changeset 0 e686773b3f54
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Implementation of the Xml:MContentHandler interface
    15 *
    16 */
    18 // System includes
    19 #include <MVPbkContactStore.h>              // MVPbkContactStore
    20 #include <MVPbkStoreContact.h>              // MVPbkStoreContact
    21 #include <MVPbkFieldType.h>                 // MVPbkFieldType
    22 #include <MVPbkContactStoreProperties.h>    // MVPbkContactStoreProperties
    23 #include <MVPbkContactFieldData.h>          // MVPbkContactFieldData
    24 #include <MVPbkContactFieldTextData.h>      // MVPbkContactFieldTextData
    25 #include <MVPbkContactFieldBinaryData.h>    // MVPbkContactFieldBinaryData
    26 #include <MVPbkContactFieldDateTimeData.h>  // MVPbkContactFieldDateTimeData
    27 #include <cntdef.h>                         // TContactItemId
    28 #include <CVPbkContactLinkArray.h>          // CVPbkContactLinkArray
    29 #include <CPbkFieldInfo.h> 
    30 #include <utf.h>
    31 #include <cntfield.h> // CPbkContactItem
    32 #include <CVPbkContactIdConverter.h>
    33 #include <VPbkContactStoreUris.h>
    34 #include <MVPbkContactStoreList.h>
    35 #include <CPbkContactEngine.h>      // Phonebook Engine
    36 #include <CPbkContactItem.h>        // Phonebook Contact
    37 #include <e32cmn.h> 
    39 // User includes
    40 #include "pdcstringconstants.h"     // PdcStringTable
    41 #include "PdcXMLContentHandler.h"   // CPdcXmlContentHandler
    42 #include "pdcxmlmapping.h"          // KFieldResIdLookupTable
    43 #include "PhCltTypes.h"             //For TPhCltTelephoneNumber
    45 // Constants
    46 /**
    47  * The default size of the content buffer
    48  */
    49 const TInt KDefaultContentBufferSize = 128;
    51 /**
    52  * Index of the start contact tag in pcstringtable
    53  */
    54 const TInt KContactStartTagIndex = 0;
    55 const TInt KSpeeddialNoTagIndex = PdcStringTable::ESpeeddialNo;
    56 const TInt KSpeeddialAssignedTagIndex = PdcStringTable::ESpeeddialNoAssign;
    57 const TInt KSpeeddialIndexInit = 0;
    59 // To distinguish the invalid assigned field index -1, 
    60 // set the initial value of speeddialAssign tag with -2
    61 const TInt KSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexInit = -2;
    63 using namespace Xml;
    65 // The speeddial supported assigning fields
    66 const TInt CPdcXmlContentHandler::iSpeeddailSupportedAssignedFieldsIndexSet[phoneNumberCount] = 
    67     {
    68     PdcStringTable::EGeneral, 
    69     PdcStringTable::EMobile,
    70     PdcStringTable::EVideoNo,
    71     PdcStringTable::EFax,
    72     -1    
    73     };
    75 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::NewL
    79 // Symbian 1st phase constructor
    80 // @return Self pointer to CPdcXmlContentHandler
    81 // @param    aContactStore   contacts store
    82 // @param    aLinkArray  links to  contacts added.
    83 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 //
    85 CPdcXmlContentHandler* CPdcXmlContentHandler::NewL( 
    86          MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore, CVPbkContactLinkArray& aLinkArray )
    87     {
    88     CPdcXmlContentHandler* self = new( ELeave )
    89         CPdcXmlContentHandler(aContactStore, aLinkArray );
    90     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    91     self->ConstructL();
    92     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    93     return self;
    94     }
    96 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::~CPdcXmlContentHandler
    98 // Destructor.
    99 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 //
   101 CPdcXmlContentHandler::~CPdcXmlContentHandler()
   102     {
   103     iContentBuffer.Close();
   105     delete iContactItem;
   107     delete iWait;
   108     }
   110 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::CPdcXmlContentHandler
   112 // C++ constructor
   113 // @param    aContactStore   contacts store
   114 // @param    aLinkArray  links to  contacts added.
