changeset 27 de1630741fbe
child 31 2a11b5b00470
equal deleted inserted replaced
25:76a2435edfd4 27:de1630741fbe
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <QStringList>
    19 #include <QtAlgorithms>
    20 #include <HbGlobal>
    21 #include <msgitem.h>
    23 #include "cnthistorymodel_p.h"
    24 #include "cnthistorymodel.h"
    26 // Unnamed namespace for helper functions
    27 namespace
    28 {
    29     bool greaterThan(const HItemPointer& t1, const HItemPointer& t2)
    30     {
    31         return>timeStamp >>timeStamp;
    32     }
    34     bool lessThan(const HItemPointer& t1, const HItemPointer& t2)
    35     {
    36         return>timeStamp <>timeStamp;
    37     }
    38 }
    40 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(LogsEvent *)
    42 /*!
    43  * Construct a new CntHistoryModel object to communicate 
    44  * with the conversations and logs databases.
    45  *
    46  * \param contactId History specific to this contact is cached. 
    47  * If no contact is specified all the call logs and conversation 
    48  * history from all contacts will be cached.
    49  */
    50 CntHistoryModel::CntHistoryModel(QContactLocalId contactId,
    51                                  QContactManager* manager,
    52                                  QObject *parent)
    53     : QAbstractListModel(parent)
    54 {
    55     d = new CntHistoryModelData(contactId, manager);
    57     // Check if the contact is my card
    58     if (d->m_contactId == d->m_contactManager->selfContactId()) {
    59         d->m_isMyCard = true;
    60     }
    61     else {
    62         d->m_isMyCard = false;
    63     }
    64     // Create the model structure and cache history data from the databases
    65     initializeModel();
    67 }
    69 CntHistoryModel::~CntHistoryModel()
    70 {
    71 }
    73 /*!
    74  * Return the data to be used by the view or delegates for a particular
    75  * item and role.
    76  *
    77  * \param index The index of the item to return data about.
    78  * \param role The data should be relevant to this particular purpose.
    79  * \return QVariant The data for the specified index and role.
    80  */
    81 QVariant CntHistoryModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
    82 {
    83     // Invalid index
    84     int row = index.row();
    86     if ( !validateRowIndex(row) )
    87         return QVariant();
    89     HItemPointer p = d->;
    90     if ( p.isNull() )
    91         return QVariant();
    93     switch( role )
    94     {       
    95         case Qt::DisplayRole:
    96             return displayRoleData(*p);
    97         case Qt::DecorationRole:
    98             return QVariant((*p).iconPath);
    99         case SeenStatusRole:
   100             return QVariant((*p).seenStatus);
   101         case DirectionRole:
   102             return QVariant((*p).direction);
   103         case ItemTypeRole:
   104             return QVariant((*p).msgType);
   105         case PhoneNumberRole:
   106             return QVariant((*p).number);
   107         default:
   108             return QVariant();
   109     }
   110 }
   112 /*!
   113  * Return the data to be used by the view for a display role.
   114  *
   115  * \param column The column of the item to return data about.
   116  *  return QVariant List of strings to be displayed on the view.
   117  *  The stings can also be NULL
   118  *  index 0 Title of the conversation item.
   119  *  index 1 Body text
   120  *  index 2 Time stamp
   121  */
   122 QVariant CntHistoryModel::displayRoleData(const HistoryItem& item) const
   123 {
   124     QStringList list;
   126     list << item.title << item.message << item.timeStamp.toString();
   128     return QVariant(list);
   129 }
   131 /*!
   132  * Get the number of rows (conversations) in this model.
   133  *
   134  * \param parent Optional parent index value.
   135  * \return Number of rows in this model.
   136  */
   137 int CntHistoryModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& /*parent*/) const
   138 {
   139     return d->m_List.size();
   140 }
   142 /*!
   143  * Sort list items on the model.
   144  *
   145  * \param column Column to be sorted. It is not used.
   146  * \param order Order to sort the list items.
   147  */
   148 void CntHistoryModel::sort(int /*column*/, Qt::SortOrder order)
   149 {
   150     if ( order == Qt::AscendingOrder )
   151         qStableSort(d->m_List.begin(), d->m_List.end(), lessThan);
   152     else
   153         qStableSort(d->m_List.begin(), d->m_List.end(), greaterThan);
   154 }
   156 /*!
