changeset 23 2dc6caa42ec3
parent 20 ecc8def7944a
--- a/ipsservices/ipssosplugin/inc/ipsplgconnectandrefreshfolderlist.h	Mon May 03 12:23:15 2010 +0300
+++ b/ipsservices/ipssosplugin/inc/ipsplgconnectandrefreshfolderlist.h	Fri May 14 15:41:10 2010 +0300
@@ -18,13 +18,16 @@
+// <qmail> AknWaitNoteWrapper include has been removed
 #include <imapset.h>
+// Specific includes
 #include "ipsplgonlineoperation.h"
 * Operation that 1) goes online, 2) updates mailbox's folder list, and 3) disconnects again
+// <qmail> MAknBackgroundProcess base class has been removed
 NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList ) : public CIpsPlgOnlineOperation
 // <qmail> removed 3 functions from MAknBackgroundProcess
@@ -54,6 +57,10 @@
         MFSMailRequestObserver* aFSObserver, 
         CIpsPlgTimerOperation& aActivityTimer );
+    /**
+    * Destructor
+    * ~CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList()
+    */
     virtual ~CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList();
@@ -71,13 +78,15 @@
     TFSProgress GetFSProgressL() const;
-    // <qmail> new func to this op
+// <qmail> new func to this op
      * Returns operation type
     TIpsOpType IpsOpType() const;
+// </qmail>
 protected: // From CActive
     virtual void DoRunL();
     virtual void DoCancel();
@@ -93,8 +102,13 @@
-    // <qmail> priority parameter has been removed
-    CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList( 
+	/**
+    * C++ constructor
+    * CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList()
+    */
+    // <qmail> rename selection parameter
+	// <qmail> MFSMailRequestObserver& changed to pointer
+	CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList( 
         CMsvSession& aSession,
         TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, 
         TMsvId aService, 
@@ -103,10 +117,17 @@
         MFSMailRequestObserver* aFSObserver, 
         CIpsPlgTimerOperation& aTimer );
+    /**
+    * ConstructL()
+    */
+	// <qmail> aMsvEntry parameter has been removed
     void ConstructL();
-private: // data
-    // <qmail> changes in members
+	// <qmail> DisplayLoginFailedDialogL function has been removed
+    //data
+    // <qmail> changes in members: iTimer, iAsyncWaitNote removed, iMsvEntry -> iSelection
     TIpsSetFolderRefreshStates          iState;
     CMsvEntrySelection*					iSelection; // owned
     TPckgBuf<TImap4CompoundProgress>    iProgressBuf;