author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 07 Jan 2010 12:38:38 +0200
changeset 1 12c456ceeff2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200951 Kit: 201001

* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Base class for all test cases class member functions

// [INCLUDE FILES] - do not remove
#include <tz.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <Stiftestinterface.h>
#include <SettingServerClient.h>
#include "AsyncTestCaseBase.h"
#include "messagestoreclientserver.h"

const TInt KExecutionTimeout = 30*1000000;   //30 seconds timelimit for each test case

//Class RDebugSession
TInt RDebugSession::Connect()
#ifdef _DEBUG
    return CreateSession( KMsgStoreServerName, TVersion(KMsgStoreMajorVersion, KMsgStoreMinorVersion, KMsgStoreBuild), 3 );
void RDebugSession::Close()
#ifdef _DEBUG
    RSessionBase::Close();  //basecall

void RDebugSession::SendBackupRestoreEventL( TUint aEvent )
#ifdef _DEBUG
    User::LeaveIfError( SendReceive( EMsgStoreCmdInjectBackupRestoreEvent, TIpcArgs( aEvent ) ) );

void RDebugSession::SendPointSecEventL( TBool aLock )
#ifdef _DEBUG
    User::LeaveIfError( SendReceive( EMsgStoreCmdInjectPointSecEvent, TIpcArgs( aLock ) ) );

void RDebugSession::SimulateLowDiskSpaceL( TUint aLatency )
#ifdef _DEBUG
    User::LeaveIfError( SendReceive( EMsgStoreCmdSimulateLowDiskSpace, TIpcArgs( aLatency ) ) );

TInt RDebugSession::GetEncryptionStateL()
#ifdef _DEBUG
    TPckgBuf<TInt> resultPckg(0);
    User::LeaveIfError( SendReceive( EMsgStoreCmdGetEncryptionState, TIpcArgs( &resultPckg ) ) );
    return resultPckg();

void RDebugSession:: ShutdownServerL()
#ifdef _DEBUG
    User::LeaveIfError( SendReceive( EMsgStoreCmdShutdownServer ) );

//Class CYieldHelper

CYieldHelper* CYieldHelper::NewL()
    CYieldHelper* self = new(ELeave) CYieldHelper();
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

CYieldHelper::CYieldHelper() : CTimer( EPriorityIdle )

void CYieldHelper::ConstructL()
    iYieldWait = new(ELeave) CActiveSchedulerWait();

    delete iYieldWait;

void CYieldHelper::Yield( TInt aMicroSeconds )
    After( aMicroSeconds );

void CYieldHelper::DoCancel()
    //DO Nothing

void CYieldHelper::RunL()
    if( iYieldWait->IsStarted() )
        // Stop the nested active scheduler (flow-of-control will pick up immediately following the
        // call to iWait.Start().
        } // end if

//Class CAsyncTestCaseBase

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAsyncTestCaseBase::CAsyncTestCaseBase( CStifLogger* aLog ) 
: CTimer( CActive::EPriorityStandard ), iLog( aLog ), iCaseId(1)  
    // Construct and install active scheduler
    CActiveScheduler* iActiveScheduler = new CActiveScheduler;
    CActiveScheduler::Replace( iActiveScheduler );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    delete iMsgStore;
    delete iActiveScheduler;
    delete iYieldHelper;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2nd phase constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAsyncTestCaseBase::ConstructL()
    //Construct the MsgStore client session
    iMsgStore = CMsgStore::NewL();
    iYieldHelper = CYieldHelper::NewL();
    iState = EStateInit;
    iResult = KErrNone;

