changeset 31 2a11b5b00470
child 37 fd64c38c277d
equal deleted inserted replaced
27:de1630741fbe 31:2a11b5b00470
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "cntimportsview.h"
    19 #include "qtpbkglobal.h"
    20 #include <hbpushbutton.h>
    21 #include <hbaction.h>
    22 #include <hbview.h>
    23 #include <hbmenu.h>
    24 #include <hbframebackground.h>
    25 #include <QStandardItemModel>
    26 #include <hbmainwindow.h>
    27 #include <hblabel.h>
    28 #include <hblistview.h>
    29 #include <hbgroupbox.h>
    30 #include <QTimer.h>
    31 #include <hbnotificationdialog.h>
    32 #include <hbmessagebox.h>
    33 #include <hbprogressbar.h>
    34 #include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
    35 #include <hbframebackground.h>
    36 #include <hbabstractviewitem.h>
    38 const char *CNT_IMPORT_UI_XML = ":/xml/contacts_sim.docml";
    39 const int KTimerValue = 1; // used as 1 msec timer for saving ADN contacts from SIM   
    41 CntImportsView::CntImportsView() : mContactSimManagerADN(0),
    42     mContactSimManagerSDN(0),    
    43     mFetchRequestADN(0),
    44     mFetchRequestSDN(0),
    45     mListView(0),
    46     mSimUtility(0),
    47     mAdnEntriesPresent(0),
    48     mImportSimPopup(0),
    49     mSaveCount(0),
    50     mFetchIsDone(0),
    51     mTimerId(0),
    52     mAdnStorePresent(0),
    53     mSdnStorePresent(0),
    54     mSimPresent(0),
    55     mAdnStoreEntries(0),
    56     mSimError(0),
    57     mWaitingForAdnCache(0)
    58 {
    59     bool ok = false;
    60     mDocumentLoader.load(CNT_IMPORT_UI_XML, &ok);
    62     if (ok)
    63     {
    64         mView = static_cast<HbView*>(mDocumentLoader.findWidget(QString("view")));
    65     }
    66     else
    67     {
    68         qFatal("Unable to read :/xml/contacts_sim.docml");
    69     }
    71     //back button
    72     mSoftkey = new HbAction(Hb::BackNaviAction, mView);
    73     connect(mSoftkey, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showPreviousView()));
    75 }
    77 void CntImportsView::deactivate()
    78 {
    79 }
    82 CntImportsView::~CntImportsView()
    83 {
    84     mView->deleteLater();
    85     delete mFetchRequestADN;
    86     delete mFetchRequestSDN;
    87     delete mModel;
    88     delete mSimUtility;
    89 }
    91 /*!
    92 Activates a previous view
    93 */
    94 void CntImportsView::showPreviousView()
    95 {
    96   CntViewParameters args;
    97   mViewManager->back(args);
    98 }
   100 /*
   101 Activates a default view
   102 */
   103 void CntImportsView::activate(CntAbstractViewManager* aMgr, const CntViewParameters aArgs)
   104 {
   105     Q_UNUSED(aArgs);
   106     //back button
   107     HbMainWindow* window = mView->mainWindow();
   108     if (mView->navigationAction() != mSoftkey)
   109     {
   110         mView->setNavigationAction(mSoftkey);
   111     }
   113     mViewManager = aMgr;  
   114     mContactSymbianManager = mViewManager->contactManager(SYMBIAN_BACKEND);
   116     // Sim Utility info fetch
   117     int getSimInfoError(0);
   118     int storesError(0);
   120     int error = -1;
   121     mSimUtility = new SimUtility(SimUtility::AdnStore, error);
   122     if (error != 0) 
   123     {
   124         delete mSimUtility; 
   125         mSimUtility = 0;
   126         mSimError = true;
   127     }
   128     else
   129     {
   130         // check what stores are there
   131         SimUtility::AvailableStores stores = mSimUtility->getAvailableStores(storesError);
   132         if(!storesError)
   133         {
   134             mSimPresent = stores.SimPresent;
   135             mAdnStorePresent = stores.AdnStorePresent; 
   136             mSdnStorePresent = stores.SdnStorePresent;
   137         }
   139         //check there are ADN contacts 
   140         if (mAdnStorePresent)
   141         {
   142             SimUtility::SimInfo simInfo = mSimUtility->getSimInfo(getSimInfoError);
   143             if (!getSimInfoError)
   144             {
   145                 // sim entries are present
   146                 mAdnStoreEntries = simInfo.usedEntries;
   147                 if (mAdnStoreEntries > 0) 
   148                 { 
   149                     mAdnEntriesPresent = true;
   150                 }
   151             }
   152             else
   153             {
   154                 if (getSimInfoError == KErrNotReady)
   155                 {
   156                     //ADN store is not accessible, e.g. because of active FDN