   115 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 //
   117 CPdcXmlContentHandler::CPdcXmlContentHandler( MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore ,
   118                                           CVPbkContactLinkArray& aLinkArray)
   119     : iContactStore( aContactStore ), 
   120       iLinkArray( aLinkArray ),
   121       iSpeeddialIndex(KSpeeddialIndexInit),
   122       iSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndex(KSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexInit)
   123     {
   125     }
   127 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::ConstructL
   129 // Second-phase constructor
   130 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 //
   132 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::ConstructL()
   133     {
   134     iContentBuffer.CreateL( KDefaultContentBufferSize );
   135     iWait = new ( ELeave ) CActiveSchedulerWait();
   136     }
   138 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   139 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::SetStringPoolL
   140 // Sets the string pool
   141 // @param aStringPool   parser's stringPool
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 //
   144 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::SetStringPoolL( RStringPool& aStringPool)
   145     {
   146     iStringPool = &aStringPool;
   147     iStringPool->OpenL( PdcStringTable::Table );
   148     }    
   150 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::GetTagIndexL
   152 // 
   153 // @param aElement  
   154 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 //  
   156 TInt CPdcXmlContentHandler::GetTagIndexL( const RTagInfo& aElement ) const
   157     { 
   159     const TDesC8& localName = aElement.LocalName ().DesC();
   161 	RStringF tagName = iStringPool->OpenFStringL ( localName );
   163 	TInt index = tagName.Index ( PdcStringTable::Table );
   164     tagName.Close();
   166 	return index;
   167     }
   169 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::AddTextFieldL
   171 // Adds a field to a contact, using the resource id of the field
   172 // @param aFieldResId  resource id of field
   173 // @param aBuffer   buffer containing data to be added
   174 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   175 //   
   176 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::AddFieldL( TInt aFieldResId,
   177                                                        const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   178     {
   179     ASSERT( iContactItem );
   181     const MVPbkFieldTypeList& list = 
   182                 iContactItem->ParentStore().StoreProperties().SupportedFields();
   184     const MVPbkFieldType* fieldType = list.Find( aFieldResId );
   186     MVPbkStoreContactField* contactField = 
   187                                     iContactItem->CreateFieldLC( *fieldType );
   189     MVPbkContactFieldData& fieldData = contactField->FieldData();
   191     TVPbkFieldStorageType storageType = fieldData.DataType();
   192     switch ( storageType )
   193         {
   194         case EVPbkFieldStorageTypeText:
   195             {
   196             SetTextFieldL( fieldData, aBuffer );
   197             }
   198             break;
   199         case EVPbkFieldStorageTypeBinary:
   200             {
   201             SetBinaryFieldL( fieldData, aBuffer );        
   202             }
   203             break;
   204         case EVPbkFieldStorageTypeDateTime:
   205             {
   206             SetDateFieldL( fieldData, aBuffer );
   207             }
   208             break;
   209         case EVPbkFieldStorageTypeNull:
   210         default:
   211             {
   212             // Un-handled storage type
   213             ASSERT( 0 );
   214             }   
   215         }               
   217     iContactItem->AddFieldL( contactField );
   218     CleanupStack::Pop( contactField );
   219     }
   221  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   222 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::AddTextFieldL
   223 // Adds a field to a contact, using the resource id of the field
   224 // @param aFieldResId  resource id of field
   225 // @param aBuffer   buffer containing data to be added
   226 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   227 //      
   228 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::SetTextFieldL( MVPbkContactFieldData& aFieldData,
   229                                                         const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   230     {
   231     MVPbkContactFieldTextData& textData = 
   232     MVPbkContactFieldTextData::Cast( aFieldData );
   234     // Expand the text from TDes8 to TDes16
   235     RBuf16 expandedBuffer;
   236     expandedBuffer.CreateL( aBuffer.Length() );
   237     expandedBuffer.CleanupClosePushL();
   239     //convert the UTF-8 to Unicode for displaying the Chinese correctly.