//stop the execution
void CAsyncTestCaseBase::Stop()
    TRAP_IGNORE( AfterTestL() );
    _LIT( KStop, "Ending test cases... iResult=%d" );
    iLog->Log( KStop, iResult );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::BeforeTestL()
    _LIT( KBeforeTestLEnter, ">> BeforeTestL" );
    iLog->Log( KBeforeTestLEnter );
    _LIT( KBeforeTestLExit, "<< BeforeTestL" );
    iLog->Log( KBeforeTestLExit );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::AfterTestL()
    _LIT( KAfterTestLEnter, ">> AfterTestL" );
    iLog->Log( KAfterTestLEnter );
    delete iMsgStore;
    iMsgStore = NULL;
    _LIT( KAfterTestLExit, "<< AfterTestL" );
    iLog->Log( KAfterTestLExit );

//From CTimer
void CAsyncTestCaseBase::RunL()
    if ( iStatus == KErrNone )
        if ( iState == EStateInit )
            TBool done = EFalse;
            TRAP( iResult, done = ExecuteL() );
            if( iResult == KErrNone )
                if ( done )
                    iState = EStateDone;
                    iState = EStateExecute;
                    CTimer::After( KExecutionTimeout );
                iState = EStateDone;
        else if ( iState == EStateExecute )
            //Timer has expired, error out
            iState = EStateDone;
            iResult = KErrTimedOut;
    else if ( iStatus != KErrCancel )
        iState = EStateDone;
        iResult = KErrCorrupt;

TInt CAsyncTestCaseBase::RunError(TInt aError)
    //log the error
    iResult = aError;
    return aError;

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::DoCancel()

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::LogHeader( const TDesC& aTestType )
    _LIT(KDivider, "==============================================================");
    iLog->Log( KDivider );
    iLog->Log( _L("Executing %S Test Cases"), &aTestType );
    iLog->Log( KDivider );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::CheckCondition( const TDesC& aCondition, TBool aPassed,  TBool aLog  )
    if( aPassed )
        if ( aLog )
            iLog->Log( _L("  PASSED!  Condition: %S"), &aCondition );
        iLog->Log( _L(  "*** FAILED!  Condition: %S"), &aCondition );     
        User::Panic( aCondition, 1 );
        } // end if

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::ComparePropertiesL( const CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties1, const CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties2 )
    iLog->Log( _L("  >> ComparePropertiesL") );
    TBool passed = (aProperties1.PropertyCount() == aProperties2.PropertyCount());
    for( TUint index1 = 0; index1 < aProperties1.PropertyCount(); index1++ )
        TUint index2;
        const TPtrC8 property1Name( aProperties1.PropertyNameL(index1) );
        TBool matched = EFalse;
        if( aProperties2.FindProperty( property1Name, index2 ) )
            TMsgStorePropertyValueType value1 = aProperties1.PropertyTypeL( index1 );
            TMsgStorePropertyValueType value2 = aProperties2.PropertyTypeL( index2 );
            // Found
            if( value1 != value2 )
                iLog->Log( _L("type mismatch") );
                switch( aProperties1.PropertyTypeL( index1 ) )
                    case EMsgStoreTypeBool:
                        const TBool property1Value = aProperties1.PropertyValueBoolL(index1);
                        const TBool property2Value = aProperties2.PropertyValueBoolL(index2);
                        if( property1Value == property2Value )
                            matched = ETrue;
                            iLog->Log( _L("  property %S value mismatch"), &property1Name );                                                         
                            iLog->Log( _L("  expected %i"), &property1Value );                                                            
                            iLog->Log( _L("  found %i"), &property2Value );                                                           
                    case EMsgStoreTypeUint32:
                        const TUint32 property1Value = aProperties1.PropertyValueUint32L(index1);
                        const TUint32 property2Value = aProperties2.PropertyValueUint32L(index2);
                        if( property1Value == property2Value )
                            matched = ETrue;
                            iLog->Log( _L("  property %S value mismatch"), &property1Name );                                                         
                            iLog->Log( _L("  expected %i"), &property1Value );                                                            
                            iLog->Log( _L("  found %i"), &property2Value );                                                           
                    case EMsgStoreTypeDes:
                        const TPtrC property1Value( aProperties1.PropertyValueDesL(index1) );
                        const TPtrC property2Value( aProperties2.PropertyValueDesL(index2) );           
                        if( property1Value.Compare( property2Value ) == 0 )
                            matched = ETrue;
                            iLog->Log( _L("  property %S value mismatch"), &property1Name );                                                         
                            iLog->Log( _L("  expected %S"), &property1Value );                                                            
                            iLog->Log( _L("  found %S"), &property2Value );                                                           
                    case EMsgStoreTypeDes8:
                        const TPtrC8 property1Value( aProperties1.PropertyValueDes8L(index1) );
                        const TPtrC8 property2Value( aProperties2.PropertyValueDes8L(index2) );         
                        if( property1Value.Compare( property2Value ) == 0 )
                            matched = ETrue;
                            iLog->Log( _L("  property %S value mismatch"), &property1Name );                                                         
                            iLog->Log( _L("  expected %S"), &property1Value );                                                           
                            iLog->Log( _L("  found %S"), &property2Value );                                                          
                    case EMsgStoreTypeContainer:
                        CMsgStorePropertyContainer* property1Value = aProperties1.PropertyValueContainerL(index1);
                        CMsgStorePropertyContainer* property2Value = aProperties2.PropertyValueContainerL(index2);

