changeset 62 5b6f26637ad3
equal deleted inserted replaced
58:d4f567ce2e7c 62:5b6f26637ad3
     1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 // System includess
    17 #include "ecom/ecom.h"		// For REComSession
    18 #include <ecom/ecomresolverparams.h>
    20 // User includes
    21 #include <cntviewbase.h>
    22 #include "CNTSTD.H"
    23 #include <cntviewfindconfig.h>
    25 #include <cntviewsortplugin.h>
    26 #include "cntviewprivate.h"
    28 #include <cntviewsortpluginbase.h>
    29 #endif
    31 extern void DebugLogViewNotification(const TDesC& aMethod, const TContactViewEvent& aEvent);
    33 //uncomment in conjunction with LocalView and T_Cnt_ViewSortProfiling
    34 //#define __PROFILE_SORT__
    37 EXPORT_C RContactViewSortOrder::RContactViewSortOrder() : iSpare(KErrNone), iSpare2(0), iSpare3(0)
    38 /** Default C++ constructor. */
    39 	{
    40 	}
    42 EXPORT_C void RContactViewSortOrder::Close()
    43 /** Closes the sort order array and frees all memory allocated to it. */
    44 	{
    45 	iFields.Close();
    46 	}
    48 EXPORT_C void RContactViewSortOrder::CopyL(const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder)
    49 /** Copies the field types contained in the specified sort order object into this 
    50 object.
    52 Any existing field types in this object are replaced.
    54 @param aSortOrder The sort order to be copied. */
    55 	{
    56 	iFields.Reset();
    57 	const TInt numFields=aSortOrder.iFields.Count();
    58 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<numFields;++ii)
    59 		{
    60 		TFieldType field = aSortOrder.iFields[ii];
    61 		AppendL(field);
    62 		}
    63 	}
    65 EXPORT_C void RContactViewSortOrder::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) 
    66 /** Internalises a sort order object from a read stream.
    68 @param aStream The stream to read from. */
    69 	{
    70 	iSpare = aStream.ReadInt32L();
    71 	iSpare2 = aStream.ReadInt32L();
    72 	iSpare3 = aStream.ReadInt32L();
    73 	TInt numFields;
    74 	numFields = aStream.ReadInt32L();
    75 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<numFields;++ii)
    76 		{
    77 		TFieldType thisField;
    78 		aStream >> thisField.iUid;
    79 		AppendL(thisField);
    80 		}
    81 	}
    83 EXPORT_C void RContactViewSortOrder::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
    84 /** Externalises a sort order object to a write stream.
    86 @param aStream The stream to write to. */
    87 	{
    88 	aStream.WriteInt32L(iSpare);
    89 	aStream.WriteInt32L(iSpare2);
    90 	aStream.WriteInt32L(iSpare3);
    91 	const TInt numFields=iFields.Count();
    92 	aStream.WriteInt32L(numFields);
    93 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<numFields;++ii)
    94 		{
    95 		aStream << iFields[ii].iUid;
    96 		}
    97 	}
    99 /* 
   100  * The current implementation relies on the externalized size provided by 
   101  * the STORE implementation.
   102  */
   103 EXPORT_C TInt RContactViewSortOrder::ExternalizedSize() const
   104 /** Retrieves the number of bytes required to store the sort order when externalised.
   106 @return The size of the sort order object. */
   107 	{
   108 	return (sizeof(TInt)*4)+(iFields.Count()*sizeof(TFieldType));
   109 	}
   111 EXPORT_C TBool RContactViewSortOrder::operator==(const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder) const
   112 /** Compares two sort order objects for equivalence.
   114 @param aSortOrder The sort order object to compare with this one.
   115 @return ETrue if the two sort orders are the same, EFalse if not. */
   116 	{
   117 	TBool sortOrdersMatch = ETrue;
   119 	const TInt numFields=iFields.Count();
   120 	if (numFields!=aSortOrder.Count())
   121 		{
   122 		sortOrdersMatch = EFalse;
   123 		}
   124 	else
   125 		{
   126 		for (TInt ii=0;ii<numFields;++ii)
   127 			{
   128 			if (iFields[ii]!=aSortOrder.iFields[ii])
   129 				{
   130 				sortOrdersMatch = EFalse;
   131 				break;
   132 				}
   133 			}
   134 		}
   136 	return sortOrdersMatch;
   137 	}
   140 EXPORT_C void CContactViewBase::OpenL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver)
   141 /** Appends an observer to the view's observer array.
   143 If the view's state is EReady, the observer is notified asynchronously that 
   144 the view is ready.
   146 An error causes the function to leave. 
   148 @param aObserver The contact view observer to be added. */
   149 	{
   151 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiOpenL);
   152 #endif
   153     iObserverArray.AppendL(&aObserver);
   154 	if (GetErrorValueFromExtensionClass()!=KErrNone)
   155 		{
   156 		NotifyObservers(TContactViewEvent(TContactViewEvent::ESortError,iExtension->iError));
   157 		}
   158 	if (iState==EReady)
   159 		{
   160 		User::LeaveIfError(NotifyObserverAsync(aObserver,TContactViewEvent(TContactViewEvent::EReady)));
   161 		}
   162 	}
   164 EXPORT_C TInt CContactViewBase::Open(MContactViewObserver& aObserver)
   165 /** Appends an observer to the view's observer array.
   167 If the view's state is EReady, the observer is notified asynchronously that 
   168 the view is ready.
   170 This function does not leave; an error code is returned instead.
   172 @param aObserver The contact view observer to add. 
   173 @return A standard error code, or KErrNone if the function completed without 
   174 an error. */
   175 	{
   177 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiOpen);
   178 #endif
   179 	TInt err=iObserverArray.Append(&aObserver);
   180 	if (iExtension->iError!=KErrNone)
   181 		{
   182 		NotifyObservers(TContactViewEvent(TContactViewEvent::ESortError,iExtension->iError));
   183 		}
   184 	if (err)
   185 		{
   186 		return err;
   187 		}
   188 	if (iState==EReady)
   189 		{
   190 		err = NotifyObserverAsync(aObserver,TContactViewEvent(TContactViewEvent::EReady));
   191 		if (err!=KErrNone)
   192 			{
   193 			return err;
   194 			}
   195 		}
   196 	return err;
   197 	}
   199 /** 
   200 Removes an observer from the view's observer array.
   202 Any outstanding notifications for aObserver are first cancelled.
   204 @capability None
   205 @param aObserver The contact view observer to be removed.
   206 @return ETrue if the view's observer array is empty as a result of the removal; 
   207 EFalse if it is not empty or if aObserver could not be found in the observer 
   208 array. 
   209 */
   210 EXPORT_C TBool CContactViewBase::Close(const MContactViewObserver& aObserver)
   211 	{
   213 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiClose);
   214 #endif
   215 	const TInt observerIndex = iObserverArray.Find(&aObserver);
   216 	if (observerIndex != KErrNotFound)
   217 		{
   218 		//the observer that just closed may be expecting a notification
   219         for (TInt outstandingIndex=iOutstandingNotifications.Count()-1; outstandingIndex>=0; --outstandingIndex)
   220             {
   221             if (iOutstandingNotifications[outstandingIndex].iObserverToNotify == &aObserver)
   222                 {
   223 			    iOutstandingNotifications.Remove(outstandingIndex);
   224                 }
   225             }
   226 		if(iOutstandingNotifications.Count()==0)
   227 			{
   228 			iOutstandingNotifications.Reset();
   229 			if(iAsyncNotifier->IsActive())
   230 				{
   231 				//AsyncNotifier is Active with nothing to notifiy so we need to cancel it.
   232 				iAsyncNotifier->Cancel();
   233 				}
   234 			}
   235 		//remove observer from main array.
   236 		iObserverArray.Remove(observerIndex);
   237 		if (iObserverArray.Count()==0)
   238 			{
   239 			delete this;
   240 			return ETrue;
   241 			}
   242 		}
   243 	return EFalse;
   244 	}
   246 EXPORT_C CContactViewBase::CContactViewBase(const CContactDatabase& aDb)
   247 	: iDb(aDb),iState(EInitializing)
   248 /** Protected C++ constructor.
   250 Initialises the view's state to EInitializing.
   252 @param aDb The database that contains the contact items. */
   253 	{
   254 	}
   256 EXPORT_C CContactViewBase::~CContactViewBase()
   257 /** Destructor.
