* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Email interface implementation.
#include "MsgStore.h"
#include "MsgStoreAccount.h"
#include "MsgStoreMailBox.h"
#include "MsgStoreMessage.h"
#include "MsgStoreFolder.h"
#include "MsgStorePropertyContainer.h"
#include "MsgStorePropertyKeys.h"
#include "MsgStoreSortCriteria.h"
#include "MsgStoreSortResultIterator.h"
#include "CFSMailCommon.h"
#include "CFSMailMessage.h"
#include "cmrcalendarinfo.h"
//Base plugin.
#include "BasePlugin.h"
#include "BasePluginPanic.h"
#include "baseplugincommonutils.h"
#include "MailIterator.h"
#include "baseplugindelayedopsprivate.h"
#include "CFSMailFolder.h"
#include "baseplugindef.h"
// Other
#include <e32base.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <calsession.h>
//#include "freestyleemailuiconstants.h" // removed from 10.1
//size of the read buffer when reading body content from the quoted
//message when replying/forwarding.
const TInt KQuotedReadBufferSize = 1024*64;
CBasePlugin* CBasePlugin::NewLC()
CBasePlugin* api = new (ELeave) CBasePlugin();
CleanupStack::PushL( api );
return api;
CBasePlugin* CBasePlugin::NewL()
CBasePlugin* api = CBasePlugin::NewLC();
CleanupStack:: Pop(api);
return api;
void CBasePlugin::ConstructL()
__LOG_CONSTRUCT( "baseplugin", "CBasePlugin" )
__LOG_ENTER( "ConstructL" )
iMsgStore = CMsgStore::NewL( EFalse );
iDelayedOpsManager = CDelayedOpsManager::NewL( *this );
: iMailboxes( RMap<TInt, CMailboxInfo>::CompareInt )
//needs to be first thing to do as it might force execution of operations
//that depend on the plugin's current state.
delete iDelayedOpsManager;
if ( iObservers.Count() > 0 && iMsgStore )
TRAP_IGNORE( iMsgStore->RemoveObserverL( this ) );
delete iMsgStore;
#pragma mark --- "MFSMAILPLUGIN - MAILBOX RELATED" ---
* Note that as the msgstore performs the delete immediately the observer will get
* called from within this method.
void CBasePlugin::DeleteMailBoxByUidL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
MFSMailRequestObserver& aOperationObserver,
const TInt aRequestId )
__LOG_ENTER( "DeleteMailBoxByUidL" )
RPointerArray< CMsgStoreAccount > accounts;
iMsgStore->AccountsL( accounts );
CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( accounts );
TFSProgress progress = { TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestCancelled, 0, 0, 0 };
progress.iError = KErrNotFound;
TInt count = accounts.Count();
for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CMsgStoreMailBox* msbox = iMsgStore->OpenAccountL( *accounts[i] );
CleanupStack::PushL( msbox );
if( aMailBoxId.Id() == msbox->Id() )
__LOG_WRITE_INFO( "Found, about to start the delete.." )
//remove from the cache.
if ( KErrNotFound != iMailboxes.Find( msbox->Id() ) )
iMailboxes.RemoveL( msbox->Id() );
iMsgStore->DeleteAccountL( *accounts[i] );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msbox );
progress.iError = KErrNone;
progress.iProgressStatus = TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestComplete;
__LOG_WRITE_INFO( "Delete complete." )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msbox );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &accounts );
aOperationObserver.RequestResponseL( progress, aRequestId );
void CBasePlugin::ListMailBoxesL( RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& aMailboxes )
__LOG_ENTER( "ListMailBoxesL" )
RPointerArray< CMsgStoreAccount > accounts;
iMsgStore->AccountsL( accounts );
CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( accounts );
TFSMailMsgId fsid;
fsid.SetPluginId( TUid::Uid( GetPluginId() ) );
__LOG_WRITE_FORMAT1_INFO( "Plugin id: 0x%X,", GetPluginId() )
TInt count = accounts.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
__LOG_WRITE_FORMAT1_INFO( "Owner id: 0x%X,", accounts[i]->Owner() )
if ( accounts[i]->Owner() == GetPluginId() )
CMsgStoreMailBox* msbox = iMsgStore->OpenAccountL( *accounts[i] );
CleanupStack::PushL( msbox );
fsid.SetId( msbox->Id() );
aMailboxes.AppendL( fsid );
__LOG_WRITE_FORMAT1_INFO( "Found mailbox with id of 0x%X,", msbox->Id() )
__LOG_WRITE_FORMAT1_INFO( "and account name of %S.", &accounts[i]->Name() )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msbox );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &accounts );
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
CFSMailBox* CBasePlugin::GetMailBoxByUidL( const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBox )
__LOG_ENTER( "GetMailBoxByUidL" )
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBox.Id() );
CFSMailBox* result = CFSMailBox::NewL( aMailBox );
CleanupStack::PushL( result );
CFSMailAddress* ownMailBox = CFSMailAddress::NewLC();
ownMailBox->SetEmailAddress( *mailBox.iMailBoxName );
if ( !( mailBox.iMailBoxDisplayName->Length() ) )
ownMailBox->SetDisplayName( KNullDesC );
result->SetName( *mailBox.iMailBoxName );
ownMailBox->SetDisplayName( *(mailBox.iMailBoxDisplayName) );
result->SetName( *(mailBox.iMailBoxDisplayName) );
result->SetOwnMailAddressL( ownMailBox );
