changeset 63 d189ee25cf9d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailuis/nmailui/src/nmmessagelistviewitem.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:04:17 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ */
+#include "nmuiheaders.h"
+    \class NmMessageListViewItem
+    \brief List view item for message list view.
+ */
+static const int NmFolderTypeRole = Qt::UserRole+1; 
+    Constructor.
+ */
+NmMessageListViewItem::NmMessageListViewItem(QGraphicsItem *parent)
+: HbTreeViewItem(parent),
+  mSender(NULL),
+  mSubject(NULL),
+  mTime(NULL),
+  mDividerTitle(NULL),
+  mNewMsgIcon(NULL),
+  mIcon1(NULL),
+  mIcon2(NULL),
+  mPrimarySize(0),
+  mSecondarySize(0)   
+    Destructor.
+ */
+    Create item.
+ */
+HbTreeViewItem *NmMessageListViewItem::createItem()
+    return new NmMessageListViewItem(*this);
+    Boolean value indicating model index availability. Always true since
+    this item prototype is used for both divider and message.
+ */
+bool NmMessageListViewItem::canSetModelIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const
+    Q_UNUSED(index);
+    // This item class can handle all items in message list.
+    return true;
+    Update child items. List calls this function whenever item is needed
+    to be updated.
+ */
+void NmMessageListViewItem::updateChildItems()
+    // Get model pointer
+    NmMessageListModelItem *msgModelItem = modelIndex().data(
+        Qt::DisplayRole).value<NmMessageListModelItem*>();
+    // Check whether item is message item or title divider
+    // and set the layout accordingly. Dividers are not currently used.
+    if (msgModelItem && msgModelItem->itemType() ==
+        NmMessageListModelItem::NmMessageItemMessage){
+        NmMessageListModel *model = static_cast<NmMessageListModel*>(msgModelItem->model());
+        if (model){
+            // First set item layout.
+            createMessageItemLayout();
+            // Set content data to item after layout is created.
+            setContentsToMessageItem(msgModelItem->envelope(), model->dividersActive());
+        }
+    }
+    HbTreeViewItem::updateChildItems();
+    Set item layout.
+    Function does not take ownership of model or model item.
+ */
+void NmMessageListViewItem::createMessageItemLayout()
+    getFontSizes();
+    // Create sender label and set name from widgetml.
+    if (!mSender) {
+        mSender = new HbTextItem(this);
+        HbStyle::setItemName(mSender, "sender");
+        mSender->setObjectName("ListViewItemMessageSender");
+    }
+    // Create time label and set name from widgetml.
+    if (!mTime) {
+        mTime = new HbTextItem(this);
+        HbStyle::setItemName(mTime, "time");
+        mTime->setObjectName("ListViewItemMessageTime");
+    }
+    // Create subject label and set name from widgetml.
+    if (!mSubject) {
+        mSubject = new HbTextItem(this);
+        HbStyle::setItemName(mSubject, "subject");
+        mSubject->setObjectName("ListViewItemMessageSubject");
+    }
+    // Set new message icon.
+    if (!mNewMsgIcon) {
+        mNewMsgIcon = new HbFrameItem(this);
+    }
+    // Create priority icon and set name from widgetml.
+    if (!mIcon1) {
+        mIcon1 = new HbIconItem(this);
+        HbStyle::setItemName(mIcon1, "icon1");
+    }
+    // Create attachment icon and set name from widgetml.
+    if (!mIcon2) {
+        mIcon2 = new HbIconItem(this);
+        HbStyle::setItemName(mIcon2, "icon2");
+    }
+    setObjectName("ListViewItemMessage");
+    Sets the item text label contents, icons, etc. The method does not take
+    ownership of model or model item.
+    \param envelope The message envelope.
+    \param dividersActive 
+void NmMessageListViewItem::setContentsToMessageItem(const NmMessageEnvelope &envelope, 
+                                                     bool dividersActive)
+    // Member variables are created in previous function.
+    // Sender.
+    mSender->setText(senderFieldText(envelope));
+    // Time.
+    HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+    QDateTime localTime = envelope.sentTime().addSecs(locale.universalTimeOffset());
+    QDate sentLocalDate =;
+    QDate currentdate = QDate::currentDate();
+    if (dividersActive || sentLocalDate == currentdate) {
+        QString shortTimeSpec = r_qtn_time_usual;
+        QTime time = localTime.time();
+        mTime->setText(locale.format(time, shortTimeSpec));
+    } else {
+        QString shortDateSpec = r_qtn_date_without_year;
+        mTime->setText(locale.format(sentLocalDate, shortDateSpec));
+    }
+    // Subject.
+    QString subjectText = envelope.subject();
+    if (subjectText.length()) {
+        mSubject->setText(subjectText);
+    } else {
+        mSubject->setText(hbTrId("txt_mail_dblist_val_no_subject"));
+    }
+    // Priority.
+    bool priorityIs(false);
+    mIcon1->setIcon(HbIcon());
+    mIcon1->setObjectName(QString());
+    mIcon1->hide();
+    mIcon2->setIcon(HbIcon());
+    mIcon2->setObjectName(QString());
+    mIcon2->hide();
+    switch (envelope.priority()) {
+        case NmMessagePriorityLow: {
+            priorityIs = true;
+            mIcon1->setObjectName("ListViewItemMessageIconPriorityLow");
+            mIcon1->setIcon(NmIcons::getIcon(NmIcons::NmIconPriorityLow));
+            mIcon1->show();
+            break;
+        }
+        case NmMessagePriorityHigh: {
+            priorityIs = true;
+            mIcon1->setObjectName("ListViewItemMessageIconPriorityHigh");
+            mIcon1->setIcon(NmIcons::getIcon(NmIcons::NmIconPriorityHigh));
+            mIcon1->show();
+            break;
+        }
+        case NmMessagePriorityNormal: {
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    // Attachments.
