* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Email mailbox setting key definitions for IMAP4/POP3
namespace IpsServices {
// Value from ipssosplugin
static const quint32 EmailMailboxSettingRepository = 0x2000E53D;
// Key offsets are defined here:
// EmailMailboxOffset defines key offset between mailboxes in the repository.
// For example mailboxId key for each mailbox is calculated by the following formula:
// key = mailboxNumber (starting from 1) * EmailMailboxOffset + EmailKeyMailboxId
// (1st mailbox = 1 * 0x1000 + 0 = 0x1000)
// This allows key range 0-0x0FFF to contain mailbox independent keys.
static const quint32 EmailMailboxOffset = 0x1000;
// Offsets for sync profiles keys.
// Keep-Up-To-Date
static const quint32 EmailProfileOffsetKUTD = 0x0;
// Save Energy
static const quint32 EmailProfileOffsetSE = 0x100;
// Manual Fetch
static const quint32 EmailProfileOffsetMF = 0x200;
// User Defined profile (for future use)
static const quint32 EmailProfileOffsetUD = 0x300;
// Key definitions are defined here:
// Mailbox id. This is a 32-bit integer excluding the protocol plug-in id.
static const quint32 EmailKeyMailboxId = 0;
// Preferences keys:
// Is automatic picture downloading enabled (0=Off,1=On)
static const quint32 EmailKeyPreferenceDownloadPictures = 1;
// Defines if message divider is shown in message list.
// Values: 0=Divider not shown, 1=1ivider is shown
static const quint32 EmailKeyPreferenceMessageDivider = 2;
// Currently used sync profile
// Keep Up-to-Date (=KUTD) / Save Energy (=SE) / Manual Fetch (=MF) / User defined (=UD)
// Keep Up-to-Date = 0 (EmailProfileOffsetKUTD)
// Save Energy = 1 (EmailProfileOffsetSE)
// Manual Fetch = 2 (EmailProfileOffsetMF)
// User Defined = 3 (EmailProfileOffsetUD) (<== for future use)
// (Could EMN be one value when taken in use)
static const quint32 EmailKeyReceptionActiveProfile = 3;
// Reception schedule keys. To calculate the actual key, use EmailProfileOffset<profile>.
// For example to determine inbox sync window key for the 'Save energy' profile:
// key = mailbox number (e.g. 1) * EmailMailboxOffset (0x1000) +
// EmailKeyReceptionInboxSyncWindow (5) +
// EmailProfileOffsetSE (0x100)
// = 0x1105
// This is reserved for future use!
// State of "User defined receive profile" (1=Enabled,0=Disabled) affects
// visibility of the user defined profile. The profile is enabled in a mailbox
// once user changes any 'receive setting'.
static const quint32 EmailKeyReceptionUserDefinedProfile = 4;
// Inbox sync window in number of messages. 0 means all messages are synched
// from the server.
// Value for each profile: KUTP(200),SE(100),FM(100), UD
// This key follows the profile offset.
static const quint32 EmailKeyReceptionInboxSyncWindow = 5;
// default values for each profile
static const int DefaultValueKeepUpToDateInboxSyncWindow = 200;
static const int DefaultValueSaveEnergyInboxSyncWindow = 100;
static const int DefaultValueManualSyncInboxSyncWindow = 100;
static const int DefaultUserDefinedInboxSyncWindow = -1;
// Other folder sync window in number of messages. 0 means all messages are synched
// from the server.
// This key follows the profile offset.
static const quint32 EmailKeyReceptionGenericSyncWindowInMessages = 6;
// Receiving weekdays: list of days as a bit flag (integer).
// 0x01 = Mon, 0x02 = Tue, 0x04 = Wed, 0x08 = Thu, 0x10 = Fri, 0x20 = Sat, 0x40 = Sun
// Value for each profile: KUTP(0x7F), SE(0x7F), MF(-1=N/A), UD
// This key follows the profile offset.
static const quint32 EmailKeyReceptionWeekDays = 7;
// default values for each profile
static const int DefaultValueKeepUpToDateReceptionDays = 0x7F;
static const int DefaultValueSaveEnergyReceptionDays = 0x7F;
static const int DefaultValueManualSyncReceptionDays = -1;
static const int DefaultUserDefinedReceptionDays = -1;
// Receive start time. Value 00am – 12pm (integer 0-23).
// Value for each profile: KUTP(8), SE(8), MF(-1=N/A), UD
// This key follows the profile offset.
static const quint32 EmailKeyReceptionDayStartTime = 8;
// default values for each profile
static const int DefaultValueKeepUpToDateReceptionStartTime = 8;
static const int DefaultValueSaveEnergyReceptionStartTime = 8;
static const int DefaultValueManualSyncReceptionStartTime = -1;
static const int DefaultUserDefinedReceptionStartTime = -1;
// Receive end time. Value 00am – 12pm (integer 0-23).
// Value for each profile: KUTP(22), SE(22), MF(-1=N/A), UD
// This key follows the profile offset.
static const quint32 EmailKeyReceptionDayEndTime = 9;
// default values for each profile
static const int DefaultValueKeepUpToDateReceptionEndTime = 22;
static const int DefaultValueSaveEnergyReceptionEndTime = 22;
static const int DefaultValueManualSyncReceptionEndTime = -1;
static const int DefaultUserDefinedReceptionEndTime = -1;
// Refresh mail, during daytime
// Integer x minutes [possible values are 5, 15, 60, 240, 0 = "when open mailbox"].
// Value for each profile: KUTP(5), SE(60), MF(-1=N/A), UD
// This key follows the profile offset.
static const quint32 EmailKeyReceptionRefreshPeriodDayTime = 10;
// default values for each profile
static const int DefaultValueKeepUpToDateReceptionRefreshPeriodDayTime = 5;
static const int DefaultValueSaveEnergyReceptionRefreshPeriodDayTime = 60;
static const int DefaultValueManualSyncReceptionRefreshPeriodDayTime = -1;
static const int DefaultUserDefinedReceptionRefreshPeriodDayTime = -1;
// Refresh during other times.
// Integer x minutes [possible values 5, 15, 60, 240, 0 = "when open mailbox"].
// This key follows the profile offset.
static const quint32 EmailKeyReceptionRefreshPeriodOther = 11;
// End of reception schedule keys
// Defines if user name for particular mailbox is hidden.
static const quint32 EmailKeyUserNameHidden = 20;
} // namespace