changeset 0 857a3e953887
child 2 4cefe9af9cf4
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:857a3e953887
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description: CSocketsEngine implements an engine for connection
    15  * component checking: Interface opening/closing, connecting,
    16  * sending/receiving data, etc.
    17  * CSocketsEngine is an active object
    18  *
    19  */
    23 #include <es_sock_partner.h>
    24 #include <es_enum_internal.h>
    25 #endif
    26 #include <eikgted.h>
    27 #include <in_sock.h>
    28 #include <e32svr.h>
    29 #include <es_enum.h>
    30 #include <commdb.h>
    31 #include <in_iface.h>
    32 #include <apgcli.h>
    33 #include <apaid.h>
    35 #include "SocketsEngine.h"
    36 #include "TimeOutTimer.h"
    37 #include "SocketsRead.h"
    38 #include "SocketsWrite.h"
    39 #include "ProgressNotifier.h"
    40 #include "ConnTest.pan"
    41 #include "uinotify.h"
    42 #include "HttpHandler.h"
    43 #include "SettingData.h"
    44 #include "CustomPrefsData.h"
    45 #include "Utils.h"
    46 #include "SendTimer.h"
    47 #include "alractiveobject.h"
    49 #include <hal.h>
    50 #include <hal_data.h>
    52 #include <cmmanagerext.h>
    53 #include <cmdestinationext.h>
    54 #include <cmapplicationsettingsui.h>
    56 // CONSTANTS
    57 const TInt KTimeOut = 120000000; // 2 minutes time-out
    59 _LIT(KDefaultServerName, "");
    60 const TInt KDefaultPortNumber = 25;
    62 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    64 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    65 // CSocketsEngine::NewL(MUINotify& aConsole)
    66 // EPOC two phased constructor
    67 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    68 //
    69 CSocketsEngine* CSocketsEngine::NewL( MUINotify& aConsole )
    70     {
    71     CSocketsEngine* self = CSocketsEngine::NewLC( aConsole );
    72     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    73     return self;
    74     }
    76 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    77 // CSocketsEngine::NewLC(MUINotify& aConsole)
    78 // EPOC two phased constructor
    79 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    80 //
    81 CSocketsEngine* CSocketsEngine::NewLC( MUINotify& aConsole )
    82     {
    83     CSocketsEngine* self = new (ELeave) CSocketsEngine( aConsole );
    84     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    85     self->ConstructL();
    86     return self;
    87     }
    89 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    90 // CSocketsEngine::CSocketsEngine(MUINotify& aConsole)
    91 // EPOC constructor
    92 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    93 //
    94 CSocketsEngine::CSocketsEngine( MUINotify& aConsole ) :
    95     CActive( EPriorityStandard ), iConsole( aConsole ), iPort(
    96             KDefaultPortNumber ), iServerName( KDefaultServerName )
    97     {
    98     iStartTime = 0;
    99     }
   101 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   102 // CSocketsEngine::~CSocketsEngine()
   103 // Destructor
   104 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   105 //
   106 CSocketsEngine::~CSocketsEngine()
   107     {
   108     Cancel();
   109     if (iProgressNotifier)
   110         {
   111         iProgressNotifier->Cancel();
   112         }
   114     delete iSocketsRead;
   115     iSocketsRead = NULL;
   117     delete iSocketsWrite;
   118     iSocketsWrite = NULL;
   120     delete iProgressNotifier;
   121     iProgressNotifier = NULL;
   123     delete iTimer;
   124     iTimer = NULL;
   126     delete iSendTimer;
   128     delete iHttpClient;
   129     iHttpClient = NULL;
   131     if (iData)
   132         {
   133         delete iData;
   134         iData = NULL;
   135         }
   136     //delete pointer to mobility API
   137     if (iMobility)
   138         {
   139         delete iMobility;
   140         iMobility = NULL;
   141         }
   143     delete iExtPrefs;
   144     delete iPrefsList;
   146     // Note! Closing order matters. Panic occurs if the
   147     // closing is made in different order. 
   149     iConnection.Close();
   150     iSocket.Close();
   151     iSocketServ.Close();
   152     }
   154 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   155 // CSocketsEngine::ConstructL()
   156 // EPOC two phased constructor
   157 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   158 //
   159 void CSocketsEngine::ConstructL()
   160     {
   161     ChangeStatus( EInterfaceDown );
   163     iData = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxSendBuffer);
   164     // Start a timer
   165     iTimer = CTimeOutTimer::NewL( EPriorityHigh, *this );
   167     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
   169     // Open channel to Socket Server
   170     User::LeaveIfError( iSocketServ.Connect() );
   172     // Open connection
   173     User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.Open( iSocketServ ) );
   175     // Create socket read and write active objects
   176     iSocketsRead = CSocketsRead::NewL( iConsole, iSocket, *this );
   177     iSocketsWrite = CSocketsWrite::NewL( iConsole, iSocket, *this );
   179     // Create interface notification active object
   180     iProgressNotifier = CProgressNotifier::NewL( iConnection, *this );
   181     iProgressNotifier->StartNotify();
   183     //
   184     // HTTP framework initialization
   185     //
   186     iHttpClient = CHttpClient::NewL( iConsole );
   187     iHttpClient->SetHttpConnectionInfoL( ETrue, iConnection, iSocketServ );
   189     // Timer for sending multiple packets
   190     if (!iSendTimer)
   191         {
   192         iSendTimer = CSendTimer::NewL( EPriorityHigh, this );
   193         }
   195     iUseTTime = EFalse;
   196     TInt freq;
   197     TInt err = HAL::Get( HAL::EFastCounterFrequency, freq );
   198     if (err != KErrNone || freq == 0)
   199         {
   200         iUseTTime = ETrue;
   201         }
   203     //set mobility API flag to false
   204     iIsRegisteredToMobAPI = EFalse;
   205     SetSocketEngineConnType( ETypeUnknown );
   207     iExtPrefs = new (ELeave) TExtendedConnPref;
   208     iPrefsList = TConnPrefList::NewL();
   209     }
   211 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   212 // CSocketsEngine::GetSocketEngineState()
   213 // Return the current state of the socket engine.
   214 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   215 //
   216 CSocketsEngine::TSocketsEngineState CSocketsEngine::GetSocketEngineState()
   217     {
   218     return iEngineStatus;
   219     }
   221 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   222 // CSocketsEngine::GetSocketEngineRoamingState()
   223 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   224 // 
   225 CSocketsEngine::TRoamingUIState CSocketsEngine::GetSocketEngineRoamingState()
   226     {
   227     return iRoamingState;
   228     }
   230 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   231 // CSocketsEngine::GetMobilityAPI()
   232 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   233 // 
   234 CALRActiveObject* CSocketsEngine::GetMobilityAPI()
   235     {
   236     return iMobility;
   237     }
   239 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   240 // CSocketsEngine::GetSocketEngineConnType()
   241 // Return the current connection type of the socket engine.
   242 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   243 //
   244 CSocketsEngine::TSocketsEngineStartType CSocketsEngine::GetSocketEngineConnType()
   245     {
   246     return iSockEngineStartType;
   247     }
   248 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   249 // CSocketsEngine::SetSocketEngineConnType()
   250 // Set the current conn type of the socket engine.
