Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CSocketsEngine implements an engine for connection
* component checking: Interface opening/closing, connecting,
* sending/receiving data, etc.
* CSocketsEngine is an active object
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <http.h>
#include <commdbconnpref.h>
#include <extendedconnpref.h>
#include "TimeOutNotify.h"
#include "ProgressNotifyHandler.h"
#include "datasendnotifyhandler.h"
#include "conntest.hrh"
#include "alractiveobject.h"
class CSocketsRead;
class CSocketsWrite;
class CTimeOutTimer;
class MUINotify;
class CHttpClient;
class CProgressNotifier;
class CSettingData;
class CCustomPrefsData;
class CSendTimer;
* CSocketsEngine
* This class is the main engine part of the sockets application.
* It establishes a TCP connection using its server name and port
* number (performing a DNS lookup operation first, if appropriate).
* It creates instances of separate active objects to perform reading
* from, and writing to, the socket.
class CSocketsEngine : public CActive,
public MTimeOutNotify,
public MProgressNotifyHandler,
public MDataSendNotifyHandler,
public MMobilityProtocolResp
enum TRoamingSetting
// Utilized when selecting UI menu items
enum TRoamingUIState
enum TSocketsEngineState
enum TSocketsEngineStartType
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aConsole console to use for ui output
* @return a pointer to the created instance of CSocketsEngine
static CSocketsEngine* NewL(MUINotify& aConsole);
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aConsole console to use for ui output
* @return a pointer to the created instance of CSocketsEngine
static CSocketsEngine* NewLC(MUINotify& aConsole);
* Destructor.
* Calls From ConnTestView that are responds to roaming notifications
void Migrate();
void Ignore();
void AcceptCarrier();
void RejectCarrier();
* Register to mobility API
void RegisterToMobilityAPIL();
* UnRegister from mobility API
void UnRegisterFromMobilityAPI();
* Start interface
* @param aStartType Define start type (with or without preferences, by nework id)
* @param aConnect If True, make connection after startup
void StartInterfaceL(TSocketsEngineStartType aStartType, TBool aConnect = EFalse);
* Start interface and possible connection with snap
* @param aConnect If True, make connection after startup
void StartConnWithSnapL(TBool aConnect = EFalse);
* Starting method for testing RConnection::Close
void StartCloseInterfaceL();
* Stop interface by calling RConnection::Stop
void StopInterfaceL();
* Stop interface by calling RConnection::Close
void CloseInterface();
* Make socket connection
void ConnectL();
* Disconnect socket
void Disconnect();
* Opens a Listening socket
void ListenL();
* Write data to socket
* @param aData data to be written
void WriteL(const TDesC8& aData);
* Write data to socket (flood)
* @param aData data to be written
* @param aCount The data will be written aCount times
void WriteFloodL(const TDesC8& aData, TInt aCount);
* Write HTTP request over socket
* @param aHasBody defines if request has body
void SendHttpRequestOverSocketL(TBool aHasBody, TBool aDoPerformance);
* Initiate read of data from socket
void Read();
* Send HTTP request using http framework.
* @param aHasBody If true, send body data with POST
* @param aDoPerformance If true, calculate performance, no outputs
* @param aIsSecure If true, make HTTPS request
void SendHttpFrameworkRequestL(TBool aHasBody, TBool aDoPerformance, TBool aIsSecure);
* Print information about active connections and their
* clients and sockets
void ConnectionInfoL();
* Print information about interfaces.
