* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: email framework user interface
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include "CFSMailClient.hrh"
#include "cemailextensionbase.h"
#include "MFSMailBrandManager.h"
#include "CFSMailPlugin.h"
class CFSFWImplementation;
class CFSMailPluginManager;
* @mainpage Freestyle Email API
* @section sec1 Introduction
* This is the mail API and framework used by the Freestyle email
* client. It provides access to the message store for reading email
* and to the sync engine for starting and stopping synchronizations.
* @section sec2 Typical Usage From UI
* // Initialize the access to the mail framework
* CFSMailClient* mail = CFSMailClient::NewL();
* CleanupClosePushL(*mail);
* // List mailboxes for user to select which one to open
* RPointerArray<CFSMailBox> mailBoxes;
* mailBoxes.Reset();
* TFSMailMsgId plugin; // null id if all mailboxes required
* mail->ListMailBoxes(plugin,mailBoxes);
* // Lets select the first one this time
* CFSMailBox * currentMailbox = mailboxes[0];
* // list all mailbox folders for user
* RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder> folders = currentMailBox->ListFolders( );
* // or get default folder, for example inbox
* TFSMailMsgId folderId;
* folderId = mailBox->GetStandardFolderId( EFSInbox );
* CFSMailFolder* inbox = mail->GetFolderByUid(currentMailBox->GetId(),folderId);
* // List messages in inbox
* // select message details to be listed
* TFSMailDetails details(EFSMsgDataStructure);
* // set sorting criteria
* TFSMailSortCriteria criteria;
* criteria.iField = EFSMailSortByDate;
* criteria.iOrder = EFSMailAscending;
* RArray<TFSMailSortCriteria> sorting;
* sorting.Append(criteria);
* // get email list iterator from plugin
* MFSMailIterator* iterator = folder->ListMessagesL(details,sorting);
* // list all messages from folder
* TFSMailMsgId currentMessageId; // first call contains NULL id as begin id
* RPointerArray<CFSMailMessage> messages;
* messages.Reset();
* iterator->NextL(currentMessageId, folder->GetMessageCount(), messages);
* // Show the first 5 messages to in the UI
* for(TInt i=0;i<messages.Count() && i<5;i++)
* {
* MyHeaderShowMethod(messages[i]->GetSender().GetEmailAddress(),
* messages[i]->GetSubject()
* messages[i]->GetDate());
* // get email body
* CFSMailMessagePart* body = messages[i]->PlainTextBodyPartL();
* if(body)
* {
* TBuf<n> text;
* TInt startOffset = 0;
* body->GetContentToBufferL(text,startOffset);
* MyPlainTextBodyShowMethod(text);
* delete body;
* }
* //list email attachments
* RPointerArray<CFSMailMessagePart> attachments;
* attachments.Reset();
* messages[i]->AttachmentListL(attachments);
* for(TInt i=0;i<attachments.Count();i++)
* {
* MyShowAttachmentNameMethod(attachments[i]->AttachmentName());
* }
* attachments.ResetAndDestroy();
* }
* // clean iterator and tables
* messages.ResetAndDestroy();
* delete iterator;
* sorting.Reset();
* delete folder;
* // User should call close when terminating mail framework usage
* // when shutting down application close mail client singleton
* CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(mail);
* @section sec3 Observing Email Events.
* // To be able to observe events an user has to
* // implement MFSMailEventObserver interface.
* // Here the COwnMailObserver class implements the interface.
* COwnMailObserver* ownObserver = COwnMailObserver::NewL();
* // Register to observe mail store events
* mail->AddObserverL(*ownObserver);
* // Now callbacks are done via the EventL function defined
* // in the MFSMailEventObserver and implemented in this case
* // by the COwnMailObserver
* // When user does not wish to observe events anymore
* // he has to unregister
* mail->RemoveObserver( *ownObserver );
* // Remember that it must be done for each observer
* // in the end of the observation because the AddObserverL
* // does not replace the observer
* @section sec_groups Classes
* The following classes form the public API of the frame work.
* @section sec_info More Information
* Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
* This material, including documentation and any related computer programs,
* is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All rights are reserved.