                        ComparePropertiesL( *property1Value, *property2Value );                                                                 
                        matched = ETrue;
                        delete property1Value;
                        delete property2Value;
                    case EMsgStoreTypeTime:
                        TTime time1, time2;
                        aProperties1.PropertyValueTimeL( index1, time1 );
                        aProperties2.PropertyValueTimeL( index2, time2 );
                        if ( time1 == time2 )
                            matched = ETrue;
                    case EMsgStoreTypeAddress:
                        RMsgStoreAddress addr1, addr2;
                        aProperties1.PropertyValueAddressL( index1, addr1 );
                        aProperties2.PropertyValueAddressL( index2, addr2 );
                        if ( addr1.iEmailAddress == addr2.iEmailAddress && addr1.iDisplayName == addr2.iDisplayName )
                            matched = ETrue;

                    } // end switch
                } // end if
            iLog->Log( _L("  property %S not found"), &property1Name );                  
        passed = passed && matched;
        } // end for            

    TBuf<30> text;
    text.Format( _L("compare %i properties"), aProperties1.PropertyCount() );
    CheckCondition( text, passed );
    iLog->Log( _L("  << ComparePropertiesL") );

TUint CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestAddIntegerPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, const TDesC8& aName, TUint32 aValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();

    TUint index;
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        index = aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aName, aValue );          
        index = aProperties.AddPropertyL( aName, aValue );  
        } // end if
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( index ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( index ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( index ) );
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( index ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == (countBefore+1) &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( index ).Compare( aName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( index ) == EMsgStoreTypeUint32 &&                        
                    aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( index ) == aValue &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument );
    CheckCondition( _L("add integer property"), passed );
    return index;

TUint CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestAddBoolPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, const TDesC8& aName, TBool aValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TUint index;
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        index = aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aName, aValue );          
        index = aProperties.AddPropertyL( aName, aValue );  
        } // end if
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( index ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( index ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( index ) );
    TRAPD( integerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( index ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == (countBefore+1) &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( index ).Compare( aName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( index ) == EMsgStoreTypeBool &&
                    aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( index ) == aValue &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    integerResult == KErrArgument );
    CheckCondition( _L("add bool property"), passed );
    return index;
TUint CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestAddDes8PropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TUint index;
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        index = aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aName, aValue );          
        index = aProperties.AddPropertyL( aName, aValue );  
        } // end if
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( index ) );
    TRAPD( intResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( index ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( index ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( index ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == (countBefore+1) &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( index ).Compare( aName ) == 0 && 
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( index ) == EMsgStoreTypeDes8 &&                      
                    aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( index ).Compare( aValue ) == 0 &&
                    intResult == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument );
    CheckCondition( _L("add des8 property"), passed );
    return index;

TUint CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestAddDesPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC& aValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TUint index;
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        index = aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aName, aValue );          
        index = aProperties.AddPropertyL( aName, aValue );  
        } // end if
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( index ) );
    TRAPD( intResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( index ) );
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( index ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( index ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == (countBefore+1) &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( index ).Compare( aName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( index ) == EMsgStoreTypeDes &&
                    aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( index ).Compare( aValue ) == 0 &&
                    intResult == KErrArgument &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument );
    CheckCondition( _L("add des property"), passed );
    return index;

TUint CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestAddContainerPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, const TDesC8& aName, const CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TUint index;
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        index = aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aName, aValue );          
        index = aProperties.AddPropertyL( aName, aValue );  
        } // end if
    CMsgStorePropertyContainer* container = aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( index );
    ComparePropertiesL( aValue, *container );
    delete container;
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( index ) );
    TRAPD( intResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( index ) );
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( index ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( index ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == (countBefore+1) &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( index ).Compare( aName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( index ) == EMsgStoreTypeContainer &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    intResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument );

    CheckCondition( _L("add container property"), passed );
    return index;

TUint CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestAddTimePropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, const TDesC8& aName, const TTime& aValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TUint index;
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        index = aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aName, aValue );          
        index = aProperties.AddPropertyL( aName, aValue );  
        } // end if
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( index ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( index ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( index ) );
    TRAPD( integerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( index ) );
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( index ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == (countBefore+1) &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( index ).Compare( aName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( index ) == EMsgStoreTypeTime &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    integerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument );

    TTime time;
    aProperties.PropertyValueTimeL( index, time );
    passed = passed && time == aValue;
    CheckCondition( _L("add time property"), passed );
    return index;

TUint CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestAddAddressPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, const TDesC8& aName, const RMsgStoreAddress& aValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TUint index;
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        index = aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aName, aValue );          
        index = aProperties.AddPropertyL( aName, aValue );  
        } // end if
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( index ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( index ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( index ) );
    TRAPD( integerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( index ) );
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( index ) );
    TTime time;
    TRAPD( timeResult, aProperties.PropertyValueTimeL( index, time ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == (countBefore+1) &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( index ).Compare( aName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( index ) == EMsgStoreTypeAddress &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    integerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument &&
                    timeResult == KErrArgument );

    RMsgStoreAddress address;
    aProperties.PropertyValueAddressL( index, address );
    iLog->Log( _L("  passed=%d"), passed );
    iLog->Log( _L("  email addr=%S, disp name=%S"), &address.iEmailAddress, &address.iDisplayName);
    passed = passed && (address.iEmailAddress == aValue.iEmailAddress) && (address.iDisplayName == aValue.iDisplayName);
    CheckCondition( _L("add address property"), passed );
    return index;

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestRemovePropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, TUint aIndex )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TBuf8<500> oldName;
    oldName.Copy( aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ) );
    aProperties.RemovePropertyL( aIndex );  

    TUint index;
    TBool found = aProperties.FindProperty( oldName, index );

    TBool passed = (!found &&
                    aProperties.PropertyCount() == (countBefore-1) );
    CheckCondition( _L("remove property"), passed );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestUpdateDes8PropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, TUint aIndex, const TDesC8& aNewValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TBuf8<500> oldName;
    oldName.Copy( aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ) );
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aProperties.PropertyNameL(aIndex), aNewValue );           
        aProperties.UpdatePropertyL( aIndex, aNewValue );   
        } // end if
    TRAPD( intResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( aIndex ) );
    TPtrC8 des8( aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( aIndex ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == countBefore &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ).Compare( oldName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( aIndex ) == EMsgStoreTypeDes8 &&                     
                    des8.Compare( aNewValue ) == 0 &&
                    intResult == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument );
    CheckCondition( _L("update des8 property"), passed );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestUpdateDesPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, TUint aIndex, const TDesC& aNewValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TBuf8<500> oldName;
    oldName.Copy( aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ) );
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aProperties.PropertyNameL(aIndex), aNewValue );           
        aProperties.UpdatePropertyL( aIndex, aNewValue );   
        } // end if
    TRAPD( intResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( aIndex ) );

