* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView class definition
#include <cstack.h>
#include "mfsmailrequestobserver.h"
#include "mesmricalviewercallback.h"
#include "mesmricalviewerobserver.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiViewBase.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiContactHandlerObserver.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiAttachmentsListModel.h"
#include <AknWaitDialog.h>
#include "FreestyleEmailDownloadInformationMediator.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiControlBarCallback.h"
class CFSMailMessage;
class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi;
class CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer;
class CFreestyleMessageHeaderURL;
class CAknWaitDialog; //<cmail>
class CFlagSelectionNoteHandler;
class CAknGlobalListQuery;
class CAknGlobalNote;
* Html viewer view.
class CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView : public CFsEmailUiViewBase,
public MFSEmailUiContactHandlerObserver,
public MFSEmailUiAttachmentsStatusObserver,
public MFSEmailDownloadInformationObserver,
public MFSMailRequestObserver,
public MProgressDialogCallback,
public MFSEmailUiFolderListCallback,
public MESMRIcalViewerCallback,
public MESMRIcalViewerObserver
/** Two-phased constructor. */
static CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView* NewL( CAlfEnv& aEnv,
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi,
CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup );
/** Destructor. */
public: // from CAknView
* Id
* @return Id Uid value
TUid Id() const;
void HandleStatusPaneSizeChange();
void HandleViewRectChange();
* HandleCommandL
* From CAknView, takes care of command handling.
* @param aCommand Command to be handled
void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
// Handle accept/decline/tentative/remove commands given for meeting request message directly from list UI.
void HandleMrCommandL( TInt aCommandId, TFSMailMsgId aMailboxId, TFSMailMsgId aFolderId, TFSMailMsgId aMessageId );
void CompletePendingMrCommand();
void CancelPendingMrCommandL();
* ChildDoDeactivate
* From CFsEmailUiViewBase, deactivate the AknView
* Remove the container class instance from the App UI's stack and
* deletes the instance
void ChildDoDeactivate();
* DoExitL
* Handler called when exiting the view.
void DoExitL();
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
void SetMskL();
void PrepareForExit();
public : // for MFSMailRequestObserver
void RequestResponseL( TFSProgress aEvent, TInt aRequestId );
// from MProgressDialogCallback
void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId);
CFSMailMessage* CurrentMessage();
CFSEmailUiAttachmentsListModel* CurrentAttachmentsListModel();
// Return view area that can be used for container
TRect ContainerRect() const;
void HandleDynamicVariantSwitchL( CFsEmailUiViewBase::TDynamicSwitchType aType );
void HandleMailBoxEventL( TFSMailEvent aEvent,
TFSMailMsgId aMailbox, TAny* aParam1, TAny* /*aParam2*/, TAny* /*aParam3*/ );
void HandleEmailAddressCommandL( TInt aCommand, const TDesC& aEmailAddress );
void HandleWebAddressCommandL( TInt aCommand, const TDesC& aUrl );
void DownloadAttachmentL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
void DownloadAllAttachmentsL();
void CancelAttachmentL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
void CancelAllAttachmentsL();
void OpenAttachmentL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
void SaveAttachmentL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
void SaveAllAttachmentsL();
void RemoveAttachmentContentL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
void OpenAttachmentsListViewL();
TBool IsEmbeddedMsgView();
TBool IsEmbeddedMsgSavingAllowed();
// Helper funcitons to get viewed message ID and Folder id
TFSMailMsgId ViewedMessageFolderId();
TFSMailMsgId ViewedMessageId();
TBool GetAsyncFetchStatus();
void StartFetchingMessageL();
