID is correct"), compareMe->ParentId() == part->Id() );
+    delete compareMe;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Testing RemoveChildPartL(aRecursive=ETrue)"), iCaseId++ );
+    message1->RemoveChildPartL( grandChild->Id(), ETrue );
+    delete grandChild;    
+    iLog->Log( _L("  List parts") );
+    message1->ChildPartsL( parts );
+    CheckCondition( _L("1 part"), parts.Count() == 1 );             
+    ComparePropertiesL( *parts[0], *properties );
+    CheckCondition( _L("parent ID is correct"), parts[0]->ParentId() == message1->Id() );
+    parts.ResetAndDestroy();
+    TMsgStoreId partId = part->Id();
+    delete part;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Add an attachment with content using file path"), iCaseId++ );
+    _LIT( KFilename, "C:\\test_content.txt" );
+    RFs   fs;
+    User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
+    RFile file;
+    User::LeaveIfError( file.Replace( fs, KFilename, EFileWrite ) );
+    file.Write( KContent );
+    file.Close();
+    fs.Close();
+    part = message1->AddChildPartL( *properties, KFilename );    //new part
+    iLog->Log( _L("  List parts") );
+    message1->ChildPartsL( parts );
+    CheckCondition( _L("2 parts"), parts.Count() == 2 );                
+    compareMe = NULL;
+    if( parts[0]->Id() == part->Id() )
+        {
+        compareMe = parts[0];               
+        }
+    else if( parts[1]->Id() == part->Id() )
+        {
+        compareMe = parts[1];                               
+        } // end if
+    CheckCondition( _L("found"), compareMe != NULL );
+    CheckCondition( _L("parent ID is correct"), compareMe->ParentId() == message1->Id() );
+    iLog->Log( _L("  Verify content") );
+    TBuf8<100> contentBuf;
+    compareMe->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentBuf.Compare( KContent ) == 0 );
+    parts.ResetAndDestroy();
+    delete part;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Add an attachment with content using file handle"), iCaseId++ );
+    RFs   fs2;
+    User::LeaveIfError( fs2.Connect() );
+    RFile file2; 
+    fs2.ShareProtected();
+    User::LeaveIfError( file2.Open( fs2, KFilename, EFileRead ) );
+    part = message1->AddChildPartL( *properties, file2 );    //new part
+    file2.Close();
+    fs2.Close();
+    iLog->Log( _L("  List parts") );
+    message1->ChildPartsL( parts );
+    CheckCondition( _L("2 parts"), parts.Count() == 3 );                
+    compareMe = NULL;
+    for (TInt i=0; i < parts.Count() ; i++ )
+        {
+        if( parts[i]->Id() == part->Id() )
+            {
+            compareMe = parts[i];
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    CheckCondition( _L("found"), compareMe != NULL );
+    CheckCondition( _L("parent ID is correct"), compareMe->ParentId() == message1->Id() );
+    iLog->Log( _L("  Verify content") );
+    compareMe->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentBuf.Compare( KContent ) == 0 );
+    parts.ResetAndDestroy();
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Copy part"), iCaseId++ );
+    CMsgStoreMessage* message2 = mailBox1->CreateMessageL( inbox1Id, *properties );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( message2 );                                                //+6
+    message2->CommitL();
+    TMsgStoreId newId = message1->CopyChildPartL( part->Id(), message2->Id() );
+    CMsgStoreMessagePart* newpart = message2->ChildPartL( newId );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *part, *newpart );
+    contentBuf.SetLength( 0 );
+    newpart->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentBuf.Compare( KContent ) == 0 );
+    delete newpart;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Remove parts"), iCaseId++ );
+    message1->RemoveChildPartL( part->Id() );
+    message1->RemoveChildPartL( partId );
+    message1->ChildPartsL( parts );
+    CheckCondition( _L("one part left"), parts.Count() == 1 );              
+    parts.ResetAndDestroy();
+    delete part;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Nested parts"), iCaseId++ );
+    // put an attachment back
+    CMsgStorePropertyContainer* nestedProps = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
+    nestedProps->AddPropertyL(_L8("prop1"), _L("value 1") );
+    part = message1->AddChildPartL( *properties );          
+    CMsgStoreMessagePart* nestedPart = part->AddChildPartL( *nestedProps );
+    nestedPart->ReplaceContentL( KContent );
+    CMsgStoreMessagePart* comparePart = part->ChildPartL( nestedPart->Id() );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *comparePart, *nestedProps );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content length matches"), comparePart->ContentLengthL() == nestedPart->ContentLengthL() );
+    comparePart->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentBuf == KContent );
+    delete comparePart;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Fetch nested part from mailBox object"), iCaseId++ );
+    CMsgStoreWritablePropertyContainer* container = mailBox1->FetchPropertiesL( nestedPart->Id() );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *container, *nestedPart );
+    delete container;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Fetch part from mailBox object"), iCaseId++ );
+    container = mailBox1->FetchPropertiesL( part->Id() );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *container, *part );
