--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/meetingrequest/mrviewer/src/cesmrviewerctrl.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:39:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: ESMR esmviewer controller implementation
+#include "emailtrace.h"
+#include "cesmrpolicy.h"
+#include "esmrdef.h"
+#include "cesmrpolicymanager.h"
+#include "cesmrviewerctrl.h"
+#include "cesmrentryprocessor.h"
+#include "mesmrmeetingrequestentry.h"
+#include "mesmrtaskextension.h"
+#include "cesmruifactory.h"
+#include "mesmruibase.h"
+#include "tesmrinputparams.h"
+#include "esmrconfig.hrh"
+#include "cesmrconfirmationquery.h"
+#include "cesmrutils.h"
+#include "cesmrattachmentinfo.h"
+#include "cesmrcaluserutil.h"
+// <cmail> Removed profiling. </cmail>
+// Logging utilities
+// From System
+#include <CMRUtils.h>
+#include "esmrutilsapiext.h"
+#include <msvstd.h>
+#include <msvids.h>
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h"
+#include <eikappui.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+/// Unnamed namespace for local definitions
+namespace { // codescanner::namespace
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+// Definition for MR VIEWER ctrl panic text
+_LIT(KMRViewerCtrlPanicTxt, "ESMRViewerCtrl" );
+// MR VIEWER ctrl panic codes
+enum TMRViewerCtrlPanicCode
+ {
+ EESMRViewerCtrlSyncher = 0, // Syncher is not created,
+ EESMRViewerCtrlProcessor,
+ EESMRViewerCtrlTaskExt,
+ EESMRViewerCtrlPolicyMgr,
+ };
+void Panic(TMRViewerCtrlPanicCode aPanicCode)
+ {
+ User::Panic( KMRViewerCtrlPanicTxt, aPanicCode );
+ }
+ * Tests if entry contains attachments or not.
+ * @param aEntry Reference to meeting request entry.
+ * @return ETrue if entry contains attachments
+ */
+TBool ContainsAttachmentsL(
+ MESMRMeetingRequestEntry& aEntry )
+ {
+ TBool retValue( EFalse );
+ TESMRInputParams esmrInputParams;
+ if ( aEntry.StartupParameters(esmrInputParams) )
+ {
+ if ( esmrInputParams.iAttachmentInfo &&
+ esmrInputParams.iAttachmentInfo->AttachmentCount() )
+ {
+ retValue = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ return retValue;
+ }
+} // namespace
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::CESMRViewerController
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries,
+ const MAgnEntryUi::TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
+ MAgnEntryUi::TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams,
+ MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback )
+ : iInParams( aParams ),
+ iOutParams( aOutParams ),
+ iCallback( aCallback ),
+ iEntries( aEntries )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::~CESMRViewerController
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CESMRViewerController::~CESMRViewerController()
+ {
+ delete iESMRUtils;
+ delete iCtrlSyncher;
+ delete iGuiFactory;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::NewL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CESMRViewerController* CESMRViewerController::NewL(
+ const TDesC8& aMtmuid,
+ RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries,
+ const MAgnEntryUi::TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
+ MAgnEntryUi::TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams,
+ MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback )
+ {
+ CESMRViewerController* self =
+ new( ELeave ) CESMRViewerController( aEntries,
+ aParams,
+ aOutParams,
+ aCallback );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL(aMtmuid);
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::ConstructL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRViewerController::ConstructL(const TDesC8& /*aMtmUid */)
+ {
+ // This will create ESMR UTILS. Initialization is asynchronous.
+ // Competion is signaled via CESMRViewerController::HandleCalEngStatus.
+ iESMRUtils = CESMRUtils::NewL( *this );
+ iESMRUtils->SessionSetupL(
+ iInParams.iCalSession,
+ iInParams.iMsgSession );
+ iGuiFactory = CESMRUiFactory::NewL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::ExecuteL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CESMRViewerController::ExecuteL()
+ {
+ iExecutionError = KErrNone;
+ // Initialization waiter is needed because MR VIEWER user expects
+ // MR VIEWER operation to be synchronous.
+ iCtrlSyncher = new (ELeave) CActiveSchedulerWait;
+ // MR UTILS calls CESMRViewerController::HandleCalEngStatus after init is
+ // complete. CESMRViewerController::HandleCalEngStatus also sets
+ // iExectionError if there occurs error during MR UTILS init.
