* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CSocketsWrite is an active object which implements data
* sending through an already open socket using UDP or TCP
#ifndef __SOCKETSWRITE_H__
#define __SOCKETSWRITE_H__
#include <in_sock.h>
#include "TimeOutNotify.h"
#include "conntest.hrh"
class CTimeOutTimer;
class MUINotify;
class MDataSendNotifyHandler;
* This class handles writing data to the socket.
* Data to be written is accumulated in iTransferBuffer,
* and is then transferred to iWriteBuffer for the actual
* write to the socket.
class CSocketsWrite : public CActive, public MTimeOutNotify
* Create a CSocketsWrite object
* @param aConsole console to use for ui output
* @param aSocket socket to write to
* @param aSendHandler handler to notify UDP packet sends
* @result a pointer to the created instance of CSocketsWrite
static CSocketsWrite* NewL( MUINotify& aConsole,
RSocket& aSocket,
MDataSendNotifyHandler& aSendHandler );
* Create a CSocketsWrite object
* @param aConsole console to use for ui output
* @param aSocket socket to write to
* @param aSendHandler handler to notify UDP packet sends
* @result a pointer to the created instance of CSocketsWrite
static CSocketsWrite* NewLC( MUINotify& aConsole,
RSocket& aSocket,
MDataSendNotifyHandler& aSendHandler );
* Destroy the object and release all memory objects
* Write the data to the socket (buffered)
* @param aData the data to be written
* @param aAddress Address where data is sent (needed by UDP)
* @param aProtocol Protocol to be used (TCP or UDP)
void IssueWriteL(const TDesC8& aData, TInetAddr* aAddress, TUint aProtocol);
* Write the data to the socket flooded
* @param aData the data to be written
* @param aAddress Address where data is sent (needed by UDP)
* @param aProtocol Protocol to be used (TCP or UDP)
* @param aCount The packet will be sent aCount times
void IssueWriteL(const TDesC8& aData, TInetAddr* aAddress, TUint aProtocol, TInt aCount);
* Write the data to the socket (buffered)
* @param aData the data to be written
* @param aAddress Address where data is sent (needed by UDP)
* @param aProtocol Protocol to be used (TCP or UDP)
void IssueWriteL( const TDesC8& aData,
TInetAddr* aAddress,
TUint aProtocol,
TInt aPacketSize,
TInt aPackets );
protected: // from CActive
* Cancel any outstanding operation
void DoCancel();
* Called when operation complete
void RunL();
// From MTimeOutNotify
void TimerExpired();
* Perform the first phase of two phase construction
* @param aConsole console to use for ui output
* @param aSocket socket to write to
* @param aSendHandler handler to notify UDP packet sends
CSocketsWrite( MUINotify& aConsole,
RSocket& aSocket,
MDataSendNotifyHandler& aSendHandler );
* Perform the second phase construction of a CSocketsWrite
void ConstructL();
* Handle a 'write buffer empty' situation.
void SendNextPacket();
* Calls the actual write when flooding
void DoFloodWrite();
private: // Member data
enum TWriteState
ESending, EWaiting ,ECommsFailed
// Member variables
RSocket& iSocket;
MUINotify& iConsole; // console for displaying text etc
//TBuf8<KMaxSendBuffer> iTransferBuffer; // Accumulate data to send in here
//TBuf8<KMaxSendBuffer> iWriteBuffer; // Holds data currently being sent to socket
HBufC8* iTransferBuffer;
HBufC8* iWriteBuffer;
CTimeOutTimer* iTimer;
TInt iTimeOut;
TWriteState iWriteStatus;
TInetAddr* iAddress;
TUint iProtocol;
TInt iPackets;
TInt iPacketSize;
TUint64 iSentBytes;
TTime iStartTime;
TInt iDataChunkCount;
HBufC8* iReqBodySubmitBuffer;
TPtr8 iReqBodySubmitBufferPtr;
MDataSendNotifyHandler& iSendHandler;
TBool iFlood; // Flood mode sending
TInt iCount; // Times to flood the packet
#endif // __SOCKETSWRITE_H__