   259 Cancels all outstanding notifications and deletes all resources owned by the object. */
   260 	{
   262 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewDestructor);
   263 #endif
   264 	delete iExtension;
   265 	REComSession::FinalClose(); // This line is necessary to make sure the plug-in is unloaded properly
   266 	iObserverArray.Close();
   267 	delete iAsyncNotifier;
   268 	iOutstandingNotifications.Close();
   269 	}
   271 EXPORT_C void CContactViewBase::ConstructL()
   272 /** Protected second phase constructor.
   274 Called from a derived class's ConstructL(). Creates the view's asynchronous 
   275 notifier and adds it to the active scheduler. */
   276 	{
   278 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiConstructL);
   279 #endif
   280 	iAsyncNotifier=CIdle::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
   281     iExtension = CContactViewBaseExtension::NewL();
   282 	if(iExtension)
   283 		{
   284 		iExtension->iFindPluginUid = KNullUid;
   285 		iExtension->iError = KErrNone;
   286 		}	
   287 	}
   289 EXPORT_C void CContactViewBase::NotifyObservers(const TContactViewEvent& aEvent)
   290 /** Called by derived view classes to notify their observers synchronously of an 
   291 event, by calling their HandleContactViewEvent() function.
   293 @param aEvent Identifies the event that occurred. */
   294 	{
   296 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiNotifyObservers, aEvent);
   297 #endif
   298 	TInt Observer=iObserverArray.Count();
   299 #if defined(__VERBOSE_DEBUG__)
   300 	//Print the message to be broadcated to the views
   301 	if (Observer)
   302 		{	
   303 		DebugLogViewNotification(_L("[CNTMODEL] CContactViewBase::NotifyObservers"), aEvent);
   304 		}
   305 #endif
   306 	// We iterate backwards to allow for observers removing themselves from the array
   307 	while (Observer--)
   308 		{
   309 		iObserverArray[Observer]->HandleContactViewEvent(*this,aEvent);
   310 		}
   311 	}
   313 EXPORT_C TInt CContactViewBase::NotifyObserverAsync(MContactViewObserver& aObserver,const TContactViewEvent& aEvent)
   314 /** Called to notify a single view observer asynchronously of an event.
   316 If other notifications are outstanding, this notification is appended to the 
   317 queue.
   319 If the view's asynchronous notifier is not active, it is started as a background 
   320 task. 
   322 This function is called by OpenL() and Open() to notify the observer that 
   323 the view is ready.
   325 @param aObserver The contact view observer to notify. This must have previously 
   326 been added to the view's observer array.
   327 @param aEvent Identifies the event that occurred. 
   328 @return KErrNone if the function completed without error, otherwise one of 
   329 the standard error codes. */
   330 	{
   332 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiNotifyObserverAsync, aEvent);
   333 #endif
   334 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   335 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iObserverArray.Find(&aObserver)!=KErrNotFound,Panic(ECntPanicObserverNotFound));
   336 	TObserverAndEvent outstandingNotification;
   337 	outstandingNotification.iAsyncEvent=aEvent;
   338 	outstandingNotification.iObserverToNotify=&aObserver;
   339 	err = iOutstandingNotifications.Append(outstandingNotification);
   340 	if (err==KErrNone)
   341 		{
   342 		if(!(iAsyncNotifier->IsActive()))
   343 			{
   344 			//No current outstanding notifications, start the asyn notifier to deal with the event that
   345 			//was just added
   346 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAsyncNotifier->IsActive()==EFalse,Panic(ECntPanicAsyncViewNotificationPending));
   347 			iAsyncNotifier->Start(TCallBack(AsyncNotifyCallBack,this));
   348 			}
   349 		}
   350 	return err;
   351 	}
   353 TInt CContactViewBase::AsyncNotifyCallBack(TAny* aSelf)
   354 	{
   355 	//Notifiy the bottom element in the outstanding notifiers array,
   356 	//at the end of the function if the array is not empty there are further observers to notify.
   357 	CContactViewBase* self=STATIC_CAST(CContactViewBase*,aSelf);
   358 #ifdef _DEBUG
   359 	TInt outstandingNotifCount = self->iOutstandingNotifications.Count();
   360 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(outstandingNotifCount>0,Panic(ECntPanicObserverNotFound));
   361 #endif
   362 	TContactViewEvent event=self->iOutstandingNotifications[0].iAsyncEvent;
   363 	MContactViewObserver* observerToNotify=self->iOutstandingNotifications[0].iObserverToNotify;
   364     __ASSERT_DEBUG(observerToNotify && self->iObserverArray.Find(observerToNotify)!=KErrNotFound,Panic(ECntPanicObserverNotFound));
   365 	self->iOutstandingNotifications.Remove(0);
   366 	observerToNotify->HandleContactViewEvent(*self,event);
   367 	return self->iOutstandingNotifications.Count();
   368 	}
   370 EXPORT_C TBool CContactViewBase::IdsMatch(const CViewContact& aFirst,const CViewContact& aSecond)
   371 /** Tests whether the IDs of two contact items are the same.
   373 @param aFirst The first contact item.
   374 @param aSecond The second contact item.
   375 @return True if the IDs match, otherwise false. */
   376 	{
   377 	return (aFirst.Id()==aSecond.Id());
   378 	}
   380 EXPORT_C HBufC* CContactViewBase::FieldsWithSeparatorLC(const RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aContacts,TInt aIndex,const TDesC& aSeparator) const
   381 /** Allocates and returns a descriptor filled with the contents of all the fields 
   382 in a contact item.
   384 The fields are separated by the specified separator.
   386 @param aContacts An array of contact items.
   387 @param aIndex An index into the specified array.
   388 @param aSeparator The text to use to separate the fields.
   389 @return A pointer to a heap descriptor containing the contents of each of the 
   390 contact item's fields. The field separator is appended to each field except 
   391 the last one. The pointer is left on the cleanup stack. */
   392 	{
   394 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiFieldsWithSeparatorLC);
   395 #endif
   396 	// Calculate the length of the buffer.
   397 	TInt bufLength=0;
   398 	const CViewContact& viewContact = *(aContacts[aIndex]);
   399 	const TInt separatorLength=aSeparator.Length();
   400 	const TInt numFields=viewContact.FieldCount();
   401 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<numFields;++ii)
   402 		{
   403 		bufLength+=viewContact.Field(ii).Length()+separatorLength;
   404 		}
   405 	HBufC* buf=HBufC::NewLC(bufLength);
   406 	TPtr bufPtr(buf->Des());
   408 	// Fill the buffer.
   409 	for (TInt j=0;j<numFields;++j)
   410 		{
   411 		bufPtr.Append(viewContact.Field(j));
   413 		// Only put a separator in if this isn't the last field.
   414 		if (j!=numFields-1)
   415 			{
   416 			bufPtr.Append(aSeparator);
   417 			}
   418 		}
   419 	return buf;
   420 	}
   422 EXPORT_C TBool CContactViewBase::MatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact& aContact,const MDesCArray& aFindWords)
   423 /** Searches a single contact item for fields that contain one or more search strings.
   425 The search uses wildcard matching so that the search strings can occur anywhere 
   426 in any of the item's fields. For a match to occur, all of the search strings 
   427 must be found in the contact item.
   429 Any find configuration plug-in that has been set (by calling SetViewFindConfigPlugin()) 
   430 will be used.
   432 @param aContact The contact item to search.
   433 @param aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
   434 @return True if all of the search strings were present in the contact item's 
   435 fields. False if not. */
   436 	{
   437 	return MatchesCriteriaL(aContact,aFindWords,EFullSearch,iExtension);
   438 	}
   440 EXPORT_C TBool CContactViewBase::MatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact& aContact,const MDesCArray& aFindWords, TSearchType aSearchType)
   441 /** Searches a single contact item for fields that contain one or more search strings.
   443 The search type indicates whether the search strings can occur anywhere in 
   444 a field, or must occur at the start of a field only. For a match to occur, 
   445 all of the search strings must be found in the contact item.
   447 This function does not use any find configuration plug-in that has been set 
   448 (by calling SetViewFindConfigPlugin()), so new code should use one of the other 
   449 overloads instead. This function has been maintained for binary compatibility 
   450 with previous OS versions.
   452 @param aContact The contact item to search.
