changeset 64 3533d4323edc
child 70 968773a0b6ef
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailuis/emailui/inc/FreestyleEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer.h	Wed Sep 01 12:28:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer class definition
+#include <coecntrl.h>
+#include <brctlspecialloadobserver.h>
+#include <brctllinkresolver.h>
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiAknStatusIndicator.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailDownloadInformationMediator.h"
+#include "freestyleemailcenrepkeys.h"
+#include "OverlayControl.h"
+class CFSMailMessage;
+class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi;
+class CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler;
+struct TAttachmentData;
+class CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer;
+class MTouchFeedback;
+class CFindItemEngine;
+ * Single key listener
+ */
+class CEUiHtmlViewerSettingsKeyListener : public CActive
+    {
+    /**
+     * Observer interface for key value changes
+     */
+    class MObserver
+        {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Called when key value changes
+         */
+        virtual void KeyValueChangedL( TUint32 aKey ) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Listener can query repository instance using this method. No need
+         * to create own repository instance OR to store repository reference.
+         */
+        virtual CRepository& Repository() = 0;
+        };
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     */
+    CEUiHtmlViewerSettingsKeyListener( MObserver& aObserver, TUint32 aKey );
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    ~CEUiHtmlViewerSettingsKeyListener();
+    /**
+     * Start listening value changes
+     */
+    void StartListening();
+private: // from CActive
+    /**
+     * @see CActive::RunL
+     */
+    void RunL();
+    /**
+     * @see CActive::DoCancel
+     */
+    void DoCancel();
+    /**
+     * Key observer
+     */
+    MObserver& iObserver;
+    /**
+     * Key id
+     */
+    TUint32 iKey;
+    };
+ * HTML viewer settings class.
+ */
+class CEUiHtmlViewerSettings : public CBase, public CEUiHtmlViewerSettingsKeyListener::MObserver
+    {
+    /**
+     * Settings observer interface
+     */
+    class MObserver
+        {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Called when a setting value has changed.
+         */
+        virtual void ViewerSettingsChangedL( const TUint32 aKey ) = 0;
+        };
+    /**
+     * Static constructor
+     */
+    static CEUiHtmlViewerSettings* NewL( MObserver& aObserver );
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    ~CEUiHtmlViewerSettings();
+    /**
+     * Boolean value for auto load image setting
+     */
+    TBool AutoLoadImages() const;
+    CEUiHtmlViewerSettings( MObserver& aObserver );
+    void ConstructL();
+    void AddKeyListenerL( TUint32 aKey );
+    void UpdateValue( TUint32 aKey );
+private: // from CEUiHtmlViewerSettingsKeyListener::MObserver
+    /**
+     * @see CEUiHtmlViewerSettingsKeyListener::MObserver::KeyValueChangedL
+     */
+    void KeyValueChangedL( TUint32 aKey );
+    /**
+     * @see CEUiHtmlViewerSettingsKeyListener::MObserver::Repository
+     */
+    CRepository& Repository();
+    enum TFlag
+        {
+        EAutoLoadImages = KFreestyleEmailDownloadHTMLImages
+        };
+    MObserver& iObserver;
+    CRepository* iRepository;
+    TBitFlags iFlags;
+    RPointerArray<CEUiHtmlViewerSettingsKeyListener> iKeyListeners;
+    };
+ * Html viewer container.