CleanupStack::Pop( ownMailBox );
MMRInfoProcessor* infoProcessor = CBaseMrInfoProcessor::NewL( *this );
result->SetMRInfoProcessorL( infoProcessor );
//JOJA-83VJ4L Plugins need to set the correct Calendar Database ID for MRUI to work
//get the calendar file name from the derived class
const TDesC& calFileName = CalendarFileName();
if ( calFileName != KNullDesC )
//the derived class does use its own calendar file, check if that file exists
//the file may not exist because cal sync was disabled, or the file was deleted from the calendar UI
CCalSession* calSession = CCalSession::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( calSession );
TRAPD( error, calSession->OpenL( calFileName ) );
if ( error == KErrNone )
//calendar file exists, get its file id, and set it to cMail Celendar Info via the extention
TCalFileId fileId = KNullFileId;
calSession->FileIdL( fileId );
//get the extention api for the MR info, set the cal db id, and release the extention
CEmailExtension* extension = NULL;
TRAP( error, extension = result->ExtensionL( KMailboxExtMrCalInfo ) );
if ( error == KErrNone )
CMRCalendarInfo* calInfo = reinterpret_cast<CMRCalendarInfo*>( extension );
calInfo->SetCalendarDatabaseIdL( fileId ); // cannot actually leave
result->ReleaseExtension( calInfo );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( calSession );
CleanupStack::Pop( result );
return result;
#pragma mark --- "MFSMAILPLUGIN - FOLDER RELATED" ---
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
TFSMailMsgId CBasePlugin::GetStandardFolderIdL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSFolderType aFolderType )
__LOG_ENTER( "GetStandardFolderIdL" )
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId.Id() );
TFSMailMsgId result;
result.SetPluginId( TUid::Uid( GetPluginId() ) );
if( EFSInbox <= aFolderType && aFolderType <= EFSDeleted )
result.SetId( mailBox.iRootFolders.iFolders[ aFolderType ] );
return result;
* Note that the unseen count is not set by the plugin as this information is not
* readily available.
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
CFSMailFolder* CBasePlugin::GetFolderByUidL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aFolderId )
__LOG_ENTER( "GetFolderByUidL" )
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId.Id() );
TUint totalCount, unreadCount;
mailBox().MessageCountsL( aFolderId.Id(), totalCount, unreadCount );
//prepare the fsfw folder.
CFSMailFolder* result = CFSMailFolder::NewLC( aFolderId );
result->SetMailBoxId( aMailBoxId );
result->SetMessageCount( totalCount );
result->SetUnreadCount( unreadCount );
//get the folder name from the msgstore folder object.
__LOG_WRITE_INFO( "About to get the folder's name." )
CMsgStoreFolder* msgStoreFolder = mailBox().FolderL( aFolderId.Id() );
CleanupStack::PushL( msgStoreFolder );
TUint idx;
if ( msgStoreFolder->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyFolderDisplayName, idx ) )
const TDesC& name = msgStoreFolder->PropertyValueDesL( idx );
result->SetFolderName( const_cast<TDesC&>( name ) );
//the root folders will get names from the UI. the base plugin should not
//deal with any localization.
result->SetFolderName( KNullDesC() );
TFSFolderType folderType = EFSOther;
TUint i = 0;
if ( msgStoreFolder->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyFolderType, i ) )
__LOG_WRITE_INFO( "Getting the folder's type." )
folderType = (TFSFolderType)( msgStoreFolder->PropertyValueUint32L( i ) );
result->SetFolderType( folderType );
TFSMailMsgId parentId( GetPluginId(), msgStoreFolder->ParentId() );
result->SetParentFolderId( parentId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msgStoreFolder );
RPointerArray<CMsgStoreFolder> folders;
CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( folders );
mailBox().FoldersL( aFolderId.Id(), folders );
result->SetSubFolderCount( folders.Count() );
BlockCopyMoveFromFoldersL( aFolderId, folderType, *result );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &folders );
CleanupStack::Pop( result );
return result;
} //GetFolderByUidL.
* @param aFolderId parent folder id.
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
* @return if the folder already exists returns the existing one.
CFSMailFolder* CBasePlugin::CreateFolderL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aParentFolderId,
const TDesC& aFolderName,
const TBool aSync )
__LOG_ENTER( "CreateFolderL" )
CMailboxInfo& mailboxInfo = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId.Id() );
CMsgStorePropertyContainer* props = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( props );
props->AddPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyName, aFolderName );
props->AddPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyFolderType, EMsgStoreOther );
TMsgStoreId parent = aParentFolderId.Id();
TMsgStoreId folderId =
mailboxInfo().CreateFolderL( parent, *props, aSync );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( props );
//return the FS folder.