   453 @param aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
   454 @param aSearchType The search type. This controls whether a search term can 
   455 occur anywhere in a contact item field, or just at the beginning of a field.
   456 @return True if all of the search strings were present in the contact item's 
   457 fields. False if not. */
   458 	{
   459 	return MatchesCriteriaL(aContact,aFindWords,aSearchType,NULL);
   460 	}
   462 EXPORT_C TBool CContactViewBase::MatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact& aContact,const MDesCArray& aFindWords, TSearchType aSearchType,CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension* aExtension)
   463 /** Searches a single contact item for fields that contain one or more search strings.
   465 The search type indicates whether the search strings can occur anywhere in 
   466 a field, or must occur at the start of a field only. For a match to occur, 
   467 all of the search strings must be found in the contact item.
   469 If a find configuration plug-in UID is specified in the fourth parameter, 
   470 this overload uses it, loading it first if necessary. This overrides any plug-in 
   471 that had previously been set by a call to SetViewFindConfigPlugin().
   473 @param aContact The contact item to search.
   474 @param aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
   475 @param aSearchType The search type. This controls whether a search term can 
   476 occur anywhere in a contact item field, or just at the beginning of a field.
   477 @param aExtension Optionally, this can be used to specify the UID of a find 
   478 configuration plug-in, overriding any that has previously been set by a call 
   479 to SetViewFindConfigPlugin().
   480 @return True if all of the search strings were present in the contact item's 
   481 fields. False if not. */
   482 	{
   484 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiMatchesCriteriaL, aContact.Id());
   485 #endif
   486 	CDesCArrayFlat* findWordArray = CreateFindWordArrayLC(aFindWords, aSearchType);
   487 	TBool result = ContactMatchesCriteriaL(aContact, *findWordArray,aExtension);
   488 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(findWordArray);
   489 	return result;
   490 	}
   492 /*
   493  * Create an array of words to use when matching contact data. 
   494  * @param aFindWords Array of words
   495  * @param aSearchType Specifies a prefix or substring match
   496  * @return Array of words
   497  */
   498 CDesCArrayFlat* CContactViewBase::CreateFindWordArrayLC(const MDesCArray& aFindWords, TSearchType aSearchType)
   499 	{
   500 	const TInt numFindWords=aFindWords.MdcaCount();
   501 	CDesCArrayFlat* findWordArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(numFindWords);
   502 	CleanupStack::PushL(findWordArray);
   504 	for (TInt i=0; i<numFindWords; ++i)
   505 		{
   506 		TPtrC original(aFindWords.MdcaPoint(i));
   507 		HBufC* findString=HBufC::NewLC(original.Length()+2);
   508 		TPtr ptr(findString->Des());
   509 		switch(aSearchType)
   510 			{
   511 			case EFullSearch:
   512 				ptr.Append('*');
   513 				break;
   514 			case EPrefixSearch:
   515 				break;
   516 			default: // programming error.
   517 				break;
   518 			}
   519 		ptr.Append(original);
   520 		ptr.Append('*');
   521 		findWordArray->AppendL(*findString);
   522 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(findString);
   523 		}
   524 	return findWordArray;
   525 	}
   527 /* 
   528  * Check if aContact matches aFindWords 
   529  * @return ETrue if matched, EFalse otherwise
   530  * new parameter has been added aExtension CContactViewBase extension class.
   531  */
   532 TBool CContactViewBase::ContactMatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact& aContact,const MDesCArray& aFindWords,CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension* aExtension)
   533 	{
   534 	TInt hits = 0;
   535 	const TInt numFields=aContact.FieldCount();
   536 	const TInt numFindWords=aFindWords.MdcaCount();
   537 	if(aExtension->iFindPluginUid != KNullUid && aExtension->iFindPluginImpl == NULL)
   538 	{
   539 		//Load plug-in
   540 		aExtension->iFindPluginImpl = CContactViewFindConfigInterface::NewL(aExtension->iFindPluginUid);
   541 	}
   542 	if (aExtension->iFindPluginImpl)
   543 		{
   544 		for (TInt jj=0;jj<numFindWords;++jj)
   545 			{
   546 			TPtrC word(aFindWords.MdcaPoint(jj));
   547 		    if (aExtension->iFindPluginImpl->IsWordValidForMatching(word))
   548 				{
   549 				for (TInt kk=0;kk<numFields;++kk)
   550 					{
   551 					if (aExtension->iFindPluginImpl->Match(aContact.Field(kk), word))
   552 						{
   553 						++hits;
   554 						break;
   555 						}
   556 					}
   557 				}
   558 			else
   559 				{
   560 				for (TInt kk=0;kk<numFields;++kk)
   561 					{
   562 					if (aContact.Field(kk).MatchC(word)!=KErrNotFound)
   563 						{
   564 						++hits;
   565 						break;
   566 						}
   567 					}
   568 				}
   569 			}
   570 		}
   571 	else
   572 		{
   573 		for (TInt jj=0;jj<numFindWords;++jj)
   574 			{
   575 			TPtrC word(aFindWords.MdcaPoint(jj));
   576 			for (TInt kk=0;kk<numFields;++kk)
   577 				{
   578 				if (aContact.Field(kk).MatchC(word)!=KErrNotFound)
   579 					{
   580 					++hits;
   581 					break;
   582 					}
   583 				}
   584 			}
   585 		}
   586 	return (hits==numFindWords);
   587 	}
   589 /* Implementation of ContactsMatchingCriteriaL and ContactsMatchingPrefixL */
   590 void CContactViewBase::MatchContactsL(const MDesCArray& aFindWords,RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aMatchedContacts, TSearchType aSearchType)
   591 	{
   592 	CDesCArrayFlat* findWordArray = CreateFindWordArrayLC(aFindWords, aSearchType);
   593 	const TInt viewCount = CountL();
   594 	TBool match = EFalse;
   595 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<viewCount;++ii)
   596 		{
   597 		const CViewContact& contact = ContactAtL(ii);
   598 		match=ContactMatchesCriteriaL(contact,*findWordArray,iExtension);
   599 		if (match)
   600 			{
   601 			CViewContact* thisContact = CViewContact::NewL(contact);
   602 			CleanupStack::PushL(thisContact);
   603 			aMatchedContacts.AppendL(thisContact);
   604 			CleanupStack::Pop(thisContact);
   605 			}
   606 		}
   607 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(findWordArray);
   608 	}
   610 /** Searches all contact items in the view for fields that contain all of the search 
   611 strings specified.
   613 The search uses wildcard matching so that the search strings can occur anywhere 
   614 in the item's fields. For a match to occur, all of the search strings must 
   615 be found in a contact item.
   617 @capability ReadUserData
   618 @param aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
   619 @param aMatchedContacts On return, an array of matching contact items. */
   620 EXPORT_C void CContactViewBase::ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(const MDesCArray& aFindWords, RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aMatchedContacts)
   621 	{
   622 	MatchContactsL(aFindWords,aMatchedContacts,EFullSearch);
   623 	}
   625 /** Searches all contact items in the view for fields that contain all of the search 
   626 strings specified.
   628 Unlike ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(), the search term can only occur at the 
   629 beginning of a field.
   631 @capability ReadUserData
   632 @param aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
   633 @param aMatchedContacts On return, an array of matching contact items. */
   634 EXPORT_C void CContactViewBase::ContactsMatchingPrefixL(const MDesCArray& aFindWords, RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aMatchedContacts)
   635 	{
   636 	MatchContactsL(aFindWords,aMatchedContacts, EPrefixSearch);
   637 	}
   639 /**
   640 This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against 
   641 addition of new exported virtual functions.
   642 This function now aids addition of new exported virtual methods without 
   643 having to break  BC,by simply having those virtual methods as 
   644 non-virtual and helper methods, called from this one and only reserved virtual 
   645 exported method.A public enumeration type that is defined in the base class
   646 CContactViewBase identifies which of the helper 'virtual' methods are being called.
   647 All derived classes of CContactViewBase that are public should mandatorily implement
   648 this method.
   650 Returns any return values of the helper methods called from this function.
   652 @capability ReadUserData
   653 @param aFunction an enum value that identifies which helper method is called.
   654 @param aParams parameters to the helper method being called.
   655 @return Any return values of the helper methods called from this function or NULL.