   157                     //Or ADN cache is not ready yet, so wait for this  
   158                     mAdnStorePresent = true;
   159                     mAdnEntriesPresent = true;
   160                     mWaitingForAdnCache = true;
   161                     connect(mSimUtility, SIGNAL(adnCacheStatusReady(SimUtility::CacheStatus&, int)), this, SLOT(adnCacheStatusReady(SimUtility::CacheStatus&, int)));
   162                     if (!mSimUtility->notifyAdnCacheStatus()) {
   163                         mAdnStorePresent = false;
   164                         mAdnEntriesPresent = false;
   165                         mWaitingForAdnCache = false;
   166                     }
   167                 }
   168                 else
   169                 {
   170                     simInfoErrorMessage(getSimInfoError);
   171                 }
   172             }
   173         }
   174     }
   176     mListView = static_cast<HbListView*>(mDocumentLoader.findWidget(QString("listView")));
   178     HbFrameBackground frame;
   179     frame.setFrameGraphicsName("qtg_fr_list_normal");
   180     frame.setFrameType(HbFrameDrawer::NinePieces);
   181     mListView->itemPrototypes().first()->setDefaultFrame(frame);
   183     mListView->setUniformItemSizes(true);
   185     connect(mListView, SIGNAL(activated (const QModelIndex&)),
   186                                       this,  SLOT(onListViewActivated(const QModelIndex&)));
   188     mModel = new QStandardItemModel();
   190     QStandardItem *importSimItem = new QStandardItem();
   191     QStringList simList;
   193     QString simImport(hbTrId("txt_phob_dblist_import_from_sim"));
   194     QString simNoContacts(hbTrId("txt_phob_dblist_import_from_1_val_no_sim_contacts"));
   195     QString simNoCard(hbTrId("txt_phob_dblist_import_from_ovi_val_no_sim_card"));
   197     // check if SIM card is there 
   198     if (mSimError)
   199     {
   200         simList << simImport;
   201         importSimItem->setEnabled(false);
   202     }
   203     else if (!(mAdnStorePresent || mSdnStorePresent))
   204     {
   205         // Both stores are not present
   206         // disable the QStandardItem
   207         if (!mSimPresent) 
   208         {
   209             simList << simImport << simNoCard;
   210         }
   211         else
   212         {
   213             simList << simImport << simNoContacts;
   214         }
   215         importSimItem->setEnabled(false);
   216     }
   217     else if (!(mAdnEntriesPresent || mSdnStorePresent))
   218     {
   219         // Sim card is present
   220         // No ADN entries are there
   221         // no SDN entries are there
   222         simList << simImport << simNoContacts;
   223         importSimItem->setEnabled(false);
   224     }
   225     else
   226     {   
   227         // SIM card is present
   228         //ADN entries or SDN entries are there
   229         simList << simImport ;        
   230     }
   231     importSimItem->setData(simList, Qt::DisplayRole);
   232     importSimItem->setData(HbIcon("qtg_large_sim"), Qt::DecorationRole);   
   234     mModel->insertRow(0,importSimItem);
   236     QStandardItem *importDeviceItem = new QStandardItem();
   237     QStringList deviceList;
   238     QString deviceImport(hbTrId("txt_phob_dblist_import_from_device"));
   239     deviceList << deviceImport;
   240     importDeviceItem->setData(deviceList, Qt::DisplayRole);
   241     importDeviceItem->setData(HbIcon("qtg_large_data_import"), Qt::DecorationRole);
   242     importDeviceItem->setEnabled(false);
   244     mModel->insertRow(1,importDeviceItem);
   246     mListView->setModel(mModel);
   247     mListView->setSelectionMode(HbAbstractItemView::NoSelection);
   248 }
   250 void CntImportsView::simInfoErrorMessage(int infoError)
   251 {
   252     Q_UNUSED(infoError);
   253     QString errorMessage;
   254     errorMessage.append(hbTrId("sim_card_not_accessable"));
   255     HbNotificationDialog::launchDialog(errorMessage);
   256     mSimError = true;
   257 }
   259 void CntImportsView::onListViewActivated(const QModelIndex &index)
   260 {
   261     int row = index.row();
   262     if ( row == 0 ) // row 0 has "Imports from SIM" 
   263     {
   264        if (!startSimImport())
   265        {
   266            //show error note
   267            simInfoErrorMessage(KErrAccessDenied);
   268        }
   269        else
   270        {
   271            //start popup and progress
   272            showWaitNote();
   273        }
   274     }        
   275 }
   278 bool CntImportsView::startSimImport()
   279 {
   280     bool started = false;
   282     delete mFetchRequestADN;
   283     mFetchRequestADN = 0;
   284     delete mFetchRequestSDN;
   285     mFetchRequestSDN = 0;
   287     if (mWaitingForAdnCache)
   288     {
   289         //show progress dialog and wait when ADN cache is ready
   290         started = true;
   291     }
   292     else
   293     {
   294         if(mAdnStorePresent)
   295         {
   296             mContactSimManagerADN = mViewManager->contactManager(SIM_BACKEND_ADN);
   297             mFetchRequestADN = new QContactFetchRequest;
   298             mFetchRequestADN->setManager(mContactSimManagerADN);
   299             connect(mFetchRequestADN, SIGNAL(resultsAvailable()), this, SLOT(importFetchResultReceivedADN()));
   300         }
   302         if(mSdnStorePresent)
   303         {
   304             mContactSimManagerSDN = mViewManager->contactManager(SIM_BACKEND_SDN);
   305             // SDN store fetch request
   306             mFetchRequestSDN = new QContactFetchRequest;
   307             mFetchRequestSDN->setManager(mContactSimManagerSDN);
   308             connect(mFetchRequestSDN, SIGNAL(resultsAvailable()), this, SLOT(importFetchResultReceivedSDN()));
   309         }
   311         if(mAdnEntriesPresent > 0 && mContactSimManagerADN->error() == QContactManager::NoError) 
   312         {
   313             // ADN contacts are there, start fetch
   314             mFetchRequestADN->start();
   315             started = true;
   316         }
   317         else if (mSdnStorePresent && mContactSimManagerSDN->error() == QContactManager::NoError)        
   318         {
   319             //start fetch of SDN contacts since ADN contacts are not there
   320             mFetchRequestSDN->start();
   321             started = true;
   322         }
   323     }
   324     return started;
   325 }  
   327 void CntImportsView::stopSimImport()
   328 {
   329     mImportSimPopup->close();
   330     if (mFetchIsDone)
   331     {
   332         // indicates that timer has been started
   333         killTimer(mTimerId);
   334     }
   335     mSaveSimContactsList.clear(); 
   336     mSaveSimContactsListSDN.clear(); 
   338     showSimImportResults();
   340     if (mFetchRequestADN != NULL)
   341     {
   342         mFetchRequestADN->cancel();
   343     }
   344     if (mFetchRequestSDN != NULL)
   345     {
   346         mFetchRequestSDN->cancel();
   347     }
   349 }
   351 void CntImportsView::importFetchResultReceivedADN()
   352 {
   353     QList<QContact> simContactsList = mFetchRequestADN->contacts();
   354     if (simContactsList.isEmpty())
   355     {
   356         // No sim contacts, jump to fetching SDN contacts
   357         fetchSDNContacts();
   358     }
   359     else
   360     {
   361         // save ADN contacts
   363         int count = simContactsList.count();
   364         foreach(QContact contact, simContactsList) 
   365         {
   366             if (contact.localId() > 0) 
   367             {
   368             //delete local id before saving to different storage
   369                QScopedPointer<QContactId> contactId(new QContactId());
   370                contactId->setLocalId(0);
   371                contactId->setManagerUri(QString());
   372                contact.setId(*contactId);
   374                // custom label contains name information, save it to the first name 
   375                QList<QContactDetail> names = contact.details(QContactName::DefinitionName);
   376                if (names.count() > 0) 
   377                {
   378                    QContactName name = static_cast<QContactName>(;
   379                    name.setFirstName(name.customLabel());
   380                    name.setCustomLabel(QString());
   381                    contact.saveDetail(&name);
   382                }
   384                //update phone numbers to contain default subtype
   385                QList<QContactDetail> numbers = contact.details(QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName);
   386                for (int i = 0; i < numbers.count(); i++) 
   387                {
   388                    QContactPhoneNumber number = static_cast<QContactPhoneNumber>(;
   389                    number.setSubTypes(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeMobile);
   390                    contact.saveDetail(&number);
   391                }
   393                //remove sync target details, it's read-only. 
   394                 QList<QContactDetail> syncTargets = contact.details(QContactSyncTarget::DefinitionName);
   395                 for (int j = 0; j < syncTargets.count(); j++) 
   396                 {
   397                     QContactSyncTarget syncTarget = static_cast<QContactSyncTarget>(;
   398                     contact.removeDetail(&syncTarget);
   399                 }
   401                contact.setType(QContactType::TypeContact);
   402                mSaveSimContactsList.append(contact);
   404             }
   405         }
   406         // save the list synchronously because async cancelling of save request is  
   407         // not supported in symbian backend at the time of this implementation
   409         if (!(mSaveSimContactsList.isEmpty()))
   410         {
   411             // indicates that there is one or more sim contact that has been fetched
   412             // create a timer and start saving synchronously one by one
   413             // when cancel is pressed, kill the timer
   415             mTimerId = startTimer(KTimerValue); // starting a 1 msec timer
   416             mFetchIsDone = true;
   417             mSaveCount = 0;    
   418         }
   420     }
   421 }
   423 void CntImportsView::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
   424 {
   425     Q_UNUSED(event);
   426     if (!(mSaveCount >= mSaveSimContactsList.count())) // while mSaveCount is less than or equal to mSaveSimContactsList.count()
   427     {
   428         QContact unSavedContact =;
   429         mContactSymbianManager->saveContact(&unSavedContact);
   430         mSaveCount++;
   431         //use another counter to check number of actual saved if saveContact() fails
   432     }
   433     else
   434     {
   435         // saving complete
   436         killTimer(mTimerId);
   437         mSaveSimContactsList.clear();
   439         // ADN contacts fetching and saving is done
   440         // Now start SDN fetching and save
   441         fetchSDNContacts();
   442     }
   443 }
   445 void CntImportsView::showWaitNote()
   446 {
   447     mImportSimPopup = new HbDialog();    
   448     mImportSimPopup->setDismissPolicy(HbDialog::NoDismiss);
   449     mImportSimPopup->setTimeout(0);
   450     mImportSimPopup->setBackgroundFaded(true);
   451     mImportSimPopup->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
   453     HbGroupBox *groupBox = new HbGroupBox;
   454     groupBox->setHeading(hbTrId("txt_phob_title_import_contacts")); 
   455     mImportSimPopup->setHeadingWidget(groupBox);
   457     QGraphicsLinearLayout *containerLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical);
   458     containerLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
   459     containerLayout->setSpacing(10);
   461     HbLabel *icon = new HbLabel();
   462     icon->setIcon(HbIcon("qtg_large_sim"));  
   464     HbLabel *simText= new HbLabel();
   465     simText->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_phob_info_importing_contacts_from_sim")); 
   466     simText->setTextWrapping(Hb::TextWordWrap);
   467     simText->setElideMode(Qt::ElideNone);
   469     HbProgressBar *progressBar = new HbProgressBar;
   470     progressBar->setRange(0,0); 
   472     HbPushButton *stopButton = new HbPushButton;
   473     stopButton->setText(hbTrId("txt_phob_button_cancel"));
   474     connect(stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stopSimImport()));
   476     QGraphicsLinearLayout *containerLayout1 = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Horizontal);
   477     containerLayout1->addItem(icon);
   478     containerLayout1->addItem(simText);
   480     QGraphicsWidget *containerWidget = new QGraphicsWidget;    
   481     containerLayout->addItem(containerLayout1);
   482     containerLayout->addItem(progressBar);
   483     containerLayout->addItem(stopButton);  
   484     containerWidget->setLayout(containerLayout);
   485     mImportSimPopup->setContentWidget(containerWidget);
   486     mSaveCount = 0;
   487     mImportSimPopup->open();
   488 }
   490 void CntImportsView::showSimImportResults() const
   491 {
   492     QString results;
   493     results.append(hbTrId("txt_phob_dpophead_ln_contacts_imported", mSaveCount));
   494     HbNotificationDialog::launchDialog(results);
   495 }
   497 void CntImportsView::fetchSDNContacts()
   498 {
   499    if (mSdnStorePresent && mContactSimManagerSDN->error() == QContactManager::NoError)
   500     {
   501         mFetchRequestSDN->start();
   502     }
   503     else
   504     {
   505         // no SDN contacts to fetch
   506         showSimImportResults();
   507         mImportSimPopup->close();
   508         // Importing finished, go back to NamesView
   509         showPreviousView();
   510     }
   511 }
   513 void CntImportsView::importFetchResultReceivedSDN()
   514 {
   515     QList<QContact> simContactsListSDN = mFetchRequestSDN->contacts();
