--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailuis/emailui/inc/FreestyleEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser.h Wed Sep 01 12:28:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: FreestyleEmailUi main UI grid definition.
+#include <alf/alfcontrol.h>
+#include <AiwServiceHandler.h>
+#include <alf/alfdecklayout.h>
+#include <alf/alfgridlayout.h>
+#include <alf/alfmappingfunctions.h>
+#include <alf/alfbitmapprovider.h>
+#include <aknphysicsobserveriface.h>
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiViewBase.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiLauncherGridModel.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiAppui.h"
+#include "FSEmailLauncherItem.h"
+#include "freestyleemailuimailboxdeleter.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiUtilities.h"
+class CBrushAnimation;
+class CFsAlfScrollbarLayout;
+class CAknStylusPopUpMenu;
+class CCoeControl;
+class CAknPhysics;
+class TFSLauncherGridMailboxStatus
+ {
+ public:
+ TInt iMailboxCount;
+ TInt iMailboxesOnline;
+ TInt iMailboxesOffline;
+ TInt iMailboxesSyncing;
+ };
+// Grid visualiser
+class CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser : public CFsEmailUiViewBase,
+ public MAlfBitmapProvider,
+ public MFSEmailLauncherItemObserver,
+ public MEikScrollBarObserver,
+ public MFSEmailUiMailboxDeleteObserver,
+ public MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback,
+ public MAknPhysicsObserver
+ {
+ enum TDirection
+ {
+ EDirectionRight=0,
+ EDirectionLeft,
+ EDirectionUp,
+ EDirectionDown,
+ EDirectionReset,
+ EDirectionNone,
+ // <cmail>
+ EDirectionTouch
+ // </cmail>
+ };
+ static CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser* NewL(CAlfEnv& aEnv,
+ CFSEmailUiLauncherGrid* aControl,
+ CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi,
+ CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup,
+ TInt aColumns,
+ TInt aRows);
+ static CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser* NewLC(CAlfEnv& aEnv,
+ CFSEmailUiLauncherGrid* aControl,
+ CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi,
+ CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup,
+ TInt aColumns,
+ TInt aRows);
+ void AddMenuItemL(TUid aUid);
+ void SelectL();
+ // Menu pane init and command handling
+ void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
+ void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
+ TBool OfferEventL(const TAlfEvent& aEvent);
+ // <cmail>
+ /**
+ * Handler for touch related events
+ * @param aEvent, event type
+ * @return ETrue if event was used
+ */
+ TBool HandlePointerEventL(const TAlfEvent& aEvent);
+ /**
+ * Function for searching right item when pointer event occurs
+ * @param aEvent, event type
+ * @return KErrnone if item was not found, else index to founded item
+ */
+ TInt FindPointedItem( const TAlfEvent& aEvent );
+ /**
+ * Function for setting focus to item
+ * @param aId, id of item where focus is going to be changed
+ */
+ void SetFocusedItemL( TInt aId );
+ void HandleRowMovement( TDirection aDir, TInt aSelected );
+ // </cmail>
+ TUid Id() const;
+ // <cmail> Toolbar
+ /*
+ void DoActivateL(const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
+ TUid aCustomMessageId,
+ const TDesC8& aCustomMessage);
+ */
+ void ChildDoDeactivate();
+ void VisualLayoutUpdatedL();
+ // Dynamic switch handling
+ void HandleDynamicVariantSwitchL( CFsEmailUiViewBase::TDynamicSwitchType aType );
+ void HandleDynamicVariantSwitchOnBackgroundL( CFsEmailUiViewBase::TDynamicSwitchType aType );
+ // React to changes in grid contents
+ void HandleContentChangeL();
+ void LaunchWizardL();
+ void GoToInboxL( TFSMailMsgId& mailboxId,
+ TFSMailMsgId& mailboxInboxId );
+ // From MFSEmailLauncherItemObserver
+ void RefreshLauncherViewL();
+ TBool UiOperationLaunched();
+ // Modifies the value of iWizardWaitnoteShown
+ void SetWizardWaitnoteShown( TBool aWaitnoteShown );
+ // Bitmap provider for grid ecom plugins icons
+ void ProvideBitmapL(TInt aId, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, CFbsBitmap*& aMaskBitmap);
+ // Set refresh needed flag
+ void SetRefreshNeeded();
+ // <cmail>
+ // Handling of foreground events
+ void HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground );
+ /**
+ * From MEikScrollBarObserver
+ *
+ * Callback method for scroll bar events
+ *
+ * Scroll bar observer should implement this method to get scroll bar events.
