changeset 0 e686773b3f54
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Predefined contacts engine (state machine)
    15  *
    16 */
    18 // System includes
    19 #include <CVPbkContactManager.h>        // CVPbkContactManager
    20 #include <MVPbkContactStoreList.h>      // MVPbkContactStoreList
    21 #include <MVPbkContactStore.h>          // MVPbkContactStore
    22 #include <CVPbkContactStoreUriArray.h>  // CVPbkContactStoreUriArray
    23 #include <TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr.h>    // TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr
    24 #include <CVPbkContactLinkArray.h>      // CVPbkContactLinkArray
    25 #include <VPbkContactStoreUris.h>       // VPbkContactStoreUris
    26 #include <AknGlobalNote.h>              // CAknGlobalNote
    27 #include <stringresourcereader.h>       // CStringResourceReader
    28 #include <predefinedcontacts.rsg>
    30 // User includes
    31 #include "PdcEngine.h"          // CPdcEngine
    32 #include "PdcVCardImporter.h"   // CPdcVCardImporter
    33 #include "PdcXMLImporter.h"     // CPdcXmlImporter
    34 #include "pdcdata.h"            // CPdcData
    35 #include "pdccontactdeletion.h" // CPdcContactDeletion
    36 #include "pdclogger.h"
    38 // Constants
    39 _LIT( KErrorResourceFile, "z:\\resource\\predefinedcontacts.rsc" );
    41 #ifdef USE_FILE_LOGGER 
    42 _LIT(KLogsPath,"c:\\logs\\predefinedcontacts\\");
    43 #endif
    45 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    47 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 // CPdcEngine::NewLC
    49 // Symbian 1st phase constructor
    50 // @return Self pointer to CPdcEngine pushed to
    51 // the cleanup stack.
    52 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 //
    54 CPdcEngine* CPdcEngine::NewLC()
    55     {
    56     CPdcEngine* self = new( ELeave ) CPdcEngine();
    57     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    58     self->ConstructL();
    59     return self;
    60     }
    62 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 // CPdcEngine::~CPdcEngine
    64 // Destructor
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 CPdcEngine::~CPdcEngine()
    68     {
    69     Cancel();
    70     delete iLinkArray;
    71     delete iVCardImporter;
    72     delete iXmlImporter;
    73     delete iFileDirectory;
    74     delete iPdcData;
    75     delete iContactDeleter;
    77     if (iContactStore)
    78         {
    79         iContactStore->Close( *this);
    80         }
    82     delete iContactManager;
    84     iFs.Close();
    85     }
    87 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 // CPdcEngine::CPdcEngine
    89 // C++ constructor
    90 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 //
    92 CPdcEngine::CPdcEngine() :
    93     CActive(EPriorityNormal)
    94     {
    95     }
    97 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 //  CPdcEngine::ConstructL
    99 //  Second-phase constructor
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 void CPdcEngine::ConstructL()
   103     {
   104     // Connect to the file system
   105     User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect() );
   107 #ifdef USE_FILE_LOGGER 
   108     iFs.MkDirAll(KLogsPath); // create file logger path
   109 #endif
   110     LOGTEXT( _L("CPdcEngine::ConstructL") );
   112     // Create the array of links
   113     iLinkArray = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewL();
   114     // Create data checker
   115     iPdcData = CPdcData::NewL(iFs, *iLinkArray);
   117     // Add to the activeScheduler
   118     CActiveScheduler::Add( this);
   119     }
   121 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 // CPdcEngine::PredefinedContactsNeedAddingL 
   123 // Checks if the predefined contacts need to be added.
   124 // @return ETrue if the predefined contacts need to be added
   125 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 TBool CPdcEngine::PredefinedContactsNeedAddingL()
   128     {
   129     LOGTEXT( _L("CPdcEngine::PredefinedContactsNeedAddingL") );
   130     return iPdcData->ContactsUpToDateL();
   131     }
   133 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 // CPdcEngine::AddPredefinedContactsL
   135 // Starts the asyncronous process of reading and adding the
   136 // predefined contacts to the contact model
   137 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   138 //  
   139 void CPdcEngine::AddPredefinedContactsL()
   140     {
   141     LOGTEXT( _L("CPdcEngine::AddPredefinedContactsL") );
   142     // Begin the process of adding of the prefined contacts creating the
   143     // contact manager
   144     CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* uriArray = CVPbkContactStoreUriArray::NewLC();
   146     // get the default Contacts Model database store URI.