   240     //expandedBuffer.Copy( aBuffer );
   241     CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( expandedBuffer, aBuffer );
   243     // If there is a maximum length to the field, reduce
   244     // the text size if needed.
   245     TInt maxLength = textData.MaxLength();
   246     if ( maxLength != KVPbkUnlimitedFieldLength 
   247                                 && expandedBuffer.Length() > maxLength )
   248         {
   249         expandedBuffer.SetLength( maxLength );
   250         }
   252     textData.SetTextL( expandedBuffer );
   253     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // expanded buffer
   254     }
   256  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   257 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::AddTextFieldL
   258 // Adds a field to a contact, using the resource id of the field
   259 // @param aFieldResId  resource id of field
   260 // @param aBuffer   buffer containing data to be added
   261 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 //      
   263 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::SetBinaryFieldL( MVPbkContactFieldData& aFieldData,
   264                                                         const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   265     {
   266     MVPbkContactFieldBinaryData& binaryData = 
   267                 MVPbkContactFieldBinaryData::Cast( aFieldData );
   269     // If there is a maximum length to the field, reduce
   270     // the  size if needed.
   271     TPtrC8 data( aBuffer );
   272     TInt maxLength = binaryData.MaxLength();
   273     if ( maxLength != KVPbkUnlimitedFieldLength && data.Length() > maxLength )
   274         {
   275         data.Set( data.Left( maxLength ) );
   276         }
   278     binaryData.SetBinaryDataL( data );            
   279     }
   281  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::AddTextFieldL
   283 // Adds a field to a contact, using the resource id of the field
   284 // @param aFieldResId  resource id of field
   285 // @param aBuffer   buffer containing data to be added
   286 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 //      
   288 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::SetDateFieldL( MVPbkContactFieldData& aFieldData,
   289                                                         const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   290     {
   291     MVPbkContactFieldDateTimeData& timeData =
   292             MVPbkContactFieldDateTimeData::Cast( aFieldData );
   294     // Expand the text from TDes8 to TDes16
   295     RBuf16 expandedBuffer;
   296     expandedBuffer.CreateL( aBuffer.Length() );
   297     expandedBuffer.CleanupClosePushL();
   298     expandedBuffer.Copy( aBuffer );
   300     // Set the time
   301     TTime time;
   302     User::Leave( time.Set( expandedBuffer ) );
   303     timeData.SetDateTime( time );
   305     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // expanded buffer
   306     }  
   308 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   309 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnStartDocumentL
   310 // IGNORED
   311 // This method is a callback to indicate the start of the document.
   312 // @param				aDocParam Specifies the various parameters of the 
   313 //                      document.
   314 // @param				aDocParam.iCharacterSetName The character encoding of
   315 //                      the document.
   316 // @param				aErrorCode is the error code. This is always EErrNone 
   317 //                      for the libxml2 XML parser. 
   318 //					    
   319 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   320 // 
   321 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnStartDocumentL(
   322                 const RDocumentParameters& /*aDocParam*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
   323     {
   324     }
   326 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   327 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnEndDocumentL
   328 // IGNORED
   329 // This method is a callback to indicate the end of the document.
   330 // @param				aErrorCode is the error code.This is always EErrNone 
   331 //                      for the libxml2 XML parser. 
   332 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 //   
   334 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnEndDocumentL(TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
   335     {
   336     }
   338 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   339 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnStartElementL
   340 // This method is a callback to indicate an element has been parsed. If the 
   341 // element is the start of a new contact, it creates a new contact item. 
   342 // @param				aElement is a handle to the element's details.
   343 // @param				aAttributes contains the attributes for the element.
   344 // @param				aErrorCode is the error code.This is always EErrNone
   345 //                      for thelibxml2 XML parser. 
   346 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 //   
   348 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnStartElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, 
   349                    const RAttributeArray& /*aAttributes*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
   350     {
   351     TInt tagIndex = GetTagIndexL( aElement );
   353     // Only need to check for start of a new contact tag, as the processing of 
   354     // the data will take place in OnEndElementL(). 