+ */
+class CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer : public CCoeControl,
+                                      public MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver,
+                                      public MBrCtlLinkResolver,
+                                      public MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver,
+                                      public MFSEmailDownloadInformationObserver,
+                                      public MOverlayControlObserver,
+                                      public MBrCtlWindowObserver,
+                                      public CEUiHtmlViewerSettings::MObserver
+    {
+    /** Two-phased constructor. */
+    static CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer* NewL( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi,
+        CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& aView );
+    /** Destrcutor. */
+    ~CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer();
+    CBrCtlInterface* BrowserControlIf();
+    void LoadContentFromFileL( const TDesC& aFileName );
+    void LoadContentFromFileL( RFile& aFile );
+    void LoadContentFromUrlL( const TDesC& aUrl );
+    void LoadContentFromMailMessageL( CFSMailMessage* aMailMessage, TBool aResetScrollPos=ETrue );
+    void ResetContent( TBool aDisconnect = EFalse, TBool aClearFlags = ETrue );
+    void CancelFetch();
+    void ClearCacheAndLoadEmptyContent();
+    void PrepareForExit();
+    void PrepareForMessageNavigation();
+// from base class CCoeControl
+    CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
+    TInt CountComponentControls() const;
+    void Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const;
+    void SizeChanged();
+    TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
+    void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
+    void MakeVisible( TBool aVisible );
+// from base class MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver
+    void NetworkConnectionNeededL( TInt* aConnectionPtr, TInt* aSockSvrHandle,
+        TBool* aNewConn, TApBearerType* aBearerType );
+    TBool HandleRequestL( RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray );
+    TBool HandleDownloadL( RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray );
+// from base class MFSEmailDownloadInformationObserver
+    void RequestResponseL( const TFSProgress& aEvent, const TPartData& aPart );
+// from base class MBrCtlLinkResolver
+    TBool ResolveEmbeddedLinkL( const TDesC& aEmbeddedUrl,
+        const TDesC& aCurrentUrl, TBrCtlLoadContentType aLoadContentType, 
+        MBrCtlLinkContent& aEmbeddedLinkContent ); 
+    TBool ResolveLinkL( const TDesC& aUrl, const TDesC& aCurrentUrl,
+        MBrCtlLinkContent& aBrCtlLinkContent );
+    void CancelAll();
+// from base class MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver
+    void UpdateSoftkeyL( TBrCtlKeySoftkey aKeySoftkey, const TDesC& aLabel,
+        TUint32 aCommandId, TBrCtlSoftkeyChangeReason aBrCtlSoftkeyChangeReason );
+    void StopObserving();
+// from MOverlayControlObserver
+    void HandleOverlayPointerEventL( COverlayControl* aControl, const TPointerEvent& aEvent );
+    /*
+     * Reloads the header of the opened mail.
+     */
+    void RefreshCurrentMailHeader();
+    /** Handles asynchronous reload of page for case when orientation
+     * changed
+     */
+    void ReloadPageL();
+    void ShowAttachmentDownloadStatusL( TFSProgress::TFSProgressStatus aProgressStatus, const TAttachmentData& aAttachmentData );
+    TBool AttachmentDownloadStatusVisible();
+    void HideDownloadStatus();
+    void DisplayStatusIndicatorL(TInt aDuration = KStatusIndicatorDefaultDuration);
+    // Inform that maillist model has updated
+    void MailListModelUpdatedL();
+    // Zoom handling
+    void ZoomInL();
+    void ZoomOutL();
+    TInt ZoomLevelL() const;
+    void SetZoomLevelL( const TInt aZoomLevel );
+    TInt MaxZoomLevel() const;
+    static TInt DoZoom( TAny* aPtr  );
+    void DoZoomL();
+private: // from CEUiHtmlViewerSettings::MObserver
+    /**
+     * @see CEUiHtmlViewerSettings::MObserver::ViewerSettingsChangedL
+     */
+    void ViewerSettingsChangedL( const TUint32 aKey );
+    void CreateBrowserControlInterfaceL();
+    // Second phase constructor.
+    void ConstructL();
+    // C++ constructor.
+    CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi,
+        CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& aView );
+    // Set HTML folder path name
+    void SetHtmlFolderPathL();
+    // Sets temporary HTML folder path name
+    void SetTempHtmlFolderPath();
+    // Remove all previously created files from temporary HTML folder
+    void EmptyTempHtmlFolderL();
+    // Copies given file to temporary HTML folder and returns an open file
+    // handle to the created copy.