+ *
+ * @since S60 0.9
+ * @param aScrollBar A pointer to scrollbar which created the event
+ * @param aEventType The event occured on the scroll bar
+ */
+ void HandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar, TEikScrollEvent aEventType);
+ // </cmail>
+ // From base class CFsEmailUiViewBase
+ void GetParentLayoutsL( RPointerArray<CAlfVisual>& aLayoutArray ) const;
+ void FadeOut(TBool aDirectionOut);
+ /**
+ * Called when flip state changes.
+ */
+ void FlipStateChangedL( TBool aKeyboardFlipOpen );
+ /**
+ * Handles application foreground events. When applcation is brought to
+ * foreground, calls the virtual HandleForegroundEventL() method, which
+ * can be implemented by subclasses.
+ */
+ virtual void HandleAppForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground );
+ // Fire timer callback
+ void TimerEventL( CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* aTriggeredTimer );
+// <cmail> Toolbar
+private: // from
+ /**
+ * @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::ChildDoActivateL
+ */
+ void ChildDoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
+ TUid aCustomMessageId,
+ const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
+// </cmail> Toolbar
+private: // from MFSEmailUiMailboxDeleteObserver
+ void MailboxDeletionComplete();
+private: // from MAknPhysicsObserver
+ /**
+ * @see MAknPhysicsObserver::ViewPositionChanged
+ */
+ virtual void ViewPositionChanged( const TPoint& aNewPosition,
+ TBool aDrawNow, TUint aFlags );
+ /**
+ * @see MAknPhysicsObserver::PhysicEmulationEnded
+ */
+ virtual void PhysicEmulationEnded();
+ /**
+ * @see MAknPhysicsObserver::ViewPosition
+ */
+ virtual TPoint ViewPosition() const;
+private: // New methods.
+ CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser(CAlfEnv& aEnv,
+ CFSEmailUiLauncherGrid* aControl,
+ CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi,
+ CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aColumns, TInt aRows);
+ virtual ~CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser();
+ void CreateModelL();
+ void MoveSelection( TDirection aDir );
+ void MoveSelectorToCurrentItem( TDirection aDir );
+ void Select();
+ void DisplayProductInfoL();
+ void RescaleIconsL();
+ void SetRingWrapLimits();
+ void AddItemToModelL( CFSEmailLauncherItem* aItem, TInt aPluginArrayIndex );
+ void ConstructScrollbarL( CAlfLayout* aParent );
+ void UpdateScrollBarRangeL();
+ CFSMailBox* ShowMailboxSelectionQueryL( const RPointerArray<CFSMailBox>& aMailBoxes );
+ // Check status of all configured mailboxes
+ TFSLauncherGridMailboxStatus CheckMailboxStatusL();
+ void DoFirstStartL();
+ /**
+ * Funciton should decide if item focus should still be drawn dispite of
+ * releasing button.
+ */
+ void HandleButtonReleaseEvent();
+ /**
+ * Reduces item's icon size.
+ */
+ void ResizeItemIcon( TBool aReduce );
+ /**
+ * Handles the focus state changes of CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser
+ * @param aVisible Indicates if focus should become visible or removed
+ */
+ void FocusVisibilityChange( TBool aVisible );
+ /**
+ * Launches and displays the pop-up menu invoked by a long tap event.
+ * @param aItemId The ID of the item for which to open the menu.
+ */
+ void LaunchStylusPopupMenu( const TInt aItemId );
+private: // data types
+ struct TItemVisualData
+ {
+ CAlfAnchorLayout* iBase;
+ CAlfImageVisual* iImage;
+ CAlfTextVisual* iText;
+ };
+ struct TLevel
+ {
+ CAlfGridLayout* iGridLayout;
+ RArray<TItemVisualData> iItemVisualData;
+ TInt iSelected;
+ TInt iParent;
+ TPoint iParentPos;
+ RArray<TMenuItem> iItems;
+ };
+ struct TPluginIdIconIdPair
+ {
+ TInt iPluginArrayIndex;
+ TInt iIconId;
+ };
+ class TRingMovementFuncMappingDataProvider: public MAlfTableMappingFunctionDataProvider
+ {
+ public:
+ inline TRingMovementFuncMappingDataProvider() : iStart(0), iEnd(0) { }
+ // From MAlfTableMappingFunctionDataProvider
+ TReal32 MapValue( TReal32 aValue, TInt aMode ) const;
+ inline void SetStart( TReal32 aStart ) { iStart = aStart; }
+ inline void SetEnd( TReal32 aEnd ) { iEnd = aEnd; }
+ private:
+ TReal32 iStart;
+ TReal32 iEnd;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Structure for passing button down events
+ */
+ struct TItemIdInButtonDownEvent
+ {
+ TInt iItemId;
+ TBool iLaunchSelection;
+ };
+private: // methods
+ void ConstructRingL();
+ void CreateCaptionForApplicationL(TUid aUid, TDes& aCaption, TBool aShortCaption);
+ void FocusItem(TBool aHasFocus, TInt aItem);
+ void ScrollToRow(TInt row);
+ void PopulateL(TLevel& aLevel);
+ void UpdateLauncherItemListL();
+ void UpdateGridOffset();
+ void SetDefaultStatusPaneTextL();
+ void DetachSelectorMappingFunctions();
+ void UpdateFocusVisibility();
+ void UpdatePhysicsL();
+private: // data
+ CAlfEnv& iEnv;
+ CAlfControl* iControl;
+ TLevel iCurrentLevel;
+ CFSEmailUiLauncherGridModel* iModel;
+ TInt iVisibleRows;
+ TInt iVisibleColumns;
+ TInt iRowCount;
+ TInt iFirstVisibleRow;
+ TReal iRowHeight;
+ TReal iColumnWidth;
+ // Selector layout. Not own.
