changeset 0 e686773b3f54
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  The virtual phonebook contact
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include "CContact.h"
    21 #include <cntitem.h>
    22 #include <babitflags.h>
    24 #include <VPbkError.h>
    25 #include <MVPbkContactObserver.h>
    26 #include <TVPbkFieldTypeMapping.h>
    27 #include <MVPbkFieldType.h>
    28 #include <MVPbkContactStoreProperties.h>
    29 #include <CVPbkContactLinkArray.h>
    30 #include <CVPbkContactFieldCollection.h>
    31 #include <MVPbkStoreContactProperties.h>
    33 #include "CContactStore.h"
    34 #include "CFieldTypeMap.h"
    35 #include "TNewContactField.h"
    36 #include "CViewContact.h"
    37 #include "CContactLink.h"
    39 namespace VPbkCntModel {
    41 // ======== LOCAL CLASSES ========
    43 /**
    44  * Internal store contact properties class,
    45  * use CContactItem to implement MVPbkStoreContactProperties methods
    46  *
    47  */
    48 class CVPbkStoreContactProperties :
    49     public CBase,
    50     public MVPbkStoreContactProperties
    51     {
    52     public:
    53         static CVPbkStoreContactProperties* NewL(
    54         		CContactItem& aContactItem, 
    55         		CContactDatabase& aContactDb );
    57         ~CVPbkStoreContactProperties();
    58     protected: // MVPbkStoreContactProperties
    59         TTime LastModifiedL() const;
    60         TPtrC GuidL() const;
    61     private:
    62         CVPbkStoreContactProperties(
    63         		CContactItem& aContactItem,
    64         		CContactDatabase& aContactDb );
    66     private:
    67         CContactItem& iContactItem;  
    68         CContactDatabase& iContactDb;
    69     };
    71 CVPbkStoreContactProperties* CVPbkStoreContactProperties::NewL(
    72     CContactItem& aContactItem,
    73     CContactDatabase& aContactDb )
    74     {
    75     CVPbkStoreContactProperties* self = new(ELeave) CVPbkStoreContactProperties(
    76     		aContactItem,
    77     		aContactDb );
    78     return self;
    79     }
    81 CVPbkStoreContactProperties::CVPbkStoreContactProperties(
    82     CContactItem& aContactItem, 
    83 	CContactDatabase& aContactDb ) :
    84     iContactItem( aContactItem ),
    85     iContactDb( aContactDb )
    86     {
    87     }
    89 CVPbkStoreContactProperties::~CVPbkStoreContactProperties()
    90     {
    91     }
    93 TTime CVPbkStoreContactProperties::LastModifiedL() const
    94     {
    95     return iContactItem.LastModified();
    96     }
    98 TPtrC CVPbkStoreContactProperties::GuidL() const
    99     {
   100     return iContactItem.UidStringL(iContactDb.MachineId());
   101     }
   102 // ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
   104 TInt FindMatchingField( const MVPbkBaseContactFieldCollection& aFields, 
   105                        const MVPbkFieldType* aFieldType,
   106                        const MVPbkFieldTypeList& aMasterFieldTypeList )
   107     {
   108     TInt result = KErrNotFound;
   110     const TInt fieldCount = aFields.FieldCount();
   111     const TInt maxMatchPriority = aMasterFieldTypeList.MaxMatchPriority();
   112     for ( TInt matchPriority = 0; matchPriority <= maxMatchPriority; 
   113                     ++matchPriority )
   114         {
   115         for ( TInt i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i )
   116             {
   117             const MVPbkFieldType* fieldType =
   118                 aFields.FieldAt( i ).MatchFieldType( matchPriority );
   119             if ( fieldType && fieldType->IsSame(*aFieldType) )
   120                 { 
   121                 result = i;
   122                 break;
   123                 }
   124             }
   125         }
   127     return result;
   128     }
   130 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
   132 inline CContact::CContact(
   133         CContactStore& aParentStore, 
   134         CContactItem& aContactItem,
   135         TBool aIsNewContact ) :
   136     iIsNewContact( aIsNewContact ),
   137     iFields( *this, aContactItem.CardFields() ),
   138     iParentStore( aParentStore ),
   139     iLastUpdatedGroupContactId( KNullContactId )
   140     {
   141     }
   143 inline void CContact::ConstructL()
   144     {
   145     }
   147 CContact* CContact::NewL(
   148         CContactStore& aParentStore, 
   149         CContactItem* aContactItem,
   150         TBool aIsNewContact /* = EFalse */)
   151     {
   152     CContact* self = new(ELeave) CContact( aParentStore, *aContactItem, 
   153                                             aIsNewContact );
   154     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   155     self->ConstructL();
   156     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   157     // Potentially leaving initialisation is done; take parameter ownership now
   158     self->iContactItem = aContactItem;
   159     return self;
   160     }
   162 CContact::~CContact()
   163     { 
   164     // Incase there was a problem when updating the time stamps of contacts
   165     // belonging to a group we need to make sure the contact is unlocked by
   166     // closing it. Symbian documentation says that despite the trailing L 
   167     // in the function's name, CloseContactL cannot leave. Also specifying 
   168     // a contact item that is not open, or cannot be found, is harmless.  