    TPtrC des( aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( aIndex ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == countBefore &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ).Compare( oldName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( aIndex ) == EMsgStoreTypeDes &&
                    des.Compare( aNewValue ) == 0 &&
                    intResult == KErrArgument &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument );
    CheckCondition( _L("update string(16) property"), passed );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestUpdateContainerPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, TUint aIndex, CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aNewValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TBuf8<500> oldName;
    oldName.Copy( aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ) );
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aProperties.PropertyNameL(aIndex), aNewValue );           
        aProperties.UpdatePropertyL( aIndex, aNewValue );   
        } // end if
    CMsgStorePropertyContainer* container = aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( aIndex );
    ComparePropertiesL( aNewValue, *container );
    delete container;
    TRAPD( intResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( aIndex ) );

    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == countBefore &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ).Compare( oldName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( aIndex ) == EMsgStoreTypeContainer &&
                    intResult == KErrArgument &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument );
    CheckCondition( _L("update container property"), passed );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestUpdateBoolPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, TUint aIndex, TBool aNewValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TBuf8<500> oldName;
    oldName.Copy( aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ) );
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aProperties.PropertyNameL(aIndex), aNewValue );           
        aProperties.UpdatePropertyL( aIndex, aNewValue );   
        } // end if
    TRAPD( intResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( aIndex ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == countBefore &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ).Compare( oldName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( aIndex ) == EMsgStoreTypeBool &&                     
                    aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( aIndex ) == aNewValue &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    intResult == KErrArgument );
    CheckCondition( _L("update bool property"), passed );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestUpdateIntegerPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, TUint aIndex, TUint32 aNewValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TBuf8<500> oldName;
    oldName.Copy( aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ) );
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aProperties.PropertyNameL(aIndex), aNewValue );           
        aProperties.UpdatePropertyL( aIndex, aNewValue );   
        } // end if
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( aIndex ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == countBefore &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ).Compare( oldName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( aIndex ) == EMsgStoreTypeUint32 &&                       
                    aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( aIndex ) == aNewValue &&
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument );
    CheckCondition( _L("update integer property"), passed );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestUpdateTimePropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, TUint aIndex, const TTime& aNewValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TBuf8<500> oldName;
    oldName.Copy( aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ) );
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aProperties.PropertyNameL(aIndex), aNewValue );           
        aProperties.UpdatePropertyL( aIndex, aNewValue );   
        } // end if
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( intResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( aIndex ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == countBefore &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ).Compare( oldName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( aIndex ) == EMsgStoreTypeTime &&                     
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument &&
                    intResult == KErrArgument );
    TTime time;
    aProperties.PropertyValueTimeL( aIndex, time );
    passed = passed && time == aNewValue;
    CheckCondition( _L("update time property"), passed );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TestUpdateAddressPropertyL( CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aProperties, TUint aIndex, const RMsgStoreAddress& aNewValue, TBool aUseAddOrUpdate )
    TUint countBefore = aProperties.PropertyCount();
    TBuf8<500> oldName;
    oldName.Copy( aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ) );
    if( aUseAddOrUpdate )
        aProperties.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( aProperties.PropertyNameL(aIndex), aNewValue );           
        aProperties.UpdatePropertyL( aIndex, aNewValue );   
        } // end if
    TRAPD( des8Result, aProperties.PropertyValueDes8L( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( desResult, aProperties.PropertyValueDesL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( containerResult, aProperties.PropertyValueContainerL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( boolResult, aProperties.PropertyValueBoolL( aIndex ) );
    TRAPD( intResult, aProperties.PropertyValueUint32L( aIndex ) );
    TTime time;
    TRAPD( timeResult, aProperties.PropertyValueTimeL( aIndex, time ) );
    TBool passed = (aProperties.PropertyCount() == countBefore &&
                    aProperties.PropertyNameL( aIndex ).Compare( oldName ) == 0 &&
                    aProperties.PropertyTypeL( aIndex ) == EMsgStoreTypeAddress &&                      
                    des8Result == KErrArgument &&
                    desResult == KErrArgument &&
                    containerResult == KErrArgument &&
                    boolResult == KErrArgument &&
                    intResult == KErrArgument,
                    timeResult == KErrArgument );
    RMsgStoreAddress address;
    aProperties.PropertyValueAddressL( aIndex, address );
    iLog->Log( _L("  email addr=%S, disp name=%S"), &address.iEmailAddress, &address.iDisplayName);
    passed = passed && (address.iEmailAddress == aNewValue.iEmailAddress) && (address.iDisplayName == aNewValue.iDisplayName);
    CheckCondition( _L("update address property"), passed );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::CopyDesToDes8( const TDesC& aDes, TDes8& aDes8 )
    const TUint8* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( aDes.Ptr() );
    aDes8.Copy( ptr, aDes.Length() * 2 );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::SimulateLowDiskSpaceL( TUint aLatency )
    RDebugSession session;
    User::LeaveIfError( session.Connect() );
    session.SimulateLowDiskSpaceL( aLatency );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TriggerBackupRestoreEventL( TUint aEvent )
    RDebugSession session;
    User::LeaveIfError( session.Connect() );
    session.SendBackupRestoreEventL( aEvent );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::TriggerPointSecEventL( TBool aLock )
    RDebugSession session;
    User::LeaveIfError( session.Connect() );
    session.SendPointSecEventL( aLock );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::ShutdownServerL()
    RDebugSession temp;
    User::LeaveIfError( temp.Connect() ); 

