* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Decleares email data class.
#include <iapprefs.h>
#include <cemailaccounts.h>
class CIpsSetDataExtension;
class CIpsSetDataSignature;
class CMsvSession;
class CImBaseEmailSettings;
// These are related to synchronisation times
// NOTE: these are not defaults when mailbox is created,
// when mailbox is created all time are set to zero means "all day"
const TInt64 KIpsSetDataTimeDialogDefault = MAKE_TINT64( 0x00000000, 0x00000000 );
const TInt64 KIpsSetDataTimeDialogDefaultStart = MAKE_TINT64( 0x00000006, 0xB49D2000 ); // 08:00
const TInt64 KIpsSetDataTimeDialogDefaultStop = MAKE_TINT64( 0x0000000F, 0x16618800 ); // 18:00
* Container for email settings
* @lib IpsSossetting.lib
* @since FS v1.0
class CIpsSetData : public CBase
// Datatypes
/** Security types */
enum TSecurityType
EStartTls = 0,
/** */
enum TRetrieveLimitButtons
EAll = 0,
/** */
enum TRetrieveLimit
EPop3Limit = 0,
/** */
enum TUserAuthentication
ENoAuth = 0,
enum THoursSetting
EAllDay = 0,
enum TRetrieveImap4Folder
EImapFolder50Messages = 0,
EImapFolder100Messages = 1,
EImapFolder250Messages = 2
/** */
enum TSyncInterval
E5Mins = 0,
/** */
enum TDownloadButtons
EHeaders = 0,
// Constructors and destructor
* Creates object from CIpsSetData and leaves it to cleanup stack
* @return, Constructed object
static CIpsSetData* NewLC();
* Create object from CIpsSetData
* @return, Constructed object
static CIpsSetData* NewL();
* Destructor
virtual ~CIpsSetData();
public: // New functions
* @return Pointer to Imap4 settings for modification
CImImap4Settings* Imap4Settings();
* @return Pointer to Pop3 settings for modification
CImPop3Settings* Pop3Settings();
* @return Pointer to Smtp settings for modification
CImSmtpSettings* SmtpSettings();
* @return Pointer to Extended settings for modification
CIpsSetDataExtension* ExtendedSettings();
* @return Pointer to incoming Access Point settings for modification
CImIAPPreferences* IncomingIapPref() const;
* @return Pointer to outgoing Access Point settings for modification
CImIAPPreferences* OutgoingIapPref() const;
* Loads the settings from message store and central repository.
* @param aMailboxId Id of the mailbox
* @param aSession Message Server session
void LoadL( const TMsvId aMailboxId, CMsvSession& aSession );
* @param aSession Message Server session
void SaveL( CMsvSession& aSession );
* @return ETrue, when settings are valid
TBool IsOk();
* @return Protocol of the settings
const TUid& Protocol() const;
* @return Reference to Imap4 account ID
TImapAccount& ImapAccount();
* @return Constant reference to Imap4 account ID
const TImapAccount& ImapAccount() const;
* @return Reference to Pop3 account ID
TPopAccount& PopAccount();
* @return Constant reference to Pop3 account ID
const TPopAccount& PopAccount() const;
* @return Reference to Smtp account ID
TSmtpAccount& SmtpAccount();
* @return Constant reference to Smtp account ID
const TSmtpAccount& SmtpAccount() const;
* @return Read-only reference to email address setting.
const TDesC& EmailAddress() const;
* @return Read-only reference to reply-to address setting.
const TDesC& ReplyToAddress() const;
* @return Read-only reference to mailbox name setting.
const TDesC& MailboxName() const;
* @return Read-only reference to own name setting.
const TDesC& MyName() const;
* @return Include signature setting.
TBool IncludeSignature() const;
* @return Write access to signature setting.
CIpsSetDataSignature& Signature();
* @return Read-only reference to signature setting.
const CIpsSetDataSignature& Signature() const;
* @param aIncoming Retireve incoming or outgoing setting.
* @return Read-only reference to username setting.
const TDesC& UserName( const TBool aIncoming ) const;
* @param aIncoming Retireve incoming or outgoing setting.
* @return Read-only reference to password setting.
const TDesC& UserPwd( const TBool aIncoming ) const;
* @param aIncoming Retireve incoming or outgoing setting.
* @return Read-only reference to server address setting.
const TDesC& MailServer( const TBool aIncoming ) const;
* @param aIncoming Retireve incoming or outgoing setting.
* @return Access point setting.
TImIAPChoice Iap( const TBool aIncoming ) const;
* @param aIncoming Retireve incoming or outgoing setting.
* @return Current security setting.
TInt Security( const TBool aIncoming ) const;
* @param aIncoming Retireve incoming or outgoing setting.
* @return Value from port setting.
TInt Port( const TBool aIncoming ) const;
* @return Returns APOP setting value.
TInt APop() const;
* @return User authentication setting
TInt UserAuthentication() const;
* @return Read-only reference to Imap folder path
const TDesC& ImapPath() const;
* @return Email download size
TInt DownloadSize() const;
* @return Remove older -setting status
TInt RetrieveLimit( const TRetrieveLimit aType ) const;
* @return Scheduling interval setting
TInt Schedule() const;
* @return Checked days as flag mask
TInt Days() const;
* Retrieves peak start time or stop time
* @param aStartTime When ETrue, start time is retrieved
* @return Returns time based on the parameter
TTime Hours( const TBool aStartTime ) const;
* @param aProtocol Protocol MTM ID for settings
void SetProtocol( const TUid& aProtocol );
* @param aEmailAddress Address to be stored.
void SetEmailAddressL( const TDesC& aEmailAddress );
* @param aReplyToAddress Address to be stored.
void SetReplyToAddressL( const TDesC& aReplyToAddress );
* @param aMailboxName Mailboxes name to be stored.
void SetMailboxName( const TDesC& aMailboxName );
* @param aMyName User alias to be stored.
void SetMyNameL( const TDesC& aMyName );
* @param aIncludeSignature Signature status to be stored.
void SetIncludeSignature( TBool aIncludeSignature );
* @param aSignature Signature text to be stored.
void SetSignatureL( const TDesC& aSignature );
* @param aIncomingUserName Incoming name to be stored.
* @param aOutgoingUserName Outgoing username to be store.
void SetUserNameL(
const TDesC& aIncomingUserName,
const TDesC& aOutgoingUserName );
* @param aIncomingUserPwd Incoming password to be stored.
* @param aOutgoingUserPwd Outgoing password to be stored.
void SetUserPwdL(
const TDesC& aIncomingUserPwd,
const TDesC& aOutgoingUserPwd );
* @param aIncomingMailServer Incoming mail server to be stored.
* @param aOutgoingMailServer Outgoing mail server to be stored.
void SetMailServerL(
const TDesC& aIncomingMailServer,
const TDesC& aOutgoingMailServer );
* @param aIncomingIap Incoming access point to be stored.
* @param aOutgoingIap Outgoing access point to be stored.
void SetIapL(
TImIAPChoice aIncomingIap,
TImIAPChoice aOutgoingIap );
* @param aIncomingIap Incoming access point to be stored.
* @param aOutgoingIap Outgoing access point to be stored.
void SetIapL(
const CImIAPPreferences& aIncomingIap,
const CImIAPPreferences& aOutgoingIap );
* @param aIncomingSecurity Incoming security to be stored.
* @param aOutgoingSecurity Outgoing security to be stored.
void SetSecurity(
TInt aIncomingSecurity,
TInt aOutgoingSecurity );
* @param aIncomingPort Incoming Port to be stored.
* @param aOutgoingPort Outgoing Port to be stored.
void SetPort(
TInt aIncomingPort,
TInt aOutgoingPort );
* @param aAPop APOP status to be stored.
void SetAPop( TInt aAPop );
* @param aUserAuthentication Outgoing authentication status to be stored.
void SetUserAuthentication( TInt aUserAuthentication );
* @param aImapPath Imap4 inbox path to be stored.
void SetImapPathL( const TDesC& aImapPath );
* @param aDownloadControl Download control state for saving.
* @param aDownloadSize Download size for saving.
void SetDownloadSizeL(
const TInt aDownloadControl,
const TInt aDownloadSize );
* @param aRetrieveLimitPop Pop retrieval limit for storing.
* @param aRetrieveLimitImapInbox Imap inbox retrieval limit for storing.
* @param aRetrieveLimitImapFolders Imap folder retrieval limit for storing.
void SetRetrieveLimit(
TInt aRetrieveLimitPop,
TInt aRetrieveLimitImapInbox,
TInt aRetrieveLimitImapFolders );
* @param aSchedule Scheduling status to be stored.
* @param aRoaming Roaming status for saving.
void SetSchedule(
const TInt aSchedule,
const TBool aRoaming );
* @param aDays Retrieval days setting to be stored.
void SetDays( TInt aDays );
* @param aStartHour Sync start time to be stored.
* @param aStopHour Sync stop time to be stored.
void SetHours(
const TInt64 aStartHour,
const TInt64 aStopHour );
* @param aHoursCustom to be stored.
void SetHoursCustom( TInt64 aHoursCustom );
* @param aHideData ETrue if there are some field to hide.
void SetDataHide( TBool aHideData );
// Constructors
* Default constructor for classCIpsSetData
* @return, Constructed object
* Symbian 2-phase constructor
void ConstructL();
// New functions
* Sets the security settings for the protocols.
* @param aSecurity Current security setting.
* @param aSettings Settings object for storing the security setting.
void DoSetSecurity(
const TInt aSecurity,
CImBaseEmailSettings& aSettings );
* Sets default data values to all settings
void SetDefaultDataL();
private: // Data
* Settings data protocol.
TUid iProtocol;
* Name of the mailbox.
RBuf iName;
* Signature object.
* Owned.
CIpsSetDataSignature* iSignature;
* Default account Id.
TMsvId iDefaultAccountId;
* Imap4 settings data object.
* Owned.
CImImap4Settings* iImap4Settings;
* Imap4 account Id.
TImapAccount iImap4AccountId;
* Pop3 settings data object.
* Owned.
CImPop3Settings* iPop3Settings;
* Pop3 account id.
TPopAccount iPop3AccountId;
* Smtp account id.
TSmtpAccount iSmtpAccountId;
* Smtp settings data object.
* Owned.
CImSmtpSettings* iSmtpSettings;
* Extended settings data object.
* Owned.
CIpsSetDataExtension* iExtendedSettings;
* Outgoing access point preferences.
* Owned.
CImIAPPreferences* iIncomingIapPref;
* Outgoing access point preferences.
* Owned.
CImIAPPreferences* iOutgoingIapPref;
* Temporary text store.
RBuf iTempStore;
// End of File