+ iCtrlSyncher->Start();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iExecutionError );
+ iEntryProcessor =
+ static_cast<CESMREntryProcessor*>(
+ iESMRUtils->ExtensionL(
+ TUid::Uid(KESMRMREntryProcessorUid) ) );
+ iPolicyMgr =
+ static_cast<CESMRPolicyManager*>(
+ iESMRUtils->ExtensionL(
+ TUid::Uid(KESMRPolicyMgrUid) ) );
+ iTaskExt =
+ static_cast<MESMRTaskExtension*>(
+ iESMRUtils->ExtensionL(
+ TUid::Uid(KESMRTaskExtensionUid) ) );
+ // Check that all extensions are found
+ if ( !iEntryProcessor || !iPolicyMgr || !iTaskExt )
+ {
+ // All extensions are not found --> Leave
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ }
+ iEntryProcessor->ProcessL(
+ &iInParams,
+ &iEntries );
+ LaunchCorrectOperationModeL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::IsCommandAvailable
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CESMRViewerController::IsCommandAvailable( TInt aCommandId )
+ {
+ TBool retValue( EFalse );
+ if ( KFSEmailUiUid == iInParams.iCallingApp )
+ {
+ retValue = iCallback.IsCommandAvailable( aCommandId );
+ }
+ return retValue;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::ProcessCommandWithResultL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CESMRViewerController::ProcessCommandWithResultL( TInt aCommandId )
+ {
+ TInt result = ProcessCommandWithResultInternalL(aCommandId);
+ return result;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::ProcessCommandL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRViewerController::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId )
+ {
+ ProcessCommandWithResultL( aCommandId );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::HandleCalEngStatus
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRViewerController::HandleCalEngStatus( TMRUtilsCalEngStatus aStatus )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iCtrlSyncher, Panic(EESMRViewerCtrlSyncher) );
+ if ( ENotReady == aStatus )
+ {
+ // cal db is not ready
+ iExecutionError = KErrNotReady;
+ }
+ else if (ENotAvailable == aStatus )
+ {
+ // cal db cannot be found
+ iExecutionError = KErrNotFound;
+ }
+// <cmail>
+ if ( iCtrlSyncher &&
+ iCtrlSyncher->IsStarted() &&
+ iCtrlSyncher->CanStopNow() )
+// </cmail>
+ {
+ // Exection continues in CESMRViewerController::ExecuteL
+ iCtrlSyncher->AsyncStop();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::HandleOperation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRViewerController::HandleOperation(
+ TInt /*aType*/,
+ TInt /*aPercentageCompleted*/,
+ TInt /*aStatus*/ )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::ProcessCommandWithResultInternalL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CESMRViewerController::ProcessCommandWithResultInternalL(
+ TInt aCommandId )
+ {
+ TESMRCommand command = static_cast<TESMRCommand>(aCommandId);
+ TBool needToProcessOutputParams( ETrue );
+ MESMRMeetingRequestEntry& entry = iEntryProcessor->ESMREntryL();
+ switch( aCommandId )
+ {
+ case EESMRCmdSendMR: // Send Meeting request
+ case EESMRCmdSendMRUpdate: // Send MR update
+ {
+ entry.ConfirmEntryL();
+ iTaskExt->SendAndStoreMRL(
+ command,
+ entry );
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRCmdAcceptMR: // Accept received MR
+ case EESMRCmdTentativeMR: // Tentatively accept MR
+ case EESMRCmdDeclineMR: // Decline MR
+ {
+ if ( entry.IsRecurrentEventL() )
+ {
+ entry.SetModifyingRuleL(MESMRCalEntry::EESMRAllInSeries);
+ }
+ entry.ConfirmEntryL();
+ iTaskExt->SendAndStoreResponseL(command,entry );
+ if ( entry.IsOpenedFromMail() )
+ {
+ // Triggering mail delete command also
+ needToProcessOutputParams = EFalse;
+ iCallback.ProcessCommandL( EESMRCmdMailDelete );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRAcceptWithoutAttachmentCheck:
+ case EESMRTentativeWithoutAttachmentCheck:
+ case EESMRDeclineWithoutAttachmentCheck:
+ {
+ entry.ConfirmEntryL();
+ iTaskExt->SendAndStoreResponseL(
+ command,
+ entry );
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRCmdSaveMR: // Saves MR
+ {
+ iTaskExt->StoreMRToLocalDBL(
+ command,
+ entry );
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRCmdDeleteMR: // Deletes MR
+ case EESMRCmdRemoveFromCalendar: // Removes MR from calendar
+ case EESMRCmdMailDelete: // Mail specific delete command
+ {
+ if ( EESMRCmdDeleteMR == command ||
+ EESMRCmdMailDelete == command )
+ {
+ entry.MarkMeetingCancelledL();
+ }
+ iTaskExt->DeleteAndSendMRL(
+ command,
+ entry );
+ if ( entry.IsOpenedFromMail() )
+ {
+ // Triggering mail delete command also
+ needToProcessOutputParams = EFalse;