   147     const TDesC& cntDbUri = VPbkContactStoreUris::DefaultCntDbUri();
   148     uriArray->AppendL(cntDbUri);
   150     // Create the contact manager
   151     iContactManager = CVPbkContactManager::NewL( *uriArray);
   152     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(uriArray);
   154     // Get the store list
   155     MVPbkContactStoreList& storeList = iContactManager->ContactStoresL();
   157     // Get the store
   158     iContactStore = storeList.Find(cntDbUri);
   159     ASSERT( iContactStore );
   161     // Open the store
   162     iContactStore->OpenL( *this);
   164     // Set the engine state to opening the contacts database, and await the
   165     // the store ready callback.
   166     iEngineState = EOpeningContacts;
   167     }
   169 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 // CPdcEngine::AddPredefinedContactsL
   171 // Starts the asyncronous process of reading and adding the
   172 // predefined contacts to the contact model
   173 //  @param aStatus  TRequestStatus of caller (called by ECom
   174 //                  plugin starting mechanism.
   175 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 //  
   177 void CPdcEngine::AddPredefinedContactsL(TRequestStatus& aCallerStatus)
   178     {
   179     iCallerStatus = &aCallerStatus;
   180     aCallerStatus = KRequestPending;
   182     AddPredefinedContactsL();
   183     }
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CPdcEngine::SelfComplete
   187 // Signals that the AO should be run again by completing the outstanding
   188 // TRequestStatus.
   189 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   190 //  
   191 void CPdcEngine::SelfComplete()
   192     {
   193     // Begin the process of adding of the prefined contacts to contacts
   194     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   195     User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   196     SetActive();
   197     }
   199 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 // CPdcEngine::DoCancel
   201 // From CActive
   202 // Cancels any outstanding async operations. 
   203 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   204 //   
   205 void CPdcEngine::DoCancel()
   206     {
   207     LOGTEXT( _L("CPdcEngine::Cancel") );
   209     if( iVCardImporter )
   210         {
   211         iVCardImporter->Cancel();
   212         }
   213     if( iXmlImporter )
   214         {
   215         iXmlImporter->Cancel();
   216         }
   217     if( iContactDeleter )
   218         {
   219         iContactDeleter->Cancel();
   220         }
   221     if( iCallerStatus )
   222     	{
   223     	User::RequestComplete( iCallerStatus, KErrCancel);
   224     	}
   225     }
   227 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 // CPdcEngine::RunL
   229 // From CActive
   230 // Handles the objects request completion event by performing the relevent
   231 // action for the current state. 
   232 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 //
   234 void CPdcEngine::RunL()
   235     {
   237     //Reserve error info before going into next step
   238     if (iStatus!= KErrNone)
   239         {
   240         LOGTEXT2(_L("error happend iStatus = %d"), iStatus.Int() );
   241         User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int() );
   242         }
   244     switch (iEngineState)
   245         {
   246         case EDeleteOldContacts:
   247             {
   248             LOGTEXT(_L("EDeleteOldContacts"));
   249             DeleteContactsL();
   251             // Set the next state
   252             iEngineState = EGettingFileLocation;
   253             }
   254             break;
   255         case EGettingFileLocation:
   256             {
   257             // Reset the link array
   258             LOGTEXT(_L("EGettingFileLocation"));
   259             GetFileLocationL();
   261             // Set the next state
   262             iEngineState = EReadingVCards;
   263             }
   264             break;
   265         case EReadingVCards:
   266             {
   267             LOGTEXT(_L("EReadingVCards"));
   268             ReadVCardsL();
   270             // Set the next state
   271             iEngineState = EReadingXML;
   272             }
   273             break;
   274         case EReadingXML:
   275             {
   276             LOGTEXT(_L("EReadingXML"));
   277             ReadXmlL();
   279             // Set the next state
   280             iEngineState = EUpdateData;
   281             }
   282             break;
   283         case EUpdateData:
   284             {
   285             LOGTEXT(_L("EUpdateData"));
   286             TRAPD( error, UpdateDataL() )
   287             ;
   288             if (error)
   289                 {
   290                 TRAP_IGNORE( DisplayErrorNoteL( error, iEngineState, EFalse ) );
   291                 }
   293             // Set the next state
   294             iEngineState = EFinish;
   295             }
   296             break;
   297         case EDeleteStoredContact:
   298             {
   299             LOGTEXT(_L("EDeleteStoredContact"));
   300             iDeletedStoredContact = EFalse;
   301             DeleteStoredContactsL();
   303             // Set the next state                        
   304             iEngineState = EFinish;
   305             }
   306             break;
   307         case EFinish:
   308             {
   309             LOGTEXT(_L("EFinish"));
   310             Finish(KErrNone);
   311             }
   312             break;
   313         default:
   314             {
   315             // Should never reach this point
   316             ASSERT( 0 );
   317             }
   318             break;
   319         }
   320     }
   322 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 // CPdcEngine::RunError
   324 // From CActive
   325 // Called when RunL leaves.