   355     if ( tagIndex == KContactStartTagIndex )
   356         {
   357         // Found new contact tag, check not already processing a contact
   358         if ( iContactItem )
   359             {
   360             // If there is already a contact, the XML file
   361             // is corrupt, so leave
   362             User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
   363             }
   365         // Create a new contact item
   366         iContactItem = iContactStore.CreateNewContactLC();
   367         CleanupStack::Pop(); // iContactItem
   368         }
   369     else
   370         {
   371         // Check it is a recongised tag
   372         iKnownTag = ETrue;
   373 		if(tagIndex == -1)
   374           {
   375           iKnownTag = FALSE;
   376           }
   377         }  
   378     }
   380 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   381 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnEndElementL
   382 // This method is a callback to indicate the end of the element has been 
   383 // reached. If it the end of field tag, it adds the data for that field to
   384 // the current contact item. If it the contact end tag, the contact is 
   385 // committed. 
   386 // @param				aElement is a handle to the element's details.
   387 // @param				aErrorCode is the error code.This is always EErrNone 
   388 //                      for the libxml2 XML parser. 
   389 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   390 //   
   391 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnEndElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement,
   392                                                           TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
   393     {
   394    	// Get the index of the tag
   395     TInt tagIndex = GetTagIndexL( aElement );    
   397     // If the end tag marks the end of the contact, add the contact to the 
   398     // contact store.
   399     switch( tagIndex )
   400     	{
   401     	case KContactStartTagIndex:
   402     		{
   403             MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection const& fieldCollection =
   404                 iContactItem->Fields();
   405     		TInt fieldCount = fieldCollection.FieldCount();
   406     		if( fieldCount > 0 )
   407     		    {
   408     		    //add contact to cntdb and assign speeddial number
   409         	    TRAPD( err, AddContactL() );
   410         	    if ( err != KErrNone )
   411         	    	{
   412         	    	LOGTEXT2( _L("AddContactL() ERR:%d"), err ); 
   413         	    	User::LeaveIfError( err );
   414         	    	}
   415         	    LOGTEXT(_L("add contact successfully")); 
   416     		    }
   417     		//reset flags
   418             iSpeeddialIndex = KSpeeddialIndexInit;
   419             iSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndex = KSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexInit; 
   420     		// Tidy up the current contact item.
   421     		delete iContactItem;
   422             iContactItem = NULL;
   423         	break;	
   424     		}
   425     	case KSpeeddialNoTagIndex:
   426     		{
   427     		if( iContentBuffer.Length() > 0 )
   428     		    {
   429 	            //convert the speeddial value
   430                 TLex8 lex(iContentBuffer);
   431                 TInt value;
   432         	    if( KErrNone == lex.Val(value) )
   433             	    {
   434                     if( value >= KCntMinSpeedDialIndex  &&
   435                             value <= KCntMaxSpeedDialIndex ) 
   436                 	    {
   437                 	    iSpeeddialIndex = value; 
   438                 	    }
   439             	    }
   440     		    }
   441             break;
   442     		}
   443     	case KSpeeddialAssignedTagIndex:
   444     		{
   445     		//get the speed dial assigned field index
   446         	if( iContentBuffer.Length() > 0 )
   447             	{
   448     			const TDesC8& localName = iContentBuffer;
   450 				RStringF tagName = iStringPool->OpenFStringL ( localName );
   451                 iSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndex =
   452                     tagName.Index ( PdcStringTable::Table);
   453     			tagName.Close();
   454             	}
   455             break;  
   456     		}
   457     	default:
   458     		{
   459     		if ( tagIndex != KErrNotFound )
   460             	{
   461             	// Lookup the tag in the field resource id versus xml tag mapping
   462             	TInt fieldResId = KFieldResIdLookupTable[tagIndex];
   463             	if ( fieldResId != KErrNotFound && iContentBuffer.Length() > 0 )
   464                 	{
   465 					AddFieldL( fieldResId, iContentBuffer );
   466                 	}
   467             	}
   468     		}
   469     	}
   471     iKnownTag = EFalse;
   472     iContentBuffer.SetLength( 0 ); // reset the buffer
   473     }
   475 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   476 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnContentL
   477 // This method stores the content of an element. When an OnEndElementL is 
   478 // received this means there is no more data to be saved.