   656 */
   657 EXPORT_C TAny* CContactViewBase::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunction aFunction,TAny* aParams)
   658 	{
   660 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiContactViewBase_Reserved_1);
   661 #endif
   662 	switch(aFunction)
   663 		{
   664 		case ECContactViewBaseVirtualFunction1:
   665 			{
   666 			TVirtualFunction1Params* vFuncParams = STATIC_CAST(TVirtualFunction1Params*,aParams);
   667 			GetContactIdsL(*vFuncParams->iIndexes,*vFuncParams->iIdArray);
   668 			}
   669 			break;
   670 		case ECContactViewBaseVirtualFunction2:
   671 			{
   672 			TVirtualFunction2Params* vFuncParams = STATIC_CAST(TVirtualFunction2Params*,aParams);
   673 			GetContactsMatchingFilterL(vFuncParams->iFilter, vFuncParams->iMatchingContacts);
   674 			}
   675 			break;			
   676 		case ECContactViewBaseVirtualFunction3:
   677 			{
   678 			TVirtualFunction3Params* vFuncParams = STATIC_CAST(TVirtualFunction3Params*,aParams);
   679 			TInt error = KErrNone;
   680 			error = InsertContactInView(vFuncParams->iContacts,vFuncParams->iNewContact,EFalse,NULL);
   681 			// stuff error code into a TAny *
   682 			return reinterpret_cast<TAny*> (error);
   683 			}
   684 		default:
   685 			break;
   686 		}
   687 	return NULL;
   688 	}
   690 EXPORT_C void CContactViewBase::SetViewFindConfigPlugin(TUid aUid)
   691 /** Sets the UID of the view's find configuration plug-in to use in calls to ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(), 
   692 ContactsMatchingPrefixL() and MatchesCriteriaL().
   694 @param aUid The UID of the view's find configuration plug-in.
   695 @see CContactViewFindConfigInterface */
   696 	{
   698 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiSetViewFindConfigPlugin);
   699 #endif
   700 	iExtension->iFindPluginUid = aUid;
   701 	}
   703 EXPORT_C TUid CContactViewBase::GetViewFindConfigPlugin()
   704 /** Gets the UID of the view's find configuration plug-in, as set by SetViewFindConfigPlugin().
   706 @return The UID of the view's find configuration plug-in. KNullUid if none 
   707 has been set.
   708 @see CContactViewFindConfigInterface */
   709 	{
   711 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiGetViewFindConfigPlugin);
   712 #endif
   713 	return iExtension->iFindPluginUid ;
   714 	}
   716 /** Gets an array containing the IDs of the contact items at the specified view 
   717 indexes.
   719 The IDs are appended to the array.
   721 @capability ReadUserData
   722 @param aIndexes An array of indexes into this view.
   723 @param aContactIds On return, an array to which the contact item IDs of each 
   724 of the indexed items are appended. */
   725 EXPORT_C void CContactViewBase::GetContactIdsL(const CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexes, CContactIdArray& aContactIds)
   726     {
   728 	TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiGetContactIdsL);
   729 #endif
   730     const TInt myCount = CountL();
   731     const TInt indexCount = aIndexes.Count();
   732     for (TInt i=0; i < indexCount; ++i)
   733         {
   734         const TInt index = aIndexes[i];
   735         if (index >= 0 && index < myCount)
   736             {
   737             aContactIds.AddL(AtL(index));
   738             }
   739         }
   740     }
   741 /** 
   742  * Gets an array containing the IDs of the contact items that match
   743  * the filter supplied by the client.
   744  * 
   745  * @param aFilter Filter The filter to use
   746  * @param aMatchingContacts Array of matching contact IDs
   747  */
   748 void CContactViewBase::GetContactsMatchingFilterL(TInt aFilter, RArray<TContactIdWithMapping>& aMatchingContacts)
   749 	{
   750 	TContactIdWithMapping idMap;
   751 	const TInt viewCount(CountL());
   752 	for (TInt i=0;i<viewCount;++i)
   753 		{
   754 		const CViewContact& contact = ContactAtL(i);
   755 		if(contact.ContactMatchesFilter(aFilter))
   756 			{
   757 			idMap.iId=contact.Id();
   758 			idMap.iMapping=i;
   759 			aMatchingContacts.AppendL(idMap);
   760             }
   761         }
   762     }
   764 EXPORT_C TBool CContactViewBase::IdsEqual(const TContactIdWithMapping& aFirst,const TContactIdWithMapping& aSecond)
   765 /** Tests whether the IDs of two contact items are the same.
   767 @param aFirst The contact ID/view index struct representing the first item.
   768 @param aSecond The contact ID/view index struct representing the second item.
   769 @return True if the IDs match, false if not. */
   770 	{
   771 	return (aFirst.iId==aSecond.iId);
   772 	}
   774 EXPORT_C TBool CContactViewBase::IndexesEqual(const TContactIdWithMapping& aFirst,const TContactIdWithMapping& aSecond)
   775 /** Tests whether the view indexes of two contact items are the same.
   777 @param aFirst The contact ID/view index struct representing the first item.
   778 @param aSecond The contact ID/view index struct representing the second item. 
   779 @return True if the indexes match, false if not. */
   780 	{
   781 	return (aFirst.iMapping==aSecond.iMapping);
   782 	}
   784 /*
   785  See defect EXT-59BFK6 "Contact view sorting does not use default collation rules"
   786  for further information.
   787  This 'static' function is used by Sort Plugin.
   788  See method below for version used by default sort.
   789  Generally fixes should be applied to both!
   790  */
   791 EXPORT_C TInt CContactViewBase::CompareFieldsL(const CViewContact& aFirst,const CViewContact& aSecond)
   792 /** Collates two contact items' field contents.
   794 This is done by comparing each contact item on a field by field basis starting 
   795 with the loosest collation level initially, and then progressing to tighter 
   796 collation levels only if the items are considered the same at the looser level. 
   797 This is required so that items differing by case only are sorted correctly. 
   798 If a field isn't present, then the comparison is done using the first field 
   799 that is present.
   801 @param aFirst The first contact item.
   802 @param aSecond The second contact item.
   803 @return A positive value indicates that aFirst's field contents are greater 
   804 than aSecond's (so that aFirst would occur after aSecond in a sort order). 
   805 A negative value indicates that aFirst's field contents are less than aSecond's 
   806 (so that aFirst would occur before aSecond in a sort order). Zero indicates 
   807 that aFirst and aSecond have identical field contents. */
   808 	{
   809 	const TInt KDefaultCollationLevel=3;
   810 	TInt comparison = 0; // result of comparison, Zero = fields are identical
   811 	TInt collationLevel = 0;
   813 	TCollationMethod collateMethod = *Mem::CollationMethodByIndex(0);
   814 	collateMethod.iFlags|=TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone;
   816 	do
   817 		{
   818 		comparison = CompareFieldsWithCollationLevel(aFirst, aSecond, collationLevel, &collateMethod);
   819 		++collationLevel;
   820 		}
   821 		while (comparison == 0 && collationLevel <= KDefaultCollationLevel);
   823 	return comparison;
   824 	}
   826 /*
   827  Similar to 'static', exported CompareFieldsL() method above.
   828  Except (for performance) it uses cached copy of TCollationMethod belonging to the view.
   829  Generally fixes should be applied to both!
   830  */
   831 TInt CContactViewBase::TextCompareFieldsL(const CViewContact& aFirst,const CViewContact& aSecond) const
   832 /** Collates two contact items' field contents.
   834 This is done by comparing each contact item on a field by field basis starting 
   835 with the loosest collation level initially, and then progressing to tighter 
   836 collation levels only if the items are considered the same at the looser level. 
   837 This is required so that items differing by case only are sorted correctly. 
   838 If a field isn't present, then the comparison is done using the first field 
   839 that is present.
   841 Faster than static CompareFieldsL() method as it uses prefetched collation method.
   843 @param aFirst The first contact item.
   844 @param aSecond The second contact item.
   845 @return A positive value indicates that aFirst's field contents are greater 
   846 than aSecond's (so that aFirst would occur after aSecond in a sort order). 