void ReloadPageL();
public: // from MFSEmailUiContactHandlerObserver
void OperationCompleteL( TContactHandlerCmd aCmd,
const RPointerArray<CFSEmailUiClsItem>& aContacts );
void OperationErrorL( TContactHandlerCmd, TInt aError );
TBool IsRemoteLookupSupportedL();
public : // from MFSEmailDownloadInformationObserver
void RequestResponseL( const TFSProgress& aEvent, const TPartData& aPart );
public: // from MFSEmailUiAttachmentsStatusObserver
void DownloadStatusChangedL( TInt aIndex );
public: // from MESMRIcalViewerCallback
void ProcessAsyncCommandL( TESMRIcalViewerOperationType aCommandId, const CFSMailMessage& aMessage, MESMRIcalViewerObserver* aObserver = NULL );
void ProcessSyncCommandL( TESMRIcalViewerOperationType aCommandId, const CFSMailMessage& aMessage );
TBool CanProcessCommand( TESMRIcalViewerOperationType aCommandId ) const;
public: // from MESMRIcalViewerObserver
void OperationCompleted( TIcalViewerOperationResult aResult );
void OperationError( TIcalViewerOperationResult aResult );
void FadeOut(TBool aDirectionOut);
private: // from
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::ChildDoActivateL
void ChildDoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
TUid aCustomMessageId,
const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::NavigateBackL
void NavigateBackL();
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::ChangeMskCommandL
void ChangeMskCommandL( TInt aLabelResourceId );
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::IsStatusPaneVisible
TBool IsStatusPaneVisible() const;
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::SetStatusBarLayout
void SetStatusBarLayout();
private: // New functions
// list of different types of content
enum TFetchedType
EMessagePlainTextBodyPart = 0,
void ClearMailViewer();
void LoadContentFromFileL( const TDesC& aFileName );
void LoadContentFromFileL( RFile& aFile );
void LoadContentFromUrlL( const TDesC& aUrl );
void LoadContentFromMailMessageL( CFSMailMessage* aMailMessage, TBool aResetScrollPosition =ETrue );
static TInt DeleteMail( TAny* aSelf );
void DeleteMailL(TBool aSilentDelete = EFalse);
void HideContainer();
void ShowContainerL();
void DynInitZoomMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
TInt ZoomLevelIndexL();
void SetZoomLevelIndexL( TInt aIndex );
void SaveEmailAsContactL(
const TDesC& aEmailAddress );
//new functions for support of HTML viewer
void CallAdressL( const TDesC& aEmailAddress, TBool aVideoCall );
void OpenContactDetailsL( const TDesC& aEmailAddress );
void LaunchRemoteLookupL( const TDesC& aEmailAddress );
void CreateMessageL( const TDesC& aEmailAddress );
void UpdateDownloadIndicatorL( const TPartData& aPart,
const TFSProgress& aEvent );
//fetching related API
TBool MessagePartFullyFetchedL( TFetchedType aFetchedContentType ) const;
void StartFetchingMessagePartL( CFSMailMessage& aMessagePtr,
TFetchedType aFetchedContentType );
void UpdateMessagePtrL( TFSMailMsgId aNewMailboxId,
TFSMailMsgId aNewFolderId,
TFSMailMsgId aNewMessageId );
void CancelFetchings();
void StartFetchingMessageStructureL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg );
TBool MessageStructureKnown( CFSMailMessage& aMsg ) const;
void StartWaitedFetchingL( TFetchedType aFetchedContentType );
// Message stack handling. Ownership of message is transferred when succesful.
void PushMessageL( CFSMailMessage* aMessage, TBool aIsEmbedded );
CFSMailMessage* PopMessage();
void EraseMessageStack();
TBool OpenFolderListForMessageMovingL();
void ShowPreviousMessageL();
TBool ShowPreviousMessageMenuInOptions() const;
void ShowNextMessageL();
TBool ShowNextMessageMenuInOptions() const;
void ChangeMsgReadStatusL(TBool aRead, TBool aCmdFromMrui );
void SetMessageFollowupFlagL();
void SendEventToAppUiL( TFSMailEvent aEventType );
// Message is moved and viewer is closed asynchronously after selecting a folder
// from the move to folder dialog. This is necessary because view swithching is asynchronous.