   157  * Clear history from the database. If the history cached
   158  * is specific to one contact, only that history is cleared.
   159  * 
   160  */
   161 void CntHistoryModel::clearHistory()
   162 {
   163     if ( d->m_List.isEmpty() )
   164         return;
   166     // Call logs
   167     if ( !d->m_isMyCard && d->m_logsFilter ) {
   168         if ( !d->m_logsFilter->clearEvents() ) {
   169             // Operation not async
   170             clearedCallLogs( 0 );
   171         }
   172     } else if ( d->m_logsModel ) {
   173         if ( !d->m_logsModel->clearList(LogsModel::TypeLogsClearAll) ) {
   174             // Operation not async
   175             clearedCallLogs( 0 );
   176         }
   177     }
   179     // Messages
   180     d->m_msgHistory->clearMessages( (int)d->m_contactId );    
   181 }
   183 /*!
   184  * Mark all the conversations in the view as seen.
   185  * 
   186  */
   187 void CntHistoryModel::markAllAsSeen()
   188 {
   189     if ( d->m_isMarkedAsSeen )
   190         return;
   192     // Call logs
   193     if ( !d->m_isMyCard && d->m_logsFilter ) {
   194         d->m_logsFilter->markEventsSeen();
   195     } else if ( d->m_logsModel ) {
   196         d->m_logsModel->markEventsSeen(LogsModel::TypeLogsClearMissed);
   197     }
   199     // Messages
   200     d->m_msgHistory->markRead( (int)d->m_contactId );
   202     d->m_isMarkedAsSeen = true;
   203 }
   205 /*!
   206  * Sort items in the model and refresh the view
   207  * 
   208  */
   209 void CntHistoryModel::sortAndRefresh(Qt::SortOrder order)
   210 {
   211     sort(0, order);
   212     emit layoutChanged();
   213 }
   215 /*!
   216  * Create the model structure and cache history data from
   217  * conversations and call logs databases.
   218  *
   219  */
   220 void CntHistoryModel::initializeModel()
   221 {
   222     initializeLogsModel();
   223     initializeMsgModel();
   224 }
   226 void CntHistoryModel::initializeMsgModel()
   227 {
   228     MsgHistory* m = new MsgHistory();
   230     // Connect to signals emitted by msg model
   231     connect(m, SIGNAL(messagesReady(QList<MsgItem>& )), this, SLOT(messagesReady(QList<MsgItem>& )));
   232     connect(m, SIGNAL(messageAdded(MsgItem& )), this, SLOT(messageAdded(MsgItem& )));
   233     connect(m, SIGNAL(messageChanged(MsgItem& )), this, SLOT(messageChanged(MsgItem& )));
   234     connect(m, SIGNAL(messageDeleted(MsgItem& )), this, SLOT(messageDeleted(MsgItem& )));
   236     // Contact centric
   237     if( !d->m_isMyCard ) {
   238         // Subscribe to get new messages
   239         // received from this contact
   240         m->subscribe(d->m_contactId);
   242         // Initial fetch of all messages
   243         m->getMessages(d->m_contactId);
   244     }
   246     d->m_msgHistory = m;
   247 }
   249 void CntHistoryModel::initializeLogsModel()
   250 {
   251     //populate model with call events
   252     d->m_logsModel = new LogsModel(LogsModel::LogsFullModel);
   253     if (!d->m_isMyCard) {
   254         //do the filtering to get call events for the target contact
   255         d->m_logsFilter = new LogsCustomFilter;
   256         d->m_logsFilter->setContactId(d->m_contactId);
   257         d->m_logsFilter->setSourceModel(d->m_logsModel);
   258         d->m_AbstractLogsModel = d->m_logsFilter;
   260         connect(d->m_logsFilter, SIGNAL(clearingCompleted(int)), 
   261                     this, SLOT(clearedCallLogs(int)));
   262         connect(d->m_logsFilter, SIGNAL(markingCompleted(int)), 
   263                     this, SLOT(markingCompleted(int)));
   264     } else {
   265         //get all call events
   266         d->m_AbstractLogsModel = d->m_logsModel;
   268         connect(d->m_logsModel, SIGNAL(clearingCompleted(int)), 
   269                     this, SLOT(clearedCallLogs(int)));
   270         connect(d->m_logsModel, SIGNAL(markingCompleted(int)), 
   271                     this, SLOT(markingCompleted(int)));
   272     }
   274     //read first call events and start listening for more 
   275     for ( int i = 0; i < d->m_AbstractLogsModel->rowCount(); ++i ) {
   276         LogsEvent* event = qVariantValue<LogsEvent*>(
   277                 d->m_AbstractLogsModel->data(d->m_AbstractLogsModel->index(i, 0), LogsModel::RoleFullEvent) );
   279         if ( event ) {
   280             HItemPointer item = HItemPointer(new HistoryItem());
   281             readLogEvent(event, *item);
   282             d->m_logsMap.insert(i, item);
   283             d->m_List.append( item );
   284         }
   285     }
   287     connect(d->m_AbstractLogsModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &, int, int)), 
   288             this, SLOT(logsRowsInserted(const QModelIndex &, int, int)));
   289     connect(d->m_AbstractLogsModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &, int, int)), 
   290             this, SLOT(logsRowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &, int, int)));
   291     connect(d->m_AbstractLogsModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)), 
   292                 this, SLOT(logsDataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)));
   294 }
   296 /*!