TFSMailMsgId fid( GetPluginId(), folderId );
CFSMailFolder* result = CFSMailFolder::NewLC( fid );
result->SetParentFolderId( aParentFolderId );
result->SetFolderName( aFolderName );
result->SetMailBoxId( aMailBoxId );
result->SetMessageCount( 0 );
result->SetUnreadCount( 0 );
BlockCopyMoveFromFoldersL( fid, EFSOther, *result );
CleanupStack::Pop( result );
return result;
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
void CBasePlugin::DeleteFolderByUidL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aFolder )
__LOG_ENTER( "DeleteFolderByUidL" )
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId.Id() );
mailBox().DeleteFolderL( aFolder.Id() );
void CBasePlugin::ListFoldersL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aFolderId,
RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder>& aFolderList )
__LOG_ENTER( "ListFoldersL, aFolderId" )
TMsgStoreId folderId;
if ( 0 == aFolderId.Id() )
folderId = aMailBoxId.Id();
folderId = aFolderId.Id();
DoListFoldersL( aMailBoxId, folderId, EFalse, aFolderList );
void CBasePlugin::ListFoldersL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder>& aFolderList )
__LOG_ENTER( "ListFoldersL" )
DoListFoldersL( aMailBoxId, KMsgStoreInvalidId, ETrue, aFolderList );
#pragma mark --- "MFSMAILPLUGIN - MESSAGE RELATED" ---
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
MFSMailIterator* CBasePlugin::ListMessagesL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aFolderId,
const TFSMailDetails aDetails,
const RArray<TFSMailSortCriteria>& aSorting )
__LOG_ENTER( "ListMessagesL" )
CMailboxInfo& mailbox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId.Id() );
RMsgStoreSortCriteria criteria;
CleanupClosePushL( criteria );
criteria.iFolderId = aFolderId.Id();
if( aSorting.Count() > 0 )
criteria.iSortBy = static_cast<TMsgStoreSortByField>( aSorting[0].iField - 1);
criteria.iSortOrder = static_cast<TMsgStoreSortOrder>( aSorting[0].iOrder );
criteria.iSecondarySortOrder = EMsgStoreSortDescending;
__LOG_WRITE_INFO( "No sorting criteria supplied, falling back to the default." )
criteria.iSortBy = EMsgStoreSortByReceivedDate;
criteria.iSortOrder = EMsgStoreSortDescending;
//determine the details to request from the msgstore.
if ( EFSMsgDataStructure & aDetails || EFSMsgDataEnvelope & aDetails
|| EFSMsgDataSubject & aDetails )
criteria.AddResultPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertySubject );
if ( EFSMsgDataStructure & aDetails || EFSMsgDataEnvelope & aDetails
|| EFSMsgDataDate & aDetails )
criteria.AddResultPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyReceivedAt );
criteria.AddResultPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertySent );
if ( EFSMsgDataStructure & aDetails || EFSMsgDataEnvelope & aDetails
|| EFSMsgDataSender & aDetails )
criteria.AddResultPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyFrom );
if ( EFSMsgDataStructure & aDetails || EFSMsgDataEnvelope & aDetails
|| EFSMsgDataIdOnly & aDetails )
/**@ no result properties added means the msgstore leaves with -6; ask
about it because EFSMsgDataIdOnly means id-only.*/
criteria.AddResultPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyTo );
if ( EFSMsgDataStructure & aDetails || EFSMsgDataEnvelope & aDetails )
criteria.AddResultPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyFlags );
criteria.AddResultPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertySize );
criteria.AddResultPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyCc );
criteria.AddResultPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyBcc );
CMsgStoreSortResultIterator* msIter = mailbox().SortL( criteria );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &criteria );
CleanupStack::PushL( msIter );
HMailIterator* result = new (ELeave) HMailIterator( *this, msIter, aMailBoxId );
CleanupStack::Pop( msIter );
return result;
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
CFSMailMessage* CBasePlugin::GetMessageByUidL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId& /*aFolderId*/,
const TFSMailMsgId& aMessageId,
const TFSMailDetails aDetails )
__LOG_ENTER( "GetMessageByUidL" )
CMsgStoreMessage* message = GetCachedMsgL( aMailBoxId.Id(), aMessageId.Id() );
CFSMailMessage* result = CFSMailMessage::NewLC( aMessageId );
TranslateMsgStorePropsL( aMailBoxId, *message, *result, aDetails );
result->SetMailBoxId( aMailBoxId );
CleanupStack::Pop( result );
return result;
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
void CBasePlugin::DeleteMessagesByUidL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aFolderId,
const RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& aMessages )
__LOG_ENTER( "DeleteMessagesByUidL" )
CDelayedDeleteMessagesOp* delayedOp = CDelayedDeleteMessagesOp::NewLC(
aMailBoxId.Id(), aFolderId.Id(), aMessages );
iDelayedOpsManager->EnqueueOpL( delayedOp );
CleanupStack::Pop( delayedOp );
* Drafts folder assumed.
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
CFSMailMessage* CBasePlugin::CreateMessageToSendL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBox )
__LOG_ENTER( "CreateMessageToSendL" )
CMailboxInfo& mailboxInfo = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBox.Id() );
CMsgStorePropertyContainer* props = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( props );
props->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyContentType, KFSMailContentTypeMultipartMixed );
// Set reply-to address, if it exists
HBufC* replyToAddressString = GetReplyToAddressL( aMailBox );
if ( NULL != replyToAddressString )
CleanupStack::PushL( replyToAddressString );
if ( replyToAddressString->Length() > 0 )
RMsgStoreAddress replyToAddress;
CleanupClosePushL( replyToAddress );
replyToAddress.iEmailAddress.Create( *replyToAddressString );
replyToAddress.iDisplayName.Create( KNullDesC );
props->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyReplyTo, replyToAddress );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &replyToAddress );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( replyToAddressString );
CMsgStoreMessage* message = mailboxInfo().CreateMessageL(
mailboxInfo.iRootFolders.iFolders[EFSDraftsFolder], *props );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( props );
CleanupStack::PushL( message );
//create the body part.
props = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( props );
KMsgStorePropertyContentType, KFSMailContentTypeMultipartAlternative );
CMsgStoreMessagePart* bodyPart = message->AddChildPartL( *props );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( props );
CleanupStack::PushL( bodyPart );
//create the plain text part.
props = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( props );
KMsgStorePropertyContentType, KFSMailContentTypeTextPlain );
_LIT(KMessageBodyCharset, "UTF-8");
props->AddPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyCharset, KMessageBodyCharset );
_LIT(KMessageBodyDisposition, "inline");
KMsgStorePropertyContentDisposition, KMessageBodyDisposition );
HBufC* signature = GetSignatureL( aMailBox );
if ( signature )
CleanupStack::PushL( signature );
KMsgStorePropertySize, static_cast<TUint32>( signature->Length() ) );
static_cast<TUint32>( signature->Length() ) );
CMsgStoreMessagePart* textPlain = bodyPart->AddChildPartL( *props );
if ( signature )
CleanupStack::Pop( signature );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( props );
if ( signature )
CleanupStack::PushL( signature );
CleanupStack::PushL( textPlain );
//add signature, if it exists
if ( NULL != signature && signature->Length() )
TPtrC8 ptr8(
reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( signature->Ptr() ),
signature->Size() );
textPlain->ReplaceContentL( ptr8 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textPlain );
if ( signature )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( signature );
//create the text/html part.
props = CMsgStorePropertyContainer::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( props );
KMsgStorePropertyContentType, KFSMailContentTypeTextHtml );
props->AddPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyCharset, KMessageBodyCharset );
KMsgStorePropertyContentDisposition, KMessageBodyDisposition );
CMsgStoreMessagePart* htmlPlain = bodyPart->AddChildPartL( *props );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( props );
CleanupStack::PushL( htmlPlain );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( htmlPlain );
//delete body part
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bodyPart );
TFSMailMsgId folderId( GetPluginId(), message->ParentId() );
TFSMailMsgId msgId( GetPluginId(), message->Id() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
CFSMailMessage* result = CFSMailMessage::NewL( msgId );
result->SetMailBoxId( aMailBox );
result->SetFolderId( folderId );
result->SetContentType( KFSMailContentTypeMultipartMixed );
return result;
// <qmail>
void CBasePlugin::CreateMessageToSendL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
MFSMailRequestObserver& aOperationObserver,
const TInt aRequestId)
CDelayedMessageToSendOp* delayedOp = CDelayedMessageToSendOp::NewLC(
iDelayedOpsManager->EnqueueOpL( delayedOp );
CleanupStack::Pop( delayedOp );
// </qmail>
CFSMailMessage* CBasePlugin::CreateForwardMessageL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBox,
const TFSMailMsgId& aOriginal,
const TDesC& aHeaderDescriptor )
return CreateForwardReplyMessageL( aMailBox, aOriginal, EFalse, aHeaderDescriptor, ETrue );
* Relying on the UI for the subject and recipients.
CFSMailMessage* CBasePlugin::CreateReplyMessageL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aOriginalMessageId,
const TBool aReplyToAll,
const TDesC& aHeaderDescriptor )
return CreateForwardReplyMessageL( aMailBoxId, aOriginalMessageId, aReplyToAll, aHeaderDescriptor, EFalse );
CFSMailMessage* CBasePlugin::CreateMrReplyMessageL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
MMRInfoObject& /*aMeetingRequest*/,
const TFSMailMsgId& aOriginalMessageId )
return CreateReplyMessageL( aMailBoxId, aOriginalMessageId, EFalse, KNullDesC );
* @param aMailBoxId if not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
void CBasePlugin::StoreMessageL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
CFSMailMessage& aMessage )
__LOG_ENTER( "StoreMessageL" )
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId.Id() );
CMsgStoreMessage* message = mailBox().FetchMessageL(
aMessage.GetMessageId().Id(), KMsgStoreInvalidId );
CleanupStack::PushL( message );
//determine whether the message is in the inbox folder or some of its
//children; the translation is different for inbox and all the other folders.
TBool inInbox = EFalse;
TMsgStoreId parentId = message->ParentId();
while ( KMsgStoreInvalidId != parentId
&& EMsgStoreFolderContainer == mailBox().ContainerTypeById( parentId ) )
if ( parentId == mailBox.iRootFolders.iFolders[EFSInbox] )
inInbox = ETrue;
CMsgStoreFolder* parent = mailBox().FolderL( parentId );
parentId = parent->ParentId();
delete parent;
TranslateEmailFwMessageL( aMessage, *message, inInbox );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
// <qmail>
* @param aMailBoxId Mailbox id.
* @param aOperationObserver Operation observer.