   479 // @param		    aBytes is the raw content data for the element. 
   480 //					The client is responsible for converting the data to the 
   481 //					required character set if necessary.
   482 //					In some instances the content may be binary and must not 
   483 //                  be converted.
   484 // @param			aErrorCode is the error code.This is always EErrNone for
   485 //                  the libxml2 XML parser. 
   486 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   487 //   
   488 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnContentL( const TDesC8& aBytes,
   489         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
   490     {
   491     // If the tag is known store the data for later use    
   492     if ( iKnownTag )
   493         {
   494         // Check that there is enough room in the buffer
   495         TInt maxLength = iContentBuffer.MaxLength();
   496         TInt newLength = iContentBuffer.Length() + aBytes.Length();
   497         if ( newLength > maxLength )
   498             {
   499             iContentBuffer.ReAllocL( newLength );
   500             }
   502         // Append the data to the content buffer    
   503         iContentBuffer.Append( aBytes );
   505         }   
   506     }
   508 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   509 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   510 // IGNORED
   511 // This method is a notification of the beginning of the scope of a 
   512 // prefix-URI Namespace mapping.This method is always called before the 
   513 // corresponding OnStartElementL method.
   514 // @param				aPrefix is the Namespace prefix being declared.
   515 // @param				aUri is the Namespace URI the prefix is mapped to.
   516 // @param				aErrorCode is the error code.This is always EErrNone
   517 //                      for the libxml2 XML parser. 
   518 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   519 //   
   520 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnStartPrefixMappingL(const RString& /*aPrefix*/,
   521                                 const RString& /*aUri*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
   522     {
   523     }
   525 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   526 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   527 // IGNORED
   528 // This method is a notification of the end of the scope of a prefix-URI mapping.
   529 // This method is called after the corresponding DoEndElementL method.
   530 // @param				aPrefix is the Namespace prefix that was mapped.
   531 // @param				aErrorCode is the error code.This is always EErrNone 
   532 //                      for the libxml2 XML parser. 
   533 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   534 // 
   535 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnEndPrefixMappingL( const RString& /*aPrefix*/,
   536         TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
   537     { 
   538     }
   540 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   541 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   542 // IGNORED
   543 // This method is a notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.
   544 // @param		aBytes are the ignored bytes from the document being parsed.
   545 // @param		aErrorCode is the error code.This is always EErrNone for the
   546 //              libxml2 XML parser. 
   547 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   548 //   
   549 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL(const TDesC8& /*aBytes*/, 
   550                                                           TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
   551     {  
   552     }
   554 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   556 // IGNORED
   557 // This method is a notification of a skipped entity. If the parser encounters
   558 // an external entity it does not need to expand it - it can return the entity 
   559 // as aName for the client to deal with.
   560 // @param				aName is the name of the skipped entity.
   561 // @param				aErrorCode is the error code.This is always EErrNone
   562 //                      for the libxml2 XML parser. 
   563 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   564 //   
   565 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnSkippedEntityL( const RString& /*aName*/,
   566                                                          TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
   567     {
   568     }
   570 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   571 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   572 // IGNORED
   573 // This method is a receive notification of a processing instruction.
   574 // @param				aTarget is the processing instruction target.
   575 // @param				aData is the processing instruction data. If empty 
   576 //                      none was supplied.
   577 // @param				aErrorCode is the error code.This is always EErrNone
   578 //                      for the libxml2 XML parser. 
   579 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   580 //   
   581 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnProcessingInstructionL(
   582         const TDesC8& /*aTarget*/,
   583         const TDesC8& /*aData*/,
   584         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
   585     {
   586     }
   588 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   590 // IGNORED
   591 // This method indicates an error has occurred.
   592 // @param				aError is the error code
   593 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   594 //   
   595 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnError( TInt aErrorCode )
   596     {
   597     LOGTEXT2(_L("CPdcXmlContentHandler::OnError = %d"), aErrorCode);
   598     }
   600 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   601 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   602 // IGNORED
   603 // This method obtains the interface matching the specified uid.