   251 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   252 //
   253 void CSocketsEngine::SetSocketEngineConnType( const CSocketsEngine::TSocketsEngineStartType aConnStartType )
   254     {
   255     iSockEngineStartType = aConnStartType;
   256     }
   258 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   259 // CSocketsEngine::StartConnWithSnapL()
   260 // Start the connection with snap
   261 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   262 //
   263 void CSocketsEngine::StartConnWithSnapL( TBool aConnect )
   264     {
   265     if (iEngineStatus == EConnected || iEngineStatus == EInterfaceUp)
   266         {
   267         return;
   268         }
   270     //start the connection  dialog
   271     CCmApplicationSettingsUi* settings = CCmApplicationSettingsUi::NewL();
   272     CleanupStack::PushL( settings );
   273     TCmSettingSelection selection;
   274     settings->RunApplicationSettingsL( selection );
   275     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( settings );
   277     switch (selection.iResult)
   278         {
   279         case CMManager::EConnectionMethod:
   280             {
   281             // start connection with Iap Id
   282             iPrefs.SetIapId( selection.iId );
   283             iPrefs.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt );
   285             StartTickCount();
   286             iConnection.Start( iPrefs, iStatus );
   287             break;
   288             }
   289         case CMManager::EDestination:
   290             {
   291             TConnSnapPref pref;
   293             pref.SetSnap( selection.iId );
   295             StartTickCount();
   296             //start connection with snap Id
   297             iConnection.Start( pref, iStatus );
   298             //Set connection type as Snap	
   299             SetSocketEngineConnType( ESnap );
   301             break;
   302             }
   303         case CMManager::EAlwaysAsk:
   304             {
   305             // For testing start without preferences
   306             StartTickCount();
   307             iConnection.Start( iStatus );
   308             ChangeStatus( EStartingInterface );
   309             iConnectAfterStartup = ETrue;
   310             SetActive();
   311             return;
   312             }
   313         default:
   314             {
   315             RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Invalid selection"));
   316             return;
   317             }
   318         }
   320     ChangeStatus( EStartingInterface );
   321     //specify if a connection is needed after interface startup(
   322     iConnectAfterStartup = aConnect;
   323     SetActive();
   325     }
   327 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   328 // CSocketsEngine::StartInterfaceL(TBool aConnect)
   329 // Start interface
   330 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   331 //
   332 void CSocketsEngine::StartInterfaceL( TSocketsEngineStartType aStartType,
   333         TBool aConnect )
   334     {
   335     RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: StartInterfaceL( Start type = %d )"), aStartType );
   336     if (iEngineStatus == EConnected || iEngineStatus == EInterfaceUp)
   337         {
   338         RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Selection cancelled!"));
   339         return;
   340         }
   342     SetSocketEngineConnType( aStartType );
   344     if (aStartType == EAskIap)
   345         {
   346         // Get IAP id
   347         TUint32 iapId;
   348         TInt popupOk = Utils::AskIapIdL( iapId );
   350         if (!popupOk)
   351             {
   352             RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Selection cancelled!"));
   353             return;
   354             }
   355         RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Selected IAP id=%d"), iapId );
   357         // Create overrides
   358         iPrefs.SetIapId( iapId );
   359         iPrefs.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt );
   360         }
   361     else if (aStartType == ENetworkId)
   362         {
   363         // Get network id
   364         TUint32 nwkId;
   365         TInt popupOk = Utils::AskNetworkIdL( nwkId );
   367         if (!popupOk)
   368             {
   369             RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Selection cancelled!"));
   370             return;
   371             }
   372         RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Selected Network id=%d"), nwkId );
   374         // Create overrides
   375         iPrefs.SetNetId( nwkId );
   376         iPrefs.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt );
   377         }
   379     // Start the timer after the dialogs
   380     StartTickCount();
   382     // ...And now there are few different kinds of iConnection.Start() functions to call...
   383     if (aStartType == EExtPrefs)
   384         {
   385         iPrefsList->AppendL( iExtPrefs );
   386         iConnection.Start( *iPrefsList, iStatus );
   387         iPrefsList->Remove( 0 );
   388         }
   389     else if (aStartType == EExtPrefsInternet)
   390         {
   391         TExtendedConnPref* tmpExtPrefs = new (ELeave) TExtendedConnPref;
   392         tmpExtPrefs->SetSnapPurpose( CMManager::ESnapPurposeInternet );
   393         iPrefsList->AppendL( tmpExtPrefs );
   394         iConnection.Start( *iPrefsList, iStatus );
   395         iPrefsList->Remove( 0 );
   396         delete tmpExtPrefs;
   397         }
   398     else if (aStartType == ENoPrefs)
   399         {
   400         iConnection.Start( iStatus );
   401         }
   402     else // (aStartType == EAskIap || aStartType == ENetworkId) - Other values aren't used.
   403         {
   404         iConnection.Start( iPrefs, iStatus );
   405         }
   407     ChangeStatus( EStartingInterface );
   408     iConnectAfterStartup = aConnect;
   409     SetActive();
   410     }
   412 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   413 // CSocketsEngine::RegisterToMobilityAPI(TBool aConnect)
   414 // Register to mobility API
   415 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   416 //
   417 void CSocketsEngine::RegisterToMobilityAPIL()
   418     {
   419     if (iEngineStatus == EConnected || iEngineStatus == EInterfaceUp)
   420         {
   421         if (!iIsRegisteredToMobAPI)
   422             {
   423             iConsole.PrintNotify( _L("RegisterToMobilityAPI\n"));
   424             //create the listener active object
   425             iMobility = CALRActiveObject::NewL( iConsole,
   426                     (MMobilityProtocolResp*)this );
   427             iMobility->OpenL( iConnection );
   428             iIsRegisteredToMobAPI = ETrue;
   429             }
   430         }
   431     else
   432         {
   433         iConsole.PrintNotify( _L("Could not register\n"));
   434         }
   435     }
   437 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   438 // CSocketsEngine::UnRegisterToMobilityAPI(TBool aConnect)
   439 // UnRegister from mobility API
   440 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   441 //
   442 void CSocketsEngine::UnRegisterFromMobilityAPI()
   443     {
   444     if (iIsRegisteredToMobAPI && iMobility) //&& 
   445     //(iEngineStatus == EConnected || iEngineStatus == EInterfaceUp || iEngineStatus == EConnecting))
   446         {
   447         delete iMobility;
   448         iMobility = NULL;
   449         iConsole.PrintNotify( _L("Unregister MobilityAPI\n"));
   450         }
   451     iIsRegisteredToMobAPI = EFalse;
   452     }
   454 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   455 // CSocketsEngine::Error()
   456 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   457 // 
   458 void CSocketsEngine::Error( TInt aError )
   459     {
   460     TBuf8<64> text;
   461     text.AppendFormat( _L8("MobilityError: %d\n"), aError );
   462     iConsole.PrintNotify( text );
   463     UnRegisterFromMobilityAPI();
   464     iRoaming = ERoamingOff;
   465     }
   467 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   468 // CSocketsEngine::PreferredCarrierAvailable()
   469 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   470 // 
   471 void CSocketsEngine::PreferredCarrierAvailable( TAccessPointInfo aOldAP,
   472         TAccessPointInfo aNewAP,
   473         TBool aIsUpgrade,
   474         TBool aIsSeamless )
   475     {
   476     // silence warnings
   477     aOldAP = aOldAP;
   478     aIsUpgrade = aIsUpgrade;
   479     aIsSeamless = aIsSeamless;
   481     TBuf8<64> text;
   483     if (iRoaming == ERoamingAutomatic)
   484         {
   485         text.AppendFormat( _L8("Migrating to %i\n"), aNewAP.AccessPoint() );
   486         iMobility->MigrateToPreferredCarrier();
   487         iRoamingState = EIdle;
   488         }
   489     else if (iRoaming == ERoamingManual)
   490         {
   491         text.AppendFormat( _L8("Preferred IAP %i Available\n"), aNewAP.AccessPoint() );
   492         iRoamingState = EPendingPreferredCarrier;
   493         iConsole.PopupNotify( _L("Migrate or Ignore available"));
   494         }
   495     else
   496         {
   497         text.AppendFormat( _L8("Unexpected PreferrredCarrier %i\n"), aNewAP.AccessPoint() );
   498         iRoamingState = EIdle;
   499         iMobility->IgnorePreferredCarrier();
   500         }
   501     iConsole.PrintNotify( text );
   502     }
   503 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   504 // CSocketsEngine::NewCarrierActive()
   505 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   506 // 
   507 void CSocketsEngine::NewCarrierActive( TAccessPointInfo aNewAP,
   508         TBool aIsSeamless )
   509     {
   510     // silence warning
   511     aIsSeamless = aIsSeamless;
   513     TBuf8<64> text;
   515     if (iRoaming == ERoamingAutomatic)
   516         {
   517         iRoamingState = EIdle;
   518         iMobility->NewCarrierAccepted();
   519         }
   520     else if (iRoaming == ERoamingManual)
   521         {
   522         text.AppendFormat( _L8("IAP %i pending accept\n"), aNewAP.AccessPoint() );
   523         iRoamingState = EPendingNewCarrierActive;
   524         iConsole.PopupNotify( _L("Accept or Reject available"));
   525         }
   526     else
   527         {
   528         iRoamingState = EIdle;
   529         text.AppendFormat( _L8("Unexpected NewCarrierActive %i\n"), aNewAP.AccessPoint() );
   530         iMobility->NewCarrierRejected();
   531         }
   532     iConsole.PrintNotify( text );
   533     }
   535 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   536 // CSocketsEngine::
   537 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   538 //
   539 void CSocketsEngine::Migrate()
   540     {
   541     if (iRoaming != ERoamingManual)
   542         {
   543         User::Panic( KPanicSocketsEngine, EConnTestBadRoamingStatus );
   544         }
   545     iMobility->MigrateToPreferredCarrier();
   546     iConsole.PrintNotify( _L("Migration requested"));
   547     iRoamingState = EIdle;
   548     }
   550 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   551 // CSocketsEngine::
   552 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   553 //
   554 void CSocketsEngine::Ignore()
   555     {
   556     if (iRoaming != ERoamingManual)
   557         {
   558         User::Panic( KPanicSocketsEngine, EConnTestBadRoamingStatus );
   559         }
   560     iMobility->IgnorePreferredCarrier();
   561     iConsole.PrintNotify( _L("Ignored new carrier"));
   562     iRoamingState = EIdle;
   563     }
   565 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   566 // CSocketsEngine::
   567 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   568 //
   569 void CSocketsEngine::AcceptCarrier()
   570     {
   571     if (iRoaming != ERoamingManual)
   572         {
   573         User::Panic( KPanicSocketsEngine, EConnTestBadRoamingStatus );
   574         }
   575     iMobility->NewCarrierAccepted();
   576     iConsole.PrintNotify( _L("Accepted carrier"));
   577     iRoamingState = EIdle;
   578     }
   580 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   581 // CSocketsEngine::
   582 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   583 //
   584 void CSocketsEngine::RejectCarrier()
   585     {
   586     if (iRoaming != ERoamingManual)
   587         {
   588         User::Panic( KPanicSocketsEngine, EConnTestBadRoamingStatus );
   589         }
   590     iMobility->NewCarrierRejected();
   591     iConsole.PrintNotify( _L("Rejected carrier"));
   592     iRoamingState = EIdle;
   593     }
   595 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   596 // CSocketsEngine::StartCloseInterfaceL()
   597 // Start interface for testing RConnection::Close
   598 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   599 //
   600 void CSocketsEngine::StartCloseInterfaceL()
   601     {
   602     if (iEngineStatus == EConnected || iEngineStatus == EInterfaceUp)
   603         {
   604         // Already started, simply return
   605         return;
   606         }
   608     // Get IAP id
   609     TUint32 iapId;
   610     TInt popupOk = Utils::AskIapIdL( iapId );
   612     if (!popupOk)
   613         {
   614         // Selection cancelled
   615         return;
   616         }
   617     RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Selected IAP id=%d"), iapId );
   619     iCloseConnection = new (ELeave) RConnection;
   621     User::LeaveIfError( iCloseConnection->Open( iSocketServ ) );
   623     // Create overrides
   624     iPrefs.SetIapId( iapId );
   625     iPrefs.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt );
   627     ChangeStatus( EStartingInterface );
   629     iCloseConnection->Start( iPrefs, iStatus );
   630     SetActive();
   632     iTempProgressNotifier = CProgressNotifier::NewL( *iCloseConnection, *this );
   633     iTempProgressNotifier->StartNotify();
   635     }
   637 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   638 // CSocketsEngine::StopInterfaceL()
   639 // Shutdown interface
   640 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   641 //
   642 void CSocketsEngine::StopInterfaceL()
   643     {
   644     // Note! Socket is not closed here, because in connected
   645     // state only Disconnect menu item is available. Therefore
   646     // interface cannot be stopped when connection is open.