   297  * Read call event into a history item
   298  *
   299  * \param event Call log event
   300  * \param item Conversation history item
   301  */
   302 void CntHistoryModel::readLogEvent(LogsEvent* event, HistoryItem& item)
   303 {
   304     QString bodyText;
   305     QString icon;
   306     QString title;
   308     if ( d->m_isMyCard ) {
   309         if ( event->remoteParty().length() > 0 ) {
   310             title = event->remoteParty();
   311         }
   312         else {
   313             title = event->number();
   314         }
   315     } else {
   316         if ( event->direction() == LogsEvent::DirIn ) {
   317             bodyText = hbTrId("txt_phob_list_received");
   318             icon = QString("qtg_small_received");
   319         } else if ( event->direction() == LogsEvent::DirOut ) {
   320             bodyText = hbTrId("txt_phob_list_dialled_call");
   321             icon = QString("qtg_small_sent");
   322         } else if ( event->direction() == LogsEvent::DirMissed ) {
   323             bodyText = hbTrId("txt_phob_list_missed_call");
   324             icon = QString("qtg_small_missed_call");
   325             if ( !event->isRead() )
   326                 item.seenStatus = Unseen;
   327         }
   328     }
   330     if ( event->direction() == LogsEvent::DirOut )
   331         item.direction = Outgoing;
   332     else
   333         item.direction = Incoming;
   335     item.message = bodyText;
   336     item.iconPath = icon;
   337     item.title = title;
   338     item.timeStamp = event->time();
   339     item.msgType = CallLog;
   340     item.number = event->number();
   341 }
   343 /*!
   344  * Slot used for receiving new rows from the LogsModel.
   345  *
   346  * \param parent Optional parent index value.
   347  * \param first The first row item to be received from the model.
   348  * \param last The last row item to be received from the model.
   349  */
   350 void CntHistoryModel::logsRowsInserted(const QModelIndex& /*parent*/, int first, int last)
   351 {
   352     int oldRowCount = rowCount();
   354     for ( int i = first; i < d->m_AbstractLogsModel->rowCount() && i <= last; ++i ) {
   355         LogsEvent* event = qVariantValue<LogsEvent*>(
   356                 d->m_AbstractLogsModel->data(d->m_AbstractLogsModel->index(i, 0), LogsModel::RoleFullEvent) );
   358         if ( event ) {
   359             HItemPointer item(new HistoryItem());
   360             readLogEvent(event, *item);
   361             d->m_logsMap.insert(i, item);
   362             d->m_List.append( item );
   363         }
   364     }
   366     beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), oldRowCount, rowCount());
   367     endInsertRows();
   368 }
   370 /*!
   371  * Slot used for receiving new rows from the LogsModel.
   372  *
   373  * \param parent Optional parent index value.
   374  * \param first The first row item to be received from the model.
   375  * \param last The last row item to be received from the model.