   169    if ( iLastUpdatedGroupContactId != KNullContactId )
   170        {
   171        iParentStore.NativeDatabase().CloseContactL( iLastUpdatedGroupContactId );  
   172        }
   174     iParentStore.ContactDestroyed( iContactItem, iModified );
   175     delete iContactItem;
   176     delete iAddedContacts;    
   177     }
   179 void CContact::SetContact( CContactItem* aContactItem )
   180     {
   181     if ( aContactItem && aContactItem != iContactItem )
   182         {
   183         delete iContactItem;
   184         iContactItem = aContactItem;
   185         iFields.SetContact( *this, iContactItem->CardFields() );
   186         }
   187     }
   189 const CFieldTypeMap& CContact::FieldTypeMap() const
   190     {
   191     return iParentStore.FieldTypeMap();
   192     }
   194 MVPbkObjectHierarchy& CContact::ParentObject() const
   195     {
   196     return iParentStore;
   197     }
   199 const MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection& CContact::Fields() const
   200     {
   201     return iFields;
   202     }
   204 TBool CContact::IsSame( const MVPbkStoreContact& aOtherContact ) const
   205     {
   206     if ( &iParentStore == &aOtherContact.ContactStore() )
   207         {
   208         return ( iContactItem->Id() == 
   209             static_cast<const CContact&>(aOtherContact).iContactItem->Id() );
   210         }
   211     return EFalse;
   212     }
   214 TBool CContact::IsSame( const MVPbkViewContact& aOtherContact ) const
   215     {
   216     return aOtherContact.IsSame( *this, &ContactStore() );
   217     }
   219 MVPbkContactLink* CContact::CreateLinkLC() const
   220     {
   221     return iParentStore.CreateLinkLC( iContactItem->Id() );
   222     }
   224 void CContact::LockL(MVPbkContactObserver& aObserver) const
   225     {
   226     iParentStore.LockContactL( *this, aObserver );
   227     }
   229 void CContact::DeleteL(MVPbkContactObserver& aObserver) const
   230     {
   231     iParentStore.NativeDatabase().CloseContactL( iContactItem->Id() );
   232     iParentStore.DeleteContactL( iContactItem->Id(), aObserver );
   233     }
   235 TBool CContact::MatchContactStore(const TDesC& aContactStoreUri) const
   236     {
   237     return iParentStore.MatchContactStore( aContactStoreUri );
   238     }
   240 TBool CContact::MatchContactStoreDomain( const TDesC& aContactStoreDomain ) const
   241     {
   242     return iParentStore.MatchContactStoreDomain( aContactStoreDomain );
   243     }
   245 MVPbkContactBookmark* CContact::CreateBookmarkLC() const
   246     {
   247     return iParentStore.CreateBookmarkLC( iContactItem->Id() );
   248     }
   250 MVPbkContactStore& CContact::ParentStore() const
   251     {
   252     return iParentStore;
   253     }
   255 MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection& CContact::Fields()
   256     {
   257     return iFields;
   258     }
   260 MVPbkStoreContactField* CContact::CreateFieldLC( const MVPbkFieldType& 
   261                                                     aFieldType ) const
   262     {
   263     // Match the field type to the Contact Db's system template
   264     CContactItemField* newField = iParentStore.CreateFieldLC( aFieldType );
   265     if ( !newField )
   266         {
   267         User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   268         }
   270     // Create a wrapper for the newly created field
   271     TNewContactField* fieldWrapper = 
   272         new(ELeave) TNewContactField( const_cast<CContact&>(*this), newField );
   273     CleanupStack::Pop( newField );
   274     CleanupDeletePushL( fieldWrapper );
   276     // Return the wrapper
   277     return fieldWrapper;
   278     }
   280 TInt CContact::AddFieldL( MVPbkStoreContactField* aField )
   281     {
   282     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aField, VPbkError::Panic( VPbkError::ENullContactField ) );
   283     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( &aField->ParentContact() == this, 
   284         VPbkError::Panic(VPbkError::EInvalidContactField) );
   285     // Test that the client doesn't pass an existing field of this contact as 