   326 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   327 //
   328 TInt CPdcEngine::RunError(TInt aError)
   329     {
   330     LOGTEXT(_L("RunError"));
   331     //flag for represent XML or vCard error       
   332     TBool needDelete = EFalse;
   334     //Display the error message.
   335     TInt iErrPosition = iEngineState - 1;
   337     TRAP_IGNORE( DisplayErrorNoteL( aError, iErrPosition, EFalse ) )
   339     if (EReadingVCards == iErrPosition || EReadingXML == iErrPosition)
   340         {
   341         needDelete = ETrue;
   342         }
   344     //XML or vCard error, so return to RunL and delete the stored contacts.
   345     if (needDelete)
   346         {
   347         iEngineState = EDeleteStoredContact;
   348         SelfComplete();
   349         }
   350     else
   351         {
   352         // Stop the code executing.
   353         Finish(aError);
   354         }
   356     // Don't propagate the error to the active scheduler, (otherwise the 
   357     // active scheduler by default will panic).
   358     return KErrNone;
   359     }
   361 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   362 // CPdcEngine::DeleteOldContactsL
   363 // Checks to see if there are any exisitng contacts that need to be
   364 // deleted, if so starts the asycnronous deletion of the contacts.
   365 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   366 //    
   367 void CPdcEngine::DeleteContactsL()
   368     {
   369     // Get old contacts
   370     HBufC8* linkBuffer = iPdcData->LinkArrayBuffer();
   371     if (linkBuffer)
   372         {
   373         // Create the contacts deletion object
   374         iContactDeleter = CPdcContactDeletion::NewL( *iContactManager);
   375         iDeletedStoredContact = ETrue;
   376         // Get the links array
   377         MVPbkContactLinkArray* linkArray =
   378                 iContactManager->CreateLinksLC( *linkBuffer);
   380         // Start deleting the contacts, takes ownership of the link
   381         // array.
   382         iContactDeleter->DeleteContactsL(linkArray, iStatus,
   383                 iDeletedStoredContact);
   384         CleanupStack::Pop(); // linkArray
   386         SetActive();
   387         }
   388     else
   389         {
   390         // Queue a request for the next state
   391         SelfComplete();
   392         }
   393     }
   395 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 // CPdcEngine::GetFileLocationL
   397 // Gets the file location of any vCards and xml scripts
   398 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   399 //    
   400 void CPdcEngine::GetFileLocationL()
   401     {
   402     // Get the location of the predefined contacts vCards and/or XML
   403     // script
   404     iFileDirectory = iPdcData->GetFileLocationL();
   406     // Queue a request for the next state
   407     SelfComplete();
   408     }
   410 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   411 // CPdcEngine::ReadVCardsL
   412 // Starts the asyncrous importation of contacts from vCards
   413 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   414 //    
   415 void CPdcEngine::ReadVCardsL()
   416     {
   417     // Create the vCard importer
   418     iVCardImporter = CPdcVCardImporter::NewL(iFs, *iContactManager,
   419             *iContactStore, *iLinkArray);
   420     // Read in any vCards asyncronously
   421     iVCardImporter->GetVCardsL( *iFileDirectory, iStatus);
   422     SetActive();
   423     }
   425 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   426 // CPdcEngine::ReadXmlL
   427 // Starts the asycnronous importation of contacts from the XML script
   428 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   429 //    
   430 void CPdcEngine::ReadXmlL()
   431     {
   432     // Create the XML importer
   433     iXmlImporter = CPdcXmlImporter::NewL(iFs, *iContactStore, *iLinkArray);
   435     //transfer the pointer of ContactManager to Xmlimporter
   436     iXmlImporter->SetContactManager(iContactManager);
   437     // Read any contacts from XML asyncronously
   438     iXmlImporter->GetXmlContactsL( *iFileDirectory, iStatus);
   440     SetActive();
   441     }
   443 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   444 // CPdcEngine::UpdateDataL
   445 // Persists the internal data to file ( including links to any contacts
   446 // that have been added )
   447 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   448 //    
   449 void CPdcEngine::UpdateDataL()
   450     {
   451     // Update the data
   452     iPdcData->StoreL();
   454     // Queue a request for the next state
   455     SelfComplete();
   456     }
   458 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 // CPdcEngine::Finish
   460 // Signals the completion of the state machine, either by completing the
   461 // caller's TRequestStatus or be stopping the active scheduler loop.
   462 // @param aError    Any error on completion or KErrNone otherwise
   463 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   464 //    
   465 void CPdcEngine::Finish(TInt /*aError*/)
   466     {
   467     // The process of adding predefined contacts has finished.