   376  */
   377 void CntHistoryModel::logsRowsRemoved(const QModelIndex& /*parent*/, int first, int last)
   378 {
   379     QList< int > indices;
   381     for ( int i = first; i <= last; ++i ) {
   382         HItemPointer item = d->m_logsMap.value( i );
   383         int index = d->m_List.indexOf( item );
   384         d->m_List.removeOne( item );
   385         d->m_logsMap.remove( i );        
   386         indices.append( index );
   387     }
   389     // Remove list items in batches
   390     if ( !indices.isEmpty() ) {
   391         QList< QList<int> > batches = findIndices(indices);
   392         foreach( QList<int> l, batches ) {
   393             beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), l.first(), l.last());
   394             endRemoveRows();
   395         }
   396     }
   397 }
   399 /*!
   400  * Update events from logs model. Events are
   401  * received as a batch
   402  *
   403  * \param first First updated model index
   404  * \param last Last updated model index
   405  */
   406 void CntHistoryModel::logsDataChanged(const QModelIndex& first, const QModelIndex& last)
   407 {
   408     int f = first.row();
   409     int l = last.row();
   410     QList< int > indices;
   412     for ( int i = f; i < d->m_AbstractLogsModel->rowCount() && i <= l; ++i ) {
   414         LogsEvent* event = qVariantValue<LogsEvent*>(
   415                 d->m_AbstractLogsModel->data(d->m_AbstractLogsModel->index(i, 0), LogsModel::RoleFullEvent) );
   417         // Fetch item from the mapped logs model items
   418         HItemPointer item = d->m_logsMap.value( i );
   420         // Found item in the logs map
   421         if ( !item.isNull() ) {
   422             int index = d->m_List.indexOf( item );
   423             readLogEvent( event, *item );
   424             indices.append( index );
   425         }
   426     }
   428     // Emit dataChanged signal only if there were updates
   429     if ( !indices.isEmpty() ) {
   430         QList< QList<int> > batches = findIndices( indices );
   431         foreach( QList<int> l, batches )
   432             emit dataChanged( index(l.first(), 0), index(l.last(), 0) );
   433     }
   434 }
   436 /*!
   437  * Clear logs event slot received from logs model
   438  *
   439  * \param err Error of the clear logs request
   440  */
   441 void CntHistoryModel::clearedCallLogs(int err)
   442 {
   443     if ( err != 0 ) {
   444         return;
   445     }
   447     QList< int > indices;
   448     foreach( HItemPointer p, d->m_logsMap.values() ) {
   449         d->m_List.removeOne( p );
   450     }
   451     d->m_logsMap.clear();
   453     // Remove list items in batches
   454     if ( !indices.isEmpty() ) {
   455         QList< QList<int> > batches = findIndices(indices);
   456         foreach( QList<int> l, batches ) {
   457             beginRemoveRows( QModelIndex(), l.first(), l.last() );
   458             endRemoveRows();
   459         }
   460     }
   461 }
   463 /*!
   464  * Mark events as seen slot received from logs model
   465  *
   466  * \param err Error of the marking logs request
   467  */
   468 void CntHistoryModel::markingCompleted(int err)
   469 {
   470     if ( err == 0 ) {
   471         d->m_isMarkedAsSeen = true;
   472     }
   473 }
   475 /*!
   476  * Check whether an idex is out of bound of our list
   477  *
   478  * \param index Index to be validated
   479  */
   481 bool CntHistoryModel::validateRowIndex( const int index) const
   482 {
   483     return( index < rowCount() && index >= 0 );
   484 }
   486 /*!
   487  * Find the sequences of indices for the given indices from the private list
   488  * 
   489  * \param indices List of indices
   490  * \return sequences of indices
   491  */
   492 QList< QList<int> > CntHistoryModel::findIndices( const QList< int >& indices )
   493 {
   494     QList< QList<int> > sequences;
   495     QList<int> currSequence;
   496     int prevIndex = - 1;
   498     for (int i = 0; i < indices.count(); i++)
   499     {
   500         int currIndex =;
   502         if (currIndex >= 0)
   503         {
   504             if ( prevIndex+1 != currIndex && !currSequence.isEmpty() )
   505             {
   506                 sequences.append( currSequence );
   507                 currSequence.clear();
   508             } 
   509             currSequence.append( currIndex );
   510             prevIndex = currIndex;
   511         }
   512     }
   514     if (!currSequence.isEmpty())
   515     {
   516         // Add last sequence if such exist
   517         sequences.append( currSequence );
   518     }
   520     return sequences;
   521 }
   523 /*!
