changeset 23 2dc6caa42ec3
parent 20 ecc8def7944a
child 30 759dc5235cdb
--- a/emailuis/nmhswidget/src/nmhswidgetemailengine.cpp	Mon May 03 12:23:15 2010 +0300
+++ b/emailuis/nmhswidget/src/nmhswidgetemailengine.cpp	Fri May 14 15:41:10 2010 +0300
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
+#include <xqservicerequest.h>
 #include <QDebug>
 #include <QTimer>
 #include <QDir>
 #include <qpluginloader.h>
-#include <XQServiceRequest.h>
 #include "email_services_api.h"
 #include "nmcommon.h"
 #include "nmmessageenvelope.h"
@@ -28,135 +28,184 @@
 #include "nmmailbox.h"
 #include "nmfolder.h"
 #include "nmdatapluginfactory.h"
+#include "nmhswidgetconsts.h"
 NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::NmHsWidgetEmailEngine(const NmId& monitoredMailboxId) :
-    mMailboxId(monitoredMailboxId), mAccountName(0), mUnreadCount(0),
-            mEmailInterface(0), mFactory(0), mAccountEventReceivedWhenSuspended(false),
-            mMessageEventReceivedWhenSuspended(false), mSuspended(false) 
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine() -- START";
-    constructNmPlugin();
+    mMailboxId(monitoredMailboxId), 
+    mFolderId(0), 
+    mAccountName(0), 
+    mUnreadCount(-1),
+    mEmailInterface(0), 
+    mFactory(0), 
+    mAccountEventReceivedWhenSuspended(false),
+    mMessageEventReceivedWhenSuspended(false), 
+    mSuspended(false),
+    mUpdateTimer(0)
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine() -- START";
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine() -- END";
+ initilaize - Initializes the engine
+ Works as a second phase constructor. Must be called before any other operations.
+ Client should connect to exceptionOccured signal before calling this method.
+ /return true if initialize succeedes otherwise false. If false the object is unusable.
+ */
+bool NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::initialize()
+    qDebug() << "initialize() -- START";
+    if (!constructNmPlugin()) {
+        //if plugin connection fails, there's no reason to proceed
+        return false;
+    }
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine() -- END";
-    }
+    mUpdateTimer = new QTimer(this);
+    mUpdateTimer->setInterval(NmHsWidgetEmailEngineUpdateTimerValue);
+    connect(mUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(handleUpdateTimeout()) );
+    qDebug() << "initialize() -- END";
+    return true;
+ /post Constructs a connection to an instance of NmDataPluginInterface
+ /return true if construction succeeded, otherwise false.
-void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin()
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- START";
-    QObject* pluginInstance(0); 
+bool NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin()
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- START";
+    QObject* pluginInstance(0);
     //Get data plugin factory instance
     mFactory = NmDataPluginFactory::instance();
+    if (!mFactory) {
+        qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- mFactory FAILED";
+        return false;
+    }
-    if(mFactory)        
-        {
-        pluginInstance = mFactory->pluginInstance(mMailboxId);
-        }
+    //Get plugin instance
+    pluginInstance = mFactory->pluginInstance(mMailboxId);
+    if (!pluginInstance) {
+        qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- pluginInstance FAILED";
+        return false;
+    }
+    //get interface instance
+    mEmailInterface = mFactory->interfaceInstance(pluginInstance);
-    if(pluginInstance)
-        { 
-        mEmailInterface = mFactory->interfaceInstance( pluginInstance );
-        mFolderId = mEmailInterface->getStandardFolderId(mMailboxId, NmFolderInbox);
-        //Subscription is needed - otherwise the signals will not be received
-        mEmailInterface->subscribeMailboxEvents(mMailboxId);
-        //Connect to events
-        connect(pluginInstance,
-                SIGNAL( messageEvent(NmMessageEvent, const NmId&, 
-                        const QList<NmId>&, const NmId&) ),
-                this,
-                SLOT( handleMessageEvent(NmMessageEvent, const NmId&, 
-                        const QList<NmId>&, const NmId&) ));
+    if (!mEmailInterface) {
+        qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- mEmailInterface FAILED";
+        return false;       
+    }
+    //Verify that the mailbox we are interested actually exists.