   516     if (simContactsListSDN.isEmpty())
   517     {
   518         //No sdn contacts present
   519         showSimImportResults();
   520         mSaveSimContactsListSDN.clear(); 
   521         mImportSimPopup->close();
   522         // Importing finished, go back to NamesView
   523         showPreviousView();
   524     }
   525     else
   526     {
   527     // SAVE SDN CONTACTS
   528         int count = simContactsListSDN.count();
   529         foreach(QContact contact, simContactsListSDN) 
   530         {
   531             if (contact.localId() > 0) 
   532             {
   533             //delete local id before saving to different storage
   534                QScopedPointer<QContactId> contactId(new QContactId());
   535                contactId->setLocalId(0);
   536                contactId->setManagerUri(QString());
   537                contact.setId(*contactId);
   539                //custom label contains name information, save it to the first name 
   540               QList<QContactDetail> names = contact.details(QContactName::DefinitionName);
   541               if (names.count() > 0) 
   542               {
   543                   QContactName name = static_cast<QContactName>(;
   544                   name.setFirstName(name.customLabel());
   545                   name.setCustomLabel(QString());
   546                   contact.saveDetail(&name);
   547               }
   549               //update phone numbers to contain default subtype
   550               QList<QContactDetail> numbers = contact.details(QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName);
   551               for (int i = 0; i < numbers.count(); i++) 
   552               {
   553                   QContactPhoneNumber number = static_cast<QContactPhoneNumber>(;
   554                   number.setSubTypes(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeMobile);
   555                   contact.saveDetail(&number);
   556               }
   558               //remove sync target details, it's read-only. 
   559               QList<QContactDetail> syncTargets = contact.details(QContactSyncTarget::DefinitionName);
   560               for (int j = 0; j < syncTargets.count(); j++) 
   561               {
   562                   QContactSyncTarget syncTarget = static_cast<QContactSyncTarget>(;
   563                   contact.removeDetail(&syncTarget);
   564               }
   566                contact.setType(QContactType::TypeContact);
   567                mSaveSimContactsListSDN.append(contact);
   569             }
   570         }
   571         // save the list synchronously because async cancelling of save request is  
   572         // not supported in symbian backend at the time of this implementation
   574         if (!(mSaveSimContactsListSDN.isEmpty()))
   575         {
   576             // indicates that there is one or more SDN sim contact that has been fetched
   577             QMap<int, QContactManager::Error> errorMap;
   578             mContactSymbianManager->saveContacts(&mSaveSimContactsListSDN,&errorMap);
   579             // check number of contacts really saved
   580             mSaveCount = mSaveCount + mSaveSimContactsListSDN.count();
   581         }
   583         // no more SDN contacts to fetch
   584         showSimImportResults();
   585         mSaveSimContactsListSDN.clear(); 
   586         mImportSimPopup->close();
   587         // Importing finished, go back to NamesView
   588         showPreviousView();
   589     }   
   590 }
   592 void CntImportsView::adnCacheStatusReady(SimUtility::CacheStatus& cacheStatus, int error)
   593 {
   594     mWaitingForAdnCache = false;
   595     //update ADN store info...
   596     if (error != 0 || cacheStatus == SimUtility::ECacheFailed)
   597     {
   598         mAdnStorePresent = false;
   599         mAdnEntriesPresent = false;
   600     }
   601     else
   602     {
   603         //check if there are ADN contacts
   604         mAdnStorePresent = true;
   605         mAdnEntriesPresent = false;
   606         int getSimInfoError = -1;
   607         SimUtility::SimInfo simInfo = mSimUtility->getSimInfo(getSimInfoError);
   608         if (!getSimInfoError)
   609         {
   610             // sim entries are present
   611             mAdnStoreEntries = simInfo.usedEntries;
   612             if (mAdnStoreEntries > 0) 
   613             { 
   614                 mAdnEntriesPresent = true;
   615             }
   616         }
   617     }
   619     //and start SIM contacts import, if user tapped "SIM import"
   620     if(mImportSimPopup != NULL && mImportSimPopup->isActive())
   621     {
   622         if (!startSimImport())
   623         {
   624             //dismiss wait note
   625             mImportSimPopup->close();
   626             //and show error note
   627             simInfoErrorMessage(KErrAccessDenied);
   628         }
   629     }
   630 }
   632 // EOF