changeset 18 578830873419
child 23 2dc6caa42ec3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailuis/nmailuiwidgets/src/nmeditortextedit.cpp	Fri Apr 16 14:51:52 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Message editor body text field
+#include "nmailuiwidgetsheaders.h"
+// Following constants will be removed later when possible
+static const double Un = 6.66;
+static const double BodyMargin = Un;
+static const int ChromeHeight = 160;
+static const double FieldHeightWhenSecondaryFont = 5 * Un;
+static const int GroupBoxTitleHeight = 42;
+static const double HeightOfTheHeaderOnStartup =
+    2 * FieldHeightWhenSecondaryFont + GroupBoxTitleHeight;
+    Constructor
+NmEditorTextEdit::NmEditorTextEdit(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+    HbTextEdit(parent)
+    Destructor
+void NmEditorTextEdit::init(NmEditorContent *parent, NmBaseViewScrollArea *bgScrollArea)
+    mPreviousContentsHeight = 0;
+    mFirstTime = true;
+    mCustomTextColor = QPair<bool, QColor>(false,Qt::black);
+    mParent = parent;
+    mBackgroundScrollArea = bgScrollArea;
+    mHeaderHeight = (int)HeightOfTheHeaderOnStartup;
+    mBgScrollPosition.setX(0);
+    mBgScrollPosition.setY(0);
+    document()->setDocumentMargin(BodyMargin);
+    mScrollArea = this->scrollArea();
+    mScrollArea->setLongPressEnabled(true);
+    // Enable scrolling using cursor
+    setScrollable(true);
+    mScrollArea->setScrollDirections(Qt::Horizontal);
+    // Let all mouse events go into background scroll area which handles the scrolling
+    setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::NoButton);
+    mScrollArea->setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::NoButton);
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(updateEditorHeight()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged(int, int)),
+            this, SLOT(setScrollPosition(int, int)));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(setEditorContentHeight()), mParent, SLOT(setEditorContentHeight()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(updateCustomTextColor()));
+    This function returns the height (pixels) of the body fields document content.
+ */
+qreal NmEditorTextEdit::contentHeight() const
+    QSizeF s = document()->size();
+    return s.height();
+   This slot updates the editor height. It is called every time when text edit
+   widget content has been changed.
+ */
+void NmEditorTextEdit::updateEditorHeight()
+    // Get current body content height
+    qreal heightOfTheTextEdit = contentHeight();
+    // Check if height is changed
+    if (mPreviousContentsHeight != heightOfTheTextEdit) {
+        mPreviousContentsHeight = heightOfTheTextEdit;
+        setPreferredHeight(heightOfTheTextEdit);
+        setMaximumHeight(heightOfTheTextEdit);
+    }
+    // Inform parent that content height has been changed
+    emit setEditorContentHeight();
+    This slot is called when cursor position is changed in body area using
+    'pointing stick' or keyboard. Function will update the scroll position
+    of the content so that cursor does not go outside of the screen or
+    behind the virtual keyboard.
+ */
+void NmEditorTextEdit::setScrollPosition(int oldPos, int newPos)
+    Q_UNUSED(oldPos);
+    if (mFirstTime) {
+        // For some reason content height of the HbTextEdit is wrong
+        // right after construction. That is the reason why this mFirstTime
+        // member is used to set content height bit later.
+        mFirstTime = false;
+        updateEditorHeight();
+    }
+    const QSizeF screenReso = HbDeviceProfile::current().logicalSize();
+    qreal maxHeight = screenReso.height() - ChromeHeight;
+    // Get cursor position coordinates
+    QRectF cursorPosPix = rectForPosition(newPos);
+    // Calculate the screen top and bottom boundaries, this means the part of the
+    // background scroll area which is currently visible.
+    qreal visibleRectTopBoundary;
+    qreal visibleRectBottomBoundary;
+    if (mBgScrollPosition.y() < mHeaderHeight) {
+        // Header is completely or partially visible
+        visibleRectTopBoundary = mHeaderHeight - mBgScrollPosition.y();
+        visibleRectBottomBoundary = maxHeight - visibleRectTopBoundary;
+    }
+    else {
+        // Header is not visible
+        visibleRectTopBoundary = mBgScrollPosition.y() - mHeaderHeight;
+        visibleRectBottomBoundary = visibleRectTopBoundary + maxHeight;
+    }
+    // Do scrolling if cursor is out of the screen boundaries
+    if (cursorPosPix.y() > visibleRectBottomBoundary) {
+        // Do scroll forward
+        mBackgroundScrollArea->scrollContentsTo(
+            QPointF(0,cursorPosPix.y() - maxHeight + mHeaderHeight));
+    }
+    else if (cursorPosPix.y() + mHeaderHeight < mBgScrollPosition.y()) {
+        // Do scroll backward
+        mBackgroundScrollArea->scrollContentsTo(QPointF(0,cursorPosPix.y() + mHeaderHeight));
+    }
+    This slot is called when background scroll areas scroll position has been shanged.
+void NmEditorTextEdit::updateScrollPosition(const QPointF &newPosition)
+    mBgScrollPosition = newPosition;
+	This slot applies custom text color for user - entered text
+    It does not affect the text originally inserted into editor
+ */
+void NmEditorTextEdit::updateCustomTextColor()
+    if (mCustomTextColor.first) {
+        QTextCursor tcursor = textCursor();
+        QTextCharFormat fmt;
+        int pos = tcursor.position();
+        if (pos > 0) {
+            // If there isn't any user-made selection - apply custom color
+            if (!tcursor.hasSelection() && !tcursor.hasComplexSelection()) {
+                // Select last added char and set its color to custom
+                if (tcursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 1)
+                    && tcursor.hasSelection()) {
+                    fmt = tcursor.charFormat();
+                    fmt.setForeground(mCustomTextColor.second);
+                    tcursor.mergeCharFormat(fmt);
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            fmt = tcursor.charFormat();
+            fmt.setForeground(mCustomTextColor.second);
+            tcursor.mergeCharFormat(fmt);
+            setTextCursor(tcursor);
+        }
+    }
+    This slot is called when header widget height has been changed. Function performs
+    the repositioning of the body field and resizing of the editor and content area.
+ */
+void NmEditorTextEdit::setHeaderHeight(int newHeight)
+    mHeaderHeight = newHeight;
+    updateEditorHeight();
+    sendMousePressEvent. Function is used to relay mouse press event to base class
+void NmEditorTextEdit::sendMousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+    if (event) {
+        HbAbstractEdit::mousePressEvent(event);
+    }
+    sendMouseReleaseEvent. Function is used to relay mouse release event to base class
+void NmEditorTextEdit::sendMouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+    if (event) {
+        HbAbstractEdit::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
+    }
+    sendMouseMoveEvent. Function is used to relay mouse move event to base class
+void NmEditorTextEdit::sendMouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+    if (event) {
+        HbAbstractEdit::mouseMoveEvent(event);
+    }
+    sendLongPressEvent. Opens the context menu of the editor
+void NmEditorTextEdit::sendLongPressEvent(const QPointF &point)
+    showContextMenu(point);
+   Sets flag is custom text color should be used and sets the custom color.
+   Function does not affect the color of existing content, only text that will be entered later.
+ */
+void NmEditorTextEdit::setCustomTextColor(const QPair<bool, QColor> &customColor)
+    mCustomTextColor = customColor;
+    Reimplemented function \sa NmEditorTextEdit::setCustomTextColor(const QPair<bool, QColor> &customColor).
+    \arg info about using of custom color
+    \arg color to be used as custom. If \arg useCustom is set to false then color is not changed
+ */
+void NmEditorTextEdit::setCustomTextColor(bool useCustom, const QColor& color)
+    mCustomTextColor.first = useCustom;
+    //check and set custom color
+    mCustomTextColor.first ? mCustomTextColor.second = color : 
+                             mCustomTextColor.second = mCustomTextColor.second;
+ *  Return current custom color and if it must be used.
+ *  
+ *  \return Current custem color.
+ */
+QPair<bool, QColor> NmEditorTextEdit::customTextColor() const
+    return mCustomTextColor;