+// <cmail>
+    void CopyToHtmlFileL( CFSMailMessagePart& aHtmlBodyPart, const TDesC& aFileName );
+    void ConvertToHtmlFileL( CFSMailMessagePart& aTextBodyPart, const TDesC& aHtmlFileName );
+    // Reads given file content to buffer and return pointer to it
+    HBufC8* ReadContentFromFileLC( RFile& aFile, CFSMailMessagePart& aBodyPart );
+    // Writes buffer to given file
+    void WriteContentToFileL( const TDesC8& aContent, const TDesC& aFileName, CFSMailMessagePart& aHtmlBodyPart );
+    void PrepareBodyHtmlL(  const TDesC& aFileName  );
+    void WriteEmptyBodyHtmlL( const TDesC& aFileName );
+// </cmail>
+    // Finds the attachment from the list that matches the given content ID 
+    CFSMailMessagePart* MatchingAttacmentL( const TDesC& aContentId,
+        const RPointerArray<CFSMailMessagePart>& aAttachments ) const;
+    // Resolves embedded link referring to file in temporary HTML folder
+    TBool ResolveLinkL( const TDesC& aLink, TBool aContentId,
+        MBrCtlLinkContent& aEmbeddedLinkContent );
+    // Downloads and return attachment content via MBrCtlLinkContent interface
+    void DownloadAttachmentL( CFSMailMessagePart& aAttachment,
+        MBrCtlLinkContent& aEmbeddedLinkContent );
+    // Get area for overlay button
+    TRect OverlayButtonRect( TBool aLeft );
+    // Update overlay button position and visibility
+    void UpdateOverlayButtons( TBool aVisible );
+    void SetHTMLResourceFlagFullName();
+    void EnableHTMLResourceFlagL();
+    TBool HTMLResourceFlagEnabled();
+    void CopyHTMLResourceL();
+    // Ensure all resource files (eg. images) required by HTML display to be ready in C:\[private]\HtmlFile
+    void EnsureHTMLResourceL(); 
+    void ConvertToHTML( const TDesC& aContent,
+            const TDesC& aFileName, CFSMailMessagePart& aHtmlBodyPart );
+    HBufC8* GetCharacterSetL( CFSMailMessagePart& aHtmlBodyPart );
+    TBool IsMessageBodyURLL(const TDesC& aUrl);
+	TInt TotalLengthOfItems( CFindItemEngine& aItemEngine ) const;
+    //Returns ETrue of clicking on a link requires a browser to be launched
+    TBool NeedToLaunchBrowserL( const TDesC& aUrl );
+    //Launch the browser as a standalone app
+    void LaunchBrowserL( const TDesC& aUrl );
+    //from MBrCtlWindowObserver    
+    CBrCtlInterface* OpenWindowL( TDesC& aUrl, TDesC* aTargetName, 
+                                  TBool aUserInitiated, TAny* aReserved );
+    CBrCtlInterface* FindWindowL( const TDesC& aTargetName ) const;  
+    void HandleWindowCommandL( const TDesC& aTargetName, TBrCtlWindowCommand aCommand ); 
+    TRect CalcAttachmentStatusRect();
+    void TouchFeedback();
+    void WriteToFileL( const TDesC& aFileName, RBuf& aHtmlText );
+private: // data
+    // Reference to AppUi.
+    CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& iAppUi;
+    // Reference to Html viewer view.
+    CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& iView;
+    // Browser control interface. Own.
+    CBrCtlInterface* iBrCtlInterface;
+    // Message. Not own.
+    CFSMailMessage*  iMessage;
+    RFile            iFile;
+    RFs              iFs;
+    RSocketServ      iSocketServer;
+    RConnection      iConnection;
+    TBool            iFirstTime;
+    // HTML folder path.
+    TPath iHtmlFolderPath;
+    // Temporary HTML folder path.
+    TPath iTempHtmlFolderPath;
+    // HTML resource flag file path
+    TPath iHtmlResourceFlagPath;
+    // Interfaces waiting for embedded link content.
+    RPointerArray<MBrCtlLinkContent> iLinkContents;
+    // Message parts being downloaded as embedded link content.
+    RArray<TPartData> iMessageParts;
+    CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler* iEventHandler;
+    TBool iObservingDownload;
+    TInt iScrollPosition;
+    COverlayControl* iOverlayControlNext;
+    COverlayControl* iOverlayControlPrev;
+    //way to keep track of the current image being displayed by the indicator
+    TInt iAttachmentDownloadImageHandle;
+    CFreestyleEmailUiAknStatusIndicator* iStatusIndicator;
+    CEUiHtmlViewerSettings* iViewerSettings;
+    TBool iHeaderExpanded;
+    // tactile feed back -- not owned
+    MTouchFeedback* iTouchFeedBack;
+    TBitFlags iFlags;
+    TInt iZoomLevel;
+    };
+* PlainTextToHtmlConverter
+* PlainTextToHtmlConverter converts plain text to html. It adds html entities
+* and hyperlinks.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS (PlainTextToHtmlConverter)
+    {
+    private:
+        PlainTextToHtmlConverter();
+    public:
+        static void PlainTextToHtmlL(const TDesC& aPlainText, RBuf& aHtmlText);
+    private:
+        static void ConvertTextL(const TDesC& aSource, RBuf& aTarget);
+        static void ConvertUrlL(const TDesC& aSource, RBuf& aTarget);
+    };