   647     //
   648     // iProgressNotifier->Cancel() is called in ProgressNotifyReceived
   649     // method after KLinkLayerClosed has been received.
   650     //
   652     //unregister from mobility API if registered
   653     UnRegisterFromMobilityAPI();
   654     SetSocketEngineConnType( ETypeUnknown );
   656     if (iEngineStatus == EConnected || iEngineStatus == EInterfaceUp)
   657         {
   658         iConnection.Stop();
   659         ChangeStatus( EInterfaceDown );
   660         iHttpClient->SetHttpConnectionInfoL( ETrue, iConnection, iSocketServ );
   662         if (iCloseConnection)
   663             {
   664             // So if we are here, interface was started for testing RConnection::Close,
   665             // and the corresponding RConnection instance needs to be deleted.
   666             iCloseConnection->Close();
   667             delete iCloseConnection;
   668             iCloseConnection = NULL;
   669             }
   670         }
   671     }
   673 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   674 // CSocketsEngine::CloseInterface()
   675 // Close interface
   676 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   677 //
   678 void CSocketsEngine::CloseInterface()
   679     {
   680     if (iCloseConnection)
   681         {
   682         iCloseConnection->Close();
   683         delete iCloseConnection;
   684         iCloseConnection = NULL;
   685         }
   686     }
   688 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   689 // CSocketsEngine::ConnectL()
   690 // Check whether the address is valid IP address. If it's not
   691 // calls DNS to solve the name.
   692 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   693 //
   694 void CSocketsEngine::ConnectL()
   695     {
   696     // Just in case (does nothing if interface has already been started)
   697     StartInterfaceL( EAskIap, ETrue );
   699     // Initiate connection process
   700     if ((iEngineStatus == EInterfaceUp) || (iEngineStatus == ETimedOut))
   701         {
   702         TInetAddr addr;
   703         if (addr.Input( iServerName ) == KErrNone)
   704             {
   705             // server name is already a valid ip address
   706             ConnectL( addr );
   707             }
   708         else // need to look up name using dns
   709             {
   710             // Initiate DNS
   711             User::LeaveIfError( iResolver.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet,
   712                     KProtocolInetUdp, iConnection ) );
   713             // DNS request for name resolution
   714             StartTickCount();
   715             iResolver.GetByName( iServerName, iNameEntry, iStatus );
   717             ChangeStatus( ELookingUp );
   718             // Request time out
   719             iTimer->After( KTimeOut );
   720             SetActive();
   721             }
   722         }
   723     }
   725 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   726 // CSocketsEngine::ConnectL()
   727 // Connect to socket
   728 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   729 //                          
   730 void CSocketsEngine::ConnectL( const TInetAddr& aAddr ) // <a name="ConnectL32">
   731     {
   733     // Initiate attempt to connect to a socket by IP address	
   734     if ((iEngineStatus == EInterfaceUp) || (iEngineStatus == ETimedOut))
   735         {
   736         // Open a TCP socket
   737         iSocket.Close(); // Just in case
   738         User::LeaveIfError( iSocket.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet, iSocketType,
   739                 iProtocol, iConnection ) );
   741         // Set up address information
   742         iAddress = aAddr;
   743         iAddress.SetPort( iPort );
   745         // Initiate socket connection
   746         StartTickCount();
   747         iSocket.Connect( iAddress, iStatus );
   748         ChangeStatus( EConnecting );
   749         SetActive();
   751         // Start a timeout
   752         iTimer->After( KTimeOut );
   753         }
   754     }
   756 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   757 // CSocketsEngine::Disconnect()
   758 // Shutdown socket
   759 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   760 //
   761 void CSocketsEngine::Disconnect()
   762     {
   763     if (iEngineStatus == EListening && iProtocol == KProtocolInetTcp)
   764         {
   765         iListeningSocket.CancelAccept();
   766         iListeningSocket.Close();
   767         // Remember to close the socket on reader RunL()
   768         }
   769     if (iEngineStatus == EConnected || iEngineStatus == EListening)
   770         {
   771         iSocketsRead->Cancel();
   772         iSocketsWrite->Cancel();
   774         // have to do this.
   775         iTimer->Cancel();
   777         // Use Close() instead of Shutdown(). This way we
   778         // can handle the situation, where server initiates
   779         // the closing process, and sends RST signal instead
   780         // of FIN. If server sends RST and Shutdown() is used,
   781         // engine stays in EDisconnecting state forever.
   782         iSocket.Close();
   784         ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
   785         }
   786     }
   788 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   789 // CSocketsEngine::ListenL()
   790 // Opens listening socket
   791 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   792 //
   793 void CSocketsEngine::ListenL()
   794     {
   795     // Initiate attempt to connect to a socket by IP address	
   796     if ((iEngineStatus == EInterfaceUp) || (iEngineStatus == ETimedOut))
   797         {
   798         // Open a TCP socket
   799         iSocket.Close(); // Just in case
   800         iListeningSocket.Close();
   802         // Set up address information
   803         iAddress.SetFamily( 0 );
   804         iAddress.SetPort( iPort );
   805         switch (iProtocol)
   806             {
   807             case KProtocolInetTcp:
   808                 User::LeaveIfError( iSocket.Open( iSocketServ ) );
   809                 User::LeaveIfError( iListeningSocket.Open( iSocketServ,
   810                         KAfInet, iSocketType, iProtocol, iConnection ) );
   811                 // Bind a port
   812                 iListeningSocket.Bind( iAddress );
   813                 // Listens a socket
   814                 iListeningSocket.Listen( 1 ); // Only one connection allowed
   815                 // Accepts one connection
   816                 iListeningSocket.Accept( iSocket, iStatus );
   817                 ChangeStatus( EListening );
   818                 SetActive();
   819                 break;
   820             case KProtocolInetUdp:
   821                 User::LeaveIfError( iSocket.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet,
   822                         iSocketType, iProtocol, iConnection ) );
   823                 iSocket.Bind( iAddress );
   824                 ChangeStatus( EListening );
   825                 iStatus = KErrNone;