   524  * Read message event into a history item
   525  *
   526  * \param event Message event
   527  * \param item Conversation history item
   528  */
   529 void CntHistoryModel::readMsgEvent(MsgItem& event, HistoryItem& item)
   530 {
   531     // Msg direction
   532     if ( event.direction() == MsgItem::MsgDirectionIncoming )
   533         item.direction = CntHistoryModel::Incoming;
   534     if ( event.direction() == MsgItem::MsgDirectionOutgoing )
   535         item.direction = CntHistoryModel::Outgoing;
   537     // Read status
   538     /* TODO: This API available in the next release
   539 	 *if ( event.isAttributeSet(MsgItem::MsgAttributeUnread) )
   540         item.seenStatus = CntHistoryModel::Unseen;
   541     else
   542         item.seenStatus = CntHistoryModel::Seen;*/
   544     item.msgType = CntHistoryModel::Message;
   545     item.number = event.phoneNumber(); 
   546     item.iconPath = QString("qtg_small_message");
   547     item.message = event.body();
   548     item.timeStamp = event.timeStamp();
   549 }
   551 /*!
   552  * Slot to receive new messages for the first time
   553  * from the messages model
   554  *
   555  * \param event Message event
   556  * \param item Conversation history item
   557  */
   558 void CntHistoryModel::messagesReady(QList<MsgItem>& msgs)
   559 {
   560     int oldRowCount = rowCount();
   562     foreach( MsgItem m, msgs ) {
   563         // Create a new hst item
   564         HItemPointer item(new HistoryItem());
   566         // Parse the MsgItem and add data into hst item
   567         readMsgEvent( m, *item );
   569         // Map the hst item to a MsgItem in the msgModel
   570         d->m_msgMap.insert(, item );
   572         // Append the hst item to our list
   573         d->m_List.append( item );
   574     }
   576     beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), oldRowCount, rowCount());
   577     endInsertRows();
   579     // After all messagas are fetched sort them and
   580     // refresh the UI.
   581     sortAndRefresh();
   582 }
   584 /*!
   585  * Slot to receive new messages from the messages model
   586  *
   587  * \param event Message event
   588  * \param item Conversation history item
   589  */
   590 void CntHistoryModel::messageAdded(MsgItem& msg)
   591 {
   592     int oldRowCount = rowCount();
   594     // Create a new hst item
   595     HItemPointer item(new HistoryItem());
   597     // Parse the MsgItem and add data into hst item
   598     readMsgEvent( msg, *item );
   600     // Map the hst item to a MsgItem in the msgModel
   601     d->m_msgMap.insert(, item );
   603     // Append the hst item to our list
   604     d->m_List.append( item );
   606     beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), oldRowCount, rowCount() );
   607     endInsertRows();
   608 }
   610 /*!
   611  * Slot to update a message from the messages model
   612  *
   613  * \param event Message event
   614  * \param item Conversation history item
   615  */
   616 void CntHistoryModel::messageChanged(MsgItem& msg)
   617 {
   618     // Fetch the hst item that maps to this MsgItem
   619     HItemPointer p = d->m_msgMap.value( );
   621     // No item was found.
   622     if ( p.isNull() )
   623         return;
   625     // Parse the MsgItem and add data into hst item
   626     readMsgEvent(msg, *p);
   628     // Get the index of the the hst item in the list
   629     int pIndex = d->m_List.indexOf( p );
   631     emit dataChanged(index(pIndex, 0), index(pIndex, 0));
   632 }
   634 /*!
   635  * Slot to delete a message from the messages model
   636  *
   637  * \param event Message event
   638  * \param item Conversation history item
   639  */
   640 void CntHistoryModel::messageDeleted(MsgItem& msg)
   641 {
   642     // Fetch the hst item that maps to this MsgItem
   643     HItemPointer p = d->m_msgMap.value( );
   645     // No item was found.
   646     if ( p.isNull() )
   647         return;
   649     // Remove the item in stored containers
   650     int count = d->m_msgMap.remove( );
   651     int index = d->m_List.indexOf( p );
   652     bool removed = d->m_List.removeOne( p );
   654     if ( removed && count > 0 ) {
   655         beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index, index);
   656         endRemoveRows();
   657     }
   658 }