* @param aRequestId The request id.
void CBasePlugin::StoreMessagesL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBox,
RPointerArray<CFSMailMessage> &messages,
MFSMailRequestObserver& aOperationObserver,
const TInt aRequestId )
__LOG_ENTER( "StoreMessagesL" )
CDelayedMessageStorerOp* delayedOp = CDelayedMessageStorerOp::NewLC(
iDelayedOpsManager->EnqueueOpL( delayedOp );
CleanupStack::Pop( delayedOp );
// </qmail>
// <qmail>
* Asynchronous message part storing
* @param aMessagePart email parts data to be stored
* @param aOperationObserver Observer for the operation
* @param aRequestId id of the operation
void CBasePlugin::StoreMessagePartsL(
RPointerArray<CFSMailMessagePart>& aMessageParts,
MFSMailRequestObserver& aOperationObserver,
const TInt aRequestId)
__LOG_ENTER( "StoreMessagePartsL" )
CDelayedMessageStorerOp* delayedOp = CDelayedMessageStorerOp::NewLC(
iDelayedOpsManager->EnqueueOpL( delayedOp );
CleanupStack::Pop( delayedOp );
// <//qmail>
* Async operation, starts fetching.
* @param aRequestId
void CBasePlugin::FetchMessagesL(
const TFSMailMsgId& /*aMailBox*/,
const TFSMailMsgId& /*aFolder*/,
const RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& /*aMessageIds*/,
TFSMailDetails /*aDetails*/,
MFSMailRequestObserver& /*aObserver*/,
TInt /*aRequestId*/ )
/**@ is this really necessary for the base plugin ?*/
void CBasePlugin::GetMessagesL(
const TFSMailMsgId& /*aMailBoxId*/,
const TFSMailMsgId& /*aParentFolderId*/,
const RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& /*aMessageIds*/,
RPointerArray<CFSMailMessage>& /*aMessageList*/,
const TFSMailDetails /*aDetails*/ )
/**@ is this really necessary for the base plugin ?*/
* CFSMailPlugin::SendMessageL
void CBasePlugin::SendMessageL( CFSMailMessage& aMessage )
__LOG_ENTER( "SendMessageL1" )
TMsgStoreId mailBoxId = aMessage.GetMailBoxId().Id();
TMsgStoreId msgId = aMessage.GetMessageId().Id();
CMsgStoreMessage* message = GetCachedMsgL( mailBoxId, msgId );
__LOG_WRITE8_FORMAT1_INFO( "Fetched message : 0x%X.", msgId )
TranslateEmailFwMessageL( aMessage, *message, EFalse );
//the sendmessagel will store the message's properties!
TTime sentTime;
aMessage.SetDate( sentTime );
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMessage.GetMailBoxId().Id() );
SendMessageL( mailBox(), *message, sentTime );
* Plugin could use this method to "send" a message if the CFSMailPlugin's is
* not necessary. The method also stores the message properties before doing so.
* This allows for optimizing away of unnecessary writes to the msgstore.
* @param aSentTime the sent time you want set for the message.
void CBasePlugin::SendMessageL(
CMsgStoreMailBox& aMailBox,
CMsgStoreMessage& aMsg,
const TTime& aSentTime )
__LOG_ENTER( "SendMessageL2" )
//set the sent stamp.
aMsg.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertySent, aSentTime );
// Due to no Received Time in the sent messages, it caused sorting problem
// from MsgStore
aMsg.AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyReceivedAt, aSentTime );
// move the msg to the outbox.
TFSMailMsgId id( GetPluginId(), aMailBox.Id() );
TFSMailMsgId drafts = GetStandardFolderIdL( id, EFSDraftsFolder );
TFSMailMsgId outbox = GetStandardFolderIdL( id, EFSOutbox );
aMailBox.CopyMessageL( aMsg.Id(), drafts.Id(), outbox.Id() );
CDelayedDeleteMessagesOp* delayedOp = CDelayedDeleteMessagesOp::NewLC(
aMailBox.Id(), KMsgStoreInvalidId, aMsg.Id() );
iDelayedOpsManager->EnqueueOpL( delayedOp );
CleanupStack::Pop( delayedOp );
void CBasePlugin::MoveMessagesL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& aMessageIds,
const TFSMailMsgId& aSourceFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aDestinationFolderId )
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId.Id() );
TInt count = aMessageIds.Count();
for ( TUint i = 0; i < count; i++ )
aDestinationFolderId.Id() );
void CBasePlugin::CopyMessagesL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& aMessageIds,
RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& aNewMessages,
const TFSMailMsgId& aSourceFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aDestinationFolderId )
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId.Id() );
TFSMailMsgId newId( GetPluginId(), KMsgStoreInvalidId );
TInt count = aMessageIds.Count();
for ( TUint i = 0; i < count; i++ )
TMsgStoreId msgStoreId = mailBox().CopyMessageL(
aDestinationFolderId.Id() );
newId.SetId( msgStoreId );
aNewMessages.AppendL( newId );
#pragma mark --- "Plugin Helpers" ---
* Get the MsgStore mailbox instance for the specified FSEF mailbox id.
* @param aId mailbox id, if none can be found leaves with KErrNotFound.