+ CAlfLayout* iSelector;
+ // Mapping function for selector horizontal position. Own.
+ CAlfTableMappingFunction* iRingMovementXFunc;
+ // Mapping function for selector vertical position. Own.
+ CAlfTableMappingFunction* iRingMovementYFunc;
+ TRingMovementFuncMappingDataProvider iRingMovementXFuncMappingDataProvider;
+ TRingMovementFuncMappingDataProvider iRingMovementYFuncMappingDataProvider;
+ TBool iStartupAnimation;
+ CAlfAnchorLayout* iWaterMarkBackgroundImageLayout;
+ TInt iStartupEffectStyle;
+ TInt iNewEmailCount;
+ CAlfTextVisual* iNewMailTextVisual;
+ CAlfImageVisual* iNewMailBgVisual;
+ CAlfAnchorLayout* iTopTextLayout;
+ CAlfTextVisual* iTimeTitle;
+ CAlfImageVisual *iSelectorImageVisual;
+ RPointerArray<CAlfTexture> iIconArray;
+ RArray<TInt> iMailboxRequestIds;
+ TBool iSynchronizingMailbox;
+ TBool iMailboxOnline;
+ RPointerArray<CFSEmailLauncherItem> iLauncherItems;
+ RArray<TUid> iLauncherItemUids;
+ CAlfDeckLayout* iParentLayout;
+ CAlfAnchorLayout* iWidgetLayout;
+ // <cmail>
+ CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar* iScrollbar;
+ TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel iScrollbarModel;
+ // </cmail>
+ CAlfImageVisual* iBgImageVisual;
+ CAiwServiceHandler* iAiwSHandler;
+ /**
+ * ETrue if "Creating mailbox" wait note is shown.
+ * Then the key presses are ignored.
+ */
+ TBool iWizardWaitnoteShown;
+ /**
+ * ETrue indicates that the grid contents and layout must be updated next time when the
+ * grid is activated.
+ */
+ TBool iRefreshNeeded;
+ // Array holding pairs of plugin id's vs icon id's
+ RArray<TPluginIdIconIdPair> iPluginIdIconIdPairs;
+ // Plugin texture count, also serves as index when adding items to array
+ // and if for bitmap provider
+ TInt iPluginTextureId;
+ // Boolean value indicating that construction has completed.
+ TBool iConstructionCompleted;
+ // To indicate whether grid has started, for ODS, IAD and
+ // "create mailbox query" interoperability
+ TBool iFirstStartComplete;
+ // Boolean value to prevent wizard/help crash when double-clicking.
+ TBool iDoubleClickLock;
+ // Item id that was seleceted in button down event
+ TItemIdInButtonDownEvent iItemIdInButtonDownEvent;
+ // Boolean value - true is user has launched any operation from UI.
+ TBool iUiOperationLaunched;
+ // Mailbox deleter - handles deletion of one or more mailboxes.
+ CFSEmailUiMailboxDeleter* iMailboxDeleter;
+ // A pop-up menu that is invoked by long tap events. Used for e.g.
+ // deleting mail boxes.
+ CAknStylusPopUpMenu* iStylusPopUpMenu;
+ TBool iStylusPopUpMenuLaunched;
+ // Contains the ID of a selected mailbox. Used for deleting mailboxes
+ // with long tap pop-up menu.
+ TFSMailMsgId iMailboxToDelete;
+ CCoeControl* iCoeControl;
+ // Timer to postpone the Drawing
+ CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* iStartupCallbackTimer;
+ CAknPhysics* iPhysics;
+ TBool iPointerAction;
+ TBool iIsDragging;
+ TPoint iPreviousPosition;
+ TPoint iOriginalPosition;
+ TTime iStartTime;
+ TBool iScrolled;
+ TInt iTotalDragging;
+ TBool iLaunchWizardExecuted; // prevents reentrant Wizard calling
+ }; // class CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser