--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailuis/emailui/inc/FreestyleEmailUiMsgDetailsVisualiser.h Thu Dec 17 08:39:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: FreestyleEmailUi message details visualiser definition
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "fstreelistconstants.h"
+#include "fstreelistobserver.h"
+#include "fsccontactactionmenudefines.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiViewBase.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiContactHandlerObserver.h"
+// forward declarations
+class CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsControl;
+class CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsModel;
+class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi;
+class CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager;
+class CFSMailMessage;
+class CFSMailAddress;
+class MFsTreeItemVisualizer;
+class CFsTreeVisualizerBase;
+class CFsTreeList;
+class CFsTreePlainOneLineNodeData;
+class CFsTreePlainOneLineItemData;
+class CFsTreePlainTwoLineItemData;
+class CFsTreePlainOneLineNodeVisualizer;
+class CFsTreePlainOneLineItemVisualizer;
+class CFsTreePlainTwoLineItemVisualizer;
+// <cmail> Touch
+class CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsVisualiser : public CFsEmailUiViewBase,
+ public MFSEmailUiContactHandlerObserver,
+ public MFsTreeListObserver,
+ public MFsActionMenuPositionGiver
+// </cmail>
+ {
+public: // Construction and destruction
+ /**
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ ~CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsVisualiser();
+ void PrepareForExit();
+ /**
+ * Two phase constructors
+ *
+ * @param aEnv Alfred environmet
+ * @param aControlGroup control group
+ * @param aAppUi Application main UI class
+ * @return Pointer to newly created object
+ */
+ static CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsVisualiser* NewL( CAlfEnv& aEnv,
+ CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup,
+ CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi );
+ static CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsVisualiser* NewLC( CAlfEnv& aEnv,
+ CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup,
+ CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi );
+public: // From base class CAknView
+ void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+ void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
+ TUid Id() const;
+public: // Own public member functions
+ /**
+ * Dynamic switch handling
+ */
+ void HandleDynamicVariantSwitchL( CFsEmailUiViewBase::TDynamicSwitchType aType );
+ void SetMskL();
+ /**
+ * Event handling forwarded from control
+ *
+ * @param aEvent Event forwarded from control
+ * @return ETrue if event was consumed, otherwise EFalse
+ */
+ TBool OfferEventL( const TAlfEvent& aEvent );
+public: // From MFSEmailUiContactHandlerObserver
+ void OperationCompleteL( TContactHandlerCmd aCmd,
+ const RPointerArray<CFSEmailUiClsItem>& aContacts );
+ void OperationErrorL( TContactHandlerCmd, TInt aError );
+// <cmail> Touch
+public: // From MFsTreeListObserver
+ void TreeListEventL( const TFsTreeListEvent aEvent,
+ const TFsTreeItemId /*aId*/ );
+ // From MFsActionMenuPositionGiver
+ TPoint ActionMenuPosition();
+// </cmail>
+// <cmail> Toolbar
+private: // from
+ /**
+ * @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::ChildDoActivateL
+ */
+ void ChildDoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
+ TUid aCustomMessageId,
+ const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
+// </cmail> Toolbar
+ void ChildDoDeactivate();
+ void GetParentLayoutsL( RPointerArray<CAlfVisual>& aLayoutArray ) const;
+ /**
+ * Constructors
+ */
+ CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsVisualiser( CAlfEnv& aEnv, CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi, CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup );
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * Sets title pane text
+ *
+ * @param aViewStarted ETrue when starting view (title set to "Message/Meeting details")
+ * EFalse when closing view (title set back to previous)
+ */
+ void ChangeTitleBarTextL( TBool aViewStarted );
+ /**
+ * Delete contents from list and model
+ */
+ void ClearMsgDetailsModelL();
+ /**
+ * Update contents to list and model
+ */
+ void UpdateMsgDetailsModelL();
+ /**
+ * Updates variables that specify the list size
+ */
+ void UpdateListSizeAttributes();
+ /**
+ * Append specified email fields to list
+ */
+ void AppendFromLinesL();
+ void AppendSubjectLinesL();
+ void AppendToLinesL();
+ void AppendCcLinesL();
+ void AppendBccLinesL();
+ void AppendSizeLinesL();
+ void AppendSentLinesL();
+ void AppendPriorityLinesL();
+ void AppendMessageTypeLinesL();
+ /**
+ * Actual creation of the list items and nodes
+ *
+ * @param aItemDataBuff List item data
+ * @param aItemData Pointer to item data object
+ * @param aItemVisualizer/aNodeVisualizer Pointer to item/node visualizer
+ */
+ void CreateOneLinePlainItemLC2( const TDesC& aItemDataBuff,
+ CFsTreePlainOneLineItemData* &aItemData,
+ CFsTreePlainOneLineItemVisualizer* &aItemVisualizer );
+ void CreateTwoLinePlainItemLC2( const TDesC& aPrimaryDataBuff,
+ const TDesC& aSecondaryDataBuff,
+ CFsTreePlainTwoLineItemData* &aItemData,
+ CFsTreePlainTwoLineItemVisualizer* &aItemVisualizer );
+ void SetItemVisualizerCommonProperties( MFsTreeItemVisualizer& aItemVisualizer );
+ void CreatePlainNodeLC2( const TDesC& aItemDataBuff,
+ CFsTreePlainOneLineNodeData* &aItemData,
+ CFsTreePlainOneLineNodeVisualizer* &aNodeVisualizer );
+ void SetNodeVisualizerProperties( MFsTreeItemVisualizer& aItemVisualizer );
+ void SetChildVisualizersProperties( TFsTreeItemId aNodeId );
+ /**
+ * Append heading line to list as a node
+ *
+ * @param aResourceId Resource id for the heading text
+ * @return List item id of the created node
+ */
+ TFsTreeItemId AppendHeadingToListL( TInt aResourceId );
+ /**
+ * Append item to list under the specified node
+ *
+ * @param aItemData/aPrimaryDataBuff/aSecondaryDataBuff List item data
+ * @param aParentNode Parent node in list
+ * @return List item id of the created item
+ */
+ TFsTreeItemId AppendOneLineItemToListL( const TDesC& aItemData,
+ TFsTreeItemId aParentNode );
+ TFsTreeItemId AppendTwoLineItemToListL( const TDesC& aPrimaryDataBuff,
+ const TDesC& aSecondaryDataBuff,
+ TFsTreeItemId aParentNode,
+ TBool aItemHasActionMenu = EFalse );
+ TFsTreeItemId AppendDateTimeItemToListL( const TDesC& aPrimaryDataBuff,
+ const TDesC& aSecondaryDataBuff,
+ const TDesC& aDateTimeDataBuff,
+ TFsTreeItemId aParentNode );
+ /**
+ * Get display name and email address information from the address data
+ *
+ * @param aAddressData Mail address data where the information is got
+ * @param aDisplayName On return holds the display name
+ * @param aEmailAddress On return holds the email address
+ * @return EFalse if both display name and email address are empty, otherwise ETrue
+ */
+ TBool GetDisplayNameAndEmailAddressL( CFSMailAddress* aAddressData,
+ TDesC* &aDisplayName,
+ TDesC* &aEmailAddress );
+ /**
+ * Collapse all nodes except the specified one
+ *
+ * @param aExcludedNode Node that is not collapsed
+ */
+ void CollapseNodesExceptL( TFsTreeItemId aExcludedNode );
+ // Action menu handling
+ void LaunchActionMenuL();
+ void HandleActionMenuCommandL( TActionMenuCustomItemId itemId );
+ // Action menu action handling, use UI utility class
+ TBool SendEmailToFocusedItemL() const; // Return value tells wheter operation succeeded or not
+ void CallToFocusedItemL();
+ void CreateMessageToFocusedItemL() const;
+ void LaunchRemoteLookupForFocusedItemL() const;
+ void AddFocusedItemToContactsL() const;
+ void ShowContactDetailsForFocusedItemL() const;
+ void CopyFocusedItemToClipboardL() const;
+ // Shortuct handling of collpase/expand all toggle and go to first/last
+ void ShortcutCollapseExpandAllToggleL();
+ void GoToTopL();
+ void GoToBottomL();
+ // Tells wheter the action menu should be shown for the currently focused list item
+ TBool HasFocusedItemActionMenu() const;
+ /**
+ * Get email of address of the focused list item
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to email address if found, NULL if not found
+ */
+ CFSMailAddress* GetEmailAddressForFocusedItem() const;
+ TDesC* GetEmailAddressForFocusedItemAsTDes() const;
+ // Recursive function to get item's root level parent
+ TFsTreeItemId GetRootParent( const TFsTreeItemId aItemId ) const;
+ // Tell wheter all nodes are currently collpased/expanded
+ TBool AllNodesCollapsed() const;
+ TBool AllNodesExpanded( TFsTreeItemId aParentNodeId = KFsTreeRootID ) const;
+ // First start function.
+ void DoFirstStartL();
+ enum TExpandCollapseMode
+ {
+ EExpandAll = 0,
+ ECollapseAllExceptTo,
+ ECollapseAllExceptCc,
+ ECollapseAllExceptBcc
+ };
+ // Pointers to ALF related objects
+ CAlfEnv& iEnv;
+ CAlfLayout* iParentLayout;
+ // Pointers to mail framework related objects
+ CFSMailMessage* iViewedMsg;
+ // Pointers to own control and model objects
+ CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsControl* iControl; // Not owned, owned by ALF env
+ CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsModel* iModel; // Owned
+ // Lists screen rect and item/node heights
+ TRect iScreenRect;
+ TInt iListItemHeight;
+ TInt iListNodeHeight;
+ // Nodes that can be focused at startup
+ TFsTreeItemId iToNodeId;
+ TFsTreeItemId iCcNodeId;
+ TFsTreeItemId iBccNodeId;
+ // All nodes
+ RArray<TFsTreeItemId> iNodeIds;
+ // Pointer to the tree list component visualizer.
+ CFsTreeVisualizerBase* iTreeVisualizer;
+ // Pointer to the tree list component, owned.
+ CFsTreeList* iTreeList;
+ // Previous view uid
+ TUid iPreviousViewUid;
+ // Previous title bar text, restored when returning from this view
+ HBufC* iPreviousTitleText;
+ // Pointers to "error texts" shown in list
+ TDesC* iNoDisplayNameAvailableText;
+ TDesC* iNoEmailAddressAvailableText;
+ TBool iFirstViewActivation;
+ TBool iFirstStartCompleted;
+ // When this flag is set, list (scroll bar) refresh is allowed when
+ // inserting new items to list
+ TBool iAllowListRefreshInInsert;
+ // Flags for expand/collapse mode and when to expand + highlight next node
+ TExpandCollapseMode iExpandCollapseMode;
+ TBool iExpandAndHighlightNextNode;
+ TBool iRCLSupported;
+ // <cmail> video call
+ // Flag for making video call
+ TBool iVideoCall;
+ // </cmail>
+ };