   286     // a new one
   287     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aField != iFields.FieldPointer(), 
   288         VPbkError::Panic(VPbkError::EInvalidContactField) );
   290     // After all the checks the field can be cast back to the wrapper that was
   291     // created in CreateFieldLC
   292     TNewContactField* fieldWrapper = static_cast<TNewContactField*>( aField );
   294     // Add the Contact Model field to the contact item
   295     iContactItem->AddFieldL( *fieldWrapper->NativeField() );
   296     // Field added succesfully, release wrapper's ownership
   297     fieldWrapper->ReleaseNativeField();
   299     // Delete fieldWrapper. This function must not leave after deletion
   300     // of fieldWrapper because CreateFieldLC has put fieldWrapper 
   301     // into the cleanup stack and client pops it after this function
   302     delete fieldWrapper;
   303     // The field is appended to the contact -> return the last field index
   304     return iContactItem->CardFields().Count() - 1;
   305     }
   307 void CContact::RemoveField(TInt aIndex)
   308     {
   309     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < iFields.FieldCount(), 
   310         VPbkError::Panic(VPbkError::EInvalidFieldIndex) );
   311     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iParentStore.StoreProperties().ReadOnly(),
   312         VPbkError::Panic(VPbkError::EInvalidAccessToReadOnlyContact ) );
   314     iContactItem->RemoveField( aIndex );
   315     } 
   317 void CContact::RemoveAllFields()
   318     {
   319     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iParentStore.StoreProperties().ReadOnly(),
   320         VPbkError::Panic(VPbkError::EInvalidAccessToReadOnlyContact ) );
   322     iContactItem->CardFields().Reset();
   323     }
   325 void CContact::CommitL( MVPbkContactObserver& aObserver ) const
   326     {
   327     iParentStore.CommitContactL( *this, aObserver );
   328     }
   330 MVPbkContactLinkArray* CContact::GroupsJoinedLC() const
   331     {
   332     CVPbkContactLinkArray* result = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewLC();
   334     if ( iContactItem->Type() == KUidContactCard )
   335         {
   336         CContactCard* contactCard = static_cast<CContactCard*>( iContactItem );
   337         CContactIdArray* groups = contactCard->GroupsJoinedLC();
   338         const TInt count = groups->Count();
   339         for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
   340             {
   341             MVPbkContactLink* link = iParentStore.CreateLinkLC( (*groups)[i] );
   342             result->AppendL( link );
   343             CleanupStack::Pop(); // link
   344             }
   345         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( groups );
   346         }
   348     return result;
   349     }
   351 TInt CContact::MaxNumberOfFieldL( const MVPbkFieldType& aType ) const
   352     {
   353     if ( iParentStore.StoreProperties().SupportedFields().ContainsSame(aType) )
   354         {
   355         return KVPbkStoreContactUnlimitedNumber;
   356         }
   357     return 0;
   358     }
   360 MVPbkContactGroup* CContact::Group()
   361     {
   362     MVPbkContactGroup* result = NULL;
   364     if ( iContactItem->Type() == KUidContactGroup )
   365         {
   366         result = this;
   367         }
   369     return result;
   370     }
   372 void CContact::SetGroupLabelL( const TDesC& aLabel )
   373     {
   374     TVPbkFieldTypeMapping typeMapping;
   375     typeMapping.SetNonVersitType( EVPbkNonVersitTypeGenericLabel );
   376     const MVPbkFieldType* labelType = 
   377             typeMapping.FindMatch( iParentStore.MasterFieldTypeList() );
   379     TInt labelFieldIndex = FindMatchingField( Fields(), 
   380                                              labelType, 
   381                                              iParentStore.MasterFieldTypeList() );
   383     // Update the timestamp of the all contacts that belong to the group. 
   384     // This is needed for synch service as it checks the timestamps of contacts 
   385     // and get's the group information from the vCard of a contact. 
