changeset 76 38bf5461e270
parent 74 6c59112cfd31
--- a/email_plat/nmail_client_api/inc/nmapifolderlisting.h	Thu Sep 30 11:43:07 2010 +0300
+++ b/email_plat/nmail_client_api/inc/nmapifolderlisting.h	Thu Oct 14 17:33:43 2010 +0300
@@ -21,77 +21,34 @@
 #include <nmapimessagetask.h>
 #include <nmapidef.h>
-class NmApiEngine;
 namespace EmailClientApi
+class NmApiEngine;
 class NmApiFolderListingPrivate;
 class NmApiMailbox;
 class NmApiFolder;
-   \class Class for creating list of all folders
- */
 class NMAPI_EXPORT NmApiFolderListing : public NmApiMessageTask
-    /*!
-       Constructor of class. 
-     */
     NmApiFolderListing(QObject *parent, const quint64 &mailboxId);
-    /*!
-       Destructor of class. 
-     */
-    ~NmApiFolderListing();
+    virtual ~NmApiFolderListing();
     enum {FolderListingFailed = -1};
-    /*! 
-       \brief Returns results after foldersListed signal is received.
-        Before calling this method, cancel and start should be called, 
-        because after second call it returns empty list..
-        It also at start clear inputlist of NmFolder.
-     */
     bool getFolders(QList<EmailClientApi::NmApiFolder> &folders);
-    /*!
-       \brief Returns info if listing is running
-     */
     bool isRunning() const;
-    signals:
-    /*!
-       emitted when listing is available, count is number of folders found
-       or FolderListingFailed if listing failed
-     */
     void foldersListed(qint32 count);
 public slots:
-    /*!
-       \brief Starts gathering folders list.
-       In first turn it will get whole folderlist. 
-       \todo After that it will wait for folder events.
-       If start works, it do nothing.
-       To asynchronous operation ce be used \sa QTimer::singleShot on this method.
-       Example:
-       <code> 
-       QTimer::singleShot(0,nmFolderListing,SLOT(start());
-       </code>
-     */
     bool start();
-    /*!
-       \brief Stops gathering folder list.
-       In first it change state of listing.
-       Then it release engine.
-       On end it clears list of folders and emits \sa NmApiMessageTask::canceled() signal.
-     */
     void cancel();