+    //Otherwise emit account deleted event (instead of just returning)
+    QList<NmId> ids; 
+    mEmailInterface->listMailboxIds(ids);
+    if(!ids.contains(mMailboxId)){
+        qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- !ids.contains(mMailboxId) FAILED";
+        emit exceptionOccured(NmEngineExcAccountDeleted);
+        return false;
+    }
+    //retrieve folderID for this mailbox's inbox
+    //If NmId equals zero, we don't have the Initial sync done for the account
+    //This is valid at least for IMAP accounts. 
+    //Folder ID is then retrieved later when first message event is received
+    mFolderId = mEmailInterface->getStandardFolderId(mMailboxId, NmFolderInbox);
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- mFolderId==" <<;
-        connect(pluginInstance,
-                SIGNAL( mailboxEvent(NmMailboxEvent, const QList<NmId>& ) ),
-                this,
-                SLOT( handleMailboxEvent(NmMailboxEvent, const QList<NmId>&) ));
-        qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- OK";
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        emit errorOccured(NmEngineErrFailure);
-        qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- FAILED";
-        }
+    //Subscription is needed - otherwise the signals will not be received
+    mEmailInterface->subscribeMailboxEvents(mMailboxId);
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- END";
-    }
+    //Connect to events
+    connect(pluginInstance, SIGNAL( messageEvent(NmMessageEvent, const NmId&,
+            const QList<NmId>&, const NmId&) ), this,
+        SLOT( handleMessageEvent(NmMessageEvent, const NmId&,
+                const QList<NmId>&, const NmId&) ));
+    connect(pluginInstance, SIGNAL( mailboxEvent(NmMailboxEvent, const QList<NmId>& ) ), this,
+        SLOT( handleMailboxEvent(NmMailboxEvent, const QList<NmId>&) ));
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::constructNmPlugin() -- OK";
+    return true;
  Reset envelope list
  \post mEnvelopeList.isEmpty() == true && all contained objects are deleted
 void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::resetEnvelopeList()
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::resetEnvelopeList() -- START";
-    while (!mEnvelopeList.isEmpty())
-        {
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::resetEnvelopeList() -- START";
+    while (!mEnvelopeList.isEmpty()) {
         delete mEnvelopeList.takeFirst();
-        }
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::resetEnvelopeList() -- END";
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::resetEnvelopeList() -- END";
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"~NmHsWidgetEmailEngine -- START";
+    qDebug() << "~NmHsWidgetEmailEngine -- START";
-    if  ( mFactory )
-        {        
+    if (mFactory) {
-        }
-    qDebug()<<"~NmHsWidgetEmailEngine -- END";
+    if (mUpdateTimer){
+        mUpdateTimer->stop();
+        delete mUpdateTimer;
+    }
+    qDebug() << "~NmHsWidgetEmailEngine -- END";
  getEnvelopes() provides message envelopes as a list of stack objects
  Amount of message envelopes in the list parameter is the smallest of the following factors:
  'KMaxNumberOfEnvelopesProvided', 'maxEnvelopeAmount', 'amount of available envelopes'. 
  \param list list to be filled with message envelopes
  \param maxEnvelopeAmount Client side limit for amount of message envelope count. 
  \return count of envelopes added to list
-int NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::getEnvelopes(QList<NmMessageEnvelope> &list,
-        int maxEnvelopeAmount)
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::getEnvelopes()";
+int NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::getEnvelopes(QList<NmMessageEnvelope> &list, int maxEnvelopeAmount)
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::getEnvelopes()";
     list.clear(); //Reset the parameter list to avoid side effects
     int i = 0;
-    for (; i < mEnvelopeList.count() && i < maxEnvelopeAmount; i++)
-        {
+    for (; i < mEnvelopeList.count() && i < maxEnvelopeAmount; i++) {
         NmMessageEnvelope env(*mEnvelopeList[i]);
-        }
+    }
     return i;
-    }
- \return count of unread mails
+ \return count of unread mails, or -1 if there are no mails at all in the mailbox.
 int NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::unreadCount()
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::unreadCount()";
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::unreadCount()";
     return mUnreadCount;
-    }
@@ -164,170 +213,221 @@
  \return name of the monitored account
 QString NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::accountName()
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::accountName()";
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::accountName()";
     return mAccountName;
-    }
  Refresh email data.
  \post mEnvelopeList is refreshed with valid content so that it has
- valid data with maximum of KMaxNumberOfEnvelopesProvided envelopes
+       valid data with maximum of KMaxNumberOfEnvelopesProvided envelopes. 
+ - emits exceptionOccured(NmEngineExcFailure) if fatal error occurs.
+ - emits mailDataChanged() if new mail data is set into mEnvelopeList
+ - emits unreadCountChanged(mUnreadCount), if mUnreadCount is updated
+ \return true if everything succeeded, otherwise false
-void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateData()
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateData() -- START";
-    if(!mEmailInterface)
-        {
-        qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateData() -- Interface missing";
-        return; //if interface is missing there's nothing to do
-        }
+bool NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateData()
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateData() -- START";
+    if (!mEmailInterface) {
+        qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateData() -- Interface missing";
+        emit exceptionOccured(NmEngineExcFailure); //fatal error
+        return false; //if interface is missing there's nothing to do
+    }
     //reset envelope list before retrieving new items
-    resetEnvelopeList(); 
+    resetEnvelopeList();
     //get messages from inbox
-    mEmailInterface->listMessages(mMailboxId, mFolderId, mEnvelopeList, KMaxNumberOfEnvelopesProvided);
-    Q_ASSERT_X(mEnvelopeList.count() <= KMaxNumberOfEnvelopesProvided, "nmhswidgetemailengine", "list max size exeeded");
+    int msgErr = mEmailInterface->listMessages(mMailboxId, mFolderId, mEnvelopeList,
+        KMaxNumberOfEnvelopesProvided);
+    if (msgErr) {
+        //retrieval of messages failed.  
+        return false;
+    }
     //emit signal about new message data right away
     emit mailDataChanged();
     //retrieve new unread count to mUnreadCount
     NmFolder* folder = NULL;
-    int err = mEmailInterface->getFolderById(mMailboxId, mFolderId, folder);
-    if(folder)
-        {
-        mUnreadCount = folder->unreadMessageCount();
+    int folderErr = mEmailInterface->getFolderById(mMailboxId, mFolderId, folder);
+    if (folderErr) {
+        //retrieval of valid folder failed.
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (folder) {
+        //If messageCount in the folder is zero we must indicate unread count to be -1
+        if (folder->messageCount() == 0) {
+            mUnreadCount = -1;
+        }
+        else {
+            mUnreadCount = folder->unreadMessageCount();
+        }
         delete folder;
         folder = NULL;
         //limit the unread count to KMaxUnreadCount
-        if( mUnreadCount > KMaxUnreadCount)
-            {
+        if (mUnreadCount > KMaxUnreadCount) {
             mUnreadCount = KMaxUnreadCount;
-            }
+        }
         //emit signal about changed unread count
         emit unreadCountChanged(mUnreadCount);
-        }
+    }else{
+        return false;
+    }
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateData() -- END";
-    }
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateData() -- END";
+    return true;
  handleMessageEvent slot.
-void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMessageEvent(NmMessageEvent event,
-        const NmId &folderId, const QList<NmId> &messageIds, const NmId& mailboxId)
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMessageEvent() -- START";
+void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMessageEvent(
+    NmMessageEvent event,
+    const NmId &folderId,
+    const QList<NmId> &messageIds,
+    const NmId& mailboxId)
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMessageEvent() -- START";
-    if ( (folderId == mFolderId) && (mailboxId == mMailboxId) )
-        {
+    if (!mEmailInterface) {
+        qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMessageEvent() -- Interface missing";
+        emit exceptionOccured(NmEngineExcFailure); //fatal error
+        return; //if interface is missing there's nothing to do
+    }
+    if (mFolderId == NmId(0)) {
+        // inbox was not created in construction phase, so let's
+        // get id now as received first mail event
+        mFolderId = mEmailInterface->getStandardFolderId(mMailboxId, NmFolderInbox);
+    }
+    if ((folderId == mFolderId) && (mailboxId == mMailboxId)) {
         //Data is updated only if the engine is not suspended
-        if( mSuspended )
-            {
+        if (mSuspended) {
             mMessageEventReceivedWhenSuspended = true;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            updateData();
-            }   
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMessageEvent() -- END";
+        else {
+            //start or restart the timer. Update is started when timer expires
+            mUpdateTimer->start();
+        }
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMessageEvent() -- END";
  handleMailboxEvent slot.