static TInt MoveToFolderAndExitL( TAny* aMailViewerVisualiser );
void FolderSelectedL( TFSMailMsgId aSelectedFolderId,
TFSEmailUiCtrlBarResponse aResponse );
void UpdateEmailHeaderIndicators();
TBool IsOpenedInMRViewerL();
void CopyCurrentToClipBoardL( const TDesC& aArgument) const;
void OpenLinkInBrowserL( const TDesC& aUrl) const;
void SaveWebAddressToFavouritesL( const TDesC& aUrl ) const;
void SetScrollPosition(TInt aPosition);
void CheckMessageBodyL( CFSMailMessage& aMessage, TBool& aMessageBodyStructurePresent, TBool& aMessageBodyContentPresent);
private: // Constructors
void ConstructL();
CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView( CAlfEnv& aEnv,
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi,
CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup );
CAlfEnv& iEnv;
CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer* iContainer;
CFSMailMessage* iMessage;
THtmlViewerActivationData iActivationData;
CFSEmailUiAttachmentsListModel* iAttachmentsListModel;
// Stack of open messages. Messages are owned by this stack.
CStack<CFSMailMessage, ETrue>* iOpenMessages;
// Stack of embedded messages. Message are NOT owned by this stack. Similar to iOpenMessages
// but has NULL pointer in slots which correspond non-embedded messages.
CStack<CFSMailMessage, EFalse>* iEmbeddedMessages;
TBool iCreateNewMsgFromEmbeddedMsg;
// <cmail>
// Temporary mail address for opening editor
CFSMailAddress* iNewMailTempAddress;
// </cmail>
CFSMailBox* iMailBox;
private: // data for moving message to different folder action
TBool iFetchingMessageStructure;
TInt iCurrentStructureFetchRequestId;
TBool iFetchingPlainTextMessageBody;
TInt iCurrentPlainTextBodyFetchRequestId;
TBool iFetchingHtmlMessageBody;
TInt iCurrentHtmlBodyFetchRequestId;
TFetchedType iStartAsyncFetchType;
// <cmail>
// Email forwarding initiated (so don't cancel fetch of message parts
// during deactivation).
TBool iForwardingMessage;
// </cmail>
// Wait note stuff
//CAknWaitNoteWrapper* iAsyncWaitNote;
CAknWaitDialog* iWaitDialog;
CAknWaitDialog* iWaitDialogOpening;
TBool iDialogNotDismissed;
TBool iFetchingAlready;
TBool iAsyncProcessComplete;
CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
TBool iMoveToFolderOngoing;
TBool iMovingMeetingRequest;
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallback;
TFSMailMsgId iMoveDestinationFolder;
// Meeting request observer stuff.
// Pointer to observer to inform, not owned.
MESMRIcalViewerObserver* iMrObserverToInform;
MESMRIcalViewerObserver::TIcalViewerOperationResult iOpResult;
TBool iMrUiActive;
// Message pointer to a deleted mail from Mrui
TFSMailMsgId iDeletedMessageFromMrui;
// Flag selection handler active object for global note
CFlagSelectionNoteHandler* iFlagSelectionHandler;
TBool iNextOrPrevMessageSelected;
TBool iMessageIsDeleted;
// Id of last deleted message
TFSMailMsgId iLastDeletedMessageID;
// FLAG selection dialog global note handler
class CFlagSelectionNoteHandler : public CActive
public: // Constructors and destructor
static CFlagSelectionNoteHandler* NewL( CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& aViewerVisualiser );
virtual ~CFlagSelectionNoteHandler();
void Cancel();
void LaunchFlagListQueryDialogL();
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
CFlagSelectionNoteHandler( CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& aVoIPDialogObserver );
CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& iViewerView;
CAknGlobalListQuery* iGlobalFlagQuery;
HBufC* iPrompt;
TInt iSelection;