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::Yield( TInt aMicroSeconds )
    iYieldHelper->Yield( aMicroSeconds );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::CreateRandomMessagesL( CMsgStoreMailBox* aMailBox, TMsgStoreId aFolderId, TInt aCount,  TBool aKeepIds, TBool /* aLog */ )
    iLog->Log( _L("  >> CreateRandomMessagesL, creating %d messages"), aCount );
    TTime time;
    TInt64 seed = time.Int64();
    CMsgStorePropertyContainer* properties = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( properties );              //+1
    RMsgStoreAddress address;
    CleanupClosePushL( address );                   //+2
    address.iDisplayName.Create( 50 );
    address.iEmailAddress.Create( 50 );
    TBuf<30> subject;
    TBuf<50> realSubject;                          
    TBuf<6> fname, lname;
    TTime startTime;
    if ( aKeepIds )

    RTz timeZoneServer;
    User::LeaveIfError( timeZoneServer.Connect() );
    CleanupClosePushL( timeZoneServer );             //+3
    for (TInt i = 0 ; i < aCount ; i++ )
        TTime received;
        TTimeIntervalDays days( (i+1) % 9 );
        TTimeIntervalHours hours( (i+1) %9 );
        received -= days;
        received += hours;
        timeZoneServer.ConvertToUniversalTime( received );
        properties->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyReceivedAt, received );
        TUint32 flags = Math::Rand( seed );
        properties->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyFlags, (TUint32) flags );
        TUint32 size = Math::Rand( seed );
        properties->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyMessageSizeOnServer, (TUint32) size );
        if ( i == 0 || i % 9 == 0 )
            CreateRandomString( subject, 30, seed );
            CreateRandomString( fname, 6, seed );
            CreateRandomString( lname, 6, seed );
        if ( i % 5 == 0 )
            realSubject.Copy(_L("RE: "));
        else if ( i % 10 == 0 )
            realSubject.Copy(_L("RE: FWD:"));
        else if ( i % 3 == 0 )
        realSubject.Append( subject );
        properties->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertySubject, realSubject );
        if ( i % 10 > 0 )
            //skip display name for every 10 messages
            address.iDisplayName.Format( _L("%S %S"), &fname, &lname );
        _LIT(KDomainName, "");
        address.iEmailAddress.Format( _L("%S.%S@%S"), &fname, &lname, &KDomainName);
        properties->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyFrom, address );
        properties->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyTo, address );
        if ( i == aCount - 1 )
        CMsgStoreMessage* msg = aMailBox->CreateMessageL( aFolderId, *properties );
        CleanupStack::PushL( msg );
        if ( i == aCount - 1 )
            TTime endTime;
            // iLog->Log( _L("  PERFORMANCE: add messages #%d took %d ms"), aCount, (TInt) (endTime.MicroSecondsFrom( startTime ).Int64() / 1000)  );
#if 0        
        if ( aLog )