-void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMailboxEvent(NmMailboxEvent event,
-        const QList<NmId> &mailboxIds)
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMailboxEvent() -- START";
-    Q_UNUSED(mailboxIds);
-    //react only to NmMailboxChanged event
-    if (event == NmMailboxChanged)
-        {
-        if ( mSuspended )
-            {
-            mAccountEventReceivedWhenSuspended = true;
+void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMailboxEvent(NmMailboxEvent event, const QList<NmId> &mailboxIds)
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMailboxEvent() -- START";
+    if (mailboxIds.contains(mMailboxId)) {
+        switch (event) {
+            case (NmMailboxChanged): {
+                if (mSuspended) {
+                    mAccountEventReceivedWhenSuspended = true;
+                }
+                else {
+                    updateAccount();
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case (NmMailboxDeleted): {
+                emit exceptionOccured(NmEngineExcAccountDeleted);
+                break;
-        else
-            {
-            updateAccount();
-            }
+            default:
+                //ignored
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMailboxEvent() -- END";
-        }
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleMailboxEvent() -- END";
+ * handleUpdateTimeout slot
+ */
+void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleUpdateTimeout()
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::handleUpdateTimeout() -- START";
+    if (mUpdateTimer){
+        mUpdateTimer->stop();
+    updateData();
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateAccount() -- END";
  Update Account data
  \post if mEmailInterface exists, the mAccountName is refreshed from adapter 
-       and accountNameChanged signal is emitted.
+ and accountNameChanged signal is emitted.
-void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateAccount()
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateAccount() -- START";
+bool NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateAccount()
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateAccount() -- START";
     NmMailbox* box = NULL;
-    if(mEmailInterface)
-        {
-        mEmailInterface->getMailboxById(mMailboxId, box);
+    if (mEmailInterface) {
+        int err = mEmailInterface->getMailboxById(mMailboxId, box);
+        if (err) {
+            //By specification return and wait another event
+            return false;
-    if (box)
-        {
+    }
+    if (box) {
         mAccountName = box->name();
-        emit accountNameChanged(mAccountName);
         delete box;
         box = NULL;
-        }
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateAccount() -- END";
+        emit accountNameChanged(mAccountName);
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::updateAccount() -- END";
+    return true;
-  suspend slot.
-  \post engine will not emit signals or refresh its data during suspension.
+ suspend slot.
+ \post engine will not emit signals or refresh its data during suspension.
 void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::suspend()
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::suspend() -- START";
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::suspend() -- START";
     mSuspended = true;
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::suspend() -- END";
-    }
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::suspend() -- END";
-  activate slot.
-  \post Engine will immediately refresh all the data that has been announced to
-  have changed during the suspension. Events are enabled.
+ activate slot.
+ \post Engine will immediately refresh all the data that has been announced to
+ have changed during the suspension. Events are enabled.
 void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::activate()
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::activate() -- START";
-    mSuspended = false; 
-    if ( mAccountEventReceivedWhenSuspended )
-        {
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::activate() -- START";
+    mSuspended = false;
+    if (mAccountEventReceivedWhenSuspended) {
         mAccountEventReceivedWhenSuspended = false;
-        }
-    if (mMessageEventReceivedWhenSuspended)
-        {
+    }
+    if (mMessageEventReceivedWhenSuspended) {
         mMessageEventReceivedWhenSuspended = false;
-        }
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::activate() -- END";
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::activate() -- END";
-  launchMailAppInboxView slot.
-  \post Mail application is launched to inbox view corresponding widget's mailbox id
+ launchMailAppInboxView slot.
+ \post Mail application is launched to inbox view corresponding widget's mailbox id
 void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppInboxView()
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppInboxView() -- START";
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppInboxView() -- START";
     XQServiceRequest request(
-        emailInterfaceNameMailbox,
+        emailFullServiceNameMailbox,
@@ -335,23 +435,22 @@
-    QVariant returnValue;
-    bool rval = request.send(returnValue);
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppInboxView() -- END";
-    }
+    request.send();
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppInboxView() -- END";
-  launchMailAppMailViewer slot.
-  \param messageId Defines the message opened to viewer
-  \post Mail application is launched and viewing mail specified by
+ launchMailAppMailViewer slot.
+ \param messageId Defines the message opened to viewer
+ \post Mail application is launched and viewing mail specified by
 void NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppMailViewer(const NmId &messageId)
-    {
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppMailViewer() -- START";
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppMailViewer() -- START";
     XQServiceRequest request(
-       emailInterfaceNameMessage,
+       emailFullServiceNameMessage,
@@ -359,10 +458,9 @@
-    QVariant returnValue;
-    bool rval = request.send(returnValue);
-    qDebug()<<"NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppMailViewer() -- END";
-    }
+    request.send();
+    qDebug() << "NmHsWidgetEmailEngine::launchMailAppMailViewer() -- END";