void InterfaceInfoL();
* Get socket engine state
* @return Socket engine state
TSocketsEngineState GetSocketEngineState();
* Gets Roaming state
* @return TRoamingState
TRoamingUIState GetSocketEngineRoamingState();
* Gets MobilityAPIImplementation
* @return CALRActiveObject
CALRActiveObject* GetMobilityAPI();
* Get socket engine connection type
* @return socket engine connection type
TSocketsEngineStartType GetSocketEngineConnType();
* Set socket engine connection type
void SetSocketEngineConnType(const CSocketsEngine::TSocketsEngineStartType aConnStartType);
* Set connection information
* @param aData
void SetConnectionData(const CSettingData* aData);
* Set Custom preferences data
* @param aData
void SetCustomPrefsData(const CCustomPrefsData* aData);
* QoS methods
void SetWLANQoS(TInt aClass);
void QoS1();
void QoS2();
* Start the sending of the data
* @param aData the data to send
void SendDataL(const TBuf8<KSendDataSize> aData);
* Actual sending udp packets
* Must be public because of the timer calling it
void DoSendDataL();
public: // MDataSendNotifyHandler
* The function to be called when data has been sent
* @param aAmount the number of packets sent
void NotifySend(TInt aAmount);
public: // from MTimeOutNotify
* The function to be called when a timeout occurs
void TimerExpired();
public: // from MProgressNotifyHandler
* Handle progress notification
void ProgressNotifyReceivedL(TInt aStage, TInt aError);
* Handle progress notification error
void ProgressNotifyError(TInt aStatus);
public: // from MMobilityProtocolResp
* This method is called by middleware to notify that there are no suitable connections available.
virtual void Error( TInt aError );
* This method is called by the middleware to notify a client about a new preferred connection.
virtual void PreferredCarrierAvailable(
TAccessPointInfo aOldAP,
TAccessPointInfo aNewAP,
TBool aIsUpgrade,
TBool aIsSeamless );
* This method is called by the middleware to notify a client that a preferred connection has been activated.
virtual void NewCarrierActive( TAccessPointInfo aNewAP, TBool aIsSeamless );
protected: // from CActive
* Called when operation completes
void RunL();
* Cancel any outstanding operation
void DoCancel();
private: // New methods
* Perform the first phase of two phase construction
CSocketsEngine(MUINotify& aConsole);
* Perform the second phase construction of a CSocketsEngine
* @param aConsole the console to use for ui output
void ConstructL();
* Initiate a connect operation on a socket
* @param aAddr the ip address to connect to
void ConnectL(const TInetAddr& aAddr);
* Handle a change in this object's status
* @param aNewStatus new status
void ChangeStatus(TSocketsEngineState aNewStatus);
* Display text on the console
* @param aDes text to display
void PrintTextToConsole(const TDesC& aDes);
public: // for performance testing
* Marks starting time into memory
void UDPFlood(TInt aPackets, TInt aPacketSize, TDesC& aData);
* Marks starting time into memory
void inline StartTickCount();
* Calculates time interval using tick count and prints it
void StopTickCount(const TDesC& aComponentName);
// Member variables
TUint32 iStartTime; // for performance testing only
TTime iStartTTime; // for performance testing only
TTime iThroughputStartTime; // for performance testing only
TInt iTroughputDataSize;
TCommDbConnPref iPrefs;
TConnPrefList* iPrefsList;
TExtendedConnPref* iExtPrefs;
CCustomPrefsData* iCustomPrefsData;
RConnection iConnection;
RConnection* iCloseConnection;
CProgressNotifier* iProgressNotifier;
CProgressNotifier* iTempProgressNotifier;
CHttpClient* iHttpClient;
TRoamingUIState iRoamingState;
TRoamingSetting iRoaming;
TSocketsEngineState iEngineStatus; // this object's current status
MUINotify& iConsole; // console for displaying text etc
CSocketsRead* iSocketsRead; // socket reader active object
CSocketsWrite* iSocketsWrite; // socket writer active object
RSocket iSocket; // the actual socket
RSocket iListeningSocket;
RSocketServ iSocketServ; // the socket server
RHostResolver iResolver; // DNS name resolver
TNameEntry iNameEntry;
TNameRecord iNameRecord;
CTimeOutTimer* iTimer; // timer active object
TInetAddr iAddress;
TInt iPort; // port number to connect to
TBuf<KMaxServerNameLength> iServerName; // server name to connect to
TUint iProtocol;
TUint iSocketType;
TBool iConnectAfterStartup;
TBuf<KMaxServerNameLength> iHttpPage;
CSettingData* iSettingData;
CSendTimer* iSendTimer; // timer active object
HBufC8* iData; // The data to be sent
TInt iSendCount;
TBool iUseTTime;
TBool iIsRegisteredToMobAPI; //flag to mark state of registration to Mob API
CALRActiveObject* iMobility; //pointer to mob API instance
TSocketsEngineStartType iSockEngineStartType; //type of sock engine connection
#endif // __SOCKETSENGINE_H__