changeset 18 578830873419
child 20 ecc8def7944a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailservices/nmailagent/src/nmmailagent.cpp	Fri Apr 16 14:51:52 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "nmmailagentheaders.h"
+#include "nmmailagent.h"
+const int maxUnreadCount = 1; // 1 is enough
+    \class NmMailAgent
+    \brief Main class for receiving email events and passing them to the HbIndicator
+    Creates list of folder paths where plug-ins can be loaded from.
+    \return folder path list.
+QStringList NmMailAgent::pluginFolders()
+    const QString nmPluginPath("resource/plugins");
+    QStringList pluginDirectories;
+    QFileInfoList driveList = QDir::drives();
+    foreach(const QFileInfo &driveInfo, driveList) {
+        QString pluginDirectory =
+            driveInfo.absolutePath() + nmPluginPath;
+        if (QFileInfo(pluginDirectory).exists()) {
+            pluginDirectories.append(pluginDirectory);
+        }
+    }
+    return pluginDirectories;
+    mId = 0;
+    mSyncState = SyncComplete;
+    mConnectState = Disconnected;
+    mUnreadMails = 0;
+    mActive = false;
+NmMailAgent::NmMailAgent() :
+ mAdapter(NULL),
+ mActiveIndicators(0)
+    NMLOG("NmMailAgent::NmMailAgent");
+    Initialise the agent. \return true if succesfully started.
+bool NmMailAgent::init()
+    if (!loadAdapter()) {
+        // Failed to load NmFrameworkAdapter
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Start listening events
+    connect(mAdapter, SIGNAL(mailboxEvent(NmMailboxEvent, const QList<NmId>&)),
+        this, SLOT(handleMailboxEvent(NmMailboxEvent, const QList<NmId> &)));
+    connect(mAdapter, SIGNAL(messageEvent(
+            NmMessageEvent, const NmId &, const QList<NmId> &, const NmId&)),
+        this, SLOT(handleMessageEvent(
+            NmMessageEvent, const NmId &, const QList<NmId> &, const NmId&)));
+    connect(mAdapter, SIGNAL(syncStateEvent(NmSyncState, const NmId)),
+        this, SLOT(handleSyncStateEvent(NmSyncState, const NmId)));
+    connect(mAdapter, SIGNAL(connectionEvent(NmConnectState, const NmId)),
+        this, SLOT(handleConnectionEvent(NmConnectState, const NmId)));
+    // load all current mailboxes
+    initMailboxStatus();
+    updateStatus();
+    return true;
+    delete mAdapter;
+    qDeleteAll(mMailboxes);
+    Initialize the mailbox list with the current state
+void NmMailAgent::initMailboxStatus()
+    NMLOG("NmMailAgent::initMailboxStatus");
+    QList<NmMailbox*> mailboxes;
+    mAdapter->listMailboxes(mailboxes);
+    foreach (const NmMailbox* mailbox, mailboxes) {
+        if (mailbox) {
+            NmMailboxInfo *mailboxInfo = createMailboxInfo(*mailbox);
+            if (mailboxInfo) {
+                mailboxInfo->mUnreadMails = getUnreadCount(mailbox->id(),maxUnreadCount);
+                updateMailboxActivity(mailbox->id(), isMailboxActive(*mailboxInfo));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    qDeleteAll(mailboxes);
+    Get mailbox unread count in inbox folder
+    \param mailboxId id of the mailbox
+    \param maxCount max number of unread mails that is needed
+    \return number of unread mails in the mailbox
+int NmMailAgent::getUnreadCount(const NmId &mailboxId, int maxCount)
+    NMLOG("NmMailAgent::getUnreadCount");
+    int count(0);
+    // get inbox folder ID
+    NmId inboxId = mAdapter->getStandardFolderId(
+            mailboxId, NmFolderInbox );
+    // get list of messages in inbox
+    QList<NmMessageEnvelope*> messageList;
+    mAdapter->listMessages(mailboxId, inboxId, messageList);
+    foreach (const NmMessageEnvelope* envelope, messageList) {
+        // if the message is not read, it is "unread"
+        if (!envelope->isRead()) {
+            count++;
+            // No more unread mails are needed
+            if (count >= maxCount) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	qDeleteAll(messageList);
+	NMLOG(QString("NmMailAgent::getUnreadCount count=%1").arg(count));
+    return count;
+    Load NmFrameworkAdapter from plugins.
+    \return true if adapter is loaded succesfully.
+bool NmMailAgent::loadAdapter()
+    QStringList directories(pluginFolders());
+     foreach (const QString &pluginPath, directories) {
+         QPluginLoader *loader =
+             new QPluginLoader(pluginPath + "/nmframeworkadapter.qtplugin");
+         if (loader) {
+             mAdapter = static_cast<NmFrameworkAdapter *>(loader->instance());
+             if (mAdapter) {
+                 return true;
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     NMLOG("NmMailAgent::loadAdapter failed");
+     return false;
+    Update the mailbox visibility
+    \param mailboxId id of the mailbox
+    \param active visibility state of the mailbox
+    \return true if the mailbox state was changed
+bool NmMailAgent::updateMailboxActivity(const NmId &mailboxId, bool active)
+    NmMailboxInfo *mailboxInfo = getMailboxInfo(mailboxId);
+    bool changed = false;
+    if (mailboxInfo->mActive != active) {
+        mailboxInfo->mActive = active;
+        changed = true;
+        if (active) {
+            // Mailbox becomes active again. Move to the bottom of the list.
+            mMailboxes.removeAll(mailboxInfo);
+            mMailboxes.append(mailboxInfo);
+        }
+    }
+    return changed;
+    Updates status according to current information
+void NmMailAgent::updateStatus()
+    NMLOG("NmMailAgent::updateStatus");
+    int activeIndicators = 0;
+    // Update the indicators
+    foreach (NmMailboxInfo *mailboxInfo, mMailboxes) {
+        // Show only active mailboxes
+        if (mailboxInfo->mActive) {
+            updateIndicator(activeIndicators,true,*mailboxInfo);
+            activeIndicators++;
+        }
+    }
+    // Hide the indicator that are not needed anymore
+    for (int i=activeIndicators;i<mActiveIndicators;i++) {
+        NmMailboxInfo mailboxInfo;
+        updateIndicator(i,false,mailboxInfo);
+    }
+    mActiveIndicators = activeIndicators;
+    Check if the mailbox indicator should be active, according to current state
+    \param mailboxInfo information of the mailbox
+    \return true if indicator should be now active
+bool NmMailAgent::isMailboxActive(const NmMailboxInfo& mailboxInfo)
+    if (mailboxInfo.mUnreadMails>0) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+    Updates indicator status
+    \param mailboxIndex index of the item shown in indicator menu
+    \param active indicator visibility state
+    \param mailboxInfo information of the mailbox
+    \return true if indicator was updated with no errors
+bool NmMailAgent::updateIndicator(int mailboxIndex, bool active,
+    const NmMailboxInfo& mailboxInfo)
+    NMLOG(QString("NmMailAgent::updateIndicator index=%1 active=%2 unread=%3").
+        arg(mailboxIndex).arg(active).arg(mailboxInfo.mUnreadMails));
+    bool ok = false;
+    QString name = QString("")+mailboxIndex+"/1.0";
+    QList<QVariant> list;
+    list.append(;
+    list.append(mailboxInfo.mName);
+    list.append(mailboxInfo.mUnreadMails);
+    list.append(mailboxInfo.mSyncState);
+    list.append(mailboxInfo.mConnectState);
+    HbIndicator indicator;
+    if (active) {
+        ok = indicator.activate(name,list);
+    }
+    else {
+        ok = indicator.deactivate(name,list);
+    }
+    return ok;
+    Received from NmFrameworkAdapter mailboxEvent signal
+    \sa NmFrameworkAdapter
+void NmMailAgent::handleMailboxEvent(NmMailboxEvent event, const QList<NmId> &mailboxIds)
+    NMLOG(QString("NmMailAgent::handleMailboxEvent %1").arg(event));
+    bool updateNeeded(false);
+    switch(event) {
+        case NmMailboxCreated:
+            foreach (NmId mailboxId, mailboxIds) {
+                getMailboxInfo(mailboxId); // create a new mailbox if needed
+                updateNeeded = true;
+            }
+            break;
+        case NmMailboxChanged:
+            // Mailbox name may have been changed
+            foreach (NmId mailboxId, mailboxIds) {
+                NmMailboxInfo *mailboxInfo = getMailboxInfo(mailboxId);
+                NmMailbox *mailbox(NULL);
+                mAdapter->getMailboxById(mailboxId,mailbox);
+                if (mailbox && mailboxInfo) {
+                    if(mailbox->name() != mailboxInfo->mName) {
+                        mailboxInfo->mName = mailbox->name();
+                        updateNeeded = true;
+                    }
+                }
+                delete mailbox;
+            }
+            break;
+        case NmMailboxDeleted:
+            foreach (NmId mailboxId, mailboxIds) {
+                if (removeMailboxInfo(mailboxId)) {
+                    updateNeeded = true;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    if (updateNeeded) {
+        updateStatus();
+    }
+    Received from NmFrameworkAdapter messageEvent signal
+    \sa NmFrameWorkAdapter
+void NmMailAgent::handleMessageEvent(
+            NmMessageEvent event,
+            const NmId &folderId,
+            const QList<NmId> &messageIds,
+            const NmId& mailboxId)
+    NMLOG(QString("NmMailAgent::handleMessageEvent %1 %2").arg(event).arg(;
+    Q_UNUSED(folderId);
+    Q_UNUSED(messageIds);
+    switch (event) {
+        case NmMessageChanged: {
+            NmMailboxInfo *mailboxInfo = getMailboxInfo(mailboxId);
+            // If not currently syncronizing the mailbox, this may mean
+            // that a message was read/unread
+            if (mailboxInfo && mailboxInfo->mSyncState==SyncComplete) {
+                // check the unread status here again
+                mailboxInfo->mUnreadMails = getUnreadCount(mailboxId,maxUnreadCount);
+                if(updateMailboxActivity(mailboxId, isMailboxActive(*mailboxInfo))) {
+                    updateStatus();
+                }
+            }
+			break;
+		}
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    // Do not perform an update here, just in handleSyncState
+    Received from NmFrameworkAdapter syncStateEvent signal
+    \sa NmFrameWorkAdapter
+void NmMailAgent::handleSyncStateEvent(
+            NmSyncState state,
+            const NmId mailboxId)
+    NMLOG(QString("NmMailAgent::handleSyncStateEvent %1 %2").arg(state).arg(;
+    NmMailboxInfo *info = getMailboxInfo(mailboxId);
+    if (info) {
+        info->mSyncState = state;
+        if (state==SyncComplete) {
+            // check the unread status here again
+            info->mUnreadMails = getUnreadCount(mailboxId,maxUnreadCount);
+            if(updateMailboxActivity(mailboxId, isMailboxActive(*info))) {
+                updateStatus();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Received from NmFrameworkAdapter connectionState signal
+    \sa NmFrameWorkAdapter
+void NmMailAgent::handleConnectionEvent(NmConnectState state, const NmId mailboxId)
+    NMLOG(QString("NmMailAgent::handleConnectionEvent %1 %2").arg(state).arg(;
+    NmMailboxInfo *mailboxInfo = getMailboxInfo(mailboxId);
+    if (mailboxInfo) {
+        // Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting, Disconnected
+        mailboxInfo->mConnectState = state;
+    }
+    updateStatus();
+    Remove a mailbox info entry
+    \return true if mailbox info was found
+bool NmMailAgent::removeMailboxInfo(const NmId &id)
+    bool found = false;
+    foreach (NmMailboxInfo *mailbox, mMailboxes) {
+        if (mailbox->mId == id) {
+            found = true;
+            mMailboxes.removeAll(mailbox);
+        }
+    }
+    return found;
+    Create a new mailbox info entry
+    \return new mailbox info object
+NmMailboxInfo *NmMailAgent::createMailboxInfo(const NmId &id)
+    // get information of the mailbox
+    NmMailbox *mailbox = NULL;
+    mAdapter->getMailboxById(id, mailbox);
+    if (mailbox) {
+        return createMailboxInfo(*mailbox);
+    }
+    return NULL;
+    Create a new mailbox info with given parameters
+    \return new mailbox info object
+NmMailboxInfo *NmMailAgent::createMailboxInfo(const NmMailbox& mailbox)
+    NmMailboxInfo *mailboxInfo = new NmMailboxInfo();
+    mailboxInfo->mId =;
+    mailboxInfo->mName =;
+    mMailboxes.append(mailboxInfo);
+    // Subscribe to get all mailbox events
+    mAdapter->subscribeMailboxEvents(mailboxInfo->mId);
+    return mailboxInfo;
+    Return mailbox info class with mailbox id. If no class is found, create a new instance with given id.
+    \return mailbox info object
+NmMailboxInfo *NmMailAgent::getMailboxInfo(const NmId &id)
+    foreach (NmMailboxInfo *mailbox, mMailboxes) {
+        if (mailbox->mId == id) {
+            return mailbox;
+        }
+    }
+    // Not found. Create a new mailbox info.
+    return createMailboxInfo(id);
+// End of file