* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
namespace IpsServices {
Enumeration for identifying mailbox settings.
enum SettingItem {
IncomingLoginName = 0, // String
IncomingPassword, // String
MailboxName, // String
EmailAddress, // String
ReplyAddress, // String
EmailAlias, // String
MyName, // String
DownloadPictures, // Integer: 0=Off, 1=On
MessageDivider, // Integer: 0=Off, 1=On
ReceptionActiveProfile, // Integer: Keep-Up-To-Date=0, Save Energy=1, Manual Fetch=2, User Defined=3
ReceptionUserDefinedProfile, // Integer: 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
ReceptionInboxSyncWindow, // Integer: 0=All messages
ReceptionGenericSyncWindowInMessages, // Integer: 0=All messages
ReceptionWeekDays, // Integer bitmask: 0x01=Mon,0x02=Tue,0x04=Wed,0x08=Thu,0x10=Fri,0x20=Sat,0x40=Sun
ReceptionDayStartTime, // Integer: 0-23
ReceptionDayEndTime, // Integer: 0-23
ReceptionRefreshPeriodDayTime, // Integer: 5,15,60,240,0="When open mailbox"
ReceptionRefreshPeriodOther, // Integer: 5,15,60,240,0="When open mailbox"
UserNameHidden, // Integer: 0=Off, 1=On
IncomingMailServer, // String
OutgoingMailServer, // String
IncomingPort, // Integer
OutgoingPort, // Integer
FolderPath, // String: Empty string means 'Default'
AlwaysOnlineState, // Integer: 0=always,1=homeonly,2=off
EmailNotificationState, // Integer: 0=automatic,1=homeonly,2=off
FirstEmnReceived, // Integer: 0=false,1=true
EmnReceivedNotSynced, // Integer: 0=false,1=true
AoLastSuccessfulUpdateL, // Integer: low part of 64bit integer
AoLastSuccessfulUpdateH, // Integer: high part of 64bit integer
AoLastUpdateFailed, // Integer: 0=false, 1=true
AoUpdateSuccessfulWithCurSettings, // Integer: 0=false, 1=true
IncomingSecureSockets, // Boolean
IncomingSSLWrapper, // Boolean
OutgoingLoginName, // String
OutgoingPassword, // String
SMTPAuthentication, // Boolean
OutgoingSecureSockets, // Boolean
OutgoingSSLWrapper // Boolean
* Utility structure TAOInfo.
* Contains info was last update successful ( TBool )
* and the date and time of last successful update ( TTime )
struct TAOInfo
TBool iLastUpdateFailed;
TTime iLastSuccessfulUpdate;
TBool iUpdateSuccessfulWithCurSettings;
* Supported always online states.
enum TIpsSetDataAoStates
EMailAoAlways = 0,
* Supported OMA EMN states
enum TIpsSetDataEmnStates
EMailEmnAutomatic = 0,
* Security types
enum TIpsSetDataSecurityTypes
EMailStartTls = 0,
* Account types
enum TIpsSetAccountTypes
EMailPop = 0,
* SMTP Authentication types
enum TIpsSetSMTPAuthenticationTypes
EMailAuthNone = 0,
const int standardPop3Port = 110; // POP3 - port 110
const int standardImap4Port = 143; // IMAP - port 143
const int standardSmtpPort = 25; // SMTP - port 25
const int secureSmtpPort = 465; // Secure SMTP (SSMTP) - port 465
const int secureImap4Port = 585; // Secure IMAP (IMAP4-SSL) - port 585
const int imap4OverSslPort = 993; // IMAP4 over SSL (IMAPS) - port 993
const int securePop3Port = 995; // Secure POP3 (SSL-POP) - port 995
const int NmIpsSettingsDefault = 0; //Radio button list default index
const int NmIpsSettingsUserDefined = 1; //Radio button list user defined index
} // namespace