   826                 RunL(); // ugly.
   827                 break;
   828             default:
   829                 User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   830                 break;
   831             }
   832         }
   833     }
   835 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   836 // CSocketsEngine::Write()
   837 // Write data to socket
   838 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   839 //
   840 void CSocketsEngine::WriteL( const TDesC8& aData )
   841     {
   842     RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Sending data, length = %d"),aData.Length() );
   844     iSocketsRead->SetPerformance( EFalse );
   846     // Write data to socket
   847     if (iEngineStatus == EConnected)
   848         {
   849         iSocketsWrite->IssueWriteL( aData, &iAddress, iProtocol );
   850         }
   851     }
   853 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   854 // CSocketsEngine::Write()
   855 // Write data to socket aCount times
   856 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   857 //
   858 void CSocketsEngine::WriteFloodL( const TDesC8& aData, TInt aCount )
   859     {
   860     // Write data to socket
   861     if (iEngineStatus == EConnected)
   862         {
   863         iThroughputStartTime.UniversalTime();
   864         iSocketsWrite->IssueWriteL( aData, &iAddress, iProtocol, aCount );
   865         }
   866     }
   868 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   869 // CSocketsEngine::SendHttpRequestOverSocketL(TBool aHasBody)
   870 // Write HTTP request to socket
   871 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   872 //
   873 void CSocketsEngine::SendHttpRequestOverSocketL( TBool aHasBody,
   874         TBool aDoPerformance )
   875     {
   876     iSocketsRead->SetPerformance( aDoPerformance );
   878     TBuf8<256> req;
   880     if (aHasBody)
   881         {
   882         // Send HTTP POST
   883         req.Copy( _L8("POST "));
   885         // Add '/' if it is not included in the given page name
   886         if (!((TChar)iSettingData->iHttpPage[0] == '/'))
   887             {
   888             req.Append( _L8("/"));
   889             }
   891         req.Append( iSettingData->iHttpPage );
   892         req.Append( _L8(" HTTP/1.1\r\n"));
   893         req.Append( _L8("Host: "));
   894         req.Append( iSettingData->iServerName );
   895         req.Append( _L8(":"));
   896         req.AppendNum( iSettingData->iPort );
   897         req.AppendFormat( _L8("\r\nContent-Length: %d"), iSettingData->iPacketSize
   898                 * iSettingData->iPackets );
   899         req.Append( _L8("\r\n\r\n"));
   901         iSocketsWrite->IssueWriteL( req, &iAddress, iProtocol,
   902                 iSettingData->iPacketSize, iSettingData->iPackets );
   903         }
   904     else
   905         {
   906         // Send HTTP GET
   907         req.Copy( _L8("GET "));
   909         // Add '/' if it is not included in the given page name
   910         if (!((TChar)iSettingData->iHttpPage[0] == '/'))
   911             {
   912             req.Append( _L8("/"));
   913             }
   915         req.Append( iSettingData->iHttpPage );
   916         req.Append( _L8(" HTTP/1.1\r\n"));
   917         req.Append( _L8("Host: "));
   918         req.Append( iSettingData->iServerName );
   919         req.Append( _L8(":"));
   920         req.AppendNum( iSettingData->iPort );
   921         req.Append( _L8("\r\n\r\n"));
   923         StartTickCount();
   924         iSocketsWrite->IssueWriteL( req, &iAddress, iProtocol );
   925         }
   926     }
   928 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   929 // CSocketsEngine::Read()
   930 // Read data from socket
   931 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   932 //
   933 void CSocketsEngine::Read()
   934     {
   935     // Initiate read of data from socket
   936     if ((iEngineStatus == EConnected) && (!iSocketsRead->IsActive()))
   937         {
   938         iSocketsRead->Start( &iAddress, iProtocol );
   939         }
   940     }
   942 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   943 // CSocketsEngine::RunL()
   944 // 
   945 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   946 //
   947 void CSocketsEngine::RunL()
   948     {
   949     // Active object request complete handler.
   950     // iEngineStatus flags what request was made, so its
   951     // completion can be handled appropriately
   952     iTimer->Cancel(); // Cancel TimeOut timer before completion
   953     TBuf<64> text( _L(""));
   954     switch (iEngineStatus)
   955         {
   956         case EInterfaceDown:
   957             // Just in case, if status is changed in ProgressNotifyReceived
   958             // method before this method is called
   959             break;
   960         case EStartingInterface:
   961             text.Format( _L("RConnection::Start()"));
   962             StopTickCount( text );
   963             // Interface startup request
   964             if (iStatus == KErrNone)
   965                 {
   966                 // Interface started successfully
   967                 ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
   969                 if (iCloseConnection)
   970                     {
   971                     iHttpClient->SetHttpConnectionInfoL( EFalse,
   972                             *iCloseConnection, iSocketServ );
   973                     }
   974                 else
   975                     {
   976                     iHttpClient->SetHttpConnectionInfoL( EFalse, iConnection,
   977                             iSocketServ );
   978                     }
   980                 if ( ( iSockEngineStartType == ESnap ||
   981                        iSockEngineStartType == EExtPrefs ||
   982                        iSockEngineStartType == EExtPrefsInternet ) &&
   983                      ( iRoaming == ERoamingAutomatic || iRoaming == ERoamingManual ) )
   984                     {
   985                     RegisterToMobilityAPIL();
   986                     }
   988                 if (iConnectAfterStartup)
   989                     {
   990                     ConnectL();
   991                     }
   992                 }
   993             else
   994                 {
   995                 iConsole.ErrorNotify( _L("<CSocketsEngine> Startup failed"), iStatus.Int() );
   996                 ChangeStatus( EInterfaceDown );
   997                 SetSocketEngineConnType( ETypeUnknown );
   998                 }
   999             break;
  1001         case EConnecting:
  1002             // IP connection request
  1003             text.Format( _L("RSocket::Connect()"));
  1004             StopTickCount( text );
  1005             if (iStatus == KErrNone)
  1006             // Connection completed successfully
  1007                 {
  1008                 ChangeStatus( EConnected );
  1009                 Read(); //Start CSocketsRead Active object
  1010                 }
  1011             else
  1012                 {
  1013                 iConsole.ErrorNotify( _L("<CSocketsEngine> Conn. failed"), iStatus.Int() );
  1014                 ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
  1015                 }
  1016             break;
  1018         case ELookingUp:
  1019             text.Format( _L("RHostResolver::GetByName()"));
  1020             StopTickCount( text );
  1021             iResolver.Close();
  1022             if (iStatus == KErrNone)
  1023                 {
  1024                 // DNS look up successful
  1025                 iNameRecord = iNameEntry();
  1026                 // Extract domain name and IP address from name record
  1027                 PrintTextToConsole( _L("\r\nDomain name = "));
  1028                 PrintTextToConsole( iNameRecord.iName );
  1029                 TBuf<64> ipAddr;
  1030                 TInetAddr::Cast( iNameRecord.iAddr ).Output( ipAddr );
  1031                 iConsole.PrintNotify( _L("\r\nIP address = "));
  1032                 PrintTextToConsole( ipAddr );
  1033                 PrintTextToConsole( _L("\r\n"));
  1034                 // And connect to the IP address
  1035                 ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
  1036                 ConnectL( TInetAddr::Cast( iNameRecord.iAddr ) );
  1037                 }
  1038             else
  1039                 {
  1040                 // DNS lookup failed
  1041                 iConsole.ErrorNotify( _L("<CSocketsEngine> DNS lookup failed"), iStatus.Int() );
  1042                 ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
  1043                 }
  1044             break;
  1045         case EListening:
  1046             // Listening socket accept returned
  1047             if (iStatus == KErrNone && !iSocketsRead->IsActive())
  1048             // Connection established
  1049                 {
  1050                 //ChangeStatus(EConnected); Might as well be in listening state.
  1051                 // This how we can keep accepting several connections
  1052                 // Initiate read of data from socket
  1053                 iSocketsRead->StartRAWRead( &iAddress, iProtocol );
  1054                 }
  1055             else
  1056                 {
  1057                 iConsole.ErrorNotify( _L("<CSocketsEngine> Accept. failed"), iStatus.Int() );
  1058                 iListeningSocket.Close();
  1059                 iSocket.Close();
  1060                 ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
  1061                 }
  1063             break;
  1064         case EDisconnecting:
  1065             if (iStatus == KErrNone)
  1066                 {
  1067                 iSocket.Close();
  1068                 ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
  1069                 }
  1070             break;
  1072         default:
  1073             // Ignore the state check here, because it might happen that state
  1074             // has already been altered in ProgressNotifyReceived method.
  1075             break;
  1076         }
  1077     }
  1079 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1080 // CSocketsEngine::DoCancel()
  1081 // Cancel ongoing operations
  1082 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1083 //
  1084 void CSocketsEngine::DoCancel()
  1085     {
  1086     iTimer->Cancel();
  1088     // Cancel ongoing operation
  1089     switch (iEngineStatus)
  1090         {
  1091         case EStartingInterface:
  1093             if (iCloseConnection)
  1094                 {
  1095                 iCloseConnection->Close();
  1096                 delete iCloseConnection;
  1097                 iCloseConnection = NULL;
  1098                 }
  1099             else
  1100                 {
  1101                 iConnection.Stop();
  1102                 }
  1104             UnRegisterFromMobilityAPI();
  1105             SetSocketEngineConnType( ETypeUnknown );
  1106             ChangeStatus( EInterfaceDown );
  1108             break;
  1109         case EConnecting:
  1110             iSocket.CancelConnect();
  1111             iSocket.Close();
  1112             ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
  1113             break;
  1114         case ELookingUp:
  1115             // Cancel look up attempt
  1116             iResolver.Cancel();
  1117             iResolver.Close();
  1118             ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
  1119             break;
  1120         case EDisconnecting:
  1121             ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
  1122             iSocket.Close();
  1123             break;
  1124         case EListening:
  1125             ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
  1126             iListeningSocket.CancelAccept();
  1127             iListeningSocket.Close();
  1128             iSocket.Close();
  1129             break;
  1130         default:
  1131             User::Panic( KPanicSocketsEngine, EConnTestBadStatus );
  1132             break;
  1133         }
  1134     }
  1136 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1137 // CSocketsEngine::ChangeStatus(TSocketsEngineState aNewStatus)
  1138 // Set new status for socket engine and update the status
  1139 // line in console window.