   847 A negative value indicates that aFirst's field contents are less than aSecond's 
   848 (so that aFirst would occur before aSecond in a sort order). Zero indicates 
   849 that aFirst and aSecond have identical field contents. */
   850 	{
   851 	const TInt KDefaultCollationLevel=3;
   852 	TInt comparison = 0; // result of comparison, Zero = fields are identical
   853 	TInt collationLevel = 0;
   855 	do
   856 		{
   857 		comparison = CompareFieldsWithCollationLevel(aFirst, aSecond, collationLevel, &iExtension->iCollationMethod);
   858 		++collationLevel;
   859 		}
   860 		while (comparison == 0 && collationLevel <= KDefaultCollationLevel);
   862 	return comparison;
   863 	}
   865 /**  Gets the recorded error value. 
   866 If an error occurs within the view, before each of the views
   867 observers are notified, then the view records the error code internally.
   868 This function provides access to a copy of that error code.
   871 @return The recorded error value. If this does not equal KErrNone, then something is wrong with the view.
   872 */
   873 EXPORT_C TInt CContactViewBase::Error() const 
   874 	{
   875 	return iExtension->iError;
   876 	}
   878 /* 
   879  * Extension class for maintaining BC in member variables. 
   880  */
   881 CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension* CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension::NewL()
   882 /** Constructs a new instance of the class. 
   884 If a plug-in has been loaded, its OpenL() function is called, see CContactViewFindConfigInterface::OpenL().
   886 @return Pointer to the newly created extension object. */
   887     {
   888     CContactViewBaseExtension* self =
   889     new( ELeave ) CContactViewBaseExtension;
   890     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   891     self->ConstructL();
   892     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   893     return self;
   894     } 
   896 CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension::CContactViewBaseExtension()
   897     {
   898     }
   900 CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension::~CContactViewBaseExtension()
   901 /* Destructor.
   903 If a Find plug-in has been loaded, its Close() function is called. See CContactViewFindConfigInterface::Close()  */
   904     {
   905     if ( iFindPluginImpl )
   906         {
   907         delete iFindPluginImpl;
   908         }
   909 	if (iSortPluginImpl)
   910 		{ // unload
   911 		delete iSortPluginImpl;
   912 		}
   913     }
   916 TInt CContactViewBase::CompareFieldsWithCollationLevel(const CViewContact& aFirst, const CViewContact& aSecond, 
   917 														TInt aCollationLevel, TCollationMethod* aCollateMethod)
   918 	{
   919 	const TInt KLastField = aFirst.FieldCount() - 1;
   921 	TInt retval = 0; // result of comparison, Zero = fields are identical
   922 	TInt firstField(-1);
   923 	TInt secondField(-1);
   924 	TPtrC first;
   925 	TPtrC second;
   927 	for (TInt counter=0; !retval && (counter <= KLastField); counter++)
   928 		{
   929 		// if the 1st populated field has a greater index than counter, 
   930 		//	that means we'd get the same result from FindFirstPopulatedField.
   931 		//	So, don't bother. Of course we always have to run it at least once.
   933 		if (firstField < counter)
   934 			{
   935 			first.Set(aFirst.FindFirstPopulatedField(counter, firstField));
   936 			}
   938 		if (secondField < counter)
   939 			{
   940 			second.Set(aSecond.FindFirstPopulatedField(counter, secondField));
   941 			}
   943 		// no fields in either item
   944 		if ((firstField < 0) && (secondField < 0))
   945 			{
   946 			break;
   947 			}
   949 		if (firstField < 0)
   950 			{
   951 			// first item sorts lower
   952 			retval = -1;
   953 			}
   954 		else if (secondField < 0)
   955 			{
   956 			// second item sorts lower
   957 			retval = 1;
   958 			}
   959 		else
   960 			{
   961 			// set counter to the first field populated by either contact
   962 			while ((firstField > counter) && (secondField > counter))
   963 				counter++;
   965 			retval = first.CompareC(second, aCollationLevel, aCollateMethod);
   966 			}
   967 		}
   969 	return retval;
   970 	}
   973 void CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension::ConstructL()
   974 	{
   975 	if ( iFindPluginImpl )
   976 		{
   977 		iFindPluginImpl->OpenL();
   978 		}
   980 	// Collation method by index 0 stays the same (only changes at a reboot)
   981  	iCollationMethod = *Mem::CollationMethodByIndex(0);
   982  	iCollationMethod.iFlags |= TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone;
   983 	}
   985 /*
   986  * Finds the first populated field within a contact.
   987  *
   988  * Starting at aOffset search for the first populated field. Search up to
   989  * the maximum number of fields available within the contact.
   990  *
   991  * If no populated field is found, then this function will return a zero
   992  * length TPtrC and set aFoundPosition to -1.
   993  *
   994  * @param aOffset          The starting offset
   995  * @param aFoundPosition   The offset of the field found
   996  * @return                 The contents of the field located at the found position
   997  */
   998 TPtrC CViewContact::FindFirstPopulatedField(TInt aOffset, TInt& aFoundPosition) const
   999 	{
  1000 	if (iExtension)
  1001 		{
  1002 		const TInt max = iTextIndexes.Count() - 1;
  1003 		TInt lengthOfText=0;
  1005 		for (TInt counter = aOffset; counter <= max; counter++)
  1006 			{
  1007 			const TInt fieldStartPos = iTextIndexes[counter];
  1009 			if (counter < max)
  1010 				{
  1011 				lengthOfText = iTextIndexes[counter+1] - fieldStartPos;
  1012 				}
  1013 			else
  1014 				{
  1015 				lengthOfText = iExtension->FieldText().Length() - fieldStartPos;
  1016 				}
  1018 			if (lengthOfText > 0 )
  1019 				{
  1020 				aFoundPosition = counter;
  1021 				return iExtension->FieldText().Mid(fieldStartPos, lengthOfText);
  1022 				}
  1023 			}
  1024 		}
  1026 	// no more fields with text
  1027 	aFoundPosition = -1;
  1028 	return TPtrC(KNullDesC);
  1029 	}
  1031 /**
  1032 @internalComponent
  1033 */
  1034 EXPORT_C CViewContact::CViewContact(TContactItemId aId)
  1035 :	iId(aId), iExtension(NULL)
  1036 /** Constructs a CViewContact object.
  1038 This should not be called by clients. CViewContact::NewLC() should be used instead.
  1040 @param aId The contact ID to assign to the object. */
  1041 	{
  1042 	}
  1044 EXPORT_C void CViewContact::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
  1045 /** Internalises a CViewContact object from a read stream. 
  1047 @param aStream Stream from which the object is internalised. */
  1048 	{
  1049 	//
  1050 	if(!iExtension)
  1051 	    {
  1052 	    iExtension = CViewContactExtension::NewL();
  1053 	    }
  1055 	iId = aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1056 	iContactType = STATIC_CAST(TViewContactType,aStream.ReadInt32L());
  1057 	SetContactTypeUid(TUid::Uid(aStream.ReadInt32L()));
  1058 	iExtension->HintBitField() = aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1059 	const TInt indxCount = aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1060 	TInt fieldpos=0;
  1061 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<indxCount;++ii)
  1062 		{
  1063 		fieldpos=aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1064 		iTextIndexes.AppendL(fieldpos);
  1065 		}
  1067 	const TInt fieldLength = aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1068 	if(fieldLength>0)
  1069 		{
  1070 		HBufC* field = HBufC::NewLC(fieldLength);
  1071 		TPtr ptr(field->Des());
  1072 		aStream.ReadL(ptr, fieldLength);
  1073 		CleanupStack::Pop(field);
  1074 		iExtension->SetFieldText(field);
  1075 		}
  1076 	else
  1077 		{
  1078 		iExtension->CreateEmptyFieldTextL();
  1079 		}
  1080 	}
  1082 /*
  1083  * Stores the data in a CViewContact.
  1084  * 
  1085  * The chevron operator is not used when externalizing the field text buffer
  1086  * because using the Unicode compression scheme varies the size of the 
  1087  * externalized text. Using the standard operators is less efficient but 
  1088  * guaranteed to be consistent.
  1089  * 
  1090  * The descriptor is only externalized if it has some length. Store doesn't
  1091  * like externalizing Null descriptors.
  1092  * 
  1093  * @param aStream Stream to write data to
  1094  */
  1095 EXPORT_C void CViewContact::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
  1096 /** Externalises a CViewContact object to a write stream.
  1098 @param aStream Stream to which the object is externalised. */
  1099 	{
  1100 	aStream.WriteInt32L(iId);
  1101 	aStream.WriteInt32L(iContactType);
  1102 	aStream.WriteInt32L(ContactTypeUid().iUid);
  1104 	TPtrC pFieldText(KNullDesC);
  1105 	TInt hintBitValue = 0;
  1106 	if	(iExtension)
  1107 		{
  1108 		hintBitValue = iExtension->HintBitField();
  1109 		pFieldText.Set(iExtension->FieldText());
  1110 		}
  1111 	//
  1112 	aStream.WriteInt32L(hintBitValue);
  1113 	const TInt indxCount = iTextIndexes.Count();
  1114 	aStream.WriteInt32L(indxCount);
  1115 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<indxCount;++ii)
  1116 		{
  1117 		aStream.WriteInt32L((iTextIndexes)[ii]);
  1118 		}
  1119 	//
  1120 	const TInt fieldLength = pFieldText.Length();
  1121 	aStream.WriteInt32L(fieldLength);
  1122 	if (fieldLength>0)
  1123 		{
  1124 		aStream.WriteL(pFieldText);
  1125 		}
  1126 	}
  1128 EXPORT_C TInt CViewContact::ExternalizedSize() const
  1129 /** Retrieves the number of bytes required to store the contact view item when 
  1130 externalised.
  1132 @return The size of the contact view item. */
  1133 	{
  1134 	TInt size = sizeof(TContactItemId);
  1135 	const TInt indxCount = iTextIndexes.Count();
  1136 	size += sizeof(TViewContactType);//for contact Type;
  1137 	size += sizeof(TUid);
  1138 	size += sizeof(TInt); // for iExtension->HintBitField()
  1139 	size += sizeof(TInt);//for index count;
  1140 	size += sizeof(TInt)*indxCount;//for indexes
  1141 	size += sizeof(TInt);//for fieldTextSize
  1142 	//
  1143 	TInt fieldTextSize = 0;
  1144 	if	(iExtension)
  1145 		{
  1146 		fieldTextSize = iExtension->FieldText().Size();
  1147 		}
  1148 	size += fieldTextSize;
  1149 	//
  1150 	return size;
  1151 	}
  1153 /** 
  1154 @internalTechnology
  1155  */
  1156 EXPORT_C TUid CViewContact::ContactTypeUid() const
  1157 	{
  1158 	if(iExtension)
  1159 	    {
  1160 	    return iExtension->ContactTypeUid();
  1161 	    }
  1163 	return TUid::Null();
  1164 	}
  1166 /** 
  1167 @internalTechnology
  1168 Note: This method can leave.
  1170 @leave KErrNoMemory The CViewContactExtension cannot be allocated.
  1171  */
  1172 EXPORT_C void CViewContact::SetContactTypeUid(TUid aUid)
  1173 	{
  1174 	if(!iExtension)
  1175 	    {
  1176 	    iExtension = CViewContactExtension::NewL(); // can leave
  1177 	    }
  1179 	iExtension->SetContactTypeUid(aUid);
  1180 	}
  1182 EXPORT_C CViewContact::~CViewContact()
  1183 /** Destructor. */
  1184 	{
  1185 	iTextIndexes.Close();
  1186 	delete iExtension;
  1187 	}
  1189 /** 
  1190 @internalTechnology 
  1191  */
  1192 CViewContact* CViewContact::NewLC(RReadStream& aStream)
  1193 	{
  1194 	CViewContact* viewContact = new (ELeave) CViewContact(KErrNotFound);
  1195 	CleanupStack::PushL(viewContact);
  1196 	viewContact->ConstructL();
  1197 	viewContact->InternalizeL(aStream);
  1198 	return viewContact;
  1199 	}
  1201 /*
  1202  * Second phase constructor
  1203  */
  1204 void CViewContact::ConstructL(TInt aLength)
  1205 	{
  1206 	iExtension = CViewContactExtension::NewL(aLength);
  1207 	}
  1209 /* 
  1210  * Second phase constructor 
  1211  * @param aContact Contact item to copy
  1212  */
  1213 void CViewContact::ConstructL(const CViewContact& aContact)
  1214 	{
  1215 	CopyL(aContact);
  1216 	}
  1218 EXPORT_C CViewContact* CViewContact::NewLC(TContactItemId aId)
  1219 /** Allocates and constructs a CViewContact object, based on an existing one.
  1220 @param aId ID of the existing CViewContact object whose values are used to initialise 
  1221 the new one. 
  1222 @return Pointer to the newly created representation of a contact item used in contact views. 
  1223 */
  1224 	{
  1225 	CViewContact* contact = new(ELeave) CViewContact(aId);
  1226 	CleanupStack::PushL(contact);
  1227 	contact->ConstructL();
  1228 	return contact;
  1229 	}
  1232 /** Allocates and constructs a CViewContact object, based on an existing one.
  1234 @param aId ID of the existing CViewContact object whose values are used 
  1235 to initialise the new one. 
  1236 @param aLength initial MaxLenght of a contact buffer 
  1237 @internalTechnology 
  1238 */	
  1239 EXPORT_C CViewContact* CViewContact::NewL(TContactItemId aId, TInt aLength)
  1240 	{
  1241 	CViewContact* contact = new(ELeave) CViewContact(aId);
  1242 	CleanupStack::PushL(contact);
  1243 	contact->ConstructL(aLength);
  1244 	CleanupStack::Pop(contact);	
  1245 	return contact;
  1246 	}	
  1250 EXPORT_C CViewContact* CViewContact::NewL(const CViewContact& aContact)
  1251 /** Allocates and constructs a CViewContact object, based on an existing one.
  1252 @param aContact An existing CViewContact object whose values are used to initialise 
  1253 the new one.
  1254 @return Pointer to the newly created representation of a contact item used in contact views.
  1255 */
  1256 	{
  1257 	CViewContact* contact=new(ELeave)CViewContact(aContact.iId);
  1258 	CleanupStack::PushL(contact);
  1259 	contact->ConstructL(aContact);
  1260 	CleanupStack::Pop(contact);
  1261 	return contact;
  1262 	}
  1264 EXPORT_C TBool CViewContact::ContactMatchesFilter(TInt aFilter) const
  1265 /** Checks if this contact matches the supplied filter.
  1266 @return ETrue, if this contact matches the filter supplied; EFalse, otherwise.
  1267  */
  1268 	{
  1269 	TInt hintBitField = 0;
  1270 	if	(iExtension)
  1271 		{
  1272 		hintBitField = iExtension->HintBitField();
  1273 		}
  1274 	//
  1275 	return HintFieldMatchesFilter(hintBitField, aFilter);
  1276 	}
  1278 EXPORT_C TInt CViewContact::FieldCount() const
  1279 /** Gets the number of fields in the contact view item.
  1281 @return The number of fields in the item. */
  1282 	{
  1283 	return iTextIndexes.Count();
  1284 	}
  1286 EXPORT_C TPtrC CViewContact::Field(TInt aPosition) const
  1287 /** Gets a pointer descriptor to the contents of the single field located 
  1288 at the specified field index.
  1290 @param aPosition A field index. 
  1291 @return The contents of the field located at the specified field index.
  1292 @panic CNTMODEL 27 In debug builds, this indicates that aPosition is invalid. 
  1293 It must be less than the number of fields in the item. */
  1294 	{
  1295 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPosition >= 0 && aPosition < FieldCount(),Panic(ECntPanicInvalidViewIndex));
  1296 	//
  1297 	if	(!iExtension)
  1298 		{
  1299 		// Have to resort to default value if there is no extension
  1300 		// since we cannot obtain the field text without it.
  1301 		return TPtrC(KNullDesC);
  1302 		}
  1303 	//
  1304 	const TPtrC pFullFieldText(iExtension->FieldText());
  1305 	const TInt fieldStartPos = iTextIndexes[aPosition];
  1306 	TInt lengthOfText=0;
  1307 	TPtrC fieldPtr;
  1308 	if(aPosition<FieldCount()-1)
  1309 		{
  1310 		//work out the length of the buffer.
  1311 		TInt nextFieldPos = iTextIndexes[aPosition+1];
  1312 		lengthOfText=nextFieldPos-fieldStartPos;
  1313 		fieldPtr.Set(pFullFieldText.Mid(fieldStartPos,lengthOfText));
  1314 		}
  1315 	else
  1316 		{
  1317 		//this is the last field.
  1318 		fieldPtr.Set(pFullFieldText.Mid(fieldStartPos));
  1319 		}
  1320 	return fieldPtr;
  1321 	}
  1323 /*
  1324  * Adds a new field to the CViewContact.
  1325  * Fields are stored in one HBufC. Each field can be accessed using the 
  1326  * indexes stored in the iTextIndexes member.
  1327  * @param aField Field data
  1328  */
  1329 EXPORT_C void CViewContact::AddFieldL(const TDesC& aField)
  1330 	{
  1331 	if(!iExtension)
  1332 	    {
  1333 	    iExtension = CViewContactExtension::NewL();
  1334 	    }
  1336 	const TInt insertionPosition = iExtension->FieldText().Length();
  1337 	if (aField.Length())
  1338 		{
  1339 		iExtension->AppendToFieldTextL(aField);
  1340 		}
  1341 	iTextIndexes.AppendL(insertionPosition);
  1343 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1344 	// Ensure the field added to single hbuf & index is identical to aField when retrieved.
  1345 	TPtrC addedField= Field(FieldCount()-1);
  1346 	TInt comp=addedField.Compare(aField);
  1347 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(comp==0,Panic(ECntPanicInvalidFieldText));
  1348 #endif
  1349 	}
  1352 /**
  1353 Set the first field text for the CViewContact.
  1354 Fields are stored in one HBufC. Each field can be accessed using the 
  1355 indexes stored in the iTextIndexes member.
  1357 @param aField Field data
  1358 @internalTechnology 
  1359  */
  1360 EXPORT_C void CViewContact::SetFirstFieldForBlankContactL(const TDesC& aFirstField)
  1361 	{
  1362 	if(!iExtension)
  1363 	    {
  1364 	    iExtension = CViewContactExtension::NewL();
  1365 	    }
  1367 	// shouldn't be any existing text
  1368 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iExtension->FieldText().Length()==0,Panic(ECntPanicFieldTextNotBlank));
  1370 	iExtension->AppendToFieldTextL(aFirstField);
  1372 	const TInt length = aFirstField.Length();
  1373 	const TInt count = iTextIndexes.Count();
  1374 	if (count)
  1375 		{
  1376 		for (TInt j = 1; j < count; ++j)
  1377 			{
  1378 			iTextIndexes[j] = length;
  1379 			}
  1380 		}
  1381 	else
  1382 		{
  1383 		iTextIndexes.AppendL(0);
  1384 		}
  1386 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1387 	// Ensure the field added to single hbuf & index is identical to aField when retrieved.
  1388 	TPtrC addedField= Field(0);
  1389 	TInt comp=addedField.Compare(aFirstField);
  1390 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(comp==0,Panic(ECntPanicInvalidFieldText));
  1391 #endif
  1392 	}
  1396 /** 
  1397 Used for creating a view.
  1398 Allows to re-use the same contact object what reduces the number of memory re-allocations.
  1399 Resets the indexes array and contact buffer. The buffer MaxLength stays the same.
  1400 @internalTechnology 
  1401 */
  1402 EXPORT_C void CViewContact::Reset()
  1403 	{
  1404 	SetId(KNullContactId);
  1405 	SetContactType(EContactItem);
  1406 	SetContactTypeUid(KNullUid);
  1407 	iTextIndexes.Reset();
  1408 	if(iExtension)
  1409 	    {
  1410     	iExtension->SetLengthZero();
  1411 	    }
  1412 	}
  1416 /**
  1417 * Compares a given hint field with any given filter.
  1418 * static function. Used to support member function ContactMatchesFilter
  1419 * and exported function ContactMatchesHintFieldL, from CContactDatabase.
  1420 *
  1421 * @param aHintField the hint bit flag field
  1422 * @param aFilter the filter to compare against
  1423 */
  1424 TBool CViewContact::HintFieldMatchesFilter(TInt aHintField, TInt aFilter)
  1425 	{
  1426 	TBool match=EFalse;
  1428 	if (aFilter==CContactDatabase::EUnfiltered)
  1429 		{
  1430 		return ETrue;
  1431 		}
  1433 	if (aFilter & ~aHintField & (CContactDatabase::EWork | CContactDatabase::EHome))
  1434 		{
  1435 		return EFalse;
  1436 		}
  1438 	match = aFilter & aHintField
  1439 		& (
  1440 			  CContactDatabase::ELandLine
  1441 			| CContactDatabase::ESmsable
  1442 			| CContactDatabase::EMailable
  1443 			| CContactDatabase::EFaxable
  1444 			| CContactDatabase::EPhonable
  1445 			| CContactDatabase::ERingTone
  1446 			| CContactDatabase::EVoiceDial
  1447 			| CContactDatabase::EIMAddress
  1448 			| CContactDatabase::EWirelessVillage
  1449 			| CContactDatabase::ECustomFilter1
  1450 			| CContactDatabase::ECustomFilter2
  1451 			| CContactDatabase::ECustomFilter3
  1452 			| CContactDatabase::ECustomFilter4
  1453 			);
  1455 	return match;
  1456 	}
  1458 /** 
  1459 Get this contact's hint field value
  1460 @return The contact hint value
  1461 @internalTechnology 
  1462  */
  1463 EXPORT_C TInt CViewContact::ContactHint() const
  1464 	{
  1465 	TInt hint = 0;
  1466 	if	(iExtension)
  1467 		{
  1468 		hint = iExtension->HintBitField();
  1469 		}
  1470 	return hint;
  1471 	}
  1473 /** 
  1474 Set this contact's hint field value
  1476 @param aHint The new contact hint value
  1477 @internalTechnology 
  1478  */
  1479 EXPORT_C void CViewContact::SetContactHint(TInt aHint)
  1480 	{
  1481 	if(iExtension)
  1482 	    {
  1483     	iExtension->HintBitField() = aHint;
  1484 	    }
  1485 	}
  1488 /** 
  1489 Test if contact is 'Sortable'
  1490 @internalTechnology 
  1491  */
  1492 EXPORT_C TBool CViewContact::IsSortable() const
  1493 	{
  1494 	// If total field text length > 0 then contact is sortable
  1495 	if (iExtension && iExtension->FieldText().Length())
  1496 		{
  1497 		return ETrue;
  1498 		}
  1500 	return EFalse;
  1501 	}
  1503 /** 
  1504 Change the view contact object to lightweight object to save memory.
  1505 It actually just delete the instance of CViewContactExtension.
  1507 @internalTechnology 
  1508  */
  1509 EXPORT_C void  CViewContact::ChangeToLightweightObject()
  1510     {
  1511 	iTextIndexes.Reset();
  1512 	delete iExtension;
  1513     iExtension = NULL;    
  1514     }
  1517 /** 
  1518 Check if the view contact object is a lightweight object.
  1520 @internalComponent 
  1521  */
  1522 TBool CViewContact::IsLightweightObject() const	
  1523     {
  1524     return (iExtension == NULL);
  1525     }
  1528 /** 
  1529 Copy the given view contact object to this instance.
  1531 @param aContact the view contact to be copied.
  1532 @leave KErrNoMemory
  1533 @internalComponent 
  1534  */
  1535 void CViewContact::CopyL(const CViewContact& aContact)
  1536     {
  1537    	iTextIndexes.Reset();
  1538     if(!iExtension)
  1539         {
  1540 	    iExtension = CViewContactExtension::NewL();
  1541         }    
  1543 	iContactType = aContact.iContactType;
  1544 	SetContactTypeUid( aContact.ContactTypeUid() );
  1545 	iExtension->HintBitField() = aContact.iExtension->HintBitField();
  1546 	HBufC* fieldText = aContact.iExtension->FieldText().AllocL();
  1547 	iExtension->SetFieldText(fieldText);
  1548 	//
  1549 	const TInt indxCount= aContact.iTextIndexes.Count();
  1550 	TInt textPos=0;
  1551 	for(TInt ii=0;ii<indxCount;++ii)
  1552 		{
  1553 		textPos = aContact.iTextIndexes[ii];
  1554 		iTextIndexes.AppendL(textPos);
  1555 		}
  1556     }
  1559 /** Used for view sorting and insersion. In order to give a stable result 
  1560 if contact details match, it falls back to comparing contact IDs.