   386     UpdateTimeStampOfAllContactsInGroupL();
   388     if ( labelFieldIndex != KErrNotFound )
   389         {
   390         // field already exists
   391         MVPbkStoreContactField& labelField = Fields().FieldAt( labelFieldIndex );
   392         MVPbkContactFieldTextData::Cast( labelField.FieldData()).SetTextL(aLabel );
   393         }
   394     else
   395         {
   396         // field does not exist => add it
   397         MVPbkStoreContactField* labelField = CreateFieldLC( *labelType );
   398         MVPbkContactFieldTextData::Cast( labelField->FieldData() ).SetTextL( aLabel );
   399         AddFieldL( labelField );
   400         CleanupStack::Pop(); // labelField
   401         }
   402     }
   404 TPtrC CContact::GroupLabel() const
   405     {
   406     TVPbkFieldTypeMapping typeMapping;
   407     typeMapping.SetNonVersitType( EVPbkNonVersitTypeGenericLabel );
   408     const MVPbkFieldType* labelType = 
   409             typeMapping.FindMatch( iParentStore.MasterFieldTypeList() );
   411     TInt labelFieldIndex = FindMatchingField( Fields(), 
   412                                              labelType, 
   413                                              iParentStore.MasterFieldTypeList() );
   415     if ( labelFieldIndex != KErrNotFound )
   416         {
   417         const MVPbkBaseContactField& labelField = Fields().FieldAt( labelFieldIndex );
   418         return MVPbkContactFieldTextData::Cast(labelField.FieldData()).Text();
   419         }
   420     else
   421         {
   422         return KNullDesC();        
   423         }
   424     }
   426 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   427 // CContact::UpdateTimeStampOfAllContactsInGroupL
   428 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   429 //
   430 void CContact::UpdateTimeStampOfAllContactsInGroupL( )
   431     {
   432     MVPbkContactLinkArray* contactsInGroup = ItemsContainedLC();
   434     // Loop through all contacts in the group and update time stamps
   435     for (TInt i=0; i < contactsInGroup->Count(); i++ )
   436         {
   437         UpdateTimeStampOfContactInGroupL( contactsInGroup->At(i) );
   438         }
   440     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // contactsInGroup
   441     }
   443 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   444 // CContact::UpdateTimeStampOfContactInGroupL
   445 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   446 //
   447 void CContact::UpdateTimeStampOfContactInGroupL(const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink )
   448     {
   449     const CContactLink& link = static_cast<const CContactLink&>( aContactLink );
   451     // Store the id of currently processed contact in the group
   452     iLastUpdatedGroupContactId = link.ContactId();
   454     // Try to open the contact for editing and then commit.
   455     // This will update the timestamp of the contact.
   456     // In case of a leave, we will make sure in the destructor that the
   457     // contact is unlocked (see CContact::~CContact).
   458     CContactItem* contact = 
   459           iParentStore.NativeDatabase().OpenContactL( link.ContactId() );  
   460     CleanupStack::PushL(contact);     
   462     iParentStore.NativeDatabase().CommitContactL(*contact);
   463     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(contact);
   465     // No need to store the id anymore.
   466     iLastUpdatedGroupContactId = KNullContactId;
   467     }
   469 void CContact::AddContactL( const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink )
   470     {        
   471     // We have to maintain iAddedContacts ID array here because
   472     // the AddContactToGroup(id, id) method does not update
   473     // the native contact group we have in hand. It updates the
   474     // database only. So, in the ItemsContainedLC function
   475     // we have to know both the group members in the database
   476     // and the group members that have been added after this group
   477     // has been read from database
   478     const CContactLink& link = static_cast<const CContactLink&>( aContactLink );
   480     // Read the contact so that 
   481     // AddContactToGroupL(CContactItem &aItem, CContactItem &aGroup)
   482     // can be used.
   483     CContactItem* contact = 
   484         iParentStore.NativeDatabase().ReadContactLC( link.ContactId() );
   486     if ( !iAddedContacts )
   487         {
   488         iAddedContacts = CContactIdArray::NewL();
   489         }        
   490     if ( iAddedContacts->Find( link.ContactId() ) == KErrNotFound )
   491         {
   492         iAddedContacts->AddL( link.ContactId() );
   493         }
   495     // Use AddContactToGroupL(CContactItem &aItem, CContactItem &aGroup)
   496     // instead of 
   497     // AddContactToGroupL(TContactItemId aItemId, TContactItemId aGroupId)
   498     // because otherwise the member iContactItem won't be updated and commiting
   499     // it would loose the information about added contact
   500     TRAPD( err1, iParentStore.NativeDatabase().AddContactToGroupL(
   501                *contact, *iContactItem ) );
   502     if ( err1 != KErrNone )
   503         {
   504         iAddedContacts->Remove( iAddedContacts->Count() - 1 );
   505         User::Leave( err1 );
   506         } 
   508     // Update the timestamp of the added contact. This is needed for 
   509     // synch service as it checks the timestamps of contacts and get's the group
   510     // information from the vCard of a contact.    