  1140 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1141 //
  1142 void CSocketsEngine::ChangeStatus( TSocketsEngineState aNewStatus )
  1143     {
  1144     // Update the status (and the status display)
  1145     switch (aNewStatus)
  1146         {
  1147         case EInterfaceDown:
  1148             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Interface stopped"));
  1149             break;
  1150         case EStartingInterface:
  1151             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Starting interface..."));
  1152             break;
  1153         case EInterfaceUp:
  1154             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Interface up"));
  1155             break;
  1156         case EConnecting:
  1157             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Connecting..."));
  1158             break;
  1159         case EConnected:
  1160             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Connected"));
  1161             break;
  1162         case EListening:
  1163             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Listening"));
  1164             break;
  1165         case ETimedOut:
  1166             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Timed out"));
  1167             break;
  1168         case ELookingUp:
  1169             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Looking up..."));
  1170             break;
  1171         case ELookUpFailed:
  1172             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Look up failed"));
  1173             break;
  1174         case EConnectFailed:
  1175             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Failed"));
  1176             break;
  1177         case EDisconnecting:
  1178             iConsole.SetStatus( _L("Disconnecting..."));
  1179             break;
  1180         default:
  1181             User::Panic( KPanicSocketsEngine, EConnTestBadStatus );
  1182             break;
  1183         }
  1184     iEngineStatus = aNewStatus;
  1185     }
  1187 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1188 // CSocketsEngine::PrintTextToConsole(const TDesC& aDes)
  1189 // Helper function for printing notifications, text
  1190 // formatting added.
  1191 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1192 //
  1193 void CSocketsEngine::PrintTextToConsole( const TDesC& aDes )
  1194     {
  1195     // Print some text on the console
  1196     iConsole.PrintNotify( aDes ); // Try if this works on real hw
  1197     }
  1199 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1200 // CSocketsEngine::SetConnectionData(const CSettingData* aData)
  1201 // Set connection information.
  1202 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1203 //
  1204 void CSocketsEngine::SetConnectionData( const CSettingData* aData )
  1205     {
  1206     iServerName.Copy( aData->iServerName );
  1207     iPort = aData->iPort;
  1209     switch (aData->iProtocol)
  1210         {
  1211         case 0:
  1212             iProtocol = KProtocolInetTcp;
  1213             iSocketType = KSockStream;
  1214             break;
  1215         case 1:
  1216             iProtocol = KProtocolInetUdp;
  1217             iSocketType = KSockDatagram;
  1218             break;
  1219         default:
  1220             iProtocol = KProtocolInetTcp;
  1221             iSocketType = KSockStream;
  1222             break;
  1223         }
  1225     iRoaming = (TRoamingSetting)aData->iRoaming;
  1227     iHttpPage = aData->iHttpPage;
  1229     iSettingData = (CSettingData*)aData;
  1230     }
  1232 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1233 // CSocketsEngine::SetCustomPrefs(const CCustomPrefsData* aData)
  1234 // Set custom preferences information.
  1235 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1236 //
  1237 void CSocketsEngine::SetCustomPrefsData( const CCustomPrefsData* aData )
  1238     {
  1239     iCustomPrefsData = (CCustomPrefsData*)aData;
  1240     iExtPrefs->SetSnapPurpose( (CMManager::TSnapPurpose)aData->iSnapPurpose );
  1241     iExtPrefs->SetSnapId( aData->iSnapId );
  1242     iExtPrefs->SetIapId( aData->iIapId );
  1243     iExtPrefs->SetBearerSet( aData->iBearerSet );
  1244     iExtPrefs->SetNoteBehaviour( aData->iNoteBehaviour );
  1245     iExtPrefs->SetDisconnectDialog( aData->iDisconnectDialog );
  1246     iExtPrefs->SetConnSelectionDialog( aData->iConnSelectionDialog );
  1247     iExtPrefs->SetForcedRoaming( aData->iForcedRoaming );
  1248     }
  1250 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1251 // CSocketsEngine::ConnectionInfo()
  1252 // Display information about current connection and sockets
  1253 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1254 //
  1255 void CSocketsEngine::ConnectionInfoL()
  1256     {
  1257     TInt result;
  1258     TBuf<40> val;
  1259     TBuf<40> network;
  1260     TBuf<20> query;
  1261     TName name;
  1262     TUint connCount;
  1263     TUint i, j;
  1264     TConnectionEnumArg args;
  1265     TUint32 networkId;
  1266     RApaLsSession appSess;
  1267     TApaAppInfo appInfo;
  1269     User::LeaveIfError( appSess.Connect() );
  1270     CleanupClosePushL( appSess );
  1272     HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( 2048 );
  1273     TPtr infoBuf = buf->Des();
  1275     infoBuf.AppendFormat( _L("===============\n"));
  1276     infoBuf.AppendFormat( _L("Connection info:\n"));
  1278     // Connection name.
  1279     result = iConnection.Name( name );
  1280     User::LeaveIfError( result );
  1281     RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Connection name: %S"), &name );
  1283     // Get connection info
  1284     result = iConnection.EnumerateConnections( connCount );
  1285     User::LeaveIfError( result );
  1286     RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: Number of connections: %d"), connCount );
  1287     infoBuf.AppendFormat( _L("Connections: %d\n"), connCount );
  1289     if (connCount == 0)
  1290         {
  1291         infoBuf.AppendFormat( _L("---------------\n"));
  1292         PrintTextToConsole( infoBuf );
  1293         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf ); // buf
  1294         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &appSess );
  1295         return;
  1296         }
  1298     //
  1299     // Get active connection info
  1300     //
  1301     infoBuf.AppendFormat( _L("Active connection:\n"));
  1303     // IAP name
  1304     query.Format( _L("%s\\%s"), IAP, COMMDB_NAME);
  1305     result = iConnection.GetDesSetting(query, val);
  1306     if(result == KErrNone)
  1307         {
  1308         RDebug::Print(_L("ConnTest: IAP/Name value: %S"), &val);
  1309         infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("-IAP: %S\n"), &val);
  1310         }
  1312     // Network id
  1313             query.Format(_L("%s\\%s"), IAP, IAP_NETWORK);
  1314             result = iConnection.GetIntSetting(query, networkId);
  1315             if(result == KErrNone)
  1316                 {
  1317                 // Get the corresponding network name for this id,
  1318             // it is user friendlier.
  1319             RDebug::Print(_L("ConnTest: NetworkId: %d"), networkId);
  1321             // Network name
  1322             CCommsDatabase* TheDb;
  1324             TheDb = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
  1325             CleanupStack::PushL(TheDb);
  1327             CCommsDbTableView* view = TheDb->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC(NETWORK),
  1328                     TPtrC(COMMDB_ID),
  1329                     networkId );
  1330             result = view->GotoFirstRecord();
  1332             if(result == KErrNone)
  1333                 {
  1334                 view->ReadTextL(TPtrC(COMMDB_NAME), network);
  1335                 RDebug::Print(_L("ConnTest: Network name: %S"), &network);
  1336                 infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("-net: %S\n"), &network);
  1337                 }
  1338             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(view);
  1339             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(TheDb);
  1340             }
  1342         // Note! The following doesn't work, because NETWORK table
  1343         // is not among those tables where information can be
  1344         // fetched this way. (Perhaps in future.)
