changeset 0 e686773b3f54
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *		Namespace structure for Phonebook engine helper functions
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include <PbkEngUtils.h>
    22 #include <f32file.h>
    23 #include <barsc.h>
    24 #include <bautils.h>
    25 #include <featmgr.h>
    26 #include "PbkDataCaging.hrh"
    28 /// Unnamed namespace for local definitions
    29 namespace __RVCT_UNS_PbkEngUtils {
    32 enum TPanicCode
    33     {
    34     EPanicPreCond_CopyAndReplaceChars = 1,
    35     EPanicPostCond_TrimAllLength,
    36     EPanicPostCond_TrimRightLength,
    37     EPanicPreCond_TrimAllAppend,
    38     EPanicPostCond_TrimAllAppend,
    39     EPanicPreCond_TrimRightAppend,
    40     EPanicPostCond_TrimRightAppend
    42     };
    44 _LIT(KEngDefResFileName, "PbkEng.rsc");  // default resource file name
    45 _LIT(KEngChineseResFileName, "PbkEngChinese.rsc");   // Chinese resource
    46 _LIT(KEngJapaneseResFileName, "PbkEngJapanese.rsc"); // Japanese resource
    48 // ================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS =======================
    49 #ifdef _DEBUG
    50 void Panic(TPanicCode aReason)
    51     {
    52     _LIT(KPanicText, "PbkEngUtils");
    53     User::Panic(KPanicText, aReason);
    54     }
    55 #endif
    57 const TUint KPbkZWSCharacter = 0x200B;
    58 const TUint KPbkZWNJCharacter = 0x200C;
    60 // Check if the given char is a Zero Width Space or Non-Joiner character
    61 inline TBool ZWSCharacter( const TChar aChar )
    62     {
    63     const TChar zwsChar( KPbkZWSCharacter );
    64     const TChar zwnjChar( KPbkZWNJCharacter );
    65     return (aChar == zwsChar) || (aChar == zwnjChar);
    66     }
    68 /**
    69  * Implementation class for PbkEngUtils::BreakInWordsLC.
    70  */
    72         public CBase, 
    73         public MDesCArray
    74     {
    75     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    76         /**
    77          * Creates a new instance of this class.
    78 		 * @param aText the text to separate
    79 		 * @param aWordSeparatorFunc function for detecting
    80 		 *        word separator characters
    81          */
    82         static CWords* NewLC
    83             (const TDesC& aText, 
    84             PbkEngUtils::TIsWordSeparator aWordSeparatorFunc);
    85         /**
    86          * Destructor.
    87 		 */
    88         ~CWords();
    90     public:  // from MDesCArray
    91         TInt MdcaCount() const;
    92         TPtrC16 MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
    94     private:  // Implementation
    95         CWords(PbkEngUtils::TIsWordSeparator aWordSeparatorFunc);
    96         void ConstructL
    97             (const TDesC& aText);
    98         static TBool DefaultIsWordSeparator(TChar aChar);
   100     private:
   101 		/// Own: function for detecting word separator characters
   102         PbkEngUtils::TIsWordSeparator iWordSeparatorFunc;
   103 		/// Own: array of words
   104         RArray<TPtrC> iWords;
   105     };
   107 /**
   108  * Solves correct language specific engine resource filename. 
   109  *
   110  * @return A reference to resource file
   111  */
   112 inline const TDesC& EngResFileName()
   113     {
   114     if (FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdChinese))
   115         {
   116         return KEngChineseResFileName;
   117         }
   118     else if (FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdJapanese))
   119         {
   120         return KEngJapaneseResFileName;
   121         }
   122     return KEngDefResFileName;
   123     }
   126 }
   127 using namespace __RVCT_UNS_PbkEngUtils;
   130 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
   132 EXPORT_C void PbkEngUtils::FindAndOpenResourceFileLC
   133         (RFs& aFs, 
   134         const TDesC& aResFileName, 
   135         const TDesC& aResFilePath, 
   136         const TDesC& aResFileDrive,
   137         RResourceFile& aResFile)
   138     {
   139     _LIT(KSeparator, "\\");
   140     TFileName fileName;
   141     fileName.Copy(aResFileDrive);
   142     fileName.Append(aResFilePath);
   143     fileName.Append(KSeparator);
   144     fileName.Append(aResFileName);
   146 	BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(aFs, fileName);
   147     aResFile.OpenL(aFs, fileName);
   148     CleanupClosePushL(aResFile);
   149     }
   151 EXPORT_C void PbkEngUtils::FindAndOpenDefaultResourceFileLC
   152         (RFs& aFs, 
   153         RResourceFile& aResFile)
   154     {
   155     FindAndOpenResourceFileLC(aFs, EngResFileName(), KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, 
   156             KPbkRomFileDrive, aResFile);