   511     TRAPD( err2, UpdateTimeStampOfContactInGroupL( aContactLink ) );
   512     if ( err2 != KErrNone )
   513         {
   514         iAddedContacts->Remove( iAddedContacts->Count() - 1 );
   515         iParentStore.NativeDatabase().RemoveContactFromGroupL(
   516                 *contact, *iContactItem );
   517         User::Leave( err2 );
   518         } 
   519     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contact );
   520     }
   522 void CContact::RemoveContactL( const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink )
   523     {    
   524     const CContactLink& link = static_cast<const CContactLink&>( aContactLink );
   526     // Read the contact so that 
   527     // RemoveContactFromGroupL(CContactItem &aItem, CContactItem &aGroup)
   528     // can be used.
   529     CContactItem* contact = 
   530         iParentStore.NativeDatabase().ReadContactLC( link.ContactId() );
   532     // First update the timestamp of the removed contact. This is needed for 
   533     // synch service as it checks the timestamps of contacts and get's the group
   534     // information from the vCard of a contact. If updating fails this function 
   535     // will leave and contact won't be removed from the group.
   536     UpdateTimeStampOfContactInGroupL(aContactLink);
   538     TInt index = KErrNotFound;
   539     if ( iAddedContacts )
   540     	{
   541     	index = iAddedContacts->Find( link.ContactId() );
   542     	}
   544     // Use RemoveContactFromGroupL(CContactItem &aItem, CContactItem &aGroup)
   545     // instead of 
   546     // RemoveContactFromGroupL(TContactItemId aItemId, TContactItemId aGroupId)
   547     // because otherwise the member iContactItem won't be updated and commiting
   548     // it would loose the information about removed contact
   549     iParentStore.NativeDatabase().RemoveContactFromGroupL(
   550             *contact, *iContactItem );
   551     if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   552         {
   553         iAddedContacts->Remove( index );
   554         }
   555     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contact );
   556     }
   558 MVPbkContactLinkArray* CContact::ItemsContainedLC() const
   559     {
   560     CVPbkContactLinkArray* result = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewLC();
   561     TInt i;
   563     const CContactGroup* thisGroup = static_cast<const CContactGroup*>( iContactItem );
   564     // 1. append the IDs found in the group
   565     const CContactIdArray* contacts = thisGroup->ItemsContained();
   566     const TInt count = ( contacts ? contacts->Count() : 0 );
   567     for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
   568         {
   569         MVPbkContactLink* link = iParentStore.CreateLinkLC( (*contacts)[i] );
   570         result->AppendL( link );
   571         CleanupStack::Pop(); // link
   572         }
   573     // 2. append the IDs in iAddedContacts
   574     const TInt addedCount = ( iAddedContacts ? iAddedContacts->Count() : 0 );
   575     for ( i = 0; i < addedCount; ++i )
   576         {
   577         // add the contact if the iAddedContact[i] was not in contacts already
   578         if ( !contacts ||
   579             contacts->Find( (*iAddedContacts)[i]) == KErrNotFound )
   580             {
   581             MVPbkContactLink* link = iParentStore.CreateLinkLC( (*iAddedContacts)[i] );
   582             result->AppendL( link );
   583             CleanupStack::Pop(); // link
   584             }
   585         }
   586     return result;
   587     }
   589 TAny* CContact::StoreContactExtension(TUid aExtensionUid) 
   590 {
   591     if( aExtensionUid == KMVPbkStoreContactExtension2Uid )
   592 		return static_cast<MVPbkStoreContact2*>( this );
   593     return NULL;
   594 }
   596 MVPbkStoreContactProperties* CContact::PropertiesL() const
   597     {
   598     return CVPbkStoreContactProperties::NewL( *iContactItem, iParentStore.NativeDatabase() );
   599     }
   601 void CContact::SetAsOwnL(MVPbkContactObserver& aObserver) const
   602 	{
   603 	iParentStore.SetAsOwnL( *this, aObserver );
   604 	}
   606 TAny* CContact::BaseContactExtension( TUid aExtensionUid )
   607     {
   608     if( aExtensionUid == KVPbkBaseContactExtension2Uid )
   609         return static_cast<MVPbkBaseContact2*>( this );
   610     return NULL;
   611     }
   613 TBool CContact::IsOwnContact( TInt& aError ) const
   614     {
   615     aError = KErrNone;
   616     return ( iContactItem->Type() == KUidContactOwnCard );
   617     }
   620 } // namespace VPbkCntModel
   622 // end of file