   604 // @return				0 if no interface matching the uid is found.
   605 // 					Otherwise, the this pointer cast to that interface.
   606 // @param				aUid the uid identifying the required interface.
   607 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   608 //   
   609 TAny* CPdcXmlContentHandler::GetExtendedInterface(const TInt32 /*aUid*/)
   610     {
   611     return NULL;
   612     }
   614 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   615 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   616 // Called when a contact operation has succesfully completed.
   617 //
   618 // @param aResult   The result of the operation. The client takes
   619 //                  the ownership of the iStoreContact immediately
   620 //                  if set in aResult.
   621 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   622 //   
   623 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::ContactOperationCompleted( 
   624         TContactOpResult /*aResult*/ )
   625     {
   626     // Store the fact that the operation has completed successfully
   627     iContactObserverError = KErrNone;
   629     // Stop the wait operation, program execution returns to OnEndElementL()
   630     iWait->AsyncStop();
   631     }
   633 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   634 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   635 // Called when a contact operation has failed.
   636 //
   637 // @param aOpCode           The operation that failed.
   638 // @param aErrorCode        System error code of the failure.
   639 //							KErrAccessDenied when EContactCommit 
   640 //							means that contact hasn't been locked.
   641 // @param aErrorNotified    ETrue if the implementation has already
   642 //                          notified user about the error, 
   643 //                          EFalse otherwise.
   644 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   645 //   
   646 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::ContactOperationFailed
   647     (TContactOp /*aOpCode*/, TInt aErrorCode, TBool /*aErrorNotified*/)
   648         {
   650         // Store the error code
   651         iContactObserverError = aErrorCode;
   653         // Stop the wait operation, program execution returns to OnEndElementL()
   654         iWait->AsyncStop();
   655         }
   657 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   658 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   659 // IGNORED
   660 // This method assign speeddial number from predefinedcontacts .
   661 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   662 // 
   663 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::AddContactL()
   664 	{
   666     LOGTEXT( _L("CPdcXmlContentHandler::AddContactL") );
   668 	// A CActiveSchedulerWait is used to make the asyncronous commiting
   669     // of the contact item syncronous by waiting for the callback 
   670     // to either ContactOperationCompleted or ContactOperationFailed
   671 	iContactItem->CommitL( *this );
   672 	iWait->Start();
   674 	// The contact has been added syncronously, so create the link to 
   675     // the contact and add to the link array.
   677 	MVPbkContactLink* link = iContactItem->CreateLinkLC();	    
   678 	iLinkArray.AppendL( link );
   679 	CleanupStack::Pop( );
   682 	//if the speeddial is valid
   683     if( iSpeeddialIndex > 0 )
   684     	{    	
   685     	LOGTEXT(_L("Start assign speeddial."));    	
   687         TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr uri(
   688                 VPbkContactStoreUris::DefaultCntDbUri() );
   689         MVPbkContactStore* defaultStore =
   690                 iContactManager->ContactStoresL().Find( uri );
   691     	User::LeaveIfNull(defaultStore);
   693     	LOGTEXT(_L("CVPbkContactIdConverter::NewL"));    
   694     	CVPbkContactIdConverter* idConverter;
   695     	idConverter = CVPbkContactIdConverter::NewL( *defaultStore ); 
   696     	CleanupStack::PushL(idConverter);
   698 	    LOGTEXT(_L("idConverter->LinkToIdentifier"));
   699     	TContactItemId contactIndex= idConverter->LinkToIdentifier( *link ); 
   700     	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(idConverter);
   702     	LOGTEXT(_L("CPbkContactEngine::NewL"));
   703     	CPbkContactEngine* pbkEngine;
   704     	pbkEngine = CPbkContactEngine::NewL(); 
   705 		CleanupStack::PushL( pbkEngine );
   707 		LOGTEXT( _L("pbkEngine->OpenContactL") );
   708         CPbkContactItem* item = pbkEngine->OpenContactL( contactIndex );	
   709     	CleanupStack::PushL( item );
   711     	TInt fieldIndex = GetSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexL( item );
   713         if( 0 <= fieldIndex )
   714             {
   715             LOGTEXT( _L("SetFieldAsSpeedDialL") );