   157     aResFile.ConfirmSignatureL();
   158     }
   160 EXPORT_C TInt PbkEngUtils::CopyDigitsFromEnd(
   161         const TDesC& aNumText, 
   162         TInt aNumberOfDigits,
   163         TDes& aDigitsText)
   164     {
   165     aDigitsText.Zero();
   166     // Scan aNumText from the end
   167     TInt pos = aNumText.Length();
   169     // Loop for number of digits to extract
   170     TInt digit = 0;
   171     for (; digit < aNumberOfDigits; ++digit)
   172         {
   173         // Scan aNumText backwars for the next number
   174         while (--pos >= 0 && !TChar(aNumText[pos]).IsDigit()) { }
   175         if (pos < 0)
   176             break;
   177         // Number found, append it to result string
   178         aDigitsText.Append(aNumText[pos]);
   179         }
   181     // Reverse result string to correct order
   182     TInt end = aDigitsText.Length();
   183     for (pos = 0; pos < --end ; ++pos)
   184         {
   185         const TText tmp = aDigitsText[pos];
   186         aDigitsText[pos] = aDigitsText[end];
   187         aDigitsText[end] = tmp;
   188         }
   190     // Return number of digits extracted
   191     return digit;
   192     }
   194 EXPORT_C TBool PbkEngUtils::ContainSameDigits
   195         (const TDesC& aNumText1, 
   196         const TDesC& aNumText2, 
   197         TInt aNumberOfDigits/*=0*/)
   198     {
   199     TInt pos1 = aNumText1.Length();
   200     TInt pos2 = aNumText2.Length();
   201     FOREVER
   202         {
   203         // Scan for the next digit in both strings
   204         while (--pos1 >= 0 && !TChar(aNumText1[pos1]).IsDigit()) { }
   205         while (--pos2 >= 0 && !TChar(aNumText2[pos2]).IsDigit()) { }
   207         if (pos1 < 0 && pos2 < 0)
   208             {
   209             // Run to the end of both strings
   210             break;
   211             }
   213         if ((pos1 < 0 && pos2 >= 0) || (pos1 >= 0 && pos2 < 0))
   214             {
   215             // Run out of the other string while the other still
   216             // contains digits to compare
   217             return EFalse;
   218             }
   220         if (pos1 >= 0 && pos2 >= 0 && aNumText1[pos1] != aNumText2[pos2])
   221             {
   222             // Different digits found
   223             return EFalse;
   224             }
   226         if (--aNumberOfDigits == 0)
   227             {
   228             // All requested digits compared ok
   229             break;
   230             }
   231         }
   233     // Didn't find nonmatching digits
   234     return ETrue;
   235     }
   237 EXPORT_C TInt PbkEngUtils::AppendAndReplaceChars
   238         (TDes& aDest, const TDesC& aSrc, 
   239         const TDesC& aCharsToReplace, const TDesC& aReplaceChars)
   240     {
   241     // Check that aDest has enough capacity
   242     __ASSERT_DEBUG((aDest.MaxLength()-aDest.Length()) >= aSrc.Length(),
   243         Panic(EPanicPreCond_CopyAndReplaceChars));
   244     // Check that a replacament is provided for all characters
   245     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aCharsToReplace.Length() == aReplaceChars.Length(),
   246         Panic(EPanicPreCond_CopyAndReplaceChars));
   248     TInt count, i;
   249     const TInt sourceLenght = aSrc.Length();
   250     for (count=0, i=0; i < sourceLenght; ++i)
   251         {
   252         TText ch = aSrc[i];
   253         const TInt replacePos = aCharsToReplace.Locate(aSrc[i]);
   254         if (replacePos != KErrNotFound)
   255             {
   256             ++count;
   257             ch = aReplaceChars[replacePos];
   258             }
   259         aDest.Append(ch);
   260         }
   262     return count;
   263     }
   265 EXPORT_C TInt PbkEngUtils::CountSpaces(const TDesC& aText)
   266     {
   267     TInt result = 0;
   268     const TInt length = aText.Length();
   269     for (TInt i=0; i<length; ++i)
   270         {
   271         if (TChar(aText[i]).IsSpace())
   272             {
   273             ++result;
   274             }
   275         }
   276     return result;
   277     }
   279 EXPORT_C void PbkEngUtils::ReplaceNonGraphicCharacters
   280         (TDes& aText, TText aChar)
   281     {
   282     const TInt len = aText.Length();
   283     for (TInt i=0; i < len; ++i)
   284         {
   285         if (!TChar(aText[i]).IsGraph() &&
   286             !ZWSCharacter( aText[i] ) )
   287             {
   288             // replace non-graphic character with aChar
   289             aText[i] = aChar;
   290             }
   291         }
   292     }
   294 EXPORT_C void PbkEngUtils::AppendGraphicCharacters
   295         (TDes& aDest, const TDesC& aSrc, TText aChar)
   296     {
   297     const TInt len = aSrc.Length();