  1561 If a contact view sort plugin is loaded it uses its SortCompareViewContactsL() method.
  1563 @internalAll */
  1564 EXPORT_C TInt CContactViewBase::CompareContactsAndIdsL(const CViewContact& aFirst, const CViewContact& aSecond) const
  1565 	{
  1566 	TInt result = 0;
  1568 	// Profiler
  1569 #ifdef __PROFILE_SORT__
  1570 	RDebug::ProfileStart(3);
  1571 #endif
  1573 	CViewContactSortPlugin* sortPluginImpl = iExtension->iSortPluginImpl;
  1574 	if (sortPluginImpl)
  1575 		{
  1576 		// use View Sort plugin
  1577 		result = sortPluginImpl->SortCompareViewContactsL(aFirst,aSecond);
  1578 		}
  1579 	else
  1580 		{
  1581 		// no View sort plugin loaded
  1582 		result = TextCompareFieldsL(aFirst, aSecond);
  1583 		}
  1585 	if (result == 0)
  1586 		{
  1587 		result = aFirst.Id() - aSecond.Id();
  1588 		}
  1590 	// Profiler
  1591 #ifdef __PROFILE_SORT__
  1592 	RDebug::ProfileEnd(3);
  1593 #endif
  1595 	return result;
  1596 	}
  1599 /** @internalAll */
  1600 EXPORT_C TInt CContactViewBase::CompareContactIds(const CViewContact& aFirst, const CViewContact& aSecond)
  1601 	{
  1602 	return aFirst.Id() - aSecond.Id();
  1603 	}
  1606 /** Asks the contact if it is sortable.
  1607 'static' function used by Sort Plugin.
  1609 @internalAll */
  1610 EXPORT_C TBool CContactViewBase::ContactIsSortable(const CViewContact& aContact)
  1611 	{
  1612 	return aContact.IsSortable();
  1613 	}
  1616 /** @internalAll */
  1617 EXPORT_C TUid CContactViewBase::GetViewSortPluginImplUid() const
  1618 	{
  1619 	return iExtension->iSortPluginUid;
  1620 	}
  1623 /** @internalComponent */
  1624 TUid CContactViewBase::FindSortPluginImplL (const TDesC8& aSortPluginName,TBool aWildCard) const
  1625 	{
  1626 	TUid	result = KNullUid;
  1628 	TEComResolverParams resolverParams;
  1629 	RImplInfoPtrArray	implInfoArray;
  1631 	CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(implInfoArray);
  1633 	resolverParams.SetDataType(aSortPluginName);
  1634 	resolverParams.SetWildcardMatch(aWildCard);
  1636 	// look for ECOM implementations, only in ROM
  1637 	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(KCntSortPluginInterfaceUid, resolverParams,  
  1638 		KRomOnlyResolverUid, implInfoArray);
  1640 	if (implInfoArray.Count() == 1)
  1641 		{
  1642 		result = implInfoArray[0]->ImplementationUid();
  1643 		}
  1645 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&implInfoArray);
  1646 	return result;
  1647 	}
  1650 /** @internalComponent */
  1651 void CContactViewBase::LoadViewSortPluginL (TUid aSortPluginUid, TContactViewPreferences& aViewPreferences)
  1652 	{
  1653 	if (aSortPluginUid == KNullUid)
  1654 		{
  1655 		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
  1656 		}
  1658 	// Parameter block for View
  1659 	TSortPluginViewParamsRev1 pluginViewParams(aViewPreferences, CompareFieldsL, ContactIsSortable);
  1660 	// General parameter block to load plug-in
  1661 	TSortPluginParams pluginParams(KCntSortPluginInterfaceUid, aSortPluginUid, &pluginViewParams);
  1663 	iExtension->iSortPluginImpl = CViewContactSortPlugin::NewL(&pluginParams);
  1664 	iExtension->iSortPluginUid = aSortPluginUid;
  1665 	}
  1668 /** @internalComponent */
  1669 TUid CContactViewBase::FindDefaultViewSortPluginImplL () const
  1670 	{
  1671 	// _LIT8(KTestDefaultPluginName, " sort");
  1672 	return FindSortPluginImplL (KViewSortPluginDefaultName /* KTestDefaultPluginName */ ,ETrue);
  1673 	}
  1675 /** This function determines whether a contact should be added to the normal
  1676 sorted array (iContacts) or put into the alternative iUnSortedContacts array. 
  1677 Depending on the view preferences, these "unsorted" contacts are either 
  1678 ignored (deleted), or added to the beginning or end of the iContacts 
  1679 sorted list by At(), Find() etc... methods.
  1681 @internalComponent */
  1682 TBool CContactViewBase::IsContactSortable(const CViewContact& aContact, TContactViewPreferences& aViewPreferences) const
  1683 	{
  1684 	TBool sortableContact=EFalse;
  1686 	// only test contact if it matters
  1687 	if(aViewPreferences & (EIgnoreUnSorted | EUnSortedAtBeginning | EUnSortedAtEnd)) //Distinguish Unsorted
  1688 		{
  1689 		CViewContactSortPlugin* sortPluginImpl = iExtension->iSortPluginImpl;
  1690 		if (sortPluginImpl)
  1691 			{
  1692 			// use plugin
  1693 			sortableContact = sortPluginImpl->ViewContactIsSortable(aContact);
  1694 			}
  1695 		else
  1696 			{
  1697 			// ask contact itself
  1698 			sortableContact = aContact.IsSortable();
  1699 			}
  1700 		}
  1701 	else
  1702 		{
  1703 		// Sortable
  1704 		sortableContact = ETrue;
  1705 		}
  1707 	return sortableContact;
  1708 	}
  1710 /** @internalComponent */
  1711 CViewContactSortPlugin* CContactViewBase::SortPluginImpl() const
  1712 	{
  1713 	return iExtension->iSortPluginImpl;
  1714 	}
  1717 /** Does a binary search of the contacts array, and inserts a new contact.
  1718 Uses the current sort plugin, if any.
  1720 @internalComponent */
  1721 TInt CContactViewBase::InsertContactInView(RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aContacts, const CViewContact* aNewContact, TBool aSortByIdOnly, TInt* aIndex) const
  1722 	{
  1723 	CViewContactSortPlugin* sortPluginImpl = SortPluginImpl();
  1725 	TInt error = KErrNone;
  1727 	TInt maxPos = aContacts.Count() - 1;
  1728 	TInt minPos = 0;
  1729 	TInt position = 0;
  1731 	if (maxPos >= 0)
  1732 		{
  1733 		// at least one compare required
  1734 		if (sortPluginImpl)
  1735 			{
  1736 			error = sortPluginImpl->SortStart(CViewContactSortPlugin::ESortStartInsertOne, 1);
  1737 			if (error)
  1738 				{
  1739 				return error;
  1740 				}
  1741 			}
  1744 		position = (minPos + maxPos + 1) / 2;
  1746 		while (maxPos >= minPos)
  1747 			{
  1748 			TInt diff = 0;
  1750 			if (aSortByIdOnly)
  1751 				{
  1752 				diff = CompareContactIds(*aNewContact, *aContacts[position]);
  1753 				}
  1754 			else
  1755 				{
  1756 				TRAP(error,diff = CompareContactsAndIdsL(*aNewContact, *aContacts[position]));
  1757 				if (error)
  1758 					{
  1759 					return error;
  1760 					}
  1761 				}
  1763 			if (diff == 0)
  1764 				{
  1765 				// duplicate Id
  1766 				error = KErrAlreadyExists;
  1767 				break;
  1768 				}
  1770 			if (diff < 0)
  1771 				{
  1772 				maxPos = position - 1;
  1773 				}
  1774 			else // diff > 0
  1775 				{
  1776 				minPos = position + 1;
  1777 				}
  1779 			position = (minPos + maxPos + 1) / 2;
  1780 			}
  1782 		// all compares done
  1783 		if (sortPluginImpl)
  1784 			{
  1785 			sortPluginImpl->SortCompleted();
  1786 			}
  1787 		}
  1790 	if (error == KErrNone)
  1791 		{
  1792 		error = aContacts.Insert(aNewContact, position);
  1793 		}
  1795 	if (aIndex)
  1796 		{
  1797 		// index of new item for caller
  1798 		*aIndex = position;
  1799 		}
  1800 	return error;
  1801 	}
  1803 TInt CContactViewBase::GetErrorValueFromExtensionClass()
  1804 	{
  1805 	return iExtension->iError;
  1806 	}