+    HbIconItem *attaIcon = (priorityIs ? mIcon2 : mIcon1);
+    if (envelope.hasAttachments()) {
+        HbIcon &icon = NmIcons::getIcon(NmIcons::NmIconAttachment);
+        attaIcon->setIcon(icon);
+        attaIcon->setObjectName("ListViewItemMessageIconAttachment");
+        attaIcon->show();
+    }
+    else {
+        attaIcon->setIcon(HbIcon());
+        attaIcon->setObjectName(QString());
+    }
+    // Message read status.
+    bool msgReadStatus(envelope.isRead());
+    HbFrameDrawer *drawer(NULL);
+    HbStyle::setItemName(mNewMsgIcon, "msgicon");
+    if (!msgReadStatus) {
+        setFontsUnread();
+        mNewMsgIcon->setObjectName("ListViewItemMessageIconUnread");
+        drawer = new HbFrameDrawer("qtg_fr_list_new_item",
+                HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesVertical);
+        drawer->setFillWholeRect(false);
+        // Set drawer. Takes ownership of the drawer and deletes previous drawer.
+        mNewMsgIcon->setFrameDrawer(drawer);
+        mNewMsgIcon->show();
+    } else {
+        setFontsRead();
+        mNewMsgIcon->setObjectName("ListViewItemMessageIconRead");
+        drawer = new HbFrameDrawer(); // Create empty drawer.
+        drawer->setFillWholeRect(false);
+        // Set drawer. Takes ownership of the drawer and deletes previous drawer.
+        mNewMsgIcon->setFrameDrawer(drawer);
+        mNewMsgIcon->hide();        
+    }
+    Set fonts unread.
+ */
+void  NmMessageListViewItem::setFontsUnread()
+    static QColor colorRole = HbColorScheme::color("qtc_list_item_title_normal");
+    HbFontSpec fontSpec(HbFontSpec::Primary);
+    setFonts(colorRole, fontSpec);
+    Set fonts read.
+ */
+void  NmMessageListViewItem::setFontsRead()
+    static QColor colorRole = HbColorScheme::color("qtc_list_item_content_normal");
+    HbFontSpec fontSpec(HbFontSpec::Secondary);
+    setFonts(colorRole, fontSpec);
+    Get font sizes.
+ */
+void  NmMessageListViewItem::getFontSizes()
+    // Get font sizes from style.
+    qreal currentSize;
+    bool found = style()->parameter(QString("hb-param-text-height-primary"), currentSize );
+    if (found) {
+        mPrimarySize = currentSize;
+    }      
+    found = style()->parameter(QString("hb-param-text-height-secondary"), currentSize );
+    if (found) {
+        mSecondarySize = currentSize;
+    }        
+    Set fonts.
+ */
+void  NmMessageListViewItem::setFonts(const QColor &colorRole, 
+        HbFontSpec &fontSpec)
+    // Change sizes explicitly since css is overwritten in polish now.    
+    if (mSender && mSubject && mTime) {
+        if (mPrimarySize) {
+            fontSpec.setTextHeight(mPrimarySize);
+        }      
+        mSender->setFontSpec(fontSpec);
+        mSender->setTextColor(colorRole);
+        if (mSecondarySize) {
+            fontSpec.setTextHeight(mSecondarySize);
+        }        
+        mSubject->setFontSpec(fontSpec);
+        mSubject->setTextColor(colorRole);
+        mTime->setFontSpec(fontSpec);        
+        mTime->setTextColor(colorRole);
+    }
+    Get sender field text. Function returns sender field text from
+    envelope based on currently used function.
+ */
+QString NmMessageListViewItem::senderFieldText(const NmMessageEnvelope &envelope)
+    QString ret;  
+    QVariant folderType = modelIndex().data(
+            NmFolderTypeRole).value<QVariant>();
+    switch (folderType.toInt()) {
+        // Outbox, drafts and sent folder, sender name is 
+        // replaced with first recipient from to/cc list.
+        case NmFolderOutbox:
+        case NmFolderDrafts:
+        case NmFolderSent:
+        {
+            QList<NmAddress>& toRecipients = envelope.toRecipients();
+            QList<NmAddress>& ccRecipients = envelope.ccRecipients();
+            NmAddress addressToUse;
+            bool foundAddress(false);
+            if (toRecipients.count()){
+                addressToUse=toRecipients[0];
+                foundAddress=true;
+            }
+            else if (ccRecipients.count()) {
+                addressToUse=ccRecipients[0]; 
+                foundAddress=true;         
+            }
+            if (foundAddress){
+                QString displayName = addressToUse.displayName();
+                if (displayName.length()) {
+                    ret += NmUtilities::cleanupDisplayName(displayName);
+                } 
+                else {
+                    ret += addressToUse.address();                    
+                }               
+            }
+        }
+        break;    
+        // All other folders will show sender display name.
+        default: 
+        {
+            QString displayName = envelope.sender().displayName();
+            if (displayName.length()) {
+                ret += NmUtilities::cleanupDisplayName(displayName);
+            } 
+            else {
+                ret += envelope.sender().address();                    
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    return ret;