   298     for (TInt i=0; i < len; ++i)
   299         {
   300         TText ch(aSrc[i]);
   301         if (TChar(ch).IsGraph() || 
   302             ZWSCharacter(ch))
   303             {
   304             aDest.Append(ch);
   305             }
   306         else
   307             {
   308             aDest.Append(aChar);
   309             }
   310         }
   311     }
   313 EXPORT_C MDesCArray* PbkEngUtils::BreakInWordsLC
   314         (const TDesC& aText, 
   315         TIsWordSeparator aWordSeparatorFunc/*=NULL*/)
   316     {
   317     return CWords::NewLC(aText,aWordSeparatorFunc);
   318     }
   320 EXPORT_C HBufC* PbkEngUtils::AllocL(HBufC* aBuffer, TInt aMaxLength)
   321     {
   322     if (aBuffer)
   323         {
   324         TPtr bufPtr(aBuffer->Des());
   325         if (bufPtr.MaxLength() < aMaxLength)
   326             {
   327             aBuffer = aBuffer->ReAllocL(aMaxLength);
   328             }
   329         }
   330     else
   331         {
   332         aBuffer = HBufC::NewL(aMaxLength);
   333         }
   334     return aBuffer;
   335     }
   337 EXPORT_C HBufC* PbkEngUtils::CopyL
   338         (HBufC* aBuffer, const TDesC& aText, TInt aMinBufLength/*=0*/)
   339     {
   340     aBuffer = AllocL(aBuffer,Max(aText.Length(),aMinBufLength));
   341     *aBuffer = aText;
   342     return aBuffer;
   343     }
   345 EXPORT_C TInt PbkEngUtils::TrimAllLength(const TDesC& aText)
   346     {
   347     const TInt textLength=aText.Length();
   348     TInt result=0;
   349     TBool uncommittedSpace=EFalse;
   350     for (TInt i=0; i < textLength; ++i)
   351         {
   352         if (TChar(aText[i]).IsSpace())
   353             {
   354             if (result > 0)
   355                 {
   356                 // Not a leading space, set uncommitted space flag
   357                 uncommittedSpace = ETrue;
   358                 }
   359             }
   360         else
   361             {
   362             if (uncommittedSpace)
   363                 {
   364                 // Add previously encountered space(s)
   365                 ++result;
   366                 uncommittedSpace = EFalse;
   367                 }
   368             // Add the character
   369             ++result;
   370             }
   371         }
   373     __ASSERT_DEBUG(result <= aText.Length(), 
   374         Panic(EPanicPostCond_TrimAllLength));
   375     return result;
   376     }
   378 EXPORT_C TInt PbkEngUtils::TrimAllAppend(const TDesC& aText, TDes& aDest)
   379     {
   380 #ifdef _DEBUG
   381     const TInt oldDestLength = aDest.Length();
   382     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aDest.MaxLength()-oldDestLength >= TrimAllLength(aText), 
   383         Panic(EPanicPreCond_TrimAllAppend));
   384 #endif
   386     const TInt textLength=aText.Length();
   387     TInt result=0;
   388     TBool uncommittedSpace=EFalse;
   389     for (TInt i=0; i < textLength; ++i)
   390         {
   391         const TChar ch(aText[i]);
   392         if (ch.IsSpace() &&
   393             !ZWSCharacter( ch ) )
   394             {
   395             if (result > 0)
   396                 {
   397                 // Not a leading space, set uncommitted space flag
   398                 uncommittedSpace = ETrue;
   399                 }
   400             }
   401         else
   402             {
   403             if (uncommittedSpace)
   404                 {
   405                 // Add previously encountered space(s)
   406                 ++result;
   407                 aDest.Append(' ');
   408                 uncommittedSpace = EFalse;
   409                 }
   410             // Add the character
   411             ++result;
   412             aDest.Append(ch);
   413             }
   414         }
   416     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aDest.Length()-oldDestLength == TrimAllLength(aText), 
   417         Panic(EPanicPostCond_TrimAllAppend));
   418     return result;
   419     }
   421 EXPORT_C TInt PbkEngUtils::TrimRightLength(const TDesC& aText)
   422     {
   423     const TInt textLength=aText.Length();
   424     TInt result=0;
   425     TBool uncommittedSpace=EFalse;
   426     TBool leadingSpace=ETrue;
   427     for (TInt i=0; i < textLength; ++i)
   428         {
   429         if (TChar(aText[i]).IsSpace() &&
   430             !ZWSCharacter( aText[i] ) )
   431             {
   432             if (leadingSpace)
   433                 {
   434                 // Add all leading spaces
   435                 ++result;
   436                 }
   437             else
   438                 {
   439                 // Not a leading space, set uncommitted space flag