+ iCallback.ProcessCommandL( aCommandId );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRCmdEdit: // Edit MR
+ case EESMRCmdEditLocal: // Locally edit meeting request
+ {
+ iEntryProcessor->SwitchToEditL();
+ iPolicyMgr->PushPolicyL();
+ LaunchUIL();
+ // No need to process parameters because the view is closed
+ // and editing view has processed to parameters
+ needToProcessOutputParams = EFalse;
+ iPolicyMgr->PopPolicy();
+ iEntryProcessor->SwitchToViewL();
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRCmdViewTrack:
+ {
+ TESMRViewMode viewMode = iEntryProcessor->ScenarioData().iViewMode;
+ iEntryProcessor->SwitchToTrackL();
+ iPolicyMgr->PushPolicyL();
+ LaunchUIL();
+ //go back to original view depending on where we came from
+ if (viewMode == EESMREditMR)
+ {
+ iEntryProcessor->SwitchToEditL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iEntryProcessor->SwitchToViewL();
+ }
+ LaunchUIL();
+ iPolicyMgr->PopPolicy();
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRCmdForwardAsMeeting: // Forward MR as meeting
+ {
+ iEntryProcessor->SwitchToForwardL();
+ iPolicyMgr->PushPolicyL();
+ LaunchUIL();
+ iPolicyMgr->PopPolicy();
+ iEntryProcessor->SwitchToViewL();
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRCmdForwardAsMail: // Forward MR as mail
+ {
+ if ( entry.IsOpenedFromMail() )
+ {
+ needToProcessOutputParams = EFalse;
+ iCallback.ProcessCommandL(
+ EESMRCmdMailForwardAsMessage );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTaskExt->ForwardMRAsEmailL(
+ command,
+ entry );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRCmdReply: // Forward MR as mail
+ case EESMRCmdReplyAll: //Flow through
+ {
+ if ( entry.IsOpenedFromMail() )
+ {
+ TInt emailCommand( EESMRCmdMailReply );
+ if ( EESMRCmdReplyAll == aCommandId )
+ {
+ emailCommand = EESMRCmdMailReplyAll;
+ }
+ needToProcessOutputParams = EFalse;
+ iCallback.ProcessCommandL(
+ emailCommand );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTaskExt->ReplyAsEmailL(
+ command,
+ entry );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // Email commands
+ case EESMRCmdMailMarkUnread:
+ case EESMRCmdMailMarkRead:
+ case EESMRCmdMailForwardAsMessage:
+ case EESMRCmdMailMoveMessage:
+ case EESMRCmdMailCopyMessage:
+ case EESMRCmdMailFlagMessage:
+ case EESMRCmdMailComposeMessage:
+ case EESMRCmdMailMessageDetails:
+ case EESMRCmdMailPreviousMessage:
+ case EESMRCmdMailNextMessage:
+ case EESMRCmdMailMoveMessageToDrafts:
+ case EESMRCmdOpenAttachment:
+ case EESMRCmdOpenAttachmentView:
+// <cmail
+ case EESMRCmdDownloadAttachment:
+ case EESMRCmdDownloadAllAttachments:
+ case EESMRCmdSaveAttachment:
+ case EESMRCmdSaveAllAttachments:
+// </cmail>
+ case EESMRCmdDownloadManager:
+ {
+ needToProcessOutputParams = EFalse;
+ iCallback.ProcessCommandL( aCommandId );
+ }
+ break;
+ case EESMRCmdEditorInitializationComplete:
+ {
+ if ( iCallback.IsCommandAvailable( EESMRCmdEditorInitializationComplete ) )
+ {
+ iCallback.ProcessCommandL( EESMRCmdEditorInitializationComplete );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ }
+ if ( needToProcessOutputParams )
+ {
+ iEntryProcessor->ProcessOutputParametersL(
+ iOutParams,
+ command );
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::LaunchUIL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRViewerController::LaunchUIL()
+ {
+ MESMRMeetingRequestEntry& entry = iEntryProcessor->ESMREntryL();
+ iPolicyMgr->ResolvePolicyL(
+ iEntryProcessor->ScenarioData(),
+ entry,
+ NULL ); // Passing NULL --> Default policy resolver is used
+ MESMRUiBase* uibase =
+ iGuiFactory->CreateUIL(
+ &iPolicyMgr->CurrentPolicy(),
+ entry,
+ *this );
+ TInt retValue = uibase->ExecuteViewLD();
+ TBool openedFromMail( entry.IsOpenedFromMail() );
+ if ( retValue == EAknCmdExit )
+ {
+ if ( openedFromMail )
+ {
+ // Need to communicate with FS Email how this is
+ // indicated to FS EMail UI application
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CEikAppUi* appUi =
+ CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi(); // codescanner::eikonenvstatic
+ // Exit application
+ static_cast<MEikCommandObserver*>(appUi)->ProcessCommandL(EAknCmdExit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRViewerController::LaunchCorrectOperationModeL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRViewerController::LaunchCorrectOperationModeL()
+ {
+ TESMRInputParams* esmrInputParams = (TESMRInputParams*)(iInParams.iSpare);
+ if ( esmrInputParams &&
+ EESMRCmdUndefined != esmrInputParams->iCommand )
+ {
+ ProcessCommandWithResultL( esmrInputParams->iCommand );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LaunchUIL();
+ }
+ }
+// End of File