author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 18 Aug 2010 09:37:47 +0300
changeset 59 16ed8d08d0b1
parent 30 759dc5235cdb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201031 Kit: 201033

* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file implements class CFSMailBrand.

#include "emailtrace.h"

#include <nmcommonheaders.h>

#include <barsread.h>
//<qmail> Commented out in Qmail
//#include <AknIconUtils.h>
#include <gulicon.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
//<qmail> Commented out in Qmail
//#include "freestyleemailcenrepkeys.h"

#include "CFSMailBrand.h"

const TInt KElementArrayGranularity = 5;
//<qmail> Commented out in Qmail
//const TInt KMaxStringLenFromCenrep = 256;
const TInt KMaxDesLen = 256;
_LIT(KSpace, " ");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFSMailBrand* CFSMailBrand::NewL( TResourceReader& aReader, TBool aIsWhiteLabel )
	CFSMailBrand* brManager =  CFSMailBrand::NewLC(aReader, aIsWhiteLabel);
  	CleanupStack:: Pop(brManager);
  	return brManager;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::NewLC
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFSMailBrand* CFSMailBrand::NewLC( TResourceReader& aReader, TBool aIsWhiteLabel )
    CFSMailBrand* self = new ( ELeave ) CFSMailBrand();
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    if ( aIsWhiteLabel )
    	self->ConstructFromCenrepL( );
    	self->ConstructFromResourceL( aReader );
    return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::ConstructFromCenrepL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFSMailBrand::ConstructFromCenrepL( )
    TBuf<KMaxStringLenFromCenrep> tBuf; // Temporary buffer
    HBufC*    mailboxName;

    iGraphicElements = new ( ELeave )
        CArrayFixSeg< TBrandedGraphic >( KElementArrayGranularity );

    iTextElements = new ( ELeave )
        CArrayFixSeg< TBrandedText >( KElementArrayGranularity );

    iTexts = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( KElementArrayGranularity );

    CRepository* repository = NULL;
    TRAPD( ret, repository = CRepository::NewL( KFreestyleEmailCenRep ));
    if ( ret == KErrNone )
        CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
        TInt err_count = 0;
        // Read all WLB related parameters from Central Repository
        TInt err = repository->Get( KFreestyleWLBBrandIdMatchString, tBuf );
        HBufC* buf = tBuf.AllocL();
        if ( err != KErrNone )
        err = repository->Get( KFreestyleWLBMailboxName, tBuf );
        mailboxName = tBuf.AllocLC();
        if ( err != KErrNone )
        err = repository->Get( KFreestyleWLBMIFFilePathWithTargetFilename, tBuf );
        iIconFilePath = tBuf.AllocL();
        if ( err != KErrNone )
        if ( err_count == 0 )
            // Create WLB graphic elements
            TBrandedGraphic newMailboxIconElement;
            newMailboxIconElement.iElementId = ( TFSBrandElement ) EFSMailboxIcon;
            err = repository->Get( KFreestyleWLBMailboxIconID, newMailboxIconElement.iIconId );
            if ( err != KErrNone )
                newMailboxIconElement.iIconId = 0x4000; // Use default if Cenrep read fails
            newMailboxIconElement.iMaskId = newMailboxIconElement.iIconId + 1;      
            iGraphicElements->AppendL( newMailboxIconElement );

            TBrandedText newMailboxNameElement;
            newMailboxNameElement.iElementId = ( TFSBrandElement) EFSMailboxName;
            iTexts->AppendL( *mailboxName );
            newMailboxNameElement.iText.Set( iTexts->MdcaPoint( iTexts->Count() - 1 ) );
            iTextElements->AppendL( newMailboxNameElement );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mailboxName );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::ConstructFromResourceL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFSMailBrand::ConstructFromResourceL( TResourceReader& aReader )

    // read icon filepath
    iIconFilePath = aReader.ReadHBufCL();

    // read match strings
    TInt count = aReader.ReadInt16();
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )

    // read graphics
    iGraphicElements = new ( ELeave )
        CArrayFixSeg< TBrandedGraphic >( KElementArrayGranularity );
    count = aReader.ReadInt16();
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        TBrandedGraphic newElement;
        newElement.iElementId = ( TFSBrandElement ) aReader.ReadInt32();
        newElement.iIconId = aReader.ReadInt32();
        newElement.iMaskId = aReader.ReadInt32();
        iGraphicElements->AppendL( newElement );