* Copying, including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any or
* all of this material requires the prior written consent of Nokia. This
* material also contains confidential information which may not be disclosed
* to others without the prior written consent of Nokia.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFSMailClient) : public CExtendableEmail
* Creates a new CFSMailClient singleton instance or increments
* reference count if singleton already exists
* @return CFSMailClient pointer
IMPORT_C static CFSMailClient* NewL();
* Creates a new CFSMailClient singleton instance or increments
* reference count if singleton already exists
* @return CFSMailClient pointer
IMPORT_C static CFSMailClient* NewL( TInt aConfiguration );
* Creates a new CFSMailClient singleton instance or increments
* reference count if singleton already exists
* @return CFSMailClient pointer
IMPORT_C static CFSMailClient* NewLC( TInt aConfiguration );
* CFSMailClient destructor, removes CFSMailClient singleton instance
* or decrements reference count if singleton is used by other applications
IMPORT_C void Close();
* plugin manager accessor
IMPORT_C CFSMailPlugin* GetPluginManager();
* if plugin id is null id, function goes through all plugins and lists existing
* mailboxes, otherwise lists existing mailboxes contained by given plugin
* @param aPluginId plugin id
* @param aMailBoxes table containing ids of existing mailboxes owned by user
IMPORT_C TInt ListMailBoxes(const TFSMailMsgId aPluginId, RPointerArray<CFSMailBox>& aMailboxes);
* returns email mailbox object related to given mailbox id
* @param aMailBoxId mailbox id
* @return mailbox object ( CFSMailBox )
* or NULL if no matching mailbox found.
* Ownership is transferred to user!
IMPORT_C CFSMailBox* GetMailBoxByUidL( const TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxId);
* returns email mailbox object related to given mailbox id. Otherwise
* identical to GetMailBoxByUidL but mailbox object is stored to cleanup
* stack.
* @param aMailBoxId mailbox id
* @return mailbox object ( CFSMailBox )
* or NULL if no matching mailbox found.
* CFSMailBox pointer is stored to cleanup stack (even if NULL).
* Ownership is transferred to user!
IMPORT_C CFSMailBox* GetMailBoxByUidLC( const TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxId);
* returns email folder object related to given folder id
* @param aMailBoxId id of mailbox containing folder
* @param aFolderId folder id
* @return folder object (CFSMailFolder), ownership is transferred to user
IMPORT_C CFSMailFolder* GetFolderByUidL( const TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxId, const TFSMailMsgId aFolderId );
* returns email object related to given message id
* @param aMailBoxId id of mailbox containing email
* @param aFolderId id of folder containing email
* @param aMessageId message id
* @param aDetails defines which details are included in email object
* @return email object (CFSMailMessage), ownership is transferred to user
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage* GetMessageByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxId, const TFSMailMsgId aFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId aMessageId, const TFSMailDetails aDetails );
* deletes emails defined in message id list
* @param aMailBoxId id of mailbox containing emails
* @param aFolderId id of folder containing email
* @param aMessageIds defines ids of email to be deleted
IMPORT_C void DeleteMessagesByUidL( const TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxId, const TFSMailMsgId aFolderId,
const RArray<TFSMailMsgId>& aMessageIds );
* Deletes mail account. This asynchronous operation returns id that can
* be later used for cancelling the operation.
* @param aMailBoxId id of the mailbox to be deleted
* @param aOperationObserver observer to forward request events to user
IMPORT_C TInt DeleteMailBoxByUidL( const TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxId,
MFSMailRequestObserver& aOperationObserver );
* List emails. Returns iterator, which user can use to scroll email list
* forwards and backwards.
* @param aMailBoxId id of mailbox containing emails
* @param aFolderId id of folder containing emails
* @param aDetails defines which details are included in each email object
* (CFSMailMessage) returned by the iterator
* @param aSorting sort criteria requested by user.
* First item in array is primary sort criteria.