   440                 uncommittedSpace = ETrue;
   441                 }
   442             }
   443         else
   444             {
   445             // First non-space character found, adjust leading space flag
   446             leadingSpace = EFalse;
   447             if (uncommittedSpace)
   448                 {
   449                 // Add previously encountered space(s)
   450                 ++result;
   451                 uncommittedSpace = EFalse;
   452                 }
   453             // Add the character
   454             ++result;
   455             }
   456         }
   458     __ASSERT_DEBUG(result <= aText.Length(), 
   459         Panic(EPanicPostCond_TrimRightLength));
   460     return result;
   461     }
   463 EXPORT_C TInt PbkEngUtils::TrimRightAppend(const TDesC& aText, TDes& aDest)
   464     {
   465 #ifdef _DEBUG
   466     const TInt oldDestLength = aDest.Length();
   467     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aDest.MaxLength()-oldDestLength >= TrimRightLength(aText), 
   468         Panic(EPanicPreCond_TrimRightAppend));
   469 #endif
   471     const TInt textLength=aText.Length();
   472     TInt result=0;
   473     TBool uncommittedSpace=EFalse;
   474     TBool leadingSpace=ETrue;
   475     for (TInt i=0; i < textLength; ++i)
   476         {
   477         const TChar ch(aText[i]);
   478         if (ch.IsSpace() &&
   479             !ZWSCharacter( ch ) )
   480             {
   481             if (leadingSpace)
   482                 {
   483                 // Add all leading spaces
   484                 ++result;
   485                 aDest.Append(' ');
   486                 }
   487             else
   488                 {
   489                 // Not a leading space, set uncommitted space flag
   490                 uncommittedSpace = ETrue;
   491                 }
   492             }
   493         else
   494             {
   495             // First non-space character found, adjust leading space flag
   496             leadingSpace = EFalse;
   497             if (uncommittedSpace)
   498                 {
   499                 // Add previously encountered space(s)
   500                 ++result;
   501                 aDest.Append(' ');
   502                 uncommittedSpace = EFalse;
   503                 }
   504             // Add the character
   505             ++result;
   506             aDest.Append(ch);
   507             }
   508         }
   510     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aDest.Length()-oldDestLength == TrimRightLength(aText), 
   511         Panic(EPanicPostCond_TrimRightAppend));
   512     return result;
   513     }
   517 // CWords
   518 inline CWords::CWords(PbkEngUtils::TIsWordSeparator aWordSeparatorFunc)
   519     : iWordSeparatorFunc
   520         (aWordSeparatorFunc ? 
   521         aWordSeparatorFunc : CWords::DefaultIsWordSeparator)
   522     {
   523     }
   525 CWords* CWords::NewLC
   526         (const TDesC& aText, 
   527         PbkEngUtils::TIsWordSeparator aWordSeparatorFunc)
   528     {
   529     CWords* self = new(ELeave) CWords(aWordSeparatorFunc);
   530     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   531     self->ConstructL(aText);
   532     return self;
   533     }
   535 CWords::~CWords()
   536     {
   537     iWords.Close();
   538     }
   540 TInt CWords::MdcaCount() const
   541     {
   542     return iWords.Count();
   543     }
   545 TPtrC16 CWords::MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const
   546     {
   547     return iWords[aIndex];
   548     }
   550 void CWords::ConstructL(const TDesC& aText)
   551     {
   552     const TInt textLength = aText.Length();
   553     for (TInt beg=0; beg < textLength; ++beg)
   554         {
   555         // Skip separators before next word
   556         if (!iWordSeparatorFunc(aText[beg]))
   557             {
   558             // Scan the end of the word
   559             TInt end = beg;
   560             for (; end < textLength && !iWordSeparatorFunc(aText[end]); ++end)
   561                 {
   562                 }
   563             const TInt len = end-beg;
   564             // Append found word to the array
   565             User::LeaveIfError(iWords.Append(aText.Mid(beg,len)));
   566             // Scan for next word
   567             beg = end;
   568             }
   569         }
   571     if (iWords.Count()==0 && textLength > 0)
   572         {
   573         // aText is all word separator characters -> make a "word" out of those
   574         User::LeaveIfError(iWords.Append(aText));
   575         }
   576     }
   578 TBool CWords::DefaultIsWordSeparator(TChar aChar)
   579     {
   580     return (aChar.IsSpace());
   581     }
   584 // End of File