   716 		    pbkEngine->SetFieldAsSpeedDialL( *item, fieldIndex, iSpeeddialIndex );
   717             }  
   719         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
   720 		LOGTEXT(_L("pbkEngine->CloseContactL"));	
   721         pbkEngine->CloseContactL( contactIndex );
   723         LOGTEXT( _L("PopAndDestroy(pbkEngine)") );
   724         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pbkEngine );
   725     	}
   726  	}
   728 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   729 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::GetSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexL
   730 // This method get the speeddial assigned field index
   731 // @param aItem 
   732 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   733 // 
   734 TInt CPdcXmlContentHandler::GetSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexL(
   735         CPbkContactItem* aItem )
   736 	{
   737 	LOGTEXT(_L("GetSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexL"));      
   738     TInt fieldIndex = -1;
   740     // If the user don't assign the speed dial in the xml, 
   741     // use the default assigned method
   742     if( KSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexInit == iSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndex )
   743         {
   744         iSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndex = GetDefaultSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexL();
   745         }
   747     // if the user assign the speeddial to an xml field, then check the validity 
   748     // and get the contact item field index.
   749     if(0 <= iSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndex)    
   750 	    {
   751 	    TBool fieldIsValid = EFalse;
   753         fieldIsValid = CheckValidityOfSpeeddialAssignedFieldL(
   754                 iSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndex );
   756         // If the assigned field is a valid field,
   757         // mapping the cntmodel field and get the index.
   758 	    if( fieldIsValid )
   759 	        {
   760 			fieldIndex = ContactItemFieldIndexL( aItem );
   761             }     
   762         }               		
   764    	return fieldIndex;
   765 	}	
   767 //
   768 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   769 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::GetDefaultSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexL
   770 // This method get the default speeddial assigned field index.
   771 // @param 
   772 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   773 // 	
   774 TInt CPdcXmlContentHandler::GetDefaultSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexL()
   775 	{
   776 	LOGTEXT(_L("GetDefaultSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndexL"));  
   777 	TInt index = 0;
   778 	TInt defaultFieldIndex = -1;
   780 	defaultFieldIndex = iSpeeddailSupportedAssignedFieldsIndexSet[index];
   782     while(0 < defaultFieldIndex)
   783         {   
   784         MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection const& fieldCollection =
   785                 iContactItem->Fields();
   786         TInt fieldCount = fieldCollection.FieldCount();
   787         TInt searchIndex;
   789         for( searchIndex = 0; searchIndex < fieldCount; searchIndex++ )
   790             {
   791             MVPbkStoreContactField* storeContactField =
   792                     fieldCollection.FieldAtLC( searchIndex );
   793             const MVPbkFieldType* fieldType =
   794                     storeContactField->BestMatchingFieldType();
   795             TInt fieldResourceId = fieldType->FieldTypeResId();
   796             if( fieldResourceId == KFieldResIdLookupTable[defaultFieldIndex] )
   797             	{
   798                 MVPbkContactFieldData& fieldData =
   799                         storeContactField->FieldData();
   801                 if(!fieldData.IsEmpty())
   802                     {
   803                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //pop iStoreContactField
   804                     return defaultFieldIndex;   
   805                     }
   806             	}
   807             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //pop iStoreContactField
   808             }
   810         ++index;
   811         defaultFieldIndex = iSpeeddailSupportedAssignedFieldsIndexSet[index];    
   812         }
   814     return defaultFieldIndex;
   815 	}
   817 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   818 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::CheckValidityOfSpeeddialAssignedFieldL
   819 // This method check the validity of assigned field by index
   820 // @param aFieldIndex 
   821 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   822 // 