* @return email list iterator, ownership is transferred to user
IMPORT_C MFSMailIterator* ListMessages(
const TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId aFolderId,
const TFSMailDetails aDetails,
const RArray<TFSMailSortCriteria>& aSorting);
* returns branding manager to handle branding elements
* @return branding manager (ownership in framework)
IMPORT_C MFSMailBrandManager& GetBrandManagerL( void );
* Adds a new event observer. There can be several observers active at
* the same time. Caller MUST call RemoveObserver before destroying given
* observer object.
* @param aObserver observer implementation
IMPORT_C void AddObserverL(MFSMailEventObserver& aObserver);
* Removes event observer
* @param aObserver observer to be removed
IMPORT_C void RemoveObserver(MFSMailEventObserver& aObserver);
* unregisters plugin request observer to cancel pending events
* @param aRequestId request id of the pending asynchronous request
IMPORT_C void UnregisterRequestObserver(TInt aRequestId);
* Subscribes events from given mailbox
* @param aMailboxId id of target mailbox
* @param aObserver observer given by user
IMPORT_C void SubscribeMailboxEventsL(TFSMailMsgId aMailboxId, MFSMailEventObserver& aObserver);
* Unsubscribes events from given mailbox
* UnsubscribeMailboxEvents MUST be called before destroying given observer object.
* @param aMailboxId id of target mailbox
* @param aObserver observer implementation
IMPORT_C void UnsubscribeMailboxEvents(TFSMailMsgId aMailboxId, MFSMailEventObserver& aObserver);
* Sends notification to all protocol plugins that there is
* Email Wizard data available for some of them.
* Can return any of the standard Symbian error codes if
* one of the plugins reports failed mailbox configuration.
IMPORT_C TInt WizardDataAvailableL();
* Client can call this function to immediately initialize authentications that are mandatory
* to get services from protocol plugins. This means e.g. store authentications. FW will
* internally ask authentication from all existing plugins before this operations completes.
* @param aOperationObserver is client provided observer that will receive progress
* notifications during the operation.
IMPORT_C TInt AuthenticateL(MFSMailRequestObserver& aOperationObserver);
* get framework temp directory
IMPORT_C TDesC& GetTempDirL( );
* clean framework temp directory
IMPORT_C void CleanTempDirL( );
* cancels single pending asynchronous request
* @param aRequestId identifies request
IMPORT_C void CancelL( const TInt aRequestId );
* cancels all pending asynchronous requests
IMPORT_C void CancelAllL( );
* Calls plugin to change the name of the mailbox
* @param aMailboxId mailbox id
* @param aMailboxName new name for the mailbox
IMPORT_C void SetMailboxName( const TFSMailMsgId aMailboxId, const TDesC& aMailboxName );
* increments reference count to framework singleton
* visibility change to public by Qmail
IMPORT_C TInt IncReferenceCount();
* Prepares and sets the MR description by converting HTML body to Plain text
* @param aMailboxId mailbox id
* @param aMessageId message id
IMPORT_C virtual void PrepareMrDescriptionL( const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId& aMessageId );
// <qmail>
* Gets the signature for the given mailbox.
* @param aMailBoxId mailbox id
IMPORT_C HBufC* GetSignatureL( const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBoxId );
// </qmail>
public: // from CExtendableEmail
* @see CExtendableEmail::ReleaseExtension
IMPORT_C virtual void ReleaseExtension( CEmailExtension* aExtension );
* Requests extension. Default implementation performs lookup only and
* derived class should implement actual instantiation because it knows
* extensions it supports
* array but does not delete it.
* @param aExtension extension to release
IMPORT_C virtual CEmailExtension* ExtensionL( const TUid& aInterfaceUid );
* C++ default constructor.
* Destructor.
* ConstructL
void ConstructL( TInt aConfiguration );
* returns framework singleton instance if exists
static CFSMailClient* Instance();
* decrements reference count to framework singleton
TInt DecReferenceCount();
private: // data
/** framework singleton reference count */
TInt iReferenceCount;
/** */
CFSFWImplementation* iFWImplementation;
/** branding manager pointer */
MFSMailBrandManager* iBrandManager;
#endif // __FSMAILCLIENT_H