    // read texts
    iTexts = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( KElementArrayGranularity );
    iTextElements = new ( ELeave )
        CArrayFixSeg< TBrandedText >( KElementArrayGranularity );
    count = aReader.ReadInt16();
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        TBrandedText newElement;
        newElement.iElementId = ( TFSBrandElement) aReader.ReadInt32();
        HBufC* text = aReader.ReadTPtrC().AllocLC();
        iTexts->AppendL( *text );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
        newElement.iText.Set( iTexts->MdcaPoint( iTexts->Count() - 1 ) );
        iTextElements->AppendL( newElement );

    // read colors
    iColorElements = new ( ELeave )
        CArrayFixSeg< TBrandedColor >( KElementArrayGranularity );
    count = aReader.ReadInt16();
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        TBrandedColor newElement;
        newElement.iElementId = ( TFSBrandElement ) aReader.ReadInt32();
        newElement.iColor.SetRed( aReader.ReadInt16() );
        newElement.iColor.SetGreen( aReader.ReadInt16() );
        newElement.iColor.SetBlue( aReader.ReadInt16() );
        newElement.iColor.SetAlpha( aReader.ReadInt16() );
        iColorElements->AppendL( newElement );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::~CFSMailBrand()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	delete iIconFilePath;
	delete iGraphicElements;
	delete iTextElements;
	delete iColorElements;
	delete iTexts;
	delete iEmpty;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::CFSMailBrand()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		// prepare null empty descriptor
	iEmpty = HBufC::New(1);


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::IsMatching
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CFSMailBrand::IsMatching( const TDesC& aBrandId )
    const TChar KStar = '*';
    TBool ret = EFalse;
    TInt intRet = 0; 
    TInt count = iBrandMatchStrings.Count();
    for( TInt i=0;i<count;i++ )
        TPtrC brandMatchStringPtr = *iBrandMatchStrings[i];
        TInt matchPos = aBrandId.MatchC( *iBrandMatchStrings[i] );
        if ( matchPos >= 0 )
        	TPtrC rightPartPtr = aBrandId.Right( aBrandId.Length()-matchPos );
            TChar isStar = brandMatchStringPtr[0];
            TInt cut = 0;
            if ( isStar == KStar )
                cut = 1;	
            TPtrC matchString = brandMatchStringPtr.Right( brandMatchStringPtr.Length()-cut );
        	intRet = rightPartPtr.CompareC( matchString );
            if ( intRet == 0 )
        	    ret = ETrue;
    return ret;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::GetText
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TDesC& CFSMailBrand::GetText( TFSBrandElement aElementId )
    TInt textCount( iTextElements->Count() );

    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < textCount; i++ )
        if ( iTextElements->At( i ).iElementId == aElementId )
            return iTextElements->At( i ).iText;
    return *iEmpty;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::GetColor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CFSMailBrand::GetColor( TFSBrandElement aElementId, TRgb& aColor )
    TInt colorCount( iColorElements->Count() );

    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < colorCount; i++ )
        if ( iColorElements->At( i ).iElementId == aElementId )
            aColor = iColorElements->At( i ).iColor;
            return KErrNone;
    return KErrNotFound;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::GetGraphicL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGulIcon* CFSMailBrand::GetGraphicL( TFSBrandElement aElementId )
    TInt graphicsCount( iGraphicElements->Count() );

    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < graphicsCount; i++ )
        TBrandedGraphic element = iGraphicElements->At( i );

        if ( element.iElementId == aElementId )
            CFbsBitmap* icon( NULL );
            CFbsBitmap* mask( NULL );            

            if ( iIconFilePath == NULL )
                // If graphic element is found but no path is defined it is
                // deemed as an error situation.
                User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
            TFileName dllFileName;
            Dll::FileName( dllFileName );
		 	TParse parse;
		    User::LeaveIfError( parse.Set( *iIconFilePath, &dllFileName, NULL) );
		    TFileName iconFileName( parse.FullName() );
            // Get icon and mask with above info
            /*AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( icon,
                                        element.iMaskId );*/
            CGulIcon* gulIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( icon, mask );

            CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // icon, mask
            return gulIcon;

    return NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFSMailBrand::GetGraphicIdsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CFSMailBrand::GetGraphicIdsL( TFSBrandElement aElementId,
                                   TDes& aIconIds)
    TInt graphicsCount( iGraphicElements->Count() );

    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < graphicsCount; i++ )
        TBrandedGraphic element = iGraphicElements->At( i );

        if ( element.iElementId == aElementId )
            if ( iIconFilePath == NULL )
                // If graphic element is found but no path is defined it is
                // deemed as an error situation.
                User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
            TFileName dllFileName;
            Dll::FileName( dllFileName );
		 	TParse parse;
		    User::LeaveIfError( parse.Set( *iIconFilePath, &dllFileName, NULL) );
		    TFileName iconFileName( parse.FullName() );
		    TBuf<KMaxDesLen> id;
            return KErrNone;

    return KErrNotFound;