+    delete container;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Fetch message from mailBox object"), iCaseId++ );
+    container = mailBox1->FetchPropertiesL( message1->Id() );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *container, *message1 );
+    delete container;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Fetch folder from mailBox object"), iCaseId++ );
+    container = mailBox1->FetchPropertiesL( inbox1->Id() );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *container, *inbox1 );
+    delete container;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: ContainerTypeById"), iCaseId++ );
+    TMsgStoreContainerType contentType = mailBox1->ContainerTypeById( part->Id() );
+    CheckCondition( _L("container type is Part"), contentType == EMsgStorePartContainer );
+    contentType = mailBox1->ContainerTypeById( message1->Id() );
+    CheckCondition( _L("container type is Message"), contentType == EMsgStoreMessageContainer );
+    contentType = mailBox1->ContainerTypeById( inbox1->Id() );
+    CheckCondition( _L("container type is Folder"), contentType == EMsgStoreFolderContainer );
+    contentType = mailBox1->ContainerTypeById( mailBox1->Id() );
+    CheckCondition( _L("container type is Mailbox"), contentType == EMsgStoreMailboxContainer );
+    /******************************************************************
+     * (end of) Testing of the new CMsgStoreMailBox methods: FetchPropertiesL() and
+     * ContentTypeBuId() requested by the Mail for Exchange team
+     * ****************************************************************/
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Add a message as an attachment (embedded msg)"), iCaseId++ );
+    CMsgStoreMessage* nestedMsg = part->AddChildMessageL( *nestedProps );
+    nestedMsg->ReplaceContentL( KContent );
+    comparePart = part->ChildPartL( nestedMsg->Id() );
+    ComparePropertiesL( *nestedMsg, *comparePart );
+    comparePart->FetchContentToBufferL( contentBuf );
+    CheckCondition( _L("content matches"), contentBuf == KContent );
+    CheckCondition( _L("IsEmbeddedMessage()"), comparePart->IsEmbeddedMessageL() );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: CommitL() not supported for embedded msgs"), iCaseId++ );
+    //it should be safe to cast it to message
+    CMsgStoreMessage* castedMessage = static_cast<CMsgStoreMessage*>(comparePart);
+    //CommitL() should leave with KErrNotSupported
+    TRAPD( err, castedMessage->CommitL() );
+    CheckCondition( _L("CommitL() not supported for embedded msgs"), err = KErrNotSupported );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: AbandonL() not supported for embedded msgs"), iCaseId++ );
+    TRAP( err, castedMessage->AbandonL() );
+    CheckCondition( _L("AbandonL() not supported for embedded msgs"), err = KErrNotSupported );
+    RPointerArray<CMsgStoreMessagePart> nestedParts;
+    part->ChildPartsL( nestedParts );
+    CheckCondition( _L("2 nested parts"), nestedParts.Count() == 2 );
+    nestedParts.ResetAndDestroy();
+    delete comparePart;
+    delete nestedMsg;
+    delete nestedPart;
+    delete part;
+    delete nestedProps;
+    // put an attachment back
+    part = message1->AddChildPartL( *properties );          
+    CleanupStack::PushL( part );                                                //+7
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Error - ChildPartL for invalid part ID"), iCaseId++ );
+    TRAPD( result, message1->ChildPartL( EMsgStorePartBits | 50 ) );
+    CheckCondition( _L("not found"), result == KErrNotFound );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Error - ChildPartL for wrong message"), iCaseId++ );
+    TRAP( result, message2->ChildPartL( part->Id() ) );
+    CheckCondition( _L("not found"), result == KErrNotFound );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Error - AddAttachmentL (content) with nonexistent file"), iCaseId++ );
+    CMsgStoreMessagePart* tempPart = message2->AddChildPartL( *properties );
+    TRAP( result, tempPart->ReplaceContentWithFileL( _L("C:\\some_nonexistent_file.txt") ) );
+    CheckCondition( _L("not found"), result == KErrNotFound );
+    delete tempPart;
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Error - RemoveChildPartL for invalid part ID"), iCaseId++ );
+    TRAP( result, message2->RemoveChildPartL( part->Id() + 50  ) );
+    CheckCondition( _L("not found"), result == KErrNotFound );
+    // wrong parameter types
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Error - ChildPartL with wrong type for part"), iCaseId++ );
+    TRAP( result, message2->ChildPartL( message1->Id() ) );
+    CheckCondition( _L("argument error"), result == KErrArgument );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Error - RemoveChildPartL with wrong type for part"), iCaseId++ );
+    TRAP( result, message2->RemoveChildPartL( message1->Id() ) );
+    CheckCondition( _L("argument error"), result == KErrArgument );
+    iLog->Log( _L("Case %d: Error - Out of memory"), iCaseId++ );
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < 1; i++ )
+        {        
+        SimulateLowDiskSpaceL( i );
+        TRAP( result, message1->AddChildPartL( *properties ) );
+        CheckCondition( _L("out of memory"), result == KErrNoMemory );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 7 );
+    //we are done 
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+//  End of File