            iLog->Log( _L("  msgId=%x, flags=%x, size=%d"), msg->Id(), flags, size);
            iLog->Log( _L("  subject=%S"), &realSubject );
        else if ( i % 10 == 9 )
            iLog->Log( _L("  count=%d, msgId=%x"), i+1, msg->Id() );
        if ( aKeepIds )
            iMatches.Append( msg->Id() );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msg );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 );
    iLog->Log( _L("  << CreateRandomMessagesL") );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::CreateFileL( const TDesC& aName, TUint aTotalLength, TChar aFillChar, const TDesC& aString, TUint aOffset )
    RFs   fs;
    User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
    RFile file;
    User::LeaveIfError( file.Replace( fs, aName, EFileWrite ) );
    TUint currentLength = 0;
    TBuf<1000> buf;

    const TUint8* buf8Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( buf.Ptr() );
    TPtrC8 buf8( buf8Ptr, 2000 );
    buf.Fill( aFillChar, 1000 );
    while( currentLength < aOffset )
        TUint amountToWrite = aOffset - currentLength;
        if( amountToWrite > 1000 )
            amountToWrite = 1000;
        file.Write( buf8, amountToWrite*2 );
        currentLength += amountToWrite;             
    buf.Copy( aString );
    file.Write( buf8, aString.Length() * 2 );
    currentLength += aString.Length();

    buf.Fill( aFillChar, 1000 );
    while( currentLength < aTotalLength )
        TUint amountToWrite = aTotalLength - currentLength;
        if( amountToWrite > 1000 )
            amountToWrite = 1000;
        file.Write( buf8, amountToWrite*2 );
        currentLength += amountToWrite;             

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::CreateRandomString( TDes& aString, TInt aLength, TInt64& aSeed )
    for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < aLength; i++ )
        TUint val = static_cast<TUint>(Math::Rand( aSeed ));
        val = ( val % 52 );
        if ( val <= 25 )
            val += 65;
            val += ( 97 - 26 );
        aString.Append( TChar(val) );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::SetMessageContentL( CMsgStoreMessage* aMessage, const TDesC8& aContent )
    CMsgStorePropertyContainer* props = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( props );
    CMsgStoreMessagePart* body = aMessage->AddChildPartL( *props );
    CleanupStack::PushL( body );
    CMsgStoreMessagePart* plainTextbody = body->AddChildPartL( *props );
    CleanupStack::PushL( plainTextbody );
    plainTextbody->ReplaceContentL( aContent );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( plainTextbody );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( body );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( props );

void CAsyncTestCaseBase::WaitForServerToTerminate()
    TBool done = EFalse;
    RDebugSession temp;
    while( !done )
        TInt err = temp.Connect(); 
        if (err == KErrNone )
            // Still running.  Wait.
            Yield( 1000000 );
            done = ETrue;
        } // end if