   468     CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   469     }
   471 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   472 // CPdcEngine::DisplayErrorNoteL
   473 // Displays an error message based upon the current state of the engine.
   474 // @param aError    error that has occurred
   475 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   476 //    
   477 void CPdcEngine::DisplayErrorNoteL(TInt aError, TInt aErrorPosition,
   478         TBool errorCannotReserve)
   479     {
   480     LOGTEXT(_L("DisplayErrorNoteL"));
   481     TInt resId = -1;
   483     if (errorCannotReserve)
   484         {
   485         resId = R_PDC_ERROR_RESERVE_ERROR;
   486         }
   488     switch (aErrorPosition)
   489         {
   490         case EDeleteOldContacts:
   491             {
   492             // Error deleting old contacts
   493             resId = R_CONTACT_DELETION_ERROR;
   494             }
   495             break;
   496         case EGettingFileLocation:
   497             {
   498             // Error getting the file location
   499             resId = R_FILELOCATION_ERROR;
   500             }
   501             break;
   502         case EReadingVCards:
   503             {
   504             // Error reading the vCards
   505             resId = R_VCARD_ERROR;
   506             }
   507             break;
   508         case EReadingXML:
   509             {
   510             // Error read the XML file
   511             resId = R_XML_ERROR;
   512             }
   513             break;
   514         case EUpdateData:
   515             {
   516             // Error persisting the data
   517             resId = R_STORE_ERROR;
   518             }
   519             break;
   520         case EFinish:
   521         default:
   522             {
   523             // Should never reach this point
   524             ASSERT( 0 );
   525             }
   526         }
   528     TFileName fileName(KErrorResourceFile);
   529     CStringResourceReader* strings = CStringResourceReader::NewLC(fileName);
   531     TPtrC noteFormat;
   532     noteFormat.Set(strings->ReadResourceString(resId));
   534     TBuf<128> noteText;
   535     noteText.Format(noteFormat, aError);
   537     // Create and display the error note
   538     CAknGlobalNote* globalNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
   539     globalNote->ShowNoteL(EAknGlobalErrorNote, noteText);
   540     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(globalNote);
   541     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(strings);
   542     }
   544 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   545 // CPdcEngine::StoreReady
   546 // from MVPbkContactStoreObserver
   547 // Called when the contact store is ready to be used, signals
   548 // the next engine state.
   549 // @param aContactStore The store that is ready.
   550 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 //
   552 void CPdcEngine::StoreReady(MVPbkContactStore& /*aContactStore*/)
   553     {
   554     LOGTEXT(_L("StoreReady"));
   555     // If we are waiting for the contacts to be opened, self
   556     // complete when the store ready callback is received.
   557     if (iEngineState == EOpeningContacts)
   558         {
   559         // Set the next state
   560         iEngineState = EDeleteOldContacts;
   561         iDeletedStoredContact = EFalse;
   562         SelfComplete();
   563         }
   564     }
   566 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   567 // CPdcEngine::StoreUnavailable
   568 // from MVPbkContactStoreObserver
   569 // Called when a contact store becomes unavailable.
   570 // @param aContactStore The store that became unavailable.
   571 // @param aReason The reason why the store is unavailable.
   572 //                This is one of the system wide error codes.
   573 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   574 //
   575 void CPdcEngine::StoreUnavailable(MVPbkContactStore& /*aContactStore*/,
   576         TInt aReason)
   577     {
   579     // Self complete with the error reason.
   580     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   581     User::RequestComplete(status, aReason);
   582     SetActive();
   583     }
   585 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 // CPdcEngine::HandleStoreEventL
   587 // from MVPbkContactStoreObserver
   588 // Called when changes occur in the contact store.
   589 // IGNORED.
   590 // @param aContactStore A store whose event it is.
   591 // @param aStoreEvent The event that has occurred.
   592 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   593 //
   594 void CPdcEngine::HandleStoreEventL(MVPbkContactStore& /*aContactStore*/,
   595         TVPbkContactStoreEvent /*aStoreEvent*/)
   596     {
   597     }
   599 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   600 // CPdcEngine::DeleteStoredContactsL
   601 // Called when error occur iwhile reading XML or vcard file.
   602 // IGNORED.
   603 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   604 //    
   605 void CPdcEngine::DeleteStoredContactsL()
   606     {
   607     LOGTEXT(_L("DeleteStoredContactsL"));
   608     // Create the contacts deletion object
   609     delete iContactDeleter;
   610     iContactDeleter = NULL;
   612     iContactDeleter = CPdcContactDeletion::NewL( *iContactManager);
   613     iContactDeleter->DeleteStoredContactsL(iLinkArray, iStatus,
   614             iDeletedStoredContact);
   615     SetActive();
   616     }