   823 TBool CPdcXmlContentHandler::CheckValidityOfSpeeddialAssignedFieldL( 
   824         TInt aFieldIndex )
   825 	{
   826 	LOGTEXT(_L("CheckValidityOfSpeeddialAssignedFieldL")); 
   827 	//check the speeddial assigned field is a valid field
   828 	TBool validity = EFalse;
   829 	TInt index = 0;
   831 	TInt tempIndex = iSpeeddailSupportedAssignedFieldsIndexSet[index];
   833 	while( tempIndex >= 0 )
   834 	    {	
   835 	    if( aFieldIndex == tempIndex )
   836 	    	{		
   837             MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection const& fieldCollection =
   838                     iContactItem->Fields();
   839             TInt fieldCount = fieldCollection.FieldCount();
   840             TInt searchIndex;
   841             for( searchIndex = 0; searchIndex < fieldCount; searchIndex++ )
   842             	{
   843                 MVPbkStoreContactField* storeContactField =
   844                         fieldCollection.FieldAtLC( searchIndex );
   845                 const MVPbkFieldType* fieldType =
   846                         storeContactField->BestMatchingFieldType();
   847             	TInt fieldResourceId = fieldType->FieldTypeResId();
   849             	if( fieldResourceId == KFieldResIdLookupTable[aFieldIndex] )
   850             		{
   851                     MVPbkContactFieldData& fieldData =
   852                             storeContactField->FieldData();
   853                     // If the phonenumber field doesn't have data,
   854                     // set the index invalid.
   855                     if( !fieldData.IsEmpty() )
   856             	        {
   857             	        validity = ETrue;
   858             	        }
   859             	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //pop iStoreContactField
   860             	    break;
   861             		}
   862             	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //pop iStoreContactField
   863             	}
   864 	    	}
   865 	    if( validity )
   866 	    	{
   867 	    	break;
   868 	    	}
   869 	    ++index;
   870 	    tempIndex = iSpeeddailSupportedAssignedFieldsIndexSet[index];
   871 	    }
   873 	return validity;
   874 	}
   876 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   877 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::ContactItemFieldIndexL
   878 // This method get the speeddial assigned field index
   879 // @param aItem 
   880 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   881 // 
   882 TInt CPdcXmlContentHandler::ContactItemFieldIndexL(CPbkContactItem* aItem)
   883 	{
   884     LOGTEXT(_L("ContactItemFieldIndex"));
   886     TInt fieldIndex  = -1;
   887     TBuf<20> speeddialAssignedField;  
   889     MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection const& fieldCollection =
   890             iContactItem->Fields();
   891     TInt count = fieldCollection.FieldCount();
   892     TInt searchIndex;
   894     for( searchIndex = 0; searchIndex < count; searchIndex++)
   895     	{
   896         MVPbkStoreContactField* storeContactField =
   897                 fieldCollection.FieldAtLC( searchIndex );
   898         const MVPbkFieldType* fieldType =
   899                 storeContactField->BestMatchingFieldType();
   900         TInt fieldResourceId = fieldType->FieldTypeResId();
   902         if( fieldResourceId ==
   903                 KFieldResIdLookupTable[iSpeeddialAssignedFieldIndex] )
   904     		{
   905     		speeddialAssignedField = storeContactField->FieldLabel();
   906     		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //pop iStoreContactField
   907     		break;
   908     		}
   909     	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //pop iStoreContactField
   910     	}
   912 	CPbkFieldArray& fields = aItem->CardFields();
   913     const TInt fieldCount = fields.Count();   
   915     for ( TInt i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i )
   916         {
   917         CContactItemField& itemfield = fields[i].ItemField();
   918         TBuf<20> buf = itemfield.Label();
   920 	    // find the user assigned field for speeddial
   921         if( 0 == speeddialAssignedField.Compare(buf) )
   922             {
   923             fieldIndex = i;
   924             break;
   925             }
   926         }
   927     return fieldIndex;
   928 	}
   930 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   931 // CPdcXmlContentHandler::
   932 // This method get the pointer of contactmanager from XML importer
   933 // @param aContactManager 
   934 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   935 // 
   936 void CPdcXmlContentHandler::SetContactManager(
   937         CVPbkContactManager* aContactManager )
   938     {
   939 	iContactManager = aContactManager;
   940     }