  1345         /*    
  1346          // Network name
  1347          query.Format(_L("%s\\%s"), NETWORK, COMMDB_NAME);
  1348          result = iConnection.GetDesSetting(query, network);
  1349          RDebug::Print(_L("IAP/Name value: %S"), &val);
  1350          infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("Network name: %S\n"), &network);
  1352          // Network id
  1353          query.Format(_L("%s\\%s"), NETWORK, COMMDB_ID);
  1354          result = iConnection.GetIntSetting(query, networkId);
  1355          RDebug::Print(_L("IAP/Name value: %d"), networkId);
  1356          infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("Network id: %d\n"), networkId);
  1357          */
  1359         // Print transferred data
  1360         TPckg<TUint> uplinkVolume(0);
  1361         TPckg<TUint> downlinkVolume(0);
  1362         TRequestStatus status;
  1363         iConnection.DataTransferredRequest(uplinkVolume, downlinkVolume, status);
  1364         User::WaitForRequest(status);
  1365         if(status.Int() == KErrNone)
  1366             {
  1367             infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("-up=%d, down=%d\n"), uplinkVolume(), downlinkVolume());
  1368             }
  1370         for(i = 1; i <= connCount; i++)
  1371             {
  1372             infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("\nConnection %d:\n"), i);
  1373             TPckgBuf<TConnectionInfo> connInfo;
  1374             result = iConnection.GetConnectionInfo(i, connInfo);
  1375             User::LeaveIfError(result);
  1376             RDebug::Print(_L("ConnTest: IapId: %d, NetId: %d"), connInfo().iIapId, connInfo().iNetId);
  1377             infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L(" -IapId=%d, NetId=%d\n"), connInfo().iIapId, connInfo().iNetId);
  1379             // Get info about clients using this connection
  1380             args.iIndex = i;
  1381             TConnEnumArgBuf enumBuf(args);
  1383             TConnectionGetClientInfoArg clientInfoArg;
  1384             clientInfoArg.iIndex = 1;
  1385             TConnGetClientInfoArgBuf clientInfoBuf(clientInfoArg);
  1387             TConnectionClientInfo clientInfo;
  1389             result = iConnection.Control(KCOLConnection, KCoEnumerateConnectionClients, enumBuf);
  1390             User::LeaveIfError(result);
  1391             infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L(" -clients: %d\n"), enumBuf().iCount);
  1393             for(j = 1; j <= enumBuf().iCount; j++)
  1394                 {
  1395                 clientInfoBuf().iIndex = j;
  1396                 result = iConnection.Control( KCOLConnection,
  1397                         KCoGetConnectionClientInfo,
  1398                         clientInfoBuf );
  1399                 User::LeaveIfError(result);
  1400                 clientInfo = clientInfoBuf().iClientInfo;
  1402                 TInt id = clientInfo.iProcessId;
  1403                 RDebug::Print(_L("ConnTest: ProcessId: %d"), id);
  1405                 // Get application  name
  1406 #ifndef __WINS__
  1407             result = appSess.GetAppInfo(appInfo, clientInfo.iUid);
  1408             if(result == KErrNone)
  1409                 {
  1410                 infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("   client %d=%S\n"), j, &(appInfo.iCaption));
  1411                 }
  1412             else
  1413                 {
  1414                 // Servers don't have caption name (e.g. Connection Monitor server)
  1415                 infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("   client %d=%x\n"), j, clientInfo.iUid);
  1416                 }
  1417 #else
  1418             infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("   client %d=N/A in WINS\n"), j);
  1419 #endif        
  1420             }
  1422         // Get info about sockets using this connection
  1423         TConnectionGetSocketInfoArg socketInfoArg;
  1424         socketInfoArg.iIndex = i;
  1425         TConnGetSocketInfoArgBuf socketInfoBuf(socketInfoArg);
  1426         TConnectionSocketInfo socketInfo;
  1428         result = iConnection.Control( KCOLConnection,
  1429                 KCoEnumerateConnectionSockets,
  1430                 enumBuf);
  1431         User::LeaveIfError(result);
  1432         infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L(" -sockets: %d\n"), enumBuf().iCount);
  1434         for(j = 1; j <= enumBuf().iCount; j++)
  1435             {
  1436             socketInfoBuf().iIndex = j;
  1437             result = iConnection.Control( KCOLConnection,
  1438                     KCoGetConnectionSocketInfo,
  1439                     socketInfoBuf );
  1440             User::LeaveIfError(result);
  1441             socketInfo = socketInfoBuf().iSocketInfo;
  1443             TUint id = socketInfo.iAddressFamily;
  1444             TBuf<5> prot;
  1445             socketInfo.iProtocol == KProtocolInetTcp ? prot.Copy(_L("tcp")) : prot.Copy(_L("udp"));
  1447             TSockAddr sa = socketInfo.iSourceAddress;
  1448             TSockAddr da = socketInfo.iDestinationAddress;
  1450             TInetAddr& source = TInetAddr::Cast(sa);
  1451             TInetAddr& dest = TInetAddr::Cast(da);
  1453             TBuf<20> a1;
  1454             source.Output(a1);
  1456             TBuf<20> a2;
  1457             dest.Output(a2);
  1459             RDebug::Print(_L("ConnTest: ProcessId: %d"), id);
  1460             infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("  %d. socket: %S\n   %S->\n   %S\n"), j, &prot, &a1, &a2);
  1461             }
  1462         } // for (i...  
  1463     infoBuf.AppendFormat(_L("---------------\n"));
  1464     PrintTextToConsole(infoBuf);
  1465     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
  1466     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&appSess);
  1467     }
  1469     // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1470     // CSocketsEngine::SendHttpFrameworkRequestL()
  1471     // Send HTTP request
  1472     // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1473     //
  1474 void CSocketsEngine::SendHttpFrameworkRequestL( TBool aHasBody,
  1475         TBool aDoPerformance,
  1476         TBool aIsSecure )
  1477     {
  1478     iHttpClient->SetPerformance( aDoPerformance );
  1479     iHttpClient->InvokeHttpMethodL( iSettingData, aHasBody, aIsSecure );
  1480     }
  1482 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1483 // CSocketsEngine::ProgressNotifyReceivedL(TInt aStage)
  1484 // Progress notification has been received, display the
  1485 // stage in output window.
  1486 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1487 //
  1488 void CSocketsEngine::ProgressNotifyReceivedL( TInt aStage, TInt aError )
  1489     {
  1491     TBuf8<64> text;
  1492     text.AppendFormat( _L8("Progress: %d, %d"), aStage, aError );
  1494     TBuf8<16> error;
  1495     error.Format( _L8(", %d"), aError );
  1497     switch (aStage)
  1498         {
  1499         case KConnectionUninitialised: // 0
  1500             iConsole.PrintNotify( _L8("Connection uninit"));
  1501             iConsole.PrintNotify( error );
  1502             break;
  1503         case KStartingSelection: // 1000
  1504             iConsole.PrintNotify( _L8("Starting selection"));
  1505             iConsole.PrintNotify( error );
  1506             break;
  1507         case KFinishedSelection: // 2000
  1508             iConsole.PrintNotify( _L8("Finished selection"));
  1509             iConsole.PrintNotify( error );
  1511             if (iCloseConnection)
  1512                 {
  1513                 // We are starting RConnection instance for testing RConnection::Close.
  1514                 // At this point we can attach the monitoring RConnection instance to
  1515                 // interface, and delete the temporary progress notifier.
  1516                 //
  1517                 // We may loose few progress notifications at start up, that's small
  1518                 // prize compared to advantages: we get correct notifications when
  1519                 // interface goes down, which is the essential part of this test.
  1521                 TBuf<20> query;
  1522                 TUint32 networkId;
  1523                 TInt result;
  1524                 TInt err( KErrNone );
  1525                 TConnectionInfo info;
  1526                 TPckg<TConnectionInfo> pckgInfo( info );
  1528                 // Network id
  1529                 query.Format( _L("%s\\%s"), IAP, IAP_NETWORK);
  1530                 result = iCloseConnection->GetIntSetting(query, networkId);
  1531                 if(result == KErrNone)
  1532                     {
  1533                     info.iIapId = iPrefs.IapId();
  1534                     info.iNetId = networkId;
  1535                     }
  1536                 err = iConnection.Attach( pckgInfo, RConnection::EAttachTypeMonitor );
  1537                 if ( err != KErrNone )
  1538                     {
  1539                     iConsole.ErrorNotify(_L("Attaching failed"), err);
  1540                     }
  1541                 iTempProgressNotifier->Cancel();
  1542                 delete iTempProgressNotifier;
  1543                 iTempProgressNotifier = NULL;
  1544                 }
  1545             break;
  1546             case KConnectionFailure: // 2001
  1547                         iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("Connection failure"));
  1548                         iConsole.PrintNotify(error);
  1549                         break;
  1550                         case KMinAgtProgress: // 2500
  1551                         iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("Min agt progress"));
  1552                         iConsole.PrintNotify(error);
  1553                         break;
  1554                         case KConnectionOpen: // 3500
  1555                         iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("Connection open"));
  1556                         iConsole.PrintNotify(error);
  1557                         break;
  1558                         case KConnectionClosed: // 4500
  1559                         iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("Connection closed"));
  1560                         iConsole.PrintNotify(error);
  1561                         break;
  1562                         case KMaxAgtProgress: // 5500
  1563                         iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("Max agent progress"));
  1564                         iConsole.PrintNotify(error);
  1565                         break;
  1566                         case KMinNifProgress: // 6000
  1567                         iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("Min nif progress"));
  1568                         iConsole.PrintNotify(error);
  1569                         break;
  1570                         case KLinkLayerOpen: // 7000
  1571                         iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("Link layer open"));
  1572                         iConsole.PrintNotify(error);
  1573                         break;
  1574                         case KLinkLayerClosed: // 8000
  1575                         iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("Link layer closed"));
  1576                         iConsole.PrintNotify(error);
  1577                         iHttpClient->SetHttpConnectionInfoL(ETrue, iConnection, iSocketServ);
  1579                         switch (iEngineStatus)
  1580                             {
  1581                             case EStartingInterface:
  1582                             // This case will occur, if username/password prompt dialog
  1583                             // is used and cancel is selected in dialog, and when error
  1584                             // occurs during interface startup.
  1585                             break;
  1586                             case EInterfaceDown:
  1587                             // EInterfaceDown must be handled also, because this
  1588                             // state has been set in StopInterface method.
  1589                             break;
  1590                             case EListening:
  1591                             iListeningSocket.CancelAccept();
  1592                             iListeningSocket.Close();
  1593                             // FALLTHROUGH
  1594                             case ELookingUp:
  1595                             // Cancel everything depending on state.
  1596                             iResolver.Cancel();
  1597                             iResolver.Close();
  1598                             // FALLTHROUGH
  1599                             case EConnected:
  1600                             iSocketsRead->Cancel();
  1601                             iSocketsWrite->Cancel();
  1602                             // FALLTHROUGH
  1603                             case EConnecting:
  1604                             // This looks awful, but is required because of the fall through
  1605                             // and buggy implementation of the CancelConnect.
  1606                             if( EConnecting == iEngineStatus )
  1607                                 {
  1608                                 iSocket.CancelConnect();
  1609                                 }
  1610                             // FALLTHROUGH
  1611                             case EDisconnecting:
  1612                             iSocket.Close();
  1613                             // FALLTHROUGH
  1614                             case EInterfaceUp:
  1615                             if (iRoaming == ERoamingOff)
  1616                                 {
  1617                                 UnRegisterFromMobilityAPI();
  1618                                 SetSocketEngineConnType(ETypeUnknown);
  1619                                 ChangeStatus(EInterfaceDown);
  1620                                 }
  1621                             else
  1622                                 {
  1623                                 iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("MobilitySession lost!\n"));
  1624                                 UnRegisterFromMobilityAPI();
  1625                                 SetSocketEngineConnType(ETypeUnknown);
  1626                                 ChangeStatus(EInterfaceDown);
  1627                                 }
  1628                             break;
  1629                             default:
  1630                             User::Panic(KPanicSocketsEngine, EConnTestBadStatus);
  1631                             break;
  1632                             }
  1634                         break;
  1635                         case KMaxNifProgress: // 9000
  1636                         iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("Max nif progress\n"));
  1637                         break;
  1638                         default:
  1639                         iConsole.PrintNotify(text);
  1640                         }
  1641                     iConsole.PrintNotify(_L8("\f"));
  1642                     }
  1644                 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1645                 // CSocketsEngine::ProgressNotifyError(TInt aStatus)
  1646                 // Some error has occurred while receiving progress
  1647                 // notifications.
  1648                 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1649                 //
  1650 void CSocketsEngine::ProgressNotifyError( TInt aStatus )
  1651     {
  1652     iConsole.ErrorNotify( _L("<CProgressNotifier> Notify failed"), aStatus );
  1653     }
  1655 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1656 // CSocketsEngine::TimerExpired()
  1657 // Cancel ongoing operations
  1658 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1659 //
  1660 void CSocketsEngine::TimerExpired()
  1661     {
  1662     Cancel();
  1663     iConsole.ErrorNotify( _L("<CSocketsEngine> Timed out"), KErrTimedOut );
  1664     }
  1666 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1667 // CSocketsEngine::InterfaceInfoL()
  1668 // Print information about interfaces.
  1669 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1670 //
  1671 void CSocketsEngine::InterfaceInfoL()
  1672     {
  1673     TBuf<128> t;
  1674     TAutoClose<RSocketServ> ss;
  1675     User::LeaveIfError( ss.iObj.Connect() );
  1676     ss.PushL();
  1678     TAutoClose<RSocket> sock;
  1679     User::LeaveIfError( sock.iObj.Open( ss.iObj, _L("udp")) );
  1680     sock.PushL();
  1682     User::LeaveIfError(
  1683             sock.iObj.SetOpt( KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl ) );
  1685     TProtocolDesc in;
  1686     User::LeaveIfError( sock.iObj.Info( in ) );
  1688     TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> info, next;
  1690     TInt res = sock.iObj.GetOpt( KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, info );
  1691     if (res != KErrNone)
  1692         {
  1693         User::Leave( res );
  1694         }
  1695     TInt count = 0;
  1696     while (res == KErrNone)
  1697         {
  1698         res = sock.iObj.GetOpt( KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, next );
  1700         if (info().iName != _L("") && info().iName != _L("loop6") && info().iName != _L("loop4"))
  1701             {
  1702             t.Format( _L("Interface %d\n"),count++ );
  1703             PrintTextToConsole( t );
  1704             t.Format( _L("Name \"%S\"\n"), &info().iName );
  1705             PrintTextToConsole( t );
  1707             t.Format( _L("State "));
  1708             switch (info().iState)
  1709                 {
  1710                 case EIfPending:
  1711                     t.AppendFormat( _L("pending\n"));
  1712                     break;
  1713                 case EIfUp:
  1714                     t.AppendFormat( _L("up\n"));
  1715                     break;
  1716                 case EIfBusy:
  1717                     t.AppendFormat( _L("busy\n"));
  1718                     break;
  1719                 default:
  1720                     t.AppendFormat( _L("down\n"));
  1721                     break;
  1722                 }
  1724             t.AppendFormat( _L("Mtu %d\n"), info().iMtu );
  1725             t.AppendFormat( _L("Speed Metric %d\n"), info().iSpeedMetric );
  1727             t.Format( _L("Features:"));
  1728             info().iFeatures & KIfIsLoopback ? t.AppendFormat( _L(" loopback")) : t.AppendFormat( _L(""));
  1729             info().iFeatures & KIfIsDialup ? t.AppendFormat( _L(" dialup")) : t.AppendFormat( _L(""));
  1730             info().iFeatures & KIfIsPointToPoint ? t.AppendFormat( _L(" pointtopoint")) : t.AppendFormat( _L(""));
  1731             info().iFeatures & KIfCanBroadcast ? t.AppendFormat( _L(" canbroadcast")) : t.AppendFormat( _L(""));
  1732             info().iFeatures & KIfCanMulticast ? t.AppendFormat( _L(" canmulticast")) : t.AppendFormat( _L(""));
  1733             info().iFeatures & KIfCanSetMTU ? t.AppendFormat( _L(" cansetmtu")) : t.AppendFormat( _L(""));
  1734             info().iFeatures & KIfHasHardwareAddr ? t.AppendFormat( _L(" hardwareaddr")) : t.AppendFormat( _L(""));
  1735             info().iFeatures & KIfCanSetHardwareAddr ? t.AppendFormat( _L(" cansethardwareaddr")) : t.AppendFormat( _L(""));
  1736             t.AppendFormat( _L("\n"));
  1738             TName address;
  1739             info().iAddress.Output( address );
  1740             t.Format( _L("Addr: %S\n"), &address );
  1742             if (info().iAddress.IsLinkLocal())
  1743                 {
  1744                 t.AppendFormat( _L("  -link local\n"));
  1745                 }
  1746             else if (info().iAddress.IsSiteLocal())
  1747                 {
  1748                 t.AppendFormat( _L("  -site local\n"));
  1749                 }
  1750             else
  1751                 {
  1752                 t.AppendFormat( _L("  -global\n"));
  1753                 }
  1754             PrintTextToConsole( t );
  1756             info().iBrdAddr.Output( address );
  1757             info().iDefGate.Output( address );
  1758             t.Format( _L("Gatew: %S\n"), &address );
  1759             info().iNameSer1.Output( address );
  1760             t.AppendFormat( _L("DNS 1: %S\n"), &address );
  1761             info().iNameSer2.Output( address );
  1762             t.AppendFormat( _L("DNS 2: %S\n"), &address );
  1763             PrintTextToConsole( t );
  1765             if (info().iHwAddr.Family() != KAFUnspec)
  1766                 {
  1767                 PrintTextToConsole( _L("Hardware address "));
  1768                 TUint j;
  1769                 for (j = sizeof(SSockAddr); j < sizeof(SSockAddr) + 6; ++j)
  1770                     {
  1771                     if (j < (TUint)info().iHwAddr.Length())
  1772                         {
  1773                         t.Format( _L("%02X"), info().iHwAddr[j] );
  1774                         PrintTextToConsole( t );
  1775                         }
  1776                     else
  1777                         {
  1778                         PrintTextToConsole( _L("??"));
  1779                         }
  1780                     if (j < sizeof(SSockAddr) + 5)
  1781                         {
  1782                         PrintTextToConsole( _L("-"));
  1783                         }
  1784                     else
  1785                         {
  1786                         PrintTextToConsole( _L("\n"));
  1787                         }
  1788                     }
  1789                 }
  1790             }
  1791         if (res == KErrNone)
  1792             {
  1793             info = next;
  1794             PrintTextToConsole( _L("\n"));
  1795             }
  1796         else
  1797             {
  1798             PrintTextToConsole( _L("\n"));
  1799             }
  1800         }
  1801     t.Format( _L("Total %d interfaces\n"),count );
  1802     PrintTextToConsole( t );
  1804     sock.Pop();
  1805     ss.Pop();
  1806     }
  1808 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1809 // CSocketsEngine::SetWLANQoS()
  1810 // Set QoS for WLAN
  1811 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1812 //
  1813 void CSocketsEngine::SetWLANQoS( TInt aClass )
  1814     {
  1815     TInt opt;
  1816     TInt err;
  1817     TBuf<64> t;
  1819     if (iEngineStatus != EConnected)
  1820         {
  1821         t.Copy( _L("\nConnect first!\n"));
  1822         PrintTextToConsole( t );
  1823         return;
  1824         }
  1826     err = iSocket.GetOpt( KSoIpTOS, KSolInetIp, opt );
  1828     opt = opt >> 2;
  1830     if (err == KErrNone)
  1831         {
  1832         t.Format( _L("Old TOS: %x\n"), opt );
  1833         }
  1834     else
  1835         {
  1836         t.Format( _L("Cannot get TOS opt\n"));
  1837         }
  1839     PrintTextToConsole( t );
  1841     switch (aClass)
  1842         {
  1843         case 7:
  1844             err = iSocket.SetOpt( KSoIpTOS, KSolInetIp, 0xE0 );
  1845             break;
  1846         case 5:
  1847             err = iSocket.SetOpt( KSoIpTOS, KSolInetIp, 0xA0 );
  1848             break;
  1849         case 3:
  1850             err = iSocket.SetOpt( KSoIpTOS, KSolInetIp, 0x60 );
  1851             break;
  1852         case 1:
  1853             err = iSocket.SetOpt( KSoIpTOS, KSolInetIp, 0x20 );
  1854             break;
  1855         case 0:
  1856             err = iSocket.SetOpt( KSoIpTOS, KSolInetIp, 0x0 );
  1857             break;
  1858         default:
  1859             break;
  1860         }
  1862     err = iSocket.GetOpt( KSoIpTOS, KSolInetIp, opt );
  1864     opt = opt >> 2;
  1866     if (err == KErrNone)
  1867         {
  1868         t.Format( _L("New TOS: %x\n"), opt );
  1869         }
  1870     else
  1871         {
  1872         t.Format( _L("Cannot set TOS opt\n"));
  1873         }
  1875     PrintTextToConsole( t );
  1877     }
  1879 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1880 // CSocketsEngine::QoS1()
  1881 // 
  1882 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1883 //
  1884 void CSocketsEngine::QoS1()
  1885     {
  1886     /*TQoSSelector selector;
  1887      selector.setAddr(iSocket);
  1889      RQoSPolicy policy;
  1890      policy.Open(selector);
  1892      CQosParameters* parameters = GetparametersL();
  1893      policy.NotifyEvent(iObserver);
  1894      policy.SetQoS(*parameters);
  1896      policy.GetQoS();
  1897      policy.Close();
  1898      */
  1899     }
  1901 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1902 // CSocketsEngine::QoS2()
  1903 // 
  1904 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1905 //
  1906 void CSocketsEngine::QoS2()
  1907     {
  1908     /*CQosParameters* parameters = GetparametersL();
  1910      RQoSChannel channel;
  1912      channel.Open(iSocket);
  1913      channel.NotifyEvent(iObserver);
  1914      channel.SetQoS(*parameters);
  1916      channel.Join(iSocket2); 
  1918      channel.Leave(ISocket);
  1920      channel.Close();
  1921      */
  1922     }
  1923 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1924 // CSocketsEngine::SendDataL
  1925 // Start the sending of the data
  1926 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1927 //
  1928 void CSocketsEngine::SendDataL( const TBuf8<KSendDataSize> aData )
  1929     {
  1930     RDebug::Print( _L("ConnTest: SendDataL: size = %d"),aData.Length() );
  1931     iSendCount = 0;
  1932     iData->Des().Copy( aData );
  1933     iData->Des().ZeroTerminate();
  1934     iSocket.SetOpt( KSoUdpSynchronousSend, KSolInetUdp, 1 );
  1936     iTroughputDataSize = 0;
  1937     iThroughputStartTime.UniversalTime();
  1939     DoSendDataL();
  1940     }
  1942 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1943 // CSocketsEngine::DoSendDataL
  1944 // Do the actual sending of the data
  1945 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1946 //
  1947 void CSocketsEngine::DoSendDataL()
  1948     {
  1949     if (iSendCount++ < (iSettingData->iPackets))
  1950         {
  1951         // Delay is given in milliseconds, timer uses microseconds.
  1952         if (iSettingData->iDelay != 0)
  1953             {
  1954             if (iSettingData->iProtocol == 1) //  1 == UDP here. Only way to send udp is raw data
  1955                 {
  1956                 RDebug::Print(
  1957                         _L("ConnTest: DoSendDataL: inserting seq number %d"),iSendCount );
  1958                 TUint32* seqNumberPointer = (TUint32*)(iData->Des().Ptr());
  1959                 *seqNumberPointer = ByteOrder::Swap32( iSendCount ); // put sequence number into to the packet
  1960                 }
  1961             WriteL( *iData );
  1962             iSendTimer->After( (iSettingData->iDelay) * 1000 );
  1963             }
  1964         else
  1965             {
  1966             WriteFloodL( *iData, iSettingData->iPackets );
  1967             }
  1968         }
  1969     }
  1971 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1972 // Notifys when a packet has been sent
  1973 // aAmount is th amount of data that has been sent
  1974 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1975 //
  1976 void CSocketsEngine::NotifySend( TInt aAmount )
  1977     {
  1978     if (iThroughputStartTime != 0)
  1979         {
  1981         iTroughputDataSize += aAmount;
  1982         TInt size = iSettingData->iPacketSize;
  1983         if (iSettingData->iPacketSize > KSendDataSize)
  1984             {
  1985             size = KSendDataSize;
  1986             }
  1987         // We add 1 for each packet since the create packet appends an extra \n
  1988         // after each packet
  1989         if (iTroughputDataSize == (iSettingData->iPackets * size))
  1990         // + iSettingData->iPackets) )
  1991             {
  1992             TBuf8<256> text;
  1993             Utils::CalculateThroughput( text, iThroughputStartTime,
  1994                     iTroughputDataSize );
  1995             iThroughputStartTime = 0;
  1996             iConsole.PrintNotify( text );
  1997             iTroughputDataSize = 0;
  1998             }
  1999         }
  2000     }
  2002 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2003 // Marks starting time into memory
  2004 //
  2005 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2006 //
  2007 void inline CSocketsEngine::StartTickCount()
  2008     {
  2009     if (!iUseTTime)
  2010         {
  2011         iStartTime = User::FastCounter();
  2012         }
  2013     else
  2014         {
  2015         iStartTTime.UniversalTime();
  2016         iStartTime = 1; // Non null. iStartTime is also used as flag.
  2017         }
  2019     }
  2021 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2022 // Calculates time interval using tick count and prints it
  2023 //
  2024 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2025 //
  2026 void CSocketsEngine::StopTickCount( const TDesC& aComponentName )
  2027     {
  2028     TBuf<128> text;
  2029     if (!iUseTTime)
  2030         {
  2031         TUint32 currentTime = User::FastCounter();
  2032         currentTime = currentTime - iStartTime;
  2034         if (iStartTime == 0)
  2035             {
  2036             return; //do not print if start time hasn't been initialized.
  2037             }
  2038         iStartTime = 0;
  2040         TInt freq = 0;
  2041         TInt err = HAL::Get( HAL::EFastCounterFrequency, freq );
  2042         if (err != KErrNone || freq == 0)
  2043             {
  2044             text.Format( _L("FastCounter error: %d \n"),err );
  2045             }
  2046         else
  2047             {
  2048             currentTime = (currentTime * 1000.0) / freq;
  2049             text.Format( _L("%u ms by "), currentTime );
  2050             text.Append( aComponentName );
  2051             text.Append( _L("\n"));
  2052             }
  2053         }
  2054     else
  2055         {
  2056         TTime currentTime;
  2057         currentTime.UniversalTime();
  2059         if (iStartTime == 0)
  2060             {
  2061             return; //do not print if start time hasn't been initialized.
  2062             }
  2063         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval = currentTime.MicroSecondsFrom(
  2064                 iStartTTime );
  2065         iStartTime = 0;
  2067         TBuf<32> app;
  2068         app.Format( _L("%u ms by "), interval.Int64() / 1000 );
  2069         text.Append( app );
  2070         text.Append( aComponentName );
  2071         }
  2073     PrintTextToConsole( text );
  2074     }
  2076 // end of file