CMailboxInfo& CBasePlugin::GetMailboxInfoL(
TMsgStoreId aId )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( NULL != iMsgStore, ::BasePluginPanic( ENoMsgStoreSessionAssert ) );
//if not present in the cache, add it.
if ( !iMailboxes.ContainsKey(aId) )
RPointerArray< CMsgStoreAccount > accounts;
iMsgStore->AccountsL( accounts );
CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( accounts );
TBool found = EFalse;
TInt count = accounts.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CMsgStoreMailBox* msbox = iMsgStore->OpenAccountL( *accounts[i] );
CleanupStack::PushL( msbox );
if ( aId == msbox->Id() )
CMailboxInfo* mailBox = new (ELeave) CMailboxInfo( this );
CleanupStack::PushL( mailBox );
mailBox->iMailBox = msbox;
//always observe for mailbox changes to keep the cache
mailBox->iMailBox->AddObserverL( this );
mailBox->iMailBoxName = accounts[i]->Name().AllocL();
mailBox->iBrandingId = KNullDesC().AllocL();
RBuf mailboxDisplayName;
GetMailboxDisplayNameL( aId, mailboxDisplayName );
mailBox->iMailBoxDisplayName = mailboxDisplayName.AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &mailboxDisplayName );
MsgStoreFolderUtils::GetRootFoldersL( *msbox, mailBox->iRootFolders );
TInt64* key = new (ELeave) TInt64( msbox->Id() );
CleanupDeletePushL( key );
iMailboxes.InsertL( key, mailBox ); //the map owns the memory.
CleanupStack::Pop( key );
CleanupStack::Pop( mailBox );
CleanupStack::Pop( msbox );
found = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msbox );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &accounts );
if( !found )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return iMailboxes.GetValueL( aId );
} //GetMailboxInfoL.
* Get the MsgStore mailbox instance for the specified FSEF mailbox id.
* @param aId mailbox id, if none can be found leaves with KErrNotFound.
void CBasePlugin::GetMailboxDisplayNameL(
TMsgStoreId aId,
RBuf& aDisplayName )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( NULL != iMsgStore, ::BasePluginPanic( ENoMsgStoreSessionAssert ) );
RPointerArray< CMsgStoreAccount > accounts;
iMsgStore->AccountsL( accounts );
CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( accounts );
TInt count = accounts.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CMsgStoreMailBox* msbox = iMsgStore->OpenAccountL( *accounts[i] );
CleanupStack::PushL( msbox );
if( aId == msbox->Id() )
TUint index = 0;
if ( msbox->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyName, index ) )
const TDesC& string = msbox->PropertyValueDesL( index );
if (string.Length() > 0)
aDisplayName.CreateL( string );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msbox );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msbox );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &accounts );
} //GetMailboxDisplayNameL.
* @param aFolderId if set to KMsgStoreInvalidId makes a recursive list.
void CBasePlugin::DoListFoldersL(
TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxId,
TMsgStoreId aFolderId,
TBool aRecursive,
RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder>& aFolderList )
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId.Id() );
RPointerArray<CMsgStoreFolder> folders;
CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( folders );
if ( aRecursive )
mailBox().FoldersL( folders );
mailBox().FoldersL( aFolderId, folders );
TFSMailMsgId folderId;
folderId.SetPluginId( TUid::Uid( GetPluginId() ) );
TInt count = folders.Count();
for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
folderId.SetId( folders[i]->Id() );
CFSMailFolder* folder = GetFolderByUidL( aMailBoxId, folderId );
CleanupStack::PushL( folder );
aFolderList.AppendL( folder );
CleanupStack::Pop( folder );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &folders );
CFSMailAddress* CBasePlugin::FetchEmailAddressL(
CMsgStorePropertyContainer& aMessage,
TUint aIdx )
RMsgStoreAddress value;
CleanupClosePushL( value );
aMessage.PropertyValueAddressL( aIdx, value );
CFSMailAddress* result = CFSMailAddress::NewL();
result->SetEmailAddress( value.iEmailAddress );
if ( KNullDesC() != value.iDisplayName )
result->SetDisplayName( value.iDisplayName );
/**@ the UI would crash if there was no display name.*/
result->SetDisplayName( value.iEmailAddress );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &value );
return result;
CMsgStoreMessagePart* CBasePlugin::GetBodyPartL(
CMsgStoreMessage& aMessage,
const TDesC& aContentType )
CMsgStoreMessagePart* result = NULL;
RPointerArray<CMsgStoreMessagePart> parts;
CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( parts );
aMessage.ChildPartsL( parts );
if ( 0 < parts.Count() )
RPointerArray<CMsgStoreMessagePart> childParts;
CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( childParts );
parts[0]->ChildPartsL( childParts );
TInt count = childParts.Count();
if ( 0 < count )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
TUint idx = 0;
if ( childParts[i]->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyContentType, idx, idx ) )
const TDesC& contentType = childParts[i]->PropertyValueDesL( idx );
if ( contentType == aContentType )
result = childParts[i];
childParts.Remove( i );
TUint idx = 0;
if ( parts[0]->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyContentType, idx, idx ) )
const TDesC& contentType = parts[0]->PropertyValueDesL( idx );
if ( contentType == aContentType )
result = parts[0];
parts.Remove( 0 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &childParts );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &parts );
return result;
} //GetBodyPartL.
CFSMailMessage* CBasePlugin::CreateForwardReplyMessageL(
const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBox,
const TFSMailMsgId& aOriginal,
const TBool aReplyToAll,
const TDesC& aHeaderDescriptor,
TBool aKeepAttachments,
TBool aKeepMeetingRequestInfo )
__LOG_ENTER( "CreateForwardReplyMessageL" )
CMailboxInfo& mailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBox.Id() );
CMsgStoreMessage* message = mailBox().FetchMessageL(
aOriginal.Id(), KMsgStoreInvalidId );
CleanupStack::PushL( message );
TMsgStoreId newMsgId = mailBox().CopyMessageL(
aOriginal.Id(), message->ParentId(),
mailBox.iRootFolders.iFolders[EFSDraftsFolder] );
CMsgStoreMessage* newMsg = mailBox().FetchMessageL( newMsgId, KMsgStoreInvalidId );
CleanupStack::PushL( newMsg );
if ( !aReplyToAll )
//Clear all To, Cc addresses for Reply, Forward
RemoveAllPropertiesL( *newMsg, KMsgStorePropertyTo );
RemoveAllPropertiesL( *newMsg, KMsgStorePropertyCc );
//Remove the mailbox address from the reply to addresses
HBufC* mailBoxAdd = GetMailBoxAddressL( aMailBox );
CleanupStack::PushL( mailBoxAdd );
if ( NULL != mailBoxAdd )
TUint idx1 = 0;
while (newMsg->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyTo, idx1, idx1 ) )
RMsgStoreAddress tempAdd;
CleanupClosePushL( tempAdd );
newMsg->PropertyValueAddressL( idx1, tempAdd );
if ( tempAdd.iEmailAddress == *mailBoxAdd )
newMsg->RemovePropertyL( idx1 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tempAdd );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tempAdd );
idx1 = 0;
while (newMsg->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyCc, idx1, idx1 ) )
RMsgStoreAddress tempAdd;
CleanupClosePushL( tempAdd );
newMsg->PropertyValueAddressL( idx1, tempAdd );
if ( tempAdd.iEmailAddress == *mailBoxAdd )
newMsg->RemovePropertyL( idx1 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tempAdd );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tempAdd );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mailBoxAdd );
SetReplyOrForwardToFieldL( *newMsg );
//Clear the response flag.
TUint idx = 0;
if ( newMsg->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyFlags, idx ) )
TUint32 flags = newMsg->PropertyValueUint32L( idx );
flags &= ~EFSMsgFlag_Answered;
newMsg->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyFlags, flags );
//Clear the From field, ReplyTo field
RemoveAllPropertiesL( *newMsg, KMsgStorePropertyFrom );
RemoveAllPropertiesL( *newMsg, KMsgStorePropertyReplyTo );
//Use reply-to address, if it exists
HBufC* replyToAddressString = GetReplyToAddressL( aMailBox );
if ( NULL != replyToAddressString )
CleanupStack::PushL( replyToAddressString );
if ( replyToAddressString->Length() > 0 )
RMsgStoreAddress replyToAddress;
CleanupClosePushL( replyToAddress );
replyToAddress.iEmailAddress.Create( *replyToAddressString );
replyToAddress.iDisplayName.Create( KNullDesC );
newMsg->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyReplyTo, replyToAddress );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &replyToAddress );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( replyToAddressString );
//deal with the attachments accordingly.
/**@ the case where the attachments haven't been downloaded but some smart
* reply/fw tag is present in the msg body needs to be dealt with in the specific
* plugins.*/
if ( aKeepAttachments == EFalse )
RPointerArray<CMsgStoreMessagePart> parts;
CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( parts );
newMsg->ChildPartsL( parts );
TInt count = parts.Count();
for ( TInt i = 1; i < count; i++ )
newMsg->RemoveChildPartL( parts[i]->Id() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &parts );
if ( aKeepMeetingRequestInfo == EFalse )
idx = 0;
if ( newMsg->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyMeetingRequest, idx ) )
CBasePlugin::RemoveAllPropertiesL( *newMsg, KMsgStorePropertyMeetingRequest );
CFSMailMessage* result = CFSMailMessage::NewL(
TFSMailMsgId( GetPluginId(), newMsgId ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( result );
TranslateMsgStorePropsL( aMailBox, *newMsg, *result );
result->SetMailBoxId( aMailBox );
/**@ candidate for refactoring out to a separate body dealing method.*/
CMsgStoreMessagePart* srcPart = GetBodyPartL( *message );
if ( NULL != srcPart )
CleanupStack::PushL( srcPart );
CMsgStoreMessagePart* dstPart = GetBodyPartL( *newMsg );
if ( NULL != dstPart )
CleanupStack::PushL( dstPart );
HBufC* signature = GetSignatureL( aMailBox );
if ( NULL != signature )
CleanupStack::PushL( signature );
TPtrC8 ptr8(
reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( signature->Ptr() ),
signature->Size() );
dstPart->ReplaceContentL( ptr8 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( signature );
__LOG_WRITE_INFO( "Set the email signature." )
//the quoted message header.
if ( aHeaderDescriptor != KNullDesC )
TPckgBuf<TReplyForwardParams> rfParsPckg;
rfParsPckg.Copy( aHeaderDescriptor );
TPtrC8 ptrHeader8(
reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( rfParsPckg().iHeader->Ptr() ),
rfParsPckg().iHeader->Size() );
NULL != signature ? dstPart->AppendToContentL( ptrHeader8 )
: dstPart->ReplaceContentL( ptrHeader8 );
"Original body content length: %d.", srcPart->ContentLengthL() )
//copy the body content from the original.
TInt startOffset = 0;
RBuf8 buf;
buf.Create( KQuotedReadBufferSize );
CleanupClosePushL( buf );
srcPart->FetchContentToBufferL( buf, startOffset );
dstPart->AppendToContentL( buf );
startOffset += buf.Size();
while ( buf.Size() == KQuotedReadBufferSize );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &buf );
TInt newFetchedSize = dstPart->ContentLengthL();
"Reply/fw body content length: %d.", newFetchedSize )
TInt idx = dstPart->AddOrUpdatePropertyL(
KMsgStorePropertySize, static_cast<TUint32>( newFetchedSize ) );
dstPart->StorePropertyL( idx );
idx = dstPart->AddOrUpdatePropertyL(
KMsgStorePropertyRetrievedSize, static_cast<TUint32>( newFetchedSize ) );
dstPart->StorePropertyL( idx );
result->SetContentSize( newFetchedSize );
result->SetFetchedContentSize( newFetchedSize );
//determine whether the original msg was truncated.
TBool wasTruncated = EFalse;
TUint srcIdx = 0;
if ( srcPart->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertySize, srcIdx ) )
TUint size = srcPart->PropertyValueUint32L( srcIdx );
srcIdx = 0;
if ( srcPart->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyRetrievedSize, srcIdx ) )
TUint retrievedSize = srcPart->PropertyValueUint32L( srcIdx );
if ( retrievedSize < size )
wasTruncated = ETrue;
//if truncated append msg that the whole msg is available server-side.
if ( wasTruncated )
_LIT( KTwoLineFeeds, "\n\n" );
TPtrC8 ptrTwoLineFeeds8(
reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( KTwoLineFeeds().Ptr() ),
KTwoLineFeeds().Size() );
dstPart->AppendToContentL( ptrTwoLineFeeds8 );
TPtrC8 ptrSmartTag8(
reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( rfParsPckg().iSmartTag->Ptr() ),
rfParsPckg().iSmartTag->Size() );
dstPart->AppendToContentL( ptrSmartTag8 );
/**@ incorrect but per activesync request - the base plugin doesn't know anything about how the unicode characters
are being encoded by the specific implementations when they talk to their backends.*/
_LIT(KMessageBodyCharset, "UTF-8");
dstPart->AddPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyCharset, KMessageBodyCharset );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dstPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( srcPart );
CleanupStack::Pop( result );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newMsg );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
return result;
} //CreateForwardReplyMessageL.
* If there is a reply to address, add it to the TO list
* else add the FROM address to the TO address list
/*private*/ void CBasePlugin::SetReplyOrForwardToFieldL( CMsgStoreMessage& aMsg )
RMsgStoreAddress toAddr;
CleanupClosePushL( toAddr );
TBool usingReplyTo = EFalse;
TUint idx = 0;
if( aMsg.FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyReplyTo, idx ) )
//if both address and name are null strings no memory will be allocated.
aMsg.PropertyValueAddressL( idx, toAddr );
if ( toAddr.iEmailAddress.Length() || toAddr.iDisplayName.Length() )
usingReplyTo = ETrue;
if ( EFalse == usingReplyTo )
idx = 0;
if ( aMsg.FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyFrom, idx ) )
aMsg.PropertyValueAddressL( idx, toAddr );
aMsg.AddPropertyL( KMsgStorePropertyTo, toAddr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &toAddr );
* RefreshMailboxCacheL - This will refresh the mailbox instance cache maintained within the base plugin.
CMailboxInfo& CBasePlugin::RefreshMailboxCacheL( TMsgStoreId aMailBoxId )
//save the observers
CMailboxInfo& oldMailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId );
RPointerArray<MFSMailEventObserver> observers;
// the elements are not owned by the base plugin, so just close the array
CleanupClosePushL( observers );
TUint count = oldMailBox.iObservers.Count();
for ( TUint i = 0; i < count; i++ )
observers.AppendL( oldMailBox.iObservers[i] );
//remove from the cache
if ( KErrNotFound != iMailboxes.Find( aMailBoxId ) )
iMailboxes.RemoveL( aMailBoxId );
//force the refresh and restore the observes
CMailboxInfo& newMailBox = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId );
for ( TUint i = 0; i < count; i++ )
newMailBox.iObservers.AppendL( observers[i] );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &observers );
return newMailBox;
* RefreshCachedMailBoxDisplayNameL - This will check to see if the mailbox display name has changed. If so it will
* update the cached mailbox display name and set mailBoxNameHasChanged to ETrue
void CBasePlugin::RefreshCachedMailBoxDisplayNameL( TBool& aMailBoxNameHasChanged, const TMsgStoreId& aMailBoxId )
aMailBoxNameHasChanged = EFalse;
RBuf currentDisplayName;
GetMailboxDisplayNameL( aMailBoxId, currentDisplayName );
CMailboxInfo& mailboxInfo = GetMailboxInfoL( aMailBoxId );
TDesC* cachedDisplayName( mailboxInfo.iMailBoxDisplayName );
if ( ( cachedDisplayName && currentDisplayName != *cachedDisplayName ) ||
( !cachedDisplayName && currentDisplayName.Length() ) )
aMailBoxNameHasChanged = ETrue;
delete mailboxInfo.iMailBoxDisplayName;
mailboxInfo.iMailBoxDisplayName = NULL;
mailboxInfo.iMailBoxDisplayName